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SPICE for the Macintosh summary...

This is what I found.

MicroSim who makes PSPICE for the IBM windows things makes a
version for the Mac that does not have a schematic capture.  Both
IBM and Macintosh versions are distributed at my university for
about $5 in an RevaluationS version which appears to have
everything I would ever need but is limited in number of parts,
nodes, etc..  PSPICE is said to be available via ftp from info-

        MicroSim Corporation


        (714) 770-3022

        (717) 455-0554 (fax)

Beige Bag Software makes B~2 (thatUs B squared) SPICE for the
Macintosh that has a schematic capture and seems to be highly
recommended.  That package costs about $40 through them or, your
school bookstore might have it as well.  This package looks to be
the way to go, and the discounted student version doesnUt appear
any less powerful than their normal version, just lower in price.
I havenUt had a chance to use this program myself, but everyone I
have talked to who as used it had very positive things to say.

        Beige Bag Software




There is also Logic Works which is a schematic capture that
produces net lists you can then load into PSPICE.  This program I
have had a chance to use and it does the job, but not great.  The
user interface is a little unfriendly (for example, after placing
a circuit element such as a resistor, you cannot rotate it-you
must rotate it before you place it).  As I said before you need
PSPICE also.  Logic Works does some logical and other analysis
stuff, but for the SPICE and PROBE outputs, you must export a net
list file and then run PSPICE, and load and analyze that net list
file.  It would be nice if this was automated like in MicroSimUs
WindowUs application.  I believe that Logic Works sells for about
$50 for students and the high pressure sales practices they engage
in makes me think they are struggling to stay alive. (IMHO)

        Capilano Computing



        (604)522-3972 fax

Well, there it is.  Feel free to comment are add anything I left

                        Aric Friesen