TELECOM Digest OnLine - Sorted: _Unconcealed_ Weapons

_Unconcealed_ Weapons

David B. Horvath, CCP (
Tue, 27 Feb 2007 22:04:21 -0500


At 09:30 PM 2/27/2007, TELECOM Digest Editor wrote:

> [TELECOM Digest Editor's Note: What if it is an _unconcealed_ weapon?
> Suppose you simply walked down the street with a gun strapped on your
> belt, like an oldtime cowboy? You are not attempting to hide
> anything. PAT] is a good source of answers to questions like

I live in Pennsylvania which is a "shall-issue" conceal carry permit
state -- if you can pass the background check, you can get one. Some
states, like RI apparently are "may-issue" which is at the discretion
of some politician or law enforcement official. Some states (like
Vermont and Alaska) are conceal carry free -- you don't need a permit
at all. Alaska also has a "shall-issue" permit process allowing state
residents to carry in other states that allow it.

Many states allow "open carry" -- that it is legal to carry an
unconcealed firearm without a permit. Pennsylvania is one of those
(except in "cities of the first class", Philadelphia). However, except
way out in the boonies, if you did walk around suburbia with a firearm
unconcealed, you'd get hassled constantly because of the calls the
cops would be getting "man with a gun".

- David

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