Bug List and Things To Do ------------------------- For Release 1.08 or later ------------------------- - simple MAPI support - IMAP support(extra) - UUCP support(extra) Documentation ------------- - add 'RFC 1153 - Digest Message Format' to spec lists - description of digests, bulks - new flags in system - go through and make sure all of the new functions are documented - help buttons for new dialogs Install ------- - add to install program ability to uninstall - root having invalid password at startup - better description on dialogs - make sure that it is evident how to preserve existing configs. - better description of listserver aliases Enhancements ------------ - Win32 Nt Service support - control panel applet - change XTRN -> ETRN - 8BITMIME support for ESMTP -> make sure chop off top bit otherwise - move all profile variables to a single module - finish disabling bits in dialogs if the smarthost is disabled - check screens for 640x480 - little applet to get mail from a POP3 source upon request - ability to add name of list to subject lines unless the blurb is already there - allow the starting of the incoming queue as soon as there is any traffic reported by any of the nodes - allow for debug mode for finger that shows input and output - allow for debug mode for SMTP that shows input and output - ability to specify extra MX records to be referenced upon startup and kept in the system - ability to purge all MX records from the system, and timeout maximums - finger should work with forwards, aliases, lists, and ars - remote changing of name, CC, et al. - get the passwords for users from the NT database - ability to tell daemon to wait for so long until the listen succeeds - ability to specify vacation text and to control it - ability to specify maximum size of mailboxes to prevent overflow - flow control to avoid overloading the network layer - ability to reroute mail that is being retried - ability to terminate connection from interactive view - ability to doing timed routings to a given node family - force at time specified by user - ability to specify zones of timed connects and conect on demands - line in reporting file: from, to, date, filename, message date, message id, other node - qualify incoming node name - add separate options screen for the secondary domains... i.e. unknown users - move MX records to a MRU used scheme (move to end of list if used) - allow the ability to limit the life-span of an MX record - subject line to receipt - verify that the sizes of the buffers used to hold the user data are consistant across the applications - check for cyclic references in the mail headers. - ability to cut and copy between mailing lists - add ability to record activity for listserver - make sure that list can choose not to have members known - able to split main window two ways - ability to have exceptions say if using actual domain record or go to a DNS server. - add something better to retry an incoming file if a mailbox is locked Delayed ------- - ability to turn off the 'has been subscribed' message - make sure the handling of a local node within an .out file is somehow handled. - fix so that servers have no buffers - hide all winsock calls from other layers Problems -------- - problems with POP3 taking up too much time - make sure that we limit the amount of traffic that can go through a POP3 site if desired, else may bog down the system - check to make sure is only requesting those addresses that it is doing in a retry - take care of trailing dot in addresses (foo.com.) - check to make sure that protocol machines have no endless loops - check use of gateways and looking up node names... seems to fail after a couple and just sits there Outgoing Mail Queue ------------------- - multiple outgoing messages - multithread the ougoing mail queue - ability to specify a window of connections so that we do not spend needless time opening and closing connections without cause - make limits as to the maximum number of outbound and inbound connections that can be open Mls --- - automatic timeouts on the lists, set by listowner or system admin - ability to perform maintenance remotely via mail messages - clean mode, clean mode if on user list, closed mode, and closed mode except if on list and passkey is verified - auto-expiry of members with a auto-renewal system Ars --- - ability to specify maximum chunk size for a given file so that sites that have limited bandwidth can have it broken down into separate parts Logs ---- No Progress ----------- - make sure can tab in main window and use keys to scroll - make sure that finger is sending all of the file in all cases, especially the default files - make sure wrmail is working okay in win16 and win32, not depositing files in the root directory Need Testing ------------ Before Release -------------- Release 1.07beta1.7 ------------------- - added better reporting of EXPN command failure modes - added better reporting of lists and accounts in EXPN command - added extra information in the responders and the lists to help figure out what is going on within them when something goes wrong - added RMCP support to the program - added mechanism to forward properly in proxy server mode - verified that listserver and auto-responders don't have errors in paths - check 3d controls not found in win32 version - make sure that lists cannot be owned by another list - make sure to automatically back up log files from lists and ars on svds - make sure that we don't go over the edge of an MX packet - make sure eliminating return-receipt-to from mailboxed message - fixed problem with POP3 debugging not being turned off in log file - fixed problem with 'finger @' not working because of checking wrong value from network interface layer - fixed problem with improper access to the pop3 accounts - fixed problem with some responder commands not properly returning files - fixed problem with the multiple name servers not being referenced in the correct order. - fixed problem with verification reference and making sure it is the correct length to pass back to the server - fixed problem with stalling in network routines if received a '\r' but no '\n' after it - fixed memory loss that was occuring with certain classes of MX records - fixed problem with not forcing id for lists - fixed problems with certain nodes not resolving properly, merlin.magic.mb.ca, terminus.com, www.leeric.lsu.edu - fixed problem with heap error occuring in some systems because of off by one error in the digest processing - fixed problem with # at the beginning of the bulk files - fixed problem so bounce box for entering comments can wrap around - fixed remote access dialog so only controls that are needed are visible