{(set: $guideskip to true) (set: $guidefaulty to false) } <p class="top">[[Credits]]&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="GROWBOTICS-white.html">Switch to light colour scheme</a></p> <div id="head-wrapper"><h1 class="Gradient">GrowBotics <span class="G1" aria-hidden="true">GrowBotics</span> <span class="G2" aria-hidden="true">GrowBotics</span> <span class="G3" aria-hidden="true">GrowBotics</span> <span class="G4" aria-hidden="true">GrowBotics</span> <span class="G5" aria-hidden="true">GrowBotics</span> <span class="G6" aria-hidden="true">GrowBotics</span> <span class="G7" aria-hidden="true">GrowBotics</span> <span class="G8" aria-hidden="true">GrowBotics</span> <span class="G9" aria-hidden="true">GrowBotics</span> <span class="G10" aria-hidden="true">GrowBotics</span> </h1></div><div class="centered-icons"><img class="icon" src="brain-white.png" width="10%"/>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<img class="icon" src="gears-white.png" width="10%" />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<img class="icon" src="dna-white.png" width="10%" /> <h2>Think&nbsp;&ndash;&nbsp;Build&nbsp;&ndash;&nbsp;Evolve</h2></div> <p>Congratulations on the purchase of your new GROWBOTICS workstation. You have just become part of a vibrant community of tinkerers and scholars. One major thing sets you apart: a desire to understand and manipulate elements of your life and the world. Whether you're an inventor, gardener or poet, with GROWBOTICS the possibilities are limitless.</p> <div class="centered"><div class="button">[[KEEP READING <span class="flourish">the</span> MANUAL->Guide]][[JUMP STRAIGHT <span class="flourish">to</span> SETUP->Setup]]</div><p class="top">[[Return->Start]]</p><div class="centered"><p>GROWBOTICS is a Twine 2 Game By Cha Holland <a href="https://twitter.com/shallow_depths">@shallow_depths</a>. October 2015. For best results play using a modern desktop browser with sound enabled. Internet Explorer and mobile browsers are not fully supported. <a rel="license" href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/"><img alt="Creative Commons License" style="border-width:0" src=cc.png /></a><br />Except where otherwise noted this work is licensed under a <a rel="license" href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/">Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License</a>.</p> <h3>Testers</h3><p>Jin Kee Nick Argall Nicolai Parsons Yuhan Lim</p> <h3>Attribution</h3><p>Background images from <a href="http://www.subtlepatterns.com">subtlepatterns.com</a></p> <p>Sounds from Freesound.org. Sounds used under <a href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/">Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported</a> license from the following creators:</p><p class="attribution"><a href="http://freesound.org/people/Autistic%20Lucario/">Autistic Lucario</a>, <a href="http://freesound.org/people/Isaac200000/">Isaac200000</a></p><p>And under a <a href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0/">Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported</a> license from the following creators:</p><p class="attribution"><a href="http://freesound.org/people/redjim/">redjim</a></p> <p>Icons from The Noun Project and flaticon.com are used under a <a href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/us/">Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States</a> license from the following creators. Colours have been inverted.</p><p class="attribution"><a href="https://thenounproject.com/aaronabentheuer/">Aaron Abentheuer</a>, <a href="https://thenounproject.com/inspign/">Aaron K. Kim</a>, <a href="https://thenounproject.com/gorilladigital/">Abraham</a>, <a href="https://thenounproject.com/alchemy/">Adam Beasley</a>, <a href="https://thenounproject.com/adamparry/">Adam Parry</a>, <a href="https://thenounproject.com/adamstickbug1/">Adam Heller</a>, <a href="https://thenounproject.com/adamatmullin/">Adam Mullin</a>, <a href="https://thenounproject.com/adamzubin/">Adam Zubin</a>, <a href="https://thenounproject.com/esteves_emerick/">Adriano Emerick</a>, <a href="https://thenounproject.com/adriano.gazzellini/">Adriano Gazzellini</a>, <a href="https://thenounproject.com/aenneb/">Aenne Brielmann</a>, <a href="https://thenounproject.com/ahasoft/">Aha-Soft</a>, <a href="https://thenounproject.com/alban.champliau/">Alban Champliau</a>, <a href="https://thenounproject.com/hunterhound32/">Alberto Venegas</a>, <a href="https://thenounproject.com/ale.estrada.18/">Ale Estrada</a>, <a href="https://thenounproject.com/alecdhuse/">Alec Dhuse</a>, <a 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href="https://thenounproject.com/ryanhouk/">Ryan Houk</a>, <a href="https://thenounproject.com/Ryan-Spiering/">Ryan Spiering</a>, <a href="https://thenounproject.com/sachan/">sachan</a>, <a href="https://thenounproject.com/Sa_arias/">Santiago Arias</a>, <a href="https://thenounproject.com/snjeffries1106/">Sara Jeffries</a>, <a href="https://thenounproject.com/scain/">SCAin lee</a>, <a href="https://thenounproject.com/sebastian.langer.330/">Sebastian Langer</a>, <a href="https://thenounproject.com/sergidelgado/">Sergi Delgado</a>, <a href="https://thenounproject.com/mockturtle/">Sergey Demushkin</a>, <a href="https://thenounproject.com/krivoydesigner/">Sergey Krivoy</a>, <a href="https://thenounproject.com/bdesign.by/">Sergey Patutin</a>, <a href="https://thenounproject.com/monstercritic/">Shmidt Sergey</a>, <a href="https://thenounproject.com/Simon%20Child/">Simon Child</a>, <a href="https://thenounproject.com/SimpleIcons/">Simple Icons</a>,<a href="https://thenounproject.com/Parmelyn/">Sma-rtez</a>, <a href="https://thenounproject.com/spjdr/">SPJDR</a>, <a href="https://thenounproject.com/stcherenkov/">Stanislav Cherenkov</a>, <a href="https://thenounproject.com/stephanhokanson/">Stephan Hokanson</a>, <a href="https://thenounproject.com/Stephanie%20Wauters/">Stephanie Wauters</a>, <a href="https://thenounproject.com/Borengasser/">Stephen Borengasser</a>, <a href="https://thenounproject.com/StrawDogDesign/">Straw Dog Design</a>, <a href="https://thenounproject.com/Studio%20het%20mes/">Studio Het Mes</a>, <a href="https://thenounproject.com/syafiqaj/">Syafiqa Fickle</a>, <a href="https://thenounproject.com/SylvainAmatoury/">Sylvain Amatoury</a>, <a href="https://thenounproject.com/runrunrobot/">Tarah</a>, <a href="https://thenounproject.com/dergraph/">Thomas Helbig</a>, <a href="https://thenounproject.com/tlb/">Thomas Le Bas</a>, <a href="https://thenounproject.com/tillt/">Till Teenck</a>, <a href="https://thenounproject.com/timboelaars/">Tim Boelaars</a>, <a href="https://thenounproject.com/swissmixz/">TNS</a>, <a href="https://thenounproject.com/lch121/">Tommy Lau</a>, <a href="https://thenounproject.com/bordoiet/">Toni Bordoy Escudero</a>, <a href="https://thenounproject.com/tgines/">Tony Gines</a>, <a href="https://thenounproject.com/tristan.charie/">Tristan Charié</a>, <a href="https://thenounproject.com/Mygga/">Vera Lubimova</a>, <a href="https://thenounproject.com/ViconsDesign/">Vicons Design</a>, <a href="https://thenounproject.com/vijayn201/">Vijay Ragavan</a>, <a href="https://thenounproject.com/feel_urban/">Viktor Fedyuk</a>, <a href="https://thenounproject.com/vivianziereisen/">Vivian Ziereisen</a>, <a href="https://thenounproject.com/vytautas.alechnavicius/">Vytautas Alech</a>, <a href="https://thenounproject.com/WDeskins/">Will Deskins</a>, <a href="https://thenounproject.com/williamroth/">William Roth</a>, <a href="https://thenounproject.com/yaminiahluwalia/">Yamini Ahluwalia</a>, <a href="https://thenounproject.com/yalanis/">Yazmin Alanis</a>, <a href="https://thenounproject.com/joszczepanska/">Yo Szczepanska</a>, <a href="https://thenounproject.com/Yorlmar%20Campos/">Yorlmar Campos</a></p> <p>Additional sounds and icons are public domain.</p></div> <p class="top">[[Return->Start]]</p>{ (set: $boxsizes to (a: "large", "medium", "small", "microscopic", "hyperdimensional", "supermassive" )) (set: $locations to (a: "airship", "artist's studio", "blanket fort", "cloud palace", "crypt", "cyberdwelling", "dark fortress", "detective's office", "dollhouse", "dressing room", "druid grove", "gallery", "gingerbread house", "gothic mansion", "greenhouse", "icecream truck", "imaginary ballroom", "library", "lighthouse", "monster lair", "moonbase", "moonbeam", "motorcycle clubhouse", "nightmarescape", "penthouse office", "religious cell", "root system", "secret lab", "shag pad", "spiderweb", "stuffed animal teaparty", "surreal dreamscape", "torture chamber", "treehouse", "undersea garden", "wizard's tower")) (set: $moods1 to (a: "eagerly", "nervously", "impatiently", "quietly")) (set: $benches to (a: "flat", "rustic", "glittery", "crystalline", "granite", "metallic", "glass", "tessellated", "Hypercolor", "living wood" )) (set: $moods2 to (a: "intimidating", "exciting" )) (set: $cables to (a: "shiny","black", "oozing", "sticky" )) (set: $attachments to (a: "flashing lights", "chemical tubes", "flesh-like appendages", "creeping tendrils", "glowing coils", "boney handles", "musical pipes", "arcane symbols" )) (set: $boxsize to ($boxsizes[0])) (set: $location to "secret lab") (set: $mood1 to ($moods1[0])) (set: $bench to ($benches[0])) (set: $mood2 to ($moods2[0])) (set: $cable to ($cables[0])) (set: $attachment to ($attachments[0])) (if: $guidestyle is "physical")[(set: $seem to "feel")] (elseif: $guidestyle is "visual")[(set: $seem to "look")] (elseif: $guidestyle is "audio")[(set: $seem to "sound")] (else:)[(set: $seem to "seem")] }(display: "Unboxing") <div class="centered"><div class="button">[[THAT DOESN'T <span class="flourish">$seem</span> RIGHT->Retry]][[CONTINUE <span class="flourish">with</span> SETUP->Setup2]]</div></div> <h2>W̵̨̡̠͔̪̭̖̽̀͑͂̕͠͠e̸̢͉͙̮̤̞̰̐̇̎̀̆̆̒l̷͚̞̰͕̺̣̝̈́̏̒͒̀̈̇ć̶̢̧̦̦͈̙͇̓͂̑́͐̽o̸̢̯̬̞͓̖̎̑̐̏̏̿̕ͅm̵̝͖̖̟̣͗̍̃͛̈͗̕ͅͅe̸̡͕͓̳̤̙̤̾̋̓̂̔̌͠ ̴̱̘̭̠͍̩̼̈́̈̋͑̏́̆t̸̟̳̙͔̥͍̹̆͑̀̀̂̔́o̸̢̧̙̮̱͕̹͌͂͌̆̓̕͠ ̴̼̜̥̟̜͇̹̽̋̌̋̇͊̏Ģ̴͈͇̥͔̮͓͊̄̌̌̉́̎r̵͈̮̫̤̞͕̙̐̅̎̒͛̀̕o̵̦̹̹͙̘̞̦͊̃̍͌̈͑͘w̵͓̠͕̪̞̦̪̒̈́̉̌̇̈́͠B̸̢̧̤̘̞̦̰́́̾̐̽͋̚O̸͙͓̲͉̩̣̦̿̈̅͆̂̇͐Ţ̴̖̦͕̞͍͖̔͆̈́͂̄̎͘I̵̢̻̥͍͈̙̣̔̓͊̾̄͗͑C̸̨̻̫͉͕̗̍̐͒̎̒́̎ͅŚ̷̢̻̰̞͔͓̳́͂̎̓͌͝</h2> <p>Opening the manual reveals a baffling array of nonsense characters and smudged letters. Even the tech support details have been obscured by the faulty printing. Not that you'd expect to be able to get through to them anyway. It looks like you're on your own.</p> <div class="centered"><div class="button">[[OPEN <span class="flourish">the</span> BOX->Setup]]</div></div>{<audio autoplay> <source src=pageturn.ogg type="audio/ogg"> <source src=pageturn.mp3 type="audio/mpeg"> Your browser does not support the audio tag. </audio>}The manual is a chunky volume with a comprehensive index.An extended marketing spiel crafted to make you feel good about your purchasing decisions. Absurd thing is, it kind of works.(if: $guideopen is false)[{<audio autoplay> <source src=bookdown.ogg type="audio/ogg"> <source src=bookdown.mp3 type="audio/mpeg"> Your browser does not support the audio tag. </audio>} <p>You prop the book up nearby to look over as needed. (if: $intro is not false or $sectionguide is not false or $setupguide is not false)[{<audio autoplay> <source src=pageturn.ogg type="audio/ogg"> <source src=pageturn.mp3 type="audio/mpeg"> Your browser does not support the audio tag. </audio>}[Pick up the manual]<pickup| ] <div class="centered"><div class="button">[[OPEN <span class="flourish">the</span> BOX->Setup]]</div></div> ] (else:)[<p>(display:"Guide general description") It's professionally printed on high quality paper with crisp, black lettering and clear diagrams. (if: $intro is not false)[[Look at the introduction]<intro| ] (if: $sectionguide is not false)[[Glance at the section headings]<sections| ] (if: $setupguide is not false)[[Study setup instructions]<setup| ] [Stop studying the manual]<putdown| ] </p> (click: ?intro)[(replace: ?intro)[(display:"Spiel")(set: $intro to false)]] (click: ?sections)[(replace: ?sections)[Seems logical, but it's going to take some time to scrutinise the details.](set: $sectionguide to false)] (click: ?setup)[(replace: ?setup)[This part at least doesn't look difficult.](set: $setupguide to false)] (click: ?pickup)[(set: $guideopen to true)(goto: "Guide visual")] (click: ?putdown)[(set: $guideopen to false)(goto: "Guide visual")] (if: $guideopen is false)[{<audio autoplay> <source src=bookdown.ogg type="audio/ogg"> <source src=bookdown.mp3 type="audio/mpeg"> Your browser does not support the audio tag. </audio>} <p>You plunk the manual down nearby to consult later as needed. (if: $intro is not false or $sectionguide is not false or $setupguide is not false)[{<audio autoplay> <source src=pageturn.ogg type="audio/ogg"> <source src=pageturn.mp3 type="audio/mpeg"> Your browser does not support the audio tag. </audio>}[Pick up the manual]<pickup| ] <div class="centered"><div class="button">[[OPEN <span class="flourish">the</span> BOX->Setup]]</div></div> ] (else:)[<p>(display:"Guide general description") The freshly manufactured spine opens with a subtle <i>crack</i>. (if: $intro is not false)[[Check the introduction]<intro| ] (if: $sectionguide is not false)[[Shuffle through the pages]<sections| ] (if: $setupguide is not false)[[Check the setup instructions]<setup| ] [Stop studying the manual]<putdown| ] </p> (click: ?intro)[(replace: ?intro)[(display:"Spiel")(set: $intro to false)]] (click: ?sections)[(replace: ?sections)[Seems logical, but it's going to take some time to go over the details.](set: $sectionguide to false)] (click: ?setup)[(replace: ?setup)[This part at least doesn't sound difficult.](set: $setupguide to false)] (click: ?pickup)[(set: $guideopen to true)(goto: "Guide audio")] (click: ?putdown)[(set: $guideopen to false)(goto: "Guide audio")](if: $guideopen is false)[{<audio autoplay> <source src=bookdown.ogg type="audio/ogg"> <source src=bookdown.mp3 type="audio/mpeg"> Your browser does not support the audio tag. </audio>} <p>You place the manual nearby, ready to dig through in more detail as needed. (if: $intro is not false or $sectionguide is not false or $setupguide is not false)[{<audio autoplay> <source src=pageturn.ogg type="audio/ogg"> <source src=pageturn.mp3 type="audio/mpeg"> Your browser does not support the audio tag. </audio>}[Pick up the manual]<pickup| ] <div class="centered"><div class="button">[[OPEN <span class="flourish">the</span> BOX->Setup]]</div></div> ] (else:)[<p>(display:"Guide general description") It's weighty and reassuring in your hands. (if: $intro is not false)[[Scan the introduction]<intro| ] (if: $sectionguide is not false)[[Leaf through the pages]<sections| ] (if: $setupguide is not false)[[Go over the setup instructions]<setup| ] [Put the manual down]<putdown| ] </p> (click: ?intro)[(replace: ?intro)[(display:"Spiel")(set: $intro to false)]] (click: ?sections)[(replace: ?sections)[Seems logical, but it's going to take a long time to digest the details.](set: $sectionguide to false)] (click: ?setup)[(replace: ?setup)[This part at least feels straightforward.](set: $setupguide to false)] (click: ?pickup)[(set: $guideopen to true)(goto: "Guide physical")] (click: ?putdown)[(set: $guideopen to false)(goto: "Guide physical")](if: $guideopen is false)[{<audio autoplay> <source src=bookdown.ogg type="audio/ogg"> <source src=bookdown.mp3 type="audio/mpeg"> Your browser does not support the audio tag. </audio>} <p>You keep the manual nearby, ready to review in more detail as needed. (if: $intro is not false or $sectionguide is not false or $setupguide is not false)[{<audio autoplay> <source src=pageturn.ogg type="audio/ogg"> <source src=pageturn.mp3 type="audio/mpeg"> Your browser does not support the audio tag. </audio>}[Pick up the manual]<pickup| ] <div class="centered"><div class="button">[[OPEN <span class="flourish">the</span> BOX->Setup]]</div></div> ] (else:)[<p>(display:"Guide general description") (if: $intro is not false)[[Read the introduction]<intro| ] (if: $sectionguide is not false)[[Browse through the content]<sections| ] (if: $setupguide is not false)[[Read the setup instructions]<setup| ] [Stop studying the manual]<putdown| ] </p> (click: ?intro)[(replace: ?intro)[(display:"Spiel")(set: $intro to false)]] (click: ?sections)[(replace: ?sections)[Seems logical, but it's going to take a long time to study the details. You take note of the section headings for later reference.](set: $sectionguide to false)] (click: ?setup)[(replace: ?setup)[This part at least seems straightforward.](set: $setupguide to false)] (click: ?pickup)[(set: $guideopen to true)(goto: "Guide conceptual")] (click: ?putdown)[(set: $guideopen to false)(goto: "Guide conceptual")]{ (set: $pagecounter to it + 1) (if: $pagecounter < 7)[ (if: $pagecounter is 1)[(set: $notright to "STILL NOT RIGHT")] (elseif: $pagecounter is 2)[(set: $notright to "YOU CAN DO BETTER")] (elseif: $pagecounter is 3)[(set: $notright to "WRONG, TRY AGAIN")] (elseif: $pagecounter is 4)[(set: $notright to "ARE YOU SERIOUS?")] (elseif: $pagecounter is 5)[(set: $notright to "ONE MORE CHANCE")] (elseif: $pagecounter is 6)[(set: $notright to "SIGH, STILL WRONG")] (set: $boxcounter to (random: 0, $boxsizes.length -1)) (set: $boxsize to ($boxsizes[$boxcounter])) (set: $locationcounter to (random: 0, $locations.length -1)) (set: $location to ($locations[$locationcounter])) (set: $mood1counter to (random: 0, $moods1.length -1)) (set: $mood1 to ($moods1[$mood1counter])) (set: $benchcounter to (random: 0, $benches.length -1)) (set: $bench to ($benches[$benchcounter])) (set: $mood2counter to (random: 0, $moods2.length -1)) (set: $mood2 to ($moods2[$mood2counter])) (set: $cablecounter to (random: 0, $cables.length -1)) (set: $cable to ($cables[$cablecounter])) (set: $attachcounter to (random: 0, $attachments.length -1)) (set: $attachment to ($attachments[$attachcounter])) ] (else:)[(goto: "Sensor failure")] }(display: "Unboxing") <div class="centered"><div class="button">[[$notright|Retry]] [[CONTINUE <span class="flourish">with</span> SETUP->Setup2]]</div></div>{(stop:) (if: $location is "blanket fort" or it is "crypt" or it is "cyberdwelling" or it is "greenhouse" or it is "library" or it is "root system")[(set: $chakra to "mulhadara")] (elseif: $location is "icecream truck" or it is "imaginary ballroom" or it is "shag pad" or it is "torture chamber" or it is "undersea garden" or it is "wizard's tower")[(set: $chakra to "svadhisthana")] (elseif: $location is "cloud palace" or it is "monster lair" or it is "penthouse office" or it is "secret lab" or it is "spiderweb" or it is "treehouse")[(set: $chakra to "manipura")] (elseif: $location is "airship" or it is "druid grove" or it is "gothic mansion" or it is "motorcycle clubhouse" or it is "religious cell" or it is "stuffed animal teaparty")[(set: $chakra to "anahata")] (elseif: $location is "artist's studio" or it is "dark fortress" or it is "dollhouse" or it is "dressing room" or it is "lighthouse" or it is "moonbase")[(set: $chakra to "vishuddha")] (elseif: $location is "detective's office" or it is "gallery" or it is "gingerbread house" or it is "moonbeam" or it is "nightmarescape" or it is "surreal dreamscape")[(set: $chakra to "ajna")] (else:)[error location $location not found] (display: "Connect cable") (display: "Click together") (display: "Power on") (display: $chakra + " setup bits") }<p>[Move workbench into position]<slide| (click: ?slide)[(replace: ?slide)[You $slide the workbench $space. The $bench surface looks $beautiful $contrast. [Assemble components]<assemble| (click: ?assemble)[(replace: ?assemble)[$click. [Connect the power]<power| (click: ?power)[(replace: ?power)[As you $connect the cable $con $connectto $poweron. <div class="centered"><div class="button">[[BREATHE IN <span class="flourish">and</span> OUT->breathe]]</div></div> ]] ]] ]]</p>{ (set: $boxsize to ($boxsizes[0])) (set: $location to ($locations[0])) (set: $mood1 to ($moods1[0])) (set: $bench to ($benches[0])) (set: $mood2 to ($moods2[0])) (set: $cable to ($cables[0])) (set: $attachment to ($attachments[0])) } <p>A (display:"Manualbox") cardboard box is sitting in the middle of your (display:"Manuallocation"). You've been waiting (display:"Manualmood1") for this moment. Slicing the sides away reveals a (display:"Manualbench") workbench along with an (display:"Manualmood2") set of (display:"Manualcable") cables, (display:"Manualattachment") and assorted doodads. <div class="centered"><div class="button">[[CONTINUE <span class="flourish">with</span> SETUP->Setup2]]</div></div><p>A $boxsize cardboard box is sitting in the middle of your $location. You've been waiting $mood1 for this moment. Slicing the sides away reveals a $bench workbench along with an $mood2 set of $cable cables, $attachment and assorted doodads.</p>{<audio autoplay> <source src=error.ogg type="audio/ogg"> <source src=error.mp3 type="audio/mpeg"> Your browser does not support the audio tag. </audio> } <p class="console">> (live: 0.5s)[Error: Critical failure in sensor systems! (stop:)] (live: 2s)[> Rebooting in manual mode...</p> (stop:)] (live: 3s)[(goto:"Manual setup")]{(live: 100ms)[(if: $boxcount is $boxsizes.length)[(set: $boxcount to 0)](elseif: $selected)[(set: $boxsize to $boxsizes[$boxcount])(replace: ?boxsize)[(link:"$boxsize")[(set: $boxcount to it +1)(set:$selected to true)]](set: $selected to false)]](set: $boxcount to 0)(set: $selected to false)}[(link:"$boxsize")[(set:$boxcount to it +1)(set:$selected to true)]]<boxsize|{(live: 100ms)[(if: $locationcount is $locations.length)[(set: $locationcount to 0)](elseif: $selected2)[(set: $location to $locations[$locationcount])(replace: ?location)[(link:"$location")[(set: $locationcount to it +1)(set:$selected2 to true)]](set: $selected2 to false)]](set: $locationcount to 0)(set: $selected2 to false)}[(link:"$location")[(set:$locationcount to it +1)(set:$selected2 to true)]]<location|{(live: 100ms)[(if: $cablecount is $cables.length)[(set: $cablecount to 0)](elseif: $selected6)[(set: $cable to $cables[$cablecount])(replace: ?cable)[(link:"$cable")[(set: $cablecount to it +1)(set:$selected6 to true)]](set: $selected6 to false)]](set: $cablecount to 0)(set: $selected6 to false)}[(link:"$cable")[(set:$cablecount to it +1)(set:$selected6 to true)]]<cable|{(live: 100ms)[(if: $benchcount is $benches.length)[(set: $benchcount to 0)](elseif: $selected4)[(set: $bench to $benches[$benchcount])(replace: ?bench)[(link:"$bench")[(set: $benchcount to it +1)(set:$selected4 to true)]](set: $selected4 to false)]](set: $benchcount to 0)(set: $selected4 to false)}[(link:"$bench")[(set:$benchcount to it +1)(set:$selected4 to true)]]<bench|{(live: 100ms)[(if: $attachcount is $attachments.length)[(set: $attachcount to 0)](elseif: $selected7)[(set: $attachment to $attachments[$attachcount])(replace: ?attachment)[(link:"$attachment")[(set: $attachcount to it +1)(set:$selected7 to true)]](set: $selected7 to false)]](set: $attachcount to 0)(set: $selected7 to false)}[(link:"$attachment")[(set:$attachcount to it +1)(set:$selected7 to true)]]<attachment|{(live: 100ms)[(if: $mood1count is $moods1.length)[(set: $mood1count to 0)](elseif: $selected3)[(set: $mood1 to $moods1[$mood1count])(replace: ?mood1)[(link:"$mood1")[(set: $mood1count to it +1)(set:$selected3 to true)]](set: $selected3 to false)]](set: $mood1count to 0)(set: $selected3 to false)}[(link:"$mood1")[(set:$mood1count to it +1)(set:$selected3 to true)]]<mood1|{(live: 100ms)[(if: $mood2count is $moods2.length)[(set: $mood2count to 0)](elseif: $selected5)[(set: $mood2 to $moods2[$mood2count])(replace: ?mood2)[(link:"$mood2")[(set: $mood2count to it +1)(set:$selected5 to true)]](set: $selected5 to false)]](set: $mood2count to 0)(set: $selected5 to false)}[(link:"$mood2")[(set:$mood2count to it +1)(set:$selected5 to true)]]<mood2|{ (if: $cable is "shiny" or it is "black")[ (set: $connect to "connect") (set: $con to "to") ] (elseif: $cable is "oozing")[ (set: $connect to "squidge") (set: $con to "onto") ] (elseif: $cable is "sticky")[ (set: $connect to "glue") (set: $con to "to") ] }{ (if: $bench is "flat")[ (set: $click to "The pieces click together so smoothly the joins are almost invisible") ] (elseif: $bench is "rustic")[ (set: $click to "Despite the rough finish, the pieces slot together easily to form a sturdy structure") ] (elseif: $bench is "glittery")[ (set: $click to "The pieces slide together smoothly, joins obscured by distracting sparkles") ] (elseif: $bench is "crystalline")[ (set: $click to "The pieces slide together smoothly, creating polished facets that sparkle faintly as the light catches them") ] (elseif: $bench is "granite")[ (set: $click to "The solid pieces take some manoeuvring but you manage to get them into position") ] (elseif: $bench is "metallic")[ (set: $click to "You weld the components together into a complete unit") ] (elseif: $bench is "glass")[ (set: $click to "The components fuse together to form a single solid structure") ] (elseif: $bench is "tessellated")[ (set: $click to "The components clip together, forming a solid unit that will still be easy to disassemble if needed") ] (elseif: $bench is "Hypercolor")[ (set: $click to "The components blend naturally together into a single unit") ] (elseif: $bench is "living wood")[ (set: $click to "The components graft together to form a single living structure") ] }{ (if: $attachment is "flashing lights")[ (if: $bench is "flat")[(set: $poweron to "the lights flash briefly white")] (elseif: $bench is "rustic")[(set: $poweron to "the lights flash briefly amber")] (elseif: $bench is "glittery")[(set: $poweron to "the lights flash briefly, scattering rainbow light off specks of glitter")] (elseif: $bench is "crystalline")[(set: $poweron to "the lights flash briefly in opalescent hues")] (elseif: $bench is "granite")[(set: $poweron to "the lights flash briefly purple, reflecting off the benchtop's mica flecks")] (elseif: $bench is "metallic")[(set: $poweron to "the lights flash briefly silver, reflecting off the benchtop's glitter")] (elseif: $bench is "glass")[(set: $poweron to "the lights flash briefly blue")] (elseif: $bench is "tessellated")[(set: $poweron to "the lights flash briefly red")] (elseif: $bench is "Hypercolor")[(set: $poweron to "the lights flash briefly orange, merging to blue and finally hot pink")] (elseif: $bench is "living wood")[(set: $poweron to "the lights flash briefly green")] ] (elseif: $attachment is "chemical tubes")[ (if: $bench is "flat")[(set: $poweron to "the tubes start to fill with viscous white liquid")] (elseif: $bench is "rustic")[(set: $poweron to "the tubes start to fill with viscous orange liquid")] (elseif: $bench is "glittery")[(set: $poweron to "the tubes start to fill with viscous coloured liquids")] (elseif: $bench is "crystalline")[(set: $poweron to "the tubes start to fill with viscous pearlescent liquid")] (elseif: $bench is "granite")[(set: $poweron to "the tubes start to fill with viscous purple liquid")] (elseif: $bench is "metallic")[(set: $poweron to "the tubes start to fill with viscous silvery liquid")] (elseif: $bench is "glass")[(set: $poweron to "the tubes start to fill with viscous blue liquid")] (elseif: $bench is "tessellated")[(set: $poweron to "the tubes start to fill with viscous red liquid")] (elseif: $bench is "Hypercolor")[(set: $poweron to "the tubes start to fill with a viscous liquid that begins as orange, merges to blue and finally hot pink")] (elseif: $bench is "living wood")[(set: $poweron to "the tubes start to fill with viscous green liquid")] ] (elseif: $attachment is "musical pipes")[ (if: $bench is "flat")[(set: $poweron to "the unit begins to hum softly")] (elseif: $bench is "rustic")[(set: $poweron to "the unit begins to rustle softly")] (elseif: $bench is "glittery")[(set: $poweron to "the unit begins to tinkle softly")] (elseif: $bench is "crystalline")[(set: $poweron to "the unit begins to trill softly")] (elseif: $bench is "granite")[(set: $poweron to "the unit begins to rumble softly")] (elseif: $bench is "metallic")[(set: $poweron to "the unit begins to ring softly")] (elseif: $bench is "glass")[(set: $poweron to "the unit begins to clink softly")] (elseif: $bench is "tessellated")[(set: $poweron to "the unit begins to crackle softly")] (elseif: $bench is "Hypercolor")[(set: $poweron to "the unit begins to jangle softly")] (elseif: $bench is "living wood")[(set: $poweron to "the unit begins to creak softly")] ] (elseif: $attachment is "creeping tendrils")[ (set: $poweron to "tendrils begin to snake out from the unit, carpeting the surrounding area in creepers") ] (elseif: $attachment is "glowing coils")[ (if: $bench is "flat")[(set: $poweron to "the coils turn white, bathing the unit in a soft glow")] (elseif: $bench is "rustic")[(set: $poweron to "the coils turn deep orange, bathing the unit in a soft glow")] (elseif: $bench is "glittery")[(set: $poweron to "the coils turn rainbow colours, bathing the unit in a soft glow that scatters faintly off specks of glitter")] (elseif: $bench is "crystalline")[(set: $poweron to "the coils turn opalescent colours, bathing the unit in a soft glow")] (elseif: $bench is "granite")[(set: $poweron to "the coils turn purple, bathing the unit in a soft glow that reflects faintly off the benchtop's mica flecks")] (elseif: $bench is "metallic")[(set: $poweron to "the coils turn silver, bathing the unit in a soft glow that reflects faintly off the shiny benchtop")] (elseif: $bench is "glass")[(set: $poweron to "the coils turn blue, bathing the unit in a soft glow")] (elseif: $bench is "tessellated")[(set: $poweron to "the coils turn red, bathing the unit in a soft glow")] (elseif: $bench is "Hypercolor")[(set: $poweron to "the coils turn orange, merging to blue and finally hot pink, bathing the unit in a soft glow")] (elseif: $bench is "living wood")[(set: $poweron to "the coils turn green, bathing the unit in a soft glow")] ] (elseif: $attachment is "boney handles")[ (if: $bench is "flat")[(set: $poweron to "the unit begins to pulse gently, its many appendages folding in to create a garland of bones")] (elseif: $bench is "rustic")[(set: $poweron to "the unit begins to waggle gently, its many appendages folding in to create a garland of bones")] (elseif: $bench is "glittery")[(set: $poweron to "the unit begins to quiver gently, its many appendages folding in to create a garland of bones")] (elseif: $bench is "crystalline")[(set: $poweron to "the unit begins to thrum gently, its many appendages folding in to create a garland of bones")] (elseif: $bench is "granite")[(set: $poweron to "the unit begins to tremble gently, its many appendages folding in to create a garland of bones")] (elseif: $bench is "metallic")[(set: $poweron to "the unit begins to vibrate gently, its many appendages folding in to create a garland of bones")] (elseif: $bench is "glass")[(set: $poweron to "the unit begins to resonate gently, its many appendages folding in to create a garland of bones")] (elseif: $bench is "tessellated")[(set: $poweron to "the unit begins to oscillate gently, its many appendages folding in to create a garland of bones")] (elseif: $bench is "Hypercolor")[(set: $poweron to "the unit begins to flutter gently, its many appendages folding in to create a garland of bones")] (elseif: $bench is "living wood")[(set: $poweron to "the unit begins to throb gently, its many appendages folding in to create a garland of bones")] ] (elseif: $attachment is "arcane symbols")[ (if: $bench is "flat")[(set: $poweron to "the symbols begin to crackle with potent energy")] (elseif: $bench is "rustic")[(set: $poweron to "the symbols begin to crackle with raw energy")] (elseif: $bench is "glittery")[(set: $poweron to "the symbols begin to crackle with mystical energy")] (elseif: $bench is "crystalline")[(set: $poweron to "the symbols begin to crackle with occult energy")] (elseif: $bench is "granite")[(set: $poweron to "the runes begin to crackle with magical energy")] (elseif: $bench is "metallic")[(set: $poweron to "the symbols begin to crackle with unnatural energy")] (elseif: $bench is "glass")[(set: $poweron to "the symbols begin to crackle with vital energy")] (elseif: $bench is "tessellated")[(set: $poweron to "the symbols begin to crackle with fiery energy")] (elseif: $bench is "Hypercolor")[(set: $poweron to "the symbols begin to crackle with strange energy")] (elseif: $bench is "living wood")[(set: $poweron to "the symbols begin to crackle with savage energy")] ] (elseif: $attachment is "flesh-like appendages")[ (if: $bench is "flat")[(set: $poweron to "the unit begins to pulse gently, its many attachments stretching upwards and surrounding the workspace like a fleshy kelp forest")] (elseif: $bench is "rustic")[(set: $poweron to "the unit begins to waggle gently, its many attachments stretching upwards and surrounding the workspace like a fleshy kelp forest")] (elseif: $bench is "glittery")[(set: $poweron to "the unit begins to quiver gently, its many attachments stretching upwards and surrounding the workspace like a fleshy kelp forest")] (elseif: $bench is "crystalline")[(set: $poweron to "the unit begins to thrum gently, its many attachments stretching upwards and surrounding the workspace like a fleshy kelp forest")] (elseif: $bench is "granite")[(set: $poweron to "the unit begins to tremble gently, its many attachments stretching upwards and surrounding the workspace like a fleshy kelp forest")] (elseif: $bench is "metallic")[(set: $poweron to "the unit begins to vibrate gently, its many attachments stretching upwards and surrounding the workspace like a fleshy kelp forest")] (elseif: $bench is "glass")[(set: $poweron to "the unit begins to resonate gently, its many attachments stretching upwards and surrounding the workspace like a fleshy kelp forest")] (elseif: $bench is "tessellated")[(set: $poweron to "the unit begins to oscillate gently, its many attachments stretching upwards and surrounding the workspace like a fleshy kelp forest")] (elseif: $bench is "Hypercolor")[(set: $poweron to "the unit begins to flutter gently, its many attachments stretching upwards and surrounding the workspace like a fleshy kelp forest")] (elseif: $bench is "living wood")[(set: $poweron to "the unit begins to throb gently, its many attachments stretching upwards and surrounding the workspace like a fleshy kelp forest")] ] }{ (set: $beautiful to (either: "striking", "stunning", "arresting", "charming")) (set: $slide to "slide") (set: $connectto to "the nearest outlet") (if: $location is "cloud palace")[ (set: $slide to "float") (set: $space to "into the western drawing room") (set: $contrast to "nestled among the other billowy palace furniture") (set: $connectto to "the nearest nimbostratus outlet") ] (elseif: $location is "monster lair")[ (set: $slide to "shove") (set: $space to "into a convenient nook behind some stalagmites") (set: $contrast to "in partial shadow") (set: $connectto to "a geothermal vent") ] (elseif: $location is "penthouse office")[ (set: $space to "into a prepared space overlooking the city below") (set: $contrast to "set against the modern design of your office") ] (elseif: $location is "secret lab")[ (set: $space to "into a prepared space between the gyromatic phase generator and the portable catalytic enhancer") (set: $contrast to "and makes a perfect addition to the lab") ] (elseif: $location is "spiderweb")[ (set: $slide to "wrap") (set: $space to "in sticky threads until it's snug and secure") (set: $contrast to "nestled into the silken web") (set: $connectto to "a conductive strand") ] (elseif: $location is "treehouse")[ (set: $space to "over by the window, overlooking the garden below") (set: $contrast to "alongside the treehouse's simple wooden walls") (set: $connectto to "an extension cord snaking in through the window") ] }{ (set: $guideskip to false) (set: $faultchance to (random: 1, 20)) (if: $faultchance is 1)[ (set: $guidefaulty to true) (goto: "Guide faulty") ] (else:)[ (set: $guidefaulty to false) (set: $guidestyles to (shuffled: "visual", "audio", "physical", "conceptual" )) (set: $guidestyle to ($guidestyles[0])) ] }{(if: $guidestyle is "visual")[ (display:"Guide visual") ] (elseif: $guidestyle is "audio")[ (display:"Guide audio") ] (elseif: $guidestyle is "physical")[ (display:"Guide physical") ] (elseif: $guidestyle is "conceptual")[ (display:"Guide conceptual") ]}{ (set: $beautiful to (either: "comfortable", "cosy", "hearty")) (set: $slide to "slide") (set: $connectto to "the nearest outlet") (if: $location is "blanket fort")[ (set: $space to "among carefully constructed bedding and furniture") (set: $contrast to "nestled among cushions and toys") (set: $connectto to "an outlet") ] (elseif: $location is "crypt")[ (set: $slide to "stash") (set: $space to "behind some dusty, stone coffins") (set: $contrast to "in the dark") (set: $connectto to "a source fed from deep below the ground") ] (elseif: $location is "cyberdwelling")[ (set: $slide to "squeeze") (set: $space to "into your capsule apartment") (set: $contrast to "when viewed using your enhanced vision") (set: $connectto to "a convenient jack") ] (elseif: $location is "greenhouse")[ (set: $space to "into a prepared space between the garden beds") (set: $contrast to "among the greenery") (set: $connectto to "your extension lead") ] (elseif: $location is "library")[ (set: $space to "into position") (set: $contrast to "beside the overflowing bookshelves and your favourite leather armchair") ] (elseif: $location is "root system")[ (set: $slide to "grow around") (set: $space to "pushing through the rich soil") (set: $contrast to "surrounded by a thick mat of roots") (set: $connectto to "your sap-filled phloem") ] }{ (set: $beautiful to (either: "delicious", "alluring", "enticing", "comely")) (set: $slide to "slide") (set: $connectto to "to the nearest outlet") (if: $location is "icecream truck")[ (set: $space to "into a prepared space") (set: $contrast to "among the freezers") (set: $connectto to "to a convenient outlet") ] (elseif: $location is "imaginary ballroom")[ (set: $space to "into a convenient niche beside the dance floor") (set: $contrast to "in these opulent surroundings") (set: $connectto to "to a discreetly recessed outlet") ] (elseif: $location is "shag pad")[ (set: $space to "into the bedroom") (set: $contrast to "on top of thick colourful carpet") ] (elseif: $location is "torture chamber")[ (set: $space to "into a prepared space next to the rack") (set: $contrast to "on the cold stone floor") (set: $connectto to "to the furnace") ] (elseif: $location is "undersea garden")[ (set: $slide to "move") (set: $space to "into a sheltered nook") (set: $contrast to "next to the bony corals") (set: $connectto to "to a convenient geothermal vent") ] (elseif: $location is "wizard's tower")[ (set: $space to "into a prepared space between your scrying orb and one of your telescopes") (set: $contrast to "among the other arcane devices") (set: $connectto to "to an electric crystal") ] }{ (set: $beautiful to (either: "joyful", "cheerful", "festive")) (set: $slide to "slide") (set: $connectto to "to the nearest outlet") (if: $location is "airship")[ (set: $slide to "cram") (set: $space to "into the engine room") (set: $contrast to "among condensing steam") ] (elseif: $location is "druid grove")[ (set: $space to "into a prepared space between two slender birch trees") (set: $contrast to "in a natural setting") (set: $connectto to "to a powerful crystal") ] (elseif: $location is "gothic mansion")[ (set: $space to "into the east tower") (set: $contrast to "alongside old stonework") ] (elseif: $location is "motorcycle clubhouse")[ (set: $space to "into a prepared space in the garage") (set: $contrast to "among bike parts and oily tools") ] (elseif: $location is "religious cell")[ (set: $space to "into a prepared space under a small, high window") (set: $contrast to "in the sparse cell, somehow managing to feel as though it belongs") ] (elseif: $location is "stuffed animal teaparty")[ (set: $space to "into a spare space at the table") (set: $contrast to "among snuggly friends") ] }{ (set: $beautiful to (either: "captivating", "exciting", "inspiring", "touching")) (set: $slide to "slide") (set: $connectto to "to the nearest outlet") (if: $location is "artist's studio")[ (set: $space to "into a prepared space that catches good morning light") (set: $contrast to "among other creative materials") ] (elseif: $location is "dark fortress")[ (set: $space to "into the obsidian throne room") (set: $contrast to "in such grand surroundings") (set: $connectto to "to a convenient power source") ] (elseif: $location is "dollhouse")[ (set: $slide to "move") (set: $space to "into the doll's lounge room") (set: $contrast to "among the miniature furniture") ] (elseif: $location is "dressing room")[ (set: $space to "into a private space behind a dressing screen") (set: $contrast to "in soft surroundings") ] (elseif: $location is "lighthouse")[ (set: $slide to "winch") (set: $space to "up the stairs, eventually manoeuvring it into a prepared room") (set: $contrast to "&ndash; hopefully it was worth it") ] (elseif: $location is "moonbase")[ (set: $space to "into a workshop near Airlock B") (set: $contrast to "in these sparse surroundings") ] }{ (set: $beautiful to (either: "functional", "useful", "smart")) (set: $slide to "slide") (set: $connectto to "to the nearest outlet") (if: $location is "detective's office")[ (set: $space to "between filing cabinets") (set: $contrast to "among the worn office furniture") ] (elseif: $location is "gallery")[ (set: $slide to "move") (set: $space to "to the second floor, overlooking the small gallery atrium") (set: $contrast to "among works of art") ] (elseif: $location is "gingerbread house")[ (set: $space to "into the tasty parlour") (set: $contrast to "among sweet treats") (set: $connectto to "a gummy outlet") ] (elseif: $location is "moonbeam")[ (set: $slide to "transmit") (set: $space to "to the right position") (set: $contrast to "bathed in moonlight") (set: $connectto to "the power stream") ] (elseif: $location is "nightmarescape")[ (set: $slide to "slither") (set: $space to "into position") (set: $contrast to "in terrifying and unpredictable surroundings") (set: $connectto to "a stream of consciousness") ] (elseif: $location is "surreal dreamscape")[ (set: $slide to "slounce") (set: $space to "into position") (set: $contrast to "among the dricking clocks and spungal mushchambers") (set: $connectto to "to the nearest zaplet") ] }{ (if: $location is "blanket fort")[(display: "blanket fort")] (elseif: $location is "crypt")[(display: "crypt")] (elseif: $location is "cyberdwelling")[(display: "cyberdwelling")] (else-if: $location is "greenhouse")[(display: "greenhouse")] (else-if: $location is "library")[(display: "library")] (else-if: $location is "root system")[(display: "root system")] }{ (display: $chakra + " breathe") (display: "perfect setting") }<p>Just a short moment to appreciate $effort. It helps to have rituals. $location_specific. This is your favourite place to $relax and $retreat for a while. $overlooking brings you $joy and makes you feel $home. This is the perfect $perfectsetting. <div class="centered"><div class="button">[[GET STARTED->Make anything]]</div></div></p>{(set: $creation_first to true) }<p>All things, even intangible dreams and ideas, can be broken down into simpler components. At some point you're left with the elementary ingredients to assemble any creation imaginable. Or that's the theory, at least. If you believe the hype this machine is [capable of anything]<anything|. (click: ?anything)[It can't really be [true]<true|](click: ?true)[(live: 0.2s)[.(stop:)](live: 0.6s)[.(stop:)](live: 1s)[.(stop:)](live: 1.4s)[ but it's a seductive idea.(stop:)] (live:1.6s)[<div class="centered"><div class="button">[[CONTINUE->Creation start]]</div></div>(stop:)] ]</p>{ (if: $creation_first is true)[<audio autoplay> <source src=startup.ogg type="audio/ogg"> <source src=startup.mp3 type="audio/mpeg"> Your browser does not support the audio tag. </audio> ] (set: $creation_first to false) (set: $2essence to false) (set: $two_complete to false) (set: $first to "none") (set: $second to "none") (set: $core_mix to (a: "none", "none")) (set: $third_mix to "none") (set: $3count to 0) (set: $secondary_essences to (a:)) (set: $fail_count to 0) (set: $ess_product to "none") (if: $guideskip is false and $guidefaulty is false)[ (display: "Creation start vars") (display: "Creation start guidecheck") ] (else:)[ (set: $fusion to (either: "blend", "mix", "fusion", "combination")) ] }<h4>Select $fusion type</h4> <div class="centered">[[<img class="icon" src=link-white.png width="25%">->Two essences]][[<img class="icon" src=triangle-white.png width="25%">->Three essences]]</div>{ (display: "starting arrays") (set: $secondary_length to $secondary_essences.length) (if: $secondary_length is 20)[(goto: "Two essences full")] (set: $3count to 0) (set: $core_mix to (a: "none", "none")) (set: $third_mix to "none") (if: $guideskip is false and $guidefaulty is false)[ (display: "Creation start vars") (display: "Creation duo guidecheck") (if: $secondary_length is 16)[(goto: "Two essences complete")] ] (else:)[ (set: $fusion to (either: "blend", "mix", "fusion", "combination")) (if: $guideskip is true and $fail_count > 2)[ [[Frustrating &ndash; where's that manual?|2manual redux]] ] ] }<div align="right"><div class="button">[[SWITCH <span class="flourish">to</span> <img class="button" src=triangle-white.png width="7%"/>->Switch to 3fusion]]</div></div><div style="text-align:center"><p>(if: $first is not "none")[<p><span class="result">(print: $first)</span></p>](else:)[<img class="icon" src=circle-white.png width="10%"/>] (if: $first is not "none" and $second is not "none")[<div class="centered"><div class="button">[[COMBINE <span class="flourish">two</span> ESSENCES->Two essences working]]</div>](else:)[<img class="icon" src=ampersand-white.png width="10%"/>] (if: $second is not "none")[<span class="result">(print: $second)</span>](else:)[<img class="icon" src=circle-white.png width="10%"/>]</p></div> <div style="text-align:center"><table style="width:100%" align="center"><tr><td style="width:50%"><h4>Select first essence:</h4> (link: $essences's 1st)[(set: $first to $essences's 1st)(goto: "Two essences")] (link: $essences's 2nd)[(set: $first to $essences's 2nd)(goto: "Two essences")] (link: $essences's 3rd)[(set: $first to $essences's 3rd)(goto: "Two essences")] (link: $essences's 4th)[(set: $first to $essences's 4th)(goto: "Two essences")](if: $essences.length > 4)[<br />(link: $essences's 5th)[(set: $first to $essences's 5th)(goto: "Two essences")]](if: $essences.length > 5)[<br />(link: $essences's 6th)[(set: $first to $essences's 6th)(goto: "Two essences")]](if: $essences.length > 6)[<br />(link: $essences's 7th)[(set: $first to $essences's 7th)(goto: "Two essences")]](if: $essences.length > 7)[<br />(link: $essences's 8th)[(set: $first to $essences's 8th)(goto: "Two essences")]](if: $essences.length > 8)[<br />(link: $essences's 9th)[(set: $first to $essences's 9th)(goto: "Two essences")]](if: $essences.length > 9)[<br />(link: $essences's 10th)[(set: $first to $essences's 10th)(goto: "Two essences")]](if: $essences.length > 10)[<br />(link: $essences's 11th)[(set: $first to $essences's 11th)(goto: "Two essences")]](if: $essences.length > 11)[<br />(link: $essences's 12th)[(set: $first to $essences's 12th)(goto: "Two essences")]](if: $essences.length > 12)[<br />(link: $essences's 13th)[(set: $first to $essences's 13th)(goto: "Two essences")]](if: $essences.length > 13)[<br />(link: $essences's 14th)[(set: $first to $essences's 14th)(goto: "Two essences")]](if: $essences.length > 14)[<br />(link: $essences's 15th)[(set: $first to $essences's 15th)(goto: "Two essences")]](if: $essences.length > 15)[<br />(link: $essences's 16th)[(set: $first to $essences's 16th)(goto: "Two essences")]]</td><td style="width:50%"><h4>Select second essence:</h4> (link: $essences's 1st)[(set: $second to $essences's 1st)(goto: "Two essences")] (link: $essences's 2nd)[(set: $second to $essences's 2nd)(goto: "Two essences")] (link: $essences's 3rd)[(set: $second to $essences's 3rd)(goto: "Two essences")] (link: $essences's 4th)[(set: $second to $essences's 4th)(goto: "Two essences")](if: $essences.length > 4)[<br />(link: $essences's 5th)[(set: $second to $essences's 5th)(goto: "Two essences")]](if: $essences.length > 5)[<br />(link: $essences's 6th)[(set: $second to $essences's 6th)(goto: "Two essences")]](if: $essences.length > 6)[<br />(link: $essences's 7th)[(set: $second to $essences's 7th)(goto: "Two essences")]](if: $essences.length > 7)[<br />(link: $essences's 8th)[(set: $second to $essences's 8th)(goto: "Two essences")]](if: $essences.length > 8)[<br />(link: $essences's 9th)[(set: $second to $essences's 9th)(goto: "Two essences")]](if: $essences.length > 9)[<br />(link: $essences's 10th)[(set: $second to $essences's 10th)(goto: "Two essences")]](if: $essences.length > 10)[<br />(link: $essences's 11th)[(set: $second to $essences's 11th)(goto: "Two essences")]](if: $essences.length > 11)[<br />(link: $essences's 12th)[(set: $second to $essences's 12th)(goto: "Two essences")]](if: $essences.length > 12)[<br />(link: $essences's 13th)[(set: $second to $essences's 13th)(goto: "Two essences")]](if: $essences.length > 13)[<br />(link: $essences's 14th)[(set: $second to $essences's 14th)(goto: "Two essences")]](if: $essences.length > 14)[<br />(link: $essences's 15th)[(set: $second to $essences's 15th)(goto: "Two essences")]](if: $essences.length > 15)[<br />(link: $essences's 16th)[(set: $second to $essences's 16th)(goto: "Two essences")]]</td></tr></table></div> (if: $secondary_length > 0)[<h4>Secondary essences generated</h4>](if: $secondary_length > 48)[(display: "Secondary 4col")](elseif: $secondary_length > 32)[(display: "Secondary 3col")](elseif: $secondary_length > 16)[(display: "Secondary 2col")](elseif: $secondary_length > 0)[(display: "Secondary 1col")]{ (display: "starting arrays") (set: $3count to ((it + 1) % 3)) (set: $secondary_length to $secondary_essences.length) (set: $first to "none") (set: $second to "none") (if: $guideskip is false and $guidefaulty is false)[ (display: "Creation start vars") (display: "Creation tri guidecheck") ] (else:)[ (set: $fusion to (either: "blend", "mix", "fusion", "combination")) (if: $guideskip is true and $fail_count > 2)[ [[Frustrating &ndash; where's that manual?|3manual redux]] ] ] }<div align="right"><div class="button">[[SWITCH <span class="flourish">to</span> <img class="button" src=link-white.png width="7%"/>->Switch to 2fusion]]</div></div><p align="center">(if: $core_mix's 1st is not "none")[<span class="result">(print: $core_mix's 1st)</span>](else:)[<img class="icon" src=circle-white.png width="10%"/>]&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(if: $core_mix's 2nd is not "none")[<span class="result">(print: $core_mix's 2nd)</span>](else:)[<img class="icon" src=circle-white.png width="10%"/>] <p align="center">(if: $core_mix's 1st is not "none" and $core_mix's 2nd is not "none" and $third_mix is not "none")[<div class="centered"><div class="button">[[COMBINE <span class="flourish">three</span> ESSENCES->Three essences working]]</div>](else:)[<img class="icon" src=ampersand-white.png width="10%"/>]</p><p align="center">(if: $third_mix is not "none")[<span class="result">(print: $third_mix)</span></p>](else:)[<img class="icon" src=circle-white.png width="10%"/>] { (if: $3count is 1)[(display: "TableA")] (elseif: $3count is 2)[(display: "TableB")] (elseif: $3count is 0)[(display: "TableC")] }[Check manual]<guidecheck| (click: ?guidecheck)[(replace: ?guidecheck)[<p class="manual">(display: "Guide creationstart") [More info]<guidecheck2| (click: ?guidecheck2)[(replace: ?guidecheck2)[(display: "Guide creationstart duofusion") [More info]<guidecheck3| (click: ?guidecheck3)[(replace: ?guidecheck3)[(display: "Guide creationstart trifusion")]]]]]]{ (if: $guidestyle is "visual")[ (set: $combining to "blending") (set: $fusion to "blending") (set: $twocomb to "duopalette") (set: $threecomb to "tripalette") (set: $fuse to "Blend") ] (elseif: $guidestyle is "audio")[ (set: $combining to "mixing") (set: $fusion to "mixture") (set: $twocomb to "duo-remix") (set: $threecomb to "tri-remix") (set: $fuse to "Mix") ] (elseif: $guidestyle is "physical")[ (set: $combining to "fusing") (set: $fusion to "fusion") (set: $twocomb to "duolink") (set: $threecomb to "trilink") (set: $fuse to "Fuse") ] (else:)[ (set: $combining to "combining") (set: $fusion to "combination") (set: $twocomb to "diunification") (set: $threecomb to "triunification") (set: $fuse to "Unify") ] }GROWBOTICS functions by $combining <i>essences</i> to form new outputs. The two major settings <i>$twocomb</i> and <i>$threecomb</i> involve two and three essences respectively.<img class="floatleft" src=link.png width="100px"/>Combining two essences using $twocomb will generate additional essences. In other words, this type of $fusion is intended to expand the raw materials you have to work with.<img class="floatleft" src=triangle.png width="100px"/>To generate finished products, $threecomb is required. This requires more finesse than $twocomb, but with the potential for more spectacular results.<br />[Check manual: $twocomb]<guidecheck| (click: ?guidecheck)[(replace: ?guidecheck)[<p class="manual">(display: "Guide creationstart duofusion") [More info]<guidecheck2| (click: ?guidecheck2)[(replace: ?guidecheck2)[(display: "Guide duo continued") [More info]<guidecheck3| (click: ?guidecheck3)[(replace: ?guidecheck3)[(display: "Guide duo continued2") [More info]<guidecheck4| (click: ?guidecheck4)[(replace: ?guidecheck4)[(display: "Guide duo continued3")]]]]]]]]Select any combination of two essences, and click the combine button to continue. Don't feel pressured to discover everything. This is about finding your own creative process. Try to work with whichever essences speak to you.Whenever you are satisfied with the essences you have to work with, switch to $threecomb to work on producing final products.Note that $twocomb is a directional process. Selecting essences in a different order can produce different results. Essences can also be combined with themselves.{ (if: $guidestyle is "visual")[ (set: $essences to (a: "Flavour", "Sensation", "Touch", "Vision")) ] (elseif: $guidestyle is "audio")[ (set: $essences to (a: "Connection", "Direction", "Quantity", "Sound")) ] (elseif: $guidestyle is "physical")[ (set: $essences to (a: "Energy", "Liquid", "Solid", "Space")) ] (elseif: $guidestyle is "conceptual")[ (set: $essences to (a: "Belief", "Dream", "Identity", "Mind")) ] (else:)[ (set: $essences to (a: "Belief", "Connection", "Direction", "Dream", "Energy", "Flavour", "Identity", "Liquid", "Mind", "Quantity", "Sensation", "Solid", "Sound", "Space", "Touch", "Vision")) ] }{ (set: $two_complete to true) (if: $guidestyle is "visual")[(set: $duomixes to "duomixes")] (elseif: $guidestyle is "audio")[(set: $duomixes to "duo-remixes")] (elseif: $guidestyle is "physical")[(set: $duomixes to "duofusions")] (elseif: $guidestyle is "conceptual")[(set: $duomixes to "diunifications")] (else:)[(set: $duomixes to "combinations")] }<p>You have completed all possible $duomixes&hellip; for now. Look out for our exciting range of expansion packs, coming soon to a BOTICSHOP online or near you. Don't settle for imitations. <div align="center"><div class="button">[[SWITCH <span class="flourish">to</span> <img class="button" src=triangle-white.png width="7%"/>->Three essences]]</div></div></p>{<audio autoplay> <source src=working2sec.ogg type="audio/ogg"> <source src=working2sec.mp3 type="audio/mpeg"> Your browser does not support the audio tag. </audio> (display: "2fusion")} <p class="console"> (live: 0.2s)[Working(stop:)](live: 0.3s)[.(stop:)](live: 0.4s)[.(stop:)](live: 0.5s)[.(stop:)] (live: 2s)[(if: $ess_product is "invalid")[(goto:"Two essences failure")] (else:)[(goto:"Two essences result")]]</p>{<audio autoplay> <source src=success2.ogg type="audio/ogg"> <source src=success2.mp3 type="audio/mpeg"> Your browser does not support the audio tag. </audio> (set: $first to "none") (set: $second to "none") (if: $secondary_essences contains $ess_product)[ (set: $new to "pre-existing") ] (else:)[ (set: $new to "new") (set: $secondary_essences to $secondary_essences + (a: $ess_product)) ] } <div align="center"> <p>You have created a $new essence: <span class="result">$ess_product</span> <div class="centered"><div class="button">[[DONE->Two essences]]</div></div></p></div>{ (if: $first is "Solid")[ (if: $second is "Solid")[(set: $ess_product to "Stone")] (elseif: $second is "Liquid")[(set: $ess_product to "Soil")] (elseif: $second is "Space")[(set: $ess_product to "Flight")] (elseif: $second is "Energy")[(set: $ess_product to "Movement")] (else:)[(set: $ess_product to "invalid")] ] (elseif: $first is "Liquid")[ (if: $second is "Solid")[(set: $ess_product to "Elixir")] (elseif: $second is "Liquid")[(set: $ess_product to "Water")] (elseif: $second is "Space")[(set: $ess_product to "Fizz")] (elseif: $second is "Energy")[(set: $ess_product to "Flow")] (else:)[(set: $ess_product to "invalid")] ] (elseif: $first is "Space")[ (if: $second is "Solid")[(set: $ess_product to "Gravity")] (elseif: $second is "Liquid")[(set: $ess_product to "Vessel")] (elseif: $second is "Space")[(set: $ess_product to "Air")] (elseif: $second is "Energy")[(set: $ess_product to "Pressure")] (else:)[(set: $ess_product to "invalid")] ] (elseif: $first is "Energy")[ (if: $second is "Solid")[(set: $ess_product to "Transmission")] (elseif: $second is "Liquid")[(set: $ess_product to "Fuel")] (elseif: $second is "Space")[(set: $ess_product to "Fire")] (elseif: $second is "Energy")[(set: $ess_product to "Power")] (else:)[(set: $ess_product to "invalid")] ] (elseif: $first is "Vision")[ (if: $second is "Vision")[(set: $ess_product to "Sight")] (elseif: $second is "Touch")[(set: $ess_product to "X-ray Vision")] (elseif: $second is "Flavour")[(set: $ess_product to "Colour")] (elseif: $second is "Sensation")[(set: $ess_product to "Time")] (else:)[(set: $ess_product to "invalid")] ] (elseif: $first is "Touch")[ (if: $second is "Vision")[(set: $ess_product to "Electroreception")] (elseif: $second is "Touch")[(set: $ess_product to "Pain")] (elseif: $second is "Flavour")[(set: $ess_product to "Taste")] (elseif: $second is "Sensation")[(set: $ess_product to "Temperature")] (else:)[(set: $ess_product to "invalid")] ] (elseif: $first is "Flavour")[ (if: $second is "Vision")[(set: $ess_product to "Light")] (elseif: $second is "Touch")[(set: $ess_product to "Dark")] (elseif: $second is "Flavour")[(set: $ess_product to "Smell")] (elseif: $second is "Sensation")[(set: $ess_product to "Pleasure")] (else:)[(set: $ess_product to "invalid")] ] (elseif: $first is "Sensation")[ (if: $second is "Vision")[(set: $ess_product to "Balance")] (elseif: $second is "Touch")[(set: $ess_product to "Proprioception")] (elseif: $second is "Flavour")[(set: $ess_product to "Hunger")] (elseif: $second is "Sensation")[(set: $ess_product to "Insight")] (else:)[(set: $ess_product to "invalid")] ] (elseif: $first is "Sound")[ (if: $second is "Sound")[(set: $ess_product to "Hearing")] (elseif: $second is "Quantity")[(set: $ess_product to "Volume")] (elseif: $second is "Connection")[(set: $ess_product to "Voice")] (elseif: $second is "Direction")[(set: $ess_product to "Silence")] (else:)[(set: $ess_product to "invalid")] ] (elseif: $first is "Quantity")[ (if: $second is "Sound")[(set: $ess_product to "Rhythm")] (elseif: $second is "Quantity")[(set: $ess_product to "Number")] (elseif: $second is "Connection")[(set: $ess_product to "Length")] (elseif: $second is "Direction")[(set: $ess_product to "Acceleration")] (else:)[(set: $ess_product to "invalid")] ] (elseif: $first is "Connection")[ (if: $second is "Sound")[(set: $ess_product to "Frequency")] (elseif: $second is "Quantity")[(set: $ess_product to "Junction")] (elseif: $second is "Connection")[(set: $ess_product to "Network")] (elseif: $second is "Direction")[(set: $ess_product to "Backward")] (else:)[(set: $ess_product to "invalid")] ] (elseif: $first is "Direction")[ (if: $second is "Sound")[(set: $ess_product to "Vibration")] (elseif: $second is "Quantity")[(set: $ess_product to "Elevation")] (elseif: $second is "Connection")[(set: $ess_product to "Angle")] (elseif: $second is "Direction")[(set: $ess_product to "Forward")] (else:)[(set: $ess_product to "invalid")] ] (elseif: $first is "Mind")[ (if: $second is "Mind")[(set: $ess_product to "Knowledge")] (elseif: $second is "Identity")[(set: $ess_product to "Mystery")] (elseif: $second is "Dream")[(set: $ess_product to "Desire")] (elseif: $second is "Belief")[(set: $ess_product to "Value")] (else:)[(set: $ess_product to "invalid")] ] (elseif: $first is "Identity")[ (if: $second is "Mind")[(set: $ess_product to "Ego")] (elseif: $second is "Identity")[(set: $ess_product to "Name")] (elseif: $second is "Dream")[(set: $ess_product to "Individuality")] (elseif: $second is "Belief")[(set: $ess_product to "Trust")] (else:)[(set: $ess_product to "invalid")] ] (elseif: $first is "Dream")[ (if: $second is "Mind")[(set: $ess_product to "Pride")] (elseif: $second is "Identity")[(set: $ess_product to "Fear")] (elseif: $second is "Dream")[(set: $ess_product to "Imagination")] (elseif: $second is "Belief")[(set: $ess_product to "Creativity")] (else:)[(set: $ess_product to "invalid")] ] (elseif: $first is "Belief")[ (if: $second is "Mind")[(set: $ess_product to "Confusion")] (elseif: $second is "Identity")[(set: $ess_product to "Conflict")] (elseif: $second is "Dream")[(set: $ess_product to "Beauty")] (elseif: $second is "Belief")[(set: $ess_product to "Faith")] (else:)[(set: $ess_product to "invalid")] ] }{ <audio autoplay> <source src=error_simple.ogg type="audio/ogg"> <source src=error_simple.mp3 type="audio/mpeg"> Your browser does not support the audio tag. </audio> (display: "fizzle") (set: $first to "none") (set: $second to "none") (set: $fail_count to it + 1) (if: $fail_count < 10)[(set: $smell to ", leaving behind a faint chemical smell")] (else-if: $fail_count < 20)[(set: $smell to ". The " + $location + " is starting to smell like burnt toast")] (else-if: $fail_count < 30)[(set: $smell to ". The " + $location + " is starting to fill with smoke")] (else:)[ (if: $location is "airship")[(set: $furniture to "cabin")] (else-if: $location is "cloud palace")[(set: $furniture to "fluffy drapes")] (else-if: $location is "crypt")[(set: $furniture to "cobwebs")] (else-if: $location is "cyberdwelling")[(set: $furniture to "stuffy apartment")] (else-if: $location is "dark fortress")[(set: $furniture to "chambers")] (else-if: $location is "druid grove")[(set: $furniture to "nearby trees")] (else-if: $location is "gallery")[(set: $furniture to "air")] (else-if: $location is "gingerbread house")[(set: $furniture to "tasty furniture")] (else-if: $location is "greenhouse")[(set: $furniture to "vegetation")] (else-if: $location is "icecream truck")[(set: $furniture to "upholstery")] (else-if: $location is "imaginary ballroom")[(set: $furniture to "drapes")] (else-if: $location is "monster lair" or it is "moonbase" or it is "motorcycle clubhouse" or it is "nightmarescape" or it is "secret lab" or it is "spiderweb" or it is "surreal dreamscape" or it is "treehouse" or it is "wizard's tower" or it is "torture chamber")[(set: $furniture to "air")] (else-if: $location is "moonbeam")[(set: $furniture to "starlight")] (else-if: $location is "root system")[(set: $furniture to "soil")] (else-if: $location is "undersea garden")[(set: $furniture to "coral")] (else:)[(set: $furniture to "furniture")] (set: $smell to ". It's going to be hell getting the smell out of the " + $furniture) ] }<p>You have created an unstable product. $2fizzle$smell. <div class="centered"><div class="button">[[LET'S TRY <span class="flourish">that</span> AGAIN->Two essences]]</div></div></p>{(if: $attachment is "flashing lights")[(set: $2fizzle to "Warning lights flash briefly before the gooey mess is reabsorbed")] (elseif: $attachment is "chemical tubes")[(set: $2fizzle to "Tubes gurgle slightly and draw away the offending gooey mess")] (elseif: $attachment is "flesh-like appendages")[(set: $2fizzle to "The unit's fleshy appendages fold in to cover the workstation as the gooey mess is reabsorbed")] (elseif: $attachment is "creeping tendrils")[(set: $2fizzle to "Tendrils move to cover the workstation as the gooey mess is reabsorbed")] (elseif: $attachment is "glowing coils")[(set: $2fizzle to "The glowing coils go briefly dull as the gooey mess is reabsorbed")] (elseif: $attachment is "boney handles")[(set: $2fizzle to "Bony joints grind softly against each other as the gooey mess is reabsorbed")] (elseif: $attachment is "musical pipes")[(set: $2fizzle to "The unit lets out a short warning beep before the gooey mess is reabsorbed")] (elseif: $attachment is "arcane symbols")[(set: $2fizzle to "The arcane symbols spark briefly and go dull as the gooey mess is reabsorbed")] (else:)[Time to start over.] (if: $fail_count < 10)[(set: $smell to ", leaving behind a faint chemical smell")] (else-if: $fail_count < 20)[(set: $smell to ". The " + $location + " is starting to smell like burnt toast")] (else-if: $fail_count < 30)[(set: $smell to ". The " + $location + " is starting to fill with smoke")] (else:)[ (if: $location is "airship")[(set: $furniture to "cabin")] (else-if: $location is "cloud palace")[(set: $furniture to "fluffy drapes")] (else-if: $location is "crypt")[(set: $furniture to "cobwebs")] (else-if: $location is "cyberdwelling")[(set: $furniture to "stuffy apartment")] (else-if: $location is "dark fortress")[(set: $furniture to "chambers")] (else-if: $location is "druid grove")[(set: $furniture to "nearby trees")] (else-if: $location is "gallery")[(set: $furniture to "air")] (else-if: $location is "gingerbread house")[(set: $furniture to "tasty furniture")] (else-if: $location is "greenhouse")[(set: $furniture to "vegetation")] (else-if: $location is "icecream truck")[(set: $furniture to "upholstery")] (else-if: $location is "imaginary ballroom")[(set: $furniture to "drapes")] (else-if: $location is "monster lair" or it is "moonbase" or it is "motorcycle clubhouse" or it is "nightmarescape" or it is "secret lab" or it is "spiderweb" or it is "surreal dreamscape" or it is "treehouse" or it is "wizard's tower" or it is "torture chamber")[(set: $furniture to "air")] (else-if: $location is "moonbeam")[(set: $furniture to "starlight")] (else-if: $location is "root system")[(set: $furniture to "soil")] (else-if: $location is "undersea garden")[(set: $furniture to "coral")] (else:)[(set: $furniture to "furniture")] (set: $smell to ". It's going to be hell getting the smell out of the " + $furniture) ] }[Check manual: $threecomb]<guidecheck| (click: ?guidecheck)[(replace: ?guidecheck)[<p class="manual">(display: "Guide creationstart trifusion") [More info]<guidecheck2| (click: ?guidecheck2)[(replace: ?guidecheck2)[(display: "Guide tri continued") [More info]<guidecheck3| (click: ?guidecheck3)[(replace: ?guidecheck3)[(display: "Guide tri continued2") [More info]<guidecheck4| (click: ?guidecheck4)[(replace: ?guidecheck4)[(display: "Guide tri continued3") [More info]<guidecheck5| (click: ?guidecheck5)[(replace: ?guidecheck5)[(display: "Guide tri continued4")]]]]]]]]]]Select three essences and click the combine button to continue.To create a successful three-essence combination the first two essences must be of the same type: either two primary or two secondary essences.If two primary essences were selected the third must also be primary. If two secondary essences were selected the third may come from either table.{ (set: $level to "primary") (if: $core_mix's 1st is "Solid" and $core_mix's 2nd is "Solid")[ (if: $third_mix is "Solid")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Paperweight")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Liquid")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Bowl of Cereal")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Space")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Pumice Stone")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Energy")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Fridge Magnet")] (else:)[(set: $ess_product3 to "invalid2")] ] (elseif: $core_mix contains "Solid" and it contains "Liquid")[ (if: $third_mix is "Solid")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Bowl of Cereal")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Liquid")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Snow Globe")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Space")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Bowl of Instant Noodles")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Energy")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Cigarette Lighter")] (else:)[(set: $ess_product3 to "invalid2")] ] (elseif: $core_mix contains "Solid" and it contains "Space")[ (if: $third_mix is "Solid")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Pumice Stone")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Liquid")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Bowl of Instant Noodles")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Space")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Balloon")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Energy")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Light Bulb")] (else:)[(set: $ess_product3 to "invalid2")] ] (elseif: $core_mix contains "Solid" and it contains "Energy")[ (if: $third_mix is "Solid")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Fridge Magnet")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Liquid")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Cigarette Lighter")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Space")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Light Bulb")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Energy")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Potato Battery")] (else:)[(set: $ess_product3 to "invalid2")] ] (elseif: $core_mix's 1st is "Liquid" and $core_mix's 2nd is "Liquid")[ (if: $third_mix is "Solid")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Snow Globe")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Liquid")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Puddle")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Space")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Glass Harp")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Energy")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Cup of Coffee")] (else:)[(set: $ess_product3 to "invalid2")] ] (elseif: $core_mix contains "Liquid" and it contains "Space")[ (if: $third_mix is "Solid")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Bowl of Instant Noodles")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Liquid")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Glass Harp")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Space")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Air Freshener")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Energy")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Milk Frother")] (else:)[(set: $ess_product3 to "invalid2")] ] (elseif: $core_mix contains "Liquid" and it contains "Energy")[ (if: $third_mix is "Solid")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Cigarette Lighter")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Liquid")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Cup of Coffee")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Space")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Milk Frother")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Energy")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Energy Drink")] (else:)[(set: $ess_product3 to "invalid2")] ] (elseif: $core_mix's 1st is "Space" and $core_mix's 2nd is "Space")[ (if: $third_mix is "Solid")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Balloon")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Liquid")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Air Freshener")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Space")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Smell of a")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Energy")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Trail of Incense Smoke")] (else:)[(set: $ess_product3 to "invalid2")] ] (elseif: $core_mix contains "Space" and it contains "Energy")[ (if: $third_mix is "Solid")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Light Bulb")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Liquid")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Milk Frother")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Space")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Trail of Incense Smoke")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Energy")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Desk Lamp")] (else:)[(set: $ess_product3 to "invalid2")] ] (elseif: $core_mix's 1st is "Energy" and $core_mix's 2nd is "Energy")[ (if: $third_mix is "Solid")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Potato Battery")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Liquid")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Energy Drink")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Space")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Desk Lamp")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Energy")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Matchbook")] (else:)[(set: $ess_product3 to "invalid2")] ] (if: $ess_product3 is "invalid")[(display: "3fusion phy secondary")] }{<audio autoplay> <source src=working2sec.ogg type="audio/ogg"> <source src=working2sec.mp3 type="audio/mpeg"> Your browser does not support the audio tag. </audio> (set: $ess_product3 to "invalid") (set: $modifier to "") (set: $a to "a") (if: $guidestyle is "physical")[(display: "3fusion physical")] (elseif: $guidestyle is "visual")[(display: "3fusion visual")] (elseif: $guidestyle is "audio")[(display: "3fusion audio")] (elseif: $guidestyle is "conceptual")[(display: "3fusion conceptual")] (else:)[(display: "3fusion all")] }<p class="console"> (live: 0.2s)[Working(stop:)](live: 0.3s)[.(stop:)](live: 0.4s)[.(stop:)](live: 0.5s)[.(stop:)] (live: 2s)[(if: $ess_product3 is "invalid" or it is "invalid2")[(goto:"Three essences failure")] (else:)[(goto:"Three essences result")]]</p>It's possible to combine multiple copies of primary essences, but secondary essences are less likely to combine successfully with themselves.{<audio autoplay> <source src=success1.ogg type="audio/ogg"> <source src=success1.mp3 type="audio/mpeg"> Your browser does not support the audio tag. </audio> (set: $core_mix to (a: "none", "none")) (set: $third_mix to "none") (set: $3count to 0) } <div class="centered"><p> (display: "icon " + $ess_product3) You have made $a<br /><br /><span class="result">$modifier $ess_product3 (if: $ess_product3 is "Smell of a")[$location]</span></div> </div> <div class="centered"><div class="button">[[YUCK, <span class="flourish">try</span> AGAIN|Three essences]][[NOT HAPPY <span class="flourish">but</span> I'M DONE->Unhappy]][[YAY! I <span class="flourish">love</span> IT->Happy]]</div></p>{ <audio autoplay> <source src=error_simple.ogg type="audio/ogg"> <source src=error_simple.mp3 type="audio/mpeg"> Your browser does not support the audio tag. </audio> (set: $fail_count to it + 1) (display: "fizzle") (set: $core_mix to (a: "none", "none")) (set: $third_mix to "none") (set: $3count to 0) }<p>You have created an unstable product. $2fizzle$smell. <div class="centered"><div class="button">[[LET'S TRY <span class="flourish">that</span> AGAIN->Three essences]]</div></div></p>{<div class="centered"><table style="width:100%" align="center"> <tr><td valign="top" style="width:50%;"><p text-align="center"> (if: $secondary_length > 0)[(print: $secondary_essences's 1st)] (if: $secondary_length > 1)[<br />(print: $secondary_essences's 2nd)] (if: $secondary_length > 2)[<br />(print: $secondary_essences's 3rd)] (if: $secondary_length > 3)[<br />(print: $secondary_essences's 4th)] (if: $secondary_length > 4)[<br />(print: $secondary_essences's 5th)] (if: $secondary_length > 5)[<br />(print: $secondary_essences's 6th)] (if: $secondary_length > 6)[<br />(print: $secondary_essences's 7th)] (if: $secondary_length > 7)[<br />(print: $secondary_essences's 8th)] (if: $secondary_length > 8)[<br />(print: $secondary_essences's 9th)] (if: $secondary_length > 9)[<br />(print: $secondary_essences's 10th)] (if: $secondary_length > 10)[<br />(print: $secondary_essences's 11th)] (if: $secondary_length > 11)[<br />(print: $secondary_essences's 12th)] (if: $secondary_length > 12)[<br />(print: $secondary_essences's 13th)] (if: $secondary_length > 13)[<br />(print: $secondary_essences's 14th)] (if: $secondary_length > 14)[<br />(print: $secondary_essences's 15th)] (if: $secondary_length > 15)[<br />(print: $secondary_essences's 16th)] </p></td> <td valign="top" style="width:50%;"><p text-align="center"> (if: $secondary_length > 16)[(print: $secondary_essences's 17th)] (if: $secondary_length > 17)[<br />(print: $secondary_essences's 18th)] (if: $secondary_length > 18)[<br />(print: $secondary_essences's 19th)] (if: $secondary_length > 19)[<br />(print: $secondary_essences's 20th)] (if: $secondary_length > 20)[<br />(print: $secondary_essences's 21st)] (if: $secondary_length > 21)[<br />(print: $secondary_essences's 22nd)] (if: $secondary_length > 22)[<br />(print: $secondary_essences's 23rd)] (if: $secondary_length > 23)[<br />(print: $secondary_essences's 24th)] (if: $secondary_length > 24)[<br />(print: $secondary_essences's 25th)] (if: $secondary_length > 25)[<br />(print: $secondary_essences's 26th)] (if: $secondary_length > 26)[<br />(print: $secondary_essences's 27th)] (if: $secondary_length > 27)[<br />(print: $secondary_essences's 28th)] (if: $secondary_length > 28)[<br />(print: $secondary_essences's 29th)] (if: $secondary_length > 29)[<br />(print: $secondary_essences's 30th)] (if: $secondary_length > 30)[<br />(print: $secondary_essences's 31st)] (if: $secondary_length > 31)[<br />(print: $secondary_essences's 32nd)] </p></td></tr></table></div>}{<div class="centered"><table style="width:100%" align="center"> <tr><td valign="top" style="width:33%;"><p text-align="center"> (if: $secondary_length > 0)[(print: $secondary_essences's 1st)] (if: $secondary_length > 1)[<br />(print: $secondary_essences's 2nd)] (if: $secondary_length > 2)[<br />(print: $secondary_essences's 3rd)] (if: $secondary_length > 3)[<br />(print: $secondary_essences's 4th)] (if: $secondary_length > 4)[<br />(print: $secondary_essences's 5th)] (if: $secondary_length > 5)[<br />(print: $secondary_essences's 6th)] (if: $secondary_length > 6)[<br />(print: $secondary_essences's 7th)] (if: $secondary_length > 7)[<br />(print: $secondary_essences's 8th)] (if: $secondary_length > 8)[<br />(print: $secondary_essences's 9th)] (if: $secondary_length > 9)[<br />(print: $secondary_essences's 10th)] (if: $secondary_length > 10)[<br />(print: $secondary_essences's 11th)] (if: $secondary_length > 11)[<br />(print: $secondary_essences's 12th)] (if: $secondary_length > 12)[<br />(print: $secondary_essences's 13th)] (if: $secondary_length > 13)[<br />(print: $secondary_essences's 14th)] (if: $secondary_length > 14)[<br />(print: $secondary_essences's 15th)] (if: $secondary_length > 15)[<br />(print: $secondary_essences's 16th)] </p></td> <td valign="top" style="width:33%;"><p text-align="center"> (if: $secondary_length > 16)[(print: $secondary_essences's 17th)] (if: $secondary_length > 17)[<br />(print: $secondary_essences's 18th)] (if: $secondary_length > 18)[<br />(print: $secondary_essences's 19th)] (if: $secondary_length > 19)[<br />(print: $secondary_essences's 20th)] (if: $secondary_length > 20)[<br />(print: $secondary_essences's 21st)] (if: $secondary_length > 21)[<br />(print: $secondary_essences's 22nd)] (if: $secondary_length > 22)[<br />(print: $secondary_essences's 23rd)] (if: $secondary_length > 23)[<br />(print: $secondary_essences's 24th)] (if: $secondary_length > 24)[<br />(print: $secondary_essences's 25th)] (if: $secondary_length > 25)[<br />(print: $secondary_essences's 26th)] (if: $secondary_length > 26)[<br />(print: $secondary_essences's 27th)] (if: $secondary_length > 27)[<br />(print: $secondary_essences's 28th)] (if: $secondary_length > 28)[<br />(print: $secondary_essences's 29th)] (if: $secondary_length > 29)[<br />(print: $secondary_essences's 30th)] (if: $secondary_length > 30)[<br />(print: $secondary_essences's 31st)] (if: $secondary_length > 31)[<br />(print: $secondary_essences's 32nd)] </p></td><td valign="top" style="width:33%;"><p text-align="center"> (if: $secondary_length > 32)[(print: $secondary_essences's 33rd)] (if: $secondary_length > 33)[<br />(print: $secondary_essences's 34th)] (if: $secondary_length > 34)[<br />(print: $secondary_essences's 35th)] (if: $secondary_length > 35)[<br />(print: $secondary_essences's 36th)] (if: $secondary_length > 36)[<br />(print: $secondary_essences's 37th)] (if: $secondary_length > 37)[<br />(print: $secondary_essences's 38th)] (if: $secondary_length > 38)[<br />(print: $secondary_essences's 39th)] (if: $secondary_length > 39)[<br />(print: $secondary_essences's 40th)] (if: $secondary_length > 40)[<br />(print: $secondary_essences's 41st)] (if: $secondary_length > 41)[<br />(print: $secondary_essences's 42nd)] (if: $secondary_length > 42)[<br />(print: $secondary_essences's 43rd)] (if: $secondary_length > 43)[<br />(print: $secondary_essences's 44th)] (if: $secondary_length > 44)[<br />(print: $secondary_essences's 45th)] (if: $secondary_length > 45)[<br />(print: $secondary_essences's 46th)] (if: $secondary_length > 46)[<br />(print: $secondary_essences's 47th)] (if: $secondary_length > 47)[<br />(print: $secondary_essences's 48th)] </p></td></tr></table></div>}{<div class="centered"><table style="width:100%" align="center"> <tr><td valign="top" style="width:25%;"><p text-align="center"> (if: $secondary_length > 0)[(print: $secondary_essences's 1st)] (if: $secondary_length > 1)[<br />(print: $secondary_essences's 2nd)] (if: $secondary_length > 2)[<br />(print: $secondary_essences's 3rd)] (if: $secondary_length > 3)[<br />(print: $secondary_essences's 4th)] (if: $secondary_length > 4)[<br />(print: $secondary_essences's 5th)] (if: $secondary_length > 5)[<br />(print: $secondary_essences's 6th)] (if: $secondary_length > 6)[<br />(print: $secondary_essences's 7th)] (if: $secondary_length > 7)[<br />(print: $secondary_essences's 8th)] (if: $secondary_length > 8)[<br />(print: $secondary_essences's 9th)] (if: $secondary_length > 9)[<br />(print: $secondary_essences's 10th)] (if: $secondary_length > 10)[<br />(print: $secondary_essences's 11th)] (if: $secondary_length > 11)[<br />(print: $secondary_essences's 12th)] (if: $secondary_length > 12)[<br />(print: $secondary_essences's 13th)] (if: $secondary_length > 13)[<br />(print: $secondary_essences's 14th)] (if: $secondary_length > 14)[<br />(print: $secondary_essences's 15th)] (if: $secondary_length > 15)[<br />(print: $secondary_essences's 16th)] </p></td> <td valign="top" style="width:25%;"><p text-align="center"> (if: $secondary_length > 16)[(print: $secondary_essences's 17th)] (if: $secondary_length > 17)[<br />(print: $secondary_essences's 18th)] (if: $secondary_length > 18)[<br />(print: $secondary_essences's 19th)] (if: $secondary_length > 19)[<br />(print: $secondary_essences's 20th)] (if: $secondary_length > 20)[<br />(print: $secondary_essences's 21st)] (if: $secondary_length > 21)[<br />(print: $secondary_essences's 22nd)] (if: $secondary_length > 22)[<br />(print: $secondary_essences's 23rd)] (if: $secondary_length > 23)[<br />(print: $secondary_essences's 24th)] (if: $secondary_length > 24)[<br />(print: $secondary_essences's 25th)] (if: $secondary_length > 25)[<br />(print: $secondary_essences's 26th)] (if: $secondary_length > 26)[<br />(print: $secondary_essences's 27th)] (if: $secondary_length > 27)[<br />(print: $secondary_essences's 28th)] (if: $secondary_length > 28)[<br />(print: $secondary_essences's 29th)] (if: $secondary_length > 29)[<br />(print: $secondary_essences's 30th)] (if: $secondary_length > 30)[<br />(print: $secondary_essences's 31st)] (if: $secondary_length > 31)[<br />(print: $secondary_essences's 32nd)] </p></td><td valign="top" style="width:25%;"><p text-align="center"> (if: $secondary_length > 32)[(print: $secondary_essences's 33rd)] (if: $secondary_length > 33)[<br />(print: $secondary_essences's 34th)] (if: $secondary_length > 34)[<br />(print: $secondary_essences's 35th)] (if: $secondary_length > 35)[<br />(print: $secondary_essences's 36th)] (if: $secondary_length > 36)[<br />(print: $secondary_essences's 37th)] (if: $secondary_length > 37)[<br />(print: $secondary_essences's 38th)] (if: $secondary_length > 38)[<br />(print: $secondary_essences's 39th)] (if: $secondary_length > 39)[<br />(print: $secondary_essences's 40th)] (if: $secondary_length > 40)[<br />(print: $secondary_essences's 41st)] (if: $secondary_length > 41)[<br />(print: $secondary_essences's 42nd)] (if: $secondary_length > 42)[<br />(print: $secondary_essences's 43rd)] (if: $secondary_length > 43)[<br />(print: $secondary_essences's 44th)] (if: $secondary_length > 44)[<br />(print: $secondary_essences's 45th)] (if: $secondary_length > 45)[<br />(print: $secondary_essences's 46th)] (if: $secondary_length > 46)[<br />(print: $secondary_essences's 47th)] (if: $secondary_length > 47)[<br />(print: $secondary_essences's 48th)] </p></td><td valign="top" style="width:25%;"><p text-align="center"> (if: $secondary_length > 48)[(print: $secondary_essences's 49th)] (if: $secondary_length > 49)[<br />(print: $secondary_essences's 50th)] (if: $secondary_length > 50)[<br />(print: $secondary_essences's 51st)] (if: $secondary_length > 51)[<br />(print: $secondary_essences's 52th)] (if: $secondary_length > 52)[<br />(print: $secondary_essences's 53th)] (if: $secondary_length > 53)[<br />(print: $secondary_essences's 54th)] (if: $secondary_length > 54)[<br />(print: $secondary_essences's 55th)] (if: $secondary_length > 55)[<br />(print: $secondary_essences's 56th)] (if: $secondary_length > 56)[<br />(print: $secondary_essences's 57th)] (if: $secondary_length > 57)[<br />(print: $secondary_essences's 58th)] (if: $secondary_length > 58)[<br />(print: $secondary_essences's 59th)] (if: $secondary_length > 59)[<br />(print: $secondary_essences's 60th)] (if: $secondary_length > 60)[<br />(print: $secondary_essences's 61st)] (if: $secondary_length > 61)[<br />(print: $secondary_essences's 62nd)] (if: $secondary_length > 62)[<br />(print: $secondary_essences's 63rd)] (if: $secondary_length > 63)[<br />(print: $secondary_essences's 64th)] </p></td></tr></table></div>}{<div class="centered"><table style="width:100%" align="center"><tr><td valign="top"><p text-align="center">}{ (if: $secondary_length > 0)[(print: $secondary_essences's 1st)] (if: $secondary_length > 1)[<br />(print: $secondary_essences's 2nd)] (if: $secondary_length > 2)[<br />(print: $secondary_essences's 3rd)] (if: $secondary_length > 3)[<br />(print: $secondary_essences's 4th)] (if: $secondary_length > 4)[<br />(print: $secondary_essences's 5th)] (if: $secondary_length > 5)[<br />(print: $secondary_essences's 6th)] (if: $secondary_length > 6)[<br />(print: $secondary_essences's 7th)] (if: $secondary_length > 7)[<br />(print: $secondary_essences's 8th)] (if: $secondary_length > 8)[<br />(print: $secondary_essences's 9th)] (if: $secondary_length > 9)[<br />(print: $secondary_essences's 10th)] (if: $secondary_length > 10)[<br />(print: $secondary_essences's 11th)] (if: $secondary_length > 11)[<br />(print: $secondary_essences's 12th)] (if: $secondary_length > 12)[<br />(print: $secondary_essences's 13th)] (if: $secondary_length > 13)[<br />(print: $secondary_essences's 14th)] (if: $secondary_length > 14)[<br />(print: $secondary_essences's 15th)] (if: $secondary_length > 15)[<br />(print: $secondary_essences's 16th)] }</p></td></tr></table></div>{<audio autoplay> <source src=switch.ogg type="audio/ogg"> <source src=switch.mp3 type="audio/mpeg"> Your browser does not support the audio tag. </audio>} <p class="console"> (live: 0.2s)[Switching mode, one moment please(stop:)](live: 0.3s)[.(stop:)](live: 0.4s)[.(stop:)](live: 0.5s)[.(stop:)] (live: 1s)[(if: $ess_product3 is "invalid")[(goto:"Three essences failure")] (else:)[(goto:"Two essences")]]</p>{<audio autoplay> <source src=switch.ogg type="audio/ogg"> <source src=switch.mp3 type="audio/mpeg"> Your browser does not support the audio tag. </audio>} <p class="console"> (live: 0.2s)[Switching mode, one moment please(stop:)](live: 0.3s)[.(stop:)](live: 0.4s)[.(stop:)](live: 0.5s)[.(stop:)] (live: 1s)[(if: $ess_product3 is "invalid")[(goto:"Three essences failure")] (else:)[(goto:"Three essences")]]</p>{ (if: $chakra is "mulhadara")[ (set: $comforting to "comforting") (set: $conclude to "You can rest easily after a job well done") ] (elseif: $chakra is "svadhisthana")[ (set: $comforting to "energising") (set: $conclude to "It's time for a celebratory snack") ] (elseif: $chakra is "manipura")[ (set: $comforting to "exciting") (set: $conclude to "You've been so engrossed you only just noticed a delivered letter") ] (elseif: $chakra is "anahata")[ (set: $comforting to "uplifting") (set: $conclude to "You feel part of a creative community that can be a force for good in the world") ] (elseif: $chakra is "vishuddha")[ (set: $comforting to "beautiful") (set: $conclude to "You feel a sense of pride and want to share your creation with others") ] (else:)[ (set: $comforting to "inspiring") (set: $conclude to "Something about the world and your place in it comes into clearer focus when you bring something new into existence") ] }<p>It's $comforting to have the time and space to create things you can be proud of. (display: "primary or secondary"). (display: "hard or easy"). For a brief moment you can't help but wonder if the feeling will last, but for now the system seems full of possibilities. $conclude. (display: $chakra + " button")</p>{ (if: $chakra is "mulhadara")[ (set: $discomforting to "annoying") (set: $conclude to "You go to bed in a huff") ] (elseif: $chakra is "svadhisthana")[ (set: $discomforting to "revolting") (set: $conclude to "You could really use a drink") ] (elseif: $chakra is "manipura")[ (set: $discomforting to "tedious") (set: $conclude to "Your thoughts are interrupted by a sudden bright light") ] (elseif: $chakra is "anahata")[ (set: $discomforting to "disheartening") (set: $conclude to "It makes you really angry") ] (elseif: $chakra is "vishuddha")[ (set: $discomforting to "hideous") (set: $conclude to "Well, this is embarrassing") ] (else:)[ (set: $discomforting to "pointless") (set: $conclude to "You don't understand what this was supposed to achieve") ] }<p>It's $discomforting not to be able to create something you can be proud of. (display: "primary or secondary sad"). (display: "hard or easy sad"). How did you not know better? $conclude. (display: $chakra + " button sad")</p>{ (set: $level to "primary") (if: $core_mix's 1st is "Vision" and $core_mix's 2nd is "Vision")[ (if: $third_mix is "Vision")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Still Life Painting")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Touch")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Finger Painting")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Flavour")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Decorated Cupcake")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Sensation")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Sunshine")] (else:)[(set: $ess_product3 to "invalid2")] ] (elseif: $core_mix contains "Vision" and it contains "Touch")[ (if: $third_mix is "Vision")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Finger Painting")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Touch")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Handshake")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Flavour")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Lemon")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Sensation")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Feeling of Optimism")] (else:)[(set: $ess_product3 to "invalid2")] ] (elseif: $core_mix contains "Vision" and it contains "Flavour")[ (if: $third_mix is "Vision")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Decorated Cupcake")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Touch")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Lemon")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Flavour")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Lollipop")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Sensation")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Icecream")] (else:)[(set: $ess_product3 to "invalid2")] ] (elseif: $core_mix contains "Vision" and it contains "Sensation")[ (if: $third_mix is "Vision")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Sunshine")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Touch")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Feeling of Optimism")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Flavour")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Icecream")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Sensation")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Feeling of Awe")] (else:)[(set: $ess_product3 to "invalid2")] ] (elseif: $core_mix's 1st is "Touch" and $core_mix's 2nd is "Touch")[ (if: $third_mix is "Vision")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Handshake")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Touch")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Massage")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Flavour")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Chilli Pepper")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Sensation")[(set: $ess_product3 to "High Five")] (else:)[(set: $ess_product3 to "invalid2")] ] (elseif: $core_mix contains "Touch" and it contains "Flavour")[ (if: $third_mix is "Vision")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Lemon")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Touch")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Chilli Pepper")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Flavour")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Salt Lick")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Sensation")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Glass of Tonic Water")] (else:)[(set: $ess_product3 to "invalid2")] ] (elseif: $core_mix contains "Touch" and it contains "Sensation")[ (if: $third_mix is "Vision")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Feeling of Optimism")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Touch")[(set: $ess_product3 to "High Five")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Flavour")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Glass of Tonic Water")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Sensation")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Hug")] (else:)[(set: $ess_product3 to "invalid2")] ] (elseif: $core_mix's 1st is "Flavour" and $core_mix's 2nd is "Flavour")[ (if: $third_mix is "Vision")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Lollipop")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Touch")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Salt Lick")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Flavour")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Bottle of Hot Sauce")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Sensation")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Popping Candy")] (else:)[(set: $ess_product3 to "invalid2")] ] (elseif: $core_mix contains "Flavour" and it contains "Sensation")[ (if: $third_mix is "Vision")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Icecream")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Touch")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Glass of Tonic Water")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Flavour")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Popping Candy")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Sensation")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Sherbet")] (else:)[(set: $ess_product3 to "invalid2")] ] (elseif: $core_mix's 1st is "Sensation" and $core_mix's 2nd is "Sensation")[ (if: $third_mix is "Vision")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Feeling of Awe")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Touch")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Hug")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Flavour")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Sherbet")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Sensation")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Feeling of Déjà Vu")] (else:)[(set: $ess_product3 to "invalid2")] ] (if: $ess_product3 is "invalid")[(display: "3fusion vis secondary")] }{ (set: $level to "primary") (if: $core_mix's 1st is "Sound" and $core_mix's 2nd is "Sound")[ (if: $third_mix is "Sound")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Background Hum")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Quantity")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Sound Level Meter")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Connection")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Audio Jack")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Direction")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Radio Broadcast")] (else:)[(set: $ess_product3 to "invalid2")] ] (elseif: $core_mix contains "Sound" and it contains "Quantity")[ (if: $third_mix is "Sound")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Sound Level Meter")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Quantity")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Microphone")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Connection")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Music Box")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Direction")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Set of Wind Chimes")] (else:)[(set: $ess_product3 to "invalid2")] ] (elseif: $core_mix contains "Sound" and it contains "Connection")[ (if: $third_mix is "Sound")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Audio Jack")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Quantity")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Music Box")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Connection")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Sonar System")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Direction")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Pair of Headphones")] (else:)[(set: $ess_product3 to "invalid2")] ] (elseif: $core_mix contains "Sound" and it contains "Direction")[ (if: $third_mix is "Sound")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Radio Broadcast")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Quantity")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Set of Wind Chimes")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Connection")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Pair of Headphones")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Direction")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Echo")] (else:)[(set: $ess_product3 to "invalid2")] ] (elseif: $core_mix's 1st is "Quantity" and $core_mix's 2nd is "Quantity")[ (if: $third_mix is "Sound")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Microphone")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Quantity")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Sense of Scale")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Connection")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Penny")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Direction")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Tape Measure")] (else:)[(set: $ess_product3 to "invalid2")] ] (elseif: $core_mix contains "Quantity" and it contains "Connection")[ (if: $third_mix is "Sound")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Music Box")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Quantity")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Penny")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Connection")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Knitted Scarf")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Direction")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Street Directory")] (else:)[(set: $ess_product3 to "invalid2")] ] (elseif: $core_mix contains "Quantity" and it contains "Direction")[ (if: $third_mix is "Sound")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Set of Wind Chimes")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Quantity")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Tape Measure")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Connection")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Street Directory")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Direction")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Traveling Salesman")] (else:)[(set: $ess_product3 to "invalid2")] ] (elseif: $core_mix's 1st is "Connection" and $core_mix's 2nd is "Connection")[ (if: $third_mix is "Sound")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Sonar System")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Quantity")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Knitted Scarf")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Connection")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Star Chart")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Direction")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Metro Map")] (else:)[(set: $ess_product3 to "invalid2")] ] (elseif: $core_mix contains "Connection" and it contains "Direction")[ (if: $third_mix is "Sound")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Pair of Headphones")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Quantity")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Street Directory")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Connection")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Metro Map")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Direction")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Street Sign")] (else:)[(set: $ess_product3 to "invalid2")] ] (elseif: $core_mix's 1st is "Direction" and $core_mix's 2nd is "Direction")[ (if: $third_mix is "Sound")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Echo")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Quantity")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Traveling Salesman")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Connection")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Street Sign")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Direction")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Compass")] (else:)[(set: $ess_product3 to "invalid2")] ] (if: $ess_product3 is "invalid")[(display: "3fusion aud secondary")] }{ (set: $level to "primary") (if: $core_mix's 1st is "Mind" and $core_mix's 2nd is "Mind")[ (if: $third_mix is "Mind")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Sense of Rationality")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Identity")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Sense of Morality")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Dream")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Song Stuck in Your Head")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Belief")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Sense of Purpose")] (else:)[(set: $ess_product3 to "invalid2")] ] (elseif: $core_mix contains "Mind" and it contains "Identity")[ (if: $third_mix is "Mind")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Sense of Morality")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Identity")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Feeling of Enthusiasm")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Dream")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Sense of Belonging")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Belief")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Feeling of Passion")] (else:)[(set: $ess_product3 to "invalid2")] ] (elseif: $core_mix contains "Mind" and it contains "Dream")[ (if: $third_mix is "Mind")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Song Stuck in Your Head")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Identity")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Sense of Belonging")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Dream")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Daydream")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Belief")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Sense of Fascination")] (else:)[(set: $ess_product3 to "invalid2")] ] (elseif: $core_mix contains "Mind" and it contains "Belief")[ (if: $third_mix is "Mind")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Sense of Purpose")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Identity")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Feeling of Passion")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Dream")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Sense of Fascination")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Belief")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Feeling of Preoccupation")] (else:)[(set: $ess_product3 to "invalid2")] ] (elseif: $core_mix's 1st is "Identity" and $core_mix's 2nd is "Identity")[ (if: $third_mix is "Mind")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Feeling of Enthusiasm")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Identity")[(set: $ess_product3 to "New Persona")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Dream")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Dating Profile")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Belief")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Feeling of Friendship")] (else:)[(set: $ess_product3 to "invalid2")] ] (elseif: $core_mix contains "Identity" and it contains "Dream")[ (if: $third_mix is "Mind")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Sense of Belonging")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Identity")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Dating Profile")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Dream")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Imaginary Friend")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Belief")[(set: $ess_product3 to "New Name")] (else:)[(set: $ess_product3 to "invalid2")] ] (elseif: $core_mix contains "Identity" and it contains "Belief")[ (if: $third_mix is "Mind")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Feeling of Passion")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Identity")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Feeling of Friendship")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Dream")[(set: $ess_product3 to "New Name")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Belief")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Sense of Self")] (else:)[(set: $ess_product3 to "invalid2")] ] (elseif: $core_mix's 1st is "Dream" and $core_mix's 2nd is "Dream")[ (if: $third_mix is "Mind")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Daydream")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Identity")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Imaginary Friend")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Dream")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Creative Impulse")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Belief")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Wishing Well")] (else:)[(set: $ess_product3 to "invalid2")] ] (elseif: $core_mix contains "Dream" and it contains "Belief")[ (if: $third_mix is "Mind")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Sense of Fascination")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Identity")[(set: $ess_product3 to "New Name")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Dream")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Wishing Well")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Belief")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Shooting Star")] (else:)[(set: $ess_product3 to "invalid2")] ] (elseif: $core_mix's 1st is "Belief" and $core_mix's 2nd is "Belief")[ (if: $third_mix is "Mind")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Feeling of Preoccupation")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Identity")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Sense of Self")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Dream")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Shooting Star")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Belief")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Sacred Symbol")] (else:)[(set: $ess_product3 to "invalid2")] ] (if: $ess_product3 is "invalid")[(display: "3fusion con secondary")] }{ (set: $level to "secondary") (if: $third_mix is "Solid")[(set: $modifier to "Strong")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Liquid")[(set: $modifier to "Fluid")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Space")[(set: $modifier to "Miniature")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Energy")[(set: $modifier to "Exciting")(set: $a to "an")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Air")[(set: $modifier to "Fluffy")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Elixir")[(set: $modifier to "Magical")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Fire")[(set: $modifier to "Hot")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Fizz")[(set: $modifier to "Frivolous")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Flight")[(set: $modifier to "Light")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Flow")[(set: $modifier to "Agile")(set: $a to "an")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Fuel")[(set: $modifier to "Dangerous")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Gravity")[(set: $modifier to "Heavy")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Movement")[(set: $modifier to "Energetic")(set: $a to "an")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Power")[(set: $modifier to "Electric")(set: $a to "an")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Pressure")[(set: $modifier to "Complicated")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Soil")[(set: $modifier to "Organic")(set: $a to "an")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Stone")[(set: $modifier to "Austere")(set: $a to "an")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Transmission")[(set: $modifier to "Sticky")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Vessel")[(set: $modifier to "Impressive")(set: $a to "an")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Water")[(set: $modifier to "Moist")] (else:)[(set: $ess_product3 to "invalid2")] (if: $ess_product3 is not "invalid2")[ (set: $one to $core_mix's 1st) (set: $two to $core_mix's 2nd) (set: $link to $one + $two) (display: $link) ] }{ (set: $level to "secondary") (if: $third_mix is "Vision")[(set: $modifier to "Detailed")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Touch")[(set: $modifier to "Stunning")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Flavour")[(set: $modifier to "Edible")(set: $a to "an")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Sensation")[(set: $modifier to "Surprising")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Balance")[(set: $modifier to "Comfortable")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Colour")[(set: $modifier to "Kaleidoscopic")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Dark")[(set: $modifier to "Murky")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Electroreception")[(set: $modifier to "Shocking")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Hunger")[(set: $modifier to "Palatable")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Insight")[(set: $modifier to "Faux")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Light")[(set: $modifier to "Flashy")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Pain")[(set: $modifier to "Thorny")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Pleasure")[(set: $modifier to "Stimulating")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Proprioception")[(set: $modifier to "Graceful")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Sight")[(set: $modifier to "Glowing")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Smell")[(set: $modifier to "Fragrant")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Taste")[(set: $modifier to "Tasty")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Temperature")[(set: $modifier to "Icy")(set: $a to "an")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Time")[(set: $modifier to "Ancient")(set: $a to "an")] (elseif: $third_mix is "X-ray Vision")[(set: $modifier to "Transparent")] (else:)[(set: $ess_product3 to "invalid2")] (if: $ess_product3 is not "invalid2")[ (set: $one to $core_mix's 1st) (set: $two to $core_mix's 2nd) (set: $link to $one + $two) (display: $link) ] }{ (set: $level to "secondary") (if: $third_mix is "Sound")[(set: $modifier to "Noisy")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Quantity")[(set: $modifier to "Large")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Connection")[(set: $modifier to "Simple")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Direction")[(set: $modifier to "Flimsy")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Acceleration")[(set: $modifier to "Swift")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Angle")[(set: $modifier to "Reflective")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Backward")[(set: $modifier to "Biodegradable")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Elevation")[(set: $modifier to "Tall")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Forward")[(set: $modifier to "Vivid")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Frequency")[(set: $modifier to "Stealthy")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Hearing")[(set: $modifier to "Musical")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Junction")[(set: $modifier to "Lucky")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Length")[(set: $modifier to "Sturdy")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Network")[(set: $modifier to "Friendly")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Number")[(set: $modifier to "Double")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Rhythm")[(set: $modifier to "Snappy")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Silence")[(set: $modifier to "Quiet")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Vibration")[(set: $modifier to "Ornate")(set: $a to "an")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Voice")[(set: $modifier to "Memorable")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Volume")[(set: $modifier to "Elaborate")(set: $a to "an")] (else:)[(set: $ess_product3 to "invalid2")] (if: $ess_product3 is not "invalid2")[ (set: $one to $core_mix's 1st) (set: $two to $core_mix's 2nd) (set: $link to $one + $two) (display: $link) ] }{(set: $level to "secondary") (if: $third_mix is "Mind")[(set: $modifier to "Scholarly")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Identity")[(set: $modifier to "Familiar")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Dream")[(set: $modifier to "Fickle")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Belief")[(set: $modifier to "Ethical")(set: $a to "an")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Beauty")[(set: $modifier to "Beautiful")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Conflict")[(set: $modifier to "Illegal")(set: $a to "an")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Confusion")[(set: $modifier to "Unreliable")(set: $a to "an")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Creativity")[(set: $modifier to "Emotional")(set: $a to "an")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Desire")[(set: $modifier to "Sexy")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Ego")[(set: $modifier to "Awesome")(set: $a to "an")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Faith")[(set: $modifier to "Soulful")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Fear")[(set: $modifier to "Scary")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Imagination")[(set: $modifier to "Whimsical")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Individuality")[(set: $modifier to "Unique")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Knowledge")[(set: $modifier to "Rational")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Mystery")[(set: $modifier to "Mysterious")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Name")[(set: $modifier to "Classic")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Pride")[(set: $modifier to "Sinful")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Trust")[(set: $modifier to "Secret")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Value")[(set: $modifier to "Rich")] (else:)[(set: $ess_product3 to "invalid2")] (if: $ess_product3 is not "invalid2")[ (set: $one to $core_mix's 1st) (set: $two to $core_mix's 2nd) (set: $link to $one + $two) (display: $link) ] }{ (if: $location is "penthouse office")[(display: "penthouse office")] (elseif: $location is "cloud palace")[(display: "cloud palace")] (elseif: $location is "monster lair")[(display: "monster lair")] (else-if: $location is "secret lab")[(display: "secret lab")] (else-if: $location is "spiderweb")[(display: "spiderweb")] (else-if: $location is "treehouse")[(display: "treehouse")] }{ (set: $loc_details to (a: "Outside night has fallen but the shadows are rendered anaemic by countless glittering lights", "Outside night has fallen but the city continues to pulse, the traffic rhythms pumping to and fro like blood vessels. Urban sounds blend together into a constant low drone that even your thick windows can't block out completely", "Outside night has fallen but the city doesn't slow down. Pedestrians and cars scurry back and forth, looking like miniature models from this vantage point", "Outside night has fallen but the metropolis remains bustling and alive" )) (set: $overlooks to (a: "Overlooking such a vibrant urban landscape", "Being part of a dynamic urban space", "Surveying the city", "It makes you feel like a ruler contemplating your kingdom, and the thought" )) }{ (set: $loc_details to (a: "The lab is well-ordered, with bright overhead lights and clean surfaces, but almost every shelf and cupboard is crammed with esoteric equipment and materials", "The lab is peaceful and out of the way, with only the sounds of your own work to break up the silence", "You built this lab space yourself, and painstakingly added components over time until it was exactly what you wanted", "You doubt anyone would suspect you have this secret haven, or the kinds of ideas you work on" )) (set: $overlooks to (a: "The sight of flashing electronics, microscopes and glassware filled with colourful solutions,", "The occasional bubble, fizz and hum of various pieces of lab equipment", "Having so much freedom at the flip of a switch or pour of a solution", "The potential of all this technical equipment" )) }{ (set: $joy to (either: "joy", "cheer")) (set: $effort to "your efforts") (set: $relax to "recharge") (set: $home to "powerful") }{ (set: $loc_details to (a: "The silvery web glistens faintly with tiny dewdrops. It's beautiful work, if you do say so yourself", "The web vibrates slightly with your own rhythms as you move across it. You will immediately notice any disturbance in the pattern", "You constructed this web carefully, pulling the threads between convenient branches until they had just the right amount of tension", "This web is your creation and the centre of your domain; intruders beware" )) (set: $overlooks to (a: "The way the light bounces off silk <i>just so</i>", "The constant hum of vibrations from air currents and tiny insects", "The way you can pluck at threads to test the environment and create your own symphony", "Setting a trap and waiting for the moment something stumbles into it" )) }{ (set: $loc_details to (a: "Treehouse HQ is well ordered. The ranks of the toy soldier elite divisions are arranged into neat line formations. Sentries ensure you can work without being disturbed", "Treehouse HQ is under your command. The ranks of the toy soldier elite divisions wait silently for their orders. Sentries ensure you can work without being disturbed", "Treehouse HQ is running smoothly. The ranks of the toy soldier elite divisions stand at the ready. Sentries ensure you can work without being disturbed", "Treehouse HQ is an efficient operation. The ranks of the toy soldier elite divisions await your orders. Sentries ensure you can work without being disturbed" )) (set: $overlooks to (a: "Keeping order and monitoring the yard below", "Tracking the sounds of passers-by, and the subtle creaking of timber as it shifts in the breeze", "Having a good vantage point", "Being the first to know about any happenings" )) }{ (set: $loc_details to (a: "After dealing with royal responsibilities it feels good to find a moment alone. The room's walls move slightly with the breeze", "After dealing with royal responsibilities it feels good to find a quiet moment. The room's cushiony surfaces muffle any harsh sounds", "After dealing with royal responsibilities it feels good to get away from everything for a while. The room's soft floors cushion your steps as you move, making you feel light and airy", "After dealing with royal responsibilities it feels good to have time to yourself. Somehow, it makes you feel even more in control" )) (set: $overlooks to (a: "Shifting patterns of cloud and sunlight", "Having such a soft place to work", "Having such a comfortable place to work", "The cheerful, cushiony room" )) }{ (set: $loc_details to (a: "Your lair is part of a natural cave system, featuring jagged surfaces and hidden passageways. Heightened eyesight lets you see exactly where you are", "Your lair is part of a natural cave system, consisting of unpredictable passages and sudden drops. Heightened senses tell you know exactly where you are", "Your lair is part of a natural cave system, full of twisting passages and sudden drops. Your heightened senses let you feel out exactly where you're going", "Your lair is part of a natural cave system, featuring hidden chambers and mazelike passages. Heightened senses let you know exactly where you are" )) (set: $overlooks to (a: "Hiding deep beneath the earth", "Growling softly from deep beneath the earth", "Creeping about deep beneath the earth", "Skulking about deep beneath the earth" )) }{ (set: $joy to (either: "comfort", "contentment")) (set: $effort to "life") (set: $relax to "relax") (set: $home to "at home") }{ (set: $joy to (either: "pleasure", "delight")) (set: $effort to "beauty") (set: $relax to "unwind") (set: $home to "desirable") }{ (display: $chakra + " perfect") (set: $retreats to (a: "disappear", "not have to answer to anyone", "retreat from the world", "be alone with your thoughts" )) (set: $perfectsettings to (a: "backdrop to work on your creative visions", "vibe for being creative", "place to get your creativity flowing", "setting for your creative process" )) (if: $guideskip is false and $guidefaulty is false)[ (if: $guidestyle is "visual")[ (set: $retreat to (print: $retreats's 1st)) (set: $location_specific to (print: $loc_details's 1st)) (set: $overlooking to (print: $overlooks's 1st)) (set: $perfectsetting to (print: $perfectsettings's 1st)) ] (elseif: $guidestyle is "audio")[ (set: $retreat to (print: $retreats's 2nd)) (set: $location_specific to (print: $loc_details's 2nd)) (set: $overlooking to (print: $overlooks's 2nd)) (set: $perfectsetting to (print: $perfectsettings's 2nd)) ] (elseif: $guidestyle is "physical")[ (set: $retreat to (print: $retreats's 3rd)) (set: $location_specific to (print: $loc_details's 3rd)) (set: $overlooking to (print: $overlooks's 3rd)) (set: $perfectsetting to (print: $perfectsettings's 3rd)) ] (elseif: $guidestyle is "conceptual")[ (set: $retreat to (print: $retreats's 4th)) (set: $location_specific to (print: $loc_details's 4th)) (set: $overlooking to (print: $overlooks's 4th)) (set: $perfectsetting to (print: $perfectsettings's 4th)) ] ] (else:)[ (set: $retreat to (print:(either: ...$retreats))) (set: $location_specific to (print:(either: ...$loc_details))) (set: $overlooking to (print:(either: ...$overlooks))) (set: $perfectsetting to (print:(either: ...$perfectsettings))) ] }{ (set: $joy to (either: "happiness", "satisfaction")) (set: $effort to "good things") (set: $relax to "calm down") (set: $home to "generous") }{ (set: $joy to (either: "wonder", "fascination")) (set: $effort to "the atmosphere") (set: $relax to "settle down") (set: $home to "focused") }{ (set: $joy to (either: "bliss", "hope")) (set: $effort to "the process") (set: $relax to "take time out") (set: $home to "insightful") }{ (if: $location is "icecream truck")[(display: "icecream truck")] (elseif: $location is "imaginary ballroom")[(display: "imaginary ballroom")] (elseif: $location is "shag pad")[(display: "shag pad")] (else-if: $location is "torture chamber")[(display: "torture chamber")] (else-if: $location is "undersea garden")[(display: "undersea garden")] (else-if: $location is "wizard's tower")[(display: "wizard's tower")] }{ (if: $location is "airship")[(display: "airship")] (elseif: $location is "druid grove")[(display: "druid grove")] (elseif: $location is "gothic mansion")[(display: "gothic mansion")] (else-if: $location is "motorcycle clubhouse")[(display: "motorcycle clubhouse")] (else-if: $location is "religious cell")[(display: "religious cell")] (else-if: $location is "stuffed animal teaparty")[(display: "stuffed animal teaparty")] }{ (if: $location is "artist's studio")[(display: "artist's studio")] (elseif: $location is "dark fortress")[(display: "dark fortress")] (elseif: $location is "dollhouse")[(display: "dollhouse")] (else-if: $location is "dressing room")[(display: "dressing room")] (else-if: $location is "lighthouse")[(display: "lighthouse")] (else-if: $location is "moonbase")[(display: "moonbase")] }{ (if: $location is "detective's office")[(display: "detective's office")] (elseif: $location is "gallery")[(display: "gallery")] (elseif: $location is "gingerbread house")[(display: "gingerbread house")] (else-if: $location is "moonbeam")[(display: "moonbeam")] (else-if: $location is "nightmarescape")[(display: "nightmarescape")] (else-if: $location is "surreal dreamscape")[(display: "surreal dreamscape")] }{ (set: $loc_details to (a: "This is your own little patch of sunlight, where your seed sprouted the smallest bright green shoots, and gradually grew into a vibrant plant", "This is your own little area of sunlight, where you sprouted from a seed and grew gradually into a vigorous plant", "This is your own little place in the sun, where you sprouted from a seed and grew gradually into a strong plant", "This is your own little plot of land, where you sprouted from a seed and gradually grew into an enduring, healthy plant" )) (set: $overlooks to (a: "Growing bright green leaves and photosynthesising", "The rustle of wind in your leaves", "Anchoring yourself solidly into the earth and reaching high towards the sunlight", "Constantly growing and changing with the seasons" )) }{ (set: $loc_details to (a: "The greenhouse is brightly lit, sunlight seeming to stream in from all directions. It makes the greenery and flowers seem even more brilliant", "The greenhouse provides shelter from the elements, screening you from the wind and noise outside", "The greenhouse provides shelter, blocking the wind and keeping out pests", "The greenhouse is a little bubble away from the rest of the world, providing protection from the changing weather" )) (set: $overlooks to (a: "Getting your hands dirty", "Whistling as you garden", "Planting something and watching it grow", "Pottering about in the garden" )) }{ (set: $loc_details to (a: "The library is your beautiful sanctuary, featuring both old favourite volumes and new adventures", "The library is your quiet sanctuary, with countless old favourite volumes as well as new adventures", "The library is your comfortable sanctuary, crammed full of both old favourite volumes and new adventures", "The library is your cosy sanctuary away from the world, where you keep both old favourite volumes and new adventures" )) (set: $overlooks to (a: "Being surrounded by piles of books", "Sneaking a moment to read", "Sitting here and flicking through books", "Reading" )) }{ (set: $loc_details to (a: "The tiny apartment is unimportant. From right here you can explore endless possibilities", "The minimal apartment is unimportant. From right here you can explore countless new dimensions", "The cramped apartment is unimportant. From right here you can connect to realms beyond the physical", "The basic apartment is unimportant. From right here you can be part of something beyond this simple reality" )) (set: $overlooks to (a: "Scanning cyberspace", "Monitoring cyberspace", "Jacking in and moving through cyberspace", "Exploring the endless possibilities of cyberspace" )) }{ (set: $loc_details to (a: "The blanket fort is filled with your favourite toys, books and games. You can easily spend hours here", "The blanket fort contains your favourite toys, books and games. You can easily spend hours here", "The blanket fort is filled with your favourite toys, books and games. You can easily spend hours here", "The blanket fort is stocked with your favourite toys, books and games. You can easily spend hours here" )) (set: $overlooks to (a: "Finding a safe place", "A safe, quiet place", "Snuggling up in a safe place", "Retreating to a safe place" )) }{ (set: $loc_details to (a: "The crypt is lit by dribbling candles that cast flickering shadows onto stone coffins and leave mysterious shadowy corners", "The crypt has a faint echo from the stone walls and coffins but you find quiet in the many shadowy corners", "The crypt is solidly built with thick stone walls, and chunky coffins and monuments", "The crypt protects you from the world outside. It's a concealed place to lurk, plan or hide" )) (set: $overlooks to (a: "Staying out of sight", "Lurking about", "Creeping about", "Being among the dead" )) }{ (set: $loc_details to (a: "It's winter right now and the icecream business is slow, but you still find pleasure in it. Driving through the streets with your truck, ever sightseeing and looking for new locations to sell", "It's winter right now and the icecream business is slow, but you still find pleasure in it. Navigating the streets with your truck, and attracting customers with the familiar jingle", "It's winter right now and the icecream business is slow, but you still find pleasure in it. Trundling through the streets with your truck and finding new locations to set up shop", "It's winter right now and the icecream business is slow, but you still find pleasure in it. Traveling through the streets with your truck, looking for profitable new locations to sell" )) (set: $overlooks to (a: "Bright colour and sweetness", "Rustling up two scoops of someone's favourite flavour", "Creamy soft serve", "Sharing a little bit of sweetness" )) }{ (set: $loc_details to (a: "From the outside the crooked tower looks precarious but it's preserved by ancient, unyielding runes. Inside, the windows are angled for a perfect view of the night sky. You can keep an eye out for foreshadowing and portents, and always time your experiments perfectly to match the shifting days and years", "From the outside the crooked tower looks fragile but it's perfectly sound. Ancient enchantments keep the stones bound closely into an unlikely structure. Inside, the windows face skyward to better record the arrangements of the night sky. You immediately know about unexpected portents and omens, and carefully time your experiments to match the rhythm of shifting days and years", "From the outside the tower looks like it's about to collapse but it's strengthened by ancient rituals. Inside, the windows are angled skyward to more easily track constellations. Your experiments precisely follow the movement of days and years, and keep up with any unexpected signs and omens", "From the outside the crooked tower looks dangerous, but it's kept stable by ancient wards. Inside, the windows allow a thorough view of the night sky. You time your experiments meticulously to match the cycle of days and years, and can respond quickly to any unexpected omens" )) (set: $overlooks to (a: "Charting stars, assembling rare ingredients and browsing magical tomes", "Creating bubbling potions and chanting spells", "Mixing potions and conducting rituals", "Manipulating the forces of nature and beyond" )) }{ (set: $loc_details to (a: "The ballroom is a bright, open space fringed by murals and intricately carved columns", "The ballroom is a bright, open space with a stage at one end for musicians", "The ballroom is a bright, open space with high ceilings and plenty of room to dance", "The ballroom is a bright, open space for entertaining many guests" )) (set: $overlooks to (a: "Dressing up in splendid clothes", "A hall full of music", "Dancing across the room", "Throwing elegant parties" )) }{ (set: $loc_details to (a: "Your garden features your displayed collection of shiny stones and shells, and fringed by multi-coloured corals and seaweed", "Your garden is a quiet, attractive spot ringed by corals and seaweed. In the centre are carefully arranged shells and shiny stones", "Your garden is a carefully swept area of collected shells and shiny rocks, surrounded by assorted corals and seaweed", "Your garden is where you display your treasured collection of shells and shiny stones, surrounded by various corals and seaweeds" )) (set: $overlooks to (a: "Swimming in the shade and admiring your pretty treasures", "Swimming in the muffled shade and admiring your treasures", "Swimming in the shade and admiring your smooth treasures", "Swimming in the shade and admiring your favourite things" )) }{ (set: $loc_details to (a: "Your home is designed just the way you want it, full of warm colours and eye-catching artwork", "Your home is designed just the way you want it, full of attractive and functional furniture, and carefully positioned speakers sending music into every room", "Your home is designed just the way you want it, with comfortable couches and soft wall-hangings", "Your home is designed just the way you want it: bold and stylish, but still comfortable" )) (set: $overlooks to (a: "Creating the right atmosphere with carefully selected mood lighting and stylish furniture,", "Creating the right atmosphere with carefully selected music and furnishings,", "Creating the right atmosphere with carefully selected gadgets and soft furnishings,", "Creating the right mix of intimacy and temptation" )) }{ (set: $loc_details to (a: "The chamber takes up most of the basement. A varied collection of devices and instruments, made all the more ominous by flickering torches", "The chamber takes up most of the basement. A rickety collection of devices and implements, made all the more ominous by surrounding echoey surfaces", "The chamber takes up most of the basement. A ramshackle collection of devices and implements, made all the more ominous by being underground", "The chamber takes up most of the basement. A diverse collection of devices and implements, which have reduced many to despair before even touching them" )) (set: $overlooks to (a: "Collecting bloodstains and rusty implements", "Agonised screaming", "Cracking bones and searing flesh", "Pushing someone to their breaking point" )) }{ (set: $loc_details to (a: "You always believed in progress and technology, but not without looking at what's already here. You believe in the sunlight, and the power of the falling rain. To see the value in both machines and nature is real progress. You can get a different perspective from up here in the airship. Seeing the city instead of just the individuals; the fields and not just the grain", "You always believed in progress and technology, but not without considering what's already here. You believe in howling gales, and the power of the falling rain. To endorse both machines and nature is real progress. You can get a different perspective from up here in the airship. Seeing the city instead of just the individuals; the fields and not just the grain", "You always believed in progress and technology, but not without drawing on what's already here. You believe in the wind surrounding you, and the power of the falling rain. To harness both machines and nature is real progress. You can get a different perspective from up here in the airship. Seeing the city instead of just the individuals; the fields and not just the grain", "You always believed in progress and technology, but not without understanding what's already here. You believe in the weather patterns, and the power of the falling rain. To harness both machines and nature is real progress. You can get a different perspective from up here in the airship. Seeing the city instead of just the individuals; the fields and not just the grain" )) (set: $overlooks to (a: "Overlooking clouds", "Zooming through the clouds", "Floating through the clouds", "Mastering the skies" )) }{ (set: $loc_details to (a: "The grove is a mystical place where energies merge. In the centre is an ancient stone altar carved with runes. In the past bloody rituals were conducted here but they have been long abandoned. The altar receives offerings of fruits and berries where once was screaming agony, but the power of it has not dimmed. The peace and healing of this place gives you hope", "The grove is a mystical place where energies accumulate. In the centre is an ancient stone altar carved with runes. In the past bloody rituals were conducted here but they have been long abandoned. The altar receives offerings of fruits and berries where once was screaming agony, but the power of it has not lessened. The peace and healing of this place gives you hope", "The grove is a mystical place where energies meet. In the centre is an ancient stone altar carved with runes. In the past bloody rituals were conducted here but they have been long abandoned. The altar receives offerings of fruits and berries where once was screaming agony. The power remains strong. The peace and healing of this place gives you hope", "The grove is a mystical place where energies mingle. In the centre is an ancient stone altar carved with runes. In the past bloody rituals were conducted here but they have been long abandoned. The altar receives offerings of fruits and berries where once was screaming agony. The power remains undiminished. The peace and healing of this place gives you hope" )) (set: $overlooks to (a: "A backdrop of wildflowers and bright foliage", "Quiet, natural surroundings including wildflowers and fresh vegetation", "Being surrounded by wildflowers and fresh, sweet grass", "Being part of nature" )) }{ (set: $loc_details to (a: "The club is about shared passions and family. It's a place of learning and mechanics, and planning trips and adventures. Also of looking out for one another", "The club is about shared passions and family. It's a place of learning and mechanics, and of planning trips and adventures. Also of keeping tabs on each other", "The club is about shared passions and family. It's a place to pursue learning and mechanics, and to plan trips and adventures. Also to take care of each other", "The club is about shared passions and family. It's a place of learning and mechanics, and of planning trips and adventures. Also of being able to rely on each other" )) (set: $overlooks to (a: "Mechanical beauty", "Tinkering and tuning engines", "Pulling things apart and understanding how they work", "Being part of a dedicated community" )) }{ (set: $loc_details to (a: "You enjoy polite but lively company, and depicting social rituals. Today your guests are Mx and Mx Bear, Gus the pig, and the ladybug twins", "You enjoy polite but lively discourse, and conducting social rituals. Today your guests are Mx and Mx Bear, Gus the pig, and the ladybug twins", "You enjoy polite but lively company, and enacting social rituals. Today your guests are Mx and Mx Bear, Gus the pig, and the ladybug twins", "You enjoy polite but lively company, and playing at social rituals. Today your guests are Mx and Mx Bear, Gus the pig, and the ladybug twins" )) (set: $overlooks to (a: "Arranging table settings", "Entertaining guests", "Sipping delicately from tiny cups", "Being a good host" )) }{ (set: $loc_details to (a: "The mansion is your vampiric hideaway. It consists of stark stone architecture, with gargoyles acting as sentries. Old portraits and posed suits of armour decorate the halls. Time moves slowly here. You venture out to hunt but it's good to have somewhere to hide, and get some distance from the living and their distracting, pulsing lifeblood", "The mansion is your vampiric sanctuary. It consists of echoing stone architecture, with crackling fireplaces and secret passages. Old portraits and posed suits of armour decorate the halls. Time moves slowly here. You venture out to hunt but it's good to have somewhere to retreat to, and get some distance from the living and their distracting, pulsing lifeblood", "The mansion is your vampiric refuge. It consists of imposing stone architecture, with tiny twisting staircases leading to unexpected rooms. Old portraits and posed suits of armour decorate the halls. Time moves slowly here. You venture out to hunt but it's good to have somewhere to retreat to, and get some distance from the living and their distracting, pulsing lifeblood", "The mansion is your vampiric sanctuary. It consists of impressive stone architecture, topped by creepy gargoyles. Old portraits and posed suits of armour decorate the halls. Time moves slowly here. You venture out to hunt but it's good to have somewhere to retreat to, and get some distance from the living and their distracting, pulsing lifeblood" )) (set: $overlooks to (a: "Stalking along shadowy hallways", "Stalking through eerie rooms and quiet hallways", "Keeping the rest of the world at a distance", "Being the villain" )) }{ (set: $loc_details to (a: "The cell is plainly furnished, but clean and comfortable. A small wooden symbol forms the only decoration. You briefly form a sign and look to your faith for insight. To some this would seem like a dull existence, but you can see just how blessed you are", "The cell is simply furnished but cosy enough to muffle any echoes. There's a small wooden symbol on the wall. You murmur a brief prayer and call on your faith for encouragement. To some this would be a muted existence but you feel blessed and know your prayers are heard", "The cell is simply furnished, but comfortable and well maintained. A small wooden symbol is attached to the far wall. You briefly put your hands together in prayer and trust your faith to guide you. To some this would be an empty existence, but you are blessed. You can feel it all the way through to your bones", "The cell is simply furnished, but intimate and well cared for. There is a small wooden symbol on the wall. You pray for inspiration and to give thanks. To some this would be a poor existence but you know you're blessed" )) (set: $overlooks to (a: "The lack of distractions", "The peaceful quiet", "The stillness", "There's a permanent sense of peace that" )) }{ (set: $loc_details to (a: "The studio overlooks a picturesque lake, fringed by deciduous trees that paint the landscape in different colours through the seasons. You are surrounded by tubes of paint and half-finished sketches", "The studio is at the base of a mountain, overlooking an expansive lake. You are surrounded by paintbrushes and half-finished sketches", "The studio looks out on a stunning natural landscape, with a deep lake at the foothills of some snow-capped mountains. You are surrounded by easels and half-finished sketches", "The studio is nestled at the foothills of a mountain, overlooking a pristine lake. You are surrounded by artist's materials and half-finished sketches" )) (set: $overlooks to (a: "Capturing the right mix of light and shadow", "Capturing the right shapes and angles", "Forming creations from your imagination", "Causing a scene to come alive" )) }{ (set: $loc_details to (a: "The throne room walls are so black it almost looks as though they would mask any light source. At the centre of the room the imposing metal throne is etched with coiling patterns", "The throne room walls are so black it almost looks as though they would absorb any light source. At the centre of the room the imposing metal throne is etched with twisting patterns", "The throne room walls are so black it almost looks as though they would swallow up any light source. At the centre of the room the imposing metal throne is etched with writhing patterns", "The throne room walls are so black it almost looks as though they would shroud any light source. At the centre of the room the imposing metal throne is etched with disturbing patterns" )) (set: $overlooks to (a: "Being an imposing ruler", "Commanding your subjects", "Ruling with an iron fist", "Inspiring fear and awe" )) }{ (set: $loc_details to (a: "The sea is beautiful and sometimes cruel. Vast and unknowable depths and currents. You feel drawn to it but like to admire from afar", "The sea is beautiful and sometimes cruel. Vast and unknowable depths and currents. You're entranced by it but prefer to admire from a distance", "The sea is beautiful and sometimes cruel. Sweeping and unknowable depths and currents. You're captivated by it but prefer to admire from dry land", "The sea is beautiful and sometimes cruel. Great and unknowable depths and currents. You're enamoured of it but prefer to maintain a healthy distance" )) (set: $overlooks to (a: "Providing a light in the dark", "Signalling across the ocean", "Guiding ships through storms and around jagged rocks", "Keeping ships and their crews safe" )) }{ (set: $loc_details to (a: "The dollhouse is full of tiny details, down to the light switches and meticulously sewn cushions", "The dollhouse is full of tiny elements, down to the realistic roaring fireplace and teeny light switches", "The dollhouse is full of tiny components, down to the springy carpets and windows that open and close", "The dollhouse is full of tiny details that add to the realism, down to the light switches and wardrobes of teeny clothes" )) (set: $overlooks to (a: "Creating dioramas and watching miniature lives play out", "Telling stories about miniature lives", "Creating dioramas and acting out miniature lives", "Playing house and imagining miniature lives" )) }{ (set: $loc_details to (a: "The dressing room is an intimate space draped with costumes and accessories. Large mirrors fringed with lights show off your appearance", "The dressing room is an intimate space bursting with costumes and accessories. Large mirrors fringed with lights reflect you back from all angles", "The dressing room is an intimate space crammed with costumes and accessories. Large mirrors fringed with lights display your best angles", "The dressing room is an intimate space full of costumes and accessories. Large mirrors fringed with lights present your transformation into character" )) (set: $overlooks to (a: "Dressing up and painting your face", "Muffled applause and the sound of stagehands scurrying back and forth", "Transforming into a character", "Becoming someone else" )) }{ (set: $loc_details to (a: "The moonbase is a no-frills place, generally stripped back to the essentials. Some of the team were cynical about the sponsorship deal with GROWBOTICS but you can see the importance of observing our self-expression out here. We're going to need it as humanity shifts towards becoming a space-faring race. Sometimes there's more to worry about than pure survival", "The moonbase is an orderly place, generally limited to the essentials. Some of the team were cynical about the sponsorship deal with GROWBOTICS but you fathom the importance of holding onto our self-expression out here. We're going to need it as humanity moves towards becoming a space-faring race. Sometimes there's more to worry about than pure survival", "The moonbase is a functional place, stripped back to the essentials. Some of the team were cynical about the sponsorship deal with GROWBOTICS but you grasp the importance of holding onto our self-expression out here. We're going to need it as humanity moves towards becoming a space-faring race. Sometimes there's more to worry about than pure survival", "The moonbase is a practical place, limited to the essentials. Some of the team were cynical about the sponsorship deal with GROWBOTICS but you appreciate the importance of retaining our self-expression out here. We're going to need it as humanity works towards becoming a space-faring race. Sometimes there's more to worry about than pure survival" )) (set: $overlooks to (a: "Making new discoveries", "Research and analysis", "Research and exploring new frontiers", "Being able to survive so far from home" )) }{ (set: $loc_details to (a: "It's never easy being a PI but you appreciate your shabby office and get fired up about solving cases", "It's never easy being a PI but you can't really complain. Many cases have been solved from this ratty office", "It's never easy keeping your head above water as a PI but you feel good about your ramshackle office and the cases you've solved", "It's never easy staying in business as a PI but you feel proud of your seedy office and the cases you've solved" )) (set: $overlooks to (a: "Investigation", "Grilling suspects and witnesses", "Piecing clues together", "Solving mysteries" )) }{ (set: $loc_details to (a: "The gingerbread house is blended together with shiny white icing and decorated with colourful treats. Magic keeps the structure bright and sweet-smelling", "The gingerbread house is joined together with robust icing and peppered with cheerful treats. Magic keeps the structure sound and sweet-smelling", "The gingerbread house is cemented together with strong icing and trimmed with jolly treats. Magic keeps the structure solid and sweet-smelling", "The gingerbread house is constructed using hard-setting icing and adorned with cheerful treats. Magic keeps the structure fresh and sweet-smelling" )) (set: $overlooks to (a: "Sugary deception", "Beguiling sugar", "Enticing sugar", "Sugary temptation" )) }{ (set: $loc_details to (a: "The modern gallery features clean lines and dramatic contrasts. You're becoming quite trendy", "The modern gallery features clean lines and dynamic contrasts. You're becoming quite trendy", "The modern gallery houses work from several up-and-coming artists. You're becoming quite trendy", "The modern gallery hosts friendly openings with free-flowing champagne and rich guests. You're becoming quite trendy" )) (set: $overlooks to (a: "Looking for new talent", "Sounding out new talent", "Seeking out new talent", "Promoting new talent" )) }{ (set: $loc_details to (a: "Living on a moonbeam makes elsewhere look dull and stagnant by comparison. Here everything is always radiant and intense", "Living on a moonbeam makes elsewhere sound slow by comparison. Here everything is always luminous and dynamic", "Living on a moonbeam makes elsewhere feel sluggish by comparison. Here everything is always vivid and changing", "Living on a moonbeam makes elsewhere seem idle by comparison. Here everything is always brilliant and evolving" )) (set: $overlooks to (a: "Flashing past at light speed", "Zooming along at light speed", "Moving at light speed", "Mastering light speed" )) }{ (set: $loc_details to (a: "The dreamscape is deckled with flimmery strags and brazzling lights", "The dreamscape thruds and plooms, the air lumming with beatricity", "The dreamscape continually mifts and transvaries, shapes twending and disarriving in the periground", "The dreamscape feels myplex but fressible, like a chillingable ruleground" )) (set: $overlooks to (a: "Overlooking such a brillful dreamling environment", "Being part of a dyght vibing space", "Surveying such lamic and fich surroundings", "Being unsettable and inspated" )) }{ (set: $loc_details to (a: "You're surrounded by an old fading cemetery that inexplicably taps into something deep in your subconscious. Primal terror that defies proper examination. But there's a thrill in that too", "You're surrounded by an old decaying cemetery that inexplicably taps into something deep in your subconscious. Primal terror that defies proper exploration. But there's a thrill in that too", "You're surrounded by an old crumbling cemetery that inexplicably taps into something deep in your subconscious. Primal terror that defies proper exploration. But there's a rush in that too", "You're surrounded by an old abandoned cemetery that inexplicably taps into something deep in your subconscious. Primal terror that defies proper explanation. But there's power in that too" )) (set: $overlooks to (a: "Glancing into the dark parts of your mind", "Sounding out the disturbing parts of your mind", "Feeling out the disturbing parts of your mind", "Being able to handle anything" )) }{ (if: $fail_count is 0)[Sometimes it comes effortlessly, like you're just a conduit for something that wants to exist. ] (elseif: $fail_count < 10)[Sometimes it comes fairly easily, and with just a bit of tinkering you can produce something you're satisfied with. ] (elseif: $fail_count < 20)[Sometimes it takes a few tries before your efforts seem worthwhile. It feels like you've earned it. ] (elseif: $fail_count < 30)[Sometimes it's difficult, but it feels good when all that hard work pays off. ] (else:)[Sometimes it's painful, but it feels amazing when all that hard work eventually pays off. ] Maybe that's the accomplishment of GROWBOTICS}{ (if: $level is "primary")[You made something simple but rewarding] (elseif: $level is "secondary")[You made something complex and demonstrated your commitment to developing creative skills] (else:)[You made a unique creation, only possible because of your extreme dedication] }{ <p>(if: $location is "blanket fort")[The blanket fort is a wonderful place for a nap. You can snuggle down and get comfortable right where you are. You like to dream of games and adventures, where you always return victorious to the castle.] (elseif: $location is "crypt")[As dawn breaks above ground you find sanctuary in your favourite ornate coffin. You sleep very still, almost like one of your breathless neighbours. Except you can still dream.] (elseif: $location is "cyberdwelling")[The line between dreams and reality can be blurry. The distinction doesn't always seem so significant. While asleep your mind tends to follow well-worn pathways, seeking connections and new information.] (else-if: $location is "greenhouse")[You get ready for bed back in your tiny cottage, a kind of human greenhouse to keep you snug and secure. You like to dream of cycles, as vegetation grows and changes through the days, seasons and years.] (else-if: $location is "library")[Just off the library is a spiral staircase leading to a cosy attic bedroom. You snuggle down to sleep beneath a beloved handmade quilt. You like to dream of stories, whether they involve grand adventures or more intimate reflections.] (else-if: $location is "root system")[Plants don't sleep in the way of people and other animals, but in your own way you do dream. Typically you imagine stories about water's journeys as it flows through the soil, or the sun as it travels past the horizon. As the sun sets you pull your leaves in close to rest until dawn.] <div class="centered"><div class="button">[[DREAM->dream]]</div></div> </p>}<div class="centered"><div class="button">[[GO <span class="flourish">to</span> SLEEP->sleep]]</div></div>{ (set: $level to "primary") (if: $core_mix's 1st is "Solid" and $core_mix's 2nd is "Solid")[ (if: $third_mix is "Solid")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Paperweight")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Liquid")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Bowl of Cereal")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Space")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Pumice Stone")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Energy")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Fridge Magnet")] (else:)[(set: $ess_product3 to "invalid2")] ] (elseif: $core_mix contains "Solid" and it contains "Liquid")[ (if: $third_mix is "Solid")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Bowl of Cereal")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Liquid")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Snow Globe")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Space")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Bowl of Instant Noodles")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Energy")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Cigarette Lighter")] (else:)[(set: $ess_product3 to "invalid2")] ] (elseif: $core_mix contains "Solid" and it contains "Space")[ (if: $third_mix is "Solid")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Pumice Stone")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Liquid")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Bowl of Instant Noodles")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Space")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Balloon")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Energy")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Light Bulb")] (else:)[(set: $ess_product3 to "invalid2")] ] (elseif: $core_mix contains "Solid" and it contains "Energy")[ (if: $third_mix is "Solid")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Fridge Magnet")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Liquid")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Cigarette Lighter")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Space")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Light Bulb")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Energy")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Potato Battery")] (else:)[(set: $ess_product3 to "invalid2")] ] (elseif: $core_mix's 1st is "Liquid" and $core_mix's 2nd is "Liquid")[ (if: $third_mix is "Solid")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Snow Globe")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Liquid")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Puddle")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Space")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Glass Harp")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Energy")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Cup of Coffee")] (else:)[(set: $ess_product3 to "invalid2")] ] (elseif: $core_mix contains "Liquid" and it contains "Space")[ (if: $third_mix is "Solid")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Bowl of Instant Noodles")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Liquid")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Glass Harp")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Space")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Air Freshener")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Energy")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Milk Frother")] (else:)[(set: $ess_product3 to "invalid2")] ] (elseif: $core_mix contains "Liquid" and it contains "Energy")[ (if: $third_mix is "Solid")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Cigarette Lighter")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Liquid")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Cup of Coffee")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Space")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Milk Frother")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Energy")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Energy Drink")] (else:)[(set: $ess_product3 to "invalid2")] ] (elseif: $core_mix's 1st is "Space" and $core_mix's 2nd is "Space")[ (if: $third_mix is "Solid")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Balloon")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Liquid")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Air Freshener")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Space")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Smell of a")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Energy")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Trail of Incense Smoke")] (else:)[(set: $ess_product3 to "invalid2")] ] (elseif: $core_mix contains "Space" and it contains "Energy")[ (if: $third_mix is "Solid")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Light Bulb")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Liquid")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Milk Frother")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Space")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Trail of Incense Smoke")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Energy")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Desk Lamp")] (else:)[(set: $ess_product3 to "invalid2")] ] (elseif: $core_mix's 1st is "Energy" and $core_mix's 2nd is "Energy")[ (if: $third_mix is "Solid")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Potato Battery")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Liquid")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Energy Drink")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Space")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Desk Lamp")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Energy")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Matchbook")] (else:)[(set: $ess_product3 to "invalid2")] ] (elseif: $core_mix's 1st is "Vision" and $core_mix's 2nd is "Vision")[ (if: $third_mix is "Vision")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Still Life Painting")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Touch")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Finger Painting")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Flavour")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Decorated Cupcake")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Sensation")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Sunshine")] (else:)[(set: $ess_product3 to "invalid2")] ] (elseif: $core_mix contains "Vision" and it contains "Touch")[ (if: $third_mix is "Vision")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Finger Painting")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Touch")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Handshake")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Flavour")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Lemon")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Sensation")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Feeling of Optimism")] (else:)[(set: $ess_product3 to "invalid2")] ] (elseif: $core_mix contains "Vision" and it contains "Flavour")[ (if: $third_mix is "Vision")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Decorated Cupcake")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Touch")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Lemon")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Flavour")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Lollipop")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Sensation")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Icecream")] (else:)[(set: $ess_product3 to "invalid2")] ] (elseif: $core_mix contains "Vision" and it contains "Sensation")[ (if: $third_mix is "Vision")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Sunshine")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Touch")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Feeling of Optimism")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Flavour")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Icecream")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Sensation")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Feeling of Awe")] (else:)[(set: $ess_product3 to "invalid2")] ] (elseif: $core_mix's 1st is "Touch" and $core_mix's 2nd is "Touch")[ (if: $third_mix is "Vision")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Handshake")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Touch")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Massage")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Flavour")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Chilli Pepper")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Sensation")[(set: $ess_product3 to "High Five")] (else:)[(set: $ess_product3 to "invalid2")] ] (elseif: $core_mix contains "Touch" and it contains "Flavour")[ (if: $third_mix is "Vision")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Lemon")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Touch")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Chilli Pepper")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Flavour")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Salt Lick")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Sensation")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Glass of Tonic Water")] (else:)[(set: $ess_product3 to "invalid2")] ] (elseif: $core_mix contains "Touch" and it contains "Sensation")[ (if: $third_mix is "Vision")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Feeling of Optimism")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Touch")[(set: $ess_product3 to "High Five")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Flavour")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Glass of Tonic Water")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Sensation")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Hug")] (else:)[(set: $ess_product3 to "invalid2")] ] (elseif: $core_mix's 1st is "Flavour" and $core_mix's 2nd is "Flavour")[ (if: $third_mix is "Vision")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Lollipop")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Touch")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Salt Lick")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Flavour")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Bottle of Hot Sauce")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Sensation")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Popping Candy")] (else:)[(set: $ess_product3 to "invalid2")] ] (elseif: $core_mix contains "Flavour" and it contains "Sensation")[ (if: $third_mix is "Vision")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Icecream")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Touch")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Glass of Tonic Water")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Flavour")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Popping Candy")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Sensation")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Sherbet")] (else:)[(set: $ess_product3 to "invalid2")] ] (elseif: $core_mix's 1st is "Sensation" and $core_mix's 2nd is "Sensation")[ (if: $third_mix is "Vision")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Feeling of Awe")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Touch")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Hug")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Flavour")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Sherbet")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Sensation")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Feeling of Déjà Vu")] (else:)[(set: $ess_product3 to "invalid2")] ] (elseif: $core_mix's 1st is "Sound" and $core_mix's 2nd is "Sound")[ (if: $third_mix is "Sound")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Background Hum")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Quantity")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Sound Level Meter")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Connection")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Audio Jack")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Direction")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Radio Broadcast")] (else:)[(set: $ess_product3 to "invalid2")] ] (elseif: $core_mix contains "Sound" and it contains "Quantity")[ (if: $third_mix is "Sound")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Sound Level Meter")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Quantity")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Microphone")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Connection")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Music Box")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Direction")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Set of Wind Chimes")] (else:)[(set: $ess_product3 to "invalid2")] ] (elseif: $core_mix contains "Sound" and it contains "Connection")[ (if: $third_mix is "Sound")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Audio Jack")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Quantity")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Music Box")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Connection")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Sonar System")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Direction")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Pair of Headphones")] (else:)[(set: $ess_product3 to "invalid2")] ] (elseif: $core_mix contains "Sound" and it contains "Direction")[ (if: $third_mix is "Sound")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Radio Broadcast")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Quantity")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Set of Wind Chimes")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Connection")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Pair of Headphones")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Direction")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Echo")] (else:)[(set: $ess_product3 to "invalid2")] ] (elseif: $core_mix's 1st is "Quantity" and $core_mix's 2nd is "Quantity")[ (if: $third_mix is "Sound")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Microphone")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Quantity")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Sense of Scale")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Connection")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Penny")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Direction")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Tape Measure")] (else:)[(set: $ess_product3 to "invalid2")] ] (elseif: $core_mix contains "Quantity" and it contains "Connection")[ (if: $third_mix is "Sound")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Music Box")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Quantity")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Penny")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Connection")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Knitted Scarf")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Direction")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Street Directory")] (else:)[(set: $ess_product3 to "invalid2")] ] (elseif: $core_mix contains "Quantity" and it contains "Direction")[ (if: $third_mix is "Sound")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Set of Wind Chimes")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Quantity")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Tape Measure")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Connection")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Street Directory")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Direction")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Traveling Salesman")] (else:)[(set: $ess_product3 to "invalid2")] ] (elseif: $core_mix's 1st is "Connection" and $core_mix's 2nd is "Connection")[ (if: $third_mix is "Sound")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Sonar System")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Quantity")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Knitted Scarf")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Connection")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Star Chart")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Direction")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Metro Map")] (else:)[(set: $ess_product3 to "invalid2")] ] (elseif: $core_mix contains "Connection" and it contains "Direction")[ (if: $third_mix is "Sound")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Pair of Headphones")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Quantity")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Street Directory")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Connection")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Metro Map")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Direction")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Street Sign")] (else:)[(set: $ess_product3 to "invalid2")] ] (elseif: $core_mix's 1st is "Direction" and $core_mix's 2nd is "Direction")[ (if: $third_mix is "Sound")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Echo")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Quantity")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Traveling Salesman")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Connection")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Street Sign")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Direction")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Compass")] (else:)[(set: $ess_product3 to "invalid2")] ] (elseif: $core_mix's 1st is "Mind" and $core_mix's 2nd is "Mind")[ (if: $third_mix is "Mind")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Sense of Rationality")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Identity")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Sense of Morality")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Dream")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Song Stuck in Your Head")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Belief")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Sense of Purpose")] (else:)[(set: $ess_product3 to "invalid2")] ] (elseif: $core_mix contains "Mind" and it contains "Identity")[ (if: $third_mix is "Mind")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Sense of Morality")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Identity")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Feeling of Enthusiasm")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Dream")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Sense of Belonging")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Belief")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Feeling of Passion")] (else:)[(set: $ess_product3 to "invalid2")] ] (elseif: $core_mix contains "Mind" and it contains "Dream")[ (if: $third_mix is "Mind")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Song Stuck in Your Head")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Identity")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Sense of Belonging")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Dream")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Daydream")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Belief")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Sense of Fascination")] (else:)[(set: $ess_product3 to "invalid2")] ] (elseif: $core_mix contains "Mind" and it contains "Belief")[ (if: $third_mix is "Mind")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Sense of Purpose")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Identity")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Feeling of Passion")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Dream")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Sense of Fascination")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Belief")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Feeling of Preoccupation")] (else:)[(set: $ess_product3 to "invalid2")] ] (elseif: $core_mix's 1st is "Identity" and $core_mix's 2nd is "Identity")[ (if: $third_mix is "Mind")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Feeling of Enthusiasm")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Identity")[(set: $ess_product3 to "New Persona")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Dream")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Dating Profile")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Belief")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Feeling of Friendship")] (else:)[(set: $ess_product3 to "invalid2")] ] (elseif: $core_mix contains "Identity" and it contains "Dream")[ (if: $third_mix is "Mind")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Sense of Belonging")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Identity")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Dating Profile")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Dream")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Imaginary Friend")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Belief")[(set: $ess_product3 to "New Name")] (else:)[(set: $ess_product3 to "invalid2")] ] (elseif: $core_mix contains "Identity" and it contains "Belief")[ (if: $third_mix is "Mind")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Feeling of Passion")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Identity")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Feeling of Friendship")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Dream")[(set: $ess_product3 to "New Name")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Belief")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Sense of Self")] (else:)[(set: $ess_product3 to "invalid2")] ] (elseif: $core_mix's 1st is "Dream" and $core_mix's 2nd is "Dream")[ (if: $third_mix is "Mind")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Daydream")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Identity")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Imaginary Friend")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Dream")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Creative Impulse")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Belief")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Wishing Well")] (else:)[(set: $ess_product3 to "invalid2")] ] (elseif: $core_mix contains "Dream" and it contains "Belief")[ (if: $third_mix is "Mind")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Sense of Fascination")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Identity")[(set: $ess_product3 to "New Name")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Dream")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Wishing Well")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Belief")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Shooting Star")] (else:)[(set: $ess_product3 to "invalid2")] ] (elseif: $core_mix's 1st is "Belief" and $core_mix's 2nd is "Belief")[ (if: $third_mix is "Mind")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Feeling of Preoccupation")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Identity")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Sense of Self")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Dream")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Shooting Star")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Belief")[(set: $ess_product3 to "Sacred Symbol")] (else:)[(set: $ess_product3 to "invalid2")] ] (elseif: $core_mix contains "Solid" or it contains "Liquid" or it contains "Space" or it contains "Energy" or it contains "Vision" or it contains "Touch" or it contains "Flavour" or it contains "Sensation" or it contains "Sound" or it contains "Quantity" or it contains "Connection" or it contains "Direction" or it contains "Mind" or it contains "Identity" or it contains "Dream" or it contains "Belief")[(set: $ess_product3 to "invalid2")] (if: $ess_product3 is "invalid")[(display: "3fusion all secondary")] }{ (if: $core_mix's 1st is "Air" or it is "Elixir" or it is "Fire" or it is "Fizz" or it is "Flight" or it is "Flow" or it is "Fuel" or it is "Gravity" or it is "Movement" or it is "Power" or it is "Pressure" or it is "Soil" or it is "Stone" or it is "Transmission" or it is "Vessel" or it is "Water")[ (if: $core_mix's 2nd is not "Air" and it is not "Elixir" and it is not "Fire" and it is not "Fizz" and it is not "Flight" and it is not "Flow" and it is not "Fuel" and it is not "Gravity" and it is not "Movement" and it is not "Power" and it is not "Pressure" and it is not "Soil" and it is not "Stone" and it is not "Transmission" and it is not "Vessel" and it is not "Water")[(set: $ess_product3 to "invalid2")] ] (elseif: $core_mix's 1st is "Balance" or it is "Colour" or it is "Dark" or it is "Electroreception" or it is "Hunger" or it is "Insight" or it is "Light" or it is "Pain" or it is "Pleasure" or it is "Proprioception" or it is "Sight" or it is "Smell" or it is "Taste" or it is "Temperature" or it is "Time" or it is "X-ray Vision")[ (if: $core_mix's 2nd is not "Balance" and it is not "Colour" and it is not "Dark" and it is not "Electroreception" and it is not "Hunger" and it is not "Insight" and it is not "Light" and it is not "Pain" and it is not "Pleasure" and it is not "Proprioception" and it is not "Sight" and it is not "Smell" and it is not "Taste" and it is not "Temperature" and it is not "Time" and it is not "X-ray Vision")[(set: $ess_product3 to "invalid2")] ] (elseif: $core_mix's 1st is "Acceleration" or it is "Angle" or it is "Backward" or it is "Elevation" or it is "Forward" or it is "Frequency" or it is "Hearing" or it is "Junction" or it is "Length" or it is "Network" or it is "Number" or it is "Rhythm" or it is "Silence" or it is "Vibration" or it is "Voice" or it is "Volume")[ (if: $core_mix's 2nd is not "Acceleration" and it is not "Angle" and it is not "Backward" and it is not "Elevation" and it is not "Forward" and it is not "Frequency" and it is not "Hearing" and it is not "Junction" and it is not "Length" and it is not "Network" and it is not "Number" and it is not "Rhythm" and it is not "Silence" and it is not "Vibration" and it is not "Voice" and it is not "Volume")[(set: $ess_product3 to "invalid2")] ] (elseif: $core_mix's 1st is "Beauty" or it is "Conflict" or it is "Confusion" or it is "Creativity" or it is "Desire" or it is "Ego" or it is "Faith" or it is "Fear" or it is "Imagination" or it is "Individuality" or it is "Knowledge" or it is "Mystery" or it is "Name" or it is "Pride" or it is "Trust" or it is "Value")[ (if: $core_mix's 2nd is not "Beauty" and it is not "Conflict" and it is not "Confusion" and it is not "Creativity" and it is not "Desire" and it is not "Ego" and it is not "Faith" and it is not "Fear" and it is not "Imagination" and it is not "Individuality" and it is not "Knowledge" and it is not "Mystery" and it is not "Name" and it is not "Pride" and it is not "Trust" and it is not "Value")[(set: $ess_product3 to "invalid2")] ] (if: $ess_product3 is not "invalid2")[ (set: $level to "secondary") (if: $third_mix is "Solid")[(set: $modifier to "Strong")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Liquid")[(set: $modifier to "Fluid")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Space")[(set: $modifier to "Miniature")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Energy")[(set: $modifier to "Exciting")(set: $a to "an")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Air")[(set: $modifier to "Fluffy")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Elixir")[(set: $modifier to "Magical")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Fire")[(set: $modifier to "Hot")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Fizz")[(set: $modifier to "Frivolous")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Flight")[(set: $modifier to "Light")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Flow")[(set: $modifier to "Agile")(set: $a to "an")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Fuel")[(set: $modifier to "Dangerous")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Gravity")[(set: $modifier to "Heavy")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Movement")[(set: $modifier to "Energetic")(set: $a to "an")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Power")[(set: $modifier to "Electric")(set: $a to "an")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Pressure")[(set: $modifier to "Complicated")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Soil")[(set: $modifier to "Organic")(set: $a to "an")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Stone")[(set: $modifier to "Austere")(set: $a to "an")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Transmission")[(set: $modifier to "Sticky")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Vessel")[(set: $modifier to "Impressive")(set: $a to "an")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Water")[(set: $modifier to "Moist")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Vision")[(set: $modifier to "Detailed")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Touch")[(set: $modifier to "Stunning")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Flavour")[(set: $modifier to "Edible")(set: $a to "an")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Sensation")[(set: $modifier to "Surprising")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Balance")[(set: $modifier to "Comfortable")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Colour")[(set: $modifier to "Kaleidoscopic")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Dark")[(set: $modifier to "Murky")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Electroreception")[(set: $modifier to "Shocking")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Hunger")[(set: $modifier to "Palatable")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Insight")[(set: $modifier to "Faux")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Light")[(set: $modifier to "Flashy")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Pain")[(set: $modifier to "Thorny")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Pleasure")[(set: $modifier to "Stimulating")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Proprioception")[(set: $modifier to "Graceful")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Sight")[(set: $modifier to "Glowing")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Smell")[(set: $modifier to "Fragrant")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Taste")[(set: $modifier to "Tasty")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Temperature")[(set: $modifier to "Icy")(set: $a to "an")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Time")[(set: $modifier to "Ancient")(set: $a to "an")] (elseif: $third_mix is "X-ray Vision")[(set: $modifier to "Transparent")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Sound")[(set: $modifier to "Noisy")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Quantity")[(set: $modifier to "Large")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Connection")[(set: $modifier to "Simple")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Direction")[(set: $modifier to "Flimsy")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Acceleration")[(set: $modifier to "Swift")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Angle")[(set: $modifier to "Reflective")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Backward")[(set: $modifier to "Biodegradable")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Elevation")[(set: $modifier to "Tall")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Forward")[(set: $modifier to "Vivid")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Frequency")[(set: $modifier to "Stealthy")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Hearing")[(set: $modifier to "Musical")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Junction")[(set: $modifier to "Lucky")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Length")[(set: $modifier to "Sturdy")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Network")[(set: $modifier to "Friendly")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Number")[(set: $modifier to "Double")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Rhythm")[(set: $modifier to "Snappy")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Silence")[(set: $modifier to "Quiet")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Vibration")[(set: $modifier to "Ornate")(set: $a to "an")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Voice")[(set: $modifier to "Memorable")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Volume")[(set: $modifier to "Elaborate")(set: $a to "an")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Mind")[(set: $modifier to "Scholarly")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Identity")[(set: $modifier to "Familiar")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Dream")[(set: $modifier to "Fickle")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Belief")[(set: $modifier to "Ethical")(set: $a to "an")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Beauty")[(set: $modifier to "Beautiful")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Conflict")[(set: $modifier to "Illegal")(set: $a to "an")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Confusion")[(set: $modifier to "Unreliable")(set: $a to "an")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Creativity")[(set: $modifier to "Emotional")(set: $a to "an")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Desire")[(set: $modifier to "Sexy")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Ego")[(set: $modifier to "Awesome")(set: $a to "an")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Faith")[(set: $modifier to "Soulful")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Fear")[(set: $modifier to "Scary")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Imagination")[(set: $modifier to "Whimsical")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Individuality")[(set: $modifier to "Unique")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Knowledge")[(set: $modifier to "Rational")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Mystery")[(set: $modifier to "Mysterious")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Name")[(set: $modifier to "Classic")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Pride")[(set: $modifier to "Sinful")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Trust")[(set: $modifier to "Secret")] (elseif: $third_mix is "Value")[(set: $modifier to "Rich")] (set: $one to $core_mix's 1st) (set: $two to $core_mix's 2nd) (set: $link to $one + $two) (display: $link) ] }{(if: $location is "blanket fort")[(set: $usual_dream to "adventures")] (elseif: $location is "crypt")[(set: $usual_dream to "shadowy thoughts")] (elseif: $location is "cyberdwelling")[(set: $usual_dream to "networks")] (else-if: $location is "greenhouse")[(set: $usual_dream to "thoughts of nature")] (else-if: $location is "library")[(set: $usual_dream to "stories")] (else-if: $location is "root system")[(set: $usual_dream to "thoughts of nature")] }<p>For now your usual $usual_dream are forgotten. Instead you dream of a clockwork chrysalis that whirs and clanks softly as it constructs and reconstructs the parts inside. Eventually the chrysalis springs open to birth a mechanical butterfly. Its flashy, freshly chromed wings still need a moment to set before it can attempt to fly. The butterfly isn't in a rush. It's waiting a good long time to be sure about leaving its chrysalis behind for good. Yet it doesn't feel tedious. Everything is happening in a way that feels right. Slowly, the butterfly moves into position and braces for flight. It sounds almost like a miniature Terminator, all hydraulics and clanking metal. You wake just at the point of take-off.</p> <p class="top" align="center"><a href="index.html">Restart</a></p>{ <p>(if: $location is "blanket fort")[The blanket fort is a wonderful place for a nap. You like to dream of games and adventures, where you always return victorious to the castle. But this time you just can't get comfortable. You toss and turn, creating an unruly mess of blankets before eventually falling into a restless sleep.] (elseif: $location is "crypt")[As dawn breaks above ground you retreat to your coffin. You sleep very still, almost like one of your breathless neighbours. Except you can still dream. Today it feels less comfortable than usual. You're suddenly conscious of the stuffy air and cold stone.] (elseif: $location is "cyberdwelling")[The line between dreams and reality can be blurry. The distinction doesn't always seem so significant. While asleeep your mind tends to follow well-worn pathways, seeking connections and new information. But right now it all just seems inane.] (else-if: $location is "greenhouse")[You like to dream of cycles, as vegetation grows and changes through the days, seasons and years. But tonight you feel more focused on the present, and your tiny cottage seems stifling. Hopefully a rest will help.] (else-if: $location is "library")[Just off the library is a spiral staircase leading to an attic bedroom. You like to dream of stories, whether they involve grand adventures or more intimate reflections. But today the stories don't feel worth telling.] (else-if: $location is "root system")[Plants don't sleep in the way of people and other animals, but in your own way you do dream. Typically you imagine stories about water's journeys as it flows through the soil, or the sun as it travels past the horizon. Today these tales feel like mockery. As the sun sets it seems unfair that you can't follow and are stuck here until dawn.] <div class="centered"><div class="button">[[DREAM->dream sad]]</div></div> </p>}<div class="centered"><div class="button">[[GO <span class="flourish">to</span> SLEEP->sleep sad]]</div></div><p>You dream of being a lioness stalking your prey. A young gazelle separated from the rest of the herd bleats softly as you slink in close through tall, dry grass. Just as you tense to attack you catch a sudden movement to your left, and are startled by another lioness. She's formed from shiny, metal plates. Suddenly you feel very small. The gazelle forgotten you lock eyes with this new monstrosity and let out a shallow growl, wavering between the urge to run or fight. Fights wins out, your heart beating fast in your ears as you close the gap and begin to tussle. Smooth metal skin resists your attempts to find a solid hold, forcing you to find new tactics. She's stronger, but you have the advantage in agility and weave quickly to try and keep her off-balance. Gradually you wear each other down, your fur matted with sweat and blood while her joints begin to spark with the strain. You wake just as you were both aiming your final killing blows.</p> <p class="top" align="center"><a href="index.html">Restart</a></p>{ (if: $level is "primary")[You made something trivial and it's difficult to see the point] (elseif: $level is "secondary")[You made something complex but still completely uninteresting] (else:)[You made a unique creation, but it feels like a lot of hard work for nothing] }{ (if: $fail_count is 0)[You could tell right away this wasn't going to be worth it. ] (elseif: $fail_count < 10)[It didn't take long to figure out this wasn't going to be worth it. ] (elseif: $fail_count < 20)[You gave it a solid attempt, but this just isn't going anywhere. ] (elseif: $fail_count < 30)[It's a lot of hard work with no pay off. ] (else:)[It feels like pulling teeth, and sometimes the hard work just doesn't pay off. ] "GROWBOTICS" is just bullshit }<div class="centered"><div class="button">[[EAT <span class="flourish">some</span> FOOD->eat]]</div></div>{ (if: $location is "shag pad")[ (set: $food to "fresh oysters") (set: $food_prep to "You lay out a spread with a generous plate of chilled oysters and a selection of favourite condiments") ] (elseif: $location is "wizard's tower")[ (set: $food to "a bowl of stew") (set: $food_prep to "Cooking and potion-making have a lot in common, and your stew is famous around here. You've had a batch in the cauldron slowly cooking away all this time, and it smells ready") ] (elseif: $location is "undersea garden")[ (set: $food to "a tasty crab") (set: $food_prep to "It's not far to a good hunting spot") ] (else-if: $location is "icecream truck")[ (set: $food to "a giant sundae") (set: $food_prep to "Somehow you never get tired of this. You serve up a generous helping of icecream with hot fudge sauce and other favourite toppings") ] (else-if: $location is "torture chamber")[ (set: $food to "roast pork") (set: $food_prep to "You don't always find time for cooking, but you added a spit that will even let you roast a whole pig over the furnace when you get the chance. Today you threw on a smaller cut, and it's sizzling deliciously") ] (else-if: $location is "imaginary ballroom")[ (set: $food to "a fruit and cheese platter") (set: $food_prep to "You lay out a spread for one and settle in to enjoy it") ]}<p>You know exactly what this calls for &ndash; $food of course! $food_prep. <div class="centered"><div class="button">[[YUM->eat2]]</div></div> </p><div class="centered"><div class="button">[[TAKE <span class="flourish">a</span> DRINK->drink]]</div></div>{ <p>(if: $location is "shag pad")[The bar slides out from a panel in the wall, providing a wide selection of drinks. You measure carefully into a shaker and whip up a quick cocktail. With an umbrella, for good measure. Cheers!<br /><br /> You put on a favourite record and recline on a chaise lounge, sipping slowly.] (elseif: $location is "wizard's tower")[You retrieve a bright bottle from among a shelf packed with colourful potions. It gives off a faint trail of purple smoke as you remove the stopper and pour carefully into a large metal chalice.<br /><br /> Technically it's not supposed to be drunk straight like this but who cares? You make a sarcastic toast to your successes, and take a generous gulp. It has quite a kick &ndash; you did a good job with this batch.] (elseif: $location is "undersea garden")[You extend a tentacle into a patch of seaweed and retrieve a sunken rum bottle. One might wonder how you can drink underwater but octopuses have many surprising talents.<br /><br /> You take a swig &ndash; as large as possible through your beak &ndash; and give a small hiccup, releasing a trail of bubbles. It's still good; clearly the seal managed to remain intact down here.] (else-if: $location is "icecream truck")[You retrieve a bottle you had squirreled away in a cupboard, behind spare bags of nuts and sprinkles. Sinking down to sit on the floor, you end up slumped against the main freezer and looking up at a cheerful ad for Golden Gaytimes.<br /><br /> The booze is cheap stuff and burns your throat a little on the way down. Whatever.] (else-if: $location is "torture chamber")[Maybe you couldn't create what you wanted but you can still pour a perfect glass of absinthe. You retrieve a light green bottle from the storeroom and set up near the ice water fountain with all your paraphernalia. There are many good uses for ice water down here. You take your time, dripping cold water slowly through sugar lumps, watching the liquid turn cloudy and release heady aromas. You can spend all evening doing this. It helps you to focus and take your mind off things.] (else-if: $location is "imaginary ballroom")[You help yourself to a glass of chilled champagne. They seem to just materialise here whenever they're needed.] <div class="centered"><div class="button">[[KEEP <span class="flourish">on</span> DRINKING->drink2]]</div></div></p>}{ (if: $location is "shag pad")[(set: $great_idea to "Converting the spare room into an indoor swimming pool")] (elseif: $location is "wizard's tower")[(set: $great_idea to "That thing with the enchanted broom. How does it go again? The most important part is a rag, with the act of adding clothing transforming an old broom into a servant. Then a sprinkle of essence of air. Or was it water? Eh, it'll be fine. Then the magic words")] (elseif: $location is "undersea garden")[(set: $great_idea to "Squeezing into the bottle with the rest of the rum")] (else-if: $location is "icecream truck")[(set: $great_idea to "Drag racing people at the traffic lights. That's always fun")] (else-if: $location is "torture chamber")[(set: $great_idea to "Doing some work on the dark room. You're attempting to create a pitch black, soundproof cell")] (else-if: $location is "imaginary ballroom")[(set: $great_idea to "Stand-up comedy! It helps to keep giving your guests something new")] }<p>Who needs to waste time on something like GROWBOTICS, anyway? Hey, you know what would be cool? $great_idea. (display: $location + " cool plan")</p><p class="manual">YOU HAVE BEEN CHOSEN. You have the power to shape your own destiny. As an extraordinary being you need never settle for a life of compromises. Deep down you have probably always suspected that you are special. Trust yourself! At Real Potential Group we can help you to be the hero you know you're meant to be.</p><p>It's true, you know. You're capable of more than just this. <div class="centered"><div class="button">[[CALL <span class="flourish">to</span> ACTION->power2]]</div></div></p>{ (if: $location is "spiderweb")[ (set: $resist to "all eight legs flailing uselessly against this intrusion") ] (elseif: $location is "monster lair")[ (set: $resist to "flailing uselessly against the harsh, invasive glare") ] (else:)[(set: $resist to "flailing uselessly against this intrusion")] }<p>Everything suddenly feels weightless and you begin to drift. Slowly, you're leaving your $location behind and floating towards the light. You try to resist, $resist. The blazing light makes it impossible to make out any details clearly. As the light takes over all of your vision it becomes impossible to even tell up from down, or be sure if you are still or moving. <div class="centered"><div class="button">[[NO REALLY, WHAT <span class="flourish">is</span> GOING ON?->weakness2]]</div></div></p>[Rip]<rip| (click: ?rip)[(replace: ?rip)[Wizard's robes are sturdy and resist your attempts to tear off a strip. In frustration you remove them for better leverage, and eventually manage to tear off a much larger section than you intended. That should definitely work, then. [Wrap]<wrap| (click: ?wrap)[(replace: ?wrap)[You wrap the fabric about the broom, attempting to form a kind of sarong, but the knots don't make sense and it keeps falling off. Eventually you give in and mix a floury glue to stick the material down. [Sprinkle]<sprinkle| (click: ?sprinkle)[(replace: ?sprinkle)[You scrabble about for the right container, knocking several others over in the process. Essence of air is clumped up in the bottom of the bottle but eventually you manage to shake some out. [Chant]<chant| (click: ?chant)[(replace: ?chant)[The incantation's a simple one, and still flows easily from your lips. You whisper repeatedly to the broom, twisting it to one side and then another, gently coaxing it awake. <div class="centered"><div class="button">[[AWAKE <span class="flourish">my</span> SERVANT->wizard's tower drink3]]</div></div> ]] ]] ]] ]]</p><p>You feel unsteady for a moment and lean on the broom for support as it begins to transform. The two of you teeter awkwardly before crashing to the floor. Blushing, you attempt to pull away but realise you're stuck together in an embarrassed mess of glue, bristles and hard wood. Well, this is different. You attempt to give the animated broom a reassuring, apologetic look. Your vision's swimming too much to be sure how well that went down with your new companion. Everything is reduced to sensation as you both struggle; wiggling and sweeping about the floor. Finally giving up, you pass out tangled together under a desk.</p> <p class="top" align="center"><a href="index.html">Restart</a></p>[Start the truck]<truckstart| (click: ?truckstart)[(replace: ?truckstart)[The keys are still in the ignition so you can get going quickly. It's not far to an appropriate set of traffic lights. Whee! [Rev the engine]<rev| (click: ?rev)[(replace: ?rev)[Pulling up at the traffic lights you rev the engine and turn on the icecream jingle as a challenge to a nearby hoon. Winding down the window, you taunt the competition and tense ready for the moment when the lights turn green. [Accelerate]<accel| (click: ?accel)[(replace: ?accel)[Aaand.... stall. The hoon does a short burnout to rub their victory in your face, their laughter carrying back to you through the smoke. <div class="centered"><div class="button">[[DRAG RACE <span class="flourish">take</span> TWO->icecream truck drink3]]</div></div> ]] ]] ]]</p>[Get into position]<angle| (click: ?angle)[(replace: ?angle)[The trick to fitting into small spaces is starting from a good angle. There's an art to it. [Front tentacles]<tentacles| (click: ?tentacles)[(replace: ?tentacles)[Front tentacles first, to take the lead and feel out the space. Just for fun, you swish them about a bit in the liquid before getting on with things. [Body]<head| (click: ?head)[(replace: ?head)[Then pulling yourself into the neck of the bottle, your head and body elongating to fit. [Rear tentacles]<rear| (click: ?rear)[(replace: ?rear)[And finally continuing to squeeze down into the bottle proper, and pulling in any stray tentacles. <div class="centered"><div class="button">[[KEEP <span class="flourish">on</span> SQUEEZING->undersea garden drink3]]</div></div> ]] ]] ]] ]]</p>The dark room will be a masterpiece. Sometimes it's the simple things that have the biggest impact. The tiny cell is packed into a corner of the cellar. The underground space should be perfect for blocking out sound and light, but somehow there's always one more crack to fill. [Get set up]<pitch| (click: ?pitch)[(replace: ?pitch)[You heat a bucket of pitch to help you seal the walls. [Start painting]<paint| (click: ?paint)[(replace: ?paint)[You work quickly, smearing the sticky pitch to completely cover each wall. [Continue painting]<paint2| (click: ?paint2)[(replace: ?paint2)[It's a big job, and you have to move constantly back and forth to gather a fresh, hot bucket and cover as much space as possible before it cools. But you're making good progress. <div class="centered"><div class="button">[[SEAL <span class="flourish">the</span> WALLS->torture chamber drink3]]</div></div> ]] ]] ]] </p>[Examine the room]<examine| (click: ?examine)[(replace: ?examine)[It's a good size for a pool. You can imagine it already. Tint the windows and add a few indoor plants to set the mood. It would be the perfect private spot for cheeky skinny dipping or steamy encounters. [Examine the wall]<wall| (click: ?wall)[(replace: ?wall)[You're pretty sure the water pipe runs through the wall just about <i>there</i>. You trace the spot with your index finger. [Really examine the wall]<wall2| (click: ?wall2)[(replace: ?wall)[Well, it's easy enough to check. The walls will need to be redone anyway. You retrieve a sledgehammer from the storage room. <div class="centered"><div class="button">[[HIT <span class="flourish">the</span> WALL->shag pad drink3]]</div></div> ]] ]] ]]</p>You start planning your set, happily giggling and writing notes. All the while putting away one glass of champagne after another. As you think about the scene the imaginary ballroom begins to shift, from a space of potential and planning, to the ball itself. Excellent, now you have an audience. <div class="centered"><div class="button">[[DID YOU HEAR <span class="flourish">the</span> ONE ABOUT...->imaginary ballroom drink3]]</div></div><p>[Rev the engine]<rev| (click: ?rev)[(replace: ?rev)[This time will be different. The other racer is playing it cool, and not responding to your taunts even when you beep the horn. But you'll still be ready for them. [Accelerate]<accel| (click: ?accel)[(replace: ?accel)[As the lights change you slam your foot down and the little truck lurches forward. The engine rumbles through your body as it accelerates towards top speed. It feels a lot faster than you thought this thing could go. You're not even watching the other car, just indulging in the sensation of speed. A chunk of metal fighting against its own clumsiness and winning. Jingling openly to the world for a love of delicious icecream and pushing boundaries. We won't be constrained by what is or should be. It's like flying. You and your icecream truck strain to meet the future, speeding recklessly towards the horizon.</p> <p class="top" align="center"><a href="index.html">Restart</a></p> ]] ]]<div class="centered"><div class="button">[[READ <span class="flourish">the</span> LETTER->power]]</div></div>{<p>(if: $location is "penthouse office")[ (set: $hero_name to "GREEN BACK") (set: $streets to "world") (set: $people to "business") (set: $powers to "\"You're Fired\" and summon consultant") ] (elseif: $location is "secret lab")[ (set: $hero_name to "PROFESSOR G") (set: $streets to "world") (set: $people to "science") (set: $powers to "particle acceleration and chromatography") ] (elseif: $location is "spiderweb")[ (set: $hero_name to "MAN-SPIDER") (set: $streets to "world") (set: $people to "arachnid-kind") (set: $powers to "fashion sense and income tax law") ] (else-if: $location is "treehouse")[ (set: $hero_name to "GENERAL YOUNG") (set: $streets to "neighbourhood") (set: $people to "the allied playgroups") (set: $powers to "water pistols and staying up late") ] (else-if: $location is "monster lair")[ (set: $hero_name to "ENIGBEAST") (set: $streets to "shadowy places") (set: $people to "monster-kind") (set: $powers to "super-scent and mysterious footprints") ] (else-if: $location is "cloud palace")[ (set: $hero_name to "ROYAL CIRRUPUFF") (set: $streets to "skies") (set: $people to "everyone") (set: $powers to "lightning strike and sun shower") ] }As $hero_name you keep the $streets safe for $people, with special powers including $powers.<br /><br /> It feels amazing to have others looking up to you. You've worked hard and feel like you've earned your status. Sometimes people question you or your motives but it's no use letting them get you down. It's better to go through life with a positive attitude, don't you think?<br /><br /> As you patrol others sleep or go blissfully about their existence. You feel grateful to have moved on to this level, even if being a hero can sometimes be a burden. It always feels worth it, even when it's scary or dangerous.<br /><br /> You're proud of the domain you protect and feel a sense of ownership. After all, your hard work has helped to make reality the way it is.</p><br /><br /> <p class="top" align="center"><a href="index.html">Restart</a></p>(display: $location + " eat") <p class="top" align="center"><a href="index.html">Restart</a></p><div class="centered"><div class="button">[[WHAT <span class="flourish">is</span> GOING ON?->weakness]]</div></div><p>Later, you wake up right back here with nothing out of place. So what does that mean? All you have to go on are flashes of memory. Looking back, you'll always have to wonder if you can trust your own senses and thoughts. As scattered as those experiences are, it <i>feels</i> like you know what happened. It's not simple to choose between accepting your experience of the world or doubting yourself. For now that's just too much to get your head around. Better to focus on the present. You have an overpriced workstation to get rid of. Or maybe you should give it one more try?</p> <p class="top" align="center"><a href="index.html">Restart</a></p><p>Success! Elongating and squeezing yourself into a tight space is easier than it looks, really. You might not be moving as smoothly as usual but that doesn't mean you don't know what you're doing. The glass bottle distorts your view of the garden, reducing your surroundings to a slightly askew version of their fundamental colours and shapes. Groovy. Moving back and forth you can get a nice swish going, and enjoy the shifting patterns and smell of the rum as it sloshes around. Okay, a little bit dizzy now. Time to chill out for a bit. You'll climb out in a minute, probably. It's no problem; you can leave any time you want.</p> <p class="top" align="center"><a href="index.html">Restart</a></p><div class="centered"><div class="button">[[NOT <span class="flourish">good</span> ENOUGH->revenge]]</div></div><div class="centered"><div class="button">[[APPRECIATE <span class="flourish">the</span> FEELING->romance]]</div></div><div class="centered"><div class="button">[[DESTROY <span class="flourish">the</span> EVIDENCE->hide]]</div></div><div class="centered"><div class="button">[[WASTE <span class="flourish">of</span> TIME->ignorance]]</div></div><div class="centered"><div class="button">[[EVERYTHING <span class="flourish">makes</span> SENSE->insight]]</div></div><p>For you a good sundae is all about contrasts. Chilled icecream with hot fudge, and smooth textures interspersed with crunchy toppings. There's nothing else quite the same. As you take a spoonful you think of fun, games and friends. Taking your time to bask in tastes and memories as you eat. Beyond simple sustenance, food can be an underappreciated pleasure. Sometimes it's good to take the time to experience it fully. You like to let your sensations have free reign and remind you that you're worth indulging.</p><p>The stew came out perfectly. There's nothing else quite the same. Tender slow-cooked meat falling off the bone, and a selection of fresh veggies and herbs. As you take a spoonful you think of celebratory feasts with friends and family. Taking your time to bask in tastes and memories as you eat. Beyond simple sustenance, food can be an underappreciated pleasure. Sometimes it's good to take the time to experience it fully. You like to let your sensations have free reign and remind you that you're worth indulging.</p><p>It doesn't take long for a tasty looking crab to come along. You dart forward and have it locked down by strong suckers, and inject paralysing venom. The whole process is over in an instant. The crab is perfect. Obviously fresh, with plump, delicate and slightly sweet flesh. There's nothing else quite the same. As you savour the meat you think about how nice it is to have a sheltered life and a pretty garden beneath the waves. Taking your time to bask in tastes and memories as you eat. Beyond simple sustenance, food can be an underappreciated pleasure. Sometimes it's good to take the time to experience it fully. You like to let your sensations have free reign and remind you that you're worth indulging.</p><p>The oysters are perfect. Slippery little ocean morsels, plump and fresh with a delicious mix of buttery and briny flavours. There's nothing else quite the same. As they slide smoothly down your throat you think of holidays and moonlit walks along the beach. Taking your time to bask in tastes and memories as you eat. Beyond simple sustenance, food can be an underappreciated pleasure. Sometimes it's good to take the time to experience it fully. You like to let your sensations have free reign and remind you that you're worth indulging.</p><p>The pork is roasted to perfection. Juicy and seasoned with herbs, the crackling on top wonderfully crispy without being too dry. There's nothing else quite the same. As you slice into the succulent flesh you think of the intimacy of this place and appreciate what it means to understand bodies. Taking your time to bask in tastes and memories as you eat. Beyond simple sustenance, food can be an underappreciated pleasure. Sometimes it's good to take the time to really experience it fully. You like to let your sensations have free reign and remind you that you're worth indulging.</p><p>It's good to test things out and plan the perfect spread for your guests. The platter's perfect, with good range of cheeses and fresh fruits shipped in specially. There's nothing else quite the same. Beyond simple sustenance, food can be an underappreciated pleasure. Sometimes it's good to take the time to really experience it fully. You like to let your sensations have free reign and remind you that you're worth indulging. As you skip from one flavour to the next the imaginary ballroom shifts, from a space of potential and planning to the event itself. Your outfit transformed into polished shoes and smooth silk, cut to cling flatteringly. You enjoy the sensation of it as you glide across the room and note more than one set of eyes following you. It's shaping up to be an interesting evening.</p><p>(display: $location + " romance")</p> <p class="top" align="center"><a href="index.html">Restart</a></p><p>Large companies are forever promising the world and not being able to deliver. And no matter how aware you are of the tricks they use to suck you in, they still work. You can't help your own psychology, and it isn't right or fair that they should be able to manipulate you like this. GROWBOTICS needs taking down. <div class="centered"><div class="button">[[THEY <span class="flourish">will</span> PAY->revenge2]]</div></div></p><p>A chunk of wall breaks open, but there isn't any plumbing underneath. It must be further to the left. [Swing the sledgehammer]<sledge| (click: ?sledge)[(replace: ?sledge)[No, not there either. Hang on, maybe it was the other side? [And again]<sledge2| (click: ?sledge2)[(replace: ?sledge2)[This might take a while&hellip; [Keep at it]<sledge3| (click: ?sledge3)[(replace: ?sledge3)[You score a direct hit on the water pipe, splitting it open. A jet of water begins to gush into the room, quickly soaking nearby furniture and making the carpet squelch. You always did insist on good water pressure. For a moment you feel disoriented and confused about what's going on. Are you in the shower? A long shower always makes you feel better. Must see someone about the hot water though, it's supposed to be endless. You just need to sit down for a moment. Water continues to spray into the room, dripping from your hair and seeping into your clothes from sitting on saturated carpet. You try for your best impression of an advert with attractive people posing under waterfalls. You'll deal with everything soon. Any minute now.</p> <p class="top" align="center"><a href="index.html">Restart</a></p> ]] ]] ]]{(if: $location is "airship")[ (set: $weapon to "Steam power! You can keep running off any old garbage, but they're relying on a grid which can easily be disconnected") (set: $description to "Determined, you set a course and do your weapons checks") (set: $riding to "Flying") ] (elseif: $location is "druid grove")[ (set: $weapon to "Evolution! They are clearly headed for their own destruction already. All you need to do is create a little time pocket to speed things up and then let nature run its course") (set: $description to "You stride forth with ancient power stirring in your heart, druid's staff leading the way") (set: $riding to "Walking") ] (elseif: $location is "gothic mansion")[ (set: $weapon to "Plague! No one likes an infestation of rats or other critters, but it's what they bring with them that can really bring down an institution. You knew shapeshifting would come in handy for more than just parlour tricks and quick escapes") (set: $description to "You can travel as mist, or a swarm of bats, or just zoom past too fast to see") (set: $riding to "Flying") ] (else-if: $location is "motorcycle clubhouse")[ (set: $weapon to "Speed! Travel fast enough and you can punch through anything") (set: $description to "Your bike feels unstoppable as it accelerates down the road") (set: $riding to "Riding") ] (else-if: $location is "religious cell")[ (set: $weapon to "Divine intervention! There is no wrath greater than righteous fury. With true justice on your side you can accomplish miraculous things") (set: $description to "You set forth with fire in your eyes and heart, like an avenging angel come to Earth") (set: $riding to "Striding") ] (else-if: $location is "stuffed animal teaparty")[ (set: $weapon to "You're going to tell on the company directors to their parents! No one has more power to make them feel ashamed") (set: $description to "You set off on your little red tricycle, legs pumping as you trundle down the road") (set: $riding to "Riding") ] }<p>Fighting against such large, powerful interests is tricky, but you have the answer. $weapon. Sometimes revenge is the appropriate response. $description. $riding into the sunset, you set off towards GROWBOTICS main office, a bundle of rage aimed squarely at your target. True change is rarely clean and neat, but the world will thank you in the long run. You're ready to start a revolution.</p> <p class="top" align="center"><a href="index.html">Restart</a></p><div class="centered"><div class="button">[[TAKE <span class="flourish">a</span> PHOTO->selfie]]</div></div><p>(display: $location + " ignorance")</p> <p class="top" align="center"><a href="index.html">Restart</a></p>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Vial of Blood")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Vial of Blood")}<img src=vial-white.png width="15%"/><img src=rock-white.png width="17%"/><img src=cereal-white.png width="15%"/><img src=pumice-white.png width="20%"/><img src=fridge-white.png width="25%"/><img src=snowglobe-white.png width="15%"/><img src=balloon-white.png width="20%"/><img src=potato-white.png width="15%"/><img src=noodles-white.png width="20%"/><img src=lighter-white.png width="15%"/><img src=puddle-white.png width="17%"/><img src=bulb-white.png width="20%"/><img src=wineglass-white.png width="20%"/><img src=wineglass-white.png width="20%"/><img src=wineglass-white.png width="20%"/><img src=coffee-white.png width="20%"/><img src=airfresh-white.png width="18%"/>(set: $a to "an")<img src=energydrink-white.png width="17%"/>(set: $a to "an") <img src=coffee-white.png width="20%"/><img src=nose-white.png width="17%"/>(set: $a to "the")<img src=incense-white.png width="20%"/><img src=lamp-white.png width="20%"/><img src="matches-white.png" width="17%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Wildfire")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Wildfire")}<img src=wildfire-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Static Charge")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Static Charge")}<img src=shock-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Storm")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Storm")}<img src=storm-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Sea Breeze")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Sea Breeze")}<img src=wind-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Wind Turbine")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Wind Turbine")}<img src=windturbine-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Cold Draught")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Cold Draught")}<img src=wind-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Gust of Wind")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Gust of Wind")}<img src=wind-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Lightning Strike")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Lightning Strike")}<img src=lightning-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Barometer")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Barometer")}<img src=barometer-white.png width="14%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Smell of Rain")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Smell of Rain")}<img src=nose-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Hailstorm")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Hailstorm")}<img src=hail-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Set of Pan Pipes")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Set of Pan Pipes")}<img src=music-white.png width="10%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Pair of Lungs")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Pair of Lungs")}<img src=lungs-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Cloud")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Cloud")}<img src=cloud-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Cocktail")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Cocktail")}<img src=cocktail-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Antidepressant")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Antidepressant")}<img src=happypill-white.png width="13%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Travel Sickness Pill")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Travel Sickness Pill")}<img src=pill-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Fistful of Slime")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Fistful of Slime")}<img src=slime-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Potion of Courage")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Potion of Courage")}<img src=potion-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Levitation Potion")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Levitation Potion")}<img src=potion-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Speed Potion")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Speed Potion")}<img src=potion-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Bottle of Flu Medicine")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Bottle of Flu Medicine")}<img src=medicine-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Caffeine Pill")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Caffeine Pill")}<img src=pill-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Bag of Fertiliser")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Bag of Fertiliser")}<img src=fertiliser-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Vial of Acid")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Vial of Acid")}<img src=poison-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Hypodermic Needle")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Hypodermic Needle")}<img src=syringe-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Flask")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Flask")}<img src=flask-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Placebo")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Placebo")}<img src=pill-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Fire Extinguisher")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Fire Extinguisher")}<img src=extinguisher-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Molotov Cocktail")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Molotov Cocktail")}<img src=molotov-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Wax Candle")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Wax Candle")}<img src=candle-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Nitro Engine")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Nitro Engine")}<img src=nitro-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Jet Engine")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Jet Engine")}<img src=jet-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Sparkler")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Sparkler")}<img src=sparkler-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Gun")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Gun")}<img src=gun-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Fire Hose")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Fire Hose")}<img src=firehose-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Bomb")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Bomb")}<img src=bomb-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Metal Nugget")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Metal Nugget")}<img src=ore-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Spark Plug")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Spark Plug")}<img src=fireplace-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Fireplace")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Fireplace")}<img src=sparkplug-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Bubble Bath")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Bubble Bath")}<img src=bath-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Skywriting Message")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Skywriting Message")}<img src=plane-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Tube of Glitter Glue")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Tube of Glitter Glue")}<img src=sparkle-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Sugar Rush")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Sugar Rush")}<img src=lollipop-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Asteroid Field")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Asteroid Field")}<img src=asteroid-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Rollercoaster")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Rollercoaster")}<img src=rollercoaster-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Motivational Speaker")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Motivational Speaker")}<img src=speech-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Spilt Drink")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Spilt Drink")}<img src=spill-white.png width="20%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Dragon Fossil")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Dragon Fossil")}<img src=fossil-white.png width="15%"/><img src=drink-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Glass of Mineral Water")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Glass of Mineral Water")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Soda Fountain")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Soda Fountain")}<img src=sodafountain-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Cup")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Cup")}<img src=cup-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Glass of Soda Water")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Glass of Soda Water")}<img src=drink-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Loop-the-Loop")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Loop-the-Loop")}<img src=loop-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Aircraft")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Aircraft")}<img src=plane-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Dandelion Seed")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Dandelion Seed")}<img src=dandelion-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Frisbee")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Frisbee")}<img src=frisbee-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Model Aircraft")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Model Aircraft")}<img src=plane-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Updraft")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Updraft")}<img src=wind-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Sandstorm")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Sandstorm")}.<img src=sandstorm-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Weapon")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Weapon")}<img src=gun-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Flock of Birds Flying South")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Flock of Birds Flying South")}<img src=cannon-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Bird")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Bird")}<img src=bird-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Raindrop")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Raindrop")}<img src=drop-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Gas Pipe")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Gas Pipe")}<img src=pipe-white.png width="20%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Moon Walk")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Moon Walk")}<img src=astronaut-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Dance Move")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Dance Move")}<img src=footprints-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Middle Manager")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Middle Manager")}<img src=briefcase-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Tremor")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Tremor")}<img src=seismic-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Puddle of Quicksand")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Puddle of Quicksand")}<img src=quicksand-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "River of Lava")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "River of Lava")}<img src=lava-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Valve")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Valve")}<img src=valve-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Dam")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Dam")}<img src=dam-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "River")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "River")}<img src=river-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Rocket")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Rocket")}<img src=rocket-white.png width="13%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Oil Tanker")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Oil Tanker")}<img src=oiltanker-white.png width="20%"/><img src=explosion-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Explosion")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Explosion")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Fuel Injection System")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Fuel Injection System")}<img src=nitro-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Coal Seam")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Coal Seam")}<img src=mine-white.png width="15%"/><img src=cooktop-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Cooktop")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Cooktop")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Accelerator")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Accelerator")}<img src=accelerate-white.png width="15%"/><img src=battery-white.png width="13%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Battery")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Battery")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Steam Engine")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Steam Engine")}<img src=steamtrain-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Cannon")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Cannon")}<img src=flock-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Orbit")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Orbit")}<img src=orbit-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "BASE Jump")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "BASE Jump")}<img src=fall-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Planet")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Planet")}<img src=moon-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Moon")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Moon")}<img src=saturn-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Antigrav Pad")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Antigrav Pad")}<img src=bounce-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Sun")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Sun")}<img src=sun-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Tide")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Tide")}<img src=waves-white.png width="20%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Teleporter")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Teleporter")}<img src=teleport-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Weather System")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Weather System")}<img src=swirl-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Earthworm")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Earthworm")}<img src=worm-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Earthquake")}<img src=quake-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Earthquake")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Signal Box")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Signal Box")}<img src=rail-white.png width="15%"/><img src=squirrel-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Animal")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Animal")}<img src=fish-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Fish")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Fish")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Political Slogan")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Political Slogan")}<img src=slogan-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Leyline")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Leyline")}<img src=line-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Crystal")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Crystal")}<img src=crystal-white.png width="15%"/><img src=powerline-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Power Line")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Power Line")}<img src=book-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Book")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Book")}<img src=waterwheel-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Waterwheel")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Waterwheel")}<img src=diamond-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Garden Path")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Garden Path")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Diamond")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Diamond")}<img src=path-white.png width="15%"/><img src=quake-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Quake")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Quake")}<img src=cookingpot-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Pressure Cooker")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Pressure Cooker")}<img src=tap-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Tap")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Tap")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Process of Erosion")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Process of Erosion")}<img src=waterfall-white.png width="15%"/><img src=landslip-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Landslip")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Landslip")}<img src=pot-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Pot")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Pot")}<img src=pie-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Mud Pie")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Mud Pie")}<img src=magnet-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Magnet")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Magnet")}<img src=urn-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Urn")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Urn")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Pebble")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Pebble")}<img src=pebbles-white.png width="15%"/><img src=spool-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Spool of Wire")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Spool of Wire")}<img src=pipe-white.png width="20%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Pipe")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Pipe")}<img src=puddle-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Pond")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Pond")}<img src=fruitbowl-white.png width="20%"/><img src=fingerpaint-white.png width="15%"/><img src=cupcake-white.png width="15%"/><img src=sun-white.png width="12%"/>(set: $a to "some")<img src=lollipop-white.png width="15%"/><img src=awe-white.png width="15%"/><img src=lemon-white.png width="15%"/><img src=thumb-white.png width="15%"/><img src=handshake-white.png width="20%"/><img src=icecream-white.png width="20%"/>(set: $a to "an")<img src=massage-white.png width="17%"/><img src=chilli-white.png width="15%"/><img src=highfive-white.png width="20%"/><img src=rock-white.png width="17%"/><img src=hug-white.png width="17%"/><img src=drink-white.png width="15%"/><img src=hotsauce-white.png width="20%"/><img src=confetti-white.png width="15%"/>(set: $a to "some")<img src=confetti-white.png width="15%"/>(set: $a to "some")<img src=flashback-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Colour Wheel")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Colour Wheel")}<img src=venn-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Full Moon")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Full Moon")}<img src=moon-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Nervous System")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Nervous System")}<img src=nervoussystem-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Feeling of Satiation")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Feeling of Satiation")}<img src=happystomach-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Sense of Fairness")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Sense of Fairness")}<img src=scale-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Shadow")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Shadow")}<img src=shadow-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Feeling of Working Hard")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Feeling of Working Hard")}<img src=gears-white.png width="12%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Feeling of Contentment")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Feeling of Contentment")}<img src=content-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Tightrope")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Tightrope")}<img src=tightrope-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Sense of 20/20 Vision")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Sense of 20/20 Vision")}<img src=eye-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Perfumery")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Perfumery")}<img src=perfume-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Sweet & Sour Sauce")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Sweet & Sour Sauce")}<img src=bottle-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Thermostat")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Thermostat")}<img src=thermostat-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Sense of Punctuality")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Sense of Punctuality")}<img src=punctual-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Spirit Level")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Spirit Level")}<img src=balance-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Nightclub")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Nightclub")}<img src=disco-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Resistor")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Resistor")}<img src=resistor-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Bottle of Food Dye")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Bottle of Food Dye")}<img src=vial-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Colour Blend")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Colour Blend")}<img src=venn-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Rainbow")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Rainbow")}<img src=rainbow-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Fluorescent Dye")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Fluorescent Dye")}<img src=vial-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Abstract Painting")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Abstract Painting")}<img src=abstract-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Traffic Light")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Traffic Light")}<img src=trafficlight-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Sequined Shirt")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Sequined Shirt")}<img src=shirt-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Bouquet")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Bouquet")}<img src=flowers-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Blue Heaven Shake")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Blue Heaven Shake")}<img src=milkshake-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Thermometer")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Thermometer")}<img src=thermometer-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Pile of Autumn Leaves")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Pile of Autumn Leaves")}<img src=leaf-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Ultraviolet Detector")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Ultraviolet Detector")}<img src=sunglasses-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Street Light")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Street Light")}<img src=streetlight-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Vampire")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Vampire")}<img src=bat-white.png width="20%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Spelunker")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Spelunker")}<img src=headlamp-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Noir Movie")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Noir Movie")}<img src=movie-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Night Light")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Night Light")}<img src=nightlight-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Feeling of Guilt")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Feeling of Guilt")}<img src=gavel-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Safety Light")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Safety Light")}<img src=light-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Owl")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Owl")}<img src=owl-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Hunter")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Hunter")}<img src=crosshair-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Bottle of Soy Sauce")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Bottle of Soy Sauce")}<img src=soy-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Campfire")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Campfire")}<img src=campfire-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Sense of Adjusting to the Dark")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Sense of Adjusting to the Dark")}<img src=eyedark-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Pair of Night Vision Goggles")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Pair of Night Vision Goggles")}<img src=binoculars-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Microwave Oven")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Microwave Oven")}<img src=microwave-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Alternative Energy Generator")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Alternative Energy Generator")}<img src=solar-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Projector")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Projector")}<img src=projector-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Platypus")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Platypus")}<img src=platypus-white.png width="20%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Feeling of Being Alive")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Feeling of Being Alive")}<img src=heartbeat-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Power Grid")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Power Grid")}<img src=powergrid-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "GPS")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "GPS")}<img src=gps-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Electric Eel")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Electric Eel")}<img src=eel-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Battery Tester")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Battery Tester")}<img src=battery-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Electric Blanket")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Electric Blanket")}<img src=blanket-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Alarm")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Alarm")}<img src=alarm-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Voltmeter")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Voltmeter")}<img src=voltmeter-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Ascetic Retreat")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Ascetic Retreat")}<img src=meditate-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Candlelit Dinner")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Candlelit Dinner")}<img src=candles-white.png width="15%"/><img src=stomach-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Stomach Rumble")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Stomach Rumble")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Watering Mouth")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Watering Mouth")}<img src=lips-white.png width="15%"/><img src=squid-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Squid")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Squid")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Fast Food Symbol")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Fast Food Symbol")}<img src=burger-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Smell of Cooking Onions")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Smell of Cooking Onions")}<img src=onion-white.png width="15%"/><img src=flytrap-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Carnivorous Plant")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Carnivorous Plant")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Oven")}<img src=oven-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Oven")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "World Record")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "World Record")}<img src=first-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Digestive System")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Digestive System")}<img src=stomach-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Blue LED")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Blue LED")}<img src=led-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Hot Coal Walk")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Hot Coal Walk")}<img src=fire-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Sense of Bliss")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Sense of Bliss")}<img src=content-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Meditation Session")}<img src=meditate-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Meditation Session")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Aura Reading")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Aura Reading")}<img src=aura-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Pheremone Trail")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Pheremone Trail")}<img src=nose-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "New Flavour")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "New Flavour")}<img src=tongue-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Climate Graph")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Climate Graph")}<img src=graph-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Prophecy")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Prophecy")}<img src=crystalball-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Medical Encyclopaedia")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Medical Encyclopaedia")}<img src=medicalbooks-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Laser")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Laser")}<img src=laser-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Mood Light")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Mood Light")}<img src=moodlight-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Safety Vest")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Safety Vest")}<img src=vest-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Searchlight")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Searchlight")}<img src=searchlight-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Sniffer Dog")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Sniffer Dog")}<img src=dog-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Jar of Honey")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Jar of Honey")}<img src=honey-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Bottle of Olive Oil")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Bottle of Olive Oil")}<img src=oliveoil-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Change of Time of Day")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Change of Time of Day")}<img src=nightday-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "MRI")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "MRI")}<img src=mri-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Paddle")}<img src=paddle-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Paddle")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Feeling of Claustrophobia")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Feeling of Claustrophobia")}<img src=claustrophobia-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Sniper Rifle")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Sniper Rifle")}<img src=sniper-white.png width="25%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Rotten Egg")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Rotten Egg")}<img src=egg-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Mousetrap")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Mousetrap")}<img src=mousetrap-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Superficial Burn")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Superficial Burn")}<img src=fire-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Chronic Illness")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Chronic Illness")}<img src=pills-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Broken Bone")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Broken Bone")}<img src=bone-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Swing Set")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Swing Set")}<img src=swing-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Art Gallery")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Art Gallery")}<img src=gallery-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Bottle of Perfume")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Bottle of Perfume")}<img src=perfume-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Dessert")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Dessert")}<img src=dessert-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Hot Water Bottle")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Hot Water Bottle")}<img src=hotwater-white.png width="20%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Holiday")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Holiday")}<img src=beach-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Feeling of Voyeurism")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Feeling of Voyeurism")}<img src=spy-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Feeling of Vertigo")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Feeling of Vertigo")}<img src=vertigo-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Bee Hive")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Bee Hive")}<img src=beehive-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Tentacle")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Tentacle")}<img src=tentacle-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Sauna")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Sauna")}<img src=sauna-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Stopwatch")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Stopwatch")}<img src=stopwatch-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Shadow Puppet")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Shadow Puppet")}<img src=puppet-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Circus")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Circus")}<img src=circus-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Food Festival")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Food Festival")}<img src=food-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Mirage")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Mirage")}<img src=palms-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Clock")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Clock")}<img src=clock-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Eyeball")}<img src=eye-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Eyeball")}<img src=durian-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Durian Fruit")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Durian Fruit")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Bottle of Smoke")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Bottle of Smoke")}<img src=bottle-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Bottle of Mature Wine")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Bottle of Mature Wine")}<img src=wine-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Nose Hair")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Nose Hair")}<img src=nose-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Plate of Barbecue")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Plate of Barbecue")}<img src=bbq-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Mature Cheese")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Mature Cheese")}<img src=cheese-white.png width="12%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Tongue")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Tongue")}<img src=tongue-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Change of Season")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Change of Season")}<img src=season-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Thermal Camera")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Thermal Camera")}<img src=camera-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Time Machine")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Time Machine")}<img src=timemachine-white.png width="15%"><img src=soundwave-white.png width="15%"/><img src=volume-white.png width="20%"/><img src=jack-white.png width="20%"/>(set: $a to "an")<img src=radiotower-white.png width="20%"/><img src=microphone-white.png width="15%"/><img src=sonar-white.png width="15%"/><img src=echo-white.png width="15%"/>(set: $a to "an")<img src=ballet-white.png width="15%"/><img src=windchimes-white.png width="15%"/><img src=headphones-white.png width="15%"/><img src=resize-white.png width="15%"/><img src=penny-white.png width="12%"/><img src=tape-white.png width="15%"/><img src=scarf-white.png width="20%"/><img src=route-white.png width="15%"/><img src=streetmap-white.png width="15%"/><img src=network-white.png width="15%"/><img src=metromap-white.png width="15%"/><img src=sign-white.png width="15%"/><img src=compass-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Rollercoaster")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Rollercoaster")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Reverse Gear")}<img src=left-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Reverse Gear")}<img src=zipline-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Flying Fox")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Flying Fox")}<img src=motorcycle-white.png width="20%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Motorcycle")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Motorcycle")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Cyclotron")}<img src=atom-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Cyclotron")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Roaring Engine")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Roaring Engine")}<img src=engine-white.png width="15%"/><img src=accident-white.png width="30%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Accident")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Accident")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Horse Race")}<img src=horserace-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Horse Race")}<img src=www-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "High Speed Connection")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "High Speed Connection")}<img src=bacteria-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Bacterial Colony")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Bacterial Colony")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Carousel")}<img src=carousel-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Carousel")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Eye of the Storm")}<img src=hurricane-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Eye of the Storm")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Tyre Rebalance")}<img src=tyre-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Tyre Rebalance")}<img src=exclamation-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Moment of Panic")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Moment of Panic")}<img src=hifi-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Car Stereo")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Car Stereo")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Yoga Position")}<img src=yoga-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Yoga Position")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Steep Hill")}<img src=steep-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Steep Hill")}<img src=bridge-white.png width="20%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Bridge")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Bridge")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Starfish")}<img src=starfish-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Starfish")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Surround Sound System")}<img src=surroundsound-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Surround Sound System")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Traffic Intersection")}<img src=intersection-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Traffic Intersection")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Ladder")}<img src=ladder-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Ladder")}<img src=3hearts-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Love Triangle")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Love Triangle")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Polygon")}<img src=polygon-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Polygon")}<img src=ballet-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Dancing Career")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Dancing Career")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Egg Carton")}<img src=eggs-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Egg Carton")}<img src=hitachi-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Sex Toy")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Sex Toy")}<img src=lectern-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Speech")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Speech")}<img src=megaphone-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Loudspeaker")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Loudspeaker")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Hole in the Ground")}<img src=bucketspade-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Hole in the Ground")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Feeling of One Step Forward, Two Steps Back")}<img src=back-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Feeling of One Step Forward, Two Steps Back")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "System of Daylight Saving Time")}<img src=alarm2-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "System of Daylight Saving Time")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Sensation of Tinnitus")}<img src=ear-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Sensation of Tinnitus")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Circuit Breaker")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Depth Meter")}<img src=breaker-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Circuit Breaker")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Depth Meter")}<img src=depth-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Electrical Insulator")}<img src=insulated-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Electrical Insulator")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Countdown")}<img src=hourglass-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Countdown")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Phonetic Reversal")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Phonetic Reversal")}<img src=soundwave2-white.png width="20%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Corpse")}<img src=murder-white.png width="20%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Corpse")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Spring")}<img src=spring-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Spring")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Cryptic Message")}<img src=qr-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Cryptic Message")}(set: $ess_product3 to "Walkman")<img src=walkman-white.png width="15%"/>(set: $ess_product3 to "Walkman"){(set: $ess_product3 to "Rock Climb")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Rock Climb")}<img src=climb-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Mountain Range")}<img src=mountains-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Mountain Range")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Piece of Elevator Music")}<img src=notes-white.png width="10%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Piece of Elevator Music")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Set of Stairs")}<img src=stairs-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Set of Stairs")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Elevator")}<img src=elevator-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Elevator")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Subway System")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Subway System")}<img src=metromap-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Mountain")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Mountain")}<img src=mountain-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Whale Song")}<img src=whale-white.png width="20%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Whale Song")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Hermit")}<img src=meditate-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Hermit")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Helicopter")}<img src=helicopter-white.png width="20%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Helicopter")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Lectern")}<img src=lectern-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Lectern")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Rooftop Bar")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Rooftop Bar")}<img src=rooftop-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Calendar")}<img src=calendar-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Calendar")}<img src=blind-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "White Cane")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "White Cane")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Solenoid Valve")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Solenoid Valve")}<img src=washer-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Road")}<img src=road-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Road")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Desire to Pay it Forward")}<img src=penny-white.png width="10%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Desire to Pay it Forward")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Pedometer")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Pedometer")}<img src=footprints2-white.png width="8%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Hit Song")}<img src=notes-white.png width="10%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Hit Song")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Library")}<img src=books-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Library")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Piston")}<img src=piston-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Piston")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Coxswain")}<img src=megaphone2-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Coxswain")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Bouncy Castle")}<img src=castle-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Bouncy Castle")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Dog Whistle")}<img src=whistle-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Dog Whistle")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Fishing Net")}<img src=net-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Fishing Net")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Prism")}<img src=prism-white.png width="20%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Prism")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Pirate Radio Station")}<img src=pirateflag-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Pirate Radio Station")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Histogram")}<img src=bargraph-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Histogram")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Circadian Rhythm")}<img src=nightday-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Circadian Rhythm")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Phone Jammer")}<img src=nophone-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Phone Jammer")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Tuning Fork")}<img src=tuningfork-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Tuning Fork")}<img src=mixer-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Vocal Synthesiser")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Vocal Synthesiser")}<img src=bladder-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Bladder")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Bladder")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Mix Tape")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Mix Tape")}<img src=cassette-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Earlobe")}<img src=ear-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Earlobe")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Smartphone")}<img src=smartphone-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Smartphone")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Train Announcement")}<img src=megaphone-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Train Announcement")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Drum Machine")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Drum Machine")}<img src=drummachine-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Morse Code Message")}<img src=morse-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Morse Code Message")}<img src=ear-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Eardrum")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Eardrum")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Record")}<img src=record-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Record")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Hearing Aid")}<img src=hearingaid-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Hearing Aid")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Neuron")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Neuron")}<img src=neuron-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Rail Junction")}<img src=junction-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Rail Junction")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Hopscotch Court")}<img src=hopscotch-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Hopscotch Court")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Partner Dance")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Partner Dance")}<img src=partnerdance-white.png width="15%"/><img src=outline-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Silent Partner")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Silent Partner")}<img src=devil-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Deal with a Demon")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Deal with a Demon")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Telephone Exchange")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Telephone Exchange")}<img src=phonerep-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Fish Ladder")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Fish Ladder")}<img src=fish-white.png width="15%"/><img src=www-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "World Wide Web")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "World Wide Web")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Sense of Infinity")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Sense of Infinity")}<img src=infinity-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Line Dance")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Line Dance")}<img src=boot-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Walk of Shame")}<img src=collar-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Walk of Shame")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Pendulum")}<img src=pendulum-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Pendulum")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Tin Can Telephone")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Tin Can Telephone")}<img src=tincan-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Stadium")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Stadium")}<img src=stadium-white.png width="15%"/><img src=dial-white.png width="10%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Phone Number")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Phone Number")}<img src=drum-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Drum Circle")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Drum Circle")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Vow of Silence")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Vow of Silence")}<img src=quiet-white.png width="15%"/><img src=bee-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Bee Dance")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Bee Dance")}<img src=talk-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Piece of Gossip")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Piece of Gossip")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Search Engine")}<img src=magnify-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Search Engine")}<img src=metronome-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Time Signature")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Time Signature")}<img src=sheep-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Counted Sheep")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Counted Sheep")}<img src=seismic-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Seismic Event")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Seismic Event")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Phone Phreaker")}<img src=phone-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Phone Phreaker")}<img src=receipt-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Expense Account")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Expense Account")}<img src=chairs-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Game of Musical Chairs")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Game of Musical Chairs")}<img src=tightrope2-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Tightrope Act")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Tightrope Act")}<img src=notes-white.png width="10%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "A Cappella Song")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "A Cappella Song")}<img src=turntable-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "DJ")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "DJ")}<img src=notes-white.png width="10%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Syncopated Beat")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Syncopated Beat")}<img src=cipher-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Cipher")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Cipher")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Mute Button")}<img src=mute-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Mute Button")}<img src=exclamation-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Attack of Nerves")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Attack of Nerves")}<img src=stage-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Concert")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Concert")}<img src=viking-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Opera Singer")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Opera Singer")}<img src=maths-white.png width="15%"/><img src=worldheart-white.png width="14%"/><img src=songhead-white.png width="14%"/><img src=solution-white.png width="15%"/><img src=excited-white.png width="15%"/><img src=thought-white.png width="15%"/><img src=questionhead-white.png width="14%"/><img src=friends-white.png width="15%"/><img src=heart-white.png width="14%"/><img src=magnify-white.png width="15%"/><img src=id-white.png width="15%"/><img src=date-white.png width="15%"/><img src=friends-white.png width="15%"/><img src=imagfriend-white.png width="15%"/>(set: $a to "an")<img src=id-white.png width="15%"/><img src=id-white.png width="15%"/><img src=paint-white.png width="15%"/><img src=well-white.png width="15%"/><img src=shootingstar-white.png width="15%"/><img src=question-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Modeling Contract")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Modeling Contract")}<img src=dummy-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Sense of the Unexpected")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Sense of the Unexpected")}<img src=surprise-white.png width="15%"/><img src=mask-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Costume Design")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Costume Design")}<img src=dance-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Pole Dance")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Pole Dance")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Sense of Vanity")}<img src=mirror-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Sense of Vanity")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Stained Glass Window")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Stained Glass Window")}<img src=stainedglass-white.png width="15%"/><img src=scalpel-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Cosmetic Surgeon")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Cosmetic Surgeon")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Pop Idol")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Pop Idol")}<img src=microphone-white.png width="15%"/><img src=ratio-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Sense of Aesthetics")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Sense of Aesthetics")}<img src=mandala-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Fractal Flower")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Fractal Flower")}<img src=butterfly-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Feeling of Stomach Butterflies")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Feeling of Stomach Butterflies")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Sense of Internet Fame")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Sense of Internet Fame")}<img src=feed-white.png width="15%"/><img src=heel-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Sense of Style")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Sense of Style")}<img src=wand-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Sense of Wonder")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Sense of Wonder")}<img src=monalisa-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Work of Art")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Work of Art")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Sense of Irony")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Sense of Irony")}<img src=irony-white.png width="15%"/><img src=hand-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Feeling of Unfullfillment")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Feeling of Unfullfillment")}<img src=hand-white.png width="15%"/>(set: $ess_product3 to "Sense of Wanting")(set: $ess_product3 to "Sense of Wanting")<img src=magnify-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Sense of Smallness")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Sense of Smallness")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Sense of Righteousness")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Sense of Righteousness")}<img src=scale-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Feeling of Losing")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Feeling of Losing")}<img src=podium-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Feeling of Intimidation")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Feeling of Intimidation")}<img src=bully-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Desire to Stand Out")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Desire to Stand Out")}<img src=different-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Sense of Rivalry")}<img src=argue-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Sense of Rivalry")}<img src=confusion-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Contradiction")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Contradiction")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Identity Crisis")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Identity Crisis")}<img src=spy2-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Feeling of Being Unable to Back Down")}<img src=argue-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Feeling of Being Unable to Back Down")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Set of Orders")}<img src=list-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Set of Orders")}<img src=grenade-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Sense of Doing What Must Be Done")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Sense of Doing What Must Be Done")}<img src=scattered-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Scattered Feeling")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Scattered Feeling")}<img src=choice-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Sense of Inability to Choose")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Sense of Inability to Choose")}<img src=tajmahal-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Sense of Grandeur")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Sense of Grandeur")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Sense of Doubt")}<img src=doubt-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Sense of Doubt")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Sense of Chaos")}<img src=chaos-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Sense of Chaos")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Sense of Surreality")}<img src=surreal-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Sense of Surreality")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Sense of Difficulty Fitting In")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Sense of Difficulty Fitting In")}<img src=different-white.png width="15%"/><img src=study-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Feeling of Ignorance")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Feeling of Ignorance")}<img src=lost-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Feeling of Being Lost")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Feeling of Being Lost")}<img src=spy2-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Loss of Self")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Loss of Self")}<img src=missing-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Feeling of Inadequacy")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Feeling of Inadequacy")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Feeling of Betrayal")}<img src=heartbreak-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Feeling of Betrayal")}<img src=choice-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Sense of Conflicted Priorities")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Sense of Conflicted Priorities")}<img src=write-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Writing Retreat")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Writing Retreat")}<img src=theatre-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Stage Presence")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Stage Presence")}<img src=theatre-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Moment of Improvisation")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Moment of Improvisation")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Moment of Stage Fright")}<img src=theatre-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Moment of Stage Fright")}<img src=sculpture-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Experimental Exhibition")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Experimental Exhibition")}<img src=book-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Memoir")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Memoir")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Popular Science Book")}<img src=book-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Popular Science Book")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Crime Script")}<img src=script-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Crime Script")}<img src=write-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Ghostwriter")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Ghostwriter")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Feeling of Jealousy")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Feeling of Jealousy")}<img src=envy-white.png width="15%"/><img src=possible-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Feeling that Anything is Possible")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Feeling that Anything is Possible")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Gallery Opening")}<img src=exhibit-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Gallery Opening")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Black Book")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Black Book")}<img src=notebook-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Forbidden Fruit")}<img src=apple-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Forbidden Fruit")}<img src=bully-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Sense of Helplessness")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Sense of Helplessness")}<img src=unicorn-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Sense of Fantasy")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Sense of Fantasy")}<img src=lust-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Lustful Feeling")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Lustful Feeling")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Feeling of Wanting to Run Away")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Library")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Library")}<img src=milkcarton-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Feeling of Wanting to Run Away")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Feeling of Obscurity")}<img src=outline-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Feeling of Obscurity")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Suppressed Appetite")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Suppressed Appetite")}<img src=stomach-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Sense of Knowing What You Want")}<img src=hand-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Sense of Knowing What You Want")}<img src=cake-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Feeling of Decadence")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Feeling of Decadence")}<img src=temple-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Temple")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Temple")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Façade")}<img src=wall-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Façade")}<img src=star-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Sense of Charisma")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Sense of Charisma")}<img src=remote-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Feeling of Control")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Feeling of Control")}<img src=panel-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Sense of Expertise")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Sense of Expertise")}<img src=treasure-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Treasure Hunt")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Treasure Hunt")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Sense of Power")}<img src=fist-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Sense of Power")}<img src=first-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Sense of Accomplishment")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Sense of Accomplishment")}<img src=podium2-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Feeling of Superiority")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Feeling of Superiority")}<img src=contract-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Sense of Obligation")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Sense of Obligation")}<img src=gavel-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Broken Rule")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Broken Rule")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Myth")}<img src=unicorn-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Myth")}<img src=lightcandle-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Ritual")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Ritual")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Sacred Text")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Sacred Text")}<img src=scroll-white.png width="15%"/><img src=question-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Question")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Question")}<img src=temple-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Religion")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Religion")}<img src=divine-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Sense of Divinity")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Sense of Divinity")}<img src=rulebook-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Rulebook")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Rulebook")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Offering")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Offering")}<img src=incense-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Feeling of Paranoia")}<img src=securitycamera-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Feeling of Paranoia")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Feeling of Being Lost")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Feeling of Being Lost")}<img src=crowbar-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Feeling of Trespass")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Feeling of Trespass")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Sense of Threat")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Sense of Threat")}<img src=skull-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Dictator")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Dictator")}<img src=dictator-white.png width="15%"/><img src=police-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Sense of Authority")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Sense of Authority")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Sense of Risk")}<img src=dice-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Sense of Risk")}<img src=study-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Learning Experience")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Learning Experience")}<img src=dream-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Dream")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Dream")}<img src=flexible-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Sense of Flexibility")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Sense of Flexibility")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Conspiracy Theory")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Conspiracy Theory")}<img src=illuminati-white.png width="15%"/><img src=id-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Pseudonym")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Pseudonym")}<img src=book-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Bestseller")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Bestseller")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Sense of Chasing Your Dreams")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Sense of Chasing Your Dreams")}<img src=dream-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Fiction IP")}<img src=book-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Fiction IP")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Sense of Invention")}<img src=gears-white.png width="10%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Sense of Invention")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Police Line Up")}<img src=lineup-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Police Line Up")}<img src=portraits-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Family")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Family")}<img src=friends-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Sense of Community")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Sense of Community")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Sense of Going Against the Grain")}<img src=different-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Sense of Going Against the Grain")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Fashion Trend")}<img src=heel-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Fashion Trend")}<img src=insight-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Revelation")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Revelation")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Address Book")}<img src=notebook-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Address Book")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Sense of Truth")}<img src=fact-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Sense of Truth")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Feeling of Intelligence")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Feeling of Intelligence")}<img src=brain-white.png width="10%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Sense of Discovery")}<img src=microscope-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Sense of Discovery")}<img src=remember-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Feeling of Forgetfullness")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Feeling of Forgetfullness")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Sense of Privacy")}<img src=keyhole-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Sense of Privacy")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Sense of the Wonder of the Universe")}<img src=saturn2-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Sense of the Wonder of the Universe")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Sense of Adventure")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Sense of Adventure")}<img src=backpack-white.png width="12%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Sense of Integrity")}<img src=scout-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Sense of Integrity")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Successful Business")}<img src=briefcase-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Successful Business")}<img src=temple-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Sense of Heritage")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Sense of Heritage")}<img src=briefcase-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "New Business")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "New Business")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Sense of Fame")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Sense of Security")}{(set: $ess_product3 to "Sense of Fame")}<img src=star-white.png width="15%"/>{(set: $ess_product3 to "Sense of Security")}<img src=keyhole-white.png width="15%"/><p>You have reached your maximum quota of 20 secondary essences. Switch mode or reset. <div align="center"><div class="button">(link: "RESET ESSENCES")[(set: $secondary_essences to (a:))(goto: "Two essences")][[SWITCH <span class="flourish">to</span> <img class="button" src=triangle-white.png width="7%"/>->Three essences]]</div></div></p>{<div style="text-align:center"><table style="width:100%" align="center"><tr><td> <h4>Primary essences:</h4></td><td colspan="4"><h4>Secondary essences:</h4></td></tr><tr><td valign="top">{<br /> (link: $essences's 1st)[(set: $core_mix's 1st to $essences's 1st)(goto: "Three essences")] <br />(link: $essences's 2nd)[(set: $core_mix's 1st to $essences's 2nd)(goto: "Three essences")] <br />(link: $essences's 3rd)[(set: $core_mix's 1st to $essences's 3rd)(goto: "Three essences")] <br />(link: $essences's 4th)[(set: $core_mix's 1st to $essences's 4th)(goto: "Three essences")] (if: $essences.length > 4)[ <br />(link: $essences's 5th)[(set: $core_mix's 1st to $essences's 5th)(goto: "Three essences")] <br />(link: $essences's 6th)[(set: $core_mix's 1st to $essences's 6th)(goto: "Three essences")] <br />(link: $essences's 7th)[(set: $core_mix's 1st to $essences's 7th)(goto: "Three essences")] <br />(link: $essences's 8th)[(set: $core_mix's 1st to $essences's 8th)(goto: "Three essences")] <br />(link: $essences's 9th)[(set: $core_mix's 1st to $essences's 9th)(goto: "Three essences")] <br />(link: $essences's 10th)[(set: $core_mix's 1st to $essences's 10th)(goto: "Three essences")] <br />(link: $essences's 11th)[(set: $core_mix's 1st to $essences's 11th)(goto: "Three essences")] <br />(link: $essences's 12th)[(set: $core_mix's 1st to $essences's 12th)(goto: "Three essences")] <br />(link: $essences's 13th)[(set: $core_mix's 1st to $essences's 13th)(goto: "Three essences")] <br />(link: $essences's 14th)[(set: $core_mix's 1st to $essences's 14th)(goto: "Three essences")] <br />(link: $essences's 15th)[(set: $core_mix's 1st to $essences's 15th)(goto: "Three essences")] <br />(link: $essences's 16th)[(set: $core_mix's 1st to $essences's 16th)(goto: "Three essences")] ] }</td><td valign="top">{ (if: $secondary_length is 0)[ <p>None available</p>](else:)[ <br />(link: $secondary_essences's 1st)[(set: $core_mix's 1st to $secondary_essences's 1st)(goto: "Three essences")] (if: $secondary_length > 1)[ <br />(link: $secondary_essences's 2nd)[(set: $core_mix's 1st to $secondary_essences's 2nd)(goto: "Three essences")]] (if: $secondary_length > 2)[ <br />(link: $secondary_essences's 3rd)[(set: $core_mix's 1st to $secondary_essences's 3rd)(goto: "Three essences")]] (if: $secondary_length > 3)[ <br />(link: $secondary_essences's 4th)[(set: $core_mix's 1st to $secondary_essences's 4th)(goto: "Three essences")]] (if: $secondary_length > 4)[ <br />(link: $secondary_essences's 5th)[(set: $core_mix's 1st to $secondary_essences's 5th)(goto: "Three essences")]] (if: $secondary_length > 5)[ <br />(link: $secondary_essences's 6th)[(set: $core_mix's 1st to $secondary_essences's 6th)(goto: "Three essences")]] (if: $secondary_length > 6)[ <br />(link: $secondary_essences's 7th)[(set: $core_mix's 1st to $secondary_essences's 7th)(goto: "Three essences")]] (if: $secondary_length > 7)[ <br />(link: $secondary_essences's 8th)[(set: $core_mix's 1st to $secondary_essences's 8th)(goto: "Three essences")]] (if: $secondary_length > 8)[ <br />(link: $secondary_essences's 9th)[(set: $core_mix's 1st to $secondary_essences's 9th)(goto: "Three essences")]] (if: $secondary_length > 9)[ <br />(link: $secondary_essences's 10th)[(set: $core_mix's 1st to $secondary_essences's 10th)(goto: "Three essences")]] (if: $secondary_length > 10)[ <br />(link: $secondary_essences's 11th)[(set: $core_mix's 1st to $secondary_essences's 11th)(goto: "Three essences")]] (if: $secondary_length > 11)[ <br />(link: $secondary_essences's 12th)[(set: $core_mix's 1st to $secondary_essences's 12th)(goto: "Three essences")]] (if: $secondary_length > 12)[ <br />(link: $secondary_essences's 13th)[(set: $core_mix's 1st to $secondary_essences's 13th)(goto: "Three essences")]] (if: $secondary_length > 13)[ <br />(link: $secondary_essences's 14th)[(set: $core_mix's 1st to $secondary_essences's 14th)(goto: "Three essences")]] (if: $secondary_length > 14)[ <br />(link: $secondary_essences's 15th)[(set: $core_mix's 1st to $secondary_essences's 15th)(goto: "Three essences")]] (if: $secondary_length > 15)[ <br />(link: $secondary_essences's 16th)[(set: $core_mix's 1st to $secondary_essences's 16th)(goto: "Three essences")]] (if: $secondary_length > 16)[ <br />(link: $secondary_essences's 17th)[(set: $core_mix's 1st to $secondary_essences's 17th)(goto: "Three essences")]] (if: $secondary_length > 17)[ <br />(link: $secondary_essences's 18th)[(set: $core_mix's 1st to $secondary_essences's 18th)(goto: "Three essences")]] (if: $secondary_length > 18)[ <br />(link: $secondary_essences's 19th)[(set: $core_mix's 1st to $secondary_essences's 19th)(goto: "Three essences")]] (if: $secondary_length > 19)[ <br />(link: $secondary_essences's 20th)[(set: $core_mix's 1st to $secondary_essences's 20th)(goto: "Three essences")]] ] }</td></tr></table></div>}{<div style="text-align:center"><table style="width:100%" align="center"><tr><td> <h4>Primary essences:</h4></td><td colspan="4"><h4>Secondary essences:</h4></td></tr><tr><td valign="top">{<br /> (link: $essences's 1st)[(set: $core_mix's 2nd to $essences's 1st)(goto: "Three essences")] <br />(link: $essences's 2nd)[(set: $core_mix's 2nd to $essences's 2nd)(goto: "Three essences")] <br />(link: $essences's 3rd)[(set: $core_mix's 2nd to $essences's 3rd)(goto: "Three essences")] <br />(link: $essences's 4th)[(set: $core_mix's 2nd to $essences's 4th)(goto: "Three essences")] (if: $essences.length > 4)[ <br />(link: $essences's 5th)[(set: $core_mix's 2nd to $essences's 5th)(goto: "Three essences")] <br />(link: $essences's 6th)[(set: $core_mix's 2nd to $essences's 6th)(goto: "Three essences")] <br />(link: $essences's 7th)[(set: $core_mix's 2nd to $essences's 7th)(goto: "Three essences")] <br />(link: $essences's 8th)[(set: $core_mix's 2nd to $essences's 8th)(goto: "Three essences")] <br />(link: $essences's 9th)[(set: $core_mix's 2nd to $essences's 9th)(goto: "Three essences")] <br />(link: $essences's 10th)[(set: $core_mix's 2nd to $essences's 10th)(goto: "Three essences")] <br />(link: $essences's 11th)[(set: $core_mix's 2nd to $essences's 11th)(goto: "Three essences")] <br />(link: $essences's 12th)[(set: $core_mix's 2nd to $essences's 12th)(goto: "Three essences")] <br />(link: $essences's 13th)[(set: $core_mix's 2nd to $essences's 13th)(goto: "Three essences")] <br />(link: $essences's 14th)[(set: $core_mix's 2nd to $essences's 14th)(goto: "Three essences")] <br />(link: $essences's 15th)[(set: $core_mix's 2nd to $essences's 15th)(goto: "Three essences")] <br />(link: $essences's 16th)[(set: $core_mix's 2nd to $essences's 16th)(goto: "Three essences")] ] }</td><td valign="top">{ (if: $secondary_length is 0)[ <p>None available</p>](else:)[ <br />(link: $secondary_essences's 1st)[(set: $core_mix's 2nd to $secondary_essences's 1st)(goto: "Three essences")] (if: $secondary_length > 1)[ <br />(link: $secondary_essences's 2nd)[(set: $core_mix's 2nd to $secondary_essences's 2nd)(goto: "Three essences")]] (if: $secondary_length > 2)[ <br />(link: $secondary_essences's 3rd)[(set: $core_mix's 2nd to $secondary_essences's 3rd)(goto: "Three essences")]] (if: $secondary_length > 3)[ <br />(link: $secondary_essences's 4th)[(set: $core_mix's 2nd to $secondary_essences's 4th)(goto: "Three essences")]] (if: $secondary_length > 4)[ <br />(link: $secondary_essences's 5th)[(set: $core_mix's 2nd to $secondary_essences's 5th)(goto: "Three essences")]] (if: $secondary_length > 5)[ <br />(link: $secondary_essences's 6th)[(set: $core_mix's 2nd to $secondary_essences's 6th)(goto: "Three essences")]] (if: $secondary_length > 6)[ <br />(link: $secondary_essences's 7th)[(set: $core_mix's 2nd to $secondary_essences's 7th)(goto: "Three essences")]] (if: $secondary_length > 7)[ <br />(link: $secondary_essences's 8th)[(set: $core_mix's 2nd to $secondary_essences's 8th)(goto: "Three essences")]] (if: $secondary_length > 8)[ <br />(link: $secondary_essences's 9th)[(set: $core_mix's 2nd to $secondary_essences's 9th)(goto: "Three essences")]] (if: $secondary_length > 9)[ <br />(link: $secondary_essences's 10th)[(set: $core_mix's 2nd to $secondary_essences's 10th)(goto: "Three essences")]] (if: $secondary_length > 10)[ <br />(link: $secondary_essences's 11th)[(set: $core_mix's 2nd to $secondary_essences's 11th)(goto: "Three essences")]] (if: $secondary_length > 11)[ <br />(link: $secondary_essences's 12th)[(set: $core_mix's 2nd to $secondary_essences's 12th)(goto: "Three essences")]] (if: $secondary_length > 12)[ <br />(link: $secondary_essences's 13th)[(set: $core_mix's 2nd to $secondary_essences's 13th)(goto: "Three essences")]] (if: $secondary_length > 13)[ <br />(link: $secondary_essences's 14th)[(set: $core_mix's 2nd to $secondary_essences's 14th)(goto: "Three essences")]] (if: $secondary_length > 14)[ <br />(link: $secondary_essences's 15th)[(set: $core_mix's 2nd to $secondary_essences's 15th)(goto: "Three essences")]] (if: $secondary_length > 15)[ <br />(link: $secondary_essences's 16th)[(set: $core_mix's 2nd to $secondary_essences's 16th)(goto: "Three essences")]] (if: $secondary_length > 16)[ <br />(link: $secondary_essences's 17th)[(set: $core_mix's 2nd to $secondary_essences's 17th)(goto: "Three essences")]] (if: $secondary_length > 17)[ <br />(link: $secondary_essences's 18th)[(set: $core_mix's 2nd to $secondary_essences's 18th)(goto: "Three essences")]] (if: $secondary_length > 18)[ <br />(link: $secondary_essences's 19th)[(set: $core_mix's 2nd to $secondary_essences's 19th)(goto: "Three essences")]] (if: $secondary_length > 19)[ <br />(link: $secondary_essences's 20th)[(set: $core_mix's 2nd to $secondary_essences's 20th)(goto: "Three essences")]] ] }</td></tr></table></div>}{<div style="text-align:center"><table style="width:100%" align="center"><tr><td> <h4>Primary essences:</h4></td><td colspan="4"><h4>Secondary essences:</h4></td></tr><tr><td valign="top">{<br /> (link: $essences's 1st)[(set: $third_mix to $essences's 1st)(goto: "Three essences")] <br />(link: $essences's 2nd)[(set: $third_mix to $essences's 2nd)(goto: "Three essences")] <br />(link: $essences's 3rd)[(set: $third_mix to $essences's 3rd)(goto: "Three essences")] <br />(link: $essences's 4th)[(set: $third_mix to $essences's 4th)(goto: "Three essences")] (if: $essences.length > 4)[ <br />(link: $essences's 5th)[(set: $third_mix to $essences's 5th)(goto: "Three essences")] <br />(link: $essences's 6th)[(set: $third_mix to $essences's 6th)(goto: "Three essences")] <br />(link: $essences's 7th)[(set: $third_mix to $essences's 7th)(goto: "Three essences")] <br />(link: $essences's 8th)[(set: $third_mix to $essences's 8th)(goto: "Three essences")] <br />(link: $essences's 9th)[(set: $third_mix to $essences's 9th)(goto: "Three essences")] <br />(link: $essences's 10th)[(set: $third_mix to $essences's 10th)(goto: "Three essences")] <br />(link: $essences's 11th)[(set: $third_mix to $essences's 11th)(goto: "Three essences")] <br />(link: $essences's 12th)[(set: $third_mix to $essences's 12th)(goto: "Three essences")] <br />(link: $essences's 13th)[(set: $third_mix to $essences's 13th)(goto: "Three essences")] <br />(link: $essences's 14th)[(set: $third_mix to $essences's 14th)(goto: "Three essences")] <br />(link: $essences's 15th)[(set: $third_mix to $essences's 15th)(goto: "Three essences")] <br />(link: $essences's 16th)[(set: $third_mix to $essences's 16th)(goto: "Three essences")] ] }</td><td valign="top">{ (if: $secondary_length is 0)[ <p>None available</p>](else:)[ <br />(link: $secondary_essences's 1st)[(set: $third_mix to $secondary_essences's 1st)(goto: "Three essences")] (if: $secondary_length > 1)[ <br />(link: $secondary_essences's 2nd)[(set: $third_mix to $secondary_essences's 2nd)(goto: "Three essences")]] (if: $secondary_length > 2)[ <br />(link: $secondary_essences's 3rd)[(set: $third_mix to $secondary_essences's 3rd)(goto: "Three essences")]] (if: $secondary_length > 3)[ <br />(link: $secondary_essences's 4th)[(set: $third_mix to $secondary_essences's 4th)(goto: "Three essences")]] (if: $secondary_length > 4)[ <br />(link: $secondary_essences's 5th)[(set: $third_mix to $secondary_essences's 5th)(goto: "Three essences")]] (if: $secondary_length > 5)[ <br />(link: $secondary_essences's 6th)[(set: $third_mix to $secondary_essences's 6th)(goto: "Three essences")]] (if: $secondary_length > 6)[ <br />(link: $secondary_essences's 7th)[(set: $third_mix to $secondary_essences's 7th)(goto: "Three essences")]] (if: $secondary_length > 7)[ <br />(link: $secondary_essences's 8th)[(set: $third_mix to $secondary_essences's 8th)(goto: "Three essences")]] (if: $secondary_length > 8)[ <br />(link: $secondary_essences's 9th)[(set: $third_mix to $secondary_essences's 9th)(goto: "Three essences")]] (if: $secondary_length > 9)[ <br />(link: $secondary_essences's 10th)[(set: $third_mix to $secondary_essences's 10th)(goto: "Three essences")]] (if: $secondary_length > 10)[ <br />(link: $secondary_essences's 11th)[(set: $third_mix to $secondary_essences's 11th)(goto: "Three essences")]] (if: $secondary_length > 11)[ <br />(link: $secondary_essences's 12th)[(set: $third_mix to $secondary_essences's 12th)(goto: "Three essences")]] (if: $secondary_length > 12)[ <br />(link: $secondary_essences's 13th)[(set: $third_mix to $secondary_essences's 13th)(goto: "Three essences")]] (if: $secondary_length > 13)[ <br />(link: $secondary_essences's 14th)[(set: $third_mix to $secondary_essences's 14th)(goto: "Three essences")]] (if: $secondary_length > 14)[ <br />(link: $secondary_essences's 15th)[(set: $third_mix to $secondary_essences's 15th)(goto: "Three essences")]] (if: $secondary_length > 15)[ <br />(link: $secondary_essences's 16th)[(set: $third_mix to $secondary_essences's 16th)(goto: "Three essences")]] (if: $secondary_length > 16)[ <br />(link: $secondary_essences's 17th)[(set: $third_mix to $secondary_essences's 17th)(goto: "Three essences")]] (if: $secondary_length > 17)[ <br />(link: $secondary_essences's 18th)[(set: $third_mix to $secondary_essences's 18th)(goto: "Three essences")]] (if: $secondary_length > 18)[ <br />(link: $secondary_essences's 19th)[(set: $third_mix to $secondary_essences's 19th)(goto: "Three essences")]] (if: $secondary_length > 19)[ <br />(link: $secondary_essences's 20th)[(set: $third_mix to $secondary_essences's 20th)(goto: "Three essences")]] ] }</td></tr></table></div>}<p>[Say cheese!]<cheese| (click: ?cheese)[(replace: ?cheese)[You snap a quick selfie with GROWBOTICS and your (print: $modifier.toLowerCase()) (print: $ess_product3.toLowerCase()) (if: $ess_product3 is "Smell of a")[$location] in the background. [Upload to social media]<upload| (click: ?upload)[(replace: ?upload)[Hey all, just chilling with my new toy. Love it! <div class="centered"><div class="button">[[LIKE <span class="flourish">my</span> POST->selfie2]]</div></div> ]] ]]</p>{ (if: $location is "artist's studio")[(set: $disposal to "sink it to the bottom of the lake")] (elseif: $location is "dark fortress")[(set: $disposal to "lower it into the fires of Mount Sinister")] (elseif: $location is "dollhouse")[(set: $disposal to "hide it under the bed")] (elseif: $location is "dressing room")[(set: $disposal to "dump it in a dark alley")] (elseif: $location is "lighthouse")[(set: $disposal to "let the sea claim it")] (elseif: $location is "moonbase")[(set: $disposal to "bury it in the deepest crater you can find")] }<p>It's not too much of a problem to dispose of your (print: $modifier.toLowerCase()) (print: $ess_product3.toLowerCase()) (if: $ess_product3 is "Smell of a")[$location] &ndash; these things come and go. But that still leaves GROWBOTICS itself. Its hulking form seems to taunt you and remind you of every time you failed at something. You'll $disposal. No one else ever needs to know. <div class="centered"><div class="button">[[GET RID <span class="flourish">of</span> IT->hide2]]</div></div></p><p>[Close the door]<close| (click: ?close)[(replace: ?close)[For the final touches you close the door and smother your torch to catch any gaps you missed. [Let your eyes adjust]<eyes| (click: ?eyes)[(replace: ?eyes)[It takes a moment, but you start to see a little stray light seeping in from near the door, and quickly get to work on filling it. It's strange working in the dark but also somehow satisfying. [Take another look]<look| (click: ?look)[(replace: ?look)[Finally you can't see any remaining light and take a moment to appreciate the pure blackness. A job well done this time. It's a few moments later you realise you've sealed yourself in.</p> <p class="top" align="center"><a href="index.html">Restart</a></p> ]] ]] ]]<p>[Likes]<likes| (click: ?likes)[(replace: ?likes)[You have received five likes. [Comment]<likes2| (click: ?likes2)[(replace: ?likes2)[Jelly! [Comment]<sun| (click: ?sun)[(replace: ?sun)[It's so sad people aren't getting outside more instead of playing with workstations and chatting on social media. [Comment]<model| (click: ?model)[(replace: ?model)[Growbotics? Should have waited for the new model, it'll be out next month. [Comment]<imodel| (click: ?imodel)[(replace: ?imodel)[The iBuild is better. So much more stable and portable. [Comment]<terrorism| (click: ?terrorism)[(replace: ?terrorism)[If you don't mind funding terrorism, lol [Comment]<wtf| (click: ?wtf)[(replace: ?wtf)[Wtf? [Comment]<hey| (click: ?hey)[(replace: ?hey)[I read that over 99% of these end up in landfill within a couple of months.</p> <p class="top" align="center"><a href="index.html">Restart</a></p> ]] ]] ]] ]] ]] ]] ]] ]]It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a pilot in possession of an airship must be in want of adventure. Today you feel in touch with the intrepid spirit that first made you don a pair of goggles. You don't ever want to feel complacent about having this kind of freedom. You imagine GROWBOTICS as your new co-pilot, the two of you fearlessly charting new and forgotten lands.It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a druid in possession of a staff must be in want of balance. Today you feel connected to the world's energies and trust that they will always be there to inspire and guide you. You imagine GROWBOTICS as a bridge between old and new; nature and technology. You're confident about finding harmony.It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a vampire in possession of fangs must be in want of blood. Of course, that doesn't mean that's all undeath has to offer. You have an eternity to freely pursue all the things most individuals never get around to. And still somehow it's easy to squander the hours. You imagine GROWBOTICS as your new vampire mate, the two of you each as wonderful and terrible as the other. It's helpful to be reminded you don't have to stagnate.It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a biker in possession of a hog must be in want of Zen. Or some philosophy of life, at least. You want to feel as though it all means something, or that you're doing right by the world in your own way. Today you see a glimpse of the qualities you want in yourself and others. You imagine GROWBOTICS as your new travelling companion, the two of you riding off into the sunset.It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a devotee in possession of strong faith must be in want of a sign. While always remaining humble about your own spirit, you want to stay open to new opportunities and manifestations of divinity. Today you have a sense of your own calling. You imagine GROWBOTICS as your new companion, the two of you teaching and promoting good works.It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a good host in possession of a tea set must be in want of gossip. Thankfully you have no shortage of companions willing to have a good natter. You discuss your (print: $modifier.toLowerCase()) (print: $ess_product3.toLowerCase()) (if: $ess_product3 is "Smell of a")[$location] over a plate of scones with jam and cream, and everyone seems quite taken with it. You imagine GROWBOTICS as entertainment, the two of you providing guests with an endless stream of new things to talk about.(display: $location + " hide")<p>[Heave!]<heave| (click: ?heave)[(replace: ?heave)[The workstation suddenly seems much heavier. It digs into the ground as you shove it towards the lake. [Ho!]<ho| (click: ?ho)[(replace: ?ho)[You begin to pant and sweat profusely, but GROWBOTICS is at least inching forward. [Heave!]<heave2| (click: ?heave2)[(replace: ?heave2)[Progress becomes even more difficult as you wade into the weeds and mud. [Ho!]<ho2| (click: ?ho2)[(replace: ?ho2)[As you push, the front legs of the workbench dig solidly into the mud and it tips forward, making a loud splash. It's at an awkward angle and you flail about, struggling to find a good angle. Oh no! You don't want to be caught here and have to explain yourself. You can fix this.</p> <p class="top" align="center"><a href="index.html">Restart</a></p> ]] ]] ]] ]]<p>Transporting GROWBOTICS to the top of Mount Sinister is hard work but you have discreet minions for this kind of thing. [Travel]<travel| (click: ?travel)[(replace: ?travel)[You sit at the head of a wagon train as it trundles along the mountain paths. Every now and then a servant presents you with a tray of delicacies. They're well trained at looking after you on the road. [Nightfall]<nightfall| (click: ?nightfall)[(replace: ?nightfall)[It takes several hours to reach the summit and the sun is beginning to set, making the lava below seem all the brighter. It's bubbling away and occasionally letting forth jets of gas and flame. [Set up camp]<camp| (click: ?camp)[(replace: ?camp)[You leave most of the wagons to set up camp, and take a smaller contingent to finish what you came here for. The wagon containing GROWBOTICS teeters at the edge of the burning crater for a moment. You give it one final kick to send it toppling over the edge. [Kick!]<kick| (click: ?kick)[(replace: ?kick)[Ow! You seriously stubbed your toe. It might even be broken. Lava makes quick work of most embarrassing problems, but sadly not all of them.</p> <p class="top" align="center"><a href="index.html">Restart</a></p> ]] ]] ]] ]]<p>You just want GROWBOTICS out of sight quickly so you don't have to feel embarrassed. [Hide]<hide| (click: ?hide)[(replace: ?hide)[You try to hide the workbench under a tiny bed but it doesn't fit. Maybe if you snap the legs off first? [Snap]<snap| (click: ?snap)[(replace: ?snap)[You jump up and down on the workbench a few times and eventually manage to split the legs. [Squeeze]<squeeze| (click: ?squeeze)[(replace: ?squeeze)[It's still a tight fit, but with some persistence you're able to squash the mangled workbench out of sight. There, practically invisible. The surface of the bed is <i>almost</i> level.</p> <p class="top" align="center"><a href="index.html">Restart</a></p> ]] ]] ]]<p>Acting is about holding people's attention but sometimes you need to keep something private. [Get dressed]<dress| (click: ?dress)[(replace: ?dress)[You put on an inconspicuous trench coat and hat. [Scout ahead]<scout| (click: ?scout)[(replace: ?scout)[You peek left, then right, before shoving GROWBOTICS out the stage room back door. [Drag]<drag| (click: ?drag)[(replace: ?drag)[You drag the workbench around the corner into a back alley, discarding it behind a grimy dumpster. It's a relief to have it out of sight so you can forget about it.</p> <p class="top" align="center"><a href="index.html">Restart</a></p> ]] ]] ]]<p>The winch and pulley system is still set up in the lighthouse stairwell, so you get to go through the whole setup process in reverse. [Strap in]<strap| (click: ?strap)[(replace: ?strap)[You secure the workbench in a strong harness and manoeuvre it back out to the stairs. [Descent]<descent| (click: ?descent)[(replace: ?descent)[It looks precarious, but the ropes are solid and you're able to slowly lower GROWBOTICS onto a waiting trolley. [Push]<push| (click: ?push)[(replace: ?push)[You trundle the trolley outside and to the cliff edge. It's a calm day but that doesn't make the cliff itself any safer. Down below waves crash against jagged rocks. [Tip]<tip| (click: ?tip)[(replace: ?tip)[You tilt the trolley and allow the load to slide down and over the edge. Unfortunately you lose your grip and the trolley falls down after it. There's no getting that back. Two splashes are the last you see of GROWBOTICS and the trolley as they clear the rocks and land in deep water. At least now it's done with.</p> <p class="top" align="center"><a href="index.html">Restart</a></p> ]] ]] ]] ]]<p>On the moon even the simplest tasks often involve a lot of planning and safety checks. But you know how to bypass most of them and slip out quietly. [Get ready]<suit| (click: ?suit)[(replace: ?suit)[You load a buggy and suit up ready to go outside. [Airlock]<airlock| (click: ?airlock)[(replace: ?airlock)[You punch in the override codes and wait for the airlock to depressurise before setting off on your unauthorised mission. [Drive]<drive| (click: ?drive)[(replace: ?drive)[The buggy zooms along dunes and around rocky areas, before coming to a deep crater. You descend in a gradual spiral to avoid any risk of tipping over. [Dig]<dig| (click: ?dig)[(replace: ?dig)[The excavator attachment on the front of the buggy makes digging a hole trivial. [Bury]<bury| (click: ?bury)[(replace: ?bury)[You back up to the hole and tip GROWBOTICS unceremoniously into its lunar grave, before refilling the hole rest of the hole with loose dirt. You drive over the a few times to make sure it's well compacted. Screw sponsorship, you can always just tell everyone it malfunctioned.</p> <p class="top" align="center"><a href="index.html">Restart</a></p> ]] ]] ]] ]] ]]<p>[What do you call a vampire goblin?]<goblin| (click: ?goblin)[(replace: ?goblin)[ [A haemo-goblin!]<haem| (click: ?haem)[(replace: ?haem)[ [Knock-knock]<knock| (click: ?knock)[(replace: ?knock)[ [Who's there?]<who| (click: ?who)[(replace: ?who)[ [Interrupting cow]<cow| (click: ?cow)[(replace: ?cow)[ [Interrupting co-]<cow2| (click: ?cow2)[(replace: ?cow2)[ Mooooooooooooooo! Um, guys? Guys?</p> <p class="top" align="center"><a href="index.html">Restart</a></p> ]] ]] ]] ]] ]] ]]There's nothing worse than bad art, and there's an awful lot of that in the world. You cringe at how badly some people have lost the plot when it comes to fostering creativity. You can't be part of all that. Better to stick with superior, well-established processes that have stood the test. It's gratifying, though, to be able to come back to your more illustrious world. You don't have to feel threatened by this junk or waste precious time trying to keep up with every fly-by trend.There's nothing worse than fading light. When hope is lost the light starts to seem dim and uncertain. You don't understand how to find anything worthwhile here; it just seems cheap and shallow. Unworthy of a setting as pure as moonlight. The wasted time and money isn't good, but what feels worse is that you let yourself get caught up in the hype when this was always the most likely outcome. Whatever desires GROWBOTICS taps into are like trying to fill a bucket with a hole in the bottom.There's nothing worse than an unsolvable case, but the trail has gone stone cold. One more question to haunt you on sleepless nights. It's difficult to fall behind the curve on something, worrying that others can see something you missed. You make a living piecing things together so it's a big question mark for your future. Ignorance makes you redundant.There's nothing worse than not being able to outsmart even children. And you know the young people are all over this GROWBOTICS business. It's important to keep up if you're going to continue luring kids here and crunching on their tasty bones. What can you define yourself by if not the ability to anticipate desires and seem to be offering people what they want?There's nothing worse than when the nightmare starts to feel real. It's only fun while you can handle it. What are you doing here? Things you can't understand grow into overwhelming, sinister entities and lurk just out of sight. You can feel the panic rising in your stomach. Shadows start to slide out from behind gravestones. Desperately, you turn and run.There's nothing worse than mungled growlogic. It's a threat to your sanitophy and rumples the faculties. You can't seem to put the cow in the bucket. You pride yourself on keeping it together in difflicated circumstances, and somehow this is what fuzzles you? It doesn't seem left. Like you've eaten the wrong stationary.For art to remain relevant it can't stay still. That doesn't mean abandoning traditional forms, but it does mean embracing new ideas and diversity. It doesn't need to be one or the other, but your place in the art world leans more towards taking risks and seeing where new paths are heading. You never quite know what to expect and that vibrancy will always be challenging and rewarding. It's extremely satisfying, especially when a gamble pays off.When you feel good the moonbeam seems brighter. Hype tends to blow things out of proportion &ndash; the good and the bad &ndash; but it's probably based on at least <i>something</i> worth latching onto. It can be wonderful to feel part of a broader culture and celebrating a shared experience. Sometimes it's best just to accept it and not overanalyse or second-guess yourself.A lot of people think detective work is about sorting truth from lies but it's not that simple. Everything is spin and there's never just one version of events. Understanding subjectivity is what actually lets you unravel mysteries. And even then what you're left with isn't so much <i>truth</i> as it is a version of reality people can believe in. So long as everyone's on board you can get paid and the uncertainties don't matter so much. You've developed a sharp nose for "good enough" and won't turn it down when you find it. There's enough dissatisfaction in the world without creating more of it.Your life is a story, but a malleable one. Only the core skeleton remains constant, while the details can always adapt and change as necessary. So far that's been working for you. It's important to you to stay current and adapt to whatever new trends come along. How else will you keep the young people interested in coming to visit? It's a relief to know you've still got it.Scary things are part of us all, and rather than deny and suppress them you'd much prefer to learn how to work with things as they are. Dark thoughts all came into existence for a reason, even if it wasn't necessarily a logical one. Somewhere there was a difficult experience that turned into a tight gloomy knot of emotion, or a fear that torments you to try and keep you safe. If you can tolerate the nightmarescape you can learn from it and see what emerges. Maybe decide what to keep and what to throw away. It means a lot to create something new here and find satisfaction in it.Frabjous day! Sometimes you wake up on the left side of the turnip and everything looks gloraneous. It's a citing time for a celeparty. Spoovy bacchants revel in the lanidors. You keep twinging and jaying until shinerise, knowing that life should be grabbed by the marbles and zested. <p>(display: $location + " insight")</p> <p class="top" align="center"><a href="index.html">Restart</a></p>{ (set: $guideskip to false) (set: $guidestyles to (shuffled: "visual", "audio", "physical", "conceptual" )) (set: $guidestyle to ($guidestyles[0])) (display: "Creation start vars") (set: $secondary_essences to (a:)) (set: $3count to 0) (if: $guidestyle is "visual")[ (set: $guide_desc to "The manual is professionally printed on high quality paper with crisp, black lettering and clear diagrams") (set: $nearby to "You prop the book up nearby to look over as needed") ] (elseif: $guidestyle is "audio")[ (set: $guide_desc to "The manual's freshly manufactured spine opens with a subtle <i>crack</i>") (set: $nearby to "You plunk the manual down nearby to consult as needed") ] (elseif: $guidestyle is "physical")[ (set: $guide_desc to "The manual is weighty and reassuring in your hands") (set: $nearby to "You place the manual nearby to dig through in more detail as needed") ] (else:)[ (set: $guide_desc to "The manual is a chunky volume with a comprehensive index") (set: $nearby to "You keep the manual nearby to review in more detail as needed") ] (if: $attachment is "flashing lights")[ (set: $attach to "lights dim") ] (elseif: $attachment is "chemical tubes")[ (set: $attach to "tubes evacuate") ] (elseif: $attachment is "musical pipes")[ (set: $attach to "pipes go silent") ] (elseif: $attachment is "creeping tendrils")[ (set: $attach to "tendrils lie flat") ] (elseif: $attachment is "glowing coils")[ (set: $attach to "coils dim") ] (elseif: $attachment is "boney handles")[ (set: $attach to "bones crackle and then go silent") ] (elseif: $attachment is "arcane symbols")[ (set: $attach to "symbols dim") ] (elseif: $attachment is "flesh-like appendages")[ (set: $attach to "attachments wilt slightly") ] }<p>$guide_desc. As you read the $attach and the workstation enters sleep mode. Following the manual's instructions you find a subtle panel in the side of the unit and hit the reset button. $nearby. <div class="centered"><div class="button">[[DONE->Three essences]]</div></div></p>{ (set: $guideskip to false) (set: $guidestyles to (shuffled: "visual", "audio", "physical", "conceptual" )) (set: $guidestyle to ($guidestyles[0])) (display: "Creation start vars") (set: $secondary_essences to (a:)) (set: $3count to 0) (if: $guidestyle is "visual")[ (set: $guide_desc to "The manual is professionally printed on high quality paper with crisp, black lettering and clear diagrams") (set: $nearby to "You prop the book up nearby to look over as needed") ] (elseif: $guidestyle is "audio")[ (set: $guide_desc to "The manual's freshly manufactured spine opens with a subtle <i>crack</i>") (set: $nearby to "You plunk the manual down nearby to consult as needed") ] (elseif: $guidestyle is "physical")[ (set: $guide_desc to "The manual is weighty and reassuring in your hands") (set: $nearby to "You place the manual nearby to dig through in more detail as needed") ] (else:)[ (set: $guide_desc to "The manual is a chunky volume with a comprehensive index") (set: $nearby to "You keep the manual nearby to review in more detail as needed") ] (if: $attachment is "flashing lights")[ (set: $attach to "lights dim") ] (elseif: $attachment is "chemical tubes")[ (set: $attach to "tubes evacuate") ] (elseif: $attachment is "musical pipes")[ (set: $attach to "pipes go silent") ] (elseif: $attachment is "creeping tendrils")[ (set: $attach to "tendrils lie flat") ] (elseif: $attachment is "glowing coils")[ (set: $attach to "coils dim") ] (elseif: $attachment is "boney handles")[ (set: $attach to "bones crackle and then go silent") ] (elseif: $attachment is "arcane symbols")[ (set: $attach to "symbols dim") ] (elseif: $attachment is "flesh-like appendages")[ (set: $attach to "attachments wilt slightly") ] }<p>$guide_desc. As you read the $attach and the workstation enters sleep mode. Following the manual's instructions you find a subtle panel in the side of the unit and hit the reset button. $nearby. <div class="centered"><div class="button">[[DONE->Two essences]]</div></div></p>

Credits        Switch to light colour scheme



Think – Build – Evolve

Congratulations on the purchase of your new GROWBOTICS workstation. You have just become part of a vibrant community of tinkerers and scholars. One major thing sets you apart: a desire to understand and manipulate elements of your life and the world. Whether you're an inventor, gardener or poet, with GROWBOTICS the possibilities are limitless.