
Mrs. Wobbles & The Tangerine House

This book tends to misbehave. Just so you know...


Mrs. Wobbles & The Tangerine House:

"Book 3: Switcheroo"
by The Marino Family
Illustrations by Brian Gallagher

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Somewhere, someways, as your fingers trace the letters on my page, I'm sure you are wondering how exactly, I can be alive if I don't breathe and I don't eat, but I do breathe and I do eat. What? you ask. Why bookworms of course. Don't ewwww. Bookworms happen to be extraordinarily tasty because, well, because they are fed on words, or the sheen off the edges of words.

Lets move on again.

Saving and Loading

The only piece of the UI we haven't talked about is the 'Save' and 'Erase' buttons on the left panel. These are only visible if your browser supports client-side data storage. Clicking 'Save' stores your game, so you can pick it up again later. There is currently no 'Load' button, the game loads when the page loads. There is also no way to save multiple games, and select which one you want to play. These are both things I'd like to change in the future.

Potentially your game could generate huge amounts of text. And that would be difficult to store client side (there are unpredictable limits), especially when we move towards having multiple save files. So instead Undum saves your character as the list of links you clicked. Loading a save-file consists of playing through your game again, quickly. This is a beneficial approach for debugging too. It means when you're polishing and correcting typos, you can save and load the game and scroll through the transcript to see your corrections. If we saved the text, your save file would have the error in it and you'd have to manually replay the game to see the correction.

Time for the last section.