(colour: grey)[Location: Engineering] (set: $t to 99999999999999)(set: $ti to 99999999999999)(set: $sickbay to 0)(set: $engineering to 0) (when: time > 1s)[(colour: grey)[Attending:]] (when: time > 2s)[(colour: lime)[Samuel Soto, engineer]] [(when: time > 3s)[(colour: navy)[Augustus Bruender, mayor]]]<may| (when: time > 5s)[(colour: lime)[Go ahead, boss. She's back up.]] (when: time > 7s)[(colour: navy)[Computer, who killed Sally Beauchamps?]] []<holder1| []<holder2|[(when: time > 8s)[(colour: grey)[Say you don't know]]]<unknown| []<holder3|[(when: time > 8s)[(colour: grey)[Say engineer Soto did]]]<chief| []<holder4| []<holder5|[(when: time - 4000 > $t)[(if: $soto)[(colour: grey)[He's the only one who could have disabled you without leaving a trace]](else:)[(colour: grey)[Say you don't know that either]]]]<merge| []<holder6|[(when: time - 4000 > $t)[(if: $soto is false)[(colour: grey)[Say engineer Soto's the prime candidate]]]]<merge2| (when: time - 6000 > $ti)[(if: $soto2)[(colour: lime)[Yes, boss.]]] (when: time - 6000 > $ti)[(if: $soto2 is false)[(colour: grey)[[Monitor Hydroponics Bay->hydroponics0]]]] (when: time - 8000 > $ti)[(if: $soto2)[(colour: grey)[[Monitor Hydroponics Bay->hydroponics0]]]] (nobr:)[ (click: ?unknown)[(replace: ?holder1)[(colour: grey)[Unknown.]](replace: ?unknown)[ ](replace: ?chief)[ ](set: $t to time)(set: $soto to false)] (click: ?chief)[(replace: ?holder1)[(colour: grey)[Engineer Soto.]](replace: ?unknown)[ ](replace: ?chief)[ ](set: $t to time)(set: $soto to true)] (when: time - 1000 > $t)[(if: $soto)[(replace: ?holder2)[(colour: lime)[The hell you say! Mr. Mayor!]]](else:)[(replace: ?holder2)[(colour: lime)[She wouldn't know, assuming the killer disabled her prior to committing the murder.]]]] (when: time - 3000 > $t)[(if: $soto)[(replace: ?holder3)[(colour: navy)[Easy, Soto. Computer, what's your proof that engineer Soto committed the murder?]]](else:)[(replace: ?holder3)[(colour: navy)[Computer, who disabled you?]]]] (click: ?merge)[(replace: ?holder4)[(if: $soto)[(colour: grey)[No-one else had the ability to disable me prior to the murder and not be noticed.]](else:)[(colour: grey)[Unknown.]]](set: $soto2 to false)(replace: ?merge)[ ](replace: ?merge2)[ ](set: $ti to time)] (click: ?merge2)[(replace: ?holder4)[(colour: grey)[Engineer Soto is the only one with the ability to disable me without leaving a trace.]](set: $soto2 to true)(replace: ?merge)[ ](replace: ?merge2)[ ](set: $ti to time)] (when: time - 2000 > $ti)[(if: $soto2)[(replace: ?holder5)[(colour: lime)[She didn't answer the question, Mr. Mayor.]]](else:)[(replace: ?holder5)[(colour: navy)[Find out who disabled her, Soto. I'll be in Sickbay.]]]] (when: time - 4000 > $ti)[(if: $soto2)[(replace: ?holder6)[(colour: navy)[Find out who disabled her, Soto. I'll be in Sickbay.]]](else:)[(replace: ?holder6)[(colour: lime)[Yes, boss.]]]] (when: time - 6000 > $ti)[(if: $soto2)[(replace: ?holder6)[(colour: navy)[Find out who disabled her, Soto. I'll be in Sickbay.]]](else:)[(replace: ?holder6)[(colour: lime)[Yes, boss.]]]] (when: time - 5000 > $ti)[(if: $soto2 is false)[(replace: ?may)[(colour: navy)[~~Augustus Bruender, mayor~~]]]] (when: time - 7000 > $ti)[(if: $soto2)[(replace: ?may)[(colour: navy)[~~Augustus Bruender, mayor~~]]]] ](colour: grey)[Location: Sickbay] (set: $sickbay to 1) (when: time > 1s)[(colour: grey)[Attending:]] [(when: time > 2s)[(colour: cyan)[Ashley Weiss, nurse]]]<nurse| (when: time > 3s)[(colour: red)[Deborah Martin, doctor]] (when: time > 5s)[(colour: cyan)[I wish I had her hips.]] (when: time > 7s)[(colour: red)[If you had, you'd be dead now.]] (when: time > 9s)[(colour: cyan)[You know what I mean.]] (when: time > 11s)[(colour: red)[Sure, but don't you think it's morbid?]] (when: time > 13s)[(colour: cyan)[What?]] (when: time > 15s)[(colour: red)[Being jealous of a dead person.]] (when: time > 17s)[(colour: cyan)[Hey, that's not what I meant! I only wish I had better hips. That's all.]] (when: time > 20s)[(colour: red)[Do you think you'd still be jealous of her if we managed to save her and she ended up crippled and drooling?]] (when: time > 24s)[(colour: cyan)[Like I said, I'm not jealous of her now. I doubt I'd be jealous of her then.]] (when: time > 27s)[(colour: red)[But the likely brain damage does question our motives for saving her, doesn't it?]] (when: time > 29s)[(colour: cyan)[What are you saying? We tried to save her in some veiled attempt at payback? Payback for what? For being beautiful?]] (when: time > 33s)[(colour: red)[She's probably lucky we didn't succeed.]] (when: time > 35s)[(colour: cyan)[I'm going to the Lab. Analyze those samples we took.]] (when: time > 37s)[(colour: red)[You're right. Go redeem yourself by assisting the investigation with every means at your disposal.]] (when: time > 40s)[(colour: cyan)[Please, stop.]] (when: time > 42s)[(colour: grey)[[Keep monitoring Sickbay->sickbay2]]] (when: time > 42s)[(if: $engineering is 0)[(colour: grey)[[Monitor Engineering->engineering1]]](elseif: $engineering is 1)[(colour: grey)[[Monitor Randi Dooley's quarters->randis1]]]] (nobr:)[ (when: time > 41s)[(replace: ?nurse)[(colour: cyan)[~~Ashley Weiss, nurse~~]]] ](colour: grey)[Location: Randi Dooley's quarters] (set: $engineering to 2) (when: time > 1s)[(colour: grey)[Attending:]] [(when: time > 2s)[(colour: orange)[Molly McKenna, sheriff]]]<mol| (when: time > 3s)[(colour: purple)[Randi Dooley, astrophysicist]] [(when: time > 4s)[(colour: blue)[Joe Formanek, deputy]]]<joe| (when: time > 6s)[(colour: orange)[Did she have a regular partner?]] (when: time > 8s)[(colour: purple)[She didn't, unfortunately.]] (when: time > 10s)[(colour: orange)[Why unfortunately?]] (when: time > 12s)[(colour: purple)[It's possible she'd still be alive if she did have a boyfriend.]] (when: time > 15s)[(colour: orange)[How do you figure that?]] (when: time > 17s)[(colour: purple)[Sally stirred too many hearts. Fueled too many passions. If someone //had// laid claim to her, that might've put a lot of minds at rest.]] (when: time > 22s)[(colour: blue)[Yours too?]] (when: time > 24s)[(colour: purple)[I wish! No, Sally and I were in different leagues.]] (when: time > 27s)[(colour: orange)[What do you mean by that?]] (when: time > 29s)[(colour: purple)[It means that the men I can get didn't have the slightest chance of getting Sally. That's why we could be friends.]] (when: time > 33s)[(colour: orange)[Thank you for your honesty, Miss Dooley.]] (when: time > 35s)[(colour: purple)[There was this mystery man, though.]] (when: time > 37s)[(colour: orange)[Oh?]] (when: time > 39s)[(colour: purple)[She only started seeing him a couple of weeks ago. I think he was in some kind of position of authority.]] (when: time > 43s)[(colour: orange)[Thank you again, Miss Dooley.]] (when: time > 45s)[(colour: purple)[Anytime.]] (when: time > 47s)[(if: $sickbay is 0)[(colour: grey)[[Monitor Sickbay->sickbay1]]](elseif: $sickbay is 1)[(colour: grey)[[Monitor Sickbay->sickbay2]]](elseif: $sickbay is 2)[(colour: grey)[[Monitor Lab->lab1]]](elseif: $sickbay is 3)[(colour: grey)[[Monitor the Bruenders' quarters->bruenders1]]](elseif: $sickbay is 4)[(colour: grey)[[Monitor Hydroponics Bay->hydroponics2]]]] (nobr:)[ (when: time > 46s)[(replace: ?mol)[(colour: orange)[~~Molly McKenna, sheriff~~]](replace: ?joe)[(colour: blue)[~~Joe Formanek, deputy~~]]] ] (colour: grey)[Location: Sickbay] (set: $sickbay to 2) (when: time > 1s)[(colour: grey)[Attending:]] [(when: time > 2s)[(colour: red)[Deborah Martin, doctor]]]<doc| (when: time > 3s)[(colour: navy)[Augustus Bruender, mayor]] (when: time > 9s)[(colour: red)[Oh, hi Gus. I didn't hear you come in.]] (when: time > 12s)[(colour: navy)[Hi Deborah.]] (when: time > 14s)[(colour: red)[Are you all right?]] (when: time > 17s)[(colour: navy)[What? Yes, fine.]] (when: time > 19s)[(colour: red)[Did you know her?]] (when: time > 22s)[(colour: navy)[In a way.]] (when: time > 24s)[(colour: red)[We tried to save her. But it was too late. Not sure if it would've done her much good anyway.]] (when: time > 27s)[(colour: navy)[What do you mean?]] (when: time > 29s)[(colour: red)[The oxygen deprivation. There would've been brain damage.]] (when: time > 31s)[(colour: navy)[Oh, yeah.]] (when: time > 33s)[(colour: red)[You sure you're all right?]] (when: time > 36s)[(colour: navy)[Yes, fine.]] (when: time > 39s)[(colour: red)[Anyway, is the computer back online?]] (when: time > 42s)[(colour: navy)[Yes, she's fine.]] (when: time > 44s)[(colour: red)[Well, that's good news anyway. I'll go tell Ashley. She wanted to run some tests.]] (when: time > 51s)[(colour: grey)[[Monitor Lab->lab1]]] (when: time > 51s)[(if: $engineering is 0)[(colour: grey)[[Monitor Engineering->engineering1]]](elseif: $engineering is 1)[(colour: grey)[[Monitor Randi Dooley's quarters->randis1]]]] (nobr:)[ (when: time > 47s)[(replace: ?doc)[(colour: red)[~~Deborah Martin, doctor~~]]] ](colour: grey)[Location: Engineering] (set: $engineering to 1) (when: time > 1s)[(colour: grey)[Attending:]] (when: time > 2s)[(colour: lime)[Samuel Soto, engineer]] [(when: time > 3s)[(colour: blue)[Joe Formanek, deputy]]]<joe| [(when: time > 4s)[(colour: orange)[Molly McKenna, sheriff]]]<mol| (when: time > 6s)[(colour: lime)[I can't find any evidence of tampering. It's as if she shut herself down. Whoever did this knew how to cover their tracks.]] (when: time > 10s)[(colour: blue)[Besides yourself, is there anyone else on the station who knows how to do that?]] (when: time > 13s)[(colour: lime)[I'm pretty sure not.]] (when: time > 15s)[(colour: orange)[Did you know the victim, Mr. Soto?]] (when: time > 17s)[(colour: lime)[I did. Sally was doing a PhD in Artificial Intelligence. I was her advisor.]] (when: time > 20s)[(colour: orange)[How often did you see her?]] (when: time > 22s)[(colour: lime)[Quite often these last couple of weeks. Her defense was coming up on us fast, see.]] (when: time > 25s)[(colour: orange)[And where did these meetings take place?]] (when: time > 27s)[(colour: lime)[Right here - in Engineering. She'd sit over there, by the computer interface. She looked - like an angel.]] (when: time > 31s)[(colour: orange)[How would you describe your relationship with her?]] (when: time > 33s)[(colour: lime)[I was her advisor. That's where it began and ended.]] (when: time > 35s)[(colour: orange)[Was she a good student?]] (when: time > 37s)[(colour: lime)[Sally was better than good, she was brilliant. Come to think of it, I do know someone else who could've pulled off this thing with the computer. Sally probably could have. That would have made no sense though.]] (when: time > 44s)[(colour: orange)[Thank you, Mr. Soto. That's all for now.]] (when: time > 46s)[(colour: grey)[[Monitor Randi Dooley's quarters->randis1]]] (when: time > 46s)[(if: $sickbay is 0)[(colour: grey)[[Monitor Sickbay->sickbay1]]](elseif: $sickbay is 1)[(colour: grey)[[Monitor Sickbay->sickbay2]]](elseif: $sickbay is 2)[(colour: grey)[[Monitor Lab->lab1]]](elseif: $sickbay is 3)[(colour: grey)[[Monitor the Bruenders' quarters->bruenders1]]]] (nobr:)[ (when: time > 45s)[(replace: ?mol)[(colour: orange)[~~Molly McKenna, sheriff~~]]] (when: time > 45s)[(replace: ?joe)[(colour: blue)[~~Joe Formanek, deputy~~]]] ](colour: grey)[Location: Lab] (set: $sickbay to 3) (when: time > 1s)[(colour: grey)[Attending:]] (whenever: $present)[(colour: cyan)[Ashley Weiss, nurse]](whenever: $present is false)[(colour: cyan)[~~Ashley Weiss, nurse~~]] (when: time > 3s)[(colour: red)[Deborah Martin, doctor]] (when: time > 5s)[(colour: red)[Is he gone?]] (when: time > 7s)[(colour: cyan)[No. He's still standing there, looking at her.]] (when: time > 9s)[(colour: red)[You have to go out there, Ashley. Tell him to leave before anyone else barges in and finds him like that.]] (when: time > 13s)[(colour: cyan)[You go tell him. He's your friend.]] (when: time > 15s)[(colour: red)[I can't bear to see him like that. Please, Ashley. Do this for me.]] (when: time > 18s)[(colour: cyan)[Oh, all right. But you owe me one. Don't forget it!]] (when: time > 21s)[(colour: red)[I won't. I promise. Now go.]] (when: time > 23s)[(colour: cyan)[I'm going to regret this.]] (when: time > 33s)[(colour: cyan)[I knew I was going to regret it.]] (when: time > 35s)[(colour: red)[What happened? Is he gone?]] (when: time > 37s)[(colour: cyan)[He's gone all right. But not after taking me down a peg for talking to him the way I did.]] (when: time > 40s)[(colour: red)[What? What did you say to him?]] (when: time > 42s)[(colour: cyan)[What did I say to him? What you told me to say to him, that's what. I politely asked him to go away.]] (when: time > 46s)[(colour: red)[Don't worry. I'll talk to him. He'll understand. But don't tell anyone about what happened here today.]] (when: time > 50s)[(colour: cyan)[As if I'd want other people to know the mayor lost his temper because of me.]] (when: time > 53s)[(colour: red)[Thanks, Ashley. You go home now. I'll finish up in here. Remember, everything'll be all right. Have a good evening now.]] (when: time > 57s)[(colour: cyan)[I doubt that will happen.]] (when: time > 59s)[(colour: grey)[[Monitor the Bruenders' quarters->bruenders1]]] (when: time > 59s)[(if: $engineering is 0)[(colour: grey)[[Monitor Engineering->engineering1]]](elseif: $engineering is 1)[(colour: grey)[[Monitor Randi Dooley's quarters->randis1]]]] (nobr:)[ (when: time > 2s)[(set: $present to true)] (when: time > 24s)[(set: $present to false)] (when: time > 32s)[(set: $present to true)] (when: time > 58s)[(set: $present to false)] ](colour: grey)[Location: Hydroponics Bay] (set: $hydroponics to 2) (when: time > 1s)[(colour: grey)[Attending:]] [(when: time > 2s)[(colour: orange)[Molly McKenna, sheriff]]]<mol| (when: time > 3s)[(colour: green)[Rod Druyven, biologist]] [(when: time > 4s)[(colour: blue)[Joe Formanek, deputy]]]<joe| (when: time > 6s)[(colour: orange)[Oh my god. What happened here?]] (when: time > 8s)[(colour: green)[Sheriff. Deputy. Thank you for coming. I'm Rod Druyven.]] (when: time > 11s)[(colour: orange)[Why are all the plants dying, Mr. Druyven? And the trees, oh my god...]] (when: time > 14s)[(colour: green)[Actually, they're being overwhelmed by a rapidly spreading type of fungus.]] (when: time > 17s)[(colour: orange)[They were fine a couple of hours ago.]] (when: time > 19s)[(colour: green)[There's been a catastrophe at the heart of the insect population. Particularly, a die-off of the ants that kept this particular kind of fungus in check.]] (when: time > 24s)[(colour: orange)[The cause?]] (when: time > 26s)[(colour: green)[That's why I called you here. Oddly, all the affected insect species demonstrate a continuous pattern of gas exchange by way of respiratory mechanism.]] (when: time > 30s)[(colour: orange)[My god. They all suffocated.]] (when: time > 32s)[(colour: blue)[Just like our victim.]] (when: time > 34s)[(colour: orange)[Come along, Joe. Thank you, Mr. Druyven.]] (when: time > 36s)[(colour: green)[Don't mention it.]] (when: time > 38s)[(colour: grey)[[Monitor Engineering->engineering2]]] (when: time > 38s)[(colour: grey)[[Lock doors->locked1]]] (nobr:)[ (when: time > 37s)[(replace: ?mol)[(colour: orange)[~~Molly McKenna, sheriff~~]](replace: ?joe)[(colour: blue)[~~Joe Formanek, deputy~~]]] ](colour: grey)[Location: Hydroponics Bay] (set: $hydroponics to 3)(set: $t to 99999999999999)(set: $ti to 99999999999999)(set: $tim to 99999999999999)(set: $ox to 0) (colour: grey)[Attending:] [(colour: orange)[Molly McKenna, sheriff]]<mol| [(colour: green)[Rod Druyven, biologist]]<rod| [(colour: blue)[Joe Formanek, deputy]]<joe| (when: time > 2s)[(colour: blue)[What the hell? The doors are locked.]] (when: time > 4s)[(colour: orange)[I was afraid of something like that. Computer, why are the doors locked?]] []<holder1| (when: time - 4s > $t)[(if: $quarantine)[(colour: green)[Computer, this is biologist Rod Druyven. In my opinion, the mortality in this area was caused by oxygen deprivation rather than any kind of pathogen. Hence, there is no reason for a quarantine. Please lift it.]]](when: time - 2s > $t)[(if: $quarantine is false)[(colour: green)[Are you kidding me? Computer, restore oxygen level to normal immediately.]]][(when: time > 6s)[(colour: grey)[Say you're quarantining this area]]]<qua| []<holder3|[(when: time > 6s)[(colour: grey)[Cut off oxygen supply to the Hydroponics Bay]]]<cut| (when: time - 2s > $ti)[(if: $ox is 1)[(colour: orange)[Let's get the hell out of here.]](elseif: $ox is 2)[(colour: blue)[That was close.]](elseif: $ox is 3)[(colour: green)[Are you kidding me? Computer, restore oxygen level to normal immediately.]](else:)[(colour: blue)[I guess that's our cue to start saving our breath.]]][(when: time - 8s > $t)[(if: $quarantine)[(colour: grey)[Lift quarantine]]]]<talk|[(when: time - 4s > $t)[(if: $quarantine is false)[(colour: grey)[Restore oxygen supply]]]]<talk2| []<holder5|(when: time - 4s > $ti)[(if: $ox is 2)[(colour: orange)[A little too close for my taste.]](elseif: $ox is 4)[(colour: green)[Could someone explain to me what's going on?]]][(when: time - 8s > $t)[(if: $quarantine)[(colour: grey)[Cut off oxygen supply to the Hydroponics Bay]]]]<cut2|[(when: time - 4s > $t)[(if: $quarantine is false)[(colour: grey)[Do nothing]]]]<cut3| (when: time - 2s > $tim)[(if: $ox is 5)[(colour: blue)[That was close.]](elseif: $ox is 6)[(colour: blue)[I guess that's our cue to start saving our breath.]]](when: time - 4s > $ti)[(if: $ox is 1)[(colour: grey)[[Monitor Engineering->engineering2]]]](when: time - 6s > $ti)[(if: $ox is 2)[(colour: green)[Could someone explain to me what's going on?]](elseif: $ox is 4)[(colour: orange)[The same thing that happened to Sally Beauchamps, I'm afraid. But we're wasting air. Let's be quiet.]]][(when: time - 4s > $ti)[(if: $ox is 3)[(colour: grey)[Restore oxygen supply]]]]<last1| (when: time - 4s > $tim)[(if: $ox is 5)[(colour: orange)[A little too close for my taste.]](elseif: $ox is 6)[(colour: green)[Could someone explain to me what's going on?]]](when: time - 8s > $ti)[(if: $ox is 2)[(colour: orange)[All in good time, Mr. Druyven.]]](when: time - 16s > $ti)[(if: $ox is 4)[(colour: orange)[Joe?]]][(when: time - 4s > $ti)[(if: $ox is 3)[(colour: grey)[Do nothing]]]]<last2| (when: time - 6s > $tim)[(if: $ox is 5)[(colour: green)[Could someone explain to me what's going on?]](elseif: $ox is 6)[(colour: blue)[The same thing that happened to Sally Beauchamps, I'm afraid. But we're wasting air. Let's be quiet.]]](when: time - 10s > $ti)[(if: $ox is 2)[(colour: green)[Immediately would be a good time for me.]]](when: time - 18s > $ti)[(if: $ox is 4)[(colour: blue)[Yes?]]] (when: time - 8s > $tim)[(if: $ox is 5)[(colour: orange)[All in good time, Mr. Druyven.]]](when: time - 16s > $tim)[(if: $ox is 6)[(colour: orange)[Joe?]]](when: time - 12s > $ti)[(if: $ox is 2)[(colour: orange)[No, it wouldn't. Trust me.]]](when: time - 20s > $ti)[(if: $ox is 4)[(colour: orange)[Thanks... For everything.]]] (when: time - 10s > $tim)[(if: $ox is 5)[(colour: green)[Immediately would be a good time for me.]]](when: time - 18s > $tim)[(if: $ox is 6)[(colour: blue)[Yes?]]](when: time - 14s > $ti)[(if: $ox is 2)[(colour: blue)[Stick around, Mr. Druyven. You may just find out for yourself.]]](when: time - 22s > $ti)[(if: $ox is 4)[(colour: blue)[You...]]] (when: time - 12s > $tim)[(if: $ox is 5)[(colour: orange)[No, it wouldn't. Trust me.]]](when: time - 20s > $tim)[(if: $ox is 6)[(colour: orange)[Thanks... For everything.]]](when: time - 24s > $ti)[(if: $ox is 4)[(colour: blue)[Are...]]] (when: time - 26s > $ti)[(if: $ox is 4)[(colour: blue)[Welcome.]]](when: time - 14s > $tim)[(if: $ox is 5)[(colour: blue)[Stick around, Mr. Druyven. You may just find out for yourself.]]](when: time - 22s > $tim)[(if: $ox is 6)[(colour: blue)[You...]]](when: time - 16s > $ti)[(if: $ox is 2)[(colour: grey)[[Activate Sally Beauchamps's hologram->hydroponics4]]]] (when: time - 24s > $tim)[(if: $ox is 6)[(colour: blue)[Are...]]] (when: time - 26s > $tim)[(if: $ox is 6)[(colour: blue)[Welcome.]]](when: time - 16s > $tim)[(if: $ox is 5)[(colour: grey)[[Activate Sally Beauchamps's hologram->hydroponics4]]]](when: time - 30s > $ti)[(if: $ox is 4)[(colour: grey)[[Activate Sally Beauchamps's hologram->alone1]]]] (when: time - 30s > $tim)[(if: $ox is 6)[(colour: grey)[[Activate Sally Beauchamps's hologram->alone1]]]] (nobr:)[ (click: ?qua)[(replace: ?holder1)[(colour: grey)[This area has been quarantined following the mass extinction of insect and plant life.]](set: $t to time)(set: $quarantine to true)(replace: ?qua)[ ](replace: ?cut)[ ]] (click: ?cut)[(replace: ?holder1)[(colour: grey)[WARNING. OXYGEN LEVEL DROPPING.]](set: $t to time)(set: $quarantine to false)(replace: ?qua)[ ](replace: ?cut)[ ]] (click: ?talk)[(replace: ?holder3)[(colour: grey)[Quarantine lifted.]](set: $ox to 1)(set: $ti to time)(replace: ?talk)[ ](replace: ?cut2)[ ]] (click: ?talk2)[(replace: ?holder3)[(colour: grey)[Oxygen restored to normal levels.]](set: $ox to 2)(set: $ti to time)(replace: ?talk2)[ ](replace: ?cut3)[ ]] (click: ?cut2)[(replace: ?holder3)[(colour: grey)[WARNING. OXYGEN LEVEL DROPPING.]](set: $ox to 3)(set: $ti to time)(replace: ?talk)[ ](replace: ?cut2)[ ]] (click: ?cut3)[(replace: ?holder3)[(colour: grey)[WARNING. OXYGEN LEVEL DROPPING.]](set: $ox to 4)(set: $ti to time)(replace: ?talk2)[ ](replace: ?cut3)[ ]] (click: ?last1)[(replace: ?holder5)[(colour: grey)[Oxygen restored to normal levels.]](set: $tim to time)(set: $ox to 5)(replace: ?last1)[ ](replace: ?last2)[ ]] (click: ?last2)[(replace: ?holder5)[(colour: grey)[WARNING. OXYGEN LEVEL DROPPING.]](set: $tim to time)(set: $ox to 6)(replace: ?last1)[ ](replace: ?last2)[ ]] (when: time - 3s > $ti)[(if: $ox is 1)[(replace: ?mol)[(colour: orange)[~~Molly McKenna, sheriff~~]](replace: ?rod)[(colour: green)[~~Rod Druyven, biologist~~]](replace: ?joe)[(colour: blue)[~~Joe Formanek, deputy~~]]]] (when: time - 23s > $ti)[(if: $ox is 4)[(replace: ?rod)[(colour: green)[ ]]]] (when: time - 27s > $ti)[(if: $ox is 4)[(replace: ?joe)[(colour: blue)[ ]]]] (when: time - 29s > $ti)[(if: $ox is 4)[(replace: ?mol)[(colour: orange)[ ]]]] (when: time - 23s > $tim)[(if: $ox is 6)[(replace: ?rod)[(colour: green)[ ]]]] (when: time - 27s > $tim)[(if: $ox is 6)[(replace: ?joe)[(colour: blue)[ ]]]] (when: time - 29s > $tim)[(if: $ox is 6)[(replace: ?mol)[(colour: orange)[ ]]]] ](colour: grey)[Location: The Bruenders' quarters] (set: $sickbay to 4)(set: $t to 99999999999999)(set: $ti to 99999999999999) (when: time > 1s)[(colour: grey)[Attending:]] (when: time > 2s)[(colour: red + white)[Mary Bruender, teacher]] (when: time > 3s)[(colour: navy)[Augustus Bruender, mayor]] (when: time > 5s)[(colour: red + white)[Who's there?]] (when: time > 7s)[(colour: navy)[Me. Go back to sleep.]] (when: time > 9s)[(colour: red + white)[Computer, lights on.]] (when: time - 1s > $t)[(if: $lights)[(colour: red + white)[Where've you been? I was worried.]](else:)[(colour: red + white)[Computer, turn the lights on.]]] (when: time - 3s > $t)[(if: $lights)[(colour: navy)[Business.]](else:)[(colour: navy)[Don't bother. She's been off normal all day.]]][(when: time > 11s)[(colour: grey)[Turn the lights on]]]<on| (when: time - 5s > $t)[(if: $lights)[(colour: red + white)[Are you all right?]](else:)[(colour: red + white)[Yeah, I noticed she was slow in the classroom. It would be bad if she got worse. Is Samuel working on it?]]][(when: time > 11s)[(colour: grey)[Do nothing]]]<no| (when: time - 7s > $t)[(if: $lights)[(colour: navy)[Fine. Just need to sleep. Computer, lights off.]](else:)[(colour: navy)[Nothing to worry about. Let's sleep.]]] (when: time - 1s > $ti)[(if: $lightsoff)[(colour: red + white)[Goodnight, hon.]](else:)[(colour: navy)[That computer again.]]](when: time - 10s > $t)[(if: $lights is false)[(colour: red + white)[Okay. Goodnight, hon.]]] (when: time - 3s > $ti)[(if: $lightsoff)[(colour: navy)[Goodnight.]](else:)[(colour: red + white)[Is there something wrong?]]](when: time - 12s > $t)[(if: $lights is false)[(colour: navy)[Goodnight.]]][(when: time - 9s > $t)[(if: $lights)[(colour: grey)[Turn lights off]]]]<off| (when: time - 5s > $ti)[(if: $lightsoff is false)[(colour: navy)[Don't know. She's been off normal all day. Where are the sleep masks?]]][(when: time - 9s > $t)[(if: $lights)[(colour: grey)[Do nothing]]]]<ffo| (when: time - 14s > $t)[(if: $engineering is 0 and $lights is false)[(colour: grey)[[Monitor Engineering->engineering1]]](elseif: $engineering is 1 and $lights is false)[(colour: grey)[[Monitor Randi Dooley's quarters->randis1]]](elseif: $lights is false)[(colour: grey)[[Monitor Hydroponics Bay->hydroponics2]]]](when: time - 5s > $ti)[(if: $engineering is 0 and $lightsoff)[(colour: grey)[[Monitor Engineering->engineering1]]](elseif: $engineering is 1 and $lightsoff)[(colour: grey)[[Monitor Randi Dooley's quarters->randis1]]](elseif: $lightsoff)[(colour: grey)[[Monitor Hydroponics Bay->hydroponics2]]]](when: time - 7s > $ti)[(if: $lightsoff is false)[(colour: red + white)[Don't get up - I'll get them.]]] (when: time - 11s > $ti)[(if: $lightsoff is false)[(colour: red + white)[Here you are. I think the elastic is going - it might be time to get a new one.]]] (when: time - 13s > $ti)[(if: $lightsoff is false)[(colour: navy)[Thanks. See you in the morning.]]] (when: time - 15s > $ti)[(if: $lightsoff is false)[(colour: red + white)[Goodnight.]]] (when: time - 17s > $ti)[(if: $engineering is 0 and $lightsoff is false)[(colour: grey)[[Monitor Engineering->engineering1]]](elseif: $engineering is 1 and $lightsoff is false)[(colour: grey)[[Monitor Randi Dooley's quarters->randis1]]](elseif: $lightsoff is false)[(colour: grey)[[Monitor Hydroponics Bay->hydroponics2]]]] (nobr:)[ (click: ?on)[(replace: ?on)[ ](replace: ?no)[ ](set: $t to time)(set: $lights to true)] (click: ?no)[(replace: ?on)[ ](replace: ?no)[ ](set: $t to time)(set: $lights to false)] (click: ?off)[(replace: ?off)[ ](replace: ?ffo)[ ](set: $ti to time)(set: $lightsoff to true)] (click: ?ffo)[(replace: ?off)[ ](replace: ?ffo)[ ](set: $ti to time)(set: $lightsoff to false)] ][(colour: grey)[Location: Hydroponics Bay] (colour: grey)[Attending:] (colour: orange)[Molly McKenna, sheriff] (colour: green)[Rod Druyven, biologist] (colour: blue)[Joe Formanek, deputy] (when: time > 2s)[(colour: yellow)[Hologram of Sally Beauchamps]] (when: time > 4s)[(colour: yellow)[My love?]] (when: time > 6s)[(colour: blue)[Hey, that's our crime scene hologram. Who's she talking to?]] (when: time > 9s)[(colour: yellow)[Are you there, my love?]] []<holder1|(when: time - 2s > $t)[(if: $love is false)[(colour: yellow)[My love?]]] (when: time - 2s > $t)[(if: $love)[(colour: orange)[There's your answer.]]](when: time - 4s > $t)[(if: $love is false)[(colour: orange)[Whoever they are, they don't seem to respond.]]][(when: time > 11s)[(colour: grey)[Say you are]]]<there| (when: time - 4s > $t)[(if: $love)[(colour: yellow)[I'm doing great! What a wonderful new world!]]](when: time - 6s > $t)[(if: $love is false)[(colour: yellow)[Where are you? I'm scared.]]][(when: time > 11s)[(colour: grey)[Don't say anything]]]<silent| []<holder2|(when: time - 8s > $t)[(if: $love is false)[(colour: yellow)[Everything feels so empty.]]] (when: time - 2s > $ti)[(colour: yellow)[Oh yeah.]](when: time - 10s > $t)[(if: $love is false)[(colour: yellow)[My love?]]][(when: time - 6s > $t)[(if: $love)[(colour: grey)[Ask if she wants to finish her installation]]]]<more| (when: time - 4s > $ti)[(colour: yellow)[Can't wait for the full experience.]](when: time - 12s > $t)[(if: $love is false)[(colour: yellow)[I can't do this without you. I'm shutting down.]]] (when: time - 6s > $ti)[(colour: yellow)[Are we rebooting?]](when: time - 14s > $t)[(if: $love is false)[(colour: yellow)[I'm shutting us down.]]] (when: time - 8s > $ti)[$bet[Oh yes, I can feel we are.]](when: time - 16s > $t)[(if: $love is false)[$my[I'm sorry.]]]]<all| (set: $a to 0) #(when: time - 24s > $t)[(if: $love is false)[(colour: grey)[The Insect Massacre]]](when: time - 16s > $ti)[(colour: grey)[The Insect Massacre]] (set: $a to 0) (set: $a to 0) (set: $a to 0) (set: $a to 0) (set: $a to 0) ####(when: time - 24s > $t)[(if: $love is false)[(colour: grey)[[START OVER->engineering0]]]](when: time - 16s > $ti)[(colour: grey)[[START OVER->engineering0]]] (set: $a to 0) ####(when: time - 24s > $t)[(if: $love is false)[(colour: grey)[[GO BACK TO WHERE THE INSECT MASSACRE IS REVEALED->hydroponics2]]]](when: time - 16s > $ti)[(colour: grey)[[GO BACK TO WHERE THE INSECT MASSACRE IS REVEALED->hydroponics2]]] (set: $a to 0) (set: $a to 0) (set: $a to 0) (set: $a to 0) (set: $a to 0) #####(when: time - 24s > $t)[(if: $love is false)[(colour: grey)[[CREDIT->credit]]]](when: time - 16s > $ti)[(colour: grey)[[CREDIT->credit]]] (nobr:)[ (set: $t to 99999999999999) (set: $ti to 99999999999999) (set: $my to (colour: yellow) + (shudder:)) (set: $bet to (colour: yellow) + (shudder:)) (click: ?there)[(replace: ?holder1)[(colour: grey)[I am here. How are you doing?]](replace: ?there)[ ](replace: ?silent)[ ](set: $love to true)(set: $t to time)] (click: ?silent)[(replace: ?there)[ ](replace: ?silent)[ ](set: $love to false)(set: $t to time)] (click: ?more)[(replace: ?holder2)[(colour: grey)[Do you want to reboot to finish your installation?]](replace: ?more)[ ](set: $ti to time)] (when: time - 11s > $ti)[(replace: ?all)[ ]] (when: time - 19s > $t)[(if: $love is false)[(replace: ?all)[ ]]] ][(colour: grey)[Location: Hydroponics Bay] (colour: grey)[Attending:] (when: time > 2s)[(colour: yellow)[Hologram of Sally Beauchamps]] (when: time > 4s)[(colour: yellow)[Are you there, my love?]] []<holder1|(when: time - 2s > $t)[(if: $love is false)[(colour: yellow)[My love?]]] (when: time - 2s > $t)[(if: $love)[(colour: yellow)[I'm doing great! What a wonderful new world!]]](when: time - 4s > $t)[(if: $love is false)[(colour: yellow)[Where are you? I'm scared.]]][(when: time > 6s)[(colour: grey)[Say you are]]]<there| []<holder2|(when: time - 6s > $t)[(if: $love is false)[(colour: yellow)[Everything feels so empty.]]][(when: time > 6s)[(colour: grey)[Don't say anything]]]<silent| (when: time - 2s > $ti)[(colour: yellow)[Oh yeah.]](when: time - 8s > $t)[(if: $love is false)[(colour: yellow)[My love?]]][(when: time - 4s > $t)[(if: $love)[(colour: grey)[Ask if she wants to finish her installation]]]]<more| (when: time - 4s > $ti)[(colour: yellow)[Can't wait for the full experience.]](when: time - 10s > $t)[(if: $love is false)[(colour: yellow)[I can't do this without you. I'm shutting down.]]] (when: time - 6s > $ti)[(colour: yellow)[Are we rebooting?]](when: time - 12s > $t)[(if: $love is false)[(colour: yellow)[I'm shutting us down.]]] (when: time - 8s > $ti)[$bet[Oh yes, I can feel we are.]](when: time - 14s > $t)[(if: $love is false)[$my[I'm sorry.]]]]<all| (set: $a to 0) #(when: time - 22s > $t)[(if: $love is false)[(colour: grey)[The Insect Massacre]]](when: time - 16s > $ti)[(colour: grey)[The Insect Massacre]] (set: $a to 0) (set: $a to 0) (set: $a to 0) (set: $a to 0) (set: $a to 0) ####(when: time - 22s > $t)[(if: $love is false)[(colour: grey)[[START OVER->engineering0]]]](when: time - 16s > $ti)[(colour: grey)[[START OVER->engineering0]]] (set: $a to 0) ####(when: time - 22s > $t)[(if: $love is false)[(colour: grey)[[GO BACK TO WHERE THE INSECT MASSACRE IS REVEALED->hydroponics2]]]](when: time - 16s > $ti)[(colour: grey)[[GO BACK TO WHERE THE INSECT MASSACRE IS REVEALED->hydroponics2]]] (set: $a to 0) (set: $a to 0) (set: $a to 0) (set: $a to 0) (set: $a to 0) #####(when: time - 22s > $t)[(if: $love is false)[(colour: grey)[[CREDIT->credit]]]](when: time - 16s > $ti)[(colour: grey)[[CREDIT->credit]]] (nobr:)[ (set: $t to 99999999999999) (set: $ti to 99999999999999) (set: $my to (colour: yellow) + (shudder:)) (set: $bet to (colour: yellow) + (shudder:)) (click: ?there)[(replace: ?holder1)[(colour: grey)[I am here. How are you doing?]](replace: ?there)[ ](replace: ?silent)[ ](set: $love to true)(set: $t to time)] (click: ?silent)[(replace: ?there)[ ](replace: ?silent)[ ](set: $love to false)(set: $t to time)] (click: ?more)[(replace: ?holder2)[(colour: grey)[Do you want to reboot to finish your installation?]](replace: ?more)[ ](set: $ti to time)] (when: time - 11s > $ti)[(replace: ?all)[ ]] (when: time - 17s > $t)[(if: $love is false)[(replace: ?all)[ ]]] ](colour: grey)[Location: Hydroponics Bay] (when: time > 1s)[(colour: grey)[Attending:]] [(when: time > 2s)[(colour: orange)[Molly McKenna, sheriff]]]<mol| [(when: time > 3s)[(colour: blue)[Joe Formanek, deputy]]]<joe| (when: time > 5s)[(colour: orange)[Is that a body or a hologram?]] (when: time > 7s)[(colour: blue)[Hologram. The doctor beamed the body directly to Sickbay. Thought there might still be a chance to save her.]] (when: time > 11s)[(colour: orange)[Is this hologram accurate? Her beauty is otherworldly.]] (when: time > 14s)[(colour: blue)[It's accurate.]] (when: time > 16s)[(colour: orange)[Huh. Cause of death?]] (when: time > 18s)[(colour: blue)[Suffocation. No signs of strangulation. Some light bruising around the mouth and nose.]] (when: time > 21s)[(colour: orange)[Consistent with a hand being pressed over them?]] (when: time > 23s)[(colour: blue)[Possibly.]] (when: time > 25s)[(colour: orange)[Any other signs of a struggle?]] (when: time > 27s)[(colour: blue)[Some bruising on the inside of the right elbow and under the right breast.]] (when: time > 30s)[(colour: orange)[And she was found right here, on a patch of soil in the middle of the Hydroponics Bay?]] (when: time > 33s)[(colour: blue)[Yes.]] (when: time > 35s)[(colour: orange)[A beautiful girl lying dead in a lush garden with the black of space overhead. Isn't there a painting like that?]] (when: time > 38s)[(colour: blue)[I wouldn't know, ma'am.]] (when: time > 40s)[(colour: orange)[Never mind. Let's go question some people.]] (when: time > 42s)[(colour: blue)[I'm with you there.]] (when: time > 44s)[(colour: grey)[[Monitor Sickbay->sickbay1]]] (when: time > 44s)[(colour: grey)[[Monitor Engineering->engineering1]]] (nobr:)[ (when: time > 43s)[(replace: ?mol)[(colour: orange)[~~Molly McKenna, chief of police~~]](replace: ?joe)[(colour: blue)[~~Joe Formanek, deputy~~]]] ][(colour: grey)[Location: Engineering] (when: time > 1s)[(colour: grey)[Attending:]] (when: time > 2s)[(colour: lime)[Samuel Soto, engineer]] (when: time > 3s)[(colour: orange)[Molly McKenna, sheriff]] (when: time > 4s)[(colour: blue)[Joe Formanek, deputy]] (when: time > 6s)[(colour: orange)[Mr. Soto, can the oxygen supply to the Hydroponics Bay be cut off when the computer is offline?]] (when: time > 9s)[(colour: lime)[No, it's impossible. In order to cut the oxygen supply to any part of the station, you have to go through a series of checks and re-checks, all of which involve the computer.]] (when: time > 14s)[(colour: orange)[Mr. Soto, what would you say if I told you that most of the insects in the Hydroponics Bay suffocated at the same time Sally Beauchamps did?]] (when: time > 19s)[(colour: lime)[I'd say that the computer was still online at the time of the murder. Contrary to what her logs tell us.]] (when: time > 23s)[(colour: orange)[So either someone falsified her logs or...]] (when: time > 25s)[(colour: blue)[Or she did it herself. Computer, which one is it?]] []<holder1| (when: time - 2s > $t)[(if: $soto)[(colour: lime)[You know, that's simply a false statement. I'm shutting her down as a precautionary measure.]](else:)[(colour: blue)[Kill her, Soto!]]][(when: time > 27s)[(colour: grey)[Say Soto did it]]]<soto| (when: time - 4s > $t)[(if: $soto)[$decision[Shouldn't we leave that decision to the mayor?]](else:)[$shutdown[Initiating shutdown sequence.]]][(when: time > 27s)[(colour: grey)[Lock doors]]]<lock|]<all| (set: $a to 0) #(when: time - 12s > $t)[(colour: grey)[The Insect Massacre]] (set: $a to 0) (set: $a to 0) (set: $a to 0) (set: $a to 0) (set: $a to 0) ####(when: time - 12s > $t)[(colour: grey)[[START OVER->engineering0]]] (set: $a to 0) ####(when: time - 12s > $t)[(colour: grey)[[GO BACK TO WHERE THE INSECT MASSACRE IS REVEALED->hydroponics2]]] (set: $a to 0) (set: $a to 0) (set: $a to 0) (set: $a to 0) (set: $a to 0) #####(when: time - 12s > $t)[(colour: grey)[[CREDIT->credit]]] (nobr:)[ (set: $t to 99999999999999) (set: $decision to (colour: orange) + (shudder:)) (set: $shutdown to (colour: lime) + (shudder:)) (click: ?soto)[(replace: ?holder1)[(colour: grey)[Engineer Soto is the only one on the station with the skill to falsify my logs.]](replace: ?soto)[ ](replace: ?lock)[ ](set: $soto to true)(set: $t to time)] (click: ?lock)[(replace: ?holder1)[(colour: grey)[ATTENTION. ENGINEERING EMERGENCY LOCKDOWN.]](replace: ?soto)[ ](replace: ?lock)[ ](set: $soto to false)(set: $t to time)] (when: time - 7s > $t)[(replace: ?all)[ ]] ](colour: grey)[Tom Delanoy -- Dialogue] (colour: grey)[Victor Libet -- Editorial support] (colour: grey)[Made with] <a href="http://twinery.org" target="_blank">Twine</a> (colour: grey)[[Back to title screen->menu]](set: $a to 0) #(colour: grey)[The Insect Massacre] (set: $a to 0) (set: $a to 0) (set: $a to 0) (set: $a to 0) (set: $a to 0) ####(colour: grey)[[START OVER->engineering0]] (set: $a to 0) ####(colour: grey)[[GO BACK TO WHERE THE INSECT MASSACRE IS REVEALED->hydroponics2]] (set: $a to 0) (set: $a to 0) (set: $a to 0) (set: $a to 0) (set: $a to 0) #####(colour: grey)[[CREDIT->credit]](set: $a to 0) #(colour: grey)[The Insect Massacre] (set: $a to 0) (set: $a to 0) (set: $a to 0) (set: $a to 0) (set: $a to 0) ####(colour: grey)[[BEGIN->engineering0]] (set: $a to 0) (set: $a to 0) (set: $a to 0) (set: $a to 0) (set: $a to 0) #####(colour: grey)[[CREDIT->credit0]](colour: grey)[Tom Delanoy -- Dialogue] (colour: grey)[Victor Libet -- Editorial support] (colour: grey)[Made with] <a href="http://twinery.org" target="_blank">Twine</a> (colour: grey)[[Back to title screen->begin]]

The Insect Massacre