<div class="box start">
You are a chieftain of a small primitive village, thousands of years ago.
What is your village's name?
<<textbox "$nameVillage" "" autofocus>>
<div class="box start">
Turn the sound on
As the chieftain of <b><<print $nameVillage>></b>, you make decisions of how you want to rule your village. You will encounter various situations and will be able to make decisions from there. Remember, your goal is to create the most thriving village ever.
[[Start your reign as the chieftain]]
</div><div class="box start">
Are you ready to start your adventure?
[[No|die start]]
</div><div class="box">
How to play this game:
Every turn, you will get a random prompt where you can make your own decision. Try to make the best choice for your tribe. There will be links where you can look at your stats for most of the passages.
Some of the stats include:
@@font-weight:bold;population@@ - The population is the amount of people you have in your tribe. Population is equal to the number of soliders plus the number of citizens.Higher the population, higher the food consumption.
@@font-weight:bold;food@@ - The food is something you require to continue on with your game and keep your citizens alive. You can get food from scouting, or from farming. Your tribe consume 1 food per day and the consumption could increase as your population increases.
@@font-weight:bold;happiness@@ - The happiness is something you need to win the game (you need 250 happiness to win). You can acquire happiness by partying or through random events.
@@font-weight:bold;coins@@ - Coin item is something you can get mostly during interactions with other humans. With 100 coins, you can buy unique items from different parts of the world in the shop for your town actiivty. Remember, acquiring coins is something extra. You can also view your items start of each day at your village treasury. It is also possible for you to have negative amounts of coin.
Everyday at the start of each day, you can choose to do 1 daily activity.
Daily activities includes:
@@font-weight:bold;Scout the surrounding@@ - For scout the surrounding, You will encounter a random event, both good and bad and choose what you think is right as the chieftain of the village.
@@font-weight:bold;Open a party. Time to FEAST!!@@ - For opening a party, you consume 5 food in exchange of 3 happiness. I don't recommend opening parties in the beginning of the game since, that's a lot of food.
@@font-weight:bold;Rest for the day@@ - If you choose to rest for the day, that just means your tribe will going to rest for the day. You just consume the normal amount of food.
@@font-weight:bold;For rest of the information, you will learn as you proceed onto your game.@@
There are also types of resources called the building resources which are as the name already says it, materials you need for building buildings in your tribe.
Building resources include:
@@font-weight:bold;Wood@@ - Wood is one of two basic building resource. This can be more easily obtained throughout the game compared to the 2nd building resource stone. You can accumulate wood through scouting or through the daily town activity.
@@font-weight:bold;Stone@@ - Stone is the second building resource in the game. Stone just like wood can quite easily be obtained through scouting and daily town activity. But the only difference between stone and wood is that stone is slightly harder to obtain.
<b>There are much more things that I haven't explained yet. I want the players to explore on their own and uncover new things on your own. </b>
[[Look at your Stats|Stat1]]
[[continue|Day start (EG)]]
<div class="box Village1" >
Well... you decided not to start your adventure. Tribespeople of <<print $nameVillage>><<print $nameVillage>> <<if $nameVillage.includes["ville", "village", "town", "Ville", "Village", "Town", "township"]>><<$nameVillage.push["Township"]>><<else>>ville<</if>> laughed at you for being a coward and as the tsunamis of chagrin washes up on you, the tribesperson who thought you were useless put your head against a slab of rock and chopped your head off as others watched and cheered. Now, you can only hope that it was a clean cut (which I don't see as likely).
<<set $event to random(1,9)>>
<<if $event is 1>>
<<goto [[OX]]>>
<<elseif $event is 2>>\
<<goto [[WB]] >>
<<elseif $event is 3>>\
<<goto [[Abandoned Soldiers]]
<<elseif $event is 4>>\
<<goto [[LuxuryItem]]>>
<<elseif $event is 5>>\
<<goto [[WildAnimalAttack]]>>
<<elseif $event is 6>>\
<<goto [[AnothTribe]]>>
<<elseif $event is 7>>\
<<goto [[StoneEarned]]>>
<<elseif $event is 8>>\
<<goto [[WoodEarned]]>>
<<goto [[Caravan]]>>
<div class="box Village3">
Day <<print $day>>:
Everyday, as the chieftain of the village, you can decide what your village will do. You can choose only one.
Everyday, you get 1 food, 1 soldier, and 1 citizen. Since this is your first day, you start with 8 soldiers, 6 food, and 12 citizens.
<img src="" alt="village hut" class="FL">
[[Look at your Stats|Stat1]]
What will you do?
[[Scout the surrounding]] (consumes minimum amount of food)
[[Rest for the day]] (consumes minimum amount of food)
[[Open a party. Time to FEAST!!]] (consumes 5 food)
</div><<if $population lte 20>>
<<set $food -= 1>>
<<elseif $population lte 30 and gt 20>>\
<<set $food -=2>>
<<elseif $population lte 40 and gt 30>>\
<<set $food -=3>>
<div class="box Scout1">
You decided to go out of your village and scout the surrounding, to the great unknowns of the nature. You bring all your soldiers with you to scout (<<print $soldiers>>). You will encounter random events where you will get an opportunity to acquire more, but remember, you can also encounter adversities. Do you continue?
[[Look at your Stats|Stat1]]
[[No|Day start (EG)]]
<<if $population lte 20>>\
<<set $food -= 1>>
<<elseif $population lte 30 and gt 20>>\
<<set $food -=2>>
<<elseif $population lte 40 and gt 30>>\
<<set $food -=3>>
<div class="box campfire">
Your tribe decided to rest for the day. Nothing happens today and you your tribe consumes 1 food. You get a good and chill day, and gets ready for tomorrow. You have <<print $food>> food left.
<img src="" alt="natural view" class="FL">
[[Look at your Stats|Stat1]]
<<if $population lte 20>>\
<<set $food -= 5>>
<<elseif $population lte 30 and gt 20>>\
<<set $food -=6>>
<<elseif $population lte 40 and gt 30>>\
<<set $food -=7>>
<<set $happiness +=3>>
<div class="box partyCF">
You decided to hold a party for your tribesmen. Your tribe consumed 5 food but your tribe's happiness increased by 3. You can see palatable diverse menus of meat on the grill over the campfire rotating. There are cups filled with delicious animal blood and juice from the berries you collected and your tribe has fun. As the sun slowly tilt to the back of far hill, your tribesmen raise their cups and fist as they chant your name in unison. Your food is <<print $food>> and your tribe's happiness is <<print $happiness>>
<img src="" alt="grill food" class="FL">
[[Look at your Stats|Stat1]]
<div class="box Bison1">
As you start scouting the surrounding grounds, one of your scouts, climbed one of the trees in the jungle. You and your other soldiers linger around the tree until the scout came back down. The scout reports to you that they see a herd of bison in the nearby plain. The scout reports that if we can surround the herd of bisons, the tribe will have plenty of food for multiple days.
This is exactly a high risk high return situation. If you succeed your village will have surpluses of food but if you fail, you might lose couple of your soldiers.
[[Look at your Stats|Stat1]]
What do you do?
[[Decide to hunt the bisons]]
[[Decide not to hunt the bisons and return back to the village]]
</div><div class="box">
In the far over land, one of your scout reports that they see a clump of bushes. You lead your group to the clump of bushes, as the image of the bush becomes clearer and reveals the imagery of ripe red berries spread across the bushes. Your scouts leaving you behind, rushes over to the clump of bushes eager to taste its sweetness. Right when they were going to shove their mouth with berries, one of the scouts exclaim, "WAIT!! The berries might be poisonous!" What is your action?
[[Look at your Stats|Stat1]]
[[Let your scouts eat and collect these berries for other tribespeople|Eat Berries (bridge)]]
[[You decide not to eat and collect the berries|No Eat Berries]]
<<set $event to random(1,5)>>
<<if $event is 1>>\
<<goto [[Poisoned]]>>
<<elseif $event isnot 1>>\
<<goto [[BerryFood]]>>
<</if>><div class="box Village1">
You decided not to eat any of the berries. Your soldiers seems a bit disappointed but still follows your order. You also feel a bit sad to see your tribespeople disappointed and the fact that you couldn't have any of those possibly not poisonous berries. But in your heart you know that it is wrong to risk your tribespeople's life just for a slight moment of pleasure and food and believe that you are a wise chieftain. You then return to your village.
[[Look at your Stats|Stat1]]
[[Town Activity]]
<<set _DeathPercentage to random(1,10)>>
<<if _DeathPercentage is either(1,2,3)>>\
<<set _DeathSoldier to 2>>
<<elseif _DeathPercentage is either(4,5,6,7,8,9,10)>>\
<<set _DeathSoldier to 1>>
<<set $soldiers -=_DeathSoldier>>
<<set $happiness -=1>>
<div class="box Berries1">
Oh no, the berries you assumed that it was safe to eat was actually POISONOUS! The soldiers as they were heading back to the village, felt their stomach growling as they fell and howled in pain. Most of your soldiers survived but unfortunately, <<print _DeathPercentage>> of your scouts died. Now you have <<print $soldiers>> scouts left.
<img src="" alt="poison bottle" class="FL" style="border:5px solid black;">
[[Look at your Stats|Stat1]]
[[Go to Town Activity|Town Activity]]
<<set _BerryEarned to random(1,2)>>
<<set $food +=_BerryEarned>>
<<set $happiness += 1>>
<div class="box Berries1">
Yay!! The berries you decided that were safe was actually safe! You and your scouts stuffed your stomachs with sweet juice of the berries, with sweet juice of the berries cascading down the tip of your lips. Now your whole tribe has some sweet berries to share. Your food increased by <<print $BerryEarned>> and your happiness also increased by 1. That's enough to sustain your village for 1 or more days!
[[Look at your Stats|Stat1]]
[[Go to Town Activity|Town Activity]]
<<set $nameVillage to ["0"]>>
<<set $religionName to ["0"]>>
<<set $religionCreated to false>>
<<set $shrineBuilding to false>>
<<set $shrineBuildingDate to -1>>
<<set $shrinePoint to 0>>
<<set $shrineLevel to 0>>
<<if $shrineLevel > 5 >>
<<set $shrineLevel to 5 >>
<<set $trainingCampBuilding to false>>
<<set $trainingCampBuildingDate to -1>>
<<set $quarryBuilding to false>>
<<set $quarryBuildingDate to -1>>
<<set $tanneryBuilding to false>>
<<set $tanneryBuildingDate to -1>>
<<set $bronzeMineBuilding to false>>
<<set $bronzeMineBuildingDate to -1>>
<<if $soldiers < 0>>
<<set $soldiers to 0>>
<<if $food < 0>>
<<set $soldiers to 0>>
<<set $day to 0>>
<<set $happiness to 0>>
<<set $food to 6>>
<<set $soldiers to 8>>
<<set $citizens to 12>>
<<set $population to 0>>
<<set $coins to 0>>
<<set $wood to 0>>
<<set $stone to 0>>
<<set $event to 0>>
<<set $percentage to 100>>
<<set $hide to 1>>
<<set $paint to 1>>
<<set $bronze to 1>>
<<set $hideTrade to 0>>
<<set $hideTradeRes to 0>>
<<set $paintTrade to 0>>
<<set $paintTradeRes to 0>>
<<set $bronzeTrade to 0>>
<<set $bronzeTradeRes to 0>>
<<set $CavePaint1 to false>>
<<set $CavePaint2 to false>>
<<set $tradeChoices to ["0"]>>
<<set $choice1 to ["0"]>>
<<set $choice2 to ["0"]>>
<<set $choice3 to ["0"]>>
<<set $FineChoice to ["0"]>>
<<set $hideTrade to 0>>
<<set $paintTrade to 0>>
<<set $GreatLongSword to false>>
<<set $IncanMask to false>>
<<set $GreekCrown to false>>
<<set $BabylonianTiles to false>>
<<set $TownActSoldier to 1 >>
<<set $TownActFood to 1 >>
<<set $TownActHappiness to 0 >>
<<set $TownActCoins to 0 >>
<<set $TownActWood to 0 >>
<<set $TownActStone to 0 >><<if $day == $shrineBuildingDate>> <<set $shrineBuilding to true>> <</if>>
<<if $shrineBuilding is true>>
<<set $shrineLevel to $shrinePoint>>
<<set $shrineLevel /= 20>>
<<set $shrineLevel to Math.trunc($shrineLevel)>>
<<set $citizens += 1>>
<<if $shrineLevel is 1>>\
<<set $food += 2>> <<set $soldiers += 2>>
<<elseif $shrineLevel is 2>>\
<<set $food += 3>> <<set $soldiers += 3>> <<set $coins += 1 >>
<<elseif $shrineLevel is 3>>\
<<set $food += 3>> <<set $soldiers += 3>> <<set $coins += 2>>
<<set $wood += 1>> <<set $happiness += 1>>
<<elseif $shrineLevel is 4>>\
<<set $food += 3>><<set $soldiers += 3>><<set $coins += 3>>
<<set $wood += 2>> <<set $stone += 1>> <<set $happiness += 2>>
<<elseif $shrineLevel is 5>>\
<<set $food += 4>> <<set $soldiers += 4>> <<set $coins += 4>>
<<set $wood += 3>> <<set $stone += 2>> <<set $happiness += 2>>
<<set $soldiers += 1>> <<set $food += 1>>
<<if $day == $trainingCampBuildingDate>> <<set $trainingCampBuilding to true>> <</if>>
<<if $trainingCampBuilding is true>> <<set $soldier += 1>> <</if>>
<<if $day == $quarryBuildingDate>> <<set $quarryBuilding to true>>
<<if $quarryBuilding is true>> <<set _eventQuarry to random(1,2)>>
<<set $stone += _eventQuarry>> <</if>>
<<if $day == $tanneryBuildingDate>> <<set $tanneryBuilding to true>>
<<if $tanneryBuilding is true>>
<<set _eventTannery to random(1,10)>> <<if _eventTannery is 1>> <<set _eventTannery2 to random(1,2)>> <<if _eventTannery2 is 1>>
<<set $happiness += 5>> <<else>> <<set $hide += 1>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>>
<<if $day == $bronzeMineBuildingDate>> <<set $bronzeMineBuilding to true>>
<<if $bronzeMineBuilding is true>>
<<set _eventBronzeMine to random(1,10)>> <<if _eventBronzeMine is 1>> <<set _eventBronzeMine2 to random(1,2)>> <<if _eventBronzeMine2 is 1>>
<<set $soldiers += 5>> <<else>> <<set $bronze += 1>> <</if>> <</if>> <</if>>
<div class="box Village2">
After you choose the first activity at the start of the day, you can choose 1 town activity. These include, training soldiers, harvesting crops, worshipping the god(s), sacrifice resources, mine silver which can be used to purchase items for collectivity, or visit the shop to browse goods you can buy with silver. You also by default gain 1 citizen, 1 soldier, and 1 food. You can increase this rate by upgrading your shrine level (after you've collected 50 food), or building buildings.
<<if $shrineBuilding is true>>
Additional buffs from shrine:
<b>Your current shrine level: <<print $shrineLevel>> </b>
<b>Level 1: </b>food +1 / soldier + 1
<b>Level 2: </b>food + 1 / soldier + 1 / coin + 1
<b>Level 3: </b>stone + 1 / coin + 1 / happiness + 1
<b>Level 4: </b>wood + 1 / stone + 1 / coin + 1 / happiness + 1
<b>Level 5: </b>food + 1 / soldier + 1 / wood + 1 / stone + 1 / coin + 1
<<if $trainingCampBuilding is true>>
Additional buff from weaponry: <b>Soldier + 1 </b>
<<if $quarryBuilding is true>>
Additional buff from quarry: <b>Stone +1 or +2</b>
[[Look at your Stats|Stat1]]
What town activity do you choose?
[[Train Soldiers]]
[[Harvest Crops]]
[[Worship the God(s)]]
[[Sacrifice Resources]]
[[Mine Silver for Coins]]
[[Visit Shop]]
[[Mine for Stone]]
[[Cut Trees for Wood]]
<<if $shrineBuilding == true>> [[Visit shrine]] <</if>>
<<set $soldiers += 1>>
<div class="box Soldiers1">
For your town activity, you decided to train soldiers. You lead all your citizens to an open field inside your village, and start training them. You handed out a stick of wood, its size varying, and start showing your citizens how to wield their weapons. Citizens follows your move as they examine who is suitable for battle and wildlife. After the day, you pick your new soldiers. For today, you find 1 suitable match. You now have <<print $soldiers>> soldiers.
<img src="" alt="caveman warriors with wooden clubs" class="FL">
[[Look at your Stats|Stat1]]
</div><<set $event to random(1,10)>>
<<if $event is 1>>\
<<set _FarmEarned to 2>>
<<elseif $event isnot 1>>\
<<set _FarmEarned to 1>>
<<set $food += _FarmEarned>>
<div class="box FarmCorn1">
For your town activity, you decided to harvest crops from the village farm. Your village has few rows of corn plants growing. You and some other citizens move their way through the rows of corn until they can find some ripe corn that your village can eat. You and other citizens were able to find some edible corn. Your food increased by <<print _FarmEarned>>. Now the total food you have is <<print $food>>.
<img src="" alt="Rows of corn plant" class="FL">
[[Look at your Stats|Stat1]]
</div><<goto [[Town Activity]] >><<set $event to random(1,10)>>
<<if $event is either(1,2,3)>>\
<<goto [[TribeAttack]]>>
<<elseif $event isnot either(1,2,3)>>\
<<goto [[Stat]]>>
<<elseif $happiness gte 250>>\
<<goto [[ending]]>>
<div class="box Night1">
The night has came. You go to sleep feeling the trust and respect your people has for you.
Press "continue" to start your next day
[[continue|Day Start]]
<<if $food lte 0>>\
<<goto [[Starvation]]>>
<<elseif $soldiers lte 0>>\
<<goto [[NoSol]]>>
<<if $soldiers > 0 and $soldiers <= 10>>\
<<set _NegativeSoldier to 3>>
<<set $soldiers -= 3>>
<<elseif $soldiers > 10 and $soldiers <= 20>>\
<<set _NegativeSoldier to 4>>
<<set $soldiers -=4>>
<<elseif $soldiers > 20 and $soldiers <= 30>>\
<<set _NegativeSoldier to 5>>
<<set $soldiers -=6>>
<<elseif $soldiers > 30 and $soldiers <= 40>>\
<<set _NegativeSoldier to 5>>
<<set $soldiers -=8>>
<<elseif $soldiers < 50>>
<<set _NegativeSoldier to 20>>
<<set $soldiers -= 20>>
<div class="box TribeWar1">
Oh no! You were attacked by another tribe in the area. Your soldiers and your citizens were unprepared for the attack. By your fast recovery and by your orders, your village was able to fight the intruders off. But <<print _NegativeSoldier>> of your soldiers died, and now you have <<print $soldiers>> soldiers left.
<img src="https://i.pinimg.com/originals/1c/13/a8/1c13a8da6b1edba6efe4feb671f50667.jpg" alt="stone age battle" class="FL" style="margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; width: auto;">
</div><div class="box">
You decided to hunt the bisons. A risky move, but again, high return. Your soldiers carefully circle the herd of bisons, starting far away from them and closing in on them in unison. The bisons doesn't seem to notice you and your soldiers at first but as you and your soldiers get closer with weaponary, the bisons seems to realize the situation. The tension seems to intensify as your soldiers turns to their defensive stance and bisons starts stomping their feet and breathe heavily.
[[Look at your Stats|Stat1]]
</div><div class="box Village1">
As the leader of the village, you decided not to hunt the bisons. If you did try to hunt them and succeed, you could have got some beefy, juicy meat that the whole village will enjoy, but you decided that your soldier's life is not something you gamble with.
[[Look at your Stats|Stat1]]
[[continue|Town Activity]]
</div><<set $day +=1>>
<<if $day == $shrineBuildingDate>> <<set $shrineBuilding to true>> <</if>>
<div class="box Village3 opac">
Day <<print $day>>:
Another day is just starting. As the chieftain of the village, you can choose one of the 3 events below. Hooray for the chieftain!
<img src="" alt="village hut" class="FL">
[[Scout the surrounding]]
[[Open a party. Time to FEAST!!]]
[[Rest for the day]]
[[Build Menu|BuildMenu]]
<<if $food gte 50 and $religionCreated isnot true>>
[[Create your religion]]
<<if $CavePainting1 is true>>
[[Visit Cave Painting #1]]
<<if $CavePainting2 is true>>
[[Visit Cave Painting #2]]
[[Visit Village Treasury]]
[[Look at your Stats|Stat1]]
<<if $happiness gte 100>>
<<goto [[ending]] >>
<</if>><<set $event to random(1,6)>>
<<if $event is 1>>\
<<goto [[BisonSuccess]]>>
<<elseif $event is 2>>\
<<goto [[HalfBisonSuccess]]>>
<<elseif $event is 3>>\
<<goto [[Half2BisonSuccess]]>>
<<elseif $event is 4>>\
<<goto [[BisonHide]]>>
<<elseif $event isnot either(1,2,3,4)>>\
<<goto [[BisonFail]]>>
<</if>><<set _BisonCaught to random(1,2)>>
<<set _BisonFood to _BisonCaught * 5>>
<<set $food += _BisonFood>>
<<set $happiness += 2>>
<div class="box Bison2">
Your tribe successfully hunted the bisons. Your soldiers worked as a team and surrounded the bisons so that the bisons wouldn't escape. Bisons unprepared for the suprise attack was cornered in no time. As you shout your battle cry, your soldiers also shouts their battle cry as they charge forward pouncing onto the bisons. Bisons fight back and most of the bisons were able to survive, but your soldiers were able to get <<print _BisonCaught>> bisons. Also, none of your soldiers died.
<<print _BisonCaught>> bisons are equal to <<print _BisonFood>> food.
Your tribespeople is happy of all the meat and the happiness increased by 2.
<img src="" alt="Primitives hunting a bisons using stone spears" class="FL">
[[Look at your Stats|Stat1]]
[[continue|Town Activity]]
</div><<set _BisonCaught to random(1,2)>>
<<set _BisonFood to _BisonCaught * 5>>
<<set $food += _BisonFood>>
<<set _DeathSoldier to random(1,2)>>
<<set $soldiers -= _DeathSoldier>>
<<set $happiness += 1>>
<div class="box Bison2">
Your Bison hunt was a success! Your soldiers carefully surrounded the bison herd and followed by your battle cry filled with fury, your soldiers pounced onto the herd of bisons. Your soldiers stabbed, and swung their weapons until the great hairy beasts fell and their heart stopped beating. From the hunt, your tribe was able to hunt <<print _BisonCaught>> bisons, which converts to <<print _BisonFood>>. Unfortunately, <<print _DeathSoldier>> of your soldier(s) died. Your happiness also increased by 1.
<img src="" alt="Primitives hunting a bisons using stone spears" class="FL">
[[Look at your Stats|Stat1]]
[[continue|Town Activity]]
</div><<set _DeathSoldier to random(1,2)>>
<<set $soldiers -=_DeathSoldier>>
<<set $happiness -= 1>>
<div class="box Bison2">
Oh no, your soldiers failed to hunt the bisons. As your soldiers surrounded and attacked the bisons, bisons fought back with all their might swinging their antlers, and jumping around like a fish flopping on land. Your soldiers tried their best to defeat these gigantic beasts but just couldn't penetrate their thick hide, and ended up letting the bisons get away. But during the fight, unfortunately, <<print _DeathSoldier>> of your soldiers died. Now you have <<print $soldiers>> left.
<img src="" alt="Primitives hunting a bisons using stone spears" class="FL">
[[Look at your Stats|Stat1]]
[[continue|Town Activity]]
</div><div class="box Bison2">
Your Bison hunt wasn't too succesful. Your soldiers surrounded and after your battle cry which signalled the attack, as the soldiers charged at the bulls, their battle cry filling the atmosphere. Your soldiers used all their might to hunt these great bisons, while on the other hand, the bisons used all the energy they got to survive. The fight continued for few more moments. After the fight, your soldiers couldn't hunt any bisons, but also, none of your soldiers were killed.
<img src="" alt="Primitives hunting a bisons using stone spears" class="FL">
[[Look at your Stats|Stat1]]
[[continue|Town Activity]]
</div><<set $happiness +=1>>
<div class="box WorshipGod1">
You decided to worship the god(s). You bring your tribespeople to the holy area where you and your tribespeople worship. You already feel better and fresher as soon as you enter the holy area. You kneel infront of the stone slab which you serve as the altar and the tribespeople orderly kneels behind you. You bow first, followed by your tribespeople and you repeat this for several times. You and your tribespeople now feel blessed and is ready to work harder than ever. Your happiness is increased by 1.
<img src="" alt="aztec calendar made out of gold" class="FL">
[[Look at your Stats|Stat1]]
</div><div class="box">
Wow! Your tribe's happiness reached 100! Now, your tribe is thriving, outgrowing every other tribes nearby. You now have basically won the game. You can now leave the game or continue playing. If you do continue playing, you can now attack other tribes.
[[continue|ending pic]]
new resource = wood, stone
wood & stone: trade and caravan<div class="box">
As you scout around your village, in the far plain over there, you spot a small group of what it seems as people. You decided to get closer to it. When you get closer to them, you see a group of soldiers from another tribe. When the other soldiers see you, they seem hopeless and drained, and they look back at you with eyes so miserable that makes you sad. They seem to have no intention to fight.
What do you do?:
[[Capture the soldiers and make them into your soldiers]]
[[Kill them all]]
[[Ignore them]]
</div><div class="box">
Oh no, your tribe ran out of food. You and your tribespeople are starving, and the anger of your tribespeople are increasing towards you. No food means no energy, and makes your tribe extremly vulnerable. Your tribe was soon attacked by a passing nomad and your tribe was wiped out in no time. End of you and your tribe's legacy.
</div><<set _SoldiersAdd to random(3,10)>>
<<set $soldiers += _SoldiersAdd>>
<<set _coinAcquired to random(3,10)>>
<<set $coins += _coinsAcquired>>
<div class="box">
You decided to capture these abandoned soldiers and make them your soldiers. You and who seems to be the leader of the abandoned group exchanged some hand signs and some sounds and after few motions back and forth, the abandoned soldiers seemed to understand what you meant and decided they will be part of your tribe. At first, they seemed a bit dubious and was quite defensive at first but they seemed to ease off soon. You gained <<print $SoldiersAdd>> soldiers. Now you have total <<print $soldiers>> soldiers. The soldiers also hand you some of the coins they had. You get total <<print _coinAcquired>>, which makes total <<print $coins>> coins.
<img src="" alt="wandering primitve soldiers" class="FL">
[[Look at your Stats|Stat1]]
[[continue|Town Activity]]
</div><<set $happiness += 2>>
<div class="box">
You decided to kill all the abandoned soldiers. The abandoned soldiers tries to fight back but they stood no chance against your fully energized soldiers. The fight was effortless and the abandoned soldiers died out one by one. The fight only lasted for few seconds and none ofn your soldiers died. Your soldiers feel triumphant and your tribe's happiness increases by 2. Now your happiness is <<print $happiness>>.
<img src="" alt="wandering primitive soldiers" class="FL">
[[Look at your Stats|Stat1]]
[[continue|Town Activity]]
</div><div class="box">
You decide to Ignore the abandoned soldiers and let them live. As you turn and head back, your eyes lock with the eyes of the abandoned soldiers which still stayed lifelessly but you could feel the gratefulness from them.
<img src="" alt="wandering primitive soldiers" class="FL">
[[Look at your Stats|Stat1]]
[[continue|Town Activity]]
</div><div style="font-size: 80px; color: red; padding: 40px; border: 2px solid red; text-align: center">YOU DIED</div>
[[continue|GameOver1]]<<set $event to random (1,3)>>
<<if $event is 1>>
<<goto [[hide1]]>>
<<elseif $event is 2>>
<<goto [[paint]]>>
<<elseif $event is 3>>
<<goto [[bronze]]>>
<</if>><<set _hideEarned to random(1,2)>>
<<set $hide += hideEarned
<<set $happiness += $hide * 5>>
<<set $hide to 0>>
<div class="box BisonHide1">
You order your soldiers to skin the bisons and you were able to collect total, <<print $hide>> hide(s). This converts to <<print _HappinessHide>>. Now your total happiness is <<print $happiness>>.
[[Look at your Stats|Stat1]]
<<set $hide to 0>>
[[continue|Town Activity]]
</div><div class="box Paint1">
As you scout the surrounding, you decide to take a few minutes rest on a group of rock. As you sit there and enjoy the fresh air, you realized something about the rocks. They were red and yellow. You order your soldiers to mine some of these rocks. As the stone tools hit the surface of these coloured rocks, small dusty crumbs fall off, and you collect them and bring them back to your village.
Back in your village, you mixed these coloured crumbs with water and realize that you can draw things with this new substance.
[[Look at your Stats|Stat1]]
What do you do?
<<if $CavePainting2 != true>>
[[Create a cave painting]]
[[Convert paint to happiness stat]]
[[Keep your paint]]
<<if $CavePainting1 is true>>\
<<set $CavePainting2 to true>>
<<set $CavePainting1 to true>>
<div class="box Paint1">
You decided to paint a cave painting for your village. Now your village has something they can visit during their freetime to rest and enjoy the art. Who knows? Maybe this will be some historical site in the future. You can also always visit the cave painting at the start of each day.
[[Look at your Stats|Stat1]]
[[continue|Town Activity]]
</div><<set $paint += 1>>
<<set $happiness += $paint * 5>>
<<set $paint to 0>>
<div class="box Paint1">
You decided to convert the paint you found to happiness stat for your village. The paint you found would convert to 5 happiness. You couldn't paint a cave painting so everyone could enjoy but you are one step closer to winning the game!
[[Look at your Stats|Stat1]]
[[continue|Town Activity]]
<div class="box">
This is your cave painting #1:
<img src="" alt="Cave paintings of people and animals">
[[Go back|Day Start]]
</div><div class="box">
This is your cave painting #2:
<img src="" alt="Cave painting of bisons">
[[Go back|Day Start]]
</div><div class="box">
Oh no, your village has no more soldiers! Now your village is completely vulnerable any invasions!
A passing tribe sees your village and realizes that there are no soldiers in sight. They decided to attack your village. Your village was almost immediately wiped by the force of the invaders. Your village has 0 population, all your resources are looted, and your village is abandoned, the end of your golden age.
</div><div class="box Bronze1">
As you scout around the great landscapes of your region, you found pieces of metal, tin, and copper and collected them and brought them back to your village.
As you were experiment with the new items you collected, you realized if you were to melt all of them and amalgamate into 1, you create something way stronger than stone and any other material you had. The introduction of The Bronze Age. You can convert these bronze into soldiers or you can also convert it into coins.
<img src="" alt="Bronze bar" class="FL">
[[Look at your Stats|Stat1]]
What do you do?
[[Convert to coins]]
[[Convert to soldiers]]
[[Keep your bronze]]
</div><<set _bronzeEarned to random(1,2)>>
<<set $bronze += _bronzeEarned>>
<<set $soldiers += $bronze * 4>>
<<set $bronze to 0>>
<div class="box Bronze1 CF1">
You decided to convert your acquired bronze to soldiers. You acquired <<print $bronzeEarned>> bronze. This converts to <<print _bronzeEarned * 4>> soldiers. Now you have total <<print $soldiers>> soldiers.
<img src="" alt="bronze swords" class="FL">
<<set $bronze to 0>>
[[Look at your Stats|Stat1]]
[[continue|Town Activity]]
<div style="text-align:center; color:white; font-size: 80px; background-color: gray; padding: 40px; border: 1px solid white;">YOU WIN!!!</div>
[[continue playing|Day Start]]<<set $population to $soldiers + $citizens>>
<div class="box">
<table class="Table" style="height: 250px; width: 100%;">
<th align="center" colspan="2" >Statistics</th>
<td >Happiness</td>
<td ><<print $happiness>></td>
<td >Food</td>
<td ><<print $food>></td>
<td >Soldiers</td>
<td ><<print $soldiers>></td>
<td><<print $citizens>></td>
<td> Coin(s) </td>
<td> <<print $coins>> </td>
<td>Population (Citizens + Soldiers)</td>
<td><<print $population>></td>
<td> Wood </td>
<td> <<print $wood>> </td>
<td> Stone </td>
<td> <<print $stone>> </td>
<th align="center" colspan="2">Luxury Goods</th>
<td> Bronze </td>
<td> <<print $bronze>> </td>
<td> Hide </td>
<td> <<print $hide>> </td>
<td> Paint </td>
<td> <<print $paint>> </td>
</div><<set $population to $soldiers + $citizens>>
<div class="box">
<table class="Table table-hover">
<th align="center" colspan="2" >Statistics</th>
<td >Happiness</td>
<td ><<print $happiness>></td>
<td >Food</td>
<td ><<print $food>></td>
<td >Soldiers</td>
<td ><<print $soldiers>></td>
<td><<print $citizens>></td>
<td>Population (Citizens + Soldiers)</td>
<td><<print $population>></td>
<td> Coins </td>
<td> <<print $coins>> </td>
<td> Wood </td>
<td> <<print $wood>> </td>
<td> Stone </td>
<td> <<print $stone>> </td>
<th align="center" colspan="2">Luxury Goods</th>
<td> Bronze </td>
<td> <<print $bronze>> </td>
<td> Hide </td>
<td> <<print $hide>> </td>
<td> Paint </td>
<td> <<print $paint>> </td>
</div><div class="box Jungle1">
As you were exploring the jungle of mystery, with a incoming and suddden sounds of rapid footsteps, you and your soldiers were suddenly pounced by a group of smilodons.
<img src="" alt="A group of smilodons" class="FL">
[[continue|WAA bridge]]
</div><<set $event to random(1,3)>>
<<if $event is 1>>\
<<goto [[SoldierDieSmil]]>>
<<elseif $event is 2>>\
<<goto [[SoldierDieLitSmil]]>>
<<elseif $event is 3>>\
<<goto [[SoldierNoDieSmil]]>>
<</if>><<set _DeathSoldiers to random(3,5)>>
<<set $soldiers -= _DeathSoldiers>>
<div class="box Jungle1">
You try to reorder your soldiers to fight back the attacking smilodons. You try your best to give orders, but when your soldiers got back in order and was finally ready to fight back, it was already too late. The smilodons have already killed and left leaving <<print _DeathSoldiers>> deaths of the soldiers.
<img src="" alt="a group of smilodons" class="FL">
[[Look at your Stats|Stat1]]
[[continue|Town Activity]]
<<set $happiness += 1>>
<div class="box Jungle1">
As the smilodons pounces onto you and your soldiers. Instead of running away orderlessly like headless chicken, you keep your ground, and fight back, as you yell with a ground shaking, bellowing voice placing your soldiers back in order fighting the smilodons back. Because of your cogent action, all of your soldiers survived. All of your soldiers thank you for your smart action, and you happiness increases by 1.
<img src="" alt="village hut" class="FL">
[[Look at your Stats|Stat1]]
[[continue|Town Activity]]
<<set _DeathSoldier to random(1,2)>>
<<set $soldiers -=_DeathSoldier>>
<div class="box Jungle1">
You order as loud as you can trying to get your chaotic soldiers intact ton fight back the smilodons. It still took some time and sacrifice but you were able to get your soldiers in order and were able to minimize the loss, but still, <<print _DeathSoldier>> of your soldiers died. Now you have <<print $soldiers>> soldiers left.
<img src="" alt="a group of smilodons" class="FL">
[[Look at your Stats|Stat1]]
[[continue|Town Activity]]
<div class="box Altar1">
You decided to sacrifice your resources for the gods. This action will make the gods very happy which will make your happiness increase by 3. Since the happiness is increasing by 3, in exchange, you can either sacrifice 5 food, or 2 soldiers.
<img src="" alt="ancient stone altar" class="FL">
[[Look at your stats|Stat1]]
What do you do?
[[Sacrifice food (5)|SacFoodBridge]]
[[Sacrifice soldier (2)|SacSoldierBridge]]
</div><<set $food -= 5>>
<<set $happiness += 3>>
<div class="box Altar1">
You decided to sacrifice 5 of your food to exchange it with 3 happiness. You bring your foods out and place it on top of the altar. Then, your village priest comes and set fire on the foods. As the grey smoke rises up from the altar and fills the atmosphere, you have to let go of those palpatable foods but inside of you is filled with happiness and pacifism.
<img src="" alt="ancient stone altar" class="FL">
[[Look at your stats|Stat1]]
</div><<set $soldiers -= 2>>
<<set $happiness += 3>>
<div class="box Altar1">
You decided to sacrifice 2 soldier in exchange for 3 happiness. You drag your soldier up to the altar, who is deep asleep, overdosed with sleeping plant leaves. After you place your soldier on the altar, the village town priest comes up and cut out the soldier's heart. Then, the cutten out heart is held high by the priest and is burned afterward. You feel relieved to know that the god(s) are happy.
<img src="" alt="Incan Tumi (ceremonial Incan dagger)" class="FL">
[[Look at the stats|Stat1]]
<div class="box AnothTribe1">
As you were scouting around, in the far over land, you spot a small village over a small hill, and next to a small canal. The village is slightly smaller than yours but it is still possible for them to have something you want that you can trade with. It is also possible that they recognize you and your soldiers as hostile and attack you. Remember, you can also ignore and go back to your village.
[[Look at your stats|Stat1]]
What do you do?
[[Attempt to trade]]
</div><div class="box AnothTribe1">
You decided to attempt to trade with this foreign village. You might be able to get some new and luxurious good or get soldiers, or crops. Make sure you check your stats before so you know what stats do you need.
<<div class="box AnothTribe1">>
You decided to attack the foreign village. You are not sure how many soldiers this village has but you are certain that your soldiers are able to win this battle and collect the loot.
</div><<div class="box AnothTribe1">>
YOu decided to ignore the village you discovered and return back to your villge. It is sometimes a smart move to not risk anything and step away from daring oppotunities like this.
[[Look at your stats|Stat1]]
[[continue|Town Activity]]
<<set _AttackAnothVillageBridge to random(1,5)>>
<<if _AttackAnothVillageBridge is either(1,2)>>
<<goto [[AttackAnothVillageSuc]]>>
<<elseif _AttackAnothVillageBridge is not either(1,2)>>
<<goto [[AttackAnothVillageFail]]>>
<</if>><<set _bronzeEarned to random(1,2)>>
<<set $bronze += _bronzeEarned>>
<div class="box">
You decided to keep your acquired bronze for further uses. You can use these bronze to trade with other tribes or could be changed back to happiness or soldiers in the future.
[[Look at your stats|Stat1]]
[[continue|Town Activity]]
</div><div class="box BisonHide1">
As you were scouting, in the nearby plain, you and your soldiers see multiple corpses of great bisons. You decided to get closer to examine the corpses.
When you arrive at the bison corpses, you realize that you would be able to collect their hide which serves as a luxury good.
You can either convert this to happiness (5 happiness per 1 hide), or you can keep your hide for further uses such as when it comes to trading with other tribes or converting it to happiness in the future.
[[Look at your stats|Stat1]]
[[Convert hide into happiness|hide]]
[[Keep your hide]]
</div><<set _hideEarned to random(1,2)>>
<<set $hide += _hideEarned>>
<div class="box BisonHide1>
You decided to keep your hide for further uses. You just acquired <<print _hideEarned>> hide(s), and this can used in the future when you want to trade it with other tribes or converting it to happiness.
[[Look at your stats|Stat1]]
[[continue|Town Activity]]
</div><<set $event to random(1,10)>>
<<if $event is 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 or 6 or 7>>\
<<goto [[TradeSuccess]]>>
<<elseif $event isnot 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 or 6 or 7>>\
<<goto [[TradeNoSuccess]]>>
<<set $tradeChoices.push("Use 3 soldiers for 3 food", "Use 3 food for 3 soldiers", "Use 3 food for 3 happiness", "Use 3 happiness for 3 food", "Use 3 soldiers for 3 happiness", "Use 3 happiness for 3 soldiers", "Use 5 soldiers for 5 food", "Use 5 food for 5 soldiers", "Use 5 food for 5 happiness", "Use 5 happiness for 5 food", "Use 5 soldiers for 5 happiness", "Use 5 happiness for 5 soldiers")>>
<<if $coins >= 1>>
<<set $tradeChoices.push( "Use 3 soldiers for 10 coins", "Use 3 food for 10 coins", "Use 3 happiness for 10 coins", "Use 10 coins for 3 food", "Use 10 coins for 3 soldiers", "Use 10 coins for 3 happiness", "Use 5 soldiers for 16 coins", "Use 5 food for 16 coins", "Use 5 happiness for 16 coins", "Use 16 coins for 5 food", "Use 16 coins for 5 soldiers", "Use 16 coins for 5 happiness")>>
<<if $wood >=1>>
<<set $tradeChoices.push("Use 3 soldiers for 3 woods", "Use 3 food for 3 woods", "Use 3 happiness for 3 woods", "Use 10 coins for 3 woods", "Use 5 food for 5 woods", "Use 5 soldiers for 5 woods", "Use 5 happiness for 5 woods", "Use 16 coins for 5 woods", "Use 3 woods for 3 soldiers", "Use 3 woods for 3 food", "Use 3 woods for 3 happiness", "Use 3 woods for 10 coins", "Use 5 woods for 5 soldiers", "Use 5 woods for 5 food", "Use 5 woods for 5 happiness", "Use 5 woods for 16 coins")>>
<<if $stone >= 1>>
<<set $tradeChoices.push("Use 3 soldiers for 3 stones", "Use 3 food for 3 stones", "Use 3 happiness for 3 stones", "Use 10 coins for 3 stones", "Use 5 soldiers for 5 stones", "Use 5 food for 5 stones", "Use 5 happiness for 5 stones", "Use 16 coins for 5 stones", "Use 3 stones for 3 soldiers", "Use 3 stones for 3 food", "Use 3 stones for 3 happiness", "Use 3 stones for 10 coins", "Use 5 stones for 5 soldiers", "Use 5 stones for 5 food", "Use 5 stones for 5 happiness", "Use 5 stones for 16 coins")>>
<<if $hide >= 1>>
<<set $hideTrade to random(1,$hide)>>
<<set $hideTradeRes to $hideTrade * 7>>
<<set $tradeChoices.push("Use <<print $hideTrade>> hide for <<print $hideTradeRes>> food", "Use <<print $hideTrade>> hide for <<print $hideTradeRes>> soldiers", "Use <<print $hideTrade>> hide for <<print $hideTradeRes>> happiness")>>
<<if $paint >= 1>>
<<set $paintTrade to random(1,$paint)>>
<<set $paintTradeRes to $paintTrade * 7>>
<<set $tradeChoices.push("Use <<print $paintTrade>> paint for <<print $paintTradeRes>> food", "Use <<print $paintTrade>> paint for <<print $paintTradeRes>> soldiers", "Use <<print $paintTrade>> paint for <<print $paintTradeRes>> happiness")>>
<<if $bronze >= 1>>
<<set $bronzeTrade to random(1,$bronze)>>
<<set $bronzeTradeRes to $paintTrade * 7>>
<<set $tradeChoices.push("Use <<print $bronzeTrade>> bronze for <<print $bronzeTradeRes>> food", "Use <<print $bronzeTrade>> bronze for <<print $bronzeTradeRes>> happiness", "Use <<print $bronzeTrade>> for <<print $bronzeTradeRes>> soldiers")>>
<<set $tradeChoices.shuffle()>>
<<set $choice1 to $tradeChoices[0]>>
<<set $choice2 to $tradeChoices[1]>>
<<set $choice3 to $tradeChoices[2]>>
<div class="box Trading1">
You succeeded on trading with the foreign village. They still seem a bit dubious of you and your soldiers, but accepts your intention to trade.
You can choose whatever trade you want to do below, and note that the offers are random which means, it is possible for you to not see the same offer next time.
Your Choices:
Choice 1:<<print $choice1>>
Choice 2:<<print $choice2>>
Choice 3:<<print $choice3>>
[[Decide not to Trade|Town Activity]]
[[Choose choice 1]]
[[Choose choice 2]]
[[Choose choice 3]]
</div><<set _SoldierDead to random(1, 5)>>
<<set $soldiers -= _SoldierDead>>
<div class="box Trading1">
Oh no! As you attempted to trade with the foreign village, not only did the foreign village declined your offer, they decided to attack your group! <<print _SoldierDead>> of your soldier died, which now leaves you to total <<print $soldiers>> soldiers. You were still able to survive the attack and escape from the foreign village.
[[Look at your stats|Stat1]]
[[continue|Town Activity]]
</div><<set _SoldierDead to random(1,3)>>
<div class="box AnothTribe1">
You succeed on invading the foreign village. You can now collect the loot from this village. But, during the fight <<print _SoldierDead>> of your soldier(s) died. Which now gives you <<$soldiers>> soldiers left.
[[Look at your stats|Stat1]]
[[Collect your loot|AnothTribeLoot]]
</div><<set _SoldierDead to random(1,4)>>
<<set $soldiers -= _SoldierDead>>
<div class="box AnothTribe1">
You decided to attack the foreign village. But you FAILED. You lose <<print _SoldierDead>> soldiers and now you have total <<print $soldiers>> soldiers left.
[[continue|Town Activity]]
</div><<set _soldiersEarned to random(1,2)>>
<<set $soldiers += _soldeirsEarned>>
<<set _foodEarned to random(3,7)>>
<<set $food += _foodEarned>>
<div class="box Village3">
After you have won in the battle, you ordered your soldiers to search the village and collect everything that is useful. After the search, your soldiers found <<print _soldiersEarned>> soldiers, and <<print _foodEarned>> food.
[[Look at your stats|Stat1]]
[[Check for Luxury Goods|CheckLuxuryAnothTribe]]
</div><<set _hideEarnedPer to random(1,10)>>
<<if _hideEarnedPer is 1>>
<<set _hideThis to 1>>
<<set $hide += 1>>
<<set _hideThis to 0>>
<<set _bronzeEarnedPer to random(1,10)>>
<<if _bronzeEarnedPer is 1>>
<<set _bronzeThis to 1>>
<<set $bronze += 1>>
<<set _bronzeThis to 0>>
<<set _paintEarnedPer to random(1,10)>>
<<if _paintEarnedPer is 1>>
<<set _paintThis to 1>>
<<set $paint += 1>>
<<set _paintThis to 0>>
<div class="box AnothTribe1">
After your soldiers brought the resources to you. You yourself, went into the town hall, and start searching for any valuable you might be able to find. You end up in front of a big wooden chest. You opened it and you found <<print _paintThis>> paint, <<print _hideThis>> hide, and <<print _bronzeThis>> bronze.
[[Look at your stats|Stat1]]
[[continue|Town Activity]]
</div><<set $FineChoice to $choice1>>
<div class="box Trading1">
You decided to go with choice number 1 which is "<<print $FineChoice>>".
<<set $FineChoice to $choice2>>
<div class="box Trading1">
You decided to go with choice number 2 which is "<<print $FineChoice>>".
<<set $FineChoice to $choice3>>
<div class="box Trading1">
You decided to go with choice number 3 which is "<<print $FineChoice>>".
<<print $happiness>>
<<print $soldiers>>
<<print $food>>
<<if $FineChoice.includes("Use 3 woods")>>
<<set $wood -= 3>>
<<elseif $FineChoice.includes("Use 5 woods")>>
<<set $wood -= 5>>
<<elseif $FineChoice.incudes("Use 3 stones")>>
<<set $stone -= 3>>
<<elseif $FineChoice.includes("Use 5 stones")>>
<<set $stone -= 5>>
<<elseif $FineChoice.includes("Use 3 soldiers")>>
<<set $soldiers -= 3>>
<<elseif $FineChoice.includes("Use 5 soldiers")>>
<<set $soldiers -= 5>>
<<elseif $FineChoice.includes("Use 3 food")>>
<<set $food -= 3>>
<<elseif $FineChoice.includes("Use 5 food")>>
<<set $food -= 5>>
<<elseif $FineChoice.includes("Use 3 happiness")>>
<<set $happiness -= 3>>
<<elseif $FineChoice.includes("Use 5 happiness")>>
<<set $happiness -= 5>>
<<elseif $FineChoice.includes("Use 10 coins")>>
<<set $coins -= 10>>
<<elseif $FineChoice.includes("Use 16 coins")>>
<<set $coins -= 16>>
<<elseif $FineChoice.includes("Use <<print $hideTrade>> hide")>>
<<set $hide -= $hideTrade>>
<<elseif $FineChoice.includes("Use <<print $paintTrade>> paint")>>
<<set $paint -= $paintTrade>>
<<elseif $FineChoice.includes("Use <<print $bronzeTrade>> bronze")>>
<<set $bronze -= $bronzeTrade>>
<<if $FineChoice.includes("for 3 soldiers")>>
<<set $soldiers += 3>>
<<elseif $FineChoice.includes("for 5 soldiers")>>
<<set $soldiers += 5>>
<<elseif $FineChoice.includes("for 3 woods")>>
<<set $wood += 3>>
<<elseif $FineChoice.includes("for 5 woods")>>
<<set $wood += 5>>
<<elseif $FineChoice.includes("for 3 stones")>>
<<set $stone += 3>>
<<elseif $FineChoice.includes("for 5 stones")>>
<<set $stone += 5>>
<<elseif $FineChoice.includes("for 3 food")>>
<<set $food += 3>>
<<elseif $FineChoice.includes("for 5 food")>>
<<set $food += 5>>
<<elseif $FineChoice.includes("for 3 happiness")>>
<<set $happiness += 3>>
<<elseif $FineChoice.includes("for 5 happiness")>>
<<set $happiness += 5>>
<<elseif $FineChoice.includes("for 10 coins")>>
<<set $coins += 10>>
<<elseif $FineChoice.includes("for 16 coins")>>
<<set $coins += 16>>
<<elseif $FineChoice.includes("for <<print $hideTradeRes>> happiness")>>
<<set $happiness += $hideTradeRes>>
<<elseif $FineChoice.includes("for <<print $soldierTradeRes>> soldiers")>>
<<set $soldiers += $hideTradeRes>>
<<elseif $FineChoice.includes("for <<print $soldierTradeRes>> food")
<<set $food += $hideTradeRes>>
<<elseif $FineChoice.includes("for <<print $paintTradeRes>> happiness")>>
<<set $happiness += $paintTradeRes>>
<<elseif $FineChoice.includes("for <<print $paintTradeRes>> soldiers")>>
<<set $soldiers += $paintTradeRes>>
<<elseif $FineChoice.includes("for <<print $paintTradeRes>> food")>>
<<set $food += $paintTradeRes>>
<<elseif $FineChoice.includes("for <<print $bronzeTradeRes>> happiness")>>
<<set $happiness += $bronzeTradeRes>>
<<elseif $FineChoice.includes("for <<print $bronzeTradeRes>> soldiers")>>
<<set $soldiers += $bronzeTradeRes>>
<<elseif $FineChoice.includes("for <<print $bronzeTradeRes>> food")>>
<<set $food += $bronzeTradeRes>>
<<print $happiness>>
<<print $soldiers>>
<<print $food>>
<<set $tradeChoices to ["0"]>>
<<goto [[TradeChoiceFine]]>>
<<set $population to $soldiers + $citizens>>
Your final stats after your trade
(I hope you got a good deal!):
<div class="box">
<table class="Table table-hover">
<th align="center" colspan="2" >Statistics</th>
<td >Happiness</td>
<td ><<print $happiness>></td>
<td >Food</td>
<td ><<print $food>></td>
<td >Soldiers</td>
<td ><<print $soldiers>></td>
<td><<print $citizens>></td>
<td>Population (Citizens + Soldiers)</td>
<td><<print $population>></td>
<td> Coins </td>
<td> <<print $coins>> </td>
<td> Wood </td>
<td> <<print $wood>> </td>
<td> Stone </td>
<td> <<print $stone>> </td>
<th align="center" colspan="2">Luxury Goods</th>
<td> Bronze </td>
<td> <<print $bronze>> </td>
<td> Hide </td>
<td> <<print $hide>> </td>
<td> Paint </td>
<td> <<print $paint>> </td>
[[continue|Town Activity]]
<div class="box Caravan1">
In the far over land, you see a small group of caravan traders. You can either attack, threathen, trade, or ignore the caravan.
<img src="" alt="A caravan of camels">
[[Look at your stat|Stat1]]
What do you do?:
[[Attack the Caravan]]
[[Attempt to Trade]]
<div class="box Caravan1">
You decided to attack the caravan. You and your soldiers set up an ambush in the small clump of plants in the far over land and waited for the caravan to come. Once the caravan alived, you and your soldiers rise up and charge, with a blood howling war cry.
<img src="" alt="Warriors charging">
[[Look at your stats|Stat1]]
<div class="box Caravan1">
You decided to threathen the passing caravan.You and your soldiers stood in front of the caravan, and caravan coming to a halt. One of the traders step down from the horse with a half worried and half agressive face. They already seem to know what you are going ask for. You first threaten the caravan for some of their basic goods. It is possible that the caravan denies your threatening and decides to fight back.
[[Look at your stats|Stat1]]
<div class="box Caravan1">
You attempted trading with the passing caravan. Once you block their path and asked to trade, they look down at you in annoyance. Make sure you check your stats prior so you know what you need.
[[Look at your stats|Stat1]]
[GameNOTE: If a black screen appears after, just scroll down until the screen appears.]
<div class="box Caravan1">
You decided to ignore the caravan. You and your soldiers walk away from the caravan and back to your village.
[[Look at your stats|Stat1]]
[[continue|Town Activity]]
<<set $event to random(1,5)>>
<<if $event is either(1,2)>>
<<goto [[AttackTheCaravanSuccess]]>>
<<elseif $event is not either(1,2)>>\
<<goto [[AttackTheCaravanFail]]>>
<<set _SoldierDead to random(1,4)>>
<<set $soldiers -= _SoldierDead>>
<div class="box Caravan1">
Yay! You and your soldiers succeed on attacking the caravan. You and your soldiers howl in victory and triumph and now you can bring the loots back to your village. During the battle, you still lost <<print _SoldierDead>> soldiers. Now you have total <<print $soldeirs>> soldiers left.
<img src="" alt="Battle Victory">
[[continue (collect your loot)]]
</div><<set _SoldierDead to random(1,4)>>
<<set $soldiers -= _SoldierDead>>
<div class="box Caravan1">
Oh no. You lost the battle against the guards of the caravan. You couldn't get any loot. You lost <<print _SoldierDead>> soldiers during the battle which now leaves you with <<print $soldiers>> soldiers.
[[Look at your stats|Stat1]]
[[continue|Town Activity]]
</div><<set _SoldierEarned to random(0,5)>>
<<set $soldiers += _SoldierEarned>>
<<set _FoodEarned to random(2,6)>>
<<set $food += _FoodEarned>>
<div class="box Caravan1">
After the battle, you order your soldiers to loot the caravan. From the caravan you capture <<print _SoldierEarned>> soldiers, and collect <<print _FoodEarned>> food.
<img src="" alt="Sacks of food" width="400px">
[[Look at your stats|Stat1]]
[[Look for Luxury Goods]]
<<set _BronzeAcquiredPer to random(1,10)>>
<<if _BronzeAcquiredPer is 1>>
<<set $bronze += 1>>
<<set _bronzeThis to 1>>
<<set _bronzeThis to 0>>
<<set _PaintAcquiredPer to random(1,10)>>
<<if _PaintAcquiredPer is 1>>
<<set $paint += 1>>
<<set _paintThis to 1>>
<<set _paintThis to 0>>
<<set _HideAcquiredPer to random(1,10)>>
<<if _HideAcquiredPer is 1>>
<<set $hide += 1>>
<<set _hideThis to 1>>
<<set _hideThis to 0>>
<div class="box Caravan1">
After search for more of the basic goods, you search the caravan again for luxury goods. In there, you found <<print _bronzeThis>> bronze, <<print _paintThis>> paint, and <<print _hideThis>> hide.
[[Look at your stats|Stat1]]
[[continue|Town Activity]]
</div><<set $event to random(1,5)>>
<<if $event is 1>>
<<goto [[Threaten1Fail]]>>
<<elseif $event is not 1>>
<<goto [[Threathen1]]>>
<div class="box Caravan1">
You and your soldiers tried threatening the passing caravan. But, once you threatened them, they denied your threatening and started fighting back.
[[Look at your stats|Stat1]]
[[continue (Check your result)|Threaten1FailBridge]]
</div><<set _soldierAcquired to random(0,3)>>
<<set $soldiers += _soldierAcquired>>
<<set _woodAcquired1 to random(1,2)>>
<<if _woodAcquired1 is 1>>
<<set _woodAcquiredReal to random(1,5)>>
<<set $wood += _woodAcquiredReal>>
<<set _woodAcquiredReal to 0>>
<<set _stoneAcquired to random(1,2)>>
<<if _stoneAcquired is 1>>
<<set _stoneAcquiredReal to random(1,3)>>
<<set $stone += _stoneAcquiredReal>>
<<set _stoneAcquiredReal to 0>>
<<set _coinAcquired to random(5,10)>>
<<set $coins += _coinAcquired>>
<<set _foodAcquired to random(1,3)>>
<<set $food += _foodAcquired>>
<div class="box Caravan1">
You first threatened the caravan for their basic goods. You and your soldiers were able to take <<print _soldierAcquired>> soldiers, and <<print _foodAcquired>> foods. Now you have total <<print $soldiers>> soldiers, and <<print $food>> food. You also were able to get <<print _coinAcquired>> coins by threatening the caravan. For building resources, you were able to loot <<print _woodAcquiredReal>> wood, and <<print _stoneAcquiredReal>> stone. You can continue to threaten the caravan for luxury goods or return back to your village.
[[Look at your stats|Stat1]]
What do you do?:
[[Threaten for Luxury Goods]]
[[Go back to your village]]
<div class="box Caravan1">
You decided to threaten the caravan more for their luxury goods.
<div class="box Caravan1">
You decided not to threaten the caravan more for luxury goods, and return back to your village.
[[Look at your stats|Stat1]]
[[continue|Town Activity]]
<<set _event to random(1,2)>>
<<if _event is 1>>
<<goto [[ThreatenLuxurySuc]]>>
<<elseif _event is 2>>\
<<goto [[ThreatenLuxuryFail]]>>
<</if>><<set _hideAcquired to 1>>
<<set $hide += _hideAcquired>>
<<set _paintAcquiredPer to random(1,10)>>
<<if _paintAcquiredPer is 1>>
<<set _paintAcquired to 1>>
<<set $paint += _paintAcquired>>
<<set _paintAcquired to 0>>
<<set _bronzeAcquiredPer to random(1,10)>>
<<if _bronzeAcquiredPer is 1>>
<<set _bronzeAcquired to 1>>
<<set $bronze += _bronzeAcquired>>
<<set _bronzeAcquired to 0>>
<div class="box Caravan1">
You and your soldiers threatened the caravan more of their luxury goods, and you succeeded! You get, <<print _hideAcquired>> hide(s), <<print _paintAcquired>> paint(s), and <<print _bronzeAcquired>> bronze(s).
[[Look at your stats|Stat1]]
[[continue|Town Activity]]
<div class="box Caravan1">
You tried to threaten the caravan more for luxury goods, but once you did, the caravan traders who thought your offers were the overwhelming decided to fight back.
[[Look at your stats|Stat1]]
[[continue (Check Result)|ThreatenLuxFailBridge]]
</div><<set $event to random(1,5)>>
<<if $event is either(1,2)>>
<<goto [[Threaten1FailNo]]>>
<<elseif $event is not either(1,2)>>\
<<goto [[Threaten1FailYes]]>>
<</if>><<set _SoldierDead to random(1,2)>>
<<set $soldiers -= _SoldierDead>>
<div class="box Caravan1">
From the battle with the caravan traders, you lost <<print _SoldierDead>> soldiers, and now your left with <<print $soldiers>> soldiers. The worst part is, the caravan managed to escape. That means no loot!
[[Look at your stats|Stat1]]
[[continue|Town Activity]]
</div><<set _SoldierDead to random(1,2)>>
<<set $soldiers -= _SoldierDead>>
<<set _FoodAcquired to random(1,2)>>
<<set $food += _FoodAcquired>>
<<set _SoldierAcquired to random(0,1)>>
<<set $soldiers += _SoldierAcquired>>
<<set _coinAcquired to random(1,4)>>
<<set $coins += _coinAcquired>>
<div class="box Caravan1">
From the battle with the caravan traders, you lost <<print _SoldierDead>> soldiers, and now your left with <<print $soldiers>> soldiers. But luckily, you were able to take some of the caravan's loot. You get <<print _FoodAcquired>> foods, <<print _SoldierAcquired>> soldiers, and <<print _coinAcquired>> coins.
[[Look at your stats|Stat1]]
[[continue|Town Activity]]
<<set $event to random(1,2)>>
<<if $event is 1>>
<<goto [[ThreatenLuxFailNo]]>>
<<else $event is not 1>>
<<goto [[ThreatenLuxFailYes]]>>
<</if>><<set _SoldierDead to random(1,2)>>
<<set $soldiers -= _SoldierDead>>
<div class="box Caravan1">
You and your soldiers fought the caravan. Unfortunately, <<print _SoldierDead>> of your soldiers died. Now you have <<print $soldiers>> soldiers left. This is not it, the caravan also managed to escape, and you acquire 0 loot.
[[Look at your stats|Stat1]]
[[continue|Town Activity]]
</div><<set _SoldierDead to random(1,2)>>
<<set $soldiers -= _SoldierDead>>
<<set _FoodAcquired to random(1,3)>>
<<set $food += _FoodAcquired>>
<<set _SoldierAcquired to random(0,2)>>
<<set $soldiers += _SoldierAcquired>>
<div class="box Caravan1">
You and your soldiers fought the caravan. Unfortunately, <<print _SoldierDead>> of your soldiers died. Now you have <<print $soldiers>> soldiers left. But, before the caravan escaped, you were able to get some loots. You get <<_FoodAcquired>> foods, and <<print _SoldierAcquired>> soldiers.
[[Look at your stats|Stat1]]
[[continue|Town Activity]]
<<set $event to random(1,2)>>
<<if $event is 1>>
<<goto [[CaravanTradeSuc]]>>
<<elseif $event is 2>>\
<<goto [[CaravanTradeFail]]>>
<</if>><<set $tradeChoices.push("Use 3 soldiers for 3 food", "Use 3 food for 3 soldiers", "Use 3 food for 3 happiness", "Use 3 happiness for 3 food", "Use 3 soldiers for 3 happiness", "Use 3 happiness for 3 soldiers", "Use 5 soldiers for 5 food", "Use 5 food for 5 soldiers", "Use 5 food for 5 happiness", "Use 5 happiness for 5 food", "Use 5 soldiers for 5 happiness", "Use 5 happiness for 5 soldiers")>>
<<if $coins >= 1>>
<<set $tradeChoices.push( "Use 3 soldiers for 10 coins", "Use 3 food for 10 coins", "Use 3 happiness for 10 coins", "Use 10 coins for 3 food", "Use 10 coins for 3 soldiers", "Use 10 coins for 3 happiness", "Use 5 soldiers for 16 coins", "Use 5 food for 16 coins", "Use 5 happiness for 16 coins", "Use 16 coins for 5 food", "Use 16 coins for 5 soldiers", "Use 16 coins for 5 happiness")>>
<<if $wood >=1>>
<<set $tradeChoices.push("Use 3 soldiers for 3 woods", "Use 3 food for 3 woods", "Use 3 happiness for 3 woods", "Use 10 coins for 3 woods", "Use 5 food for 5 woods", "Use 5 soldiers for 5 woods", "Use 5 happiness for 5 woods", "Use 16 coins for 5 woods", "Use 3 woods for 3 soldiers", "Use 3 woods for 3 food", "Use 3 woods for 3 happiness", "Use 3 woods for 10 coins", "Use 5 woods for 5 soldiers", "Use 5 woods for 5 food", "Use 5 woods for 5 happiness", "Use 5 woods for 16 coins")>>
<<if $stone >= 1>>
<<set $tradeChoices.push("Use 3 soldiers for 3 stones", "Use 3 food for 3 stones", "Use 3 happiness for 3 stones", "Use 10 coins for 3 stones", "Use 5 soldiers for 5 stones", "Use 5 food for 5 stones", "Use 5 happiness for 5 stones", "Use 16 coins for 5 stones", "Use 3 stones for 3 soldiers", "Use 3 stones for 3 food", "Use 3 stones for 3 happiness", "Use 3 stones for 10 coins", "Use 5 stones for 5 soldiers", "Use 5 stones for 5 food", "Use 5 stones for 5 happiness", "Use 5 stones for 16 coins")>>
<<if $hide >= 1>>
<<set $hideTrade to random(1,$hide)>>
<<set $hideTradeRes to $hideTrade * 7>>
<<set $tradeChoices.push("Use <<print $hideTrade>> hide for <<print $hideTradeRes>> food", "Use <<print $hideTrade>> hide for <<print $hideTradeRes>> soldiers", "Use <<print $hideTrade>> hide for <<print $hideTradeRes>> happiness")>>
<<if $paint >= 1>>
<<set $paintTrade to random(1,$paint)>>
<<set $paintTradeRes to $paintTrade * 7>>
<<set $tradeChoices.push("Use <<print $paintTrade>> paint for <<print $paintTradeRes>> food", "Use <<print $paintTrade>> paint for <<print $paintTradeRes>> soldiers", "Use <<print $paintTrade>> paint for <<print $paintTradeRes>> happiness")>>
<<if $bronze >= 1>>
<<set $bronzeTrade to random(1,$bronze)>>
<<set $bronzeTradeRes to $paintTrade * 7>>
<<set $tradeChoices.push("Use <<print $bronzeTrade>> bronze for <<print $bronzeTradeRes>> food", "Use <<print $bronzeTrade>> bronze for <<print $bronzeTradeRes>> happiness", "Use <<print $bronzeTrade>> for <<print $bronzeTradeRes>> soldiers")>>
<<set $tradeChoices.shuffle()>>
<<set $choice1 to $tradeChoices[0]>>
<<set $choice2 to $tradeChoices[1]>>
<<set $choice3 to $tradeChoices[2]>>
<div class="box Trading1">
You succeeded on trading with the foreign village. They still seem a bit dubious of you and your soldiers, but accepts your intention to trade.
You can choose whatever trade you want to do below, and note that the offers are random which means, it is possible for you to not see the same offer next time.
Your Choices:
Choice 1:<<print $choice1>>
Choice 2:<<print $choice2>>
Choice 3:<<print $choice3>>
[[Decide not to Trade|Town Activity]]
[[Choose choice 1]]
[[Choose choice 2]]
[[Choose choice 3]]
</div><<set _SoldierDead to random(1,2)>>
<<set $soldiers -= _SoldierDead>>
<div class="box Caravan1">
After you requested to trade with the caravan traders, the traders started discussing for few moments, when suddenly they brought out this swords and started attacking you and your soldiers. From the battle, <<print _SoldierDead>> of your soldiers died, leaving you with total <<print $soldiers>> soldiers.
[[Look at your stats|Stat1]]
[[Chase the escaping caravanBridge]]
</div><<set $FineChoice to $choice1>>
<div class="box Trading1">
You decided to go with choice number 1 which is "<<print $FineChoice>>".
</div><<set $FineChoice to $choice2>>
<div class="box Trading1">
You decided to go with choice number 2 which is "<<print $FineChoice>>".
<<set $FineChoice to $choice3>>
<div class="box Trading1">
You decided to go with choice number 3 which is "<<print $FineChoice>>".
<<set $event to random(1,5)>>
<<if $event is either(1,2)>>
<<goto [[CaravanEscapeYesLoot]]>>
<<elseif $event is not either(1,2)>>
<<goto [[CaravanEscapeNoLoot]]>>
<</if>><<set _SoldierAcquired to random(0,1)>>
<<set $soldiers += _SoldierAcquired>>
<<set _FoodAcquired to random(1,2)>>
<<set $food += _FoodAcquired>>
<<set _coinAcquired to random(1,4)>>
<<set $coins += _coinAcquired>>
<div class="box Caravan1">
You and your soldier started chasing the caravan and soon after, you were able to catch up with it. You couldn't fully capture the caravan but you were able to steal some goods. You were able to get <<print _SoldierAcquired>> soldiers, and <<print _FoodAcquired>> food.
[[Look at your stats|Stat1]]
[[continue|Town Activity]]
<div class="box Caravan1">
You and your soldiers chased the escaping caravan. The chase went on for few moments but you soon realized that it's impossible to fully catch up with them. The soldiers started tiring out and you decided to stop the chase and return back to your village.
[[Look at your stats|Stat1]]
[[continue|Town Activity]]
</div><<print $happiness>>
<<print $soldiers>>
<<print $food>>
<<if $FineChoice.includes("Use 3 woods")>>
<<set $wood -= 3>>
<<elseif $FineChoice.includes("Use 5 woods")>>
<<set $wood -= 5>>
<<elseif $FineChoice.incudes("Use 3 stones")>>
<<set $stone -= 3>>
<<elseif $FineChoice.includes("Use 5 stones")>>
<<set $stone -= 5>>
<<elseif $FineChoice.includes("Use 3 soldiers")>>
<<set $soldiers -= 3>>
<<elseif $FineChoice.includes("Use 5 soldiers")>>
<<set $soldiers -= 5>>
<<elseif $FineChoice.includes("Use 3 food")>>
<<set $food -= 3>>
<<elseif $FineChoice.includes("Use 5 food")>>
<<set $food -= 5>>
<<elseif $FineChoice.includes("Use 3 happiness")>>
<<set $happiness -= 3>>
<<elseif $FineChoice.includes("Use 5 happiness")>>
<<set $happiness -= 5>>
<<elseif $FineChoice.includes("Use 10 coins")>>
<<set $coins -= 10>>
<<elseif $FineChoice.includes("Use 16 coins")>>
<<set $coins -= 16>>
<<elseif $FineChoice.includes("Use <<print $hideTrade>> hide")>>
<<set $hide -= $hideTrade>>
<<elseif $FineChoice.includes("Use <<print $paintTrade>> paint")>>
<<set $paint -= $paintTrade>>
<<elseif $FineChoice.includes("Use <<print $bronzeTrade>> bronze")>>
<<set $bronze -= $bronzeTrade>>
<<if $FineChoice.includes("for 3 soldiers")>>
<<set $soldiers += 3>>
<<elseif $FineChoice.includes("for 5 soldiers")>>
<<set $soldiers += 5>>
<<elseif $FineChoice.includes("for 3 woods")>>
<<set $wood += 3>>
<<elseif $FineChoice.includes("for 5 woods")>>
<<set $wood += 5>>
<<elseif $FineChoice.includes("for 3 stones")>>
<<set $stone += 3>>
<<elseif $FineChoice.includes("for 5 stones")>>
<<set $stone += 5>>
<<elseif $FineChoice.includes("for 3 food")>>
<<set $food += 3>>
<<elseif $FineChoice.includes("for 5 food")>>
<<set $food += 5>>
<<elseif $FineChoice.includes("for 3 happiness")>>
<<set $happiness += 3>>
<<elseif $FineChoice.includes("for 5 happiness")>>
<<set $happiness += 5>>
<<elseif $FineChoice.includes("for 10 coins")>>
<<set $coins += 10>>
<<elseif $FineChoice.includes("for 16 coins")>>
<<set $coins += 16>>
<<elseif $FineChoice.includes("for <<print $hideTradeRes>> happiness")>>
<<set $happiness += $hideTradeRes>>
<<elseif $FineChoice.includes("for <<print $soldierTradeRes>> soldiers")>>
<<set $soldiers += $hideTradeRes>>
<<elseif $FineChoice.includes("for <<print $soldierTradeRes>> food")
<<set $food += $hideTradeRes>>
<<elseif $FineChoice.includes("for <<print $paintTradeRes>> happiness")>>
<<set $happiness += $paintTradeRes>>
<<elseif $FineChoice.includes("for <<print $paintTradeRes>> soldiers")>>
<<set $soldiers += $paintTradeRes>>
<<elseif $FineChoice.includes("for <<print $paintTradeRes>> food")>>
<<set $food += $paintTradeRes>>
<<elseif $FineChoice.includes("for <<print $bronzeTradeRes>> happiness")>>
<<set $happiness += $bronzeTradeRes>>
<<elseif $FineChoice.includes("for <<print $bronzeTradeRes>> soldiers")>>
<<set $soldiers += $bronzeTradeRes>>
<<elseif $FineChoice.includes("for <<print $bronzeTradeRes>> food")>>
<<set $food += $bronzeTradeRes>>
<<print $happiness>>
<<print $soldiers>>
<<print $food>>
<<set $tradeChoices to ["0"]>>
<<goto [[TradeChoiceFine]]>>
<<set $population to $soldiers + $citizens>>
Your final stats after your trade
(I hope you got a good deal!):
<div class="box">
<table class="Table table-hover">
<th align="center" colspan="2" >Statistics</th>
<td >Happiness</td>
<td ><<print $happiness>></td>
<td >Food</td>
<td ><<print $food>></td>
<td >Soldiers</td>
<td ><<print $soldiers>></td>
<td><<print $citizens>></td>
<td>Population (Citizens + Soldiers)</td>
<td><<print $population>></td>
<td> Coins </td>
<td> <<print $coins>> </td>
<td> Wood </td>
<td> <<print $wood>> </td>
<td> Stone </td>
<td> <<print $stone>> </td>
<th align="center" colspan="2">Luxury Goods</th>
<td> Bronze </td>
<td> <<print $bronze>> </td>
<td> Hide </td>
<td> <<print $hide>> </td>
<td> Paint </td>
<td> <<print $paint>> </td>
[[continue|Town Activity]]
</div><div class="box Village2">
Welcome to the shop. Here you can use coins to buy treasury that you can view and admire everyday at the start of the day.
Here are the things you can buy:
@@font-width:bold;Your coins:<<print $coin>>@@
[[Decide not to buy anything|RandomEventTownAct]]
<table class="Table1 BGWhite">
<th> Name </th>
<th> Image </th>
<th> Price </th>
<th> Purchase </th>
<td> Great Longsword </td>
<td> <img src="" alt="Great Longsword" width="100px"> </td>
<td> 100 </td>
<td> [[Buy|BuyGreatLongSword]] </td>
<td> Incan Mask </td>
<td> <img src="" alt="Golden Incan Mask" width="100px"> </td>
<td> 100 </td>
<td> [[Buy|BuyIncanMask]] </td>
<td> Greek Crown </td>
<td> <img src="" alt="Greek crown that winners of the Olympics received" width="100px"> </td>
<td> 100 </td>
<td> [[Buy|BuyGreekCrown]] </td>
<td> Babylonian Tiles </td>
<td> <img src="" alt="Babylonian tiles of a lion" width="100px"> </td>
<td> 100 </td>
<td> [[Buy|BuyBabylonianTiles]] </td>
<<if $coins < 100>>
<<goto [[NoCoin]]>>
<<elseif $coins >= 100>>
<<set $coins -= 100>>
<<set $GreatLongSword to true>>
<div class="box Village1">
You bought the Great LongSword. You cannot use this in the game, but you can view the sword at the start of each day in the village treasury.
[[Look at your stats|Stat1]]
<<if $coins < 100>>
<<goto [[NoCoin]]>>
<<elseif $coins >= 100>>
<<set $IncanMask to true>>
<<set $coins -= 100>>
<div class="box Village1">
You bought the Incan Mask. You cannot use this in the game, but you can view the mask at the start of each day in the village treasury.
[[Look at your stats|Stat1]]
<<if $coins < 100>>
<<goto [[NoCoin]]>>
<<elseif $coins >= 100>>
<<set $GreekCrown to true>>
<<set $coins -= 100>>
<div class="box Village1">
You bought the Greek Crown. You cannot use this in the game, but you can view the Crown at the start of each day in the village treasury.
[[Look at your stats|Stat1]]
<<if $coins < 100>>
<<goto [[NoCoin]]>>
<<elseif $coins >= 100>>
<<set $GreekCrown to true>>
<<set $coins -= 100>>
<div class="box Village1">
You bought the Babylonian Tiles. You cannot use this in the game, but you can view the tiles at the start of each day in the village treasury.
[[Look at your stats|Stat1]]
<div class="box Village1">
Oh no! You don't have enough coins. Make sure you have at least 100 coins to buy any of the items in the shop. Since you don't have enough coins, you will have to return to the shop once you have enough coins.
[[Look at your stats|Stat1]]
</div><div class="box Treasury1">
You can fill your village treasury by buying items in the shop during daily town activity.
[[Go back|Day Start]]
<<if $GreatLongSword is true>>
Great LongSword
<img src="" alt="Great Longsword" width="700px">
<<if $IncanMask is true>>
Incan Mask
<img src="" alt="Incan Mask made out of pure shiny gold" width="700px">
<<if $GreekCrown is true>>
Greek Crown
<img src="" alt="Greek Crown, the same one the winners of Olympics would have got" width="700px">
<<if $BabylonianTiles is true>>
Babylonian Tiles
<img src="" alt="Babylonian Tiles of a lion" width="700px">
[[Go back|Day Start]]
</div>-Fully input the coin variable
-Add coins trading options
-Add coin pluses in events<<set _CoinAcquired to random(1,8)>>
<<set $coins += _CoinAcquired>>
<div class="box Mine1">
You decided to mine some silvers which can later be processed in your town as silver shekels and can be turned again as silver coins which you can use in the shop to buy treasuries. From the mine, you mined enough silver to create <<print _CoinAcquired>> coins and you have total <<print $coins>> coins.
[[Look at your stats|Stat1]]
</div><<set _coinEarnedMultiply to random(5,12)>>
<<set _coinEarned to $bronze * _coinEarnedMultiply>>
<<set $coins += _coinEarned>>
<<set $bronze to 0>>
<div class="box Bronze1">
You decided to convert the bronze you acquired to coins. You order your village blacksmith to smelt the collected bronze to coins. From the smelted coin, you get total <<print _coinEarned>> coins. Now you have total <<print $coins>> coins.
<img src="" alt="heap of bronze coin" class="FL">
[[Look at your Stats|Stat1]]
[[continue|Town Activity]]
</div><div class="boxSpecial">
<<print $nameVillage>>
Day:0 ~ Day:<<print $day>>
</div><<set _BisonCaught to random(1,2)>>
<<set _BisonFood to _BisonCaught * 5>>
<<set $food += _BisonFood>>
<<set $happiness += 2>>
<div class="box BisonHide1">
The bison hunt was a success! Your soldiers in unison of your order surrounded the herd of bison, as they stomped and made fiery faces to the soldiers, but your soldiers did not back down and with their spears to the front, your soldiers pounced onto the bison herd. From the battle, your tribe was able to hunt <<print _BisonCaught>> bisons, which converts to <<print _BisonFood>> food which now leaves you with total <<print $food>> food. The best part is that you were able to harvest bison hide which serves as a luxury good. With the bison hide, you can decide whether to keep your hide for further encounters or convert it to happiness.
[[Convert to Happiness|hide]]
[[Keep your hide]]
<div class="box Religion1">
Your tribe has saved up enough food(40) for you to find a new religion. By creating the religion, you can keep your tribespeople more together, improve happiness, and well-being of the people. In-game benefits include faster accumaltion of resources.
<<textbox "$religionName" "" autofocus>>
</div><<set $religionCreated to true>>
<<set $food -= 40>>
<div class="box">
Now it is the dawn of the new religion of your tribe "<<print $religionName>>". With this religion you will be able to improve the speed of your resource accumulation by increasing your default gain of resource everyday during your daily town activities. You can also try spreading your religion to other surrounding tribes. But before your tribe enjoys all the benefit, you have to build a shrine for your religion. Building a shrine will cost you 20 stones, and 30 woods. A new game pathway for building the shrine will appear on the Build Menu page and you can build it once you have enough resources.
[[continue|Town Activity]]
<div class="box">
From the build menu, you can decide to build buildings for your village.
<<if $religionCreated is true>>
[[Build Shrine]] 20 stones, 30 wood
[[Build Training Camp]] 15 stone, 5 wood
[[Build Quarry]] 30 stone, 0 wood
[[Build Tannery]] 2 hide, 4 stone, 10 wood
[[Build Bronze Mine]] 2 bronze, 7 stone, 4 wood
</div><div class="box StoneHenge1">
You have created your religion and now your tribe's capability to build the shrine to give your tribe multiple benefits is now unlocked. To build the shrine. To start building the shrine, you need 20 stones and 30 woods. The construction of the shrine will take 7 days.
[[Decide not to build|Town Activity]]
[[Start building the shrine|ShrineBridge]]
</div><<set _stoneEarned to random(1,4)>>
<<set $stone += _stoneEarned>>
<div class="box Stone1">
For your daily town activity, you decided to mine stone from the quarry. You bring your soldiers over to the quarry with some pickaxes made out of stone and order them to start mining. Your soldiers stay diligently at work and at the end of the day, your tribe earned total <<print _stoneEarned>>, and now your tribe has total <<print $stone>> stone(s).
</div><<set _treeCut to random(1,3)>>
<<set _woodEarned to _treeCut * 3>>
<<set $wood += _woodEarned>>
<div class="box Wood1">
You decided to cut trees for wood for the day. You bring your soldiers to a nearby plot of forest looking for good looking trees to chop down. You soon find few good looking trees for your soldiers to cut. At the end of the day, your were tribe was able to chop down <<print _treeCut>> trees. This converts to <<print _woodEarned>> woods. Now you have total <<print $wood>> woods.
</div><<set _stoneEarned to random(1,4)>>
<<set $stone += _stoneEarned>>
<div class="box Stone2">
You and your soldiers meander around the incessant scenary of nature, and stumble upon a rocky lake. The water is clear, illuminating all the fishes and living creatures inside it. You bend down to pick up a laying stone. The stone is in good size, not so sharp nor too round and just seems perfect for building. You look away and realize that there are plenty of rocks like this. You order your soldiers to collect some of the stones around and the amount of stones collected converts to <<print _stoneEarned>>, and your tribe's stone totals to <<print $stone>>
[[continue|Town Activity]]
</div><<set _woodEarned to random(1,6)>>
<<set $wood += _woodEarned>>
<div class="box Wood2">
As you and your soldiers wandered around the endless rows of trees, your group encounter a thicket of broken trees. It seems as if a parade of mammoths has stormed past the area. Normally your group wouldn't have their axes with them so they don't usually bring lumber back to the village, but this time, you were lucky enough to bring some lumber back to the village. You picked up enough wood pieces that converts into <<print _woodEarned>>. Now your total is at <<print $wood>> wood.
[[continue|Town Activity]]
</div><<if $wood gte 30 and $stone gte 20>>\
<<goto [[ShrineBuildStart]]>>
<<set $wood -= 30>>
<<set $stone -= 20>>
<<goto [[NoBuildResource]]>>
<</if>><<set $shrineBuildingDate to $day + 7>>
<div class="box ">
The construction of the shrine has begun. The construction will take 7 days. So will be finished at day <<print $day + 7>> from the current date <<print $day>>.
[[continue|Town Activity]]
</div><div class="box ">
You don't have enough building resources to build this building. Make sure you have enough building resources before you start building.
[[continue|Town Activity]]
</div><div class="box StoneHenge1">
You decided to visit the shrine. Here you can contribute your resources to gain more merits usually relating with your resources. You can contribute 5 for all the basic resources and 1 for all the luxury resources. All of these choices contributes to 5 shrine points which then is converted again to shrine level every 20 shrine points. Each shrine level unlocks more buffsfor your tribe.
Here you can contribute:
[[Contribute wood]]
[[Contribute stone]]
[[Contribute soldiers]]
[[Contribute food]]
[[Contribute happiness]]
[[Contribute coins]]
[[Contribute hide]]
[[Contribute paint]]
[[Contribute bronze]]
</div><<if $wood >= 5 >>
<<goto [[Contribute wood 2]]>>
<<set $wood -= 5>>
<<goto [[ContributeNoResource]]>>
<</if>><<if $stone >= 5 >>
<<goto [[Contribute stone 2]]>>
<<set $stone -= 5>>
<<goto [[ContributeNoResource]]>>
<</if>><<if $soldiers >= 6 >>
<<goto [[Contribute soldiers 2]]>>
<<set $soldiers -= 5>>
<<goto [[ContributeNoResource]]>>
<</if>><<if $food >= 6 >>
<<goto [[Contribute food 2]]>>
<<set $food -= 5>>
<<goto [[ContributeNoResource]]>>
<</if>><<if $happiness >= 5 >>
<<goto [[Contribute happiness 2]]>>
<<set $happiness -= 5>>
<<goto [[ContributeNoResource]]>>
<</if>><<if $coins >= 5 >>
<<goto [[Contribute coins 2]]>>
<<set $coins -= 5>>
<<goto [[ContributeNoResource]]>>
<</if>><<if $hide >= 1 >>
<<goto [[Contribute hide 2]]>>
<<set $hide -= 1>>
<<goto [[ContributeNoResource]]>>
<</if>><<if $paint >= 1 >>
<<goto [[Contribute paint 2]]>>
<<set $paint -= 1>>
<<goto [[ContributeNoResource]]>>
<</if>><<if $bronze >= 1 >>
<<goto [[Contribute bronze 2]]>>
<<set $bronze -= 1>>
<<goto [[ContributeNoResource]]>>
<</if>><<if $soldiers >= 3 >>
<<goto [[Sacrifice soldier (2)]]
<<goto [[SacNoResource]]>>
<</if>><<if $food >= 6>>
<<goto [[Sacrifice food (5)]]
<<goto [[SacNoResource]]
<</if>><div class="box">
You tried to help your tribe by contributing to the shrine, but unfortunately, you lacked resources. Pleasing the gods and your tribespeople will have to happen later.
</div><<set $shrinePoint += 5>>
<<goto [[shrinePointToLevel]]>>Double-click this passage to edit it.<<set $shrinePoint += 5>>
<<goto [[shrinePointToLevel]]>><<set $shrinePoint += 5>>
<<goto [[shrinePointToLevel]]>><<set $shrinePoint += 5>>
<<goto [[shrinePointToLevel]]>><<set $shrinePoint += 5>>
<<goto [[shrinePointToLevel]]>><<set $shrinePoint += 5>>
<<goto [[shrinePointToLevel]]>><<set $shrinePoint += 5>>
<<goto [[shrinePointToLevel]]>><<set $shrinePoint += 5>>
<<goto [[shrinePointToLevel]]>><<set $shrinePoint += 5>>
<<goto [[shrinePointToLevel]]>>
<div class="box Religion1">
<b>Your current shrine level: <<print $shrineLevel>> </b>
Buffs based on the level of the shrine:
<b>Level 1: </b>food +1 / soldier + 1
<b>Level 2: </b>food + 1 / soldier + 1 / coin + 1
<b>Level 3: </b>wood + 1 / stone + 1 / coin + 1
<b>Level 4: </b>wood + 1 / stone + 1 / coin + 1 / happiness + 1
<b>Level 5: </b>food + 1 / soldier + 1 / wood + 1 / stone + 1 / coin + 1
</div><<if $wood gte 5 and $stone gte 15>>\
<<goto [[TrainingCampBuildStart]]>>
<<set $wood -= 5>>
<<set $stone -= 15>>
<<goto [[NoBuildResource]]>>
<</if>><div class="box Weaponry1">
Training camp is a building that will help your tribe become stronger militarily by giving you at + 1 soldiers every day. You will be able to create your indestructible army over time. This construction will require you 15 stone and 5 wood. The total time for the building will take 3 days.
[[Decide not to build|Town Activity]]
[[Start building|Build Training Camps Bridge]]
</div><<set $trainingCampBuildingDate to $day + 3>>
<div class="box ">
The construction of the training camp has begun. The construction will take 3 days. So will be finished at day <<print $day + 3>> from the current date <<print $day>>.
[[continue|Town Activity]]
</div><div class="box Stone2">
Quarry is a building that will help your tribe obtain a rarer building resource stone. Quarry will provide you 1 to 2 stones daily, which will grant you less time to build new structures. Quarry requires 30 stones, and 0 wood to build and the construction will take 5 days.
[[Decide not to build|Town Activity]]
[[Start building|Build Quarry Bridge]]
</div><<if $stone gte 30>>\
<<goto [[QuarryBuildStart]]>>
<<set $stone -= 30>>
<<goto [[NoBuildResource]]>>
<</if>><<set $quarryBuildingDate to $day + 5>>
<div class="box ">
The construction of the quarry has begun. The construction will take 5 days. So will be finished at day <<print $day + 5>> from the current date <<print $day>>.
[[continue|Town Activity]]
</div><div class="box Tannery1">
Tannery is a building that has a chance of producing the luxury resource hide everyday by 10%. Produced hide by random, will be immediately converted into 5 happiness or will be saved to one of your tribe's inventory/stats. Building the tannery will require your tribe 10 woods, 4 stone, and 2 hide, and the total construction will take 5 days.
[[Decide not to build|Town Activity]]
[[Start building|Build Tannery Bridge]]
</div><<set $paint += 1>>
<div class="box">
You decided to keep your acquired paint for further uses. You can use paint to trade with other tribes or could be changed back to happiness or soldiers in the future.
[[Look at your stats|Stat1]]
[[continue|Town Activity]]
</div><<if $wood gte 10 and $stone gte 4 and $hide gte 2>>\
<<goto [[TanneryBuildStart]]>>
<<set $wood -= 10>>
<<set $stone -= 4>>
<<set $hide -= 2>>
<<goto [[NoBuildResource]]>>
<</if>><<set $tanneryBuildingDate to $day + 5>>
<div class="box Tannery1">
The construction of the tannery has begun. The construction will take 5 days. So will be finished at day <<print $day + 5>> from the current date <<print $day>>.
[[continue|Town Activity]]
</div><div class="box Bronze1">
Bronze mine is a building that has a chance of producing the luxury resource bronze everyday by 10%. Produced bronze by random, will be immediately converted into 5 soldiers or will be saved to one of your tribe's inventory/stats. Building the tannery will require your tribe 4 woods, 7 stone, and 2 bronze, and the total construction will take 5 days.
[[Decide not to build|Town Activity]]
[[Start building|Build Bronze Mine Bridge]]
</div><<if $wood gte 4 and $stone gte 7 and $bronze gte 2>>\
<<goto [[BronzeMineBuildStart]]>>
<<set $wood -= 4>>
<<set $stone -= 7>>
<<set $bronze -= 2>>
<<goto [[NoBuildResource]]>>
<</if>><<set $bronzeMineBuildingDate to $day + 5>>
<div class="box Bronze1">
The construction of the bronze mine has begun. The construction will take 5 days. So will be finished at day <<print $day + 5>> from the current date <<print $day>>.
[[continue|Town Activity]]