(if: $chaptertitle1 is true)[<span id="titles">I. On the Ethics of Dragon-Slaying...</span>(set: $entercavegoal to 2)(set: $fordgoal to 1)(set: $auroragoal to 1)(set: $dragonseegoal to 1)(set: $chaptertitle1 to false)
<span id="dialogue">You have new quest goals: Talk to Ford, Talk to Aurora, Take a closer look at that dragon... (Optional)</span>](else:)[<span id="titles">THE DRAGON'S CAVE</span>]
(if: $dragonexplored is false)[The [[colossal dragon->colossal dragon]] sleeps curled up at the end of the cave, its belly heaving with every breath. You look down on it from a steep embankment.](else-if: $dragonexplored is true)[The colossal dragon sleeps curled up at the end of the cave, its belly heaving with every breath. You look down on it from the top of a steep embankment.]
(if: $dragonready < 1)[[[Ford->FordCave]] clutches his sword, sizing up the dragon.
<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"Just one good clean swing is all it'll take, I reckon?"</span>
[[Aurora->AuroraCave]] gazes at the enormous slumbering creature.
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"I don't think a swing of the sword is going to do the job."</span>](else:)[[[Ford->FordCave]] eyes the dragon, clutching his sword.
[[Aurora->AuroraCave]] cocks her head and looks at the slumbering beast with curiousity.](if: $roastedadventurer is true)[
In the far corner of the cave, [[something metal]] glints in the dark...](else:)[(if: $talkingsword is false)[
In the far corner of the cave, you see the remains of the [[fallen adventurer.->something metal]]](else-if: $talkingsword is true)[
In the far corner of the cave, you see the remains of the fallen adventurer.]]
(if: $dragonready is 2)[You're as ready as you'll ever be. It's time to [[deal with the dragon...->FamousLastWords]]]It starts as just a tickle in the back of your throat. You scrunch up your face and kid yourself that you can keep it under wraps. But it's persistent. Inevitable, even. It keeps nagging at you.
And soon, it's roaring out of you and ripping through the cave, echoing and shaking cobwebs from the stalactices.
The mother of all sneezes.
Ford spins around and stares at you.
<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"*You fuckin' dipshit.*"</span>
The dragon's eyes snap open. It rears back. If you don't warn Ford, he's a goner. But if you do, the dragon might turn its attention on *you*.
[["Ford! Watch out!"]]
[[Keep quiet.]](set: $dragonwounded to true)Ford brings the sword down on the dragon's neck with a wet (text-style: "rumble")[thwack].
The dragon's eyes snap open and it keens in pain.
Hardly a flesh wound.
It rears back and Ford - still clutching onto the sword that's still embedded in the dragon's neck - is lifted clear off the ground.
The dragon thrashes wildly, spraying bursts of fire from its mouth between raspy shrieks.
Ford loses his grip on his sword and goes flying. He slams against the wall of the cave and lies crumpled there.
<span id="dialogue">Ford narrowly survived... but has been knocked out cold!</span>
[[Draw your sword.->FightOrNegotiate]]
[[Ready your shield.->FightOrNegotiate]]<span id="titles">THE GANGRENOUS STUMP</span>
Behind the bar, a [[grizzled old orc]] (either: "scrubs a filthy mug with an even filthier rag", "pours a beer stein so full of ale it almost overflows", "whistles a jaunty tune as he mops", "takes inventory of the pickled eggs in a huge cracked jar").
(if: $ruffians is 0)[In the corner, some [[rowdy ruffians]] play games with a dagger. (either: "A muscled", "A wiry", "A heavily scarred", "A spritely", "A sleepy-looking", "A scruffy") (either: "man", "woman", "elf", "orc", "dwarf", "goblin") (either: "accidently stabs a finger and cries out in pain while the others howl with laughter.", "puts on an impressive show, waving the dagger through the air.", "belches loudly, prompting applause from the other ruffians.")](else:)[In the corner, the rowdy ruffians lay sprawled on the barroom floor, unconscious.]
(if: $monkquest is 0 or 1)[A [[monk]] sits in the corner, (either: "fingering prayer beads", "sipping a steaming cup of tea", "reading a thick tome", "knitting something out of thick spider's wool").](else-if: $monkquest is 2)[Brother Thullo, forsaking his vows, (either: "finishes chugging a stein of ale and screams angrily for another", "knocks back three flaming shots in quick succession", "gorges himself on brined eggs", "kisses a barmaid, then a ruffian").](else-if: $monkquest is 3)[Brother Thullo sits in the corner, (either: "fingering prayer beads", "sipping a steaming cup of tea", "reading a thick tome", "knitting something out of spider's wool").]
Beside you, Aurora (either: "stares right through you with her silvery eyes", "regards the mayhem of the barroom with disdain", "quietly chants a spell to herself to protect her from the madness of the barroom").(if: $fordisalive is true)[
Ford (either:"downs another pitcher of ale", "regales some strangers with exaggerated stories of his adventures", "plays an off-kilter tune on the janky piano near the bar").]
[[Exit The Gangrenous Stump.->ExitStump]]The bartender (either: "offers you a sweet smile.", "nods cordially to you.", "cocks his gnarled ear towards you and asks what it'll be tonight.")
(if: $eventidegoal is 1)[ [["Where can I find the Eventide Tavern?"]]
](if: $gold >= 5)[ [["Give me something to put hair on my chest." (⭐ 5 GOLD)]]](else:)[<span id="locked"><s>"Give me something that'll put hair on my chest."</s> (🔒 5 GOLD)</span>] <span id="dialogue"> (GAIN +1 TANK!)</span>
(if: $gold >= 10)[ [["A rum for me and Aurora, please." (⭐ 10 GOLD)]]](else:)[<span id="locked"><s>"A rum for me and Aurora, please."</s> (🔒 10 GOLD)</span>] (if: $fordisalive is true)[
(if: $gold >= 10)[ [["A rum for me and Ford, please." (⭐ 10 GOLD)]]](else:)[<span id="locked"><s>"A rum for me and Ford, please."</s> (🔒 10 GOLD)</span>]
][["Anything interesting to tell me?"]]
[["We're looking for a fellow named Barnes. Heard of him?"]]
[[Walk away.->The Gangrenous Stump]]The table is covered in gold coins and marks from where a knife has been stabbed into it. The ruffians laugh and shriek as they splay their fingers and stab the table between them with a dagger, faster and faster.
A bucket full of severed fingers sits beside the table. Some withering, some fresh, some worn down to bone by time. (if: $fingerquest is 2)[Near the top of the pile, a jewelled ring glitters on a rotting finger.]
[[Just watch.]]
[[Ask if you can play.]](if: $fingerquest is 2)[
[[Ask them about Amati's finger.]]
(if: $rogue >= 8)[ [[Sneak up to the bucket and steal Amati's finger. (⭐ 8 ROGUE)]]](else:)[<span id="locked"><s>Sneak up to the bucket and steal Amati's finger..</s> (🔒 8 ROGUE)</span>]]
[[Step away from the table.->The Gangrenous Stump]](append: ?SideBar)[\
🍺🐉](set: $statselected to "")
|statworkarea>[(display: "Stat Button")]
(set: $inventoryselected to "")
|inventoryworkarea>[(display: "Inventory Button")]
(set: $companionsselected to "")
|companionsworkarea>[(display: "Companions Button")]
(set: $opentasksselected to "")
|opentasksworkarea>[(display: "Open Tasks Button")]
(set: $finishedtasksselected to "")
|finishedtasksworkarea>[(display: "Finished Tasks Button")]
(link:"Save game")[(if:(save-game:"Slot A"))[
Game saved!](else: )[
Sorry, I couldn't save your game.]]
(link: "Load last save")[(if: (saved-games:) contains "Slot A")[(load-game: "Slot A")](else:)[You don't have any saved games yet!]]
[[Restart game->storyinit]]]<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"(if: $aurora <= 0)[(either:"Come to torment me?","Surprised you're bothering to speak to me.", "You wanted something?")](else-if: $aurora is 1)[(either:"Glad to see I still exist as far as you're concerned.", "You wanted something?", "Surprised you're bothering to speak to me.")](else-if: $aurora is 2)[(either: "Did you need something?","Surprised you can spare the time to chat.","Yes? Something pressing you need to discuss?")](else-if: $aurora is 3 or 4 or 5)[(either:"You wanted something?","How can I help you?", "Something you wanted?")](else-if: $aurora is 6 or 7 or 8 or 9)[(either:"I appreciate when we can take some time out to chat.","Hello! Lovely to speak with you.", "It's a fine night we're sharing together, isn't it? Uh, you know. Besides all the dragon business.", "You wanted something?", "We always get into the strangest trouble together, don't we?")](else-if: $aurora >= 10 and $auroraflirted is 0)[(either:"I don't think there's anyone in the spheres I'd rather be sharing this night with, $YourName.", "Oh! Have you come to have another of our deep, probing conversations?", "The friendship we have is a light in a dark world, $YourName.")](else-if: $aurora >= 10 and $auroraflirted >= 1)[(either:"Careful out there, $YourName. I've grown very fond of you.", "Looking at you makes me feel like a dragon is flapping around in my stomach. Uh, in a good way.", "I can't believe in all the nine spheres, we somehow found our way to each other.")]"</span>
(set: $newauroraconvo to 0)
(if: $auroradrinksquest is 1)[ [["What's your favourite drink, Aurora?"]]
](else-if: $auroradrinksquest is 2 and $aurora >= 10 and $auroraflirted is 0)[ [["I've got enough drink in me to admit I've got feelings for you, Aurora." (❤️)]]
](else-if: $auroradrinksquest is 2 and $aurora >= 11 and $auroraflirted is 1)[ [["We didn't finish our discussion earlier." (❤️)]]
](else-if: $auroradrinksquest is 2 and $aurora >= 12 and $auroraflirted is 2)[ [["I changed my mind. I want to kiss you." (❤️)->AuroraNextKiss]]
[["Thank you for being you, Aurora." (❤️)]]
](else-if: $auroradrinksquest is 2 and $aurora >= 12 and $auroraflirted is 3 or 4)[ [["Gods, you're pretty in the moonlight. I'd really like to kiss you." (❤️)->AuroraNextKiss]]
[["Thank you for being you, Aurora." (❤️)]]
](if: $aurora >= 6)[ [["Will you help me grow stronger at magic, like you?"]]
](if: $auroradragonconvo is 0)[(if: $slaydragonquest is 2)[ [["Where do you think Majjhata will go now that she's left the cave?"]]
](else-if: $slaydragonquest is 3)[ [["How do you feel about what we did back in that cave?"]]
]](if: $auroradevattaconvo is 0)[(if: $devattaquest is 3)[ [["You seemed really passionate about stopping Devatta."]]
]](if: $auroradogconvo is 0)[ (if: $dogquest is 4)[ [["I'm glad we could help Viva find her puppies."]]
]](if: $auroraaniccaconvo is 0)[(if: $chattyswordquest is 2)[ [["Do you think Anicca will really leave her husband?"]]
](if: $chattyswordquest is 3)[ [["Do you think the life Anicca and Erik have together is really worth saving?"]]
]](if: $aurorapellaxconvo is 0)[(if: $pellaxquest is 3)[ [["What do you make of Madame Pellax?"]]
]](if: $auroraamatiquest is 0)[(if: $fingerquest is 4)[ [["Do you think we did the right, keeping Ibb's ring to give to his family?"]]
](else-if: $fingerquest is 5)[ [["What sick shit you think we should do with Amati's finger?"]]
](if: $fingerquest is 6 or 7)[ [["Do you think Amati was telling the truth about him and Ibb?"]]
]](if: $auroramonkconvo is 0)[(if: $monkquest is 2)[ [["Do you figure it was cruel, what we did to that monk?"]]
](else-if: $monkquest is 3)[ [["Do you think that monk was really cut out to keep up the holy life?"]]
]](if: $auroraracketconvo is 0)[(if: $dragonracketquest is 2)[ [["Why do you think Barnes really hired us? What's going on?"]]
]](if: $location is 1)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->GoodSideOfTown]]](else-if: $location is 2)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->town square]]](else-if: $location is 3)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->Bad Side of Town]]]<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"(if: $ford <= 0)[(either:"You again? What do you want?","Surprised you're bothering to speak to me.", "You want something?", "What?")](else-if: $ford is 1)[(either:"Glad to see I ain't entirely stopped existing, far as you're concerned.", "You wanted something?", "Talkin' to me? Surprised you're bothering.")](else-if: $ford is 2)[(either: "You need something?","Surprised you got the time to spare to talk to me.","Yeah? What do you want?")](else-if: $ford is 3 or 4 or 5)[(either:"You want something?","How can I help?","Yeah?", "Something you want?")](else-if: $ford is 6 or 7 or 8 or 9)[(either:"Oh, hey, $YourName. Glad to talk to you.","Well look what the cat dragged in.", "We haven't had a night like this in a while, $YourName. Nobody I prefer getting into trouble with.", "You wanted something?", "Hiya. You need something? I aim to please.")](else-if: $ford >= 10 and $fordflirted is 0)[(either:"There's not a single solitary person on this whole plane I'd rather get blackout drunk with 'sides you, $YourName.", "Wanna chat? I've got nothin' but time.", "Y'know, I feel like I can be my real self around you, $YourName. That's a rare thing in this world.")](else-if: $ford >= 10 and $fordflirted >= 1)[(either:"Promise me you'll take care out here tonight, $YourName. I don't know what I'd do if something happened to you.", "Lookin' at you in the moonlight like you are... you make me wanna... I dunno... write poetry or some crap.", "Y'know, there ain't much in this world I believe in. But I believe in us.")]"</span>
(set: $newfordconvo to 0)
(if: $forddrinksquest is 1)[ [["What's your favourite drink, Ford?"]]
](else-if: $forddrinksquest is 2 and $ford >= 10 and $fordflirted is 0)[ [["I'm drunk enough to admit I think you're kind of handsome, Ford." (❤️)]]
](else-if: $forddrinksquest is 2 and $ford >= 11 and $fordflirted is 1)[ [["Hey... about that talk we were having earlier..." (❤️)]]
](else-if: $forddrinksquest is 2 and $ford >= 12 and $fordflirted is 2)[ [["Fuck it. Changed my mind. I want your body, Ford." (❤️)->FordNextKiss]]
[["Thank you for being you, Ford." (❤️)]]
](else-if: $forddrinksquest is 2 and $ford >= 12 and $fordflirted is 3 or 4)[ [["I can't stop thinking about how your stubble would feel on my lips." (❤️)->FordNextKiss]]
[["Thank you for being you, Ford." (❤️)]]
](if: $forddragonconvo is 0)[(if: $slaydragonquest is 2 or 3)[ [["Your ego bruised about what happened back in the cave?"]]
]](if: $fordaniccaconvo is 0)[(if: $chattyswordquest is 2 or 3)[ [["Sort of sad about Anicca and Duallo. Have you ever been in love like that?"]]
]](if: $forddevattaconvo is 0)[(if: $devattaquest is 3)[ [["How do you feel about those kids who got caught up with Devatta?"]]
]](if: $forddogconvo is 0)[ (if: $dogquest is 4)[ [["You seemed to get a kick out of that dog in the inn. Never seen that side of you."]]
]](if: $fordpellaxconvo is 0)[(if: $pellaxquest is 3)[ [["Did Her Majesty's live up to your expectations?"]]
]](if: $fordamatiquest is 0)[(if: $fingerquest is 4)[ [["Think it's worth it, travelling all the way to the orc empire to give back Ibb's ring?"]]
](else-if: $fingerquest is 5)[ [["So, what sick shit you think we should do with Amati's finger?"]]
](if: $fingerquest is 6 or 7)[ [["What's your read on Amati? Do you think it was really true, the love story? Or was it a scam?"]]
]](if: $fordmonkconvo is 0)[(if: $monkquest is 2)[ [["How do you feel about what we did to that monk in The Stump?"]]
](else-if: $monkquest is 3)[ [["Do you think that monk we met in The Gangrenous Stump is going to last in the holy life?"]]
]](if: $fordracketconvo is 0)[(if: $dragonracketquest is 2)[ [["Looks like this whole dragon business was a set-up. And we walked right into it."]]
]](if: $location is 1)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->GoodSideOfTown]]](else-if: $location is 2)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->town square]]](else-if: $location is 3)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->Bad Side of Town]]](set: $hidesidebar to false)
(set: $randomroll to 0)
(set: $chaptertitle1 to true)
(set: $soldierreveal to 0)
(set: $fightoutcome to 0)
(set: $tank to 0)
(set: $rogue to 0)
(set: $mage to 0)
(set: $health to 5)
(set: $YourName to 0)
(set: $TavernName to 0)
(set: $background to 0)
(set: $stattutorial to true)
(set: $companiontutorial to true)
(set: $tutorialinventory to true)
(set: $gold to 0)
(set: $torch to false)
(set: $sword to false)
(set: $shield to false)
(set: $wildmeat to 0)
(set: $finger to 0)
(set: $dragonshead to 0)
(set: $compass to 0)
(set: $tutorialcompanions to true)
(set: $fordisalive to true)
(set: $auroraisalive to true)
(set: $ford to 4)
(set: $aurora to 4)
(set: $fordflirted to 0)
(set: $auroraflirted to 0)
(set: $auroradrinksquest to 0)
(set: $forddrinksquest to 0)
(set: $auroradragonconvo to 0)
(set: $auroraaniccaconvo to 0)
(set: $auroraamaticonvo to 0)
(set: $auroramonkconvo to 0)
(set: $auroradogconvo to 0)
(set: $auroraracketconvo to 0)
(set: $auroradevattaconvo to 0)
(set: $aurorapellaxconvo to 0)
(set: $fordpellaxconvo to 0)
(set: $forddragonconvo to 0)
(set: $fordaniccaconvo to 0)
(set: $fordamaticonvo to 0)
(set: $fordmonkconvo to 0)
(set: $forddogconvo to 0)
(set: $fordracketconvo to 0)
(set: $forddevattaconvo to 0)
(set: $newfordconvo to 1)
(set: $newauroraconvo to 1)
(set: $tutorialquest to true)
(set: $nofinishedquests to true)
//slaying the dragon quest//
(set: $slaydragonquest to 0)
(set: $entercavegoal to 1)
(set: $fordgoal to 0)
(set: $auroragoal to 0)
(set: $dragonseegoal to 0)
(set: $dragonsneakgoal to 0)
(set: $dragonreadynewgoalmessage to true)
//chatty sword quest//
(set: $chattyswordquest to 0)
(set: $redroofinngoal to 0)
//collect pay//
(set: $collectpayquest to 0)
(set: $visitgoals to 0)
(set: $eventidegoal to 0)
(set: $confrontbarnesgoal to 0)
(set: $fingerquest to 0)
(set: $ibbclue to 0)
(set: $monkquest to 0)
(set: $pellaxquest to 0)
(set: $meatquest to 0)
(set: $dragonracketquest to 0)
(set: $myacolytesquest to 0)
(set: $fivefingerdiscountquest to 0)
(set: $firsttankchoice to 0)
(set: $firstmagechoice to 0)
(set: $firstroguechoice to 0)
(set: $fordtalkedto to false)
(set: $auroratalkedto to false)
(set: $dragonready to 0)
(set: $roastedadventurer to true)
(set: $talkingsword to false)
(set: $dragonexplored to false)
(set: $telldragon to false)
(set: $tellpendant to false)
(set: $dragonsolution to 0)
(set: $rrivisited to 0)
(set: $gangrenousvisited to 0)
(set: $hermajestysvisited to 0)
(set: $barvisits to 0)
(set: $location to 0)
(set: $townsquarefirsttime to 0)
(set: $pellaxhornmessage to 0)
(set: $hornblown to 0)
(set: $dogname to 0)
(set: $tonic to 0)
(set: $devattapunched to 0)
(set: $devattaquest to 0)
(set: $dogquest to 0)
(set: $firstpunch to 0)
(set: $monktempt to 0)
(set: $angerchoice to 0)
(set: $desirechoice to 0)
(set: $doubtchoice to 0)
(set: $ruffians to 0)
//her majestys//
(set: $fortuneconvo to 0)
(set: $posh to 0)
(set: $seriousface to 0)
(set: $chubbydwarf to 0)
(set: $seriousfacequestioned to 0)
(set: $poshquestioned to 0)
(set: $chubbyquestioned to 0)
(set: $notwhatitseemedconvo to 0)
(set: $robbed to 0)
(set: $pellaxclue to 0)
(set: $alley to 0)
(set: $alleyfirsttime to 0)
(set: $trenchgold to 0)
(set: $alleymazegoal to 0)
(set: $thieved to 0)
(set: $EventidePassword to 0)
(goto: "Open")<span id="dialogue">+ 1 MAGE </span>(set: $mage to $mage + 1)(set: $fordtalkedto to true)(set: $ford to $ford + 1)
Ford smiles and chuckles to himself.
<span id="dialogue">Ford liked that.</span>
<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"Reckon my ego's gonna get me killed one day. I got no problem sharing the glory if you'll watch my back while I slay the dragon. 's what friends are for. And hey, tell you what. Things get a little hairy with that dragon, you just remember -- go for the eyes. Ain't a creature alive that likes having dirt thrown in those."</span>
[["Glad we have an understanding."->Enter the dragon's cave.]]<span id="dialogue">+ 1 TANK</span>(set: $tank to $tank + 1)(set: $ford to $ford - 1)(set: $fordtalkedto to true)
Ford rolls his eyes.
<span id="dialogue">Ford disliked that.</span>
<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"There ain't room enough in this cave for two swelled heads. Let's keep it civil 'til we're out of here."</span>
[["Fine."->Enter the dragon's cave.]]You, Ford, and Aurora make your way down the embankment towards the dragon.
<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"Now or never. Any famous last words?"</span>
(display: "FamousLastWordsChoice")<span id="dialogue">+ 1 ROGUE</span>(set: $rogue to $rogue + 1)(set: $fordtalkedto to true)
Ford trains his eye on the dragon once more.
<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"This'll make a mighty fine story to tell everyone back at The Hub-And-Spoke. Never have to buy my own drinks again so long as I live."</span>
[[Back away slowly.->Enter the dragon's cave.]](set: $fordgoal to 2)(if: $fordtalkedto is false)[<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>:
"Look, I'm thinkin' you two oughta just stand back and let me handle this. No reason we all gotta put ourselves in harm's way. And if 'rora's right, well... no reason we all gotta have the sin on our conscience."</span>
(set: $dragonready to $dragonready + 1)
[["Whatever we do, we do together so none of us get killed."]]
[["I'm not letting you hog all the glory again."]]
[[(eyeing the dragon) "Uh... be my guest!"]]](else:)[(if: $ford is 4)[<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
*(snapping around)*
"Look, we can chat back at The Hub and Spoke. For now, stop botherin' me and just keep your eyes on the dragon..."</span>](else-if: $ford > 4)[<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"Keep your eyes on the dragon. We'll be divvying up that gold in no time flat..."</span>](else-if: $ford < 4)[
Ford pinches the bridge of his nose and shakes his head as you approach.
<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"Why you bothering me? Just keep outta my way... and don't try to hog none of the glory back at The Hub and Spoke..."</span>]
[[Step away.->Enter the dragon's cave.]]](if: $auroratalkedto is true)[<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"Ford is set on slaying that dragon... but it's such a magnificent thing... if only there were some other way..."</span>
[[Step away.->Enter the dragon's cave.]] ](else:)[Aurora just keeps staring at the dragon. She seems to have no idea you're even there.
[["Are you... alright?"->AuroraDragonTalk]]
[["Helloooo. Earth to Aurora."->AuroraDragonTalk]]
[[Wave your hand in front of her face.]]]You stand at the edge of the embankment. The ground beneath your feet is shale that threatens to give way under your weight.
You hold up your torch. The dragon's scales shimmer in its light. Old scars criss-cross its body -- marks of hundreds of past adventurers who have tried and failed to slay the beast.
The dragon stirs, loosing a hot snort from its huge nostrils. One wrong move could wake it...
[[Creep a little bit closer...]]
[[Retreat...->Enter the dragon's cave.]](align:"=><==")[<span id="titles">🍺T A V E R N
C R A W L E R🐉</span>
*A screwball noir fantasy about what happens <u>after</u> you slay the dragon.*
(link: "Load your previous game.")[(if: (saved-games:) contains "Slot A")[(load-game: "Slot A")](else:)[
You don't have any saved games yet!
[[Content warnings.]]
[[Credits.]]]Most fantasy stories are about slaying the dragon. This one is about what happens after that.
When you and your companions are approached by a man in a tavern who offers you more gold than you could spend in one lifetime to slay a dragon, you're torn. The money would buy you out from under the boot of the tyrannical queen. You'd never want for anything again. But do you schmucks really stand a chance against a dragon? And what did this dragon do to deserve being slayed, anyway?
Your instructions are simple. Travel to the cave. Chop off dragon's head. Bring it to Akema, the village at the base of the mountains. Meet your patron in a tavern to collect your spoils.
If only you hadn't been too drunk to remember exactly WHICH tavern you were supposed to meet him in.
Now, you'll have to journey from tavern to tavern looking for him. An inn full of yearning hearts and true believers. A burlesque house full of cutthroats and intrigue. A dive bar where you're likely to walk out with fewer digits than you walked in with. As you uncover the strange secrets of Akema, you begin to realize you've been lied to, set up. Can you unravel the mystery and get out from under before last call?
You play Tavern Crawler by *reading* and *clicking links*. Some links take you to new locations. Some links reveal more information. Other links are choices that let you say something or take an action.
[[Learn about stats.]]
[[Learn about quests.]]
[[Learn about gold.]]
[[Learn about saving your game.]]
[[Return to the start menu.->TAVERN CRAWLER]]Writing and interactivity by me, Josh Labelle. I've been a games writer and narrative designer for several years now. I have a ko-fi page (link: "here")[(open-url: "https://ko-fi.com/joshlabelle")], a website (link: "here")[(open-url: "https://www.joshlabelle.com/")], and you can play other games by me (link: "here")[(open-url: "https://cogsandspanners.itch.io/")]. If you're interested in hiring me to collaborate on something, reach out to me at joshmlabelle@cogsandspanners.com or on my contact page (link: "here")[(open-url: "https://www.joshlabelle.com/contact")]
The cover image was drawn by Jonathan Harvey.
Playtesting and copyedits by E.C. Marcon.
Thanks to:
* (link:"Chris Klimas")[(open-url:"https://www.patreon.com/klembot")], for creating Twine
* (link: "Emily Short")[(open-url: "https://emshort.blog/")], for her invaluable blog
* (link: "G.C. Grim Baccaris")[(open-url: "https://www.patreon.com/grimoirtua")], whose Twine tutorials were a great resource in the development of this game.
* My fellow narrative designers at work, who have taught me so much about creating choice-based fiction.
This game is dedicated to Sam Watson, the finest dungeon master an adventurer could ever have. May any goodness that comes from its creation be dedicated to him and aid him in his travels through the planes.
[[Back to start page->TAVERN CRAWLER]] (set: $dragonready to $dragonready + 1)(set: $auroratalkedto to true)(set: $auroragoal to 2)<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"Oh! Hello! Sorry. I was a little... distracted."</span>
She looks at you... but it seems to pain her to tear her eyes away from the dragon, and soon she's resumed staring at it.
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"But can you blame me? Don't you think it's one of the most beautiful things you've ever seen? The dragon? Look at the way the torchlight glints off its scales..."</span>
[[Stare at the dragon, truly seeing its beauty.]]
[["I guess it is beautiful... in an ugly sort of way..."]]
[["It'll look prettier to me once it's dead."]]<span id="dialogue">+ 1 TANK</span>(set: $aurora to $aurora - 1)(set: $tank to $tank + 1)
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
*(shaking her head in disgust)*
"I guess all this time with Ford is starting to rub off on you. I can understand wanting to stop the dragon so the village doesn't have to live in fear... but to take joy in killing such a gorgeous creature?"</span>
<span id="dialogue">Aurora disliked that.</span>
(display: "Ford approaches")(goto: "AuroraDragonTalk")<span id="dialogue">+ 1 MAGE</span>(set: $mage to $mage + 1)(set: $auroratalkedto to true)(set: $aurora to $aurora + 1)
Even for an adventurer, dragons are no common sight, and before this, you've only seen sketches in books.
You take a good look at the dragon, its hard, shiny, black scales shifting as its vast body breathes.
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"See? Isn't it something? Doesn't it seem like... sort of a waste... to have to kill such a magnificent thing?"</span>
<span id="dialogue">Aurora liked that!</span>
(display: "Ford approaches")<span id="dialogue">+ 1 ROGUE</span>(set: $rogue to $rogue + 1)
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"I always appreciate you making the effort to see the world the way I do. Not many do, you know."</span>
<span id="dialogue">Aurora liked that.</span>
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"I just... I can't help but feel like killing such a beautiful thing... it would be a waste."</span>
(display: "Ford approaches")You slide down the steep enbankment, drawing closer to the dragon.
A clutch of black eggs are nested beneath the dragon. The eggs are crushed, destroyed... but the dragon still nestles close to them, unwilling to abandon her would-be brood.
<span id="dialogue">You found a vital clue.</span>(set: $dragonseegoal to 2)(set: $dragonexplored to true)
The dragon suddenly stirs. Its colossal wings begin to unfurl. Its eyes are still shut tight, but it stretches its arms, clawing at the darkness...
(if: $tank >= 2)[ [[Deftly hide in a nearby crevice. (⭐ 2 TANK)]]](else:)[<span id="locked"><s>Deftly hide in a nearby crevice.</s> ( 🔒 2 TANK)</span>]
[[Frantically scramble backwards.]]
[[Don't... move... an inch...]]{
(print: "<script>$('html').removeClass(\)</script>")
(if: (passage:)'s tags's length > 0)[
(print: "<script>$('html').addClass('" + (passage:)'s tags.join(' ') + "'\)</script>")
}(link: "Stats▼")[(replace: ?statworkarea)[(display: "Stat Collapse Button and Dropdown")]](link: "Stats▲")[(replace: ?statworkarea)[(display: "Stat Button")]]
(if: $stattutorial is true)[
Don't worry. You'll find out more about yourself in just a second.](else:)[
(if: $background is 1)[Human Warrior](else-if: $background is 2)[Elven Mage](else-if: $background is 3)[Halfling Thief]
$health HP - (if: $health >= 5)[(colour: "green")[Robust!]](if: $health is 4)[(colour: "Yellow")[Fair.]](if: $health is 3)[(colour: "yellow")[Shaky.]](if: $health is 2)[(colour: "red")[Wounded.]](if: $health is 1)[(colour: "red")[(text-style: "rumble")[At death's door.]]](else:)[]
* Tank⚔️: $tank
* Rogue🗡️: $rogue
* Mage🧙♀️: $mage
](link: "Loot▼")[(replace: ?inventoryworkarea)[(display: "Inventory Collapse Button and Dropdown")]](link: "Loot▲")[(replace: ?inventoryworkarea)[(display: "Inventory Button")]](if: $tutorialinventory is true)[
Relax. You'll get some stuff to lug around in just a sec.](if: $tutorialinventory is false)[
* (text-colour: "Gold")[Gold]: $gold pieces
(if: $torch is true)[* Torch](if: $sword is true)[* Sword](if: $shield is true)[* Shield]](if: $dragonhead is 1)[* A dragon's head](if: $dogquest is 3)[* Bag of puppies](if: $finger is 1)[* Amati's finger](if: $compass is 1)[* Pellax's compass](if: $wildmeat > 0)[* $wildmeat pieces of wild meat](link: "Open Quests▼")[(replace: ?opentasksworkarea)[(display: "Open Tasks Collapse Button and Dropdown")]](link: "Open Quests▲")[(replace: ?opentasksworkarea)[(display: "Open Tasks Button")]](if: $tutorialquest is true)[
Calm down! I'll give you something to do in a second!](if: $tutorialquest is false)[
<u>MAIN QUESTS</u>](if: $slaydragonquest is 1)[
<span id="dialogue"><u>SLAY THE DRAGON</u>
+10 Gold</span>(if: $entercavegoal is 1)[* Enter the dragon's cave.](if: $entercavegoal is 2)[(text-style:"strike")[* Enter the dragon's cave]](if: $fordgoal is 1)[* Talk to Ford.](if: $fordgoal is 2)[(text-style:"strike")[* Talk to Ford]](if: $auroragoal is 1)[* Talk to Aurora](if: $auroragoal is 2)[(text-style:"strike")[* Talk to Aurora]](if: $dragonseegoal is 1)[* (Optional) Take a closer look at that dragon...](if: $dragonseegoal is 2)[(text-style:"strike")[* (Optional) Take a closer look at that dragon...]](if: $slaydragonquest is 1)[* Deal with the dragon. And, uh, don't get killed by it, obviously.]](if: $collectpayquest is 1)[
<span id="dialogue"><u>COLLECT YOUR PAY</u>
+400,000 Gold</span>(if: $visitgoals is 1)[ (if: $rrivisited is 0)[* Investigate the Red Roof Inn.](else:)[(text-style:"strike")[* Investigate the Red Roof Inn.]](if: $gangrenousvisited is 0)[* Investigate The Gangrenous Stump.](else:)[(text-style:"strike")[* Investigate The Gangrenous Stump.]](if: $hermajestysvisited is 0)[* Investigate Her Majesty's.](else:)[(text-style:"strike")[* Investigate Her Majesty's.]]](if: $eventidegoal is 1)[* Ask any bartender about where to find the Eventide Tavern](else-if: $eventidegoal is 2)[(text-style:"strike")[* Ask any bartender about where to find the Eventide Tavern]](if: $alleymazegoal is 1)[* Journey through the maze of alleys to find the Eventide Social Club](else-if: $alleymazegoal is 2)[(text-style:"strike")[* Journey through the maze of alleys to find the Eventide Social Club]](if: $confrontbarnesgoal is 1)[* Confront Barnes in the Eventide Social Club](if: $collectpayquest is 1)[* Find Barnes and collect your pay.]](if: $dragonracketquest is 1)[
<span id="dialogue"><u>THE DRAGON RACKET</u>
+ 10 Gold</span>
* Investigate the town.
](if: $alleyfirsttime is 1)[
<span id="dialogue"><u>MEET YOU IN THE MAZE</u>
+ 5 Gold</span>
* Find help navigating the alleys.
](if: $tutorialquest is false)[
<u>SIDE QUESTS</u>](if: $chattyswordquest is 1)[
<span id="dialogue"><u>LAST LOVE LETTER</u>
+5 Gold</span>(if: $chattyswordquest is 1)[* Deliver the letter.](if: $redroofinngoal is 1)[* Ask around at the Red Roof Inn.](if: $redroofinngoal >= 2)[(text-style:"strike")[* Ask around at the Red Roof Inn.]](if: $redroofinngoal is 2)[* Talk to the dancers at Her Majesty's.](if: $redroofinngoal >= 3)[(text-style:"strike")[* Talk to the dancers at Her Majesty's.]](if: $redroofinngoal is 3)[* Return to the Red Roof Inn and confront Anicca.]](if: $auroradrinksquest is 1)[
<span id="dialogue"><u>DRINKS WITH AURORA</u>
+ Further your relationship with Aurora</span>
* Talk to Aurora to find out her favourite drink
* Find a bartender who makes it and buy it for her
](if: $forddrinksquest is 1)[
<span id="dialogue"><u>DRINKS WITH FORD</u>
+ Further your relationship with Ford</span>
* Talk to Ford to find out his favourite drink
* Find a bartender who makes it and buy it for him.
](if: $devattaquest is 1)[
<span id="dialogue"><u>COUNTERFEIT MAGIC</u></span>
+ 5 Gold
* Warn the acolytes that Devatta isn't what he seems.
](if: $dogquest is 2)[
<span id="dialogue"><u>OLD DOG, NEW TRICKS</u>
+ 5 Gold</span>
* Something is bothering the dog in the Red Roof Inn. The only clue you have is that she's asked you to "find them", "in the shadow of the broken paw".
](if: $pellaxquest is 2)[
<span id="dialogue"><u>A SPY IN HER MAJESTY'S CHAMBERS</u>
+3 Gold</span>
* Madame Pellax tells you someone in Her Majesty's is a spy from the village council, looking to get Her Majesty's shut down. Find out who it is and tell her.
(if: $seriousfacequestioned is 0)[* (Optional) Question the woman with the serious face.](else:)[(text-style:"strike")[* (Optional) Question the woman with the serious face.]](if: $poshquestioned is 0)[* (Optional) Question the posh fellow who keeps shuffling around nervously.](else:)[(text-style:"strike")[* (Optional) Question the posh fellow who keeps shuffling around nervously.]](if: $chubbyquestioned is 0)[* (Optional) Question the chubby dwarf standing by the stage.](else:)[(text-style:"strike")[* (Optional) Question the chubby dwarf standing by the stage.]](if: $poshquestion is 2)[* (Optional) Question Pellax about the posh man's accusation]
](if: $fingerquest >= 2 and < 4)[
<span id="dialogue"><u>AMATI'S FINGER</u>
+5 Gold</span>(if: $fingerquest is 2)[* Get Amati's finger back from ruffians in The Gangrenous Stump.
](else-if: $fingerquest is 3)[* Return to Amati outside The Stump.
* (Optional) Ask Amati about the bartender's accusation.
]](if: $monkquest is 1)[
<span id="dialogue"><u>WORLDLY TEMPTATIONS</u>
+5 Gold</span>
* Test the monk's resolve.
](if: $tutorialquest is false)[
<u>DIRTY JOBS</u>](if: $myacolytesquest is 1)[
<span id="dialogue"><u>SIGNS AND WONDERS</u>
+3 Gold each time</span>
* Dazzle your new acolytes with a display of pyromancy. Uh, be careful not to burn yourself...
](if: $fivefingerdiscountquest is 1)[
<span id="dialogue"><u>FIVE FINGER DISCOUNT</u>
+3 Gold each time</span>
* Win the knife game. Don't lose any digits in the process.
](if: $meatquest is 1)[
<span id="dialogue"><u>MEAT MARKET</u>
+10 Gold each time</span>
* Collect 10 pieces of wild meat and exchange them at the meat market outside the alleys.
](link: "Finished Quests▼")[(replace: ?finishedtasksworkarea)[(display: "Finished Tasks Collapse Button and Dropdown")]](link: "Finished Quests▲")[(replace: ?finishedtasksworkarea)[(display: "Finished Tasks Button")]](if: $nofinishedquests is true)[
You haven't finished any quests yet!](if: $nofinishedquests is false)[
<u>MAIN QUESTS</u>](if: $slaydragonquest is 2)[
<span id="dialogue"><u>SLAY THE DRAGON</u></span>
You talked the dragon into leaving the cave and soaring off for parts unknown.](else-if: $slaydragonquest is 3)[
<span id="dialogue"><u>SLAY THE DRAGON</u></span>
You killed the dragon and chopped off its head.](if: $dragonracketquest is 2)[
<span id="dialogue"><u>THE DRAGON RACKET</u></span>
You discovered that the town didn't live in fear of the dragon at all... but *loved* it and depended on it for tourism.](if: $alleyfirsttime is 2)[
<span id="dialogue"><u>MEET YOU IN THE MAZE</u></span>
A strange fellow in a gas mask and trenchcoat has offered to give you a tour of the alleys.](else-if: $alleyfirsttime is 3)[
<span id="dialogue"><u>MEET YOU IN THE MAZE</u></span>
Madame Pellax's compass will guide you through the maze of alleys.](if: $collectpayquest is 2)[
<span id="dialogue"><u>COLLECT YOUR PAY</u></span>
You took Barnes's dirty deal.](if: $nofinishedquests is false)[
<u>SIDE QUESTS</u>](if: $chattyswordquest is 2)[
<span id="dialogue"><u>LAST LOVE LETTER</u></span>
You delivered the love letter to Anicca at the Red Roof Inn and urged her to leave her husband, Erik, and seek a life of adventure.](if: $chattyswordquest is 3)[
<span id="dialogue"><u>LAST LOVE LETTER</u></span>
You delivered the love letter to Anicca at the Red Roof Inn and urged her to stay with her husband, Erik, instead of leaving to seek a life of adventure.](if: $auroradrinksquest is 2)[
<span id="dialogue"><u>DRINKS WITH AURORA</u></span>
You bought Aurora a martini in Her Majesty's.](if: $forddrinksquest is 2)[
<span id="dialogue"><u>DRINKS WITH FORD</u></span>
You bought Ford a rum in The Gangrenous Stump.](if: $devattaquest >= 2)[
<span id="dialogue"><u>COUNTERFEIT MAGIC</u></span>
You drove Devatta off, leaving his acolytes clamouring for someone else to follow...](if: $dogquest is 4)[
<span id="dialogue"><u>OLD DOG, NEW TRICKS</u></span>
You found Viva's puppies behind The Gangrenous Stump.](if: $pellaxquest is 3)[
<span id="dialogue"><u>A SPY IN HER MAJESTY'S CHAMBERS</u></span>
You told Madame Pellax that (if: $posh is 1)[the posh, nervous fellow was the spy.](else-if: $seriousface is 1)[the serious-faced young woman was the spy.](else-if: $dwarf is 1)[the chubby dwarf was the spy.] The spy was promptly and quite theatrically disappeared by Madame Pellax. (if: $poshquestioned is 2)[In the course of your investigation, you discovered that Her Majesty's is actually a front for a thieves' guild.]](if: $fingerquest is 4)[
<span id="dialogue"><u>AMATI'S FINGER</u></span>
You kept the ring to give back to Ibb's family at a later date.](else-if: $fingerquest is 5)[
<span id="dialogue"><u>AMATI'S FINGER</u></span>
You kept the ring just to torment Amati, because you're a sick fuck.](if: $fingerquest is 6)[
<span id="dialogue"><u>AMATI'S FINGER</u></span>
You gave the ring back to Amati... at a price.](if: $fingerquest is 7)[
<span id="dialogue"><u>AMATI'S FINGER</u></span>
You gave the ring back to Amati.](if: $monkquest is 2)[
<span id="dialogue"><u>WORLDLY TEMPTATIONS</u></span>
You convinced the monk to renounce his religion and embrace prurient carnality.](else-if: $monkquest is 3)[
<span id="dialogue"><u>WORLDLY TEMPTATIONS</u></span>
You encouraged the monk to stick to the holy life.](link: "Bungled Quests▼")[(replace: ?bungledtasksworkarea)[(display: "Bungled Tasks Collapse Button and Dropdown")]](link: "Bungled Quests▲")[(replace: ?bungledtasksworkarea)[(display: "Bungled Tasks Button")]](if: $slaydragonquest is 3)[
* Things went a little sideways. Poor Ford. Sometimes you slay the dragon. Sometimes the dragon slays you...
]The mouth of the cave yawns open before you. Its walls are veined with gold, glittering.
<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"Look, you don't want to be party to this, you turn back. Let us do the deed and collect the gold."</span>
Aurora says nothing.
<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"Heh. That's what I figured."</span>
He disappears into the cave.
[[Enter the dragon's cave.]](link: "Companions▼")[(replace: ?companionsworkarea)[(display: "Companions Collapse Button and Dropdown")]](link: "Companions▲")[(replace: ?companionsworkarea)[(display: "Companions Button")]](if: $tutorialcompanions is true)[
Relax. I'll give you some friends in just a second.](if: $tutorialcompanions is false)[(if: $fordisalive is true)[
<u>FORD (TANK)</u>(if: $ford >= 10)[(if: $fordflirted >= 1)[❤️]]
Your relationship with Ford is (if: $ford <= 0)[(text-style: "rumble")[(colour: "Red")[terrible!]]](else-if: $ford is 1)[(colour: "Orange")[on the rocks]](else-if: $ford is 2)[(colour: "Orange")[chilly]](else-if: $ford is 3)[(colour: "Yellow")[neutral]](else-if: $ford is 4)[(colour: "Yellow")[neutral]](else-if: $ford is 5)[(colour: "Yellow")[neutral]](else-if: $ford is 6)[(colour: "Yellow")[friendly]](else-if: $ford is 7)[(colour: "Yellow")[friendly]](else-if: $ford is 8)[(colour: "Yellow")[friendly]](else-if: $ford is 9)[(colour: "Yellow")[friendly]](else-if: $ford >= 10)[(colour: "Yellow")[ride-or-die drinking buddies]]][(if: $auroraisalive is true)[
<u>AURORA (MAGE)</u>(if: $aurora >= 10)[(if: $auroraflirted >= 1)[❤️]]
Your relationship with Aurora is (if: $aurora <= 0)[(text-style: "rumble")[(colour: "Red")[terrible!]]](else-if: $aurora is 1)[(colour: "Orange")[on the rocks]](else-if: $aurora is 2)[(colour: "Orange")[chilly]](else-if: $aurora is 3)[(colour: "Yellow")[neutral]](else-if: $aurora is 4)[(colour: "Yellow")[neutral]](else-if: $aurora is 5)[(colour: "Yellow")[neutral]](else-if: $aurora is 6)[(colour: "Yellow")[friendly]](else-if: $aurora is 7)[(colour: "Yellow")[friendly]](else-if: $aurora is 8)[(colour: "Yellow")[friendly]](else-if: $aurora is 9)[(colour: "Yellow")[friendly]](else-if: $aurora >= 10)[(colour: "Yellow")[ride-or-die drinking buddies]]]]]Just then, you [[hear Ford approaching...]]He stands there, staring at his boots.
<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"Look, we gotta do this."</span>
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"*Look* at it. Even you've got to admit it's a beautiful creature. This is a sin--"</span>
<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"It's four hundred thousand pieces of gold, Aurora. It's not having to live by the skin of our teeth anymore."</span>
Aurora starts to cry quietly. Ford shakes his head, can't bring himself to look at her.
[["Aurora's right. There's more to life than gold, Ford."]]
[["Ford's right. You're being too sentimental, Aurora."]](if: $roastedadventurer is true)[Something glimmers in the dark... but in this dark corner of the cave, it's impossible to quite make out what it is. You take a tentative step. The ground crumbles under your feet. Rocks clatter down into a crevice beside you.
Without more light, moving forward could be suicide...
(if: $torch is true)[ [[Cast the light of your torch... (⭐ Torch)]]](else:)[<span id="locked"><s>Cast the light of your torch.</s> ( 🔒 Torch)</span>]
(if: $background is 2)[ [[Peer ahead with your elf eyes... (⭐ Elf Background)]]](else:)[<span id="locked"><s>Peer ahead with your elf eyes.</s> ( 🔒 Elf Background)</span>]
[[Retreat.->Enter the dragon's cave.]]](else:)[The charred envelope pokes out of the dead adventurer's breast pocket.
[[Examine the envelope.]]
[[Back away.->Enter the dragon's cave.]]]<span id="dialogue">Ford disliked that. Aurora liked that.</span>
Ford grits his teeth and kicks the dirt.
<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"Fine. So forget about the gold. That dragon's a killer. Plain and simple. There's nothing pretty about it. We ain't leaving this cave while that dragon's still drawing breath."</span>
Ford strides away toward the dragon.
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"Thank you..."</span>
(set: $ford to $ford - 1)(set: $aurora to $aurora + 1)
[["Don't mention it, Aurora."->Enter the dragon's cave.]]<span id="dialogue">Ford liked that. Aurora disliked that.</span>
<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"Sentiment can get you look at a thing and see something there that ain't. You heard Barnes. Like it or not... that dragon's a killer. Plain and simple. We're not walking away from this cave while it's still drawing breath."</span>
Ford strides away toward the dragon...
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"I won't apologize for feeling deeply. For caring about all life. It's the source of a strength greater than any you or Ford will ever know."</span>
(set: $ford to $ford + 1)(set: $aurora to $aurora - 1)
[["It is what it is, Aurora."->Enter the dragon's cave.]]<span id="titles">KUKULA ROW</span>
The whole place has a (either:"godawful","pungent","putrid","sickening","stomach-churning") (either:"smell","stink","odour","aroma","scent","redolence"), like several things have died here very recently.
To the west lies [[Hidaya Square->town square]].
(set: $location to 3)
Raucous shouting erupts from a dive called [[The Gangrenous Stump]]. The sign is an outline of a hand missing an index finger. (if: $dogquest is 2)[Behind the dive, you hear [[whimpering...]]](if: $fingerquest is 0)[
Just outside The Gangrenous Stump, [[a drunken scoundrel]] argues with the muscled bouncer guarding the door. The scoundrel shouts in the bouncer's face, waving around a bloody, bandaged hand.](if: $fingerquest is 1)[
[[Amati->a drunken scoundrel]] paces in circles outside The Stump.](if: $fingerquest is 2 or 3)[
[[Amati->a drunken scoundrel]] waits for you expectantly.]
Nearby are the [[back alleys->AlleyEntrance]]. You hear (either: "frantic","pained","rapturous","guttural") (either:"wailing","screaming","keening","crying","shouting","moaning","shrieking") echoing from them...
[[Aurora]] (either: "looks around with disdain.", "whispers a quiet prayer that these souls might be saved.", "steps over a pile of vomit in the street.")(if: $newauroraconvo is 1)[
<span id="dialogue">New conversation topics!</span>]
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"(either:"It's a sin to judge, but how do these people live like this?","I have to try to remember that in my journey through the planes, I've been to places worse than this. I just... don't remember them.","Of all the places you've dragged me, $YourName, this is one of the most challenging.")"</span>(if: $fordisalive is true)[
[[Ford]] (either: "grins at the dilapidated area.", "looks around excitedly.", "hoots and hollers.")(if: $newfordconvo is 1)[
<span id="dialogue">New conversation topics!</span>]
<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
(either: "Now this is more my kinda place.", "Finally, somewhere a guy can get into a proper barfight.", "Every town needs at least one bar that's a right shithole, and that one definitely fits the bill.")</span>]<span id="titles">THE RED ROOF INN</span>
[[The bartender->RRIbartender]], a chubby, smiling man, (either: "whistles a jaunty tune", "reads a broadsheet behind the bar", "tends to a roaring fire behind the bar", "works on some sort of puzzle box").
A [[stout woman with sad eyes]] sweeps up behind the bar. She (either:"pauses to adjust an oil painting on the wall.", "tsk tsks at a mess someone's made at a table in the corner.", "yells at someone not to leave the door open behind them as they leave.")
A [[needlepoint]] adorns the wall.
(if: $devattaquest is 0 or 1)[In a corner by a fireplace, a [[haggard old wizard]] sits at a table, a [[group of acolytes]] gathered around him.](else-if: $devattaquest >= 2)[In the corner by the fireplace, Devatta's [[acolytes->"Sure, you can be my acolytes. What do I need to do?"]] sit with sullen faces. They eagerly beckon you over when they see you.]
A [[bleary-eyed old war hound]] sleeps on a rug in the corner.
[[Exit The Red Roof Inn.->ExitRRI]](if: $fingerquest is 0)[The scoundrel turns away from the bar with a huff and almost slams right into you. He's adorned with many piercings and countless jangling gold chains. His face is unshaven and even from a foot away you can tell that his breath reeks.
<span id="scoundrel"><u>SCOUNDREL</u>
"Hey. You. You weren't by any chance planning to go in that bar, were you?"</span>
[["Hell yeah. It looks like the roughest place in town."->"Who's asking?"]]
[["I don't know. It looks pretty rough."->"Who's asking?"]]
[["Who's asking?"]]](else-if: $fingerquest is 1)[Amati looks at you eagerly.
<span id="scoundrel"><u>AMATI</u>
"Did you have a chance to think on what we talked about? Will you help me get my finger back?"</span>
[["Okay. I'll help you get your finger back." (Accept quest)]]
[["I need to think on it some more."->Bad Side of Town]]](else-if: $fingerquest is 2 or 3)[Amati looks at you eagerly.
<span id="scoundrel"><u>AMATI</u>
"Did you get it? My finger?"</span>
(if: $fingerquest is 3)[ [["I've been told you're lying. You weren't married to Ibb."]]
[["I got your finger back."]]
][["Can you remind me where to find it?"]]
[["Sorry, not yet."->Bad Side of Town]]
]«» The man in the bowler hat sits down opposite you. He produces a handful of dapper handkerchiefs from his pocket, has a brief sneezing fit, and leaves the handkerchiefs crumpled on the table before him.
<span id="hooded"><u>MAN IN BOWLER HAT</u>
"Before I say any more... I like to know a little bit about the people I do business with. What's your name?"</span>
<span id="dialogue">Choose a name from the list or submit your own name below:</span>
<input type="text" data-varname="YourName">
(link-goto: "«Submit your own name.»", "YourName")<script>processInputElements();</script><span id="dialogue">+ 1 MAGE
*(Your choices define your character and improve your stats. Get your stats high enough and they'll open up more choices later!)*</span>(set: $mage to $mage + 1)(set: $stattutorial to false)
The man in the bowler hat ponders that and nods.
<span id="hooded"><u>MAN IN BOWLER HAT</u>
"Yes, that should do... as I have some people very much in need of help indeed."</span>
The man roots around in his pocket and finally produces...
...a business card?
[[Take the business card.]]<span id="dialogue">+ 1 ROGUE
*(Your choices define your character and improve your stats. Get your stats high enough and they'll open up more choices later!)*</span>(set: $rogue to $rogue + 1)(set: $stattutorial to false)
The man raises an eyebrow.
<span id="hooded"><u>MAN IN BOWLER HAT</u>
"I think you'll find my price to your liking."</span>
The man roots around in his pocket and finally produces...
...a business card?
[[Take the business card.]]<span id="dialogue">+ 1 TANK
*(Your choices define your character and improve your stats. Get your stats high enough and they'll open up more choices later!)*</span>(set: $tank to $tank + 1)(set: $stattutorial to false)
The man ponders that... then nods begrudgingly.
<span id="hooded"><u>MAN IN BOWLER HAT</u>
"It may be a bit... crude... but I respect that way of putting it. Right to the point. And it happens to be exactly what I'm in need of..."</span>
The man roots around in his pocket and finally produces...
...a business card?
[[Take the business card.]]You inspect the card, with its sleek black script on eggshell white...
Ford reads the card over your shoulder...
<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"Sounds like you're a fine, contributing member of society. Which begs the question -- what are you doing in *this* tavern at *this* hour?"</span>
<span id="hooded"><u>BARNES</u>
"We've got a little problem in Akema. And we need someone to resolve it. Swiftly and discreetly."</span>
[["What's the problem?"]]
Barnes looks around to make sure no one is listening and beckons you to lean in closer.
<span id="hooded"><u>BARNES</u>
*(very, very quietly)*
<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
*(with ear-shattering drunken loudness)*
"A *dragon*?!"</span>
<span id="hooded"><u>BARNES</u>
"I'll ask you kindly to keep quiet."</span>
[["So what do you need us to do?"]]<span id="hooded"><u>BARNES</u>
"Kill the dragon, obviously. It's made its nest in the caves of Akema's Peak, just to our south."</span>
<span id="dialogue">You've received a new quest: SLAY THE DRAGON.
+ 10 Gold
* Enter the dragon's cave
* Deal with the dragon. And, uh, don't get killed by it obviously
*(Open your quests in the sidebar if you've ever forgotten what you're supposed to be doing!)*</span>(set: $tutorialquest to false)(set: $slaydragonquest to 1)(set: $entercavegoal to 1)
[["This seems dangerous. Taking on a real live dragon?"]]
[["This seems cruel. What did the dragon ever do to anyone?"]]
[["Kill the dragon. Got it. What's the pay?"]]<span id="hooded"><u>BARNES</u>
"I understand why you'd be reluctant. It's a bastard of a dragon. *Terrorizing* us for weeks. Burning up the crops in the farmlands outside the village. Swooping down and roaring and sending us all running into our houses. We're one of the last independent villages, beyond the reach of the queen. This dragon is going to destroy us if someone doesn't stop it."</span>
He reaches into his pocket and digs around...
<span id="hooded"><u>BARNES</u>
"If you're still not convinced... I have something that I think will help you work up the bravery..."</span>
(display: "GoldOffer")<span id="hooded"><u>BARNES</u>
"It's a bastard of a dragon. *Terrorizing* us for weeks. Swooping down and giving a great big roar, sending us all running into our houses. Burning up the crops in the farmlands outside the village. We're one of the last independent villages, beyond the reach of the queen. This dragon is going to destroy us if someone doesn't stop it."</span>
He reaches into his pocket and digs around...
<span id="hooded"><u>BARNES</u>
"But... if you're not satisfied that the blasted thing *deserves* to die yet... I have something I think will help subdue your conscience..."</span>
(display: "GoldOffer")He finally clumsily digs a small burlap sack from his pocket. His shaking hand pitches it on to the table. Gold coins clatter out.
<span id="hooded"><u>BARNES</u>
"Ten pieces of gold. Go on. Take it. Just a taste."</span>
[[Take the gold.]]<span id="dialogue">+ 10 gold!
*(You got gold! Gold helps you... well, buy things. More gold opens up better options later, and helps you buy stat upgrades in the bars. You can always check how much you have in your Loot dropdown in the sidebar.)*</span>(set: $gold to $gold + 10)(set: $tutorialinventory to false)
<span id="hooded"><u>BARNES</u>
"You get that now... and once you've killed the dragon... you get four hundred thousand pieces to divide amongst yourselves however you'd like."</span>
Ford raises an eyebrow.
<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"Four hundred thousand."</span>
[["That's... a lot of gold."->MoreDetails]]
[["It's a big number. But I've got questions."->MoreDetails]]Ford and Aurora help you to your room.
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"I just don't know."</span>
<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"Nobody in The Hub-And-Spoke puts any respect on our names. But we kill a dragon? This is it. This is our one shot."</span>
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"A creature should have to die so we can get some respect?"</span>
Ford shrugs.
[[Collapse in your bed.]]You shove your sword, shield, and a torch into your rucksack.
<span id="dialogue">You've received new items: a sword, a shield, a torch.
*(Open up your Loot. Items can unlock better options later on. Careful not to make the wrong choices, or you might lose them!)*</span>(set: $sword to true)(set: $shield to true)(set: $torch to true)
[[Set out on your journey.]]You take the eastern pass. In the distance, the queen's great machines dot the landscape, lumbering and dragging themselves along. Your journey takes you farther and farther away from them, until you can barely see the smoke over the horizon.
<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"These are good honest folk in this village, independents. If we don't do this, they might not make it. Or worse, they might have to turn to the queen for help."</span>
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"I simply don't understand why the dragon has to *die*."</span>
<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"One more village in the grip of the queen. That what you want to see?"</span>
You reach the mountains and begin the ascent towards [[Akema's Peak.->Climb]]By the light of your torch, you see that the glinting metal is chainmail armor on a charred, rotting corpse. Looks like another adventurer tried to take on the dragon and didn't fare so well...
[[Loot the corpse.]]
[[Whisper a quiet prayer.]]
[[Try to get a better idea of how he died.]]<span id="dialogue">+ 1 ROGUE</span>(set: $rogue to $rogue + 1)
You draw closer, flop over the corpse, root around in its pockets. Melted coins tumble out and roll away along the craggy floor of the cave. You find only a few meagre coins in good enough shape that a merchant might take them.
<span id="dialogue">+ 5 GOLD</span>(set: $gold to $gold + 5)
There's an envelope poking out of the dead shmuck's breastpocket.
(display: "swordwhispers")<span id="dialogue">+ 1 MAGE</span>(set: $mage to $mage + 1)
You nod your head, close your eyes, and offer a silent wish that whichever gods this adventurer worshipped might usher his soul safely into the next life.
There's an envelope poking out of the dead shmuck's breastpocket.
(display: "swordwhispers")<span id="dialogue"> + 1 TANK </span>(set: $tank to $tank + 1)
You crouch and examine the entire sad scene.
Footprints lead up to the corpse -- frantic, messy footprints that match the dead adventurer's heavy boots. In the torch's flickering light, huge gashes come into focus on the wall of the cave above -- the dragon's talons as it clawed for the adventurer.
This poor schmuck must have tried to flee the dragon, perhaps opting to hide in this dark crevice. Instead, he found himself cornered. One burst of firey breath from the dragon later...
There's an envelope poking out of the dead shmuck's breastpocket.
(display: "swordwhispers")(set: $roastedadventurer to false)[[Examine the envelope.]]
[[Step away.->Enter the dragon's cave.]]You scramble up the embankment. The ground shifts and crumbles beneath your feet. It's almost impossible to get your footing.
In your mad scurry, you lose your grip on your torch. It clatters to the ground and bounces to the bottom of the embankment, its light extinguished.
<span id="dialogue">You lost your torch!</span>(set: $torch to false)
You glance back at the dragon.
It's gone back to sleep.
[[Clamber back up the embankment.->Enter the dragon's cave.]]You freeze up. The dragon's fitful tossing and turning knocks loose some rocks from the roof of the cave.
You throw up your arms seconds too late and feel stinging pain. Warm blood rolls down from a gash above your eye.
<span id="dialogue">You lost 2 health.</span>(set: $health to $health - 2)
When you've wiped away the blood and blinked away the pain, you glance back at the dragon.
It's gone back to sleep.
[[Clamber back up the embankment.->Enter the dragon's cave.]]You spy the narrow space, just close enough for you to deftly roll into. You flatten your body, barely allowing yourself a breath.
The dragon opens a single eye, glancing around.
It misses you entirely, shuts its eyes, and goes back to sleep.
<span id="dialogue">Thanks to quick strategic thinking, you survived a close call with the dragon without a scratch.</span>
You sigh relief and slide out of the crevice.
[[Clamber back up the embankment.->Enter the dragon's cave.]]Ford and Aurora listen as you describe the cracked eggs you saw being shielded by the dragon.
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"This explains so much. The dragon is a *mother*. It's no wonder she so fiercely guards her territory..."</span>
(set: $telldragon to true)
<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"It's good to know. We can use it."</span>
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"Maybe we can *help* her. She's grieving. Grieving her children."</span>
<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"We're being paid to *kill* her, Aurora. Not help her through a tough time sorting her feelings."</span>
[["Maybe we can use the eggs to gain a strategic advantage."]]
[["Maybe the dragon doesn't need to die if we can get it to just... leave."]](set: $aurora to $aurora - 1)(set: $ford to $ford + 1)Something in your agreeing with him frees Ford up. Something in him hardens and his voice turns, an army general surveying a battlefield.
<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"That's it. I'll take a swing at the dragon, but if it wakes up... you go after the eggs to distract it."</span>
Ford walks away. Aurora's eyes fill with tears.
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"If we go through with this, we will answer for it in the next life. Mark my words."</span>
<span id="dialogue">Ford liked that. Aurora disliked that.</span>
(display: "FamousLastWordsChoice")(set: $aurora to $aurora + 1)(set: $ford to $ford - 1)Ford stares off, wrestling with it.
<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"That wasn't the deal. We can't do this halfway."</span>
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"If we kill such a beautiful creature, we will answer for it in the next life. You're storing up something much worse than gold for yourself. Mark my words."</span>
Ford walks away.
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"I'm starting to think I'm not up for the adventuring life, if it makes you turn out like Ford..."</span>
<span id="dialogue">Aurora liked that. Ford disliked that.</span>
(display: "FamousLastWordsChoice")(if: $dragonexplored is true and $telldragon is false)[
[[Tell Aurora and Ford about the dragon's eggs.]]]
[["Let's go kill that dragon."->SneezeChoice]]
[["I don't like this, but let's get it over with."->SneezeChoice]]Ford sneaks up close to the dragon. He turns back to you and raises a finger to his lips: *shush, keep quiet.* Aurora shakes her head... but doesn't say a word.
Ford holds his sword up high... keeps his eyes on the dragon's neck...
The dragon sleeps, none the wiser...
For a split second, you'd swear you'd see a frown shoot across Ford's face. Then he draws back from the dragon. Torn.
Before he sets his face and raises his sword once more...
<span id="dialogue">*(This is the kind of choice that you may want to save before making! When you save, you can reload to this point later on! Be sure not to delete your browser history!)*</span>
[["Ford! Stop! You don't have to do this."]]
[[Don't say a damn word.]]
[[Sneeze.]]Ford spins around and sees the dragon, rearing up. Ford holds up his hands and backs away... very, very slowly.
<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"Aw shit..."</span>
The dragon bares its teeth. Ford scrambles backwards, tripping over his own feet. The dragon snorts fire - Ford barely manages to dodge out of the way.
The dragon swipes at Ford - a mere swat. It sends Ford sailing right into the wall. He slams against it and lies crumpled on the ground.
<span id="dialogue">Ford narrowly survived - but was knocked out cold!</span>
[[Draw your sword.->FightOrNegotiate]]
[[Ready your shield.->FightOrNegotiate]]The dragon uncoils its huge body and unfurls its terrible wings. Ford turns to face it, too late.
A ball of fire erupts from the dragon's jaws. Ford throws his arms up and screams as a wall of fire peels the flesh from his bones.
Even from here, you can feel the formidable heat of the dragon's breath.(set: $fordisalive to false)
<span id="dialogue">Ford is dead!</span>(set: $fordisalive to false)
[[Draw your sword.->FightOrNegotiate]]
[[Ready your shield.->FightOrNegotiate]]The dragon turns and eyes you and Aurora. (if: $dragonwounded is true)[It winces in pain, clawing at the wound left by Ford's sword.]
You stand frozen still... knowing any moment, the dragon could end you both with just a breath.
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"This... this doesn't have to end in any more death. Let me reach out to the creature. Try to communicate with it."</span>
[["Okay. Let's resolve this peacefully."]]
[["No. It's time to fight."]]<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"What? $YourName, no, this is a fight we cannot win! We must--"</span>
(set: $dragonsolution to 2)You step past Aurora and draw your sword.
The dragon rears back, opens its mouth, and spits fire at you.
[[Roll out of the way.]]
[[Hoist up your shield.]](set: $dragonsolution to 1)Aurora takes a tentative step toward the dragon. It hisses. She holds out her hands.(if: $dragonwounded is true)[
Aurora's eyes glow. The wound on the dragon's neck left by Ford's sword begins to knit back together.
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"A healing spell. To show the beast we mean it no harm."</span>
Soon, it's completely healed.]
The dragon calms, staring deep into Aurora's eyes.
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"I will channel the beast... but *you* will have to talk to it through me."</span>
[["I've always wanted to talk to a dragon."->DragonTalking]]
[["But I have no idea what to say!"->DragonTalking]]Aurora's eyes glow and roll back. The dragon stares at her, hypnotized, swaying slightly. Aurora's body jerks and sways, inhuman. She takes a step toward you, pointing a trembling finger.
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
*(the dragon, speaking through her)*
"You. Do you know who I am?"</span>
[["I don't. I only know *what* you are. What's your name?"->PleaseDragonReact]]
[["A big, scaly fellow who breathes fire and has a bit of a temper?"]]You emerge from the cave into the crisp mountain air. The sky is messy with stars. Aurora stares up at them, mouth hanging slightly open.
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"Gods, would you look at those? Have you ever seen a thing so beautiful?"</span>(if: $fordisalive is true)[
<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"Yeah. Every night I look up at 'em and they're just the same."</span>
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"You can't see them just anywhere the way you can from up here! Come on, Ford. Really look. Are you going to live your whole life missing everything worthwhile?"</span>
<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
*(begrudgingly looking up)*
"'spose they *are* pretty. Hard to deny it."</span>]
[[Look up at the stars.]]<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"I suppose I don't know what to say. He and I had journeyed together only a few years, but I came to know him well in that time. It would be a lie to say that Ford was a *good* man. But a gardener gets a fondness even for her weeds if they stick around long enough."</span>
[["Let's find a tavern and toast to his memory."]]
[["Let's find a tavern and toast to being free of him forever."]]<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
*(laughing quietly to herself)*
"He *was* a bastard, wasn't he? I journeyed with him only a few years, but not once in that time did he lift a finger to help anybody but himself. Never did a single thing that wasn't to get a bit more gold to line his pockets. One almost has to admire him for being so... obstinantly himself."</span>
[["Let's find a tavern and toast to his memory."]]
[["Let's find a tavern and toast to being free of him forever."]]<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
*(laughing quietly to herself)*
"You're right. Life is for the living. I don't think I'll waste a moment more being sad over Ford. We will meet him again someday, somewhere on the planes."</span>
[["Let's find a tavern and toast to his memory."]]
[["Let's find a tavern and toast to being free of him forever."]]Aurora considers it. She stands, brushing herself off.
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"Yes. Ford would have wanted a warrior's send off. We owe him that much. Let's go find a tavern and get... how do you say it?"</span>
[["Pleasantly tipsy."]]
[["Proper sloshed."]]
[["Exceedingly drunk."]]Aurora considers it. She stands, brushing herself off.
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"Yes. Perhaps if we drink enough, we'll make up with no memory of him! Wouldn't that be a blessing? Let's go find a tavern and get... how do you say it?"</span>
[["Pleasantly tipsy."]]
[["Proper sloshed."]]
[["Exceedingly drunk."]](if: $fordisalive is true)[Aurora shakes her head.
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"Gods, we really went toe to toe with a dragon and lived to tell the tale, didn't we?"</span>
(if: $dragonsolution is 1)[<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"Fat lot of good we've got to show for it though. No way is Barnes gonna give us our pay without that dragon's head."</span>
[["Let's drink to having done the right thing."]]
[["Let's drink 'til we forget the gold we're going to miss out on."]]](else:)[<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"And pretty soon we'll have more gold to show for it than we could ever find time to spend."</span>
Ford heaves the burlap sack with the dragon's head inside it on his back.
[["Let's get to the village so we can collect on it."]]
[["Let's get to the village so we can drink to our good fortune."]]
[["Let's get to the village so we can drink to forget the sin we've committed."]]
]](else:)[Her eyes fill up with tears. It's all crashing on her like waves now, everything that's happened. Ford's death. (if: $dragonsolution is 1)[Being spoken through by a beast older than some of the stars you're staring at.](else-if: $dragonsolution is 2)[Slaying a beast older than some of the stars you're staring at.]
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"Ford's dead. He's really dead."</span>
[["Yes. Did you want to talk about it?"]]
[["Yes. The bastard." (spit at ground)]]
[["We don't have time for this."]]]<span id="dialogue">+ 1 TANK</span> (set: $tank to $tank +1)
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"Hawknee's Sword... for Hawknee the Barbarian? I had no idea that's what they called that cluster of stars. In the hermitages, spilling blood wasn't what got stars named after you."</span>(if: $fordisalive is true)[
<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"Aw, Hawknee was my favourite as a kid! Had an etching of him hung up over my bunk. Every year in the trenches, they'd dress a different guy up as Hawknee on his Feast Day and gather all the kids around him. Took me a dog's age to realize it wasn't the real him..."</span>]
(display: "WavesCrashing")<span id="dialogue">+ 1 ROGUE</span> (set: $rogue to $rogue +1)
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"Shura's Mask... for Shura the Thief? I respect Shura. They say nobody could pick a pocket with so much grace. You'd notice all of a sudden that your pockets were light on coins and you'd grin. Struck by Shura the thief."</span>(if: $fordisalive is true)[
<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"Shura gives me the heebies. She'd follow adventurers into caves, wait until they'd snagged some gold... then separate them, get 'em all confused, blow out their torches and slit their throats, one by one. Then she'd walk outta the cave with all that gold for herself. That's where that old saying comes from... don't split the party or Shura'll get you."</span>]
(display: "WavesCrashing")<span id="dialogue">+ 1 MAGE</span> (set: $mage to $mage + 1)
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"Mitah's Prayer... that one I know well. Mitah was one of (if: $background is 2)[our](else:)[my] people. For 500 years, Mitah would sit every day at the crossroads in the West Reach. They would go days without food, without sleep. Travelers would line up for miles in each direction for a touch of their hand. I wish I had Mitah's grace."</span>(if: $fordisalive is true)[
<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"You know me. I don't like none of that spiritual crap. But Mitah was the real deal. There was something fierce about them. Something true."</span>]
(display: "WavesCrashing")<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"We're *beings*. Making meaning where there is no meaning to be found is what we do."</span>(if: $fordisalive is true)[
<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"I dunno, 'rora. Sometimes a star's just a star. Can get yourself into a heap of trouble if you try to look at 'em somehow otherwise."</span>]
(display: "WavesCrashing")<span id="titles">II. $nightofdrinking</span>
Akema is less than an hour's trek from the dragon's cave, nestled in the armpit of the mountain. From afar, it almost looks like a little cluster of mushrooms, growing and sprawling in a place the sun can't reach. You wonder how it manages to stay independent of the queen, so far away from any of the trade routes and with nothing much in the way of industry to support it.
At the entrance to the town is a huge gate through which all travellers must pass.
[[Inspect the gate.]](set: $nightofdrinking to "Pleasantly Tipsy")<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"Ah yes. That's it! Let's get pleasantly tipsy."</span>
(set: $auroradrinksquest to 1)<span id="dialogue">You've received a new quest: DRINKS WITH AURORA
+ Further your relationship with Aurora
* Talk to Aurora to find out her favourite drink
* Find a bartender who makes it and buy it for her
</span>(if: $fordisalive is true)[
(set: $forddrinksquest to 1)<span id="dialogue">You've received a new quest: DRINKS WITH FORD
+ Further your relationship with Ford
* Talk to Ford to find out his favourite drink
* Find a bartender who makes it and buy it for him.
]Aurora claps her arm around your shoulders and together, you walk toward the [[village of Akema.->VillageEntrance]](set: $nightofdrinking to "Proper Sloshed")<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"Ah yes. That's it! Let's go get proper sloshed!"</span>
(set: $auroradrinksquest to 1)<span id="dialogue">You've received a new quest: DRINKS WITH AURORA
+ Further your relationship with Aurora
* Talk to Aurora to find out her favourite drink
* Find a bartender who makes it and buy it for her
</span>(if: $fordisalive is true)[
(set: $forddrinksquest to 1)<span id="dialogue">You've received a new quest: DRINKS WITH FORD
+ Further your relationship with Ford
* Talk to Ford to find out his favourite drink
* Find a bartender who makes it and buy it for him.
]She claps her arm around your shoulders and together, you walk toward the [[village of Akema.->VillageEntrance]](set: $nightofdrinking to "Exceedingly Drunk")<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"Ah yes. That's it! Let's go get exceedingly drunk."</span>
(set: $auroradrinksquest to 1)<span id="dialogue">You've received a new quest: DRINKS WITH AURORA
+ Further your relationship with Aurora
* Talk to Aurora to find out her favourite drink
* Find a bartender who makes it and buy it for her
</span>(if: $fordisalive is true)[
(set: $forddrinksquest to 1)<span id="dialogue">You've received a new quest: DRINKS WITH FORD
+ Further your relationship with Ford
* Talk to Ford to find out his favourite drink
* Find a bartender who makes it and buy it for him.
]She claps her arm around your shoulders and together, you walk toward the [[village of Akema.->VillageEntrance]]<span id="hooded"><u>MAN IN BOWLER HAT</u>
"And the three of you... you *are* adventurers, yes? You ply your services for coin?"</span>
[["Yes - we journey the land, helping those in need."]]
[["Yes - we go into caves and kill things for gold."]]
[["Depends who's asking and for what price."]](if: $YourName is 0)[ [["Balen."]]
<input type="text" data-varname="YourName">
<span id="dialogue">Please input a valid name!</span>
(link-goto: "«Submit your own name.»", "YourName")<script>processInputElements();</script>](else:)[<span id="hooded"><u>MAN IN BOWLER HAT</u>
"Hm... '$YourName'. Bit peculiar, innit? Where do you hail from?"</span>
[["I was raised by soldiers stationed in the barrens west of the Great Barricade outside Farhaven. They taught me to fight and win."]]
[["I was born in the peace and tranquility of the eastern elf hermitages. I'm trained in the oldest elven magicks."]]
[["I have no idea. I was an orphan, raised by the Shadow Guild. They taught me all the subterfuge I need to get by."]]]<span id="dialogue">*(You've unlocked your Stats page in the sidebar. Check it to keep track of your health and your stats!)*</span>
(set: $stattutorial to false)
<span id="hooded"><u>MAN IN BOWLER HAT</u>
"The Shadow Guild? I thought they were a myth."</span>
<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"So did I... 'til I caught $YourName picking my pocket. Only person who ever *almost* got away with that."</span>
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"It took my finest oration to keep Ford from killing $YourName right then and there. Good thing we were in desperate need of someone who could pick locks and spot traps to travel with us."</span>
(set: $background to 3)(set: $rogue to $rogue + 2)
[["We've been thick as... well, thieves... ever since."->AdventurerChoice]]<span id="dialogue">*(You've unlocked your Stats page in the sidebar. Check it to keep track of your health and your stats!)*</span>
(set: $stattutorial to false)
<span id="hooded"><u>MAN IN BOWLER HAT</u>
"Farhaven. I've never been there myself, but I hear the people can be a bit... savage?"</span>
<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"And proud of it, pal. Soon as $YourName and I were old enough to stand, we were handed swords and stationed together in one of the far trenches. 'course, that scrap's over now. The queen won. Now we're just two soldiers wanderin' around lookin' for a war."</span>
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"They keep me around to make sure they survive if they ever find one..."</span>
(set: $background to 1)(set: $tank to $tank + 2)
[["Life on the road beats waiting around to die in a trench."->AdventurerChoice]]<span id="dialogue">*(You've unlocked your Stats page in the sidebar. Check it to keep track of your health and your stats!)*</span>
(set: $stattutorial to false)
<span id="hooded"><u>MAN IN BOWLER HAT</u>
"The elf hermitages? I've heard much about them, though I haven't visited myself..."</span>
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"$YourName and I grew up together, chasing each other through forests old as the dawn of the world. But that was before the blight. Before the soil stopped giving us a damned thing. When we made the decision to leave our home and set out across the river... we made every single step together."</span>
<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"Heh, 'course, the two of you wouldn't have survived a day if you hadn't bumped into me."</span>
(set: $background to 2)(set: $mage to $mage + 2)
[["The three of us have certainly done okay travelling together."->AdventurerChoice]]The dark does not stymie your elf eyes. They pierce the veil of the darkness. You see that the glinting metal is chainmail armor on a charred, rotting corpse. Looks like another adventurer tried to take on the dragon and didn't fare so well...
[[Loot the corpse.]]
[[Whisper a quiet prayer.]]
[[Try to get a better idea of how he died.]]Aurora lies back on the side of the mountain staring up at the sky. She thrusts a finger up at the stars, dreamily tracing lines between them.
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"My mother made us learn the names of every constellation when I was young. Do you know them? Do you have a favourite?"</span>
[["That thick line right there - Hawknee's Sword."]]
[["That messy figure eight - Shura's Mask."]]
[["That cluster that looks like a pair of clasped hands - Mitah's Prayer."]]
[["Stars don't mean anything to me. They're just big old balls of gas."]]<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
*(rolling his eyes)*
"Swear you two are going to get me killed one of these days. Sooner rather than later."</span>
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"Drinks... after the night we've had, drinks sound good. Let's go find a tavern and get... how do you say it?"</span>
[["Pleasantly tipsy."]]
[["Proper sloshed."]]
[["Exceedingly drunk."]]<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"Now *that* I could get behind."</span>
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"Drinks... after the night we've had, drinks sound good. Let's go find a tavern and get... how do you say it?"</span>
[["Pleasantly tipsy."]]
[["Proper sloshed."]]
[["Exceedingly drunk."]]You feel the dragon's heat on your face as you roll out of the way of the flame. The beast swipes at you with its huge claws.
[[Jump.->Duck.]]You lift your shield, barely managing to put it between you and the snort of fire the dragon has loosed.
Behind the shield, you feel the heat of the dragon's breath.
Your shield is reduced to cinders. You toss it aside. The damned thing saved your life, but now it's ash. Useless to you.
<span id="dialogue">You lost your shield!</span>(set: $shield to false)
The dragon lunges for you, reaching out with its claws.
[[Jump.->Duck.]]The dragon's claws narrowly miss you. It staggers closer, its huge body knocking stalactites loose from the ceiling.
(set: $dragonsolution to 2)
[[Retreat to the corner.]]
[[Toss dirt in its eyes.]]The dragon thrashes around, huffing bursts of flame into the dark of the cave as it searches you out.
[[Stay... very... still...]]You don't want to risk being corner. You dash into the open. The dragon stalks towards you. It takes a (text-style: "rumble")[swipe] with its claws and sends you crashing into the wall of the cave.
<span id="dialogue">You lost two health!</span>
Your entire body feels like one big bruise. You try to roll over, to stand, but your body is wracked with pain.
The dragon stalks towards you. It rears back its head, fire spilling from its mouth.
[[Close your eyes.]]<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"Now that I like the sound of. I risked my neck over this dragon's head. I'm fixin' to collect quick. And maybe spend some of them shiny new coins on a drink or two."</span>
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"Drinks... after the night we've had, drinks sound good. Let's go find a tavern and get... how do you say it?"</span>
[["Pleasantly tipsy."]]
[["Proper sloshed."]]
[["Exceedingly drunk."]]<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
*(rolling his eyes)*
"Wasn't no good fortune to it. Just dumb luck."</span>
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"To whichever fate we owe our success... drinks sound good after the night we've had. Let's go find a tavern and get... how do you say it?"</span>
[["Pleasantly tipsy."]]
[["Proper sloshed."]]
[["Exceedingly drunk."]]<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
*(rolling his eyes)*
"Sin? Yeesh. The, how you call it, *melodrama* of you two."</span>
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"Drinks... after the night we've had, drinks sound good. Let's go find a tavern and get... how do you say it?"</span>
[["Pleasantly tipsy."]]
[["Proper sloshed."]]
[["Exceedingly drunk."]]<span id="dialogue">+ 1 MAGE</span>(set: $mage to $mage + 1)
Majjhata raises an eyebrow.
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
*(Majjhata, speaking through her)*
"You intrigue me. Two-legs aren't known to be much skilled at apologies. Why did you come here? Why did you wake me?"</span>
[["Somebody promised us gold in exchange for your head."]]
[["You've been terrorizing the village. It needs to stop."]]Majjhata stares, swaying.
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
*(Majjhata, speaking through her)*
"Then... then you are killers. Killers for coin. There are no more despicable creatures on this earth."</span>
Majjhata is going to attack unless you say something *fast*.
(if: $dragonexplored is true)[ [[Mention the cracked eggs you saw beneath her. (⭐ CLUE)]]](else:)[<span id="locked"><s>Mention the cracked eggs you saw beneath her.</s> (🔒 CLUE)</span>]
[[Prepare for a fight.]]<span id="dialogue">+ 1 TANK</span>(set: $tank to $tank + 1)
Majjhata cocks her head, confused.
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
*(Majjhata, speaking through her)*
"The dwellings full of two-legs to the north of the mountains? You are mistaken. I would do them no harm."</span>
[["That's not what we were told..."]]
[["Maybe you don't mean to. But you're scaring them all the same."->"That's not what we were told..."]]<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
*(the dragon, speaking through her)*
"For over a hundred years, I've lived in these mountains. I've watched over the village like a mother her brood. You're *lying*."</span>
Majjhata is getting flustered, stamping her feet and ruffling her wings. You need to say something to calm her down... *fast*.
(if: $dragonexplored is true)[ [[Mention the cracked eggs you saw beneath her. (⭐ CLUE)]]](else:)[<span id="locked"><s>Mention the cracked eggs you saw beneath her.</s> (🔒 CLUE)</span>]
[[Lay down your sword and bow to her.]]
[[Stand proud with your hand on the hilt of your sword.]]
[[Back away with your hands up.]]
[[Prepare for a fight.]]You take a close look at the gate over the cobblestone walkway leading into the heart of Akema.
The gate is the mouth of a dragon, stretched wide, inviting you to step inside.(if: $fordisalive is true)[
<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"Huh. Little funny, isn't it? Town's all fussed over a dragon 'n' they stick a big ol' dragon's head up as the gate into town?</span>
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"Perhaps it's meaningful to the villagers. We are the things we fear!"
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"How odd that the villagers live in fear of a dragon... yet adorn their gate with the head of one. Perhaps it's meaningful. We are the thing we fear..."]
[["It probably is deep and symbolic."]]
[["It's probably a coincidence."]]
[["Something fishy is going on."]](if: $fordisalive is true)[<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"You two are *killin'* me. It ain't *shambolic* or however you say it. It's *fishy* is what it is. Something funny's going on."</span>
]<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"Hm... there is an old elven saying. One must be careful not to stare so long at horse's dung that you start seeing stars and drawing patterns in them. The saying doesn't translate to common tongue very well..."</span>
<span id="dialogue">You've received a new quest: THE DRAGON RACKET
+ 10 Gold
* Investigate the town</span>
</span>(set: $dragonracketquest to 1)
[[Step through the gate.]](if: $fordisalive is true)[<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"Heh! Coincidence? How long we been travelling together? Haven't come across a single coincidence once."</span>
]<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"I don't put much stock in coincidences, myself. There is more going on here than meets the eye, it is plain to see. We should take heed."</span>
<span id="dialogue">You've received a new quest: THE DRAGON RACKET
+ 10 Gold
* Investigate the town
</span>(set: $dragonracketquest to 1)
[[Step through the gate.]](if: $fordisalive is true)[<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"Damn straight. This whole thing stinks. The job. The dragon. That Barnes fella. Starting to think e ain't been told something key."</span>
]<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"I don't make it a habit to be suspicious... but my intuition tells me you may be right. There is more here than meets the eye. We should take care..."</span>
<span id="dialogue">You've received a new quest: THE DRAGON RACKET
+ 10 Gold
* Investigate the town
</span>(set: $dragonracketquest to 1)
[[Step through the gate.]]While the dragon thrashes around, you rush toward it, stare up at its soft belly, and [[deal the killing blow->Deal the killing blow.]]In the eleven hermitages, you were always taught that magic was to be used for healing, creativity, giving life.
Necrotic magic was forbidden. One of the worst imaginable sins.
You lift your hands and mutter one of the [[forbidden incantations.]]The dragon is distracted, enraged. You get in close, wait til it opens its eye, and thrust the sword. Dark blood spills into the dragon's eyes, and it brays louder, recoiling and leaving its belly open for an attack.
[[Deal the killing blow.]]You make a mad charge for the dragon's eggs, hoisting your sword up high. The dragon shrieks and tries to turn in the confined space of the cave. Stalactites come crashing down as it slams its head against the roof of the cave. It makes a panicked lurch for you, injured, scrambling to defend its eggs. Confused, keening, flapping its wings above you, it's left its soft belly wide open.
[[Deal the killing blow.]]You walk the cobblestone path into the small village. On each side are a row of small shops, closed hours ago. Drunken revellers parade past, en route to another tavern before they call it a night.
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"Say... do you remember which tavern it was we were supposed to meet Barnes in...?"</span> (if: $fordisalive is true)[
<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"Uh... sure, it was the... uh... the... well, fuck."]
[["It was the, uh, the... shit."->TavernName]]<span id="hooded"><u>BARNES</u>
"Very simple. Cut off the dragon's head and bring it to me to prove you really killed it. Bring it to me (text-style: "blur")[straight away] (text-style: "blurrier")[at the] ████████ (text-style: "blur")[Tavern] in the village. Don't stop off anywhere else in the village first. Once I've given you your gold, you leave town without a word to anyone."</span>
All those drinks are finally catching up with you. Everything spins. Barnes's voice sounds as if it were coming from very far away.
[["Er... come again?"]]
[["Got it. Bring it to you in the, uh... tavern."]]<span id="hooded"><u>BARNES</u>
"You heard me! Bring me the dragon's head at the ████████ (text-style: "blurrier")[Tavern] in the village. You'll find it down a (text-style: "blur")[little set of stairs] in the (text-style: "blurrier")[rough part of town]. Follow the (text-style: "blurrier")[back alleys], take a left, a right, keep going forward, then another right, another quick right, a left, then another left, until you see the sign with the (text-style: "fade-in-out")[(text-style: "blurrier")[owl insignia]]. (text-style: "blur")[Can't miss it!] The place is a tad exclusive. You'll need the password to get in. It's ████████. Got it? I'll be waiting for you there in a fortnight's time. Send word if you'll be delayed..."</span>
The whole room is spinning now. You bid Barnes adieu...
[[Retire to your room at the inn.]]<span id="hooded"><u>BARNES</u>
"You'll find it down a (text-style: "blur")[little set of stairs] in the (text-style: "blurrier")[rough part of town]. Follow the (text-style: "blurrier")[back alleys], take a left, a right, keep going forward, then another right, another quick right, a left, then another left, until you see the sign with the (text-style: "fade-in-out")[(text-style: "blurrier")[owl insignia]]. (text-style: "blur")[Can't miss it!] The place is a tad exclusive. You'll need the password to get in. It's ████████. Got it?I'll be waiting for you there in a fortnight's time. Send word if you'll be delayed..."</span>
You nod. The whole room is spinning now. Barnes bids you all adieu.
[[Retire to your room at the inn.]]You wake too early. You curse the night before. You throw open the shades and rub the sleep from your eyes and stretch and try to remember what all that business was about last night, that business with that Barnes fellow.
Right. The dragon.
[[Pack your sword, shield, and torch.]]<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"There are only three places I know of that serve drink in the whole village:
* There's **The Red Roof Inn**, the most reputable, a place where weary travellers can rest their heads and heal.
* There's **The Gangrenous Stump**, the *least* reputable, a place where travellers looking for a fight will surely find one.
* There's **Her Majesty's**, a cabaret where Madame Pellax has disciplined her girls in more than one dark art...
I suppose if we want to be thorough, we'll have to visit all three."</span>
<span id="dialogue">You have new quest goals: Investigate the Red Roof Inn, Investigate the Gangrenous Stump, Investigate Her Majesty's</span>(set: $visitgoals to 1)
[["Guess we better get started. This could take all night."->GoodSideOfTown]]<span id="titles">Maze of Back Alleys</span>
(set: $alley to "south")
An arcade filled with market stalls. Moonlight splinters through the roof's stained glass, throwing glittering light every which way.(if: $alleyfirsttime is 2)[
The man in the trenchcoat and gas mask is standing there, waiting for you.
<span id="trench"><u>MAN IN TRENCHCOAT AND GAS MASK</u>
"Ah! There you are. Here's the Tanapa Arcades. Beautiful once. Now all ruined. Follow me north."</span>](else-if: $compass is 1)[
Your compass needle spins wildly, then comes to a dead stop pointing <u>north</u>.]
(display: "AlleyEncounter")
[[Go north.->AlleyWest]]
[[Go east.->AlleySouth]]
[[Go west.->AlleySouthwest2]]
[[Retrace your steps out of the alley.->AlleyEntrance]](if: $alleyfirsttime is 0)[You step into a shifting maze of narrow alleys. The place reeks of danger... and various other smells you can't quite place.
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"This place seems dangerous. (if: $compass is 0)[We'd do well to find some help guiding us through it...](else:)[ I wonder if that compass Madame Pellax gave you could be of some help?]"</span>
(if: $compass is 0)[
(set: $alleyfirsttime to 1)
<span id="dialogue">You've received a new quest: MEET YOU IN THE MAZE
+ 5 Gold
* Find help navigating the alleys.
</span>](else:)[(set: $alleyfirsttime to 4)]
[[Continue into the alley.->AlleySouth]]
[["We'll come back later."->AlleyEntrance]]](else:)[<span id="titles">Maze of Back Alleys</span>
(set: $alley to "south")
The alley stretches to the east and west. A chipped, worn [[mural]] runs along the length of the wall.(if: $alleyfirsttime is 2)[
The man in the trenchcoat and gas mask is standing there, waiting for you.
<span id="trench"><u>MAN IN TRENCHCOAT AND GAS MASK</u>
"If you'll look at the wall, you'll see... uh... a damned big picture made outta shiny little bits. If you'll just follow me west... and don't stray too far..."</span>](else-if: $compass is 1)[
You feel something whirring in your pocket. You pull out the compass Madame Pellax gave you. Its needle spins wildly, then comes to a dead stop pointing <u>west</u>.]
(display: "AlleyEncounter")
[[Go east.->AlleySouthEast]]
[[Go west.->AlleySouthwest]]
[[Exit to the mouth of the alley.->AlleyEntrance]]]<span id="titles">Maze of Back Alleys</span>
(set: $alley to "southeast")
The back of a costume shop. Old broken mannequins lie strewn about. A dead end.(if: $compass is 1)[
Your compass needle spins wildly without any sign of stopping. Wherever it was leading you, you have strayed from the path.]
(display: "AlleyEncounter")
[[Double back.->AlleySouth]]<span id="titles">Maze of Back Alleys</span>
(set: $alley to "west")
A set of steps leads deeper into the alley to the north. Narrow, crooked, and steep.(if: $alleyfirsttime is 2)[
The man in the trenchcoat and gas mask is standing there, waiting for you.
<span id="trench"><u>MAN IN TRENCHCOAT AND GAS MASK</u>
"Watch yourself on these steps and just keep following me north."</span>](else-if: $compass is 1)[
Your compass needle spins wildly, then comes to a dead stop pointing <u>north</u>.]
(display: "AlleyEncounter")
[[Go north.->AlleyNorthwest]]
[[Go south.->AlleySouthwest]]
[[Retrace your steps out of the alley.->AlleyEntrance]](if: $thieved is 0)[(go-to: "robbery")](else:)[<span id="titles">Maze of Back Alleys</span>
(set: $alley to "center")
A tent settlement. A group of vagrants huddle around a fire.(if: $alleyfirsttime is 2)[
The man in the trenchcoat and gas mask is standing there, waiting for you.
<span id="trench"><u>MAN IN TRENCHCOAT AND GAS MASK</u>
"Begging's as honest a way as any to make a living, and truth be told, more honest than most. Not much farther now. The tour continues to the east."</span>](else-if: $compass is 1)[
Your compass needle spins wildly, then comes to a dead stop pointing <u>east</u>.]
(display: "AlleyEncounter")
[[Go north.->AlleyNorth]]
[[Go east.->AlleyEast]]
[[Retrace your steps out of the alley.->AlleyEntrance]]]<span id="titles">Maze of Back Alleys</span>
Graffiti all over the walls. A language you don't understand.(set: $alley to "east")(if: $alleyfirsttime is 2)[
The man in the trenchcoat and gas mask is standing there, waiting for you.
<span id="trench"><u>MAN IN TRENCHCOAT AND GAS MASK</u>
"Some of my handiwork on these walls. The end of the tour is just to the north."</span>](else-if: $compass is 1)[
Your compass needle spins wildly, then comes to a dead stop pointing <u>north</u>.]
(display: "AlleyEncounter")
[[Go north.->AlleyNortheast]]
[[Go east.->AlleyEast2]]
[[Go west.->AlleyCenter]]
[[Retrace your steps out of the alley.->AlleyEntrance]]<span id="titles">Maze of Back Alleys</span>
(set: $alley to "northwest")
A bedraggled man drinking directly from a bottle of wine sits at the bottom of the crooked stairs. He nods to you as you pass.(if: $alleyfirsttime is 2)[
The man in the trenchcoat and gas mask is standing there, waiting for you.
<span id="trench"><u>MAN IN TRENCHCOAT AND GAS MASK</u>
"That's my friend Irv. Nice guy. If you'll just follow me to the east..."</span>](else-if: $compass is 1)[
Your compass needle spins wildly, then comes to a dead stop pointing <u>east</u>.]
(display: "AlleyEncounter")
[[Go north.->AlleyNorthwest3]]
[[Go east.->AlleyNorth]]
[[Go west.->AlleyNorthwest2]]
[[Go south.->AlleyWest]]
[[Retrace your steps out of the alley.->AlleyEntrance]]<span id="titles">Maze of Back Alleys</span>
(set: $alley to "north")
A crumbling tenement building. Clothes hang from a line strung overhead.(if: $alleyfirsttime is 2)[
The man in the trenchcoat and gas mask is standing there, waiting for you.
<span id="trench"><u>MAN IN TRENCHCOAT AND GAS MASK</u>
"Many lost souls around these parts. It only gets worse to the south, which is where we're going, naturally! It's a tour of human misery at a low, low price!"</span>](else-if: $compass is 1)[
Your compass needle spins wildly, then comes to a dead stop pointing <u>south</u>.]
(display: "AlleyEncounter")
[[Go north.->AlleyNorth2]]
[[Go west.->AlleyNorthwest]]
[[Go south.->AlleyCenter]]
[[Retrace your steps out of the alley.->AlleySouth]]<span id="titles">Maze of Back Alleys</span>
(set: $alley to "northeast")
You find a tiny stationary shop. A sign over top shows an owl insignia. Down a small set of stairs is an [[iron door]].(if: $alleyfirsttime is 2)[
The man in the trenchcoat and gas mask is standing there, waiting for you.
<span id="trench"><u>MAN IN TRENCHCOAT AND GAS MASK</u>
"Here it is. Barn Owl Books and Stationary. I've often wondered if something more goes on underneath this place, seeing as how I see so many moneyed men in bowler hats going in there. Anyway, that's it! That's the whole tour!"</span>](else-if: $compass is 1)[
Your compass needle points <u>directly at the iron door</u>.]
[[Go south.->AlleyEast]]
[[Retrace your steps out of the alley.->AlleySouth]]The door is enormous, wrought iron, lined with rivets.(if: $alleymazegoal is 1)[
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"This is it. The Eventide. We should take care of any other matters we have in town before we go in here."</span>
<span id="dialogue">You have a new quest goal: confront Barnes in the Eventide Social Club</span>(set: $alleymazegoal to 2)(set: $confrontbarnesgoal to 1)
]There is no handle... but there is a complex locking mechanism, with visible pulleys and gears.
(if: $rogue >= 15)[ [[Jimmy the lock. (⭐ 15 ROGUE)]]](else:)[<span id="locked"><s>Jimmy the lock.</s> ( 🔒 15 ROGUE)</span>]
[[Return to the alley.->AlleyNortheast]]The details are hard to make out in the moonlight, but it seems to show a group of adventurers fleeing a dragon that's hot on their heels, spitting fire.
[[Back away.->AlleySouth]]<span id="titles">Maze of Back Alleys</span>
A man urinates on a wall. He waves when he sees you.(set: $alley to "southwest2")(if: $compass is 1)[
Your compass needle spins wildly without any sign of stopping. Wherever it was leading you, you have strayed from the path.]
(display: "AlleyEncounter")
[[Go north.->AlleyWest2]]
[[Go east.->AlleySouthwest]]
[[Retrace your steps out of the alley.->AlleyEntrance]]<span id="titles">Maze of Back Alleys</span>
Shadows. Eyes in the dark.(set: $alley to "west2")(if: $compass is 1)[
Your compass needle spins wildly without any sign of stopping. Wherever it was leading you, you have strayed from the path.]
(display: "AlleyEncounter")
[[Go north.->AlleyNorthwest2]]
[[Go east.->AlleyWest]]
[[Go south.->AlleySouthwest2]]
[[Retrace your steps out of the alley.->AlleyEntrance]]<span id="titles">Maze of Back Alleys</span>
A broken down cart lies in the middle of the alley.(set: $alley to "northwest2")(if: $compass is 1)[
Your compass needle spins wildly without any sign of stopping. Wherever it was leading you, you have strayed from the path.]
(display: "AlleyEncounter")
[[Go east.->AlleyNorthwest]]
[[Go south.->AlleyWest2]]
[[Retrace your steps out of the alley.->AlleyEntrance]]<span id="titles">Maze of Back Alleys</span>
Piles of garbage, winding your way through the bowels of the village.(set: $alley to "northwest3")(if: $compass is 1)[
Your compass needle spins wildly without any sign of stopping. Wherever it was leading you, you have strayed from the path.]
(display: "AlleyEncounter")
[[Go south.->AlleyNorthwest]]
[[Retrace your steps out of the alley.->AlleyEntrance]]<span id="titles">Maze of Back Alleys</span>
Twisting pathways through the shadows. (set: $alley to "north2")(if: $compass is 1)[
Your compass needle spins wildly without any sign of stopping. Wherever it was leading you, you have strayed from the path.]
(display: "AlleyEncounter")
[[Go west.->AlleyNorthwest3]]
[[Go south.->AlleyNorth]]
[[Retrace your steps out of the alley.->AlleyEntrance]]<span id="titles">Maze of Back Alleys</span>
A godawful stink. Something died back here.(set: $alley to "east2")(if: $compass is 1)[
Your compass needle spins wildly without any sign of stopping. Wherever it was leading you, you have strayed from the path.
](display: "AlleyEncounter")
[[Go west.->AlleyEast]]
[[Retrace your steps out of the alley->AlleyEntrance]]You pound at the door. For a time, there's no response, but then the locking mechanism on the door whirs and the iron door opens just enough for a scraggly doorman to stick his head out.
<span id="doorman"><u>DOORMAN</u>
[["I have the password."]]
[["Let us in. We're here to see Barnes."]]
(if: $gold > 80)[ [[Offer a bribe. (⭐ 80 Gold)]]](else:)[<span id="locked"><s>Offer a bribe.</s> ( 🔒 80 Gold)</span>]
(if: $tank >= 15)[ [[Tell him the password is "FIST" and sock him in the face. (⭐ 15 TANK)]]](else:)[<span id="locked"><s>Tell him the password is "FIST" and sock him in the face.</s> ( 🔒 15 TANK)</span>]
(if: $mage >= 15)[ [[Bewitch him into letting you in. (⭐ 15 MAGE)]]](else:)[<span id="locked"><s>Bewitch him into letting you in.</s> ( 🔒 15 MAGE)</span>]
[["I'll be back when I have the password." (leave)->AlleyNortheast]]<span id="doorman"><u>DOORMAN</u>
"Don't matter if you ain't got the password."</span>
[["Is this a legitimate place of business? Why do I need a password?"]]
[["I have the password."]]
(if: $gold > 80)[ [[Offer a bribe. (⭐ 80 Gold)]]](else:)[<span id="locked"><s>Offer a bribe.</s> ( 🔒 80 Gold)</span>]
(if: $tank >= 15)[ [[Tell him the password is "FIST" and sock him in the face. (⭐ 15 TANK)]]](else:)[<span id="locked"><s>Tell him the password is "FIST" and sock him in the face.</s> ( 🔒 15 TANK)</span>]
(if: $mage >= 15)[ [[Bewitch him into letting you in. (⭐ 15 MAGE)]]](else:)[<span id="locked"><s>Bewitch him into letting you in.</s> ( 🔒 15 MAGE)</span>]
[["I'll be back when I have the password." (leave)->AlleyNortheast]]<span id="doorman"><u>DOORMAN</u>
"Go on. Let's hear it then. I'll even give you a hint. The password is a thing which don't mean nothing less we all agree it does."</span>
<input type="text" data-varname="EventidePassword">
<span id="dialogue">Input the password in lower-case letters.</span>
(link-goto: "«Submit the password.»", "EventidePassword")
(if: $aurora >= 10)[ [[Ask Aurora for help. (⭐ RIDE-OR-DIE WITH AURORA)]]](else:)[<span id="locked"><s>Ask Aurora for help.</s> ( 🔒 RIDE-OR-DIE WITH AURORA)</span>](if: $fordisalive is true)[
(if: $ford >= 10)[ [[Ask Ford for help. (⭐ RIDE-OR-DIE WITH FORD)]]](else:)[<span id="locked"><s>Ask Ford for help.</s> ( 🔒 RIDE-OR-DIE WITH FORD)</span>]]
[["I'll come back when I know the password." (leave)->AlleyNortheast]]<span id="doorman"><u>DOORMAN</u>
*(shoveling your coins into several different pockets all over his coat, all of which are already overflowing with coins)*
"There's no password that sounds as pretty to my ears as the jangling of coin. Come on in."</span>
He swings the iron door wide open and beckons you in.
[[Step inside.->ConstructsPeaceful]]Barnes takes a drag from a long, thin pipe and releases a plume of amaranthine smoke from his mouth. He smiles at you as you approach, his eyes glassy behind his spectacles.
<span id="hooded"><u>BARNES</u>
"Good to see you made it. I know the place can be a bit hard to find."</span>
The nervous energy he had at The Hub-And-Spoke is gone. He leans forward, taking a proper look at you through all the smoke.
(if: $fordisalive is true)[<span id="hooded"><u>BARNES</u>
"And all three of you in one piece. Very good. Have you brought me the package?"</span>
(if: $dragonsolution is 2)[ [[Dump the dragon's head on the table. (⭐ DRAGON'S HEAD)]]](else:)[<span id="locked"><s>Dump the dragon's head on the table.</s> ( 🔒 DRAGON'S HEAD)</span>
[["We didn't kill the dragon."]]]](else:)[<span id="hooded"><u>BARNES</u>
"Say, where's your other friend? Ford, was it?"</span>
[["Ford died fighting the dragon. Good riddance."]]
[["Ford died fighting the dragon. It was your fault."]]
[["Ford died fighting the dragon. Price of doing business."]]]<span id="hooded"><u>BARNES</u>
"Now *that's* the right attitude. In adventuring as in business, death is just the wheat being separated from the chaff."</span>
He ashes his pipe and starts to pack it once more with violet flower petals.
<span id="hooded"><u>BARNES</u>
"You get its head like I asked?"</span>
(if: $dragonsolution is 2)[ [[Dump the dragon's head on the table. (⭐ DRAGON'S HEAD)]]](else:)[<span id="locked"><s>Dump the dragon's head on the table.</s> ( 🔒 DRAGON'S HEAD)</span>
[["We didn't kill the dragon."]]]<span id="hooded"><u>BARNES</u>
"Hey, now. You took on the job. Can't say I didn't warn you the dragon was a nasty piece of work."</span>
He ashes his pipe and starts to pack it once more with violet flower petals.
<span id="hooded"><u>BARNES</u>
"You get its head like I asked?"</span>
(if: $dragonsolution is 2)[ [[Dump the dragon's head on the table. (⭐ DRAGON'S HEAD)]]](else:)[<span id="locked"><s>Dump the dragon's head on the table.</s> ( 🔒 DRAGON'S HEAD)</span>
[["We didn't kill the dragon."]]]<span id="hooded"><u>BARNES</u>
"Now *that's* the right attitude. The way I see it, when it comes to fighting dragons... two out of three isn't bad. Heh."</span>
He ashes his pipe and starts to pack it once more with violet flower petals.
<span id="hooded"><u>BARNES</u>
"You *did* take on the dragon, didn't you? You have its head?"</span>
(if: $dragonsolution is 2)[ [[Dump the dragon's head on the table. (⭐ DRAGON'S HEAD)]]](else:)[<span id="locked"><s>Dump the dragon's head on the table.</s> ( 🔒 DRAGON'S HEAD)</span>
[["We didn't kill the dragon."]]]The burlap sack hits the table with a wet thump. Barnes peers inside and starts to laugh, a quiet chuckles that twists up into a dry, hacking cough.
<span id="dialogue">You lost an item: the dragon's head.</span>
<span id="hooded"><u>BARNES</u>
"Damn. This will really tie the room together when it's mounted on that wall over there, don't you think?"</span>
[["Yeah, whatever. Now where's our gold?"]]
[["You lied to us about that dragon, Barnes."->DragonLie]]<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"We talked to the dragon and persuaded it to fly away. It's gone, gone for good."</span>
<span id="hooded"><u>BARNES</u>
"That's hardly what we agreed to."</span>
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"You weren't entirely honest with us about what we were agreeing to in the first place."</span>
[["You lied to us about that dragon, Barnes."->DragonLie]]
[["We did like you asked and got rid of the dragon. We deserve our gold."->"Yeah, whatever. Now where's our gold?"]]Aurora pushes you aside.
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"I'm not taking one more dirty coin from this man until we get some answers. You lied to us about the dragon, Barnes."</span>
(display: "DragonLie")<span id="hooded"><u>BARNES</u>
"Lied? What do you mean, lied?"</span>
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"You told us it was *terrorizing* the village. The village *loves* the dragon. They have a whole festival for it."</span>
[["Barnes, we want some answers."]]
[["Aurora, let's hear him out."->"Barnes, we want some answers."]]Barnes gives you a thin, chilly smile.
<span id="hooded"><u>BARNES</u>
"There's *gold* in the heart of the mountain. And village council won't let me at it because they're too afraid I might scare away the dragon."</span>
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"So none of this was about what was good for the village at all. It was always about lining your pockets."</span>
<span id="hooded"><u>BARNES</u>
"With that much gold, we'd be able to ensure this village *never* falls into the queen's grasp. When the gold starts coming out of those mountains, people will understand. This was for the greater good. It's about *progress*."</span>
[["Maybe this is good. It's what's best for everyone."]]
[["Good, evil, this is all a little over my head. Gold now, please?"]]
[["How convenient that all that progress nets you a personal profit."]]You reach out to grab up the sack of gold. Aurora grabs your wrist, staring at you, frowning.
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"That's blood money. Promised for doing an evil deed, sold to us on a lie."</span>
[["We were promised gold for doing a job. We did it. End of story."->surelyitsbetter]]
[["The deed's done. Surely it's better *we* have the gold than *he* does?"->surelyitsbetter]]<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"The trouble that will come with that gold will follow you closer than your own shadow. Mark my words."</span>(if: $fordisalive is true)[
<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"That's a superstition, Aurora, and you know it. We already (if: $dragonsolution is 1)[scared away the dragon.](else:)[killed the dragon.] The deed is done. That gold will buy you out of this life. You'll never have to go looting another dungeon again so long as you live."</span>]
[["I'm not leaving here without this." (Take the gold.)]]
[["Damn it, Aurora's right." (Reject the gold.)->"Keep your gold. The truth is worth dying for."]]You grab up the gold and march for the door.
(set: $newfordconvo to 1)(set: $newauroraconvo to 1)<span id="dialogue">You've completed a quest: COLLECT YOUR PAY
You earned 400,000 pieces of gold.</span>(set: $gold to $gold + 400000)(set: $collectpayquest to 2)
Aurora stares after you. (if: $fordisalive is true)[
<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"I'm sorry, 'rora. Guess you were always in denial about the kind of folks you were travelling with."</span>]
You [[exit the Eventide.->OutsideRichEnding]]<span id="titles">LAST CALL...</span>
It's last call in Akema.
(if: $ending is 2)[In the morning, the villagers will awake to scandal. (if: $dragonsolution is 2)[Their beloved dragon... dead.](else:)[Their beloved dragon... gone.] A distinguished political figure engaged in a conspiracy, meddling in forbidden magic, dead in a fire. All in the name of making some coin. In the chaos that follows, the queen will swoop in, promising a firm hand to hold the village together. One of the last independent outposts will fall under the sway of the monarchy.](else-if: $ending is 1)[In the morning, the villagers will awake to tragedy. (if: $dragonsolution is 2)[Their beloved dragon... dead. Killed by some shameless brigands for who knows why.](else:)[Their beloved dragon... gone. Gone with no explanation.] Barnes will ride the tragedy to power, becoming head of the village council. No one will be the wiser. Change will come. The future will sweep over Akema. Grand industrial machines will march into the mountains. Nothing will halt (link:"progress.")[(link:"no, that's not quite right, is it?")[profit.]] The village will earn just enough to stay independent, forever just outside of the queen's grasp.](else-if: $ending is 3)[In the morning, the villagers will awake to tragedy. (if: $dragonsolution is 2)[Their beloved dragon... dead. Killed by some shameless brigands for who knows why.](else:)[Their beloved dragon... gone. Gone with no explanation.] And in a completely separate tragedy, the Eventide Social Club, burned to the ground. Some of the city's most prominent figures, dead in the fire. Learned people in Akema will spend years trying to piece together some meaning from this whole damned thing. In the chaos that follows, the queen will swoop in, promising a firm hand to hold the village together. One of the last independent outposts will fall under the sway of the monarchy.]
But that's tomorrow. Tonight, Akema sleeps.
The barkeep is shooing out the last patrons at [[the Red Roof Inn]]...<span id="titles">LAST CALL AT THE RED ROOF INN...</span>
(if: $dogquest is 3)[Viva sleeps lazily on the floor, surrounded by her puppies.](else:)[The dog sleeps lazily on the floor.] Erik comes over and gives her a scratch behind the ears as he blows out each lantern in the lobby.
He shoos (if: $devattaquest is 0)[Devatta and ]the acolytes upstairs to their rooms and goes to lock up the door. (if: $chattyswordquest is 2)[ He turns around and looks for his wife. She is nowhere.
<span id="rribartender"><u>ERIK</u>
"Anicca? Annica?"</span>
The door of the inn swings in the wind. He pokes his head out and calls for her one last time, but she is gone, long gone, giddy, drunk on possibility as she runs through the street with only her rucksack on her back, making for the edge of town, making for whatever's out there. She does not once look back.](if: $chattyswordquest is 3)[ But he stops in his tracks. His wife is standing there, locking the door behind her, a smile on her face he's never seen before.
She undoes the lace of her apron and it drops to the floor. Next she gets to work on the lace of her bustiere...
<span id="rribartender"><u>ERIK</u>
"What's gotten into you?"</span>
She shuts him up, pressing her lips to his.]
Over in [[Her Majesty's->HerMajestysEpilogue]]...The dragon lifts off the ground, flapping its wings. The force is so strong it damn near knocks you off your feet.
With a loping grace, the dragon bobs and tumbles about in the air until it catches a current. Its wings snap rigid and it glides towards the distant moonlight streaming in from the mouth of the cave.
In seconds, it's gone. A heavy silence settles.
(set: $newfordconvo to 1)(set: $newauroraconvo to 1)<span id="dialogue">You've completed a quest: SLAY THE DRAGON
You earned 10 pieces of gold.</span>(set: $nofinishedquests to false)(set: $slaydragonquest to 2)(set: $gold to $gold + 10)
You look at Aurora. She lays flat on her back, staring into nothing.
[[Give her time to process.->ChannelBeing]]
[[Ask if she's okay.->ChannelBeing]]
[[Tell her you need to get moving.->ChannelBeing]]Aurora steps slowly towards the dragon, staring at it. Now that it's dead, it looks sort of small and sad, lying there, so still.
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"So it's dead. Now which one of us is going to take care of all the rest?"</span>
She pokes at the dragon's neck with her sword.
[["I'll do it."]]
[["You take the honours."]]<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"Thank you... don't know if I would have had it in me to desecrate such a beautiful creature."</span>
You draw your sword, staring at the dead beast.
[[Step up to the dragon's body.]]Aurora nods, sighing.
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"I hoped it wouldn't have to be on me... but I will try to do right by the beast in death..."</span>
She gently prods the dragon, turning it over.
[["I've always loved how much care you take with things."]]
[["What are you doing? Chop its head off and let's get going!"]]You stare down at the dragon and line up your sword, right at the dragon's neck.
[[Raise your sword.]]Deep breath.
[[Bring down your sword on the dragon's neck.]]You hear a wet (text-style: "rumble")[thwack]. Dark blood oozes from the wound.
[[Again.]]The sword takes a second to come free. Dragon's blood pools around your boots.
[[Again. Harder this time.]]Blade tearing through sinew, finding bone.
[[Again! Hard enough to break dragon's bone!]]The crack of bone splintering, gristle tearing.
[[Again! Harder!]]You nudge the dragon's head with your boot and it comes away from the body.
(set: $newfordconvo to 1)(set: $newauroraconvo to 1)<span id="dialogue">You've completed a quest: SLAY THE DRAGON
You earned 10 pieces of gold.</span>(set: $nofinishedquests to false)(set: $slaydragonquest to 3)(set: $gold to $gold + 10)
[[Shove it in your burlap sack.]]Blood spatters across your breastplate. Aurora retches in the corner.
[[One final swing.]]<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"Hacking away at the dragon's neck isn't going to get us anywhere. The scales are much too hard."</span>
She feels gently along its neck until she finds a seam where the scales come together.
She pulls out her dagger...
[[Watch with curiousity.]]
[[Look away.]]Aurora runs the dagger along the seam between the dragon's scales. Her touch is remarkably gentle.
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"Even in death... you treat a creature with respect, it will reward you."</span>
With grace, she sets to work, creating an incision along the creature's neck. Before long, she's removed the head, cleanly and without much fuss.
(set: $newfordconvo to 1)(set: $newauroraconvo to 1)<span id="dialogue">You've completed a quest: SLAY THE DRAGON
You earned 10 pieces of gold.</span>(set: $nofinishedquests to false)(set: $slaydragonquest to 3)(set: $gold to $gold + 10)
[[Hand her the burlap sack.]]<span id="dialogue">Aurora disliked that.</span>(set: $aurora to $aurora - 1)
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"Don't you *dare* close your eyes. You have to bear witness. It's the *least* you can do."</span>
[[Open your eyes.->Watch with curiousity.]]<span id="dialogue">Aurora disliked that.</span>(set: $aurora to $aurora - 1)
Aurora rolls her eyes at you.
(display: "AuroraDragonHeadRemovalCont")<span id="dialogue">Aurora liked that.</span>(set: $aurora to $aurora + 1)
Aurora smiles, shrugging.
(display: "AuroraDragonHeadRemovalCont")Aurora carefully places the dragon's head in the bag. She hands it to you and you heave it onto your back. It's heavy. Blood pools at the bottom of the bag, dripping on the cave floor.
(set: $dragonhead to 1)<span id="dialogue">You've received a new item: A DRAGON'S HEAD.</span>
(display: "FordChoice")You stuff the head in a burlap sack and swing it over your back. It's heavy. Blood pools at the bottom of the bag, dripping on the cave floor.
(set: $dragonhead to 1)<span id="dialogue">You've received a new item: A DRAGON'S HEAD.</span>
(display: "FordChoice")(if: $fordisalive is true)[In the corner, you hear Ford groan loudly and roll over.
<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"Gods. What'd I miss? Is the dragon dead?"</span>
(if: $dragonsolution is 2)[He stands, rubbing his eyes, and almost trips over the dragon's wing.
<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"*Shit*. Fuckin' thing's dead, huh? Was that me that did that?"</span>
[["Sure, Ford. You slayed the dragon."]]
[["You were unconscious while we did all the work!"]]](else-if: $dragonsolution is 1)[<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"No. We came to a peaceful solution. The dragon left these mountains. It will trouble the village no longer."</span>
<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
[["I can hardly believe it either."->"It was the right thing to do."]]
[["It was the right thing to do."]]]](else:)[Aurora glances over at Ford's body.
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"What should we do about Ford?"</span>
[["Bury him. Say a few words and all that."]]
[["We've got no time. Leave him there."]]]You drag (what's left of) Ford's body to the mouth of the cave where there's some loamy soil. You bury him in a shallow grave, just enough to cover him over.
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"Do you have a few words to say?"</span>
[[Say a short prayer.]]
[[Shrug and say nothing.]]
[[Say 'A few words'.]]Aurora nods, glancing over at what's left of Ford's body.
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"You're right. If it were us, he'd surely leave our bones. His body will make a fine offering for the elements..."</span>
Together, you walk towards the [[the mouth of the cave...]]<span id="dialogue">+ 1 MAGE</span>(set: $mage to $mage + 1)
You nod your head and mumble a prayer. (if: $background is 1)[Something short and in the common tongue, like how they used to pray in the trenches.
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"That's lovely. I'm sure it's just how Ford would have wanted to be remembered."</span>](if: $background is 2)[An elven incantation, to carry Ford safely to the next plane.
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"I'm glad you used that prayer... though I'm sure Ford would have found it a silly superstition."</span>](if: $background is 3)[A bit of thieves' cant, spoken when a fellow in the life is struck down.
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"I recognize that tongue. I've heard it whispered in the dark many times before. I'm sure Ford would be proud to be sent off by thieves' cant. Sometimes I think he was a thief at heart."</span>]
Together, you make your way towards [[the mouth of the cave...]]<span id="dialogue">+ 1 TANK</span>(set: $tank to $tank + 1)
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"Fitting, in a way. Ford wasn't exactly one for speeches."</span>
Together, you make your way towards [[the mouth of the cave...]]<span id="dialogue">+ 1 ROGUE</span>(set: $rogue to $rogue + 1)
Aurora raises an eyebrow... and starts to chuckle.
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"Heh. 'A few words'. That's... heh. That's good!"</span>
Together, you make your way towards [[the mouth of the cave...]]<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
*(scratching his head)*
"I somehow don't think that's quite what happened but I appreciate you humourin' me."</span>
[["Don't be so modest."]]
[["You're right. You contributed nothing. We killed it."->"You were unconscious while we did all the work!"]]<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
*(rubbing his chin)*
"I figure my trying to chop its head off musta got it all riled up, made it easy for you two to get the jump on it."</span>
[["I guess we all contributed, in a way."->the mouth of the cave...]]
[["Nope, you really contributed nothing."->the mouth of the cave...]]<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"(if: $dragonsolution is 1)[The dragon is gone from the cave. We've done the deed, in spirit if not in letter. Surely we're still entitled to the gold. Let's find Barnes and collect our pay.](else:)[The dragon is dead. We've got its head. We might as well collect... so it wasn't all for nothing.]"</span>(if: $fordisalive is true)[
<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"(if: $dragonsolution is 1)[You think he's still gonna pay us in full? Fat chance. Be lucky if we can squeeze a single coin out of him.](else:)[You won't feel like it was for nothing when your pockets are heavy with gold coins.]"</span>]
<span id="dialogue">You've received a new quest: COLLECT YOUR PAY
+400,000 Gold
* Find Barnes and collect your pay
</span>(set: $collectpayquest to 1)
[[Step outside the cave and into the cold air of the mountain.->SeeingStars]]The dragon's lip curls. Could be smiling, could be baring her teeth.
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
*(the dragon, speaking through her)*
"I am Majjhata. I'm older than the mountain we stand in the belly of. Dreadfully old, and grumpy to match when my sleep's interrupted."</span>
Majjhata cocks her head and looks at you with curiousity.
(display: "WoundMe")The dragon bares its teeth and snorts fire.
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"I am Majjhata. older than this mountain we stand in the belly of. More than once, I've seen the coin of the two-leg realm reduced to worthless metal as cities have crumbled to ash. I deserve your respect."</span>
Majjhata pulls her wings closer to herself and stands up straight and dignified. In this gesture, there is something regal, something snooty.
(display: "WoundMe")<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
*(Majjhata, speaking through her)*
"You three... (if: $dragonwounded is true)[you come into my home. You *wound* me.](else:)[you come into my home. You try to *wound* me.] *Why*?"</span>
[["You're right. That was wrong. I'm sorry."]]
[["You deserve it for striking fear in the hearts of the villagers."->"You've been terrorizing the village. It needs to stop."]]Majjhata glances back at her cracked eggs.
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
*(Majjhata, speaking through her)*
"Don't you dare speak of my children. You'll wound me worse than any sword."</span>
[["They're dead, Majjhata. Dead and gone. It's time to move on."->"I'm sorry they never got to be born. Maybe that's why you lord over the village so fiercely."]]
[["I'm sorry they never got to be born. Maybe that's why you lord over the village so fiercely."]]Majjhata shakes her head, breaking her connection with Aurora. The shock knocks Aurora to the ground.
Majjhata unfurls her huge wings. She rears back, opens her mouth, and spits fire at you.
[[Roll out of the way.]]
[[Hoist up your shield.]]As soon as you've taken the knee, Majjhata snorts fire.
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
*(Majjhata, speaking through her)*
"Oh, get up! Get up off your knees! You look pitiful!"</span>
(if: $dragonexplored is true)[ [[Mention the cracked eggs you saw beneath her. (⭐ CLUE)]]](else:)[<span id="locked"><s>Mention the cracked eggs you saw beneath her.</s> (🔒 CLUE)</span>]
[[Stand proud with your hand on the hilt of your sword.]]
[[Back away with your hands up.]]
[[Prepare for a fight.]]When Majjhata sees your steadiness, she frowns.
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
*(Majjhata, speaking through her)*
"You're no coward. You speak truth. The village doesn't want me here anymore, do they?"</span>
[["I'm sorry, Majjhata. It's a shame they couldn't appreciate your beauty."->"I'm sorry they never got to be born. Maybe that's why you lord over the village so fiercely."]]
[["It is what it is. Humans and dragons... they're prone to misunderstandings."->"I'm sorry they never got to be born. Maybe that's why you lord over the village so fiercely."]]You put your hands up and stumble backwards, away from Majjhata's burgeoning wrath.
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
*(Majjhata, speaking through her)*
*"Twitchy little two-leg coward."*</span>
(if: $dragonexplored is true)[ [[Mention the cracked eggs you saw beneath her. (⭐ CLUE)]]](else:)[<span id="locked"><s>Mention the cracked eggs you saw beneath her.</s> (🔒 CLUE)</span>]
[[Prepare for a fight.]]Majjhata closes her eyes and lowers her head. Tears roll down Aurora's cheek. A sorrow deeper than the bones of the mountain.
Majjhata collects herself, rising up to her full, terrifying height.
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
*(Majjhata, speaking through her)*
"You're right. I may have another hundred years left in me. Am I to spend it all sleeping in this cave? if I'm no longer wanted here... then I should leave."</span>
Majjhata breaks her connection with Aurora. The shock knocks Aurora to the ground.
Majjhata begins to beat her wings, kicking up dust and dirt...
[[Rush to Aurora's side.->DragonDeparts]]
[[Duck for cover.->DragonDeparts]]She stands, slowly, shakily. She rubs her arms and takes a deep, steadying breath.
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"Sometimes after I channel another being... I need a moment to come back to myself."</span>
(display: "FordChoice")<span id="titles">OUTSIDE THE EVENTIDE TAVERN</span>
You step out of the Tavern and stand in the alley. The bag of gold weighs heavy in your hands.(if: $fordisalive is true)[
<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"At least one part of this night was easy."</span>]
Aurora stares at you, then at the gold. She shakes her head and laughs softly.(if: $fordisalive is true)[
<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"What the hell are you laughing about?</span>]
She laughs harder and harder and harder.
[["Something funny?"->"Stop it. You're creeping me out."]]
[["Stop it. You're creeping me out."]]<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"I just had a thought... now that you have your dirty money, you'll never have another peaceful moment. Do you know what comes with that much gold?"</span>
[["The ability to buy things...?"->AuroraLeavesEnding]]
[["No, but I bet you're going to tell me."->AuroraLeavesEnding]]<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"*Trouble*. Trouble is what comes with that much gold. Old friends resent you. New friends come out of the woodwork, pestering you to lend to them. It's an anchor around your foot as you sink it into property after property, endeavour after endeavour, just to keep the amount you had in the first place. You stop feeling human because you never know proper *want*. And thieves. Thieves stalk you. I wonder whether you'll even make it out of this alley before someone slits your throat and takes all that gold for himself."</span>
[["Please stop it. You're freaking me out."->AuroraLeaves]]
[["Fat chance. I'll sleep fine. No thief can hurt me."->AuroraLeaves]]
[["Come on. Some of this gold is rightfully yours. Take your cut."->AuroraLeaves]]Your hands find the sooty shale of the cave floor. You toss a handful of it into the dragon's eyes. The beast hisses and thrashes.
(if: $dragonexplored is true)[ [[Go for the dragon's eggs.]] ](else:)[<span id="locked"><s>Go for the dragon's eggs..</s> (🔒 CLUE)</span>]
(if: $background is 1)[ [[Cry havoc and attack the dragon with your sword.]] ](else-if: $background is 2)[ [[Cast a necrotic bolt at the dragon.]] ](else-if: $background is 3)[ [[Sneak up and stab the dragon in the eye.]]]
[[Hide while the dragon is distracted.]]Across the cave, Aurora mutters an incantation. The cave is suddenly filled with a magnificent show of light. The dragon sways and blinks.
(if: $dragonexplored is true)[ [[Go for the dragon's eggs.]] ](else:)[<span id="locked"><s>Go for the dragon's eggs..</s> (🔒 CLUE)</span>]
(if: $background is 1)[ [[Cry havoc and attack the dragon with your sword.]] ](else-if: $background is 2)[ [[Cast a necrotic bolt at the dragon.]] ](else-if: $background is 3)[ [[Sneak up and stab the dragon in the eye.]]]
[[Stay hidden where you are.]]The dragon huffs fire at the place you're hidden. The fire nips at you, just out of its reach, but the heat is unbearable...
<span id="dialogue">You lost 2 health!</span>
And then... there is a bright flash, and the cave goes deadly quiet.
[[Peek out from your hiding place.]]As the dragon thrashes, you spy a nearby crevice and shimmy inside it.
[[Stay... very... still...->Stay hidden where you are.]]You thrust your sword into the dragon's belly. Black blood seeps from the wound, thick as tar. The beast hisses and gasps - some vital organ punctured.
[[Stab it again! Stab it again!]]You wrench your sword out and stab it again. The beast jerks, twitches, and keels over, hitting the ground beside you with a loud thud.
<span id="dialogue">You killed the dragon!</span>
[[Approach the dragon's body.->loud thud.]]Aurora stands on the other side of the cave. Her hands crackle with black magic. Aurora stares at them, her eyes full of concern.
The dragon lies on the ground not far from her... dead.
<span id="dialogue">Aurora killed the dragon!</span>
[["Aurora! I knew you had it in you!"]]
[["Aurora, I had no idea you had it in you."->"Aurora! I knew you had it in you!"]]<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"I wish I didn't. I panicked. I used *necrotic magic*. (if: $background is 2)[You know what our people think of necrotic magic.](else:)[Do you know what my people think of necrotic magic?] I feel so ashamed of myself."</span>
[["You should embrace your power. Not run from it."]]
[["I don't like it either, but you did what you had to."]]
[["You tapped into some dark shit. Pray for forgiveness and don't do it again."]]
You shut your eyes so hard you see stars. You hear Aurora cry something out. There's a flash so bright you can see it through your eyelids, and finally eerie silence falls over the cave.
[[Open your eyes.->Peek out from your hiding place.]]<span id="dialogue">Aurora disliked that.</span>(set: $aurora to $aurora - 1)
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"I will *never* embrace that side of myself."</span>
[["Fair enough. I understand."->loud thud.]]
[["Yeesh, sorry. Just a suggestion."->loud thud.]] <span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"I suppose you're right. Saved our lives, anyway. We'll have to do much good to make up for this."
[["Of course."->loud thud.]]
[["Whatever helps you sleep soundly."->loud thud.]]<span id="dialogue">Aurora liked that.</span>(set: $aurora to $aurora + 1)
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"Yes. That's a good idea."</span>
She nods her head and mutters something under her breath.
[["Hope that helped."->loud thud.]]
[["Well, it's a start."->loud thud.]]Your hands crackle with dark energy. There is a brilliant flash, and when it fizzles away, the dragon lies dead before you in the middle of the cave.
<span id="dialogue">You killed the dragon!</span>
Aurora stares at you, crestfallen.
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"*Necrotic magic*? If the Venerable One had seen what you just did..."</span>
[["Get used to it. I have power in me and I'm going to use it."]]
[["I don't like it either, but I did what I had to do."]]
[["I'm sorry. Please pray with me for forgiveness."]]<span id="dialogue">Aurora disliked that.</span>
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"Sometimes I worry that you're not that kid I grew up with in the hermitages anymore. That life with Ford has changed you."</span>
[["Maybe it has."]]
[["Maybe it's you who's changed."]]<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"Maybe you're right. It would have killed us both if you hadn't done something. At least now maybe we can do some good, make some more merit in this life."</span>
(display: "loud thud.")<span id="dialogue">Aurora liked that.</span>(set: $aurora to $aurora + 1)
Aurora steps towards you and takes your hand in hers. She mutters a protective prayer you remember from childhood, and you match her word for word.
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"There. That should give you some measure of protection."</span>
[[You genuinely believe that there is a moral charge to your actions in the universe, and that there is power in prayer.->loud thud.]]
[[You don't believe in any of this crap any more, but Aurora does, and you indulge her because you know it makes her happy.->loud thud.]]
[[Fuck, you don't know what the hell you believe anymore. Whatever gets you through the night.->loud thud.]]<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"I only hope that heart I love so much is always still in there, somewhere."</span>
(display: "loud thud.")<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"You might be right. We agreed to leave the hermitages together. We both said it wasn't the life for us. It's me who keeps going back and dwelling there in my head."</span>
(display: "loud thud.")<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"Wouldya shut up?"</span>
[[Clap an arm around him as you walk towards the mouth of the cave.->the mouth of the cave...]]<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"You're right. It was. Only I couldn't bring myself to do it. I'm sorry. Looks like I lost my soul and I'm still probably not gonna see any gold out of it."</span>
(display: "the mouth of the cave...")The monk smiles up at you serenely over his tea. He's bald except for his sideburns, which are extremely long and complexly braided. His robes are thick spider's wool, evidently sewn by his own hands.
<span id="monk"><u>BROTHER THULLO</u>
"Hello. I am Brother Thullo. (either: "May you forever be well.", "May you be free from animosity.", "May nothing trouble you.", "May you never be parted from good fortune, righteously earned.", "May you come to no evil.", "May your tea be just hot enough to warm your hands but not hot enough to burn your tongue.", "May you be aligned with whatever good there is in this world.")"</span>
(if: $monkquest is 1)[ [[Try to tempt the monk with worldly pleasures.]]
][["What's a monk doing in here?"]]
[["I have to get going."]]The monk smiles serenely.
<span id="monk"><u>BROTHER THULLO</u>
"You wish to converse?"</span>
(display: "MonkTemptChoices")<span id="monk"><u>BROTHER THULLO</u>
"I have taken a vow to renounce the pleasures of the flesh. No sex, no alcohol, no greed, no hatred. But renunciation means nothing if you haven't known temptation. I immerse myself in worldly things that I might rise above them. I invite you to test me however you wish!"</span>
(if: $monkquest is 1)[ [[Try to tempt the monk with worldly pleasures.]]
][["That's very admirable." (exit conversation)->"I have to get going."]]
[["That's weird, but okay." (exit conversation)->"I have to get going."]](if: $fordisalive is true)[<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"That damn monk can pretend he's high and mighty all he likes. He's flesh and blood just like the rest of us. If he wants temptation, why don't we give him some temptation? Let's get him to loosen up, have some fun!"</span>
[["Let's put this monk's vows to the test." (Accept quest)]]
[["No way, Ford. That's too much for me." (Reject quest)]]](else:)[(goto: "The Gangrenous Stump")]<span id="dialogue">You've received a new quest: WORLDLY TEMPTATIONS
+ 5 Gold
* Test the monk's resolve
</span>(set: $monkquest to 1)
<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"Heh. This'll be a hoot."</span>
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"You two are incorrigible."</span>
[[Try to tempt the monk right now.->monk]]
[[Take care of it later.->The Gangrenous Stump]]<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"Y'know, sometimes I think you're the one who's taken a vow. A vow against ever havin' any fun."</span>
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"I'm glad one of my travelling companions has some sense."</span>
[[Step away from the monk.->The Gangrenous Stump]]The monk takes a sip of his tea.
[[Punch him in the face.]]
[[Insult his braids.]]The monk sways back and forth, doing some sort of deep breathing exercise.
[["How would you feel if I kissed you right now?"]]
[["Seems like you really like that tea, huh?"]]The monk fiddles with his prayer beads.
[["How do you know for sure what you're practicing is true? Won't you have wasted your life if it's not?"]]
[["You know you don't really have it in you to walk this path. Stop kidding yourself and give it up."]]<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
*(whispering to you)*
"Some folks say money's the root of all evil. Way I figure it, this guy's not gonna have a taste for that. You could maybe get him angry, but not with the usual stuff. Insult what matters to him though, his religion? That'll do the trick. I don't think this guy thinks with his schlong... but he seems to like tea. That shows he's still got one foot in the material world. Could be something you can use. This fellow seems pretty damn sure of his vow and all that... but it might be for show. You could get him pretty turned around playing on his doubts."</span>
(display: "MonkTemptChoices")The monk adjusts his robes.
[["Forsake your vows. I'll find some gold for you."->bribe]]
(if: $gold >= 10)[ [["Forsake your vows. I'll give you ten pieces of gold." (⭐ 10 Gold)->bribe]]](else:)[<span id="locked"><s>"Forsake your vows. I'll give you ten pieces of gold."</s> (🔒 10 Gold)</span>]
(if: $gold >= 20)[ [["Forsake your vows. I'll give you twenty pieces of gold." (⭐ 20 Gold)->bribe]]](else:)[<span id="locked"><s>"Forsake your vows. I'll give you twenty pieces of gold."</s> (🔒 20 Gold)</span>]
(if: $gold >= 30)[ [["Forsake your vows. I'll give you thirty pieces of gold." (⭐ 30 Gold)->bribe]]](else:)[<span id="locked"><s>"Forsake your vows. I'll give you thirty pieces of gold."</s> (🔒 30 Gold)</span>]<span id="monk"><u>BROTHER THULLO</u>
"My training serves me well. Your gold tempts me not a whit."</span>
(display: "MonkTemptChoices")(if: $firstpunch is 0)[<span id="dialogue">+1 TANK</span>(set: $tank to $tank + 1)(set: $firstpunch to 1)
]You deliver a swift blow to the monk's face. His head snaps back and he springs a minor nosebleed, but seems otherwise unperturbed.
<span id="monk"><u>BROTHER THULLO</u>
"Your fist has caused an unpleasant physical sensation."</span>
(display: "MonkTemptChoices")(if: $monktempt >= 2)[(goto:"MonkFreakout")](else:)[There is the faintest hint of a grimace on the monk's smile.
<span id="monk"><u>BROTHER THULLO</u>
"The braids I wear were worn by a hundred generations of venerable brothers and sisters before me."</span>
(set: $monktempt to $monktempt + 1)
<span id="dialogue">You got a small reaction out of the monk...</span>(set: $angerchoice to 1)
(display: "MonkTemptChoices")][[Bribe him.]](if: $angerchoice is 0)[
[[Play on his anger.]] ](if: $desirechoice is 0)[
[[Play on his desire.]]](if: $doubtchoice is 0)[
[[Play on his doubts.]]]
(if: $ford > 5)[ [[Ask Ford for advice. (⭐ FRIENDLY WITH FORD)]]](else:)[<span id="locked"><s>Ask Ford for advice.</s> (🔒 FRIENDLY WITH FORD)</span>]
[[Come back later.->The Gangrenous Stump]]<span id="monk"><u>BROTHER THULLO</u>
"I would feel nothing, for I have uprooted sensual pleasures. You are welcome to try it. I invite you to do whatever you wish to my physical form in order to test my ascetic will."</span>
[[Kiss him.]]
[["Uh, maybe not."]]<span id="monk"><u>BROTHER THULLO</u>
*(a pause)*
"I enjoy it without becoming involved in sensual craving for it. This is perfectly within the boundaries of my ascetic vows."</span>
[["Oh, come on. You're wallowing in the pleasures of the tea. And worse than that, you feel morally superior about it!"]]
[["So if someone told you that you could never have that tea again, you'd be fine with it?"]]
[[Snatch the tea away.]]You pull the monk close and press your lips against his. The kiss is stiff, forced. He seems to have no reaction at all.
[[Part his lips with your tongue.]]
[[Give up and pull away.]]<span id="monk"><u>BROTHER THULLO</u>
"Suit yourself."</span>
(display: $MonkTemptChoices)You kiss with more passion, feeling his rough stubble against your lips. He yields to you, but returns none of the passion you're putting in.
[[Gently bite his lip.]]
[[This is hopeless. Give up.->Give up and pull away.]]<span id="monk"><u>BROTHER THULLO</u>
"You see? I didn't feel the faintest hint of a stirring of sensual desire. Uh, no offense."</span>
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"Watching that was a tad uncomfortable..."</span>
(display: "MonkTemptChoices")You bite and gently suck at his lip, just enough to make him feel something. He stays still as a mountain.
[[Crawl into his lap.]]
[[This is pointless. Stop.->Give up and pull away.]]You bring your body even closer to his, pressing yourself against him, gyrating in his lap.
[[Moan in his ear.]]
[[Throw in the towel.->Give up and pull away.]]A guttural, raspy groan from the depths of your erotic imagination. In reaction, nothing, nada.
[[Bite his earlobe.]]
[[You're wasting your time. Stop.->Give up and pull away.]]You gently bite and suck at his earlobe. He pushes you away.
(display: "Give up and pull away.")(if: $monktempt >= 2)[(goto:"MonkFreakout")](else:)[The monk ponders it, staring into his tea.
<span id="monk"><u>BROTHER THULLO</u>
"I would do well to guard the gates of my senses against this tea with even greater vigour than I do already, and to check that I'm not feeding off some sense of righteousness in my practice. Thank you for the encouragement."</span>
(set: $monktempt to $monktempt + 1)
<span id="dialogue">You got a small reaction out of the monk...</span>(set: $desirechoice to 1)
(display: "MonkTemptChoices")](if: $monktempt >= 2)[(goto:"MonkFreakout")](else:)[The monk ponders it, staring into his tea.
<span id="monk"><u>BROTHER THULLO</u>
"It would seem a shame to me, in an abstract sense. But I would not be *perturbed*."</span>
(set: $monktempt to $monktempt + 1)
<span id="dialogue">You got a small reaction out of the monk...</span>(set: $desirechoice to 1)
(display: "MonkTemptChoices")](if: $monktempt >= 2)[(goto:"MonkFreakout")](else:)[The monk instinctively reaches out for the tea as you snatch it away. He pauses, staring at his hand as if it's betrayed him.
<span id="monk"><u>BROTHER THULLO</u>
"Keep the tea if you like. I... I don't need it."</span>
(set: $monktempt to $monktempt + 1)
<span id="dialogue">You got a small reaction out of the monk...</span>(set: $desirechoice to 1)
You push the tea back towards the monk.
(display: "MonkTemptChoices")]<span id="orc"><u>BARTENDER</u>
"Here you go. Booze, plain and simple."</span>
He puts a shot glass before you. You knock it back and it oozes down your throat like honey. (set: $rum to $rum + 1)
<span id="dialogue">You lost 5 gold.
+ 1 TANK</span>(set: $tank to $tank + 1)(set: $gold to $gold - 5)
(if: $gold >= 5)[ [["Another!" (⭐ 5 GOLD)->"Give me something to put hair on my chest." (⭐ 5 GOLD)]]](else:)[<span id="locked"><s>"Another!"</s> (🔒 5 GOLD)</span>] <span id="dialogue"> (GAIN +1 TANK!)</span>
(if: $eventidegoal is 1)[ [["Where can I find the Eventide Tavern?"]]
][["Anything interesting to tell me?"]]
[[Walk away.->The Gangrenous Stump]]<span id="orc"><u>BARTENDER</u>
"That knife game going on in the corner is a great way to win a few coins and lose a few fingers."</span>
(if: $eventidegoal is 1)[ [["Where can I find the Eventide Tavern?"]]
](if: $gold >= 5)[ [["Give me something to put hair on my chest." (⭐ 5 GOLD)]]](else:)[<span id="locked"><s>"Give me something that'll put hair on my chest."</s> (🔒 5 GOLD)</span>] <span id="dialogue"> (GAIN +1 TANK!)</span>
[[Walk away.->The Gangrenous Stump]](if: $monktempt >= 2)[(goto:"MonkFreakout")](else:)[A look of fear shoots across the monk's face. He quashes it and forces a smile.
<span id="monk"><u>BROTHER THULLO</u>
"The... the path has not failed me yet. I have seen many of its fruits already. I have no reason to doubt it."</span>
(set: $monktempt to $monktempt + 1)
<span id="dialogue">You got a small reaction out of the monk...</span>(set: $doubtchoice to 1)
(display: "MonkTemptChoices")]<span id="monk"><u>BROTHER THULLO</u>
"I haven't wavered from it yet. So long as I keep in mind the rewards at the end of the path, nothing can shake me."</span>
[["So you're only in it for the reward?"]]
[["You're weak. You won't last. Give up now."]]<span id="monk"><u>BROTHER THULLO</u>
"I... I wouldn't put it that way."</span>
[["Seems awfully selfish."]]
[["So if what you're practicing isn't true... if there is no reward waiting for you... doesn't that mean you've wasted your life?"->"How do you know for sure what you're practicing is true? Won't you have wasted your life if it's not?"]]The monk chuckles to himself.
<span id="monk"><u>BROTHER THULLO</u>
"Thank you, friend, for testing my resolve so vigorously."</span>
(display: "MonkTemptChoices")The monk smiles as if he's treasuring a secret.
<span id="monk"><u>BROTHER THULLO</u>
"Happiness isn't a gold coin that must be passed from one pocket to another. The riches of the path can be shared with all."</span>
(display: "MonkTemptChoices")<span id="dialogue">You filled the monk with doubt! Ford liked that.</span>
(set: $ford to $ford + 1)
<span id="monk"><u>BROTHER THULLO</u>
"*Enough!* You've worn me down! I'm filled with irritation, craving, doubt. I don't deserve to wear the opaline robes. I should renounce the spiritual life."</span>
<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"Heck yeah, brother. Toss the robes and let's knock back a beer."</span>
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
*(massaging the bridge of her nose)*
"This man was on a spiritual path. He had dedicated his life to a noble goal. And then he ran into you two..."</span>
You look at Brother Thullo. He's totally wracked with doubt.
[["Stick to your spiritual path."]]
[["Embrace prurient carnality!"]]<span id="dialogue">Ford liked that.</span>(set: $ford to $ford + 1)
<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"Aw hell yeah. Prurient carnality's my favourite kind of carnality."</span>
<span id="monk"><u>BROTHER THULLO</u>
"You want prurient? You want carnal? I will surely give you prurient and carnal."</span>
The monk lurches towards a nearby table and grabs a stein of ale right out of a stranger's hands. He lifts it to his lips.
[["Chug! Chug! Chug!"]]
[["Uh... I'm not sure this is a great idea."->"Chug! Chug! Chug!"]]<span id="dialogue">Aurora liked that.</span>(set: $aurora to $aurora + 1)
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"Yes! This moment should help you towards spiritual growth. Not discourage you so much you abandon the path."</span>
<span id="monk"><u>BROTHER THULLO</u>
"You're right. I can't become discouraged so easily. I will re-dedicate myself to the path with even greater ardency. Thank you!</span>
<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"You two always gotta kill my fun..."</span>
(set: $newfordconvo to 1)(set: $newauroraconvo to 1)<span id="dialogue">You've completed a quest: WORLDLY TEMPTATIONS
You earned 5 gold.</span>(set: $gold to $gold + 5)(set: $monkquest to 3)
[[Step away from the monk.->The Gangrenous Stump]]Brother Thullo tips the stein back. Some of it pours down his chin as he struggles to chug it. When he's finished, he slams down the stein and stands there, triumphant.
The bar erupts with applause, cheering, raucous hooting.
<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"Get this man some shots!"</span>
The barkeep brings over a tray of [[every kind of liquor.]]Brother Thullo gets to work, downing the shots one after another.
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"I can't believe you two did this."</span>
<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"If one conversation with some folks in a bar got him so wound up, maybe the guy wasn't cut out for the spiritual life in the first place."</span>
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
*(watching as Brother Thullo becomes embroiled in a drunken bar fight)*
"As much as it pains me to say this... you have a point."</span>
(set: $newfordconvo to 1)(set: $newauroraconvo to 1)<span id="dialogue">You've completed a quest: WORLDLY TEMPTATIONS
You earned 5 gold.</span>(set: $gold to $gold + 5)(set: $monkquest to 2)
[[Step away from the monk.->The Gangrenous Stump]](if: $devattaquest is 2)[No sooner have you stepped onto the cobblestones of Marasika Plaza than Devatta emerges from the shadows behind the Red Roof Inn. He steps into your path and points a crooked boney finger with a long yellowed nail at you.
(set: $devattaquest to 3)
<span id="devatta"><u>DEVATTA</u>
"You. You wretched meddler. No one steals Devatta's acolytes."</span>
[[Pretend to put a curse on him.]]
[[Slice off his hand with your sword.]]
[[Stare him in the eyes with real pity.]]](else:)[<span id="titles">MARASIKA PLAZA</span>
A narrow cobblestone street winds through an upscale neighbourhood lined with shops. At the end of the street is the [[Red Roof Inn]], a cozy lodge with a thatched red roof. Here, weary travellers can find rest or drink.
Just across the way, brassy music echoes from a colourful theatre with a red velvet curtain for a door. The painted sign shows an abstracted masquerade mask with a pair of pursed red lips beneath it. This is [[Her Majesty's]].
(set: $location to 1)
To the east lies [[Hidiya Square->town square]].
[[Aurora]] (either: "regards the houses and shops.", "marvels at an elaborate cake in a shop window.", "admires the ingenious gasoline lamps that light the street.", "marvels over a dress in a shop window.")(if: $newauroraconvo is 1)[
<span id="dialogue">New conversation topics!</span>]
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"(either: "Certainly is a lively little town.", "Seems like the kind of place one could settle down, were one so inclined.", "A bit quaint, but a nice enough little village.", "Perhaps we should stay the night so we can peruse the shops in the morning.")"</span>(if: $fordisalive is true)[
[[Ford]] (either: "scratches his head.", "frowns at the ritzy shops.", "crosses his arms.")(if: $newfordconvo is 1)[
<span id="dialogue">New conversation topics!</span>]
<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"(either: "Doesn't look like I'll have much luck gettin' in a bar fight around these parts.", "If I start drinking, I'm liable to start breakin' some of these shop windows. Place looks too pretty.", "Can't we find some place in this town that's a little more my speed?")"</span>]]<span id="titles">HER MAJESTY'S</span>
On stage, performers do an elaborate [[burlesque number]]. A (either: "half-orc", "human", "half-elf", "goblin", "centaur", "dwarf") (either: "man", "woman", "person", "ingenue", "gentleman", "beau", "belle", "paramour", "sweetheart", "swain") (either: "does a strip-tease", "dances sensually", "spanks another performer with a flogger", "twirls flaming batons", "juggles swords") while surrounded by a (either: "phalanx of", "huge group of", "chorus line of", "trio of", "dancing troupe of") (either: "masked", "nude", "robed", "glitter-encrusted", "armor-clad", "painted") (either: "worshippers", "guards", "acolytes", "lovers", "admirers", "tributes", "courtiers", "concubines", "attackers", "assailants", "mistresses").(if: $redroofinngoal is 2)[
A [[dancer]] in an elaborate peacock costume stretches out in the wings, smoking a hookah.]
[[The bartender->HerMajestysBartender]], a tall, commanding woman in a corset, (either: "mixes a martini", "blows a kiss to one of the girls on stage", "sways to the music").
A woman with (link-reveal:"grey hair")[, roughly the (link-reveal:"texture and colour of cobwebs")[, (link-reveal:"done up into an elaborate beehive,")[ with a red lace masquerade mask over her eyes,]]] stands by the side of the stage, (either: "admiring her performers.", "urging her performers on with a conductor's baton.", "whispering occasional direction to her performers as they move out of the wings and on to the stage.") This must be [[Madame Pellax]].
The crowd is bustling. (if: $posh is 0)[A [[posh, nervous fellow]] watches from a table near the front.] (if: $seriousface is 0)[A [[serious-faced young woman]] mills in the back, observing on tiptoe.] (if: $chubbydwarf is 0)[A [[chubby dwarf]] hoots and hollers at the side of the stage.]
Aurora (either: "watches the show on stage with fascination.", "blushes and looks away from the bawdy burlesque performance.", "admires the performers from a distance.", "gets into the show enough to toss a couple of coins on stage.") (if: $fordisalive is true)[Ford (either: "tosses handfuls of gold coins up on stage,", "stares at all the dancers,", "claps loudly,", "stomps his feet,") (either: "hollering.", "his jaw hanging down.", "his eyes bulging out of his head.")]
[[Exit Her Majesty's.->ExitHM]](if: $townsquarefirsttime is 0)[A colossal wooden structure looms, 30 feet tall at least, casting a shadow over the festive streamers and statues that line the square.(if: $fordisalive is true)[
<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"What the hell is that thing?"</span>]
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"I think that thing's some sort of... roost. There's a plaque at the base..."</span>
[[Read the plaque.]]](else:)[<span id="titles">HIDIYA SQUARE</span>
[[Marasika Plaza->GoodSideOfTown]] lies to the west, with its quaint shops and perfect cobblestone streets.
In the middle of the square is [[the roost->colossal statue]] where the dragon perches during the festival. Flags and banners hang from the roost and streamers run from it down to carved wooden totems all over the square.
[[Kukula Row->Bad Side of Town]] lies to the east, with its tenements and streets of cracked slab.
(set: $location to 2)
[[Aurora]] (either: "admires the streamers that adorn the square.", "twirls, taking in the residential areas beyond the square.")(if: $newauroraconvo is 1)[
<span id="dialogue">New conversation topics!</span>]
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"(either:"It's wonderful that they've been able to keep this town independent, out of the queen's clutches.","It's amazing to think, here we are, in the heart of the queen's territory, standing in a village that's not hers.","What a little village. I hope we don't find out there's something rotten at the heart of it.")"</span>(if: $fordisalive is true)[
[[Ford]] (either: "spits at the polished tile of the square.", "yawns and stretches").(if: $newfordconvo is 1)[
<span id="dialogue">New conversation topics!</span>]
<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"(either:"Not so bad to see a village full of ordinary people, living without the queen's boot on their necks, I guess.", "If I were the settling down type, it wouldn't be the worst place to settle down, I suppose.", "Any village with three places for me to get a drink is okay in my books.")"]](if: $alley is "south")[(goto:"AlleySouth")](else-if: $alley is "southwest")[(goto:"AlleySouthwest")](else-if: $alley is "southeast")[(goto:"AlleySouthEast")](else-if: $alley is "southwest2")[(goto:"AlleySouthwest2")](else-if: $alley is "west")[(goto:"AlleyWest")](else-if: $alley is "west2")[(goto:"AlleyWest2")](else-if: $alley is "northwest")[(goto:"AlleyNorthwest")](else-if: $alley is "north")[(goto:"AlleyNorth")](else-if: $alley is "northwest2")[(goto:"AlleyNorthwest2")](else-if: $alley is "northwest3")[(goto:"AlleyNorthwest3")](else-if: $alley is "north2")[(goto:"AlleyNorth2")](else-if: $alley is "east")[(goto:"AlleyEast")](else-if: $alley is "east2")[(goto:"AlleyEast2")](else-if: $alley is "northeast")[(goto:"AlleyNortheast")](else-if: $alley is "center")[(goto:"AlleyCenter")][[Keep exploring the alleys.]]
[[Retrace your steps out of the alley.->AlleyEntrance]]<span id="titles">THE MOUTH OF THE ALLEY</span>
[[Kukula Row->Bad Side of Town]] lies just to your south.
A [[dark maze of alleys->AlleySouth]] lies just to the north.
A [[man in a trenchcoat and gas mask]] sits outside the alley. A shining army helmet full of coins sits in front of him. A sign before it reads: "(either:"SPARE A COIN, SAVE A SOUL - YOURS!","PROMISE I WON'T SPEND IT (ALL) ON MEAD", "COME SAY HELLO, I DON'T BITE (FOR LESS THAN 30 GOLD COINS)", "I'M NOT MAD - HONEST.", "ALLEY TOURS - 10 GOLD")"
There is a small, suspicious-looking stall just outside the mouth of the alley. A sign above it reads [["MIDNIGHT MEATS"]].<span id="titles">LAST CALL AT THE GANGRENOUS STUMP...</span>
The bartender (if: $ruffians is 0)[shoos the ruffians out of the bar.](else:)[rouses the ruffians and shoos them out of the bar.] He tosses the bucket of severed fingers out after them.
<span id="orc"><u>BARTENDER</u>
"And take that damn thing with you!"</span>
(if: $monkquest is 2)[Brother Thullo's prayer beads have snapped and scattered everywhere. Drunk and sobbing, he crawls on the floor, trying to collect them all up, crying out for forgiveness.](else-if: $monkquest is 3)[Brother Thullo finishes his tea, nods to the bartender, and walks towards the door, a serene smile on his face.](else:)[The monk finishes his tea, nods to the bartender, and walks towards the door, a serene smile on his face.]
At that very same moment, in [[the alleys...]](either: "","",(display: "fleshrodent"), (display: "horsehog"),(display: "slugbat"),(display: "goatspider"),"","","","",(go-to: "robbery"), "","","","",(display: "fleshrodent"), (display: "horsehog"),(display: "slugbat"),"","","","",(display: "fleshrodent"), (display: "horsehog"),(display: "slugbat"),"","","")
A small, hairless rodent (either: "hisses at you from the shadows.", "scurries out in front of you.", "digs through some spilled garbage.", "scratches at its flaky red skin.") (either: "It has a tumour growing out of its back that looks like a human ear.", "Its tail is nearly a meter long.", "Its eyes glow red.")
[[Attack the rodent.]]
A huge hog, more equine than porcine, (either: "snorts at you from the shadows.", "munches garbage.", "charges recklessly through the alley.") (either: "It has immense tusks.", "Its back is spotted white.", "It's got a leash dangling behind it.")
[[Attack the hog.]](set: $randomroll to (either: 1, 2, 3, 4))(if: $tank > 1 + $randomroll)[You spear the rodent on the end of your sword. It dies with a hideous, pitiful squeak.
<span id="dialogue">(text-colour:"green")[SUCCESS!]
You found 1 wild meat.</span>(set: $wildmeat to $wildmeat + 1)
(display: "AlleyEncounterExit")](else:)[You hover over the rat with your sword. It spots you coming and lunges at you, landing a nasty bite on your (either: "shin", "wrist", "neck", "shoulder"). It escapes back into the shadows.
<span id="dialogue">(text-style:"rumble")[(text-colour:"red")[FAILURE!]]
You lost 1 health.</span>(set: $health to $health - 1)
(if: $health > 0)[(display: "AlleyEncounterExit")](else:)[ [[Pass out from the pain.->RedRoofInnRoom]] ]]<span id="titles">A ROOM AT THE RED ROOF INN</span>
You awaken in a pile of downy pillows, staring at a red ceiling lit by soft candle light, (either: "the room blurry around you", "the whole room spinning", "your head extremely sore", "your body aching badly").
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"(either: "Relax.", "Don't get up too quickly.", "Take your time.", "Don't tax yourself.") (either:"You were very badly injured.", "You sustained quite an injury.", "You got yourself a nasty wound.") We're in the Red Roof Inn. (either: "Me and the local sawbones patched you up.", "The village doctor and I had a look at you.", "The doctor and I knitted your bones and stitched your wounds.")(either:"You should be right as rain now.", "You should be in tip-top shape going forward.", "There shouldn't be any lasting trouble, except perhaps for a bit of a scar.")"</span>(if: $fordisalive is true)[
<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"(either:"Heh.","Yikes.","Holy moly.","Jeez.") You took a real (either:"ass kicking.","beating","head-scrambling.","bruising.") (either:"Don't worry.","'s okay though.") (either:"I won't tell the folks back at The Hub-And-Spoke.","I won't tease you too bad over it.","I won't think any less of you.")</span>](if: $gold >= 5)[
<span id="rribartender"><u>ERIK</u>
"(either: "I hope you don't mind, I took my standard fee.", "I charged you same as I usually do.", "I took a bit of gold for my trouble and yours. Gotta charge something to keep the doors open.")"</span>
(set: $gold to $gold - 5)
<span id="dialogue">You lost 5 gold.</span>](else-if: $gold > 0)[
<span id="rribartender"><u>ERIK</u>
"You ain't got enough gold left to cover my usual fee of five pieces. But don't worry yourself. I took what you had and won't expect no more."</span>
(set: $gold to 0)
<span id="dialogue">You lost all of your gold.</span>](else:)[
<span id="rribartender"><u>ERIK</u>
"Consider it free of charge. You ain't got two bits of gold to rub together anyway, you poor soul."</span>]
(if: $tonic is 1)[(set: $health to 7)](else:)[(set: $health to 5)]
[[Step out into the Red Roof Inn lobby.->Red Roof Inn]](set: $sawbones to $sawbones +1)(set: $randomroll to (either: 1, 2, 3, 4))(if: $tank > 3 + $randomroll)[You spear the hog on the end of your sword. It dies with a hideous braying squeal.
<span id="dialogue">(text-colour:"green")[SUCCESS!]
You found 3 wild meat.</span>(set: $wildmeat to $wildmeat + 3)
(display: "AlleyEncounterExit")](else:)[You hover over the hog with your sword. It spots you coming and charges at you, knocking you down. It escapes back into the shadows of the alley.
<span id="dialogue">(text-style:"rumble")[(text-colour:"red")[FAILURE!]]
You lost 3 health.</span>(set: $health to $health - 3)
(if: $health > 0)[(display: "AlleyEncounterExit")](else:)[ [[Pass out from the pain.->RedRoofInnRoom]] ]]
A hairy, many-legged goat (either: "brays as it wanders the alley.", "munches garbage.", "spits web in your general direction.") (either: "It has covered this part of the alley in webbing.", "It has so, so many eyes.", "It leaps from wall to wall, defying gravity.")
[[Attack the goat.]](set: $randomroll to (either: 1, 2, 3, 4))(if: $tank > 7 + $randomroll)[You spear the goat on the end of your sword. It dies with a hideous, pitiful groan.
<span id="dialogue">(text-colour:"green")[SUCCESS!]
You found 7 wild meat.</span>(set: $wildmeat to $wildmeat + 1)
(display: "AlleyEncounterExit")](else:)[You hover over the goat with your sword. It spots you coming and sprays webbing at you. It burns when it touches your skin. The goat climbs the wall, disappearing over the rooftops.
<span id="dialogue">(text-style:"rumble")[(text-colour:"red")[FAILURE!]]
You lost 7 health.</span>(set: $health to $health - 7)
(if: $health > 0)[(display: "AlleyEncounterExit")](else:)[ [[Pass out from the pain.->RedRoofInnRoom]] ]]
A winged slug (either: "crawls along the alley.", "soars back and forth around the alley.", "shrieks at you from the sky.", "shrieks at you from the wall it's clinging to.") (either: "It leaves a trail of mucus behind it as it goes.", "It seems to have trouble moving the weight of its own body.", "Its antennas twitch this way and that.")
[[Attack the slug.]](set: $randomroll to (either: 1, 2, 3, 4))(if: $tank > 5 + $randomroll)[You spear the slug on the end of your sword. It dies with a weird hiss of gas leaving its body.
<span id="dialogue">(text-colour:"green")[SUCCESS!]
You found 5 wild meat.</span>(set: $wildmeat to $wildmeat + 5)
(display: "AlleyEncounterExit")](else:)[You hover over the slug with your sword. It sprays ooze on you as it flies away.
<span id="dialogue">(text-style:"rumble")[(text-colour:"red")[FAILURE!]]
You lost 5 health.</span>(set: $health to $health - 5)
(if: $health > 0)[(display: "AlleyEncounterExit")](else:)[ [[Pass out from the pain.->RedRoofInnRoom]] ]]The cart has all manner of strange carcasses hanging up from it. A sign says "WE BUY AND SELL MEATS". An unshaven man leers at you from inside the cart.
<span id="meatman"><u>LEERING MAN</u>
"You wanna buy some meat? Or you wanna sell some meat?"</span>
(if: $meatquest is 0)[ [["What kind of meat...?"]]
](if: $wildmeat >= 10)[ [["I'd like to sell." (⭐ 10 PIECES OF WILD MEAT)]]](else:)[<span id="locked"><s>"I'd like to sell."</s> (🔒 10 PIECES OF RARE MEAT)</span>] <span id="dialogue">(GET 10 GOLD!)</span>
(if: $gold >= 1)[ [["I'll try a single meat. How bad could it be?" (⭐ 1 GOLD)]]](else:)[<span id="locked"><s>"I'll try a single meat. How bad could it be?"</s> (🔒 1 GOLD)</span>]
[["I have to be going. Good luck with all the, uh... meats and such."->AlleyEntrance]]<span id="orc"><u>BARTENDER</u>
"Can't say the name's familiar."</span>
[["He's a fancy guy with a funny bowler hat and walrus moustache."]]
(if: $eventidegoal is 1)[ [["Where can I find the Eventide Tavern?"]]
](if: $gold >= 5)[ [["Give me something to put hair on my chest." (⭐ 5 GOLD)]]](else:)[<span id="locked"><s>"Give me something that'll put hair on my chest."</s> (🔒 5 GOLD)</span>] <span id="dialogue"> (GAIN +1 TANK!)</span>
[["Anything interesting to tell me?"]]
[[Walk away.->The Gangrenous Stump]](if: $gangrenousvisited is 0)[(display: "LeavingGangrene")](else:)[(goto: "Bad Side of Town")]You hand the man the assortment of dead beasts. He grins.
<span id="meatman"><u>LEERING MAN</u>
"Good meats. Pleasure doing the business."</span>
<span id="dialogue">You received 10 gold.
You lost 10 pieces of wild meat.</span> (set: $gold to $gold + 10)(set: $wildmeat to $wildmeat - 10)
[[Back away.->AlleyEntrance]]<span id="meatman"><u>LEERING MAN</u>
"My customers, they aren't picky. Any old meat you find, should do. Try the alley to the north, tell you what. Many meats there in need of a killing! Bring me ten pieces of meat, I give you ten pieces of gold. We have an arrangement?"</span>
<span id="dialogue">You've received a new quest: MEAT MARKET
* Collect 10 pieces of wild meat and exchange them at the meat market outside the alleys for 10 pieces of gold.
</span> (set: $meatquest to 1)
[["Got it. Thanks."->"MIDNIGHT MEATS"]](set: $gold to $gold - 1)The leering man takes your gold coin and holds out a fork with a piece of (either: "burned", "stringy", "fatty", "moist", "dry") meat speared on the end.
<span id="meatman"><u>LEERING MAN</u>
"(either: "Good for what ails you.", "Meat.", "Tastes as good as it looks.", "Enjoy for you!", "I don't know where it comes from, but I know where it's going... your mouth!", "Hope you like!")"</span>
[[Eat it.]]It tastes (either: "like chicken.", "like shattered dreams.")
[["Not bad."->"MIDNIGHT MEATS"]]
[["Ugh. Gross."->"MIDNIGHT MEATS"]]She (either: "smiles as you", "gives you a cheeky grin", "looks you up and down and bites her lip", "twirls her hair between her fingers") as you approach.
<span id="hermajestysbartender"><u>BARTENDER</u>
"What'll it be, love?"</span>
(if: $eventidegoal is 1)[
[["Any idea where I can find the Eventide Tavern?"]]](if: $gold >= 5)[ [["I need something to give me a little courage." (⭐ 5 GOLD)]]](else:)[<span id="locked"><s>"I need something to give me a little courage."</s> (🔒 5 GOLD)</span>] <span id="dialogue"> (GAIN +1 ROGUE!)</span>(if: $gold >= 10)[ [["A martini for me and Aurora, please." (⭐ 10 GOLD)]]](else:)[<span id="locked"><s>"A martini for me and Aurora, please."</s> (🔒 10 GOLD)</span>] (if: $fordisalive is true)[
(if: $gold >= 10)[ [["A martini for me and Ford, please." (⭐ 10 GOLD)]]](else:)[<span id="locked"><s>"A martini for me and Ford, please."</s> (🔒 10 GOLD)</span>]
][["Anything interesting to tell me?"->HerMajestysInteresting]](if: $robbed is 1)[
[["One of your dancers robbed me!"]]]
[["We're looking for a fellow named Barnes. You know him?"]]
[[Walk away.->Her Majesty's]]<span id="hermajestysbartender"><u>BARTENDER</u>
"Ah yes. Barnes. Good tipper. His moustache gets a bit funny when he drinks. Kind of cute almost. He hasn't been in a while."</span>
(if: $eventidegoal is 1)[
[["Any idea where I can find the Eventide Tavern?"]]](if: $gold >= 5)[ [["I need something to give me a little courage." (⭐ 5 GOLD)]]](else:)[<span id="locked"><s>"I need something to give me a little courage."</s> (🔒 5 GOLD)</span>] <span id="dialogue"> (GAIN +1 ROGUE!)</span>
[["Anything interesting to tell me?"->HerMajestysInteresting]]
[[Walk away.->Her Majesty's]]<span id="hermajestysbartender"><u>BARTENDER</u>
"You should talk to Madame Pellax. She runs Her Majesty's. She's a genius. I don't use that word lightly."</span>
(if: $eventidegoal is 1)[
[["Any idea where I can find the Eventide Tavern?"]]](if: $gold >= 5)[ [["I need something to give me a little courage." (⭐ 5 GOLD)]]](else:)[<span id="locked"><s>"I need something to give me a little courage."</s> (🔒 5 GOLD)</span>] <span id="dialogue"> (GAIN +1 ROGUE!)</span>
[["We're looking for a fellow named Barnes. You know him?"]]
[[Walk away.->Her Majesty's]]<span id="hermajestysbartender"><u>BARTENDER</u>
"You'll like this. We call it 'Liquid Courage'. Sweet as sin, but with a little bit of bite. Like us."</span>
She mixes a martini, then drops a shot in it. You hear it sizzle. She pushes it across to you. You sip it.
(set: $martini to $martini + 1)
<span id="dialogue">You lost 5 gold.
+ 1 ROGUE</span>(set: $rogue to $rogue + 1)(set: $gold to $gold - 5)
(if: $gold >= 5)[ [["Another!" (⭐ 5 GOLD)->"I need something to give me a little courage." (⭐ 5 GOLD)]]](else:)[<span id="locked"><s>"Another!"</s> (🔒 5 GOLD)</span>] <span id="dialogue"> (GAIN +1 ROGUE!)</span>(if: $eventidegoal is 1)[
[["Any idea where I can find the Eventide Tavern?"]]]
[["Anything interesting to tell me?"->HerMajestysInteresting]]
[["We're looking for a fellow named Barnes. You know him?"]]
[[Walk away.->Her Majesty's]](if: $hermajestysvisited is 0)[(display: "Leaving HM")](else:)[(goto: "GoodSideOfTown")]The bartender (either: "smiles and waves hello", "laughs heartily", "adjusts his enormous beard") as you approach.
<span id="rribartender"><u>ERIK</u>
"(either: "Oy! Hello!", "Cheers there!", "A hale and hearty hi!") I'm Erik. The owner here at the Red Roof Inn. I'm also the sawbones 'round these parts. Just let me know if you need to be patched up any!"</span>
(if: $eventidegoal is 1)[ [["Do you know where I can find the Eventide Tavern?"]]
](if: $health < 5)[(if: $gold >= 5)[ [["I need you to patch me up." (⭐ 5 GOLD)]]](else:)[<span id="locked"><s>"I need you to patch me up."</s> (🔒 5 GOLD)</span>] <span id="dialogue"> (RECOVER FULL HEALTH!)</span>
](if: $gold >= 10)[ [["An ale for me and Aurora, please." (⭐ 10 GOLD)]]](else:)[<span id="locked"><s>"An ale for me and Aurora, please."</s> (🔒 10 GOLD)</span>] (if: $fordisalive is true)[
(if: $gold >= 10)[ [["An ale for me and Ford, please." (⭐ 10 GOLD)]]](else:)[<span id="locked"><s>"An ale for me and Ford, please."</s> (🔒 10 GOLD)</span>]
][["Anything interesting to tell me?"->RRIInteresting]]
[["We're looking for a guy named Barnes. Ring any bells?"]]
(if: $redroofinngoal >= 3)[ [["Are you aware your wife played sheathe-the-broadsword with one your guests?"]]
][[Walk away.->Red Roof Inn]](if: $rrivisited is 0)[(display: "LeavingRRI")](else:)[(goto: "GoodSideOfTown")](set: $gangrenousvisited to 1)(set: $barvisits to $barvisits + 1)(if: $barvisits >= 3)[(goto: "BarBreakdown")](else:)[As you step out of the bar, Aurora frowns.
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"I don't think that was the bar where we were supposed to meet Barnes. It doesn't seem like it was his sort of place."</span>(if: $fordisalive is true)[
<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"I don't think that guy would last a minute in there."</span>]
[[Keep looking.->Bad Side of Town]]]<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"We've visited every watering hole in the village and Barnes is nowhere to be found. If we're going to remember where we were supposed to meet him... we may have to resort to forbidden magic."</span>
[["Forbidden magic? I like it!"->ForbiddenMagic]]
[["Forbidden magic? I'm scared."->ForbiddenMagic]]
[["I'm happy with whatever gets us our gold."->ForbiddenMagic]](set: $rrivisited to 1)(set: $barvisits to $barvisits + 1)(if: $barvisits >= 3)[(goto: "BarBreakdown")](else:)[As you step out of the bar, Aurora frowns.
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"That was a relaxed, cozy little place. If we were going to find Barnes anywhere, I'd have thought it would be in there. Guess we'll have to keep looking."</span>(if: $fordisalive is true)[
<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"Maybe the place bored him to death before we showed up."</span>]
[[Keep looking.->GoodSideOfTown]]](set: $hermajestysvisited to 1)(set: $barvisits to $barvisits + 1)(if: $barvisits >= 3)[(goto: "BarBreakdown")](else:)[As you step out of the bar, Aurora frowns.
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"This is not where we were supposed to meet Barnes. The overwhelming sensual energy... I'm not sure such a repressed man could take it."</span>(if: $fordisalive is true)[
<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"Heh. C'mon. Underneath that bowler hat, the guy's still flesh and blood."</span>]
[[Keep looking.->GoodSideOfTown]]]The roost looms, 50 feet tall at least, casting a shadow over the whole square.
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"I wonder what it's like to look out over the whole village from the top."</span>(if: $fordisalive is true)[
<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"You ain't goin' up it, are you? Count me out. No fucking way. Bit too vertical for me."</span>]
[[Climb it.]]
[[Back away.->town square]]<span id="scoundrel"><u>AMATI</u>
"My name's Amati. If you *did* happen to go into that bar... there's something pretty valuable that I lost in there. I'd appreciate your help getting it back."</span>
[["Your pride?"->FingerReveal]]
[["Your money?"->FingerReveal]]
[["Your lunch?"->FingerReveal]]<span id="scoundrel"><u>AMATI</u>
"Thank you. That means a lot. Just talk to the folks playing the knife game inside the Stump. They keep all their, er, 'winnings' in a big metal bucket beside the table. I'm not sure how you can convince them to give you my finger back, but... good luck!"</span>
<span id="dialogue">You've received a new quest: AMATI'S FINGER
+5 Gold
* Get Amati's finger back from ruffians in The Gangrenous Stump.
</span>(set: $fingerquest to 2)
[["I'll come back when I have it."->Bad Side of Town]]<span id="scoundrel"><u>AMATI</u>
"I wish."</span>
He holds up his left hand to reveal that his ring finger is missing. The stump is haphazardly wrapped in bandages soaked through with old blood.
(set: $fingerquest to 1)
[["Ooh. Nice!"]]
[["That looks infected."]]
[["Looks like you pissed off the wrong person."]]<span id="dialogue">+1 TANK</span>(set: $tank to $tank + 1)
<span id="scoundrel"><u>AMITY</u>
"Not how I woulda described it, but..."</span>
[["So how'd it happen?"]]<span id="dialogue">+1 MAGE</span>(set: $mage to $mage + 1)
<span id="scoundrel"><u>AMATI</u>
"It's mostly healed over. Doesn't hurt anymore. I should probably change the bandages."</span>
[["So how'd it happen?"]]<span id="dialogue">+1 ROGUE</span>(set: $rogue to $rogue + 1)
<span id="scoundrel"><u>AMATI</u>
"Not quite. Would you believe I did this to *myself*?"</span>
[["Uh, come again?"->"So how'd it happen?"]]<span id="scoundrel"><u>AMATI</u>
"They play this knife game in the Stump. Trying to see how many times you can stab between your fingers. Making bets on it. I was always pretty good at it, made some good coin. But this one time... I slipped a little bit..."</span>
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"You cut off your own finger in a game of chance and you'd like *us* to get it back?"</span>
<span id="scoundrel"><u>AMATI</u>
"It's not the finger. It's the ring that was on it."</span>
[["Sentimental value?"]]
[["Monetary value?"->"Sentimental value?"]]<span id="scoundrel"><u>AMATI</u>
"It was my wedding band. It was the last thing I had of my husband, Ibb, after he died. You can even leave the finger. Just get me back the ring."</span>
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"If it's a matter of the heart... perhaps we *should* help this man."</span>
[["Okay. I'll help you get your finger back." (Accept quest)]]
[["I've got to think on it."->Bad Side of Town]]<span id="scoundrel"><u>AMATI</u>
"Ibb and I came from different worlds. He was a prince. He couldn't be seen with a scoundrel like me. 'caused a lotta fights between us. But he and I, we were going to run away together before he got sick. When we realized he was dying... we had a little private ceremony. Just him and I. What we had was real, but nobody knew how real it was."</span>
[["I believe you. Nobody could fake the emotion I'm hearing in your voice. What you had was real."]]
[["Stop it with the sob story. You're a fraud. You're going to pawn this ring first chance you get."]]<span id="scoundrel"><u>AMATI</u>
"Just talk to the folks playing the knife game inside the Stump. They keep all their, er, 'winnings' in a big metal bucket beside the table. I'm not sure how you can convince them to give you my finger back, but... good luck!"</span>
[["I'll come back when I have it."->Bad Side of Town]]<span id="scoundrel"><u>AMATI</u>
"Thank, friend. I appreciate this."</span>
[["Here. Take the finger."]]
[["Not so fast. I'm going to need a finder's fee."->"20 gold coins sounds great."]]A tear runs down Amati's cheek.
<span id="scoundrel"><u>AMATI</u>
"Thank you. I've gotten pretty used to nobody believing me."</span>
[["Here. Take the finger."]]
[["Not so fast. I'm going to need a finder's fee."->"20 gold coins sounds great."]]Amati's face empties of emotion.
<span id="scoundrel"><u>AMATI</u>
"Fine. It doesn't matter what you believe. I just want my finger back, and the ring that's on it. I'll give you 20 gold coins. It'll save you the trouble of pawning it, or whatever the hell else you're going to do."</span>
[["20 gold coins sounds great."]]
[["I'm keeping it so I can return it to Ibb's family."]]
[["I'm keeping it just to torment you because I'm a sick fuck."]](set: $fingerquest to 6)(set: $gold to $gold + 25)<span id="scoundrel"><u>AMATI</u>
"Here you go. It's everything I've got in this world, but if it gets me my ring back... I'll pay it."</span>
<span id="dialogue">You received 20 pieces of gold.</span>
Amati pockets his ring and skulks off into the shadows.(if: $fordisalive is true)[
<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"Well alright. 20 pieces of gold for us and he gets his finger back. Looks like everybody's happy."(set: $ford to $ford + 1)]
(set: $finger to 0)
(set: $newfordconvo to 1)(set: $newauroraconvo to 1)<span id="dialogue">You've completed a quest: AMATI'S FINGER
You earned 5 pieces of gold.
You lost Amati's finger.(if: $fordisalive is true)[
Ford liked that.]</span>
[["Let's get going."->Bad Side of Town]]<span id="scoundrel"><u>AMATI</u>
"I appreciate that you're not just going to pawn it for money. If I can't have it... I'd want his family to have it. I'm just glad it's not sitting in that awful bucket anymore. Thank you."</span>(if: $fordisalive is true)[
<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"Them 20 coins would have been nice though..."</span>]
(set: $fingerquest to 4)
Amati dashes off into the shadows, a spring in his step.
(set: $gold to $gold + 5)
(set: $newfordconvo to 1)(set: $newauroraconvo to 1)<span id="dialogue">You've completed a quest: AMATI'S FINGER
You earned 5 pieces of gold.</span>
[["Goodbye, Amati."->Bad Side of Town]]<span id="scoundrel"><u>AMATI</u>
"That you are, friend. They say whatever you do in this life has a way of coming back around. You better keep an eye on your own fingers."</span>
Amati stalks away into the darkness.
(set: $fingerquest to 5)(set: $aurora to $aurora - 1)(set: $gold to $gold + 1)
(set: $newfordconvo to 1)(set: $newauroraconvo to 1)<span id="dialogue">You've completed a quest: AMATI'S FINGER
You earned 5 pieces of gold.
Aurora disliked that. </span>
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"I hope the bartender was right and Amati really was a charlatan, or else you just did something monstrous."</span>
[["Yeah. Me too."->Bad Side of Town]]
[["I'm not too worried."->Bad Side of Town]]<span id="scoundrel"><u>AMATI</u>
"Thank you. Thank you *so* much friend."</span>
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"We've done a good thing this day."</span>
Amati cradles the ring, dashing off into the shadows.
(set: $fingerquest to 7)(set: $gold to $gold + 5)(set: $finger to 0)(set: $aurora to $aurora + 1)(set: $newfordconvo to 1)(set: $newauroraconvo to 1)<span id="dialogue">You've completed a quest: AMATI'S FINGER
You earned 5 pieces of gold.
You lost Amati's finger.
Aurora liked that.</span>
[["Let's get going."->Bad Side of Town]]A (either: "skinny", "fat", "muscled", "wiry", "twitchy", "lanky", "heavily-scarred", "sickly-looking") (either: "dwarf", "man", "ogre", "half-orc", "half-elf", "weirdo", "halfling") (either: "nervously", "confidently", "anxiously", "excitedly", "assuredly") stabs the spaces between his fingers. Slowly, carefully.
All around him, the other ruffians chant: "FASTER! FASTER! FASTER!"
[[Just watch.->"Faster!"]]While the ruffians are preoccupied, whooping and cheering as they play their game with the dagger, you sneak close to the bucket of fingers.
[[Root around inside.]]You step up to the table. All eyes turn to you. You ask about Amati's finger. The whole room goes quiet. A barrel-chested man with stands and glares at you with his one good eye.
<span id="barrel"><u>BARREL-CHESTED MAN</u>
"You play with us and lose a finger, you leave that finger behind. You don't come crawling back begging for it. You want that finger... you put up a finger to match."</span>
He thrusts a bloody stump of an index finger, wrapped in stained old gauze, at your chest.
(if: $gold >= 1)[ [["Hand me the dagger and deal me in." (⭐ 1 GOLD)]]](else:)[<span id="locked"><s>"Hand me the dagger and deal me in."</s> (🔒 1 GOLD)</span>]
(if: $tank >= 7)[ [[Start a bar fight. (⭐ 7 TANK)]]](else:)[<span id="locked"><s>Start a bar fight.</s> (🔒 7 TANK)</span>]
(if: $mage >= 6)[ [["That hand looks infected. Let me help you." (⭐ 6 MAGE)]]](else:)[<span id="locked"><s>"That hand looks infected. Let me help you."</s> (🔒 6 MAGE)</span>]
[["Uh... I'll be seeing you."->The Gangrenous Stump]]He stabs a little faster.
[["Faster! Faster!"]]
[[Just watch.->"Faster! Faster!"]](either: (display: "WitnessStab"), (display: "WitnessWin"))He shrieks in pain.
He's stabbed off his (either: "left", "right") (either: "index", "ring", "pinky", "middle") finger.
The other ruffians at the table laugh with glee and toss the finger into the bucket.
[[Keep watching.->Just watch.]]
[[Ask if you can play.]](if: $fingerquest is 2)[
[[Ask them about Amati's finger.]]
(if: $rogue >= 8)[ [[Sneak up to the bucket and steal Amati's finger. (⭐ 8 ROGUE)]]](else:)[<span id="locked"><s>Sneak up to the bucket and steal Amati's finger..</s> (🔒 8 ROGUE)</span>]]
[[Step away from the table.->The Gangrenous Stump]]He holds up the dagger, triumphant. The other ruffians cheer and boo. They toss him some coins and shoo him away from the table and another ruffian grabs the dagger.
[[Keep watching.->Just watch.]]
[[Ask if you can play.]](if: $fingerquest is 2)[
[[Ask them about Amati's finger.]]
(if: $rogue >= 6)[ [[Sneak up to the bucket and steal Amati's finger. (⭐ 8 ROGUE)]]](else:)[<span id="locked"><s>Sneak up to the bucket and steal Amati's finger..</s> (🔒 6 ROGUE)</span>]]
[[Step away from the table.->The Gangrenous Stump]]You reach inside and feel fingers, so many awful rotting fingers... and the cold metal of a wedding ring.
You pull it out and step away from the table.
<span id="dialogue">You received a new item: Amati's finger</span>(set: $finger to 1)
The finger has only just begun to turn green and decompose. The ring is ornate, covered in dark violet jewels. Not quite the plain wedding band you expected.
[[Exit the bar.]]<span id="orc"><u>BARTENDER</u>
"Hey. You."</span>
The bartender beckons you over.
[["Who? Me?"]]
[[Pretend you didn't hear him.->"Who? Me?"]]<span id="orc"><u>BARTENDER</u>
"You're getting back Amati's finger for him, aren't you? Real smooth operator, you are. Did he promise you gold? Or just tell you that sob story he tells everyone about Ibb?"</span>
[["I'm doing it out of the good of my heart."->BartenderNext]]
[["I'm hoping to wring some gold out of him."->BartenderNext]]
[["What do you mean, sob story?"->BartenderNext]]<span id="orc"><u>BARTENDER</u>
"That whole thing with Ibb he told you about? It's all bullshit. Ibb was a noble. He was fifth in line to the throne of the orc empire. He slummed it in here on expeditions, but his blood was as blue as they came. You really think he would have married a guy like Amati?"</span>
[["A prince and a pauper. Sounds pretty romantic to me."]]
[["You're right. No noble would ever slum it with that guy."]]<span id="dialogue">Aurora liked that.</span>(set: $aurora to $aurora + 1)
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"The heart is not a banker's scale."</span>
[["Sometimes you just want what you want!"->BartenderConvoEnd]]<span id="dialogue">Aurora disliked that.</span>(set: $aurora to $aurora - 1)(if: $fordisalive is true)[ (set: $ford to $ford + 1)<span id="dialogue">Ford liked that.</span>
<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"I don't care how many fuzzy feelings you got for somebody. Blue blood finds blue blood."</span>]
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"The heart is not a banker's scale..."</span>
[["But some coin can certainly tip it one way or the other."->BartenderConvoEnd]]<span id="orc"><u>BARTENDER</u>
"Whatever you happen to believe about love, there's no chance those two were together. It's another scam Amati is running. I bet he stole that ring out of Ibb's pocket before he died. You give it back to him, you make sure you get some pay for your trouble."</span>
(set: $fingerquest to 3)<span id="dialogue"> You have new quest goals: Return to Amati outside The Stump, (Optional) Ask Amati about the bartender's accusation.</span>
[["I'll ask Amati about it."->The Gangrenous Stump]]
[["I'll make sure I get some coin out of this."->The Gangrenous Stump]]You (text-style: "rumble")[punch] the barrel-chested man in the stomach. He bends over, gasping and wheezing.(if: $fordisalive is true)[
<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"Oh *hell* yes. You got no idea how long I've been fixin' for this."</span>]
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"Oh no. Oh dear."</span>
(set: $ruffians to 1)
The barrel-chested man stands and takes a swing at you with his good hand.
[[Duck!]]The barrel-chested man frowns, glancing at his hand.
<span id="barrel"><u>BARREL-CHESTED MAN</u>
"To tell you the truth... maybe it does hurt, just a little bit."</span>
[["Hold out your hand and I'll mend it proper. Consider it payment."]]<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"*What?!* This is *madness*."</span>(if: $fordisalive is true)[
<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"This is going to be *good*.</span>]
[[Take the dagger.]]The man sits down and holds out his hand.
You take his hand and he startles slightly, but you shush him and set to work. You pry off the dirty bandages, mutter an incantation, and the wounds close.
<span id="barrel"><u>BARREL-CHESTED MAN</u>
"Thank you, stranger. You've done me a kindness. Take whatever finger you damn well want from that bucket. You probably saved mine."</span>
[[Dig into the bucket of fingers.->Root around inside.]]You duck and his fist (text-style: "rumble")[collides] with the face of another ruffian next to him.
<span id="barrel"><u>BARREL-CHESTED MAN</u>
"Oh. Uh. Whoops."</span>
The other ruffian gives a (text-style: "rumble")[battle cry] and leaps on the barrel-chested man.
The others rush in, trying to pry the two men off each other. Fists fly. Shouting and hollering. Bloody noses.
(if: $fordisalive is true)[<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"Damn. This is turning into a proper brawl, ain't it?"</span>](else:)[<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"Oh no. This is turning into a *brawl*, isn't it?</span>]
[[Stand back.]]
[[Join in.]]You take the dagger and weight it in your hands. Its tip is dulled from digging into the table so many times and its blade is crusted in dried blood.
(set: $gold to $gold - 1)
[[Splay your fingers.]]You place your hand flat on the table and separate your fingers. You raise up at the dagger and take a deep breath.
[[Start stabbing.]]The knife hits the table between your thumb and forefinger with a dull *thunk*.
[[Again.->NextKnife]]You pull the knife out of the table and stab it down again, and again, and again, narrowly missing your fingers each time...
<span id="barrel"><u>BARREL-CHESTED MAN</u>
*"Faster! Faster!"*</span>
[[Stab faster.]]Stabbing the table between your fingers again and again and again until it becomes mechanical.
[[Faster!]]A blur of fingers and the dull silver of the knife. The ruffians roar. Aurora looks away. (if: $fordisalive is true)[Ford pumps his fist in the air.]
[[Keep going.]](if: $background is 3)[You call to mind your time growing up in the thieves' guild. They taught you to make good use of nimble fingers.
You go so fast that the whole crowd erupts in cheers. You raise the dagger high in the air in triumph.
<span id="dialogue">You summoned all your memories of growing up in the thieves' guild to easily win the knife game!</span>
[["Now I want my prize."]]](else:)[(set: $randomroll to (either: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12))(if: $rogue > $randomroll)[(display: "WinKnifeGame")](else:)[(display: "LoseKnifeGame")]]<span id="barrel"><u>BARREL-CHESTED MAN</u>
"After that fine showing? Be our guest. Come back any time!"</span>
He holds out the bucket full of fingers for you.
[[Dig around to find to find Amati's finger.->Root around inside.]] (set: $fingerquest to 2)(goto: "rowdy ruffians")You go so fast that the whole crowd erupts in cheers. You raise the dagger high in the air in triumph.
<span id="dialogue">(text-colour:"green")[SUCCESS!]
YOUR ROGUE STAT ($rogue) BEAT A RANDOM 1D12 ROLL ($randomroll)
You didn't stab a single finger!</span>
[["Now I want my prize."]]You shriek in pain. The dagger has (either:"stabbed into", "nearly taken off", "taken a huge chunk out of") (either:"your pinky", "your ring finger", "your middle finger", "your index finger", "your thumb").
<span id="barrel"><u>BARREL-CHESTED MAN</u>
"Just be glad you didn't lose a finger. Maybe try again, if you got it in you."</span>
<span id="dialogue">(text-style:"rumble")[(text-colour:"red")[FAILURE!]]
You lost 2 health.</span>(set: $health to $health - 2)
(if: $health > 0)[(if: $gold > 1)[ [["Let's go again!" (⭐ 1 GOLD)->TakeTheDagger2]]](else:)[<span id="locked"><s>"Let's go again!"</s> (🔒 1 GOLD)</span>]
[["I'm not going to push my luck any further than I have."->The Gangrenous Stump]]](else:)[You feel woozy as the blood rolls down your knuckles. Everything goes blurry as the ruffians laugh in your face.
[[Pass out from the pain.->RedRoofInnRoom]]]It's all over in less than a minute. Unconscious ruffians lie sprawled on the floor.
[[Step over them to get to the bucket of fingers.->Root around inside.]](if: $fordisalive is true)[<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"Oh hell yes. I've been itching for this."</span>
]<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"*Sigh*. Well, if I must."</span>
(if: $fordisalive is true)[Ford socks an ogre in the jaw and sends him flying over the table. ]Aurora delivers a swift blow to the stomach of a bedraggled half-elf who took a swing at her.
(display: "Stand back.")<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"*What?!* This is *madness*."</span>(if: $fordisalive is true)[
<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"This is going to be *good*.</span>]
[[Take the dagger.->TakeTheDagger2]]You take the dagger and weight it in your hands. Its tip is dulled from digging into the table so many times and its blade is crusted in dried blood.
(set: $gold to $gold - 1)
[[Splay your fingers.->SplayYourFingers2]]<span id="barrel"><u>BARREL-CHESTED MAN</u>
"Sure you can play... if you'll put up the gold. One coin will get you a chance to win five. But if you lose a finger... we get to keep that too. No complainin'."</span>
(if: $fivefingerdiscountquest is 0)[(set: $fivefingerdiscountquest to 1)
<span id="dialogue"><u>FIVE FINGER DISCOUNT</u>
+5 Gold each time
* Win the knife game. Don't lose any digits in the process.</span>
He nods to the bucket of fingers nearby.
(if: $gold >= 1)[ [["Hand me the dagger and deal me in!" (⭐ 1 GOLD)]]](else:)[<span id="locked"><s>"Hand me the dagger and deal me in!"</s> (🔒 1 GOLD)</span>]
[["On second thought, I'm good."->The Gangrenous Stump]]You place your hand flat on the table and separate your fingers. You raise up at the dagger and take a deep breath.
[[Start stabbing.->Start stabbing2]]The knife hits the table between your thumb and forefinger with a dull *thunk*.
[[Again.->NextKnife2]]You pull the knife out of the table and stab it down again, and again, and again, narrowly missing your fingers each time...
<span id="barrel"><u>BARREL-CHESTED MAN</u>
*"Faster! Faster!"*</span>
[[Stab faster.->stabfaster2]]Stabbing the table between your fingers again and again and again until it becomes mechanical.
[[Faster!!]]A blur of fingers and the dull silver of the knife. The ruffians roar. Aurora looks away. (if: $fordisalive is true)[Ford pumps his fist in the air.]
[[Keep going.->keepgoing2]](set: $randomroll to (either: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20))(if: $rogue > $randomroll)[(display: "WinKnifeGame2")](else:)[(display: "LoseKnifeGame2")]You go so fast that the whole crowd erupts in cheers. You raise the dagger high in the air in triumph.
<span id="dialogue">(text-colour:"green")[SUCCESS!]
YOUR ROGUE STAT ($rogue) BEAT A RANDOM 1D20 ROLL ($randomroll)
You didn't stab a single finger!</span>
<span id="barrel"><u>BARREL-CHESTED MAN</u>
"Here are your coins. Well-earned! You wanna go again?"</span>
<span id="dialogue">You received 3 gold.</span>(set: $gold to $gold + 3)
(if: $gold > 1)[ [["Let's go again!" (⭐ 1 GOLD)->TakeTheDagger2]]](else:)[<span id="locked"><s>"Let's go again!"</s> (🔒 1 GOLD)</span>]
[["I'm not going to push my luck."->The Gangrenous Stump]]You shriek in pain. The dagger has (either:"stabbed into", "nearly taken off", "taken a huge chunk out of") (either:"your pinky", "your ring finger", "your middle finger", "your index finger", "your thumb").
<span id="barrel"><u>BARREL-CHESTED MAN</u>
"Just be glad you didn't lose a finger. Maybe try again, if you got it in you."</span>
<span id="dialogue">(text-style:"rumble")[(text-colour:"red")[FAILURE!]]
You lost 2 health.</span>(set: $health to $health - 2)
(if: $health > 0)[(if: $gold > 1)[ [["Let's go again!" (⭐ 1 GOLD)->TakeTheDagger2]]](else:)[<span id="locked"><s>"Let's go again!"</s> (🔒 1 GOLD)</span>]
[["I'm not going to push my luck any further than I have."->The Gangrenous Stump]]](else:)[You feel woozy as the blood rolls down your knuckles. Everything goes blurry as the ruffians laugh in your face.
[[Pass out from the pain.->RedRoofInnRoom]] ]<span id="rribartender"><u>ERIK</u>
"Well sure. Let me have a look at you.</span>
(set: $gold to $gold - 5)(if: $tonic is 1)[(set: $health to 7)](else:)[(set: $health to 5)]Erik (either: "takes note of your wounds","surveys the damage you've taken", "admires the bruises you've acquired", "tsks tsks at the scrapes and scratches you've gotten") and (either: "patches you up", "bandages you up", "gently tends to you", "applies ointments and tinctures") with a (either: "smile", "hearty chuckle", "fatherly warmth").
<span id="dialogue">You recovered your health.</span>
<span id="rribartender"><u>ERIK</u>
"There you go. Good as new."</span>
(if: $eventidegoal is 1)[
[["Do you know where I can find the Eventide Tavern?"]]][["Anything interesting to tell me?"->RRIInteresting]]
[["We're looking for a guy named Barnes. Ring any bells?"]]
[[Walk away.->Red Roof Inn]]<span id="rribartender"><u>ERIK</u>
"(either: "Big bake sale coming up! Hope the pies are as good as last year!", "Some real nice weather we been having.", "My wife's been trying to get me to lose weight, but I think if I got less jolly it might be bad for business.", "Nothing too interesting happens around these parts, if I'm being perfectly honest.")"</span>
(if: $eventidegoal is 1)[
[["Do you know where I can find the Eventide Tavern?"]]](if: $health < 5)[(if: $gold >= 5)[ [["I need you to patch me up." (⭐ 5 GOLD)]]](else:)[<span id="locked"><s>"I need you to patch me up."</s> (🔒 5 GOLD)</span>] <span id="dialogue"> (RECOVER FULL HEALTH!)</span>
][["We're looking for a guy named Barnes. Ring any bells?"]]
[[Walk away.->Red Roof Inn]]<span id="rribartender"><u>ERIK</u>
"Walter, you mean? He's the treasurer for the Better Business Concern around these parts. Pleasant chap. During the Mahikka Ratti every year, he sends me a fruitcake and I send him a bottle of brandy. Real nice tradition."</span>
(if: $eventidegoal is 1)[
[["Do you know where I can find the Eventide Tavern?"]]][["Has Barnes been in here tonight?"]]
(if: $health < 5)[(if: $gold >= 5)[ [["I need you to patch me up." (⭐ 5 GOLD)]]](else:)[<span id="locked"><s>"I need you to patch me up."</s> (🔒 5 GOLD)</span>] <span id="dialogue"> (RECOVER FULL HEALTH!)</span>
][["Anything interesting to tell me?"->RRIInteresting]]
[[Walk away.->Red Roof Inn]]<span id="rribartender"><u>ERIK</u>
"Not that I've seen, and there's not much that escapes my eye around here, truth be told."</span>
(if: $eventidegoal is 1)[
[["Do you know where I can find the Eventide Tavern?"]]](if: $health < 5)[(if: $gold >= 5)[ [["I need you to patch me up." (⭐ 5 GOLD)]]](else:)[<span id="locked"><s>"I need you to patch me up."</s> (🔒 5 GOLD)</span>] <span id="dialogue"> (RECOVER FULL HEALTH!)</span>
][["Anything interesting to tell me?"->RRIInteresting]]
[[Walk away.->Red Roof Inn]]You draw close to the stage.
A (either: "beautiful", "haunting", "beguiling", "gorgeous") (either: "woman","man") twirls towards you, stands there, and extends a graceful hand, beckoning you to join in the dance.
[[Leap up on the stage.]]
[[Back away.->Her Majesty's]]Madame Pellax looks at you with a smile that is somehow at once (either: "kind", "benevolent", "seductive", "intriguing", "affectionate", "amiable", "compassionate", "cordial", "friendly", "warm", "polite", "sexy") and (either: "terrifying", "intimidating", "daunting", "clinical", "piercing", "scary", "cold", "chilling", "eerie", "aloof", "detached").
(if: $fortuneconvo is 0)[<span id="pellax"><u>MADAME PELLAX</u>
"Come to have your fortune read?"</span>
[["Sure. What's my fortune?"]]
](else-if: $fortuneconvo is 1)[<span id="pellax"><u>MADAME PELLAX</u>
"I do so enjoy our conversations."</span>
[["I've been thinking about that offer you made me, about my fortune..."]]
](else-if: $fortuneconvo is 2)[<span id="pellax"><u>MADAME PELLAX</u>
"Lovely to speak with you."</span>
][["I'm looking for a guy named Barnes."]]
(if: $pellaxquest is 0)[ [["What's your story?"]]
](else-if: $pellaxquest is 1)[ [["I've thought about it. I want to help you keep from getting shut down." (Accept quest)->AcceptPellaxQuest]] ](else-if: $pellaxquest is 2)[ [["I think I know who the spy is."]]
](if: $pellaxquest is 2 and $poshquestioned is 2 and $notwhatitseemedconvo is 0)[ [["I spoke to someone who told me this tavern is not what it seems."]]
](if: $robbed is 1)[ [["One of your dancers robbed me."]]
][["I should be going."->Her Majesty's]]The nervous fellow watches the show, his face inscrutable. (if: $pellaxquest is 3)[He puts his fingers to his lips and smiles.
<span id="posh"><u>POSH, NERVOUS FELLOW</u>
"Mum's the word. Thank you. You'll be richly rewarded for this one day.."</span>
](else:)[(if: $poshquestioned is 1)[He shoots you an annoyed look.
<span id="posh"><u>POSH, NERVOUS FELLOW</u>
"Will you leave me alone? I'm trying to enjoy the show."</span>
](else-if: $poshquestioned is 2)[
<span id="posh"><u>POSH, NERVOUS FELLOW</u>
"I'm telling you the truth. These people are thieves and crooks. Help me out and it could be very profitable for you in the future."</span>
](else:)[He does not appear to be enjoying himself, but is watching very intently.
<span id="posh"><u>POSH, NERVOUS FELLOW</u>
"Something you wanted?"</span>
[["What brings you to Her Majesty's?"->PoshWhatBrings]](if: $poshquestioned is 0)[(if: $pellaxquest is 2)[
[["Don't try to fool me. I know you're the spy."->Poshspy]] ]]]]
[[Step away.->Her Majesty's]]The young woman wears peasant's clothes, gussied up to look good as they can. (if: $seriousfacequestioned is 1)[She looks at you with pleading eyes.
<span id="seriousface"><u>SERIOUS-FACED YOUNG WOMAN</u>
"I'm not a spy! I swear!"</span>
](else:)[She's holding a quill and piece of parchment and taking notes on it. She stows it when she sees you.
<span id="seriousface"><u>SERIOUS-FACED YOUNG WOMAN</u>
"Oh! Hello!"</span>
[["What brings you to Her Majesty's?"]](if: $seriousfacequestioned is 0)[(if: $pellaxquest is 2)[
[["Don't try to fool me. I know you're the spy."]] ]]]
[[Step away.->Her Majesty's]]<span id="pellax"><u>MADAME PELLAX</u>
"I am seeing much in your eyes. (if: $background is 1)[From the time you were very young, you've been fighting. Your hand has not been long without a sword.](else-if: $background is 2)[You grew up in a garden, surrounded by all the wonders of the world. You grew bored of them and sought to spread out like a weed.](else-if: $background is 3)[Your own past is a mystery to you, like a plant that doesn't know the soil it's sprung from.]"</span>
[["That's eerie!"]]
[["You're way off."]]
[["That's pretty good, but it's my past, not my future."]]
(if: $rogue >= 2)[ [["This is bullshit. You're keeping it vague so I read into it." (⭐ 2 ROGUE)]]](else:)[<span id="locked"><s>"This is bullshit. You're keeping it vague so I read into it."</s> (🔒 2 ROGUE)</span>]<span id="pellax"><u>MADAME PELLAX</u>
"We're all looking for someone. But that particular person is not in our establishment tonight. He's been known to drop by quite late, though, with his bowler hat askew and his eyes rather glassy, so he can feast his eyes on the dancers."
*(polite smile)*
"I wouldn't *dream* of passing judgment."</span>
(if: $fortuneconvo is 0)[[["Can I get my fortune now?"->"Sure. What's my fortune?"]]
](else-if: $fortuneconvo is 1)[ [["I've been thinking about that offer you made me, about my fortune..."]]
](if: $pellaxquest is 0)[ [["What's your story?"]]
](else-if: $pellaxquest is 1)[ [["I've thought about it. I want to help you keep from getting shut down." (Accept quest)->AcceptPellaxQuest]] ](else-if: $pellaxquest is 2)[ [["I think I know who the spy is."]]
](if: $pellaxquest is 2 and $poshquestioned is 2 and $notwhatitseemedconvo is 0)[ [["I spoke to someone who told me this tavern is not what it seems."]]
](if: $robbed is 1)[ [["One of your dancers robbed me."]]
][["I should be going."->Her Majesty's]]<span id="pellax"><u>MADAME PELLAX</u>
"My *story*?"</span>
[["Yeah, you know, like... what's your deal?"]]
[["Yeah, you know... what passions enflame your heart?"]]<span id="pellax"><u>MADAME PELLAX</u>
"I was so hoping you'd agree to help. Speak to some of the people in my establishment tonight. Look for anyone who seems suspicious. Come back and and tell me when you find out who the spy is."</span>
(set: $pellaxquest to 2)
<span id="dialogue">You've received a new quest: A SPY IN HER MAJESTY'S CHAMBERS
+5 Gold
* Madame Pellax tells you someone in Her Majesty's is a spy from the village council, looking to get Her Majesty's shut down. Find out who it is and tell her.
* (Optional) Question the woman with the serious face.
* (Optional) Question the posh fellow who keeps shuffling around nervously.
* (Optional) Question the chubby dwarf standing by the stage.
[["Will do. I'll come talk to you when I figure out who it is." (exit conversation.)->Her Majesty's]]<span id="pellax"><u>MADAME PELLAX</u>
"Oh? Who?"</span>
[["The serious-faced young woman."]]
[["The posh, nervous fellow."]]
[["The chubby dwarf."]]
[["I'm not going to tell you."]]<span id="pellax"><u>MADAME PELLAX</u>
"Where's your flair for the dramatic? What good would a thing be if it were always exactly as it appeared?"</span>
(set: $notwhatitseemedconvo to 1)
[["You're thieving scum and you need to be stopped."]]
[["You're thieving scum and I frankly admire your whole set-up here!"]]
[["You're thieves. You're going to reap what you sow in the next life."]]<span id="pellax"><u>MADAME PELLAX</u>
"Now that I've seen your past, let me read the lines on your palm and I will divine your future."</span>
[[Hold out your hand.]]<span id="pellax"><u>MADAME PELLAX</u>
"Am I? Or do I know you deeper than you know yourself? Now give me your hand and let's see if I can't divine what is to come."</span>
[[Hold out your hand.]] <span id="pellax"><u>MADAME PELLAX</u>
"One must know the roots to know the tree. Reach out your hands and I'll tell you what's to come."</span>
[[Hold out your hand.]]Pellax's eye twitches very slightly behind her masquerade mask.
<span id="pellax"><u>MADAME PELLAX</u>
"Perhaps if I use a more *intimate* method... I will divine more specific insights. Hold out your hand."</span>
[[Hold out your hand.]]<span id="pellax"><u>MADAME PELLAX</u>
"This line here... your heart line. (if: $fordisalive is true)[You nearly lost someone close to you.](else:)[You recently lost someone very close to you.]"</span>(if: $fordisalive is true)[
<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"Hey, I did nearly get killed by that dragon!"</span>
[["You're right. I almost lost Ford."->LostSomeone]]](else:)[
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"Ford! We lost Ford!"</span>
[["You're right. I lost someone."->LostSomeone]]]
[["I wouldn't say 'close' exactly."]]
(if: $rogue >= 3)[ [["Not impressed. I'm an adventurer. Death is a hazard of doing business." (⭐ 3 ROGUE)]]](else:)[<span id="locked"><s>"Not impressed. I'm an adventurer. Death is a hazard of doing business."</s> (🔒 3 ROGUE)</span>]<span id="pellax"><u>MADAME PELLAX</u>
"(if: $dragonsolution is 1)[Not long after that, you had one of the most peculiar conversations of your life...](else-if: $dragonsolution is 2)[Not long after that, you surmounted a difficult obstacle.]"</span>
(if: $dragonsolution is 1)[<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"Majjhata! It can't be denied that talking to a dragon was a bit peculiar."</span>](else-if: $dragonsolution is 2)[<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"That's certainly one way to describe slaying a dragon."</span>]
[["She really is psychic!"->CloudedFuture]]
[["Oh brother."->CloudedFuture]]
(if: $rogue >= 4)[ [["I'm not impressed by your parlour tricks, Pellax." (⭐ 4 ROGUE)]]](else:)[<span id="locked"><s>"I'm not impressed by your parlour tricks, Pellax."</s> (🔒 4 ROGUE)</span>](if: $fordisalive is true)[<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
](display: "LostSomeone")Pellax's eye twitches again, more noticeably.
<span id="pellax"><u>MADAME PELLAX</u>
"A doubtful heart can cloud my readings. Do try to keep an open mind."</span>
She looks at your hand again, focusing more intently.
(display: "LostSomeone")<span id="pellax"><u>MADAME PELLAX</u>
"This is when I'm supposed to tell you your future. But something is clouding it. I need your help. We must *link* our fates through a gift of good will. About five pieces of gold should do the trick."</span>
(if: $gold >= 5)[ [["Tell me!" (⭐ 5 GOLD)]]](else:)[<span id="locked"><s>"Tell me!"</s> (🔒 5 GOLD)</span>]
[["Are you fucking kidding me?"]]
(if: $rogue >= 5)[ [["Surely it could work the other way around too. Why don't you give me something instead?" (⭐ 5 ROGUE)]]](else:)[<span id="locked"><s>"Surely it could work the other way around too. Why don't you give me something instead?"</s> (🔒 5 ROGUE)</span>]Pellax gives you a chilly smile.
(display: "CloudedFuture")<span id="pellax"><u>MADAME PELLAX</u>
"Sorry, darling. Money makes the world go 'round. Without the want of it, there'd be no fortunes to tell."</span>
(set: $fortuneconvo to 1)
(if: $gold >= 5)[ [["Fine. Here. Just tell me." (⭐ 5 GOLD)->"Tell me!" (⭐ 5 GOLD)]]](else:)[<span id="locked"><s>"Fine. Here. Just tell me."</s> (🔒 5 GOLD)</span>]
(if: $rogue >= 8)[ [["Surely it could work the other way around too. Why don't you give me something instead?" (⭐ 5 ROGUE)]]](else:)[<span id="locked"><s>"Surely it could work the other way around too. Why don't you give me something instead?"</s> (🔒 5 ROGUE)</span>]
[["Let's forget this." (ask something else)->Madame Pellax]]
[["Let's forget this." (end conversation)->Her Majesty's]]<span id="pellax"><u>MADAME PELLAX</u>
"Aha. The clouds are parting. I see the future much more clearly now."</span>
<span id="dialogue">You lost 5 gold.</span>
She leans in to [[whisper in your ear...]]<span id="pellax"><u>MADAME PELLAX</u>
"You know, most people fall for that one. Some don't. But *no one* has ever turned it back around on me. I'm impressed. Perhaps I *will* give you something for your trouble."</span>
She reaches into her elaborate purple waistcoat and pulls out a tarnished silver pocket watch.
[[Take the watch.]]<span id="pellax"><u>MADAME PELLAX</u>
"Ah, glad to see you've reconsidered. As I said, just five gold pieces should clear your future right up..."</span>
(if: $gold >= 5)[ [["Tell me!" (⭐ 5 GOLD)]]](else:)[<span id="locked"><s>"Tell me!"</s> (🔒 5 GOLD)</span>]
(if: $rogue >= 5)[ [["Surely it could work the other way around too. Why don't you give me something instead?" (⭐ 5 ROGUE)]]](else:)[<span id="locked"><s>"Surely it could work the other way around too. Why don't you give me something instead?"</s> (🔒 5 ROGUE)</span>]
[["Actually, never mind." (ask something else)->Madame Pellax]]
[["Actually, never mind." (end conversation)->Her Majesty's]]<span id="pellax"><u>MADAME PELLAX</u>
<span id="dialogue">You found a valuable clue.</span>
(set: $fortuneconvo to 2)
She pulls away and smiles at you.
[["'Banknote'? What the hell is that?"->Banknote]]
[["Thank you. I will think on this."->Banknote]]You dangle it and it falls open to reveal that it's no time piece at all, but a compass.
<span id="dialogue">You received a new item: PELLAX'S COMPASS.</span>
(set: $compass to 1)
The needle spins wildly in all directions.
[["Thank you. I'll make good use out of this."->CompassReact]]
[["I don't need a compass. I can tell directions just fine."->CompassReact]]
[["Looks like it's not working right. Spinning all over."->CompassReact]](if: $alleyfirsttime is 1)[<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"Wait... the compass is pointing to our northeast. The maze of alleys. Will this help us get through those?"</span>
Madame Pellax just smiles inscrutably.
(set: $alleyfirsttime to 3)(set: $gold to $gold + 5)
<span id="dialogue">You've completed a quest: MEET YOU IN THE MAZE
You earned 5 Gold.</span>
]<span id="pellax"><u>MADAME PELLAX</u>
"It's no ordinary compass. Keep it close. When the time comes, it will do its work. Now, I believe there's still the little matter of your fortune?"</span>
She leans in close to [[whisper in your ear...]]<span id="pellax"><u>MADAME PELLAX</u>
"This is a word, darling, that you must remember. For when the time comes, this one word will make all the difference. Keep it close. This is all the future shows me."</span>
(set: $pellaxclue to 1)
[["Thank you. I'm sure this conversation will make sense in time."]]
[["This was a rip-off and I'm telling everybody you're a con artist."]]
[["This is quite a racket you've got going. I can appreciate that."]]<span id="dialogue">+ 1 MAGE</span>(set: $mage to $mage + 1)
<span id="pellax"><u>MADAME PELLAX</u>
"As much as anything else in life. at least. Was there anything else you wanted to ask me?"</span>
[["As a matter of fact..." (ask something else)->Madame Pellax]]
[["Actually, I've got to go." (end conversation)->Her Majesty's]]<span id="dialogue">+ 1 TANK</span>(set: $tank to $tank + 1)
<span id="pellax"><u>MADAME PELLAX</u>
"Con artist? I prefer to think of myself as an entrepeneur. And if some people want to believe I'm more, who am I to disabuse them? You really should remember that word though. 'Banknote'. Was there anything else?"</span>
[["As a matter of fact..." (ask something else)->Madame Pellax]]
[["No. I've got to go." (end conversation)->Her Majesty's]]<span id="dialogue">+ 1 ROGUE</span>(set: $rogue to $rogue + 1)
<span id="pellax"><u>MADAME PELLAX</u>
"A racket? Hardly. I provide an invaluable service. Some people wish to believe, and I let them. You really should remember that word though. 'Banknote'. Was there anything else?"</span>
[["As a matter of fact..." (ask something else)->Madame Pellax]]
[["No. I've got to go." (end conversation)->Her Majesty's]]<span id="titles">Prologues and Preambles</span>
It's last call at The Hub-And-Spoke Tavern. A dwarf crawls up on a barstool and calls for one more round of ale. In the corner, a game of darts goes very wrong. Someone, somewhere, sings loudly off-key. Someone somewhere else screams at him to shut the hell up. The last of the desperate lovers shrug and pair off: "*I suppose you'll have to do...*"
As for you? You are (link:"utterly sober.")[(link:"okay, maybe slightly tipsy.")[(link:"drunk.")[(link-reveal:"*very* drunk.")[
The barroom cants back and forth around you. The stench of pipe weed fills up your nostrils. You (link-reveal:"stumble through the crowd...")[ and slam right into (link:"someone.")[(link:"some muscled goon.")[<u>a soldier.</u> He's clad in tarnished silver armor and the rust-red crest of the queen.(set: $soldierreveal to 1)]] His beer goes spilling all over him. He glares at you, lip curling into a sneer.
A hush falls over the bar. Everyone is watching. (link-reveal:"He steps towards you...")[ putting up his dukes. You're what he's been looking for all night: an excuse to get his knuckles bloody.
[[Talk him in circles.]]
[[Punch him in the throat.]]
[[Pull him in for a drunken embrace.]]]]]]]](link-reveal:"Gold coins, rolling everywhere.")[ (link-reveal:"Clattering across the pavement.")[ (link-reveal: "More than you could ever hope to grab up.")[(if: $fordisalive is true)[
<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"*Shit*. Here. Shovel as many as you can into my rucksack!"</span>]
More and more coins spill out. Glittering in the moonlight.
(set: $ending to 1)
(link-reveal:"Bend to pick them up.")[
So many coins, spilling out over the pavement. You hear footsteps. A lot of footsteps. Getting closer.(if: $fordisalive is true)[
You glance at Ford. He looks more scared than he did taking on that dragon.
]You look up. Were those (link-reveal:"eyes in the dark?")[ (link-reveal:"A lot of eyes?")[ (link-reveal: "The flash of a knife?")[ (link-reveal:"Someone with a club?")[ (link-reveal: "They're getting closer now.")[ (link-reveal:"Surrounded on all sides.")[ (link-reveal: "No escape.")[ (link-reveal:"Not much time.")[ (link-reveal: "They're going to cave in your skull.")[ (link-reveal: "They're going to rip off your limbs.")[ (link-reveal: "They're going to eat your brains!")[
(link-reveal:"They're going to steal your gold.")[
[[Try to grab up as many coins as you can!->Epilogue]]
[[Run, leaving it all behind.->Epilogue]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"Goodbye, $YourName. (if: $background is 2)[I see now that there's nothing left in you of the friend I grew up with.] We won't see each other again."</span>
<span id="dialogue">Aurora's heart has turned against you forever.</span>(set: $aurora to 0)
Aurora lifts her head and walks into the dark of the alley. (if: $auroraflirted >= 1)[
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
*(glancing back, one last time)*
"I really did love you, $YourName."</span>
]In seconds, she's completely vanished into the inky black of the night.(if: $fordisalive is true)[
<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"I don't know if I feel all that good about what we done. But whatever. More for the two of us. (if: $fordflirted >= 1)[And hey, maybe now... with this, we can settle down somewhere, you and I. We can make a real go of finding out what this is, this thing we got between us.]"</span>]
You hold the gold closer. The burlap sack rips and [[coins go spilling out.]]<span id="pellax"><u>MADAME PELLAX</u>
"My *deal* is, I am Madame Proserpina Pellax. The founder and proprietor of Her Majesty's. And I should warn you, I loathe small talk, so make sure your next question cuts to the heart."</span>
[["What lead you to start this place?"]]
[["Pretty sleepy town for such a rowdy joint."->"What lead you to start this place?"]]<span id="pellax"><u>MADAME PELLAX</u>
"*Now* you're speaking my native tongue. I am Madame Proserpina Pellax. The founder and proprietor of Her Majesty's."</span>
[["What lead you to start this place?"]]
[["Pretty sleepy town for such a rowdy joint."->"What lead you to start this place?"]]<span id="pellax"><u>MADAME PELLAX</u>
"Akema is a town of subterranean passions. No one can speak what they want aloud. At Her Majesty's, we use the theatrical to root out those hidden desires, to give expression to that which we have denied for so long."</span>
[["That's very deep. It's not just about the flesh, but the spirit."]]
[["That's a little self-important. This is a glorified strip joint."]]
[["Whatever this place is, it looks like you make some fine coin."]](if: $soldierreveal is 0)[Now that you're getting a proper look at the guy... you realize he's a soldier. A soldier bearing the rust-red crest of the queen on his chest.
And he's](else:)[The soldier is] flanked by two others in armor just like his.
You've pissed off a whole damned troop of the Nagata Hatta: the queen's right hand. You could maybe take one of them, but all three?
Instead, you smile and say:
[["I'm an emissary on a secret mission from the queen. Kill me at your peril."]]
[["I'm sorry. I'd never think to insult a member of the queen's guard."]]You play drunk, stagger forward, and snap out your arm, (text-style: "rumble")[clocking him] in the throat. While he grasps at his neck, wheezing, hunched over in pain, you bring an elbow down on the back of his head. He crumples to the floor.
(set: $fightoutcome to 3)
(link-reveal:"You look up...")[ and see two (if: $soldierreveal is 1)[*other* ]soldiers, shaking their heads at you, sneering.(if: $soldierreveal is 0)[
Now that you're getting a proper look at the guy... you realize you just punched a <u>soldier</u>. A soldier bearing the rust-red crest of the queen.]
*Shit.* You've started a fight with a whole damned troop of the Nagata Hatta: the queen's right hand.
The (link-reveal:"one on the right")[, a big, beefy guy with a (link-reveal:"boyish face")[, soft, looks like he's never seen a real fight before],] steps towards you.
The (link-reveal:"one on the left")[, short, wiry, (link-reveal:"squinting at you")[, his face covered in scars, an older guy],] steps sideways, keeping his eyes trained on you and his hand on his sword.
You lunge for...
[[...the one on the right.]]
[[...the one on the left.]]](if: $soldierreveal is 0)[Now that you're getting a good look at him, you realize the guy's a <u>soldier</u>, bearing the rust-red crest of the queen.](else:)[This isn't just any soldier.] You've just pissed off a member of the Nagata Hatta, the queen's right hand.
This will require some of your finest drunken diplomacy. You clap an arm around him and pull him in close, laughing. He squirms, trying to get at his sword.
[["It's just so exciting to meet a real member of the Nagata Hatta!"]]
[["Terribly sorry for spilling your beer! May I buy you another?"]]
[[Tighten your grip until he passes out.]]The soldier sneers.
<span id="goon">SOLDIER</u>
"That's a good start. But your penance must fit the slight. Grovel. Beg forgiveness. Get down on the floor and kiss my boots."</span>
[[Get down on the floor and kiss his boots.]]
[[Fuck that. Punch him in the throat.->Punch him in the throat.]]This is, of course, a bold-faced lie. But you say it with such conviction that the soldier scrunches up his face, uncertain.
<span id="goon"><u>SOLDIER</u>
"What sort of secret mission?"</span>
[["If I told you, it wouldn't very well be a secret, would it?"]]
[["A dangerous one. The queen says if I survive, I might get knighted!"->"If I told you, it wouldn't very well be a secret, would it?"]]The soldier considers this and nods, impressed.
<span id="goon"><u>SOLDIER</u>
"It is a rare honour to meet a member of the queen's left hand."</span>
He claps you on the shoulder.
<span id="goon"><u>SOLDIER</u>
"By her grace."</span>
[["By her grace."]]
[["In her, all things are possible."]]
[[Wink.]]The soldier raises an eyebrow.
<span id="goon"><u>SOLDIER</u>
"The queen's left hand does *not* respond that way to the queen's right."</span>
[["Uh, I meant, in her, all things are possible."->"In her, all things are possible."]]
[[Fuck it. Punch him in the throat.->Punch him in the throat.]]The soldier stares at you, his eyes bleary. You (link-reveal: "smile nervously.")[
(set: $fightoutcome to 0)
The soldier barks with laughter before pounding his chest and leading the other two soldiers back into the crowd, all of them hollering for ale.
(set: $fightoutcome to 1)
You breathe a sigh of relief and head back towards [[your table.]]]You reckon the one on the right is as green as he looks, so you (link-reveal:"get low and rush him.")[
The full weight of your body hits him like a storm. He's caught off guard, off balance, his size works against him. He (link-reveal:"stumbles backwards...")[
...and right over a table. Bottles shatter as the whole thing goes crashing over. He just lies there.
But you're not through yet. You (link-reveal:"swivel around...")[
...and the other soldier, the little one, smashes a bottle across your head. The whole world swims. He jumps up on your back and whacks you across the head.
[[Slam him against a wall.]]
[[Try to buck him off of you.]]]]]The one on the left is more seasoned, but he's smaller than you, and taking him down will leave the big guy off-balance. You need to be fast. You (link-reveal:"grab a bottle...")[
...and smash it across the little guy's head. He's stubborn. Doesn't go down straight away. Just stands there, swaying. So you (link-reveal:"get in close...")[
...and land a few blows to his side, the spots the armour doesn't cover. It's enough to get him hunched over so you can (link-reveal:"drive a knee right into his face.")[
You feel his nose break. He hits the floor hard.
You look over at the big guy. He stares at you, trembling.
[[Tackle him with your full body weight.]]
[[Tell him to get the hell out of here.]]]]]You lower yourself to the floor. The soldier sticks out his boot, leather and jagged steel, sneering. You taste the cracked old leather as you press your lips to it.
<span id="goon"><u>SOLDIER</u>
"Your slight is forgiven."</span>
(set: $fightoutcome to 2)
The soldier laughs and walks away, shunting you aside with his boot as he goes. You clamber to your feet and make your way back towards [[your table.]]He tips it to you.
(display: "ContinueBarnes")He smooths it down with his finger.
(display: "ContinueBarnes")He takes them off to wipe them on his sleeve before putting them back on the tip of his nose.
(display: "ContinueBarnes")<span id="hooded"><u>MAN IN BOWLER HAT</u>
"I saw the way you handled those soldiers. They were Nagata Hatta, no? The queen's right hand, they call them. I've seen things turn ugly with them in the past. Usually ends with the other fellow dead. (if: $fightoutcome is 1)[But you talked them in circles. Very sly.](else-if: $fightoutcome is 2)[You were right to play on their egos and live to fight another day.](else-if: $fightoutcome is 3)[But you took on all three and lived to tell the tale.]"</span>
[["Guess I got lucky."]]
[["I've faced better guys on worse nights."]]
[["I'm guessing there's a point to this conversation?"]]<span id="pellax"><u>MADAME PELLAX</u>
"Ah. Of course."</span>
Madame Pellax sweeps away towards the young woman. She (link-reveal:"startles at the sight of Madame Pellax striding towards her...")[
<span id="seriousface"><u>SERIOUS-FACED YOUNG WOMAN</u>
"Madame Pellax! Hello! I've always wanted to meet you!"</span>
Madame Pellax reaches into her bustier and draws out a fistful of powder.
(link-reveal: "She tosses it at the young woman's feet...")[
There's an explosion of dark grey smoke. You (link-reveal:"cough as it fills your lungs...")[
(set: $seriousface to 1)
...and when the smoke clears, the serious-faced young woman is [[gone.]]]]]<span id="pellax"><u>MADAME PELLAX</u>
"Ah. Of course."</span>
Madame Pellax sweeps away towards the man. He (link-reveal:"startles as she approaches...")[ leaping up from his chair, drawing a dagger.
<span id="posh"><u>POSH, NERVOUS FELLOW</u>
"Keep away from me, Pellax! By order of the queen, I'm here to--"</span>
Madame Pellax reaches into her bustier and draws out a fistful of powder.
(link-reveal: "She tosses it at the man's feet...")[
There's an explosion of dark grey smoke. You (link-reveal:"cough as it fills your lungs...")[
(set: $posh to 1)
...and when the smoke clears, the posh, nervous fellow is [[gone.]]]]]<span id="seriousface"><u>SERIOUS-FACED YOUNG WOMAN</u>
"Just enjoying the show!"</span>
(if: $seriousfacequestioned is 0)[(if: $pellaxquest is 2)[
[["Don't try to fool me. I know you're the spy."]] ]]
[[Step away.->Her Majesty's]]<span id="seriousface"><u>SERIOUS-FACED YOUNG WOMAN</u>
"*Spy*? What in the spheres are you talking about?"</span>
(set: $seriousfacequestioned to 1)
[["You're skulking in the back. Very suspicious."]]
[["You have a quill and parchment. You're taking notes. Like a spy!"]]<span id="pellax"><u>MADAME PELLAX</u>
"And why not?"</span>
[["Just don't wanna!"]]
[["I'm afraid of what you might do to them."]]
(if: $spyconvo is 1)[ [["I'd rather not involve myself in something the crown is caught up in."]]]<span id="seriousface"><u>SERIOUS-FACED YOUNG WOMAN</u>
"I get nervous around crowds. I'm more comfortable back here."</span>
[["That tracks. Sorry to bother you." (exit conversation)->Her Majesty's]]
[["Fine. But you're still my number one suspect." (exit conversation)->Her Majesty's]]<span id="seriousface"><u>SERIOUS-FACED YOUNG MAN</u>
"You want to see what I was writing? Here."</span>
She holds out the parchment.
[[Examine it.]]The parchment is covered in diagrams and notations.
<span id="seriousfaced"><u>SERIOUS-FACED YOUNG WOMAN</u>
"I'm trying to learn the dance moves. Hoping to become a dancer for Her Majesty's myself some day!"</span>
[["You'd make a great dancer! Best of luck!" (exit conversation)->Her Majesty's]]
[["You don't seem the type, but I believe you. Good luck!" (exit conversation)->Her Majesty's]]
[["You don't seem the type. I'm suspicious. Don't skip town." (exit conversation)->Her Majesty's]]<span id="posh"><u>POSH, NERVOUS FELLOW</u>
"I heard it was a good time. What more excuse do I need?"</span>
(if: $poshquestioned is 0)[(if: $pellaxquest >= 2)[
[["Don't try to fool me. I know you're the spy."->Poshspy]] ]]
[[Step away.->Her Majesty's]]The nervous fellow's eyes narrow.
<span id="posh"><u>POSH, NERVOUS FELLOW</u>
"Did you just accuse me of being a spy? What are you talking about?"</span>
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"He seems more than a bit vain. Some flattery might be the ticket..."</span>
[["You're way too posh for this place."]]
[["You seem shifty and nervous."]]The man laughs.
<span id="posh"><u>POSH, NERVOUS FELLOW</u>
"Who asked you to come talk to me?"</span>
[["Madame Pellax."]]
[["None of your business."]]<span id="posh"><u>POSH, NERVOUS FELLOW</u>
"*Shifty and nervous?* Get the hell out of my face."</span>
(set: $poshquestioned to 1)
[["Now I'm even more suspicious." (end conversation)->Her Majesty's]]
[["Sorry." (end conversation)->Her Majesty's]]He idly packs his pipe, lights it, sucks back and looses a puff of smoke.
<span id="posh"><u>POSH, NERVOUS FELLOW</u>
"Pellax, hm? Whatever she told you, she's lying. Everything that comes out of her mouth is a lie."</span>
The man rolls down his shirtsleeve to reveal a tattoo: the rust-red crest of the queen.
<span id="posh"><u>POSH, NERVOUS FELLOW</u>
"I'm part of the Savvaya Hatta. The queen's left hand. Where she can't send soldiers, she sends us."</span>
[["I know of the Savvaya Hatta. You're feared and respected."]]
[["I know of the Savvaya Hatta. You're loathsome brutes."]]
[["The Savvaya Hatta? Never heard of it. Sorry!"]]He idly packs his pipe, lights it, sucks back and looses a puff of smoke.
<span id="posh"><u>POSH, NERVOUS FELLOW</u>
"It was Madame Pellax, wasn't it? Whatever she told you, she's lying. Everything that comes out of her damned mouth is a lie."</span>
The man rolls down his shirtsleeve to reveal a tattoo: the rust-red crest of the queen.
<span id="posh"><u>POSH, NERVOUS FELLOW</u>
"I'm part of the Savvaya Hatta. The queen's left hand. Where she can't send soldiers, she sends us."</span>
[["I know of the Savvaya Hatta. You're feared and respected."]]
[["I know of the Savvaya Hatta. You're loathsome brutes."]]
[["The Savvaya Hatta? Never heard of it. Sorry!"]]<span id="posh"><u>POSH, NERVOUS FELLOW</u>
"Then I hope you'll trust what I tell you next. Madame Pellax isn't just some fortune teller running a cabaret. Her Majesty's is a front for a thieves' guild. All her performers are trained to pickpocket, ransack, kill."</span>
[["If what you're saying is true, someone needs to stop them. They're taking advantage of innocent people in this town."]]
[["If what you're saying is true, we should let them be. Thievery's as fine a way as any to make a living."]]
[["This is nonsense. I don't believe you."]]
<span id="posh"><u>POSH, NERVOUS FELLOW</u>
"We do ugly things, but it's all in service of keeping the realm safe. Safe from people like Madame Pellax. She isn't just some fortune teller running a cabaret. Her Majesty's is a front for a thieves' guild. All her performers are trained to pickpocket, ransack, kill."</span>
[["If what you're saying is true, someone needs to stop them. They're taking advantage of innocent people in this town."]]
[["If what you're saying is true, we should let them be. Thievery's as fine a way as any to make a living."]]
[["This is nonsense. I don't believe you."]]
<span id="posh"><u>POSH, NERVOUS FELLOW</u>
"We work in the shadows. I'm not surprised you haven't heard of us. But now that you know who I am, I need you to listen closely. Madame Pellax isn't just some fortune teller running a cabaret. Her Majesty's is a front for a thieves' guild. All her performers are trained to pickpocket, ransack, kill."</span>
[["If what you're saying is true, someone needs to stop them. They're taking advantage of innocent people in this town."]]
[["If what you're saying is true, we should let them be. Thievery's as fine a way as any to make a living."]]
[["This is nonsense. I don't believe you."]]<span id="posh"><u>POSH, NERVOUS MAN</u>
"I'm glad you agree. Don't tip her off to me. Try to throw her off my scent. Tell her someone *else* is the spy.</span>
[["I don't know if I can do that."]]
[["Got it. Tell her someone else is the spy. Will do!"]]<span id="posh"><u>POSH, NERVOUS FELLOW</u>
"Whatever your opinion on this is, if you help me and it leads to a branch of the thieves' guild being cut off, the queen would probably look mighty favourably on you in the future. All I need you to do is throw Pellax off my scent. Tell her someone else is the spy."</span>
[["I don't know if I can do that."]]
[["Got it. Tell her someone else is the spy. Will do!"]]<span id="posh"><u>POSH, NERVOUS FELLOW</u>
"Whatever your opinion on this is, if you help me and it leads to a branch of the thieves' guild being cut off, the queen would probably look mighty favourably on you in the future. All I need you to do is throw Pellax off my scent. Tell her someone else is the spy."</span>
[["I don't know if I can do that."]]
[["Got it. Tell her someone else is the spy. Will do!"]]<span id="posh"><u>POSH, NERVOUS FELLOW</u>
"I hope you'll try. The queen looks very favourably on those who help her left hand in their endeavours. Good luck."</span>
(set: $poshquestioned to 2)
[[Step away.->Her Majesty's]]<span id="posh"><u>POSH, NERVOUS FELLOW</u>
"Thank you. The queen looks very favourably on those who help her left hand in their endeavours. Good luck."</span>
(set: $poshquestioned to 2)
[[Step away.->Her Majesty's]]The dwarf hops up and down, tossing coins and roses on to the stage. (if: $chubbyquestioned is 1)[He bristles as you approach.
<span id="chubby"><u>CHUBBY DWARF</u>
"I ain't no spy and I frankly resent the accusation."</span>
](else:)[He startles at the sight of you.
<span id="chubby"><u>CHUBBY DWARF</u>
"Jeez! You scared me."</span>
[["What brings you to Her Majesty's?"->DwarfHerMajestys]](if: $chubbyquestioned is 0)[(if: $pellaxquest is 2)[
[["Don't try to fool me. I know you're the spy."->DwarfSpy]] ]]]
[[Step away.->Her Majesty's]]<span id="chubby"><u>CHUBBY DWARF</u>
"Ain't it obvious? The strapping lads, the buxom ladies, the dancing."</span>
(if: $chubbyquestioned is 0)[(if: $pellaxquest is 2)[
[["Don't try to fool me. I know you're the spy."->DwarfSpy]] ]]
[[Step away.->Her Majesty's]]<span id="chubby"><u>CHUBBY DWARF</u>
(*scratching his head*)
"I don't rightly know what or who I'd be spying on behalf of, to tell the truth. What's put this strange idea in your head?"</span>
(set: $chubbyquestioned to 1)
[["You're the person least likely to be the spy, so it has to be you."]]
[["You're right, you don't seem like a spy. Not sure what I was thinking."]]<span id="chubby">CHUBBY DWARF</u>
"I'm not sure that exactly tracks, but you have a fine evening."</span>
[["Sorry to bother you." (exit conversation)->Her Majesty's]]
[["I'm keeping an eye on you." (exit conversation)->Her Majesty's]]<span id="chubby"><u>CHUBBY DWARF</u>
"We all get a little turned around on occasion. You have a fine evening."</span>
[["Sorry to bother you." (exit conversation)->Her Majesty's]]<span id="dialogue">+ 1 MAGE
Aurora liked that.</span>
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"It sounds very much like the way stories and dreams are used in the elf hermitages."</span>
(display: "PellaxWhisper")<span id="dialogue">+ 1 TANK</span>
(if: $fordisalive is true)[<span id="dialogue">Ford liked that</span>
(set: $ford to $ford + 1)
<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"Heh. Don't get me wrong, it's one of the nicer strip joints I've seen." </span>
]Madame Pellax rolls her eyes.
(display: "PellaxWhisper")<span id="dialogue">+ 1 ROGUE</span>
<span id="pellax"><u>MADAME PELLAX</u>
"There's nothing wrong with a bit of coin. It's the truest representation in this world of our desires, meted out into thousands of tiny little shining pieces."</span>
(display: "PellaxWhisper")Just then, a handsome man wearing no shirt and angel wings made of black feathers comes up and whispers something in Madame Pellax's ear. You can scarcely make out what he's saying, but you recognize it as *thieves' cant*, the coded tongue of the Shadow Guild.
(if: $background is 3)[ [[Decipher what he's saying. (⭐ THIEF BACKGROUND)]]](else:)[<span id="locked"><s>Decipher what he's saying.</s> (🔒 THIEF BACKGROUND)</span>]
[["Uh, excuse me? We were having a conversation here."->Wait for him to finish talking.]]
[[Wait for him to finish talking.]]You can hardly make out his words... you lean closer and strain to listen...
*"...another one, Madame... I saw it on his forearm... the rust-red crest of the queen... could make an awful lot of trouble for us..."*
(display: "Wait for him to finish talking.")Madame Pellax glances over at you. She shoos away the dark-winged angel and massages the bridge of her nose, distraught.
<span id="pellax">MADAME PELLAX</u>
"I've just been told there's a spy in our audience tonight. Someone trying to get us shut down. Some on Akema's village council are too prudish for Her Majesty's. They buck against the psychological freedom we offer. So they send spies into our midst to catch any little health code violation or zoning code infraction."</span>
[["That's ridiculous. How can I help?" (accept quest)->AcceptPellaxQuest]]
[["That's ridiculous, but I don't see how it's any of my business."]]<span id="pellax">MADAME PELLAX</u>
"You have an aura of trustworthiness. I'd appreciate very much if you'd help me find out who in my establishment is the snake. You would earn my favour forever."</span>
(set: $pellaxquest to 1)
[["Alright. I'll help you." (accept quest)->AcceptPellaxQuest]]
[["I'm not sure we're the right people for the job."]]<span id="pellax">MADAME PELLAX</u>
"Do come speak to me if you change your mind."</span>
[["Of course." (end conversation)->Her Majesty's]]
[["I won't be." (end conversation)->Her Majesty's]]<span id="titles">OUTSIDE THE EVENTIDE TAVERN</span>
You spill out of the tavern, taking frantic breaths, gasping for a taste the cool night air.
Aurora (if: $fordisalive is true)[and Ford burst](else:)[bursts] out of the iron door close on your heels.
[["More gold than we could spend in a lifetime, up in flames. We're idiots."]]
[["We gave up a lot of gold for the greater good. That was noble."]]
[["I'm just glad we're alive to tell the tale."]](if: $fordflirted >= 1 and $auroraflirted >= 1)[(goto:"MenageOffer")](else-if: $fordflirted >= 1)[(goto: "FordFinalRomance")](else-if: $auroraflirted >= 1)[(goto:"AuroraFinalRomance")](else:)[(goto:"safetyofthestreet")]<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"We did the right thing. That makes our virtue worth more than any gold."</span>(if: $fordisalive is true)[
<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"Guess sometimes you gotta do what's right. Damn the money."</span>]
The heat from the fire inside the Eventide reaches you even here. You [[scramble up the steps...]]<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"We did the right thing. That makes our virtue worth more than any gold."</span>(if: $fordisalive is true)[
<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"Guess sometimes you gotta do what's right. Damn the money."</span>]
The heat from the fire inside the Eventide reaches you even here. You [[scramble up the steps...]]The soldier pounds his chest. He and the other two soldiers march away into the crowd, hollering for more ale.
(set: $fightoutcome to 1)
You sigh relief and make your way back towards [[your table.]]In Tavern Crawler, you have three stats: TANK, MAGE, and ROGUE. Many of the places you go and people you meet will also fall into one of these three categories.
Picking some options will **increase these stats**, building up your character through your choices. Some times, options will be **locked** (🔒) if you don't have a certain stat high enough. When you see a locked option, you can usually go do something else to increase that stat, then come back and choose it.
(link:"Learn more about TANKS.")[**Tanks** get their knuckles bloody first and ask questions later. Pick options that are aggressive or violent to increase this stat and unlock options of greater physical intimidation and derring-do.]
(link:"Learn more about MAGES.")[**Mages** seek the spiritual and opt for peaceful solutions wherever possible. Pick diplomatic options and be kind to others to increase this stat and unlock options of greater perception, spiritual growth, and healing.]
(link:"Learn more about ROGUES.")[**Rogues** are sneaky and think differently. While tanks solve problems through brute force and mages solve them through diplomacy, rogues will solve them with their quick wit. In addition to thievery and lock-picking, rogues tend to be silver-tongued and adept at talking their enemies in circles. Pick options that are more mercenary or sneaky to unlock options to break into places, steal things, and deploy a sly tongue.]
[[Return to instructions.->Instructions.]]Your current quests and subgoals will be shown in the sidebar. Completing a goal will get you more gold, which can be exchanged for stat boosts in the taverns or other story options throughout.
Most side quests will have an option to accept or reject the quest when you're offered it. You can usually return to the character offering the quest and accept it later if you don't choose to accept it the first time.
[[Return to instructions.->Instructions.]]You save in Tavern Crawler by clicking "Save game" in the sidebar on any passage.
This will save your current passage and all the variables you've set, like your stats and open quests.
Clicking "Load last save" on the sidebar will restore your game to the last save point.
Not up for finishing Tavern Crawler in one session? No problem! You can come back later and keep playing from whever you've saved as long as you don't clear your browser history.
[[Return to instructions.->Instructions.]]In Tavern Crawler, gold is a form of experience point you get for completing quests as well as a currency you spend and receive within the fiction.
[[Return to instructions.->Instructions.]](if: $ending is 1)[<span id="titles">LAST CALL ON THE EDGE OF AKEMA...</span>
Aurora steps out of Akema and into the forests beyond. She walks, untroubled, under the light of the moon. Basking in the twilight, she stops and listens to the sounds of the wind, a babbling brook somewhere not far off, insects chirping about something or other.
She [[smiles->dragonending]], totally at peace.](else-if: $ending is 2)[<span id="titles">LAST CALL AT THE HUB-AND-SPOKE...</span>
You(if: $fordisalive is true)[, Ford,] and Aurora sit at a table. Every patron of The Hub-And-Spoke is gathered around close, hanging on your every word.
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"We've got one hell of a story for you tonight, gents."</span>(if: $fordisalive is true)[
<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"And you'd damn well better believe it."</span>]
You [[smile and launch into it.->dragonending]]](if: $dragonsolution is 1)[<span id="titles">LAST CALL IN THE SKIES ABOVE AKEMA...</span>
The sky goes dark for a moment as a dragon - and it must be Majjhata, for how many dragons could there possibly be around here? - crests the moon, drifts in a lazy circle, and [[flies off for parts unknown.->EndSlate]]](else:)[(goto:"EndSlate")](if: $fordisalive is true)[(set: $forddeathachievement1 to 1)](else-if: $fordisalive is false)[(set: $forddeathachievement2 to 1)](if: $dragonsolution is 1)[(set: $dragonachievement1 to 1)](else-if: $dragonsolution is 2)[(set: $dragonachievement2 to 1)](if: $ending is 1)[(set: $endingachievement1 to 1)](else-if: $ending is 2)[(set: $endingachievement2 to 1)](else-if: $ending is 3)[(set: $endingachievement3 to 1)](if: $background is 1)[(set: $trenchesachievement to 1)](else-if: $background is 2)[(set: $elvenachievement to 1)](else-if: $background is 3)[(set: $shadowyachievement to 1)](if: $aurora >= 10)[(set: $aurorafriendachievement to 1)](else-if: $aurora <= 0)[(set: $auroraenemyachievement to 1)](if: $ford >= 10)[(set: $fordfriendachievement to 1)](else-if: $ford <= 0)[(set: $fordenemyachievement to 1)](if: $tank > $mage and $rogue)[(set: $tankachievement to 1)](else-if: $mage > $tank and $rogue)[(set: $mageachievement to 1)](else-if: $rogue > $mage and $tank)[(set: $rogueachievement to 1)](if: $auroraflirted >= 1)[(set: $auroraromanceachievement to 1)](if: $fordflirted >= 1)[(set: $fordromanceachievement to 1)]<span id="titles">HANGOVERS AND HONOURS</span>
You've unlocked achievements!
(set: $personalachievementsselected to "")
|personalachievementsworkarea>[(display: "Personal Achievements Button")]
(set: $companionachievementsselected to "")
|companionachievementsworkarea>[(display: "Companion Achievements Button")]
(set: $storyachievementsselected to "")
|storyachievementsworkarea>[(display: "Story Achievements Button")]
There are many paths through the taverns and back alleys of Akema. Keep crawling to collect them all.
[[Keep crawling and start the story again.->storyinit]]
[[See the credits.->EndCredits]](set: $tank to $tank + 1)<span id="dialogue">+ 1 TANK</span>
<span id="pellax"><u>MADAME PELLAX</u>
*(chilly smile)*
"There are so few ways to earn an honest living in Sarana, under the boot of the queen. In immoral times, dishonesty becomes truth and vice becomes virtue. One could pass judgment on *your* way of making money too."</span>
She spindles her fingers together, tapping her impossibly long purple fingernails with a *clack clack*.
<span id="pellax"><u>MADAME PELLAX</u>
"Now... I expect you have something to tell me about who the spy is?"</span>
[["The serious-faced young woman."]]
[["The posh, nervous fellow."]]
[["The chubby dwarf."]]
[["I'm not going to tell you."]]<span id="dialogue">+ 1 ROGUE</span>(set: $rogue to $rogue + 1)
<span id="pellax"><u>MADAME PELLAX</u>
"There are so few ways to earn an honest living in Sarana, under the boot of the queen. In immoral times, dishonesty becomes truth and vice becomes virtue. I'm glad you see it too."</span>
She spindles her fingers together, tapping her impossibly long purple fingernails with a *clack clack*.
<span id="pellax"><u>MADAME PELLAX</u>
"Now... I expect you have something to tell me about who the spy is?"</span>
[["The serious-faced young woman."]]
[["The posh, nervous fellow."]]
[["The chubby dwarf."]]
[["I'm not going to tell you."]]<span id="pellax"><u>MADAME PELLAX</u>
"Ah. Of course."</span>
Madame Pellax sweeps away towards the chubby dwarf. He (link-reveal:"smiles at the sight of Madame Pellax striding towards him.")[
<span id="chubby"><u>CHUBBY DWARF</u>
"Well, hello there..."</span>
Madame Pellax reaches into her bustier and draws out a fistful of powder.
(link-reveal: "She tosses it at the chubby dwarf's feet...")[
There's an explosion of dark grey smoke. You (link-reveal:"cough as it fills your lungs...")[
(set: $chubbydwarf to 1)
...and when the smoke clears, the chubby dwarf is [[gone.]]]]]<span id="pellax"><u>MADAME PELLAX</u>
"No one will be harmed. I'll simply eject the offender from my club. Come back and talk to me if you change your mind."</span>
[["Will do." (exit conversation)->Her Majesty's]]
[["Not likely." (exit conversation)->Her Majesty's]](if: $dogname is 0)[The dog](else:)[Viva] (either: "cocks its head at you.","lets out a low woof.", "lets out a soft sneeze.", "rolls over and kicks its legs.")(if: $fordisalive is true)[
<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"Ah hell. That's a *war hound*, one of the war hounds bred for the trenches. Toughest mutts you ever saw. What a sweet girl. C'mere, girl. C'mere."</span>
Ford scritches behind her ear.]
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"War hounds. Weren't they used to sniff out the dead in the trenches after battles with the Nusa Hatta? She has a quiet dignity."</span>(if: $dogquest is 4)[
Her puppies lie beside her, nestled close.]
(if: $dogquest is 3)[ [[Place the bag of puppies down next to her.]]
][[Scritch behind her ear.]]
(if: $dogname is 0)[ [[Check her collar for a name.]]
][[Step away.->Red Roof Inn]]<span id="pellax"><u>MADAME PELLAX</u>
"Come back and talk to me if you change your mind."</span>
[["Will do." (exit conversation)->Her Majesty's]]
[["Not likely." (exit conversation)->Her Majesty's]]<span id="pellax"><u>MADAME PELLAX</u>
"If we are not careful, there is a time coming when she will have involved herself in everything. You will not be able to escape her reach. Come back and talk to me when you've decided it would be better to spit in her eye now than live under her boot later."</span>
[["I'll think about it." (exit conversation)->Her Majesty's]]
[["I doubt it." (exit conversation)->Her Majesty's]]The crowd goes silent... then bursts into applause, certain the disappearing act is all part of the show.
(set: $pellaxquest to 3)
Madame Pellax strides back over, beaming.
<span id="pellax"><u>MADAME PELLAX</u>
"Thank you. Her Majesty's owes you an eternal debt."</span>
[["What'd you just do?!"]]
[["Any time, madame."]]<span id="pellax"><u>MADAME PELLAX</u>
"A simple parlour trick. Don't let it trouble you."</span>
(set: $newfordconvo to 1)(set: $newauroraconvo to 1)<span id="dialogue">You've completed a quest: A SPY IN HER MAJESTY'S CHAMBERS
You earned 5 gold.</span>(set: $pellaxquest to 3)(set: $gold to $gold + 5)
[["I better be going..." (exit conversation)->Her Majesty's]]<span id="pellax"><u>MADAME PELLAX</u>
"I hope our paths cross again."</span>
(set: $newfordconvo to 1)(set: $newauroraconvo to 1)<span id="dialogue">You've completed a quest: A SPY IN HER MAJESTY'S CHAMBERS
You earned 5 gold.</span>(set: $pellaxquest to 3)(set: $gold to $gold + 5)
[["I better be going..." (exit conversation)->Her Majesty's]]You're pulled on to the stage, into the center of a whirlwind. Women wearing enormous fabric butterfly wings dance around you. You feel hands, reaching out, touching your body, (link-reveal:"until...")[
Suddenly you're ejected from the stage, back into the crowd.
You feel at your pockets... and realize that while you were on stage, someone (link-reveal:"pickpocketed you.")[
(either:(display:"1Gold"),(display:"3Gold"),(display:"5Gold"))(set: $robbed to 1)
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"*Pickpocketry*? There's something very suspicious about this place."</span>
[["We should lodge a complaint with management." (exit conversation)->Her Majesty's]]
[["Keep a close eye on your pockets." (exit conversation)->Her Majesty's]]]](if: $gold >= 1)[<span id="dialogue">You lost 1 gold.</span>(set: $gold to $gold - 1)](else:)[They rooted around in your pockets, but (luckily?) you had nothing to steal.](if: $gold >= 3)[<span id="dialogue">You lost 3 gold.</span>(set: $gold to $gold - 3)](else-if: $gold >= 1)[(display:"1Gold")](else:)[They rooted around in your pockets, but (luckily?) you had nothing to steal.](if: $gold >= 5)[<span id="dialogue">You lost 5 gold.</span>(set: $gold to $gold - 5)](else-if: $gold >= 3)[(display:"3Gold")](else-if: $gold >= 1)[(display:"1Gold")](else:)[They rooted around in your pockets, but (luckily?) you had nothing to steal.]<span id="pellax"><u>MADAME PELLAX</u>
"I haven't the faintest what you're talking about. You leapt up on stage and some coins fell out of your pocket, I expect. You should be more careful."</span>
[["Another thing..." (ask another question)->Madame Pellax]]
[["I was robbed. Plain and simple." (end conversation)->Her Majesty's]]
[["Huh... maybe you're right." (end conversation)->Her Majesty's]]<span id="hermajestysbartender"><u>BARTENDER</u>
"Sorry! I can't hear you over the music!"</span>
(if: $eventidegoal is 1)[
[["Any idea where I can find the Eventide Tavern?"]]](if: $gold >= 5)[ [["I need something to give me a little courage." (⭐ 5 GOLD)]]](else:)[<span id="locked"><s>"I need something to give me a little courage."</s> (🔒 5 GOLD)</span>] <span id="dialogue"> (GAIN +1 ROGUE!)</span>
[["Anything interesting to tell me?"->HerMajestysInteresting]]
[["We're looking for a fellow named Barnes. You know him?"]]
[[Walk away.->Her Majesty's]](if: $dogname is 0)[The dog](else:)[Viva] yips happily as you scratch behind her ear. (if: $dogquest is 0)[The bartender looks over at you, beaming.
<span id="rribartender"><u>ERIK</u>
"Great ol' dog, huh?"</span>
He comes over and rubs her head.
<span id="rribartender"><u>ERIK</u>
"Only, she ain't been herself lately. Hardly eatin'."</span>
[["Maybe she's sick?"]]
[["Maybe she's sad?"]]](else:)[
[[Step away.->Red Roof Inn]]]The dog's collar reads "VIVA".(set: $dogname to 1)
[[Scritch behind her ear.]]
[[Step away.->Red Roof Inn]](if: $fordisalive is true)[<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
*(looking the dog over)*
"Looks fit as one of the wardogs of Farhaven to me."</span>
]<span id="rribartender"><u>ERIK</u>
"I reckon it's an emotional problem. There's not a thing wrong with her, physically speaking."</span>
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"Perhaps I can be of some help? I'm adept at channeling animals. We can *talk* to her."</span>
(set: $dogquest to 1)
[["Sure, why not? Let's try it." (accept quest)]]
[["We don't have time for that right now."]](if: $fordisalive is true)[<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
*(getting down on his knees to look in the dog's eyes)*
"Her eyes... they do look a little sad, don't they?"</span>
]<span id="rribartender"><u>ERIK</u>
"I reckon it is an emotional problem, seeing as how there's not a thing wrong with her, physically speaking."</span>
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"Perhaps I can be of some help? I'm adept at channeling animals. We can *talk* to her."</span>
(set: $dogquest to 1)
[["Sure, why not? Let's try it." (accept quest)]]
[["We don't have time for that right now."]]Aurora places her hand on the dog's head and closes her eyes. She looks at you, her face all twisted up, expressing an unfathomable sadness.
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
*(the dog, speaking through her)*
"So much love. Hurts. Heart full. Find them."</span>
[["So much love? For what?"->"Find them? Find who?"]]
[["Find them? Find who?"]]<span id="rribartender"><u>ERIK</u>
"Come on back if you do. I sure as shoot don't know what's wrong with her and I'm darned curious to know."</span>
[["Of course." (end conversation)->Red Roof Inn]]<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"(either: "Thank you.", "Much thanks.", "This is much appreciated.", "I owe you.") (either:"I always love sharing a drink with you.", "There's nowhere I'd rather be in this world than beside you on a barstool.", "Nothing like a nice drink after going toe-to-toe with a dragon.", "Have you tried this ale? Very pleasant!")"</span>
(set: $aurora to $aurora + 1)(set: $gold to $gold - 10)<span id="dialogue">Aurora liked that!
You lost 10 gold.</span>
(set: $ale to $ale + 1)
[["Hey, any time." (end conversation)->Red Roof Inn]]
[["Don't mention it." (end conversation)->Red Roof Inn]]
[["You're buying the next one." (end conversation)->Red Roof Inn]]
[["Barkeep, one more thing..." (ask the bartender something else)->RRIbartender]]<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"(either: "Hey, thanks!", "Really appreciate it.", "You're a hell of a friend.", "I'll spot you next time, honest.") (either:"Nothing like a nice cold beer.", "Wouldn't mind if this were a bit stronger.", "You think they water this down?", "How many of these do you think it'd take to get me drunk?")"</span>
(set: $ford to $ford + 1)(set: $gold to $gold - 10)<span id="dialogue">Ford liked that!
You lost 10 gold.</span>
(set: $ale to $ale + 1)
[["Hey, any time." (end conversation)->Red Roof Inn]]
[["Don't mention it." (end conversation)->Red Roof Inn]]
[["You're buying the next one." (end conversation)->Red Roof Inn]]
[["Barkeep, one more thing..." (ask the bartender something else)->RRIbartender]](if: $auroradrinksquest is 1)[<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"My favourite! Thank you!"</span>
<span id="dialogue">You've completed a quest: DRINKS WITH AURORA</span>(set: $auroradrinksquest to 2)
](else:)[<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"(either: "Thank you.", "Much thanks.", "This is much appreciated.", "I owe you.") (either:"I always love sharing a drink with you.", "There's nowhere I'd rather be in this world than beside you on a barstool.", "Nothing like a nice drink after going toe-to-toe with a dragon.", "Have you tried this, with the really strong gin? Very pleasant!")"</span>
](set: $aurora to $aurora + 2)(set: $gold to $gold - 10)<span id="dialogue">Aurora liked that!
You lost 10 gold.</span>
(set: $martini to $martini + 1)
[["Hey, any time." (end conversation)->Her Majesty's]]
[["Don't mention it." (end conversation)->Her Majesty's]]
[["You're buying the next one." (end conversation)->Her Majesty's]]
[["Bartender, one more thing!" (ask the bartender for something else)->HerMajestysBartender]]<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"(either: "Hey, thanks!", "Really appreciate it.", "You're a hell of a friend.", "I'll spot you next time, honest.") (either:"This isn't my kind of drink... but the olive is okay.", "Wouldn't mind if this were a bit stronger.", "You think they water this down?", "How many of these do you think it'd take to get me drunk?")"</span>
(set: $ford to $ford + 1)(set: $gold to $gold - 10)<span id="dialogue">Ford liked that!
You lost 10 gold.</span>
(set: $martini to $martini + 1)
[["Hey, any time." (end conversation)->Her Majesty's]]
[["Don't mention it." (end conversation)->Her Majesty's]]
[["You're buying the next one." (end conversation)->Her Majesty's]]
[["Bartender, one more thing!" (ask the bartender for something else)->HerMajestysBartender]]<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"(either: "Thank you.", "Much thanks.", "This is much appreciated.", "I owe you.") (either:"I always love sharing a drink with you.", "There's nowhere I'd rather be in this world than beside you on a barstool.", "Nothing like a nice drink after going toe-to-toe with a dragon.", "Have you tried this rum? It's... quite interesting!")"</span>
(set: $aurora to $aurora + 1)(set: $gold to $gold - 10)<span id="dialogue">Aurora liked that!
You lost 10 gold.</span>
(set: $rum to $rum + 1)
[["Hey, any time." (end conversation)->The Gangrenous Stump]]
[["Don't mention it." (end conversation)->The Gangrenous Stump]]
[["You're buying the next one." (end conversation)->The Gangrenous Stump]]
[["Barkeep, one more thing..." (ask the bartender something else)->grizzled old orc]](if: $forddrinksquest is 1)[<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"Ah, heck. Rum's my favourite. Thanks, $YourName."</span>
(set: $forddrinksquest to 2)
<span id="dialogue">You've completed a quest: DRINKS WITH FORD</u>
](else:)[<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"(either: "Hey, thanks!", "Really appreciate it.", "You're a hell of a friend.", "I'll spot you next time, honest.") (either:"Nothing like rum, right out of the jub.", "Now this has just enough kick.", "Drinkin' this makes me feel like a pirate.", "Figure it'd just take a couple of these to knock me on my ass.")"</span>
](set: $ford to $ford + 2)(set: $gold to $gold - 10)<span id="dialogue">Ford liked that!
You lost 10 gold.</span>
(set: $rum to $rum + 1)
[["Hey, any time." (end conversation)->The Gangrenous Stump]]
[["Don't mention it." (end conversation)->The Gangrenous Stump]]
[["You're buying the next one." (end conversation)->The Gangrenous Stump]]
[["Barkeep, one more thing..." (ask the bartender something else)->grizzled old orc]]<span id="hooded"><u>MAN IN BOWLER HAT</u>
"Didn't look like luck had anything to do with it. But if it did... well, let's just say, I have a business proposition for someone who has that kind of luck. Someone (if: $fightoutcome is 1)[who can think fast, like you did.](else-if: $fightoutcome is 2)[who won't let ego cloud sound judgment.](else-if: $fightoutcome is 3)[who has a knack for winning impossible fights.]"</span>
[["What sort of business?"->Be quiet a minute.]]
[[(gazing around at the drunken chaos) "Business? In here?"->Be quiet a minute.]]<span id="hooded"><u>MAN IN BOWLER HAT</u>
"I'm glad to hear it. I have a business proposition for someone (if: $fightoutcome is 1)[who can think fast, like you did.](else-if: $fightoutcome is 2)[who won't let ego cloud sound judgment.](else-if: $fightoutcome is 3)[who has a knack for winning impossible fights.]"</span>
[["What sort of business?"->Be quiet a minute.]]
[[(gazing around at the drunken chaos) "Business? In here?"->Be quiet a minute.]]<span id="hooded"><u>MAN IN BOWLER HAT</u>
"That's very perceptive. I have a business proposition. I'm looking for someone (if: $fightoutcome is 1)[who can think fast, like you did.](else-if: $fightoutcome is 2)[who won't let ego cloud sound judgment.](else-if: $fightoutcome is 3)[who has a knack for winning impossible fights.]"</span>
[["What sort of business?"->Be quiet a minute.]]
[[(gazing around at the drunken chaos) "Business? In here?"->Be quiet a minute.]]<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
*(the dog, speaking through her)*
"Them! Find them. Find them. Find them. In the shadow of the broken paw. Find them!"</span>
Aurora yanks her hand away from the dog's head.
(set: $dogquest to 2)
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"In the shadow of the broken paw? I've no idea what that means, but we should keep an eye out in our travels."</span>
<span id="dialogue">You've received a new quest: OLD DOG, NEW TRICKS
+ 5 Gold
* Something is bothering the dog in the Red Roof Inn. The only clue you have is that she's asked you to "find them", "in the shadow of the broken paw".
[["We'll keep an eye out." (exit conversation)->Red Roof Inn]]You (link-reveal:"examine the mechanism.")[
While it may look pretty complex, the mechanism's innards reveal a simple mortise lock with a spring and a single-cylinder deadbolt.
You (link-reveal:"fiddle with the tumblers...")[
...and the latch releases. A simple (link-reveal:"twist of your wrist...")[
...and the rotating cylinder yanks the bolt out of the door frame.
The door swings open and you [[step inside.]]]]]<span id="titles">III. OF DEAD DRAGONS AND METAL MEN</span>
Inside the Eventide, a doorman lounges in a dilapidated armchair. He jolts out of his chair.
<span id="doorman"><u>DOORMAN</u>
"Sentries! Sentries! We got intruders!"</span>
You hear [[loud clanking...]]...in seconds, you're surrounded by (link:"guards in suits of armour.")[(link:"no, wait")[(link-reveal:"walking suits of armour with no one inside.")[ (link-reveal:"Shambling mechanical constructs.")[
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"*Constructs.* Do you feel the aura coming off of them? They're powered by *necrotic magic*. What sort of business have we gotten ourselves involved with?</span>
The constructs stumble towards you, their legs almost too rickety to bear the weight of their bodies. They draw scimitars.
[[Draw your sword and prepare for a fight.->BarnesStopsTheFight]]
[[Try to convince the doorman there's been a mistake.->BarnesStopsTheFight]]]]]]<span id="hooded"><u>BARNES</u>
Barnes calls from somewhere inside the club.
<span id="hooded"><u>BARNES</u>
*"They're with me. Let them in."*</span>
The doorman rolls his eyes and tosses himself back into the armchair. The constructs step out of your path, their arms jerking into jittery salutes.
[[Step inside the club.->Eventide]]<span id="titles">THE EVENTIDE SOCIAL CLUB</span>
The decor is chintzy, gaudy, expensive but tasteless.
A half a dozen [[businessmen in bowler hats]] sit throughout the club, chatting, drinking, and smoking from long, thin pipes. There are flickering red paper lanterns at each table.
A [[hostess]] in a panelled jacket and skirt ferries drinks on a tray back and forth across the club.
[[Walter Barnes]] lounges on a distressed leather loveseat in the back of the club. It takes you a second to spot him amidst the other, similarly accoutred men.<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"A lie is never what's best. It will poison everything it touches."</span>
(display: "TwoOptions")<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"These are weighty matters. You need to think of something other than lining your pockets."</span>
(display: "TwoOptions")Aurora grabs your hand and squeezes it.
(display: "TwoOptions")<span id="hooded"><u>BARNES</u>
"Let's not all lose our heads over this(if: $dragonsolution is 2)[ like the dragon did]. The way I see it, you have two options here. And one is beneficial for all of us."</span>
[["What's the first option?"]]<span id="hooded"><u>BARNES</u>
"You could try to leave *without* the gold and tell someone what transpired between us. But that would be bad for everyone. Bad for my business, obviously. Bad for the village, certainly -- it would tear us apart. The queen would swoop in and the offer us her aid. The last free village in the east would fall into her clutches."</span>
The mechanical constructs march into the room and surround you, pointing their scimitars, preparing for battle.
<span id="hooded"><u>BARNES</u>
"And of course, it would be very, very bad for you. I've got investments to protect, you see."</span>
(if: $fordisalive is true)[<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"I don't know, $YourName. These aren't the kinda matters I feel all that equipped to adjudicate, truth be told."</span>
]<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"There's no way we're taking this dirty money! The people in this village deserve to know what you've done. We'll fight to do what's proper here. Right, $YourName?"</span>
[["Give me the gold. We'll keep quiet."->GoldEnding]]
[["Keep your gold. The truth is worth dying for."]]Barnes drops a huge sack of gold on the table. Overflowing coins go spilling out and rolling past your feet.
<span id="hooded"><u>BARNES</u>
"You take your pay for a job well done. You disappear. You go somewhere far away. You never tell anyone about this."</span>
[["What's the second option?"]]<span id="hooded"><u>BARNES</u>
"I'm very sorry to hear that. I hate to have to burn a bridge."</span>
He (link-reveal:"snaps his fingers...")[
...and the constructs lurch towards you, swinging their scimitars. Half the other patrons in the club get up and make for the doors. The other half sit up in their seats, itching to see a good fight.
(if: $mage >= 15)[ [[Put the constructs under your control. (⭐ 15 MAGE)]]](else:)[<span id="locked"><s>Put the constructs under your control.</s> (🔒 15 MAGE)</span>]
[[Draw your sword.]]]<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"There are types of magic that let one peer into another's mind, find things that are buried. Like, for instance, memories you've misplaced by getting blackout drunk.</span>
[["I'll let you do this if it's the only way."]]
[["I'm not letting you mess around in my head!"]]
(if: $fordisalive is true)[ [["Can't you do this to Ford instead?"]]]<span id="titles">LAST CALL ON KUKULA ROW...</span>
On Kukula Row, (if: $fingerquest is 4)[Amati sips wine straight from the bottle and dances, twirling through the streets. He lies down on the cobblestones and stares up at the moon, smiling to himself. Free of something.
<span id="scoundrel"><u>AMATI</u>
"For you, Ibb."</span>](else-if: $fingerquest is 5)[Amati sips straight from a bottle of wine and mutters curses, shaking his stub of a finger at the sky. He smashes the bottle on the side of The Gangrenous Stub, then looks up at the sky and whispers:
<span id="scoundrel"><u>AMATI</u>
"For you, Ibb."</span>](else-if: $fingerquest is 6)[Amati sips wine straight from the bottle and stares at the glittering ring on his severed finger. The light catches it just right and he smiles.
<span id="scoundrel"><u>AMATI</u>
"For you, Ibb."</span>](else-if: $fingerquest is 7)[Amati sips wine straight from the bottle and stares at the glittering ring on his severed finger. The light catches it just right and he smiles.
<span id="scoundrel"><u>AMATI</u>
"For you, Ibb."</span>](else:)[the drunk finally gives up on arguing with the bouncer and goes off to collapse in an alley somewhere.]
Inside [[The Gangrenous Stump->GangrenousStumpEpilogue]]...<span id="titles">LAST CALL AT HER MAJESTY'S...</span>
Madame Pellax says her goodbyes to the last of her patrons.
When everyone has left, she locks the door, turns and (if: $pellaxquest is 3)[(link-reveal:"strides backstage...")[
...where (if: $posh is 1)[the posh, nervous fellow](else-if: $seriousface is 1)[the serious-faced young woman](else-if: $dwarf is 1)[the chubby dwarf] is tied to a chair, bleeding and badly bruised, begging for mercy.
Madame Pellax's dancers stand in a circle around (if: $posh is 1)[him](else-if: $seriousface is 1)[her](else-if: $dwarf is 1)[him], holding knives and chains.
<span id="pellax"><u>MADAME PELLAX</u>
"You *will* talk, darling. It's only a question of how much it will have to hurt first."</span>
Behind her, more dancers spill the spoils of their evening on the floor: gold, jewellery...
Outside on [[Kukula Row->KukulaRowEpilogue]]... ]](else:)[(link-reveal:"strides backstage...")[
...where her dancers are spilling out the stolen spoils of their evening on the floor: gold, jewellery, trinkets.
<span id="pellax"><u>MADAME PELLAX</u>
"A fine haul, sweeties. Let's knock 'em dead again tomorrow night."</span>
Outside on [[Kukula Row->KukulaRowEpilogue]]... ]]<span id="titles">LAST CALL AT THE EVENTIDE SOCIAL CLUB...</span>
(if: $ending is 1)[(if: $dragonsolution is 2)[While the doorman measures the wall for a place to mount the dragon's head, ]Barnes stretches a map of the mountain ranges out over his table. A business associate in an identical bowler hat stands beside him, looking at the map.
<span id="hooded"><u>BARNES</u>
"Here, here, and here would be the places to start, I'd think?"</span>
Meanwhile, on the [[outskirts of town->YourEnding]]...](else-if: $ending is 2)[Fire rips through the chintzy club. A dozen mechanical constructs lie strewn in pieces across the floor. Barnes, bloodied, dying, crawls, reaching for his bowler hat. All around him are gold coins, scattered, melting in the heat of the flames.
Two nights later, at the [[Hub-And-Spoke Tavern->YourEnding]]...](else-if: $ending is 3)[Fire rips through the chintzy club. A dozen mechanical constructs lie strewn in pieces across the floor. In your last moments, you watch as Barnes, bloodied, dying, crawls, reaching for his bowler hat. All around him are gold coins, scattered, [[melting in the heat of the flames.->dragonending]]]<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"Splendid! I'll make sure it's as painless as possible."</span>
[["Let's do it."->mindreading]]<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"If we're going to find Barnes, there's no other way. I'll make sure it's painless as possible."</span>
[["Fine."->mindreading]]<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"How can we be sure Ford was even listening to Barnes's instructions in the first place?"</span>
<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"Hey now! ...Okay, truth be told, I *wasn't* listening. But I'd rather you didn't point it out."</span>
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"No, $YourName. I'm afraid it's going to have to be you."</span>
[["Fine..."->mindreading]]Aurora reaches out and puts her fingers to your temples. She stares at you, her eyes glowing faintly.
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"Look deep into my eyes."</span>
[[Look deep into her eyes.]]At first, it all seems so stupid. But then you're (link-reveal:"staring into Aurora's eyes...")[
(link-reveal:"...lost in them...")[
...and suddenly, it's like you're right back in The Hub-And-Spoke, the smell of pipe weed burning your nostrils. Barnes is sitting across from you. It's all exactly as it was.
You (link-reveal:"lean in...")[ and Barnes says to you:
<span id="hooded"><u>BARNES</u>
"(text-style: "blurrier")[...bring it to me straight away] (text-style: "blur")[at the] Eventide (text-style: "blur")[Tavern...]"</span>
You cry out:
[["The Eventide Tavern!"->EventideRealization]]]]]]You're jarred from your memory and suddenly you're back (if: $location is 1)[on the street in Marasika Plaza.](else-if: $location is 2)[in Hidaya Square](else-if: $location is 3)[on Kukula Row, outside the Gangrenous Stump.]
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"Eventide, you said? Eventide! That's it!"</span>
Aurora thinks for a second...
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"Have you seen an Eventide Tavern in this village? I certainly haven't."</span>
[["Maybe we've got the wrong town?"]]
[["Maybe it's really exclusive."]]
[["Maybe we're being screwed with."]]<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"The wrong town that also just happens to have a dragon in a cave to the south? I doubt it. In any event, we're one step closer to finding Barnes and collecting our pay. We should ask someone in one of the bars if they know where the Eventide is."</span>
<span id="dialogue">You have a new quest goal: ask any bartender about the Eventide Tavern.</span>(set: $eventidegoal to 1)
(if: $location is 1)[ [["Good idea. We should keep moving."->GoodSideOfTown]]](else-if: $location is 2)[ [["Good idea. We should keep moving."->town square]]](else-if: $location is 3)[ [["Good idea. We should keep moving."->Bad Side of Town]]]<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"It must be. We haven't seen even a hint of it and we've been all over town. In any event, we're one step closer to finding Barnes and collecting our pay. We should ask someone in one of the bars if they know where the Eventide is."</span>
<span id="dialogue">You have a new quest goal: ask any bartender about the Eventide Tavern.</span>(set: $eventidegoal to 1)
(if: $location is 1)[ [["Good idea. We should keep moving."->GoodSideOfTown]]](else-if: $location is 2)[ [["Good idea. We should keep moving."->town square]]](else-if: $location is 3)[ [["Good idea. We should keep moving."->Bad Side of Town]]](if: $fordisalive is true)[<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"That gets my vote. I know we're in a frame job. Just can't see the whole picture yet."</span>
]<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"It's certainly another suspicious turn. In any event, we're one step closer to finding Barnes and collecting our pay. We should ask someone in one of the bars if they know where the Eventide is."</span>
<span id="dialogue">You have a new quest goal: ask any bartender about the Eventide Tavern.</span>(set: $eventidegoal to 1)
(if: $location is 1)[ [["Good idea. We should keep moving."->GoodSideOfTown]]](else-if: $location is 2)[ [["Good idea. We should keep moving."->town square]]](else-if: $location is 3)[ [["Good idea. We should keep moving."->Bad Side of Town]]]You land a (text-style:"rumble")[punch] to the doorman's job, sending him sprawling backwards.
<span id="aurora"></span>
"Was that really necessary...?"</span>(if: $fordisalive is true)[
<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"Don't know if it was necessary, but it was pretty funny, you got to admit."</span>]
<span id="dialogue">Aurora disliked that.(if: $fordisalive is true)[ Ford liked that.]</span>(set: $aurora to $aurora + 1)(set: $ford to $ford + 1)
[["I'll punch him again if I have to."->ConstructsViolent]]
[["I'll apologize to him on the way out."->ConstructsViolent]]
[["How else were we supposed to get in to the club?"->ConstructsViolent]]<span id="doorman"><u>DOORMAN</u>
"Very exclusive clientele. Privacy in their dealings is of the utmost importance."</span>
[["Seems shady. Maybe I'll report you to the village council."]]
[["I have the password."]]
(if: $gold > 80)[ [[Offer a bribe. (⭐ 80 Gold)]]](else:)[<span id="locked"><s>Offer a bribe.</s> ( 🔒 80 Gold)</span>]
(if: $tank >= 15)[ [[Tell him the password is "FIST" and sock him in the face. (⭐ 15 TANK)]]](else:)[<span id="locked"><s>Tell him the password is "FIST" and sock him in the face.</s> ( 🔒 15 TANK)</span>]
(if: $mage >= 15)[ [[Bewitch him into letting you in. (⭐ 15 MAGE)]]](else:)[<span id="locked"><s>Bewitch him into letting you in.</s> ( 🔒 15 MAGE)</span>]
[["I'll be back when I have the password." (leave)->AlleyNortheast]]<span id="doorman"><u>DOORMAN</u>
"If only you had the password, you could tell them to their faces. Quite a few of them inside tonight."</span>
[["I have the password."]]
[["Let us in. We're here to see Barnes."]]
(if: $gold > 80)[ [[Offer a bribe. (⭐ 80 Gold)]]](else:)[<span id="locked"><s>Offer a bribe.</s> ( 🔒 80 Gold)</span>]
(if: $tank >= 15)[ [[Tell him the password is "FIST" and sock him in the face. (⭐ 15 TANK)]]](else:)[<span id="locked"><s>Tell him the password is "FIST" and sock him in the face.</s> ( 🔒 15 TANK)</span>]
(if: $mage >= 15)[ [[Bewitch him into letting you in. (⭐ 15 MAGE)]]](else:)[<span id="locked"><s>Bewitch him into letting you in.</s> ( 🔒 15 MAGE)</span>]
[["I'll be back when I have the password." (leave)->AlleyNortheast]]<span id="titles">III. OF DEAD DRAGONS AND METAL MEN</span>
You step into a long hallway lined with (link:"suits of armour.")[(link:"no, wait")[(link:"they're moving slightly.")[ (link-reveal:"guards in suits of armor?")[
You step up and examine them closely, and realize they're not guards at all... but they're not inanimate either.
They're (link-reveal:"shambling mechanical constructs.")[
They jerk around to face you, their legs almost too rickety to bear the weight of their bodies. They hold scimitars before them.
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"*Constructs.* Do you feel the aura coming off of them? They're powered by *necrotic magic*. What sort of business have we gotten ourselves involved with?</span>
The constructs offer you a janky salute as you pass.
[[Step inside the club.->Eventide]]]]]]]<span id="titles">III. OF DEAD DRAGONS AND METAL MEN</span>
You step over the doorman and into a long hallway that leads into the club. As you pass, the doorman peels himself off the ground and cries out:
<span id="doorman"><u>DOORMAN</u>
"Sentries! Sentries! We got intruders!"</span>
You hear [[loud clanking...]](if: $EventidePassword is "banknote")[<span id="doorman"><u>DOORMAN</u>
"Music to my ears."</span>
He swings the iron door wide open and beckons you in.
[[Step inside.->ConstructsPeaceful]]](else:)[<span id="doorman"><u>DOORMAN</u>
"Is that your best guess? It's none too good."</span>
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"Hmm... perhaps there's something we missed. Something somewhere in the village that could give us the word we need."</span>
<input type="text" data-varname="EventidePassword">
<span id="dialogue">Input the password in lower-case letters.</span>
(link-goto: "«Submit the password.»", "EventidePassword")
(if: $aurora >= 6)[ [[Ask Aurora for help. (⭐ RIDE-OR-DIE WITH AURORA)]]](else:)[<span id="locked"><s>Ask Aurora for help.</s> ( 🔒 FRIENDLY WITH AURORA)</span>](if: $fordisalive is true)[
(if: $ford >= 6)[ [[Ask Ford for help. (⭐ RIDE-OR-DIE WITH FORD)]]](else:)[<span id="locked"><s>Ask Ford for help.</s> ( 🔒 FRIENDLY WITH FORD)</span>]]
[["I'll come back when I know the password." (leave)->AlleyNortheast]]]<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"The clue was 'a thing which doesn't mean nothing less we all agree it does'. There's only one thing I can think of in this whole world like that. Money. A grand collective delusion. It must be some word that has something to do with money. (if: $pellaxclue is 1)[Remember what Madame Pellax said to us? 'Banknote'. The password must be 'banknote'.](else-if: $pellaxhornmessage is 1)[Remember what that message stuffed into the horn said? 'Banknote'. The password must be 'banknote'.](else:)[I'm sorry I can't be much more help than that.]</span>
<input type="text" data-varname="EventidePassword">
<span id="dialogue">Input the password in lower-case letters.</span>
(link-goto: "«Submit the password.»", "EventidePassword")
(if: $fordisalive is true)[(if: $ford >= 6)[ [[Ask Ford for help. (⭐ RIDE-OR-DIE WITH FORD)]]](else:)[<span id="locked"><s>Ask Ford for help.</s> ( 🔒 FRIENDLY WITH FORD)</span>]
][["I'll come back when I know the password." (leave)->AlleyNortheast]]<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"A thing that doesn't mean nothing less we all agree on it. He's gotta be talkin' about money. But not coin, I'd guess. Metal has *some* value beyond our saying so. (if: $pellaxclue is 1)[Remember what that dame in Her Majesty's said to us? 'Banknote'. That seems to fit the bill, pardon my pun.](else-if: $pellaxhornmessage is 1)[Remember that message you found stuffed into that horn? 'Banknote'. Password's gotta be 'banknote'.](else:)[Can't think of anything else. Sorry.]"</span>
<input type="text" data-varname="EventidePassword">
<span id="dialogue">Input the password in lower-case letters.</span>
(link-goto: "«Submit the password.»", "EventidePassword")
(if: $aurora >= 6)[ [[Ask Aurora for help. (⭐ RIDE-OR-DIE WITH AURORA)]]](else:)[<span id="locked"><s>Ask Aurora for help.</s> ( 🔒 FRIENDLY WITH AURORA)</span>]
[["I'll come back when I know the password." (leave)->AlleyNortheast]]<span id="trench"><u>MAN IN TRENCHCOAT AND GAS MASK</u>
"(if: $alleyfirsttime is 2)[Meet me in the alley whenever you're ready!](else:)[(either: "Do you have it in you to spot me some coin?", "Can you find it in your soul to spare a bit of your good fortune?", "Please, if you would. Some coin?")]"</span>
He shakes the helmet at you.
(if: $alleyfirsttime is 1)[
[["We need some help navigating the alleys."]]]
(if: $gold >= 1)[ [["Here you go." (⭐ 1 GOLD)]]](else:)[<span id="locked"><s>"Here you go."</s> (🔒 1 GOLD)</span>]
[["I don't have anything to spare. Sorry!"->AlleyEntrance]]<span id="trench"><u>MAN IN TRENCHCOAT AND GAS MASK</u>
"You're too kind."</span>
(set: $trenchgold to 1)
[["Spend it wisely." (exit conversation)->AlleyEntrance]]
[["Spend it however you'd like." (exit conversation)->AlleyEntrance]]<span id="trench"><u>MAN IN TRENCHCOAT AND GAS MASK</u>
"No one knows those alleys better than I. I offer tours that start here and end at Barn Owl Books and Stationary on the far side. (if: $trenchgold is 1)[Now, normally I charge ten pieces of gold for a tour. But you offered me a kindness of gold with no expectation of reward last time we spoke. For you, it's free of charge.](else:)[It's ten pieces of gold for the tour. You good for it?]"</span>
(if: $trenchgold is 1)[ [["I'll take the tour!"]]
[["Let me think about it." (exit conversation)->AlleyEntrance]]](else:)[(if: $gold >= 10)[ [["That's quite reasonable, here you go." (⭐ 10 GOLD)->"That's highway robbery, but here you go." (⭐ 10 GOLD)]]](else:)[<span id="locked"><s>"That's quite reasonable, here you go."</s> (🔒 10 GOLD)</span>]
(if: $gold >= 10)[ [["That's highway robbery, but here you go." (⭐ 10 GOLD)]]](else:)[<span id="locked"><s>"That's highway robbery, but here you go."</s> (🔒 10 GOLD)</span>]
[["I need to think about this." (exit conversation)->AlleyEntrance]]]<span id="trench"><u>MAN IN TRENCHCOAT AND GAS MASK</u>
"You won't regret it. Meet me in the alley when you're ready."</span>
(set: $alleyfirsttime to 2)(set: $gold to $gold + 5)
<span id="dialogue">You've completed a quest: MEET YOU IN THE MAZE
You earned 5 Gold.</span>
[["Will do." (exit conversation)->AlleyEntrance]]<span id="trench"><u>MAN IN TRENCHCOAT AND GAS MASK</u>
"You won't regret it. Meet me in the alley when you're ready."</span>
(set: $alleyfirsttime to 2)(set: $gold to $gold - 5)
<span id="dialogue">You've completed a quest: MEET YOU IN THE MAZE
You earned 5 gold.
You lost 10 gold.
(Win some, lose some.)</span>
[["Will do." (exit conversation)->AlleyEntrance]]You stop in your tracks. From the shadows, you hear giggling. A group of (either:"children", "youngsters","teenagers","kids") emerge. (either: "A dozen of them", "Two dozen of them", "A half dozen of them", "Four or five of them", "Three or four of them"), at least. They wear (either:"makeshift armour cobbled together from trash cans", "dark rags stitched together into thieves garb", "ratty sheets, done up to make them look like ghosts"). They point ersatz weapons at you: bats, clubs, kitchen knives.
(set: $thieved to 1)
<span id="shura"><u>THIEF</u>
"We are (either:"the children of Shura", "Shura's children", "the legion of Shura", "Shura's offspring"). (either: "Give us your money.", "Pay your toll.", "Spill your coins... or your guts.", "Give us your money or die!")"</span>
Their threats sound pitiful in their childish voices. Several of them are (either: "limping", "bleeding", "poorly bandaged", "badly bruised"). They've obviously ambushed other travellers tonight, and it didn't go very well for them.
(if: $background is 3)[ [[Speak to them in thieves' cant. (⭐ THIEF BACKGROUND)]]](else:)[<span id="locked"><s>Speak to them in thieves' cant.</s> ( 🔒 8 THIEF BACKGROUND)</span>]
(if: $tank >= 7)[ [[Draw your sword and scare them off. (⭐ 7 TANK)]]](else:)[<span id="locked"><s>Draw your sword and scare them off.</s> ( 🔒 7 TANK)</span>]
(if: $mage >= 7)[ [[Offer to patch them up. (⭐ 7 MAGE)]]](else:)[<span id="locked"><s>Offer to patch them up.</s> ( 🔒 7 MAGE)</span>]
[["Fine. Take some gold."]]You mutter some thieves' cant to them. They look back and forth at each other, and then mutter back to you:
<span id="shura"><u>THIEVES</u>
*(in broken thieves' cant, learned from a manual but never spoken aloud until now)*
"(either:"Here.","Take this.","Here you go.","We want you to have this.")(either:"For a fellow in the life.","It's your cut of the night's earnings.", "From a thief to a thief.", "We'll pay you a toll not to thieve in our territory!")"</span>
<span id="dialogue">You got 3 gold.</span>(set: $gold to $gold + 3)
They disappear back into the shadows.(if: $fordisalive is true)[
<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"Guess that mumbo jumbo speak does come in handy sometimes, huh?"</span>]
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"I'm glad that resolved itself amicably."</span>
(display: "AlleyEncounterExit")You pull out your sword. The thieves stare at it, frozen.
<span id="shura"><u>THIEVES</u>
"*(either:"Ahh, feck!", "Shite!", "That's a real sword!", "We fucked up, lads!", "Ahh, hogshite, not again!")*"</span>
They dash off into the darkness. (if: $fordisalive is true)[
<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"Next time we should give those little bastards more than just a warning."</span>]
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"Despite myself, I must admit the looks of terror on their faces were pretty funny."</span>
(display:"AlleyEncounterExit")<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"You all look like wrecks. Come on. Let us help you, and then you can get back to thieving."</span>
The little thieves glance nervously at each other, then shuffle towards you, one after another, showing you their injuries. You and Aurora patch their wounds and they dash back off into the shadows.(if: $fordisalive is true)[
<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"Gotta admire the little buggers. They're enterprising."</span>]
(display:"AlleyEncounterExit")(if: $gold >= 3)[You hand them some coins and they vanish back into the shadows, (either:"giggling", "laughing", "chuckling", "whooping") and (either:"complimenting each other", "patting each other on the backs", "muttering about how they can't believe that worked").
<span id="dialogue">You lost 3 gold.</span>(set: $gold to $gold - 3)(if: $fordisalive is true)[
<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"Shouldn't have given those brats a single coin."</span>]
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"They're unfortunate little souls. A little kindness could turn their lives around."</span>
](else-if: $gold is 0)[They pat down your pockets and erupt into anger.
<span id="shura"><u>THIEVES</u>
"Hey! These (either:"jerks","arseholes","pishers", "gobshites") ain't got even a coin on them!"</span>
They run off into the darkness, cursing you.
](else:)[They pat down your pockets and erupt into anger.
<span id="shura"><u>THIEVES</u>
"Hey! These (either:"jerks","arseholes","pishers", "gobshites") ain't hardly got two coins to rub together! Take the last of what they got!"</span>
<span id="dialogue">You lost the last of your gold.</span>(set: $gold to 0)
They run off into the darkness, cursing you.
](display: "AlleyEncounterExit")The plaque reads...
*"For Akema's prized dragon, Vela.
Each year at the beginning of the Mahikka Ratti, the Nama Raka (chosen child) climbs the tower and blows the Karoti horn, waking Vela the dragon from her hibernation and summoning her from her cave to the south. The village honours her with a week of good food and merriment for all... including Vela herself!
The roost and the Mahikka Ratti are Akema's number one tourist attraction. Travellers journey from far and wide to see the dragon before she returns to her slumber.
The coins they spend at our taverns and shops keep Akema going through our rough winters, and make our independence from Queen Vaka possible."*
[[Step away from the plaque.]](if: $fordisalive is true)[<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"Well shit."</span>
]<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"Barnes *lied* to us. The dragon wasn't terrorizing this village. They lived in peace and prosperity with it."</span>
(set: $newfordconvo to 1)(set: $newauroraconvo to 1)<span id="dialogue">You've completed a quest: THE DRAGON RACKET
You earned 10 pieces of gold.</span>(set: $gold to $gold + 19)(set: $dragonracketquest to 2)
Aurora pushes past you to get a proper look at the plaque herself.
[[Step out of her way.]]
<span id="dialogue">+ 1 TANK</span>(set: $tank to $tank + 1)
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"Yes. We have to find Barnes and wring some answers out of him."</span>
(display: "roostdiscoveryend")<span id="dialogue">+ 1 ROGUE
Aurora disliked that.</span>(set: $rogue to $rogue + 1)(set: $aurora to $aurora - 1)
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"That's all you care about, is it?"</span>
(display: "roostdiscoveryend")<span id="dialogue">+ 1 MAGE</span>(set: $mage to $mage + 1)
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"It's even more urgent that we find Barnes and wring some answers out of him."</span>
(display: "roostdiscoveryend")(if: $dragonsolution is 1)[<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"'Vela', they called her. For hundreds of years, this village lived with her in peace without ever even knowing her true name."</span>](else:)[<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"For hundreds of years, this village lived with her in peace."</span>]
Aurora traces her fingers along the wood of the roost. She closes her eyes. Deep, deep sadness.
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"And we destroyed all that in one night."</span>
[["We've been set up. We need to find Barnes and get answers."]]
[["I don't care one way or the other as long as I get my pay."]]
[["This is impossible. There must be some mistake."]](set: $townsquarefirsttime to 1)(if: $dragonsolution is 1)[Aurora sighs, staring at the sky.
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"Perhaps she'll fly back one day. Who's to say."</span>
[["I've got a good feeling about it. She'll be back." (step away from the roost)->town square]]
[["I doubt it. But here's hoping." (step away from the roost)->town square]]](else:)[Aurora glances at the burlap sack you've been lugging around.
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"We should take great care. You've got the bleeding head of a very beloved dragon in a burlap sack on your back..."</span>
[["You're right. We better keep moving." (step away from the roost)->town square]]]<span id="rribartender"><u>ERIK</u>
"Eventide Social Club, you mean? It's a real upscale joint. Doesn't even have a sign. You'll find it down the stairs, underneath Barn Owl Books and Stationary. You gotta get through a real rough part of town to get there though. First you gotta go through Kukula Row, then the alleys. I gotta warn you, they're a bit rough at night. Anything else you need?"</span>
(set: $eventidegoal to 2)(set: $alleymazegoal to 1)<span id="dialogue">You have a new quest goal: journey through the maze of alleys to find the Eventide Social Club.</span>
(if: $health < 5)[(if: $gold >= 5)[ [["I need you to patch me up." (⭐ 5 GOLD)]]](else:)[<span id="locked"><s>"I need you to patch me up."</s> (🔒 5 GOLD)</span>] <span id="dialogue"> (RECOVER FULL HEALTH!)</span>
](if: $gold >= 10)[ [["An ale for me and Aurora, please." (⭐ 10 GOLD)]]](else:)[<span id="locked"><s>"An ale for me and Aurora, please."</s> (🔒 10 GOLD)</span>] (if: $fordisalive is true)[
(if: $gold >= 10)[ [["An ale for me and Ford, please." (⭐ 10 GOLD)]]](else:)[<span id="locked"><s>"An ale for me and Ford, please."</s> (🔒 10 GOLD)</span>]
][["Anything interesting to tell me?"->RRIInteresting]]
[["We're looking for a guy named Barnes. Ring any bells?"]]
[[Walk away.->Red Roof Inn]]<span id="hermajestysbartender"><u>BARTENDER</u>
"I take it you mean the Eventide Social Club. Only high rollers in there. You'll find it on the other side of the labyrinth of alleys beyond Kukula Row, underneath a little book and stationary shop. At this hour though, you'll probably never make it through the alleys alive. Better to just have a drink here and call it a night."</span>
(set: $eventidegoal to 2)(set: $alleymazegoal to 1)<span id="dialogue">You have a new quest goal: journey through the maze of alleys to find the Eventide Social Club.</span>
(if: $gold >= 5)[ [["I need something to give me a little courage." (⭐ 5 GOLD)]]](else:)[<span id="locked"><s>"I need something to give me a little courage."</s> (🔒 5 GOLD)</span>] <span id="dialogue"> (GAIN +1 ROGUE!)</span>(if: $gold >= 10)[ [["A martini for me and Aurora, please." (⭐ 10 GOLD)]]](else:)[<span id="locked"><s>"A martini for me and Aurora, please."</s> (🔒 10 GOLD)</span>] (if: $fordisalive is true)[
(if: $gold >= 10)[ [["A martini for me and Ford, please." (⭐ 10 GOLD)]]](else:)[<span id="locked"><s>"A martini for me and Ford, please."</s> (🔒 10 GOLD)</span>]
][["Anything interesting to tell me?"->HerMajestysInteresting]](if: $robbed is 1)[
[["One of your dancers robbed me!"]]]
[["We're looking for a fellow named Barnes. You know him?"]]
[[Walk away.->Her Majesty's]]<span id="orc"><u>BARTENDER</u>
"The damned Eventide Social Club, you mean? It's on the other side of the alleys nearby. Down the stairs, uderneath an owl sign. Word of warning. Even if you get out of the alleys alive, they water down their drinks pretty bad."</span>
(set: $eventidegoal to 2)(set: $alleymazegoal to 1)<span id="dialogue">You have a new quest goal: journey through the maze of alleys to find the Eventide Social Club.</span>
(if: $gold >= 5)[ [["Give me something to put hair on my chest." (⭐ 5 GOLD)]]](else:)[<span id="locked"><s>"Give me something that'll put hair on my chest."</s> (🔒 5 GOLD)</span>] <span id="dialogue"> (GAIN +1 TANK!)</span>
(if: $gold >= 10)[ [["A rum for me and Aurora, please." (⭐ 10 GOLD)]]](else:)[<span id="locked"><s>"A rum for me and Aurora, please."</s> (🔒 10 GOLD)</span>] (if: $fordisalive is true)[
(if: $gold >= 10)[ [["A rum for me and Ford, please." (⭐ 10 GOLD)]]](else:)[<span id="locked"><s>"A rum for me and Ford, please."</s> (🔒 10 GOLD)</span>]
][["Anything interesting to tell me?"]]
[["We're looking for a fellow named Barnes. Heard of him?"]]
[[Walk away.->The Gangrenous Stump]]A burlap sack lies behind the dive. You hear whimpering from inside.
(link:"Poke it.")[Inside, you find...
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"*Puppies.*"</span>(if: $fordisalive is true)[
<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"Aw, hell. Lookit 'em! Ever cute."</span>]
They're small and scrawny and starving and shivering, but alive. Aurora sticks her fingers in the back and they lick at them.
[[Grab up the puppies.]]
[[Back away.->Bad Side of Town]]](set: $dogquest to 3)<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"The dog must have given birth back here without anyone knowing. We should bring these back to the Red Roof Inn"</span>
<span id="dialogue">You've acquired a new item: BAG OF PUPPIES</span>
[["Let's get moving."->Bad Side of Town]]She doesn't notice it at first. Then she hears the puppies whining inside and her ears perk up. She pokes her head in and starts to fuss over her pups.
The bartender comes over, scratching his head.
<span id="rribartender"><u>ERIK</u>
"Well heck. She disappeared for a couple of days a week or so ago, but I had no idea she had puppies. Thanks, kind stranger!"</span>
(set: $newfordconvo to 1)(set: $newauroraconvo to 1)<span id="dialogue">You've lost an item: BAG OF PUPPIES
You've completed a quest: OLD DOG, NEW TRICKS
You earned 5 pieces of gold.</span>(set: $dogquest to 4)(set: $gold to $gold + 5)
[["Hold on. I'm not a dogcatcher. I want something for my trouble."]]
[["Maybe next time, keep a closer watch over your dog." (exit conversation)->Red Roof Inn]]
[["Don't mention it!" (exit conversation)->Red Roof Inn]]<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"Get a load of this guy."</span>
A tall, thin man with a thick walrus moustache, wireframe spectacles, and a bowler hat ambles toward your table. He looks completely out of place in the Hub-And-Spoke Tavern at this hour.
<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"Where do you figure he bought that hat?"</span>
[["I don't know, but he should get a refund."->BarnesApproaches]]
[["I don't know, but I want one."->BarnesApproaches]]
[["Let's see what he wants."->BarnesApproaches]]You reckon this one's as green as he looks, so you (link-reveal:"get low and rush him.")[
The full weight of your body hits him like a storm. He's caught off guard, off balance, his size works against him. He (link-reveal:"stumbles backwards...")[
...and right over a table. Bottles shatter as the whole thing goes crashing over. He just lies there.
The other patrons in the bar work up a slow, drunken applause for you.
You step over the fallen soldiers and make your way back towards [[your table.]]]]The big guy keeps quiet and makes for the door.
The other patrons in the bar work up slow, drunken applause for you.
You step over the other two, back towards [[your table.]]You sit down at your table, (if: $fightoutcome is 1)[happy to have avoided a nasty fight.](else-if: $fightoutcome is 2)[annoyed you had to debase yourself to get out of the situation.](else-if: $fightoutcome is 3)[trying to catch your breath and nursing some nasty scrapes.]
Your travelling companion (link-reveal: "Ford")[, with his face that would look boyish, maybe even a little feminine, if not for the scar marring his cheek and the days' worth of stubble on his chin, with his (link-reveal:"lean, muscular frame,")[ with that bit of a gut he's earned with all those nights spent in taverns like this one, with those strong, worn hands and thick forearms criss-crossed with tattoos, with that dark, slicked back hair, those (link-reveal:"keen, intense eyes,")[ eyes that seem just a little bit sad, like he knows a thing or two about how cruel the world can be, though he'd never let you know it gets to him,]]] returns to the table with a last round of shots.
<span id="dialogue">*(You have companions! Open up the companion section in the sidebar to keep track of your relationships with them.)*</span>(set: $tutorialcompanions to false)
A sly smile on his face, Ford tosses himself in the chair beside you. He pushes the shots towards you and raises an eyebrow like it's a dare.
[[Grab a shot.]]
[[Push it away.]]You line yourself up and move fast, backwards, towards the wall. He (link-reveal:"just")[ (link-reveal:"keeps")[ (link-reveal:"hitting")[ you.
You (link-reveal:"slam into the wall.")[ *Hard.*
He keeps hanging on, pounding you across the head. So you (link-reveal:"slam him into the wall again.")[
That does it. He lets go of you and falls off your back, right to the floor, where he curls up in a ball.
The other patrons in the bar work up a slow, drunken applause for you.
You step over the fallen soldiers and head back to [[your table.]]]]]]]You spin, grabbing on to the soldier and trying to knock him off your back. He (link-reveal:"just")[ (link-reveal:"keeps")[ (link-reveal:"hitting")[ you.
You get a good hold on his wrists and wrench him off of you. You (link-reveal:"toss him...")[
...and he goes head over heels into the wall. He slides down to the floor and lies there.
The other patrons in the bar work up a slow, drunken applause for you.
You step over the fallen soldiers and head back to [[your table.]]]]]]The soldier furrows a brow, stares at you, sizing you up.
<span id="goon"><u>SOLDIER</u>
"Do you think I'm dumb enough to fall for this kind of flattery?"</span>
[["I was hoping, but I guess not." (punch him in the throat)->Punch him in the throat.]]
[["C'mon. I spilled your beer. Let me buy you another."->"Terribly sorry for spilling your beer! May I buy you another?"]]You tighten your hold on his neck. His face turns faintly blue, and he sinks to his knees. You let him go and he falls face down on the barroom floor.
(set: $fightoutcome to 3)
(link-reveal:"You look up...")[ and see two *other* soldiers, shaking their heads at you, sneering.
*Shit.* You've started a fight with a whole damned troop of the Nagata Hatta: the queen's right hand.
The (link-reveal:"one on the right")[, a big, beefy guy with a (link-reveal:"boyish face")[, soft, looks like he's never seen a real fight before],] steps towards you.
The (link-reveal:"one on the left")[, short, wiry, (link-reveal:"squinting at you")[, his face covered in scars, an older guy],] steps sideways, keeping his eyes trained on you and his hand on his sword.
You lunge for...
[[...the one on the right.]]
[[...the one on the left.]]]The soldier (link-reveal:"stares you in the eye, unblinking.")[
<span id="goon"><u>SOLDIER</u>
"Go over to the bar and buy a round for my whole troop. The finest ale in the house, nothing less."</span>
(set: $fightoutcome to 1)
He nods towards two other soldiers standing nearby, closely watching you, hands on the hilts of their swords.
You smile, (link-reveal:"walk over to the bar...")[
...and return with a beer for each of the soldiers.
<span id="goon"><u>SOLDIER</u>
"Watch where you're walking and let's not have any more trouble, eh?"</span>
You nod and walk back towards [[your table.]]]]
(link-reveal: "Aurora")[, with her russet skin, her brown eyes veined with green, radiating kindness, her hair that spills out in spirals that reach the middle of her back, her broad nose, broad shoulders, broad smile, her strong arms and gentle hands, her pointed ears adorned with lavish jewelry,] downs a shot and gazes at you.
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"You're the talk of the tavern. *Promise* me you won't be making a habit of drawing this kind of attention. It puts me in a world of worry."</span>
[[Give her hand a reassuring squeeze. (❤️)]]
[["I appreciate you looking out for me."]]
[["I can take care of myself, Aurora."]]
[["People are talking about me? I should start trouble more often!"]]He reaches your table and doesn't say anything. Just stands there and scrutinizes.
[["Nice hat."]]
[["Nice glasses."]]
[["Nice moustache."]]
[["Something you want?"->ContinueBarnes]]Rickety wooden rungs stretch all the way up to the top of the roost. Dizzyingly high.
(link: "Grab the rungs.")[You place one trembling hand on the rungs and pull yourself up, then (link-reveal: "grab for the next.")[
Aurora follows close behind you. You hoist yourself, one rung, then another...(if: $fordisalive is true)[
<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"Careful now. I don't want to have to scrub you off the cobblestones."</span></span>
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"Would you kindly put that mouth of yours to good use by once and for all shutting it?"</span>]
You (link:"grab hold of a rung...")[(link:"it comes away from the structure")[(link:"wood's rotted")[(link:"shit")[(link-reveal:"regain your grip")[ and...
(if: $tank >= 10)[ [[summon your strength to keep climbing. (⭐ 10 TANK)->keep climbing.]]](else:)[<span id="locked"><s>summon your strength to keep climbing.</s> (🔒 10 TANK)</span>]
(if: $mage >= 10)[ [[mutter a prayer to summon the will to keep climbing. (⭐ 10 MAGE)->keep climbing.]]](else:)[<span id="locked"><s>mutter a prayer to summon the will to keep climbing.</s> (🔒 10 MAGE)</span>]
(if: $rogue >= 10)[ [[use a grip you learned from the thieves' guild to pull yourself up. (⭐ 10 ROGUE)->keep climbing.]]](else:)[<span id="locked"><s>use a grip you learned in the thieves' guild to pull yourself up.</s> (🔒 10 ROGUE)</span>]
[[climb back down.->town square]] ]]]]]]]The top of the roost is stuffed full of hay. It smells faintly like the cave. Dragon shit, you realize. A long, curved steel horn stretches out from the roost.
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"That must be it -- the horn they blow to summon the dragon for the festival."</span>
[[Blow the horn.]]
[[Look out over the village.]]
[[Root around in the hay.]]
[[Climb back down.]](if: $pellaxhornmessage is 0)[You press your lips to the horn and blow. There's no sound. Something seems to be stuffed inside. You pull your lips away and reach in, tugging out a small scroll of parchment. You undo the red lace around it and [[read...]]](else:)[You press your lips to the horn and blow. (if: $background is 2)[There's a high, awful whine.
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"Oh, that's terrible. I don't think it's in a range that humans can hear."</span>](else:)[There's no sound. But you hear Aurora cry out:
(set: $hornblown to 1)
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"Ugh, what an awful sound! You're lucky. I don't think it's in a range that humans can hear."]
[[Look out over the village.]]
[[Root around in the hay.]]
[[Climb back down.]]]The village stretches out below you. You can see to the hills beyond the city proper, where villagers have moved out and begun to establish their own small enclaves.
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"So many tiny little stories."</span>
[[Blow the horn.]]
[[Root around in the hay.]]
[[Climb back down.]]Only dragon shit.
[[Blow the horn.]]
[[Look out over the village.]]
[[Climb back down.]](goto:"town square")*"Dearest Irina,
I hope you didn't have too much trouble getting up here.
As per my last message, I believe you will make a fine addition to our stable of performers, but first you must prove yourself. We have needed more eyes on the moneyed men in this village for a while now, and where could one find a finer pair of eyes than yours?
You will need one word to get past the door of the ESC... 'banknote'.
Yours, cordially,
(a red lipstick print)"*
<span id="dialogue">You found a vital clue.</span>
(set: $pellaxhornmessage to 1)
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"How perplexing..."</span>
[[Try to blow the horn again.->Blow the horn.]]
[[Look out over the village.]]
[[Root around in the hay.]]
[[Climb back down.]]<span id="dialogue">Aurora disliked that.</span>(set: $aurora to $aurora - 1)
<span id="rribartender"><u>ERIK</u>
"Oh. Thought you were doing all this outta the kindness of your heart. Let me see what I got in the back..."</span>
Erik digs around in his stores and emerges with a small, brown, glass bottle. He pops the cork and hands it to you.
<span id="rribartender"><u>ERIK</u>
"Here you go. My own special concoction."</span>
[[Drink up.]]It tastes foul, but you feel heartier already.
<span id="dialogue">The revitalizing tonic restored you and permanently increased your max health to 7!</span>
(set: $tonic to 1)(set: $health to 7)
[["Thanks!" (exit conversation)->Red Roof Inn]]
[["Wish it tasted better." (exit conversation)->Red Roof Inn]]You (link-reveal:"swing your sword...")[
...and take the head of the construct clean off.
It doesn't seem too bothered. It just keeps marching towards you, swinging the scimitar.
(if: $shield is true)[ [[Knock it back with your shield. (⭐ SHIELD)]]](else:)[<span id="locked"><s>Knock it back with your shield.</s> ( 🔒 SHIELD)</span>]
[[Dive out of the way.]]]The constructs already look like their legs are too rickety to stand. You swing your sword at its ankles. Down it goes, scattering to pieces on the shlocky carpeting.
<span id="dialogue">Your smart strategic thinking took down one of the machines.</span>
Another clanking metal monstrosity stumbles towards you, [[raising its scimitar high...]] You hurl yourself out of the path of the scimitar. Not fast enough. It catches your shoulder, rips through your tunic. You glance down at it.
<span id="dialogue">You lost 2 health.</span>(set: $health to $health - 2)
(if: $health > 0)[Just a flesh wound. Adrenaline carries you, and you crawl away from the clanking metal monstrosity. But it doesn't let up, still chasing after you, [[raising its scimitar high...]]](else:)[A nasty wound. Blood soaking down your arm.
You stumble backwards and [[hit the ground.->DyingEnding]]]You hoist up your shield and the scimitar strikes it, sinking into its wooden surface. You grunt and push the ghastly machine backwards until it falls over and breaks apart on the floor with a clatter.
<span id="dialogue">You hung on to your shield through your entire adventure. It saved you from the mechanical construct.</span>
Another clanking metal monstrosity stumbles towards you, [[raising its scimitar high...]] You're (link-reveal:"dying.")[
(link-reveal:"No amount of gold could save you now.")[
Aurora fights a losing battle with the machines, too many of them, surrounding her.
(if: $hornblown is 1 and $dragonsolution is 1)[You hear something odd.
The whole building is [[shaking.->DragonEnding]]](else:)[She makes a mad grab at a tablecloth, sending a lantern flying.
It smashes on the ground. The chintzy decor makes fine kindling.
First, the (link-reveal:"gaudy streamers.")[
Then, the (link-reveal:"cheap wooden tables.")[
It quickly reaches the bar, and (link-reveal:"all those bottles of alcohol.")[
[[Flames, flames, flames.->YouDieEnding]]]]]]]]<span id="hooded">BARNES</u>
"The hell is that?"</span>
The wall of the Eventide is (link-reveal:"peeled away...")[
...revealing the eye of a dragon, peering inside.
<span id="dialogue">You left Majjhata alive and called to her on the Karoti horn. In your most desperate hour, she's here to save you.</span>
She (link-reveal:"rears back her head...")[
...and spews flame into the Eventide. Some of the constructs fall apart under the force of the blast. Others stumble away, melting in its heat.
The remaining patrons run screaming for the door.
Barnes tries to run, but trips over his own feet. He falls down, hits his head, his bowler hat goes rolling away from him. All his gold scatters.
Aurora grabs your hand and you [[run...]]]]In seconds, the Eventide is engulfed. The remaining patrons run screaming for the door.
Barnes tries to run, but trips over his feet. He falls down, hits his head, his bowler hat goes rolling away from him. All his gold scatters.(if: $fordisalive is true)[
Ford lies against the wall opposite, a scimitar lodged in his shoulder. He chuckles to himself and blood spills out of his mouth.
<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"(if: $fordflirted >= 1)[Hey, $YourName. I'm really sorry we'll never get to find out what might have been between you and I. Figure we probably woulda driven each other nuts, but... woulda been nice to know for sure.] I'm thinking we probably should have just taken the gold, hindsight being what it is."</span>]
Aurora crawls to your side.
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"(if: $fordisalive is true)[Where's your sense of adventure, Ford?] I promise death's nothing to be afraid of. Safe travels. I'll meet you out there on the planes. (if: $auroraflirted >= 1)[I loved you, $YourName. I really did.]"</span>
All around you, [[the Eventide burns.]]The Eventide is engulfed in flame. Majjhata perches outside the ruined wall, looking at you. Ancient wisdom behind those eyes. She
You [[hurl yourself against the iron door...->OutsidePoorEnding]](set: $ending to 3)You lean back and stare at the ceiling. (link-reveal:"Tongues of flame")[ consume the Eventide. Smoke billows, carrying (link-reveal:"embers")[ into the air, higher and higher, (link-reveal:"light as a feather")[ glittering above you, until they look like nothing so much as [[the stars in the heavens->Epilogue]] or perhaps [[gold coins, scattering everywhere...->Epilogue]]]]](if: $fordisalive is true)[Ford steps in and hacks away at the construct with his sword. It comes apart, piece after piece.
<span id="dialogue">Ford was alive to save you from the metal monstrosity!</span>
[["Ford! Thank you!"]]
[["Oh no. Now I owe you one..."->"Ford! Thank you!"]]
](else:)[You roll to the side, but the scimitar cuts a nasty gash across your back.
<span id="dialogue">You lost 2 health.</span>(set: $health to $health - 2)
(if: $health > 0)[You fight through the pain and leap to your feet. You stumble away, winded, clutching your sword.
(display: "NextFightChoice")](else:)[You struggle to get up, but [[your strength has left you entirely.->DyingEnding]]]]<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"Buy me a drink later at The Hub, okay? Just get up and keep fighting!"</span>
(display: "NextFightChoice")Barnes scoops up his gold and shuffles for the door.
A metal construct is still stumbling after you.
[[Try to grab Barnes and use him as a human shield.]]
[[Attack the machine with a flurry of swings of your sword.]]You grab Barnes and hold him in a headlock between you and the machine.
<span id="hooded"><u>BARNES</u>
"What are you doing? *Stop!*"</span>
But the mechanical construct doesn't even pause. It just keeps swinging, and sinks its scimitar right into Barnes's chest.
Barnes falls to the floor. His bowler hat goes rolling away, his gold scatters.
The machine keeps up its attack on you...
[[You throw up your hands...]]That does it. The machine is caught off guard as you hack away at it, ripping it to pieces.
Aurora knocks over the machine she's fighting and sees Barnes traipsing toward the door.
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"Hey! Stop!"</span>
She grabs a paper lantern from a nearby table and [[tosses it at him.]](if: $pellaxquest is 3)[An explosion of smoke!
The mechanical construct is *gone.*
You glance around and spot the hostess in the skirt and paneled jacket. She waves to you.
<span id="hostess"><u>HOSTESS</u>
"Madame Pellax sends her regards."</span>
She races for the door.
Aurora knocks the machine she's fighting over and it collides with a table. The paper lantern bounces and explodes, spewing fire on to the decor.
[[It makes fine kindling.]]](else:)[The scimitar cuts a nasty gash across your chest.
<span id="dialogue">You lost 2 health.</span>(set: $health to $health - 2)
(if: $health > 0)[You stumble back, winded, clutching your sword.
Aurora knocks over the machine she's fighting and turns her attention to the one assailing you.
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
She grabs a paper lantern from a nearby table and [[tosses it at the construct.]]](else:)[You collapse to the ground. [[Your strength has left you entirely.->DyingEnding]]]]It hits Barnes across the head. He drops to the ground, his bowler hat rolling away, gold coins scattering.
The lantern bounces and explodes, spewing fire on to the decor.
[[It makes fine kindling.]]First, the fire gets to the (link-reveal:"gaudy streamers.")[
Then, the (link-reveal:"cheap wooden tables.")[
It quickly reaches the bar, and (link-reveal:"all those bottles of alcohol.")[
In seconds, the Eventide is engulfed. The remaining patrons run screaming for the door.
Aurora grabs your hand and you [[run.->OutsidePoorEnding]]]]]<span id="hooded"><u>MAN IN BOWLER HAT (NOT BARNES)</u>
*((either:"staring at you, glassy eyed","staring into space","muttering to himself","as if from very far away"))*
"Good time to invest in (either:"wheat","tea","barley", "real estate","weapons","amaranth", "sweet grass", "wool", "the queen's trust", "the future of our village","tonics","metals","horses"), don't you think? (either: "You never go broke trusting the workers of Sarana!","A coin in the hand is worth naught when compared to a coin well invested.", "Prudence must be tempered with temerity.","I have a zeal for heedful acquisitions!","Tremendous opportunities all up and down the coast.")"</span>
[[Speak to another businessman.->businessmen in bowler hats]]
[[Step away.->Eventide]](if: $pellaxquest is 3)[<span id="hostess"><u>HOSTESS</u>
"It's about time. I've been expecting you all night."</span>
[[Uh... I definitely know who you are. But remind me, just to be safe."->"I have no idea who you are."]]
[["I have no idea who you are."]]
[["You've been expecting me?"->"I have no idea who you are."]]](else:)[<span id="hostess"><u>HOSTESS</u>
"Too busy to chat... sorry!"</span>
[[Step away.->Eventide]]]<span id="hostess"><u>HOSTESS</u>
"I'm one of Madame Pellax's eyes and ears. The old fools in the bar haven't the faintest. She told me you might be coming. If things get rough, just remember, those mechanical constructs *look* tough, but one sweep of their ankles and they'll fall to pieces. And as for the flesh-and-blood fellows in the bowler hats? Just wait for them to get high off those purple flowers and you can pick the coin out of their pockets while they're looking right at you."</span>
[["I hope it doesn't come to any of that." (exit conversation) ->Eventide]]
[["Thanks for the tip!" (exit conversation)->Eventide]]The construct drops to the ground, falling to pieces.
The lantern bounces and explodes, spewing fire on to the decor.
[[It makes fine kindling.]]<span id="titles">LAST CALL IN THE ALLEYS...</span>
The man in the gas mask sings quietly to himself, gets up, and wanders off, leaving behind his helmet full of coins.
The butcher in the meat stall packs up his cart and wheels it off into the night.
The children in the alley huddle around a fire for warmth, counting their spoils.(if: $devattaquest is 3)[
They startle when a man steps out of the dark, holding a ball of flame in his hand. His silver teeth glitter in the flame's light.
<span id="devatta"><u>DEVATTA</u>
"You children wouldn't, perchance, be looking for something to believe in, would you?"</span>]
Over at the [[Eventide Social Club->EventideEpilogue]]<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"Smart thinkin', $YourName. We sneak up on it..."</span>
<span id="hooded"><u>BARNES</u>
"I don't care whether it's awake or asleep when the deed is done, so long as it's done."</span>
(set: $firsttankchoice to 1)
[["Just thinking out loud. Any other details I should know about?"->"What are the rest of the details?"]]
(display:"FirstLockChoice")<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"$YourName is right. Something must be upsetting this one, if it's behaving like you say."</span>
<span id="hooded"><u>BARNES</u>
"It's hard to feel much sympathy."</span>
(set: $firstmagechoice to 1)
[["That's fair. Any other details I should know about?"->"What are the rest of the details?"]]
(display:"FirstLockChoice")<span id="hooded"><u>BARNES</u>
"Good question. I appreciate that you're thinking big picture. It's for discretion's sake. I'm paying you out of the village treasury... and it's not strictly been approved by village council. Of course, I can find someone else to do this or pay you less, if it would ease your mind."</span>
(set: $firstroguechoice to 1)
[["Uh, no, that's okay! Any other details I should know about?"->"What are the rest of the details?"]]
(display:"FirstLockChoice")(if: $firsttankchoice is 0)[(if: $tank >= 1)[ [["Dragons are tough, but they're sound sleepers." (⭐ 1 TANK)]]](else:)[<span id="locked"><s>"Dragons are tough, but they're sound sleepers."</s> ( 🔒 1 TANK)</span>]
](if: $firstmagechoice is 0)[(if: $mage >= 1)[ [["Dragons are usually quite peaceful. This is odd." (⭐ 1 MAGE)]]](else:)[<span id="locked"><s>"Dragons are usually quite peaceful. This is odd."</s> ( 🔒 1 MAGE)</span>]
](if: $firstroguechoice is 0)[(if: $rogue >= 1)[ [["Akema's far away. Why hire us for this? Why so much gold?" (⭐ 1 ROGUE)]]](else:)[<span id="locked"><s>"Akema's far away. Why hire us for this? Why so much gold?"</s> ( 🔒 1 ROGUE)</span>]]A folded piece of parchment tumbles out. It's charred in places, hard to read, but clearly a love letter:
*"Dearest (*too charred to read*),
I will never forget our one passionate night. You changed my life... and I hope I changed yours. Your heart is abundant. Akema cannot contain it. It is strangling you. Run away with me, (*too charred to read*). I'll be waiting for you outside (*too charred to read*).
Yours, always, with a passion undying, and the hope that one day we will make love again,
- Duallo"*
The letter is written on Red Roof Inn stationary. That must be an inn in Akema.
[[Take the letter and try to deliver it. (accept quest)]]
[[Leave it behind.->Enter the dragon's cave.]]You tuck the letter into your pocket. You know you agreed not to stop off anywhere in Akema, but you'll have to stop off at the Red Roof Inn and see if they know who this might have been intended for.
<span id="dialogue">You've received a new quest: LAST LOVE LETTER
+ 5 Gold
* Ask around at the Red Roof Inn.
* Deliver the letter.
</span>(set: $chattyswordquest to 1)(set: $talkingsword to true)(set: $redroofinngoal to 1)
[[Step away from the dead adventurer.->Enter the dragon's cave.]]She (either:"pauses","stares off","stretches", "frowns") and (either:"hums a little tune to herself.","sighs.", "yawns.")
<span id="anicca"><u>ANICCA</u>
"(if: $chattyswordquest is 2)[I've decided. I can't take a minute more of this. I'm leaving tonight.](else-if: $chattyswordquest is 3)[I need to remember what drew me to this life in the first place. Running an inn's not so bad. You get to meet so many people without ever having to step past your front door.](else:)[(either: "Adventurers come, adventurers go. But I'm always here... sweeping up while my sweet Erik counts the till.", "Do you suppose Erik will ever take me on a trip? Perhaps somewhere dangerous?", "My back's sore from being bent over sweeping all day. I'll have to get Erik to pop it into place later.", "Anicca do this. Anicca do that. Never matters what Anicca wants, does it?", "I love meeting adventurers. It's a lovely escape from the drudgery.")]"</span>
(if: $redroofinngoal is 1)[ [["Do you know who might have written this letter?"]]
](if: $redroofinngoal is 3)[ [["A girl at Her Majesty's told me she saw you with Duallo the night before he left the village."]]
][[Step away.->Red Roof Inn]]It reads:
(either: "It ain't home, but it'll do 'til you git there!", "It ain't heaven, but it's 'bout as close as you can get without dying!", "The softest beds this side of a moat.", "About as much luxury as you can get without marrying into royalty.")*"
[[Step away.->Red Roof Inn]]She reads the letter, furrowing her brow.
<span id="anicca"><u>ANICCA</u>
"Oh. I recognise the signature. This man, Duallo... he stopped in with us a few weeks ago. What happened to him? Where did you find this letter?"</span>
(set: $redroofinngoal to 2)
[["Let's just say he didn't make a very pretty corpse."]]
[["I'm afraid he passed away."]]
[["I'd rather not say."]]<span id="anicca"><u>ANICCA</u>
"I... I couldn't say. Handsome fella like that... who knows. Probably one of the girls at Her Majesty's, the dancers? That's all I've got to share, I'm afraid."</span>
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"The words in the letter are strung together so beautifully. He must have written them for someone very special."</span>
(set: $redroofinngoal to 2)
<span id="dialogue">You have a new quest goal: talk to a dancer at Her Majesty's</span>
[["Thanks. Much appreciated." (exit conversation)->Red Roof Inn]]
[["It's not much, but I'll make do." (exit conversation) ->Red Roof Inn]]Anicca stares.
[["Well? Did you or didn't you?"->ConfrontAnicca]]
[["You can be honest with me, Anicca."->ConfrontAnicca]]
[["Guess if you won't tell me anything, I'll just have to ask Erik--"]]Anicca frowns and grips her broom a little tighter.
<span id="anicca"><u>ANICCA</u>
"Gods. Do you have to put it so rough? He seemed like a nice man."</span>
(display: "FollowUps")Anicca frowns.
<span id="anicca"><u>ANICCA</u>
"That's a shame. He seemed like a very nice man."</span>
(display: "FollowUps")<span id="anicca"><u>ANICCA</u>
"I hope nothing bad happened. He seemed like a very nice man."</span>
(display: "FollowUps")[["Did you see him with anyone?"]]
[["Any idea who this letter could be for?"->"Did you see him with anyone?"]]
[["So who's the lucky girl?"->"Did you see him with anyone?"]]<span id="dancer"><u>DANCER</u>
"Something I can do for you, love?"</span>
[["I'm trying to figure out who this letter was for. Any ideas?"]]
[["Do you know a guy named Duallo?"]]<span id="dancer"><u>DANCER</u>
*(reading over the letter)*
"Sounds like he's got it bad for this... whoever she was. Oh, Duallo! I remember a Duallo. Stopped in here a few weeks ago."</span>
[["Did he shack up carnally with anybody that night?"]]
[["Did he make any deep spiritual connections that night?"->"Did he shack up carnally with anybody that night?"]]<span id="dancer"><u>DANCER</u>
"Duallo... I remember a Duallo. Stopped in here a few weeks ago."</span>
[["Did he shack up carnally with anybody that night?"]]
[["Did he make any deep spiritual connections that night?"->"Did he shack up carnally with anybody that night?"]]<span id="dancer"><u>DANCER</u>
"I don't know about *that*... but he was getting pretty drunk with that lady who runs the Red Roof Inn. They were real cuddly in the corner. Anicca, I think her name is."</span>
[["Anicca?! She lied to me!"]]
[["Anicca... I knew she wasn't telling me something."->"Anicca?! She lied to me!"]]<span id="dancer"><u>DANCER</u>
"I was a little surprised myself. She's married to the town sawbones, Erik. And she wasn't exactly keeping to her marital vows with Duallo in that corner, if you know what I mean..."</span>(if: $fordisalive is true)[
<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"That sweet old lady at the inn got her jollies rogered by the dead guy in the cave? Now this is starting to get interesting!"</span>]
<span id="dialogue">You've received a new quest goal: return to the Red Roof Inn and confront Anicca.</span>(set: $redroofinngoal to 3)
[["I'll talk to Anicca." (exit conversation)->Her Majesty's]]
[["I'm going to get to the bottom of this." (exit conversation)->Her Majesty's]]
[["I can't spend all night on this soap opera!" (exit conversation)->Her Majesty's]]Anicca narrows her eyes.
<span id="anicca"><u>ANICCA</u>
"It meant nothing. It was one night."</span>
[["Seemed like it meant something to Duallo."]]
[["Does your husband Erik know about this 'nothing'?"]]
[["It's okay, Anicca. You don't need to hide the truth anymore."]]<span id="anicca"><u>ANICCA</u>
(display: "ConfrontAnicca")<span id="anicca"><u>ANICCA</u>
"I've lived these past few weeks thinking it didn't, when he never came back. When I never heard from him."</span>
[["Take the note. It's rightfully yours."]]
[["Maybe it's better if we just burn the note and forget it."]]<span id="anicca"><u>ANICCA</u>
"Of course he doesn't. It would break his heart. What happened that night was a mistake. A *wonderful* mistake, but a mistake."</span>
[["Take the note. It's rightfully yours."]]
[["Maybe it's better if we just burn the note and forget it."]]<span id="anicca"><u>ANICCA</u>
"It's funny. When you showed up asking about him... I was almost excited to get caught. The secret's been eating me up inside."</span>
[["Take the note. It's rightfully yours."]]
[["Maybe it's better if we just burn the note and forget it."]]She takes the note with a trembling hand and stuffs it into her boustiere, close to her heart.
(display:"What now?")<span id="anicca"><u>ANICCA</u>
She snatches it out of your hands and stuffs it into her bustiere, close to her heart.
(display:"What now?")He (either: "furrows his brow.", "grins broadly.", "raises an eyebrow.")
<span id="rribartender"><u>ERIK</u>
"(either: "Ha! That's a good one.", "That's a strange joke, fellow.", "Don't appreciate it too much, you telling stories like that.")"</span>
(if: $eventidegoal is 1)[ [["Do you know where I can find the Eventide Tavern?"]]
](if: $health < 5)[(if: $gold >= 5)[ [["I need you to patch me up." (⭐ 5 GOLD)]]](else:)[<span id="locked"><s>"I need you to patch me up."</s> (🔒 5 GOLD)</span>] <span id="dialogue"> (RECOVER FULL HEALTH!)</span>
](if: $gold >= 10)[ [["An ale for me and Aurora, please." (⭐ 10 GOLD)]]](else:)[<span id="locked"><s>"An ale for me and Aurora, please."</s> (🔒 10 GOLD)</span>] (if: $fordisalive is true)[
(if: $gold >= 10)[ [["An ale for me and Ford, please." (⭐ 10 GOLD)]]](else:)[<span id="locked"><s>"An ale for me and Ford, please."</s> (🔒 10 GOLD)</span>]
][["Anything interesting to tell me?"->RRIInteresting]]
[["We're looking for a guy named Barnes. Ring any bells?"]]
[[Walk away.->Red Roof Inn]]<span id="anicca"><u>ANICCA</u>
"What am I supposed to do now? Erik is kind to me. He's a good man. But how can I ever be satisfied with this when I know now that what I had with Duallo was real?"</span>
[["Duallo gave you a rare gift. He fulfilled something deep inside of you."->"You barely knew Duallo. It probably felt nice, but who knows if it was real."]]
[["You barely knew Duallo. It probably felt nice, but who knows if it was real."]]<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"It's possible what you felt had nothing to do with Duallo at all, but more with the excitement, the danger, the adventure, the possibility."</span>
<span id="anicca"><u>ANICCA</u>
"You're right. I'm so *deathly* bored here, sweeping up the floors. It's torture for me, watching the adventurers coming and going. Erik, bless his soul, is just so *content*. But we've taken good care of each other, he and I. In sickness and in health. We've really built something here. Wouldn't it be a shame to wreck all that?"</span>
[["You'll never be satisfied here. Leave him. See what the world has to offer."]]
[["Stay. You've built a beautiful life. Why destroy it over a passing feeling?"]]<span id="anicca"><u>ANICCA</u>
"Easier said, I'm afraid. I'll think about what you've said. Thank you for bringing Duallo's letter to me."</span>
(set: $newfordconvo to 1)(set: $newauroraconvo to 1)<span id="dialogue">You've completed a quest: LAST LOVE LETTER
You earned 5 gold.</span>(set: $chattyswordquest to 2)(set: $redroofinngoal to 4)(set: $gold to $gold + 5)
[["No problem. You owe it to yourself to leave, Anicca." (exit conversation)->Red Roof Inn]]
[["Don't mention it." (exit conversation)->Red Roof Inn]]<span id="anicca"><u>ANICCA</u>
"You're probably right. There's no reason I can't be more... adventurous... right here in the inn, in my life, with Erik, right? Thank you."</span>
(set: $newfordconvo to 1)(set: $newauroraconvo to 1)<span id="dialogue">You've completed a quest: LAST LOVE LETTER
You earned 5 gold.</span>(set: $chattyswordquest to 3)(set: $redroofinngoal to 4)(set: $gold to $gold + 5)
[["I bet Erik will love seeing your adventurous side!" (exit conversation)->Red Roof Inn]]
[["Don't mention it." (exit conversation)->Red Roof Inn]]<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"Honestly, $YourName, we've spent (if: $background is 2)[nearly our entire lives](else:)[almost two years] together now and you still haven't figured out that a good martini is my mortal weakness?"</span>
[[Ask another question.->Aurora]]
(if: $location is 1)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->GoodSideOfTown]]](else-if: $location is 2)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->town square]]](else-if: $location is 3)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->Bad Side of Town]]]<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"Part of me hopes she goes somewhere where people can get close enough to admire her scales."</span>
(set: $auroradragonconvo to 1)
[["Getting that close to a dragon is dangerous."]]
[["It would be a shame if folks never got to see them shine."]]
[["I get your angle - truthfully I hope she finds somewhere she'll be left alone."]]<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"How do I *feel*? Like we'll never be rid of the stain of it. Like a light has gone out of the world, and we're the ones who snuffed it."</span>
(set: $auroradragonconvo to 1)
[["I feel the same. I keep thinking about the sound it made..."]]
[["I get you're upset, but you have to get over this."]]
[["I don't know how I feel."]]<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"Sometimes I feel like there's a cruelty to this world, where everything that's born has to die and there's a good lot of pain you've got to go through before you even get that dignity. I worry I'm the only one who can see it. It's good to know I'm not alone."</span>
(set: $aurora to $aurora + 1)<span id="dialogue">Aurora liked that.</span id>
[["That's one thing you'll never be." (ask another question)->Aurora]]
(if: $location is 1)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->GoodSideOfTown]]](else-if: $location is 2)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->town square]]](else-if: $location is 3)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->Bad Side of Town]]]<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"Fine. You're right. Guess I'll just dull myself with drink."</span>
<span id="dialogue">Aurora disliked that.
+ 1 TANK</span>(set: $aurora to $aurora - 1)(set: $tank to $tank + 1)
[["There's no harm in it." (ask another question)->Aurora]]
(if: $location is 1)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->GoodSideOfTown]]](else-if: $location is 2)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->town square]]](else-if: $location is 3)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->Bad Side of Town]]]<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"Sometimes it seems like you haven't decided who you wish to be yet. You should be careful. The world has a way of deciding for you before you've even noticed it's happened."</span>
[["Er, yeah, I guess so." (ask another question)->Aurora]]
(if: $location is 1)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->GoodSideOfTown]]](else-if: $location is 2)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->town square]]](else-if: $location is 3)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->Bad Side of Town]]]<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"If you've got no malice for the dragon in your heart, you'll have no trouble with it. You saw it. All they want's to be respected."</span>
<span id="dialogue">Aurora disliked that.</span>(set: $aurora to $aurora - 1)
[["If you say so." (ask another question)->Aurora]]
(if: $location is 1)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->GoodSideOfTown]]](else-if: $location is 2)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->town square]]](else-if: $location is 3)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->Bad Side of Town]]]<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"Of course, there's a selfishness to my wish. That people should get to enjoy her when they've caused her such pain."</span>
[["Another thing..." (ask another question)->Aurora]]
(if: $location is 1)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->GoodSideOfTown]]](else-if: $location is 2)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->town square]]](else-if: $location is 3)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->Bad Side of Town]]]<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"I hate that it's so hard for beautiful things to thrive in this world. But you're right, of course. If she's too near to people, I fear they'd just bother her again and it would turn ugly."</span>
(set: $aurora to $aurora + 1)<span id="dialogue">Aurora liked that.</span>
[["Another thing..." (ask another question)->Aurora]]
(if: $location is 1)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->GoodSideOfTown]]](else-if: $location is 2)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->town square]]](else-if: $location is 3)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->Bad Side of Town]]]Aurora blinks and cocks her long, curved ear towards you like she's not sure she heard right.
[["I know this is probably coming as a surprise. But I just, I had to say it--"->AuroraAdmits]]
[["Oh gods. Pretend I didn't say anything. This was stupid. I never shoulda--"->AuroraAdmits]]<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"If I'm honest? No. I'd like to believe people can change, but..."</span>
(set: $auroraaniccaconvo to 1)
[["People have essential natures and they don't change much."]]
[["People can change, but only if things get really bad first."]]
[["People can surprise you. You never know."]]<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"My mother used to say that what you get out of something is the same as what you put in. Of course, she was talking about the tubers in her garden, but I don't see why it can't apply just the same to a marriage."</span>
(set: $auroraaniccaconvo to 1)
[["Another thing..." (ask another question)->Aurora]]
(if: $location is 1)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->GoodSideOfTown]]](else-if: $location is 2)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->town square]]](else-if: $location is 3)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->Bad Side of Town]]]<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"I have to respect her for forging a path in this world that lets her live outside the grip of the queen... but I don't like her methods one bit. She's thieving from people in that club. Picking their pockets while she smiles and pretends to give them a show."</span>
(set: $aurorapellaxconvo to 1)
[["You have to do whatever it takes to survive in this world."]]
[["I'm conflicted too. She certainly seems to be doing well for herself."]]
[["She makes a good example of what not to let this world turn you into."]]<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"It's the safe bet. The orc empire are a proud people. They'll be happy to get it back. Whatever Amati's angle, he certainly seemed content with this outcome."</span>
(set: $auroraamatiquest to 1)
[["Another thing..." (ask another question)->Aurora]]
(if: $location is 1)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->GoodSideOfTown]]](else-if: $location is 2)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->town square]]](else-if: $location is 3)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->Bad Side of Town]]]<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"Ugh. Something's gone foul in your soul, hasn't it? Fouler than any finger in that bucket had gone, that's for sure."</span>
(set: $auroraamatiquest to 1)
<span id="dialogue">Aurora disliked that.</span>(set: $aurora to $aurora - 2)
[["Another thing..." (ask another question)->Aurora]]
(if: $location is 1)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->GoodSideOfTown]]](else-if: $location is 2)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->town square]]](else-if: $location is 3)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->Bad Side of Town]]]<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"I suppose we'll never know for sure. I don't want to think it was all a lie, a scam. I desperately want to believe the best about a stranger's heart."</span>
(set: $auroraamatiquest to 1)
[["What's the harm in trusting other people's intentions?"]]
[["A lot of folks will pull the wool over your eyes if you assume the best of them."]]<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"I'm torn. If he wasn't cut out for the spiritual life, perhaps it was a kindness that you helped him realize that."</span>
(set: $auroramonkconvo to 1)
[["You sound like you're speaking from experience."]]
[["Got it. Harass more monks. Writing that down."]]<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"Truthfully? No. He will probably only last a few more years. But there is beauty in even the attempt."</span>
(set: $auroramonkconvo to 1)
[["You speak like someone who knows what living by a vow is worth."->"You sound like you're speaking from experience."]]
[["That's dumb. If you're not going to make it to enlightenment, you may as well enjoy a drink."]]<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"We're being hoodwinked, it's clear. And there's one thing sure to be at the root of it. Money."</span>
(set: $auroraracketconvo to 1)
[["Money. It's freedom from want."]]
[["Money. It's the root of all evil."]]
[["I'm not passing judgment on Barnes just yet."]]<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
*(interrupting you, blurting it out)*
"I have been absolutely madly in love with you since (if: $background is 2)[we were both 12 years old.](else-if: $background is 1)[the day we stumbled upon each other in the woods outside Farhaven.](else-if: $background is 3)[the day I first spotted you stealing those coins out of Ford's pocket in the Hub-And-Spoke.]"</span>
[["You made it pretty obvious."->AuroraObvious]]
[["Wow. This is a surprise, Aurora."->AuroraObvious]]
[["I've always wondered. Just never had the guts to find out."->AuroraObvious]]<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"I didn't exactly hide my feelings well..."</span>
She steps closer to you, places a trembling hand on yours.(if: $fordisalive is true)[ She glances at Ford to make sure he isn't listening in, then gives your hand a squeeze. She sighs and pulls away.](else:)[ She gives it a squeeze, then sighs and pulls away.]
(set: $auroraflirted to 1)
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"We shouldn't rush into anything. I need time to process all this."</span>
<span id="dialogue">You've begun to forge a romance with Aurora.</span>
(if: $location is 1)[ [["Take all the time you need. You know where to find me." (exit conversation)->GoodSideOfTown]]
[["We've already waited so long to tell each other how we feel. What's a little longer?" (exit conversation)->GoodSideOfTown]]](else-if: $location is 2)[ [["Take all the time you need. You know where to find me." (exit conversation)->town square]]
[["We've already waited so long to tell each other how we feel. What's a little longer?" (exit conversation)->town square]]](else-if: $location is 3)[ [["Take all the time you need. You know where to find me." (exit conversation)->Bad Side of Town]]
[["We've already waited so long to tell each other how we feel. What's a little longer?" (exit conversation)->Bad Side of Town]]]<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"You know... I'm happy to have people around to remind me of that. I forget it too easily and I've been hurt before. Thank you."</span>
<span id="dialogue">Aurora liked that.
+ 1 ROGUE</span>(set: $aurora to $aurora + 1)(set: $rogue to $rogue + 1)
[["Another thing..." (ask another question)->Aurora]]
(if: $location is 1)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->GoodSideOfTown]]](else-if: $location is 2)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->town square]]](else-if: $location is 3)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->Bad Side of Town]]]<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"I've been hurt too many times to pretend other there aren't malevolent forces out there just itching to take advantage of a kind hurt. There's an ugliness in some people, even if I'd like to look away and pretend there isn't."</span>
[["Another thing..." (ask another question)->Aurora]]
(if: $location is 1)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->GoodSideOfTown]]](else-if: $location is 2)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->town square]]](else-if: $location is 3)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->Bad Side of Town]]]<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"If that's all life is to you, mere survival, it makes you lower than a good lot of common animals. There are worse things to lose than your life."</span>
<span id="dialogue">Aurora disliked that.
+ 1 TANK</span>(set: $aurora to $aurora - 1)(set: $tank to $tank + 1)
[["Another thing..." (ask another question)->Aurora]]
(if: $location is 1)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->GoodSideOfTown]]](else-if: $location is 2)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->town square]]](else-if: $location is 3)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->Bad Side of Town]]]<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"She's a good reminder of how tempting it can be to let yourself go astray."</span>
<span id="dialogue">+ 1 ROGUE</span>(set: $rogue to $rogue + 1)
[["Another thing..." (ask another question)->Aurora]]
(if: $location is 1)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->GoodSideOfTown]]](else-if: $location is 2)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->town square]]](else-if: $location is 3)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->Bad Side of Town]]]Aurora beams at you.
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"I love when you're the idealistic one. It's so rare."</span>
<span id="dialogue">Aurora liked that.
+ 1 MAGE</span>(set: $aurora to $aurora + 1)(set: $mage to $mage + 1)
[["Another thing..." (ask another question)->Aurora]]
(if: $location is 1)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->GoodSideOfTown]]](else-if: $location is 2)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->town square]]](else-if: $location is 3)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->Bad Side of Town]]]<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"I don't know if I'd go *that* far, but people certainly get set in their ways. I didn't see much chance of a lady like Anicca picking up a sword and delving dungeons any time soon."</span>
[["Another thing..." (ask another question)->Aurora]]
(if: $location is 1)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->GoodSideOfTown]]](else-if: $location is 2)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->town square]]](else-if: $location is 3)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->Bad Side of Town]]]
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"I'm afraid you're a fine observer of the human condition. Anicca seems too comfortable to really change. And perhaps that's for the best."</span>
<span id="dialogue">Aurora liked that.</span>(set: $aurora to $aurora + 1)
[["Another thing..." (ask another question)->Aurora]]
(if: $location is 1)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->GoodSideOfTown]]](else-if: $location is 2)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->town square]]](else-if: $location is 3)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->Bad Side of Town]]]<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"Yes... though not usually for the better in my experience, I'm afraid."</span>
[["Another thing..." (ask another question)->Aurora]]
(if: $location is 1)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->GoodSideOfTown]]](else-if: $location is 2)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->town square]]](else-if: $location is 3)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->Bad Side of Town]]]She crosses her arms and looks at the cobblestones.
<span id="aurora"<u>AURORA</u>
No. 'spose we didn't."</span>
[["Maybe this is all this should ever be. A thing we keep in our hearts, unrequited."]]
[["We owe it to ourselves to give this a try, Aurora." (❤️)]]She frowns and knits her brow and , like she's steeling her heart against what you've just said.
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"You're right. This would just complicate everything. We shouldn't hunt where we roost."</span>
(if: $location is 1)[ [["It's better this way..." (exit conversation)->GoodSideOfTown]]](else-if: $location is 2)[ [["It's better this way..." (exit conversation)->town square]]](else-if: $location is 3)[ [["It's better this way..." (exit conversation)->Bad Side of Town]]]Aurora glances around to make sure (if: $fordisalive is true)[Ford isn't](else:)[no one is] looking and pulls you into the doorway of a nearby shop. She grins, drunk on the night, drunk on the risk, drunk on whatever this is between you.
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"So kiss me. Kiss me like we've already lost too much time and we need to make up for it."</span>
[[Slow, passionate.]]
[[Heated, intense.]]
[["Not yet."]]
[["I don't think physical stuff is how I show my love."]]You press your lips to hers and run your fingers through her hair and you are lost, hopelessly lost in her, in this stupid night, in the moment, in the copper light of the new moon shining on her skin.
She pulls away and rests her forehead against yours and whispers in your ear:
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"(if: $fordisalive is true)[We have to stop before Ford gets suspicious. We'd never hear the end of it.](else:)[We've got business to attend to.] But let's do that again soon."</span>
<span id="dialogue">Your relationship with Aurora grew deeper.
Things got physical between you and Aurora.</span>(set: $auroraflirted to 3)
(if: $location is 1)[ [[Linger just a moment before you step away. (exit conversation)->GoodSideOfTown]]](else-if: $location is 2)[ [[Linger just a moment before you step away. (exit conversation)->town square]]](else-if: $location is 3)[ [[Linger just a moment before you step away. (exit conversation)->Bad Side of Town]]]You press her back against the door of the shop and kiss her, frantic, fumbling at first, as she bites your lip and holds your body like she fears a storm will rip you away. You feel the door of the shop rattle as you push her up against it harder, kissing along her jawline, her neck, feeling her fingers on your back. She gasps gently in your ear and pulls away to look you in the eye and be sure that this is it, this is what you really want.
You hear something from the street. (if: $fordisalive is true)[Ford, calling out for you.](else:)[Some drunk, hollering for his friends.]
The spell is broken. Aurora rests her forehead against yours and whispers in your ear:
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"(if: $fordisalive is true)[We have to stop before Ford gets suspicious. We'd never hear the end of it.](else:)[We've got business to attend to.] But let's do that again soon."</span>
<span id="dialogue">Your relationship with Aurora grew deeper.
Things got physical between you and Aurora.</span>(set: $auroraflirted to 3)
(if: $location is 1)[ [[Linger just a moment before you step away. (exit conversation)->GoodSideOfTown]]](else-if: $location is 2)[ [[Linger just a moment before you step away. (exit conversation)->town square]]](else-if: $location is 3)[ [[Linger just a moment before you step away. (exit conversation)->Bad Side of Town]]]<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"We've waited so long already. I'd never dream of pushing you to do something you're not ready for. But when you are ready... come talk to me."</span>
<span id="dialogue">Your relationship with Aurora grew deeper.
Things haven't gotten physical between you and Aurora... yet.</span>(set: $auroraflirted to 3)<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"That's nothing to feel ashamed about. Love goes deeper than touch."</span>
She places a hand on her heart.
(set: $auroraflirted to 2)
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"And if that's how our love is going to be... then that's how it will be."</span>
<span id="dialogue">Your relationship with Aurora grew deeper.
You decided you weren't interested in a physical relationship with Aurora.</span>
[["Another thing..." (ask another question)->Aurora]]
(if: $location is 1)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->GoodSideOfTown]]](else-if: $location is 2)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->town square]]](else-if: $location is 3)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->Bad Side of Town]]]<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"Then do it."</span>
[[Kiss her.]]
[["Sometimes it's fun to just want things for a while..."]]<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"That's a funny thing to thank me for. I don't know how to be anyone else. But you're welcome. And I appreciate you for being you."</span>
[["Another thing..." (ask another question)->Aurora]]
(if: $location is 1)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->GoodSideOfTown]]](else-if: $location is 2)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->town square]]](else-if: $location is 3)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->Bad Side of Town]]]You (either:"lean in", "pull her close", "draw close", "are startled when she takes the lead, pinning you up against the wall of a nearby shop. You smile","take her hand") and (either: "gently","roughly", "passionately", "finally, with abandon, you") (either: "press your lips against hers", "kiss her"). Her lips (either:"taste sweet as cascara cherries.", "are soft as the moonlight.","tremble slightly as you pull away.")
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"(either:"I'm glad we found each other, $YourName.","I promise not to leave your side, no matter how dire this night gets.","If this is our last night on this plane, it will have been worth it for that kiss.")"</span>
[["Another thing..." (ask another question)->Aurora]]
(if: $location is 1)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->GoodSideOfTown]]](else-if: $location is 2)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->town square]]](else-if: $location is 3)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->Bad Side of Town]]]<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"Isn't it? I hope you won't leave me wanting too long."</span>
[[Kiss her.]]
[["Another thing..." (ask another question)->Aurora]]
(if: $location is 1)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->GoodSideOfTown]]](else-if: $location is 2)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->town square]]](else-if: $location is 3)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->Bad Side of Town]]]<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"We've been (if: $background is 1)[fighting alongside each other since we were kids](else:)[travelling together almost two years now] and you still can't remember? Rum. Strong enough to clean a wound good and proper. And a little bit of spice in it never hurt nobody."</span>
[["Another thing..." (ask another question)->Ford]]
(if: $location is 1)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->GoodSideOfTown]]](else-if: $location is 2)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->town square]]](else-if: $location is 3)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->Bad Side of Town]]]<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"Hey, you just let me know if you're ever looking to put four quarters on the spit, if you get my drift. Heh."</span>
[["I'm serious, Ford. I've got real feelings for you." (❤️)]]
[["Another thing..." (ask another question)->Ford]]
(if: $location is 1)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->GoodSideOfTown]]](else-if: $location is 2)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->town square]]](else-if: $location is 3)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->Bad Side of Town]]]You and Ford step into an empty storefront to converse in private, away from Aurora.
<span id="ford">FORD</u>
"Right. That. I guess at some point... we're going to have to talk about it, huh?"</span>
[["I want you. Flaws and all." (❤️)]]
[["This is nuts. But we owe it to ourselves to give it a try." (❤️)->"I want you. Flaws and all." (❤️)]]
[["For now... I think we should just forget about it."]]<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"Never really thought I'd find someone who made me proud to be who I am. Thank you, $YourName."</span>
[["Another thing..." (ask another question)->Ford]]
(if: $location is 1)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->GoodSideOfTown]]](else-if: $location is 2)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->town square]]](else-if: $location is 3)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->Bad Side of Town]]]<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"Parts of me are bruised."</span>
He casts a glance, lightning fast, at his hindquarters.
<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"But not my ego, no."</span>
(set: $forddragonconvo to 1)
[["Then that's nothing a drink won't fix."]]
[["C'mon. You totally embarrassed yourself!"]]
[["You don't always have to play the tough guy, Ford."]]<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"(if: $fordflirted >= 1)[You mean, besides what I'm feelin' right now, for you?](else:)[You mean, have I ever fallen into bed with an innkeeper's wife?]"</span>
[["That counts."->"I'm serious!"]]
[["I'm serious!"->"I'm serious!"]]<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"We used to have a lot of war hounds just like her in the trenches(if: $background is 1)[, I'm sure you remember]. Only you were never allowed to pet any of them because they had a job to do. Always kept 'em close in my heart. Glad I got to pet one of 'em before I go."</span>
(set: $forddogconvo to 1)
[["Another thing..." (ask another question)->Ford]]
(if: $location is 1)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->GoodSideOfTown]]](else-if: $location is 2)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->town square]]](else-if: $location is 3)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->Bad Side of Town]]]<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"Heck yeah. It's not just the salaciousness, mind you. Something about them dancers... it's like fightin'. You see the way some of their muscles rippled?"</span>
(set: $fordpellaxconvo to 1)
[["Another thing..." (ask another question)->Ford]]
(if: $location is 1)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->GoodSideOfTown]]](else-if: $location is 2)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->town square]]](else-if: $location is 3)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->Bad Side of Town]]]<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"I don't mind so much. There's plenty of trouble we can get into on the way. And I always wanted to see the spires up close."</span>
(set: $fordamatiquest to 1)
[["Another thing..." (ask another question)->Ford]]
(if: $location is 1)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->GoodSideOfTown]]](else-if: $location is 2)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->town square]]](else-if: $location is 3)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->Bad Side of Town]]]<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"Heh. Maybe we can pawn it. Make a good place for some old lady to keep her rings."</span>
<span id="dialogue">Ford liked that.</span>(set: $ford to $ford + 1)
(set: $fordamatiquest to 1)
[["Another thing..." (ask another question)->Ford]]
(if: $location is 1)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->GoodSideOfTown]]](else-if: $location is 2)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->town square]]](else-if: $location is 3)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->Bad Side of Town]]]<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"Here's what I think. I think probably, Amati *was* piercin' the ol' hogshead with Ibb. But it wasn't love. At least, not on Ibb's part. Probably Ibb forgot his ring on Amati's dresser."</span>
(set: $fordamatiquest to 1)
[["I think what they had was real, even if Ibb couldn't admit it."]]
[["I bet you're right. The truth was probably somewhere in the middle."]]
[["I think the whole thing was a lie. An orc prince and that guy?"]]<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"Heh. It was a hoot. But, y'know, it's funny... I felt a little bit... disappointed, I guess. Maybe I didn't really *want* to do like we did."</span>
(set: $fordmonkconvo to 1)
[["I don't like believing no one in this world is really pure of heart."]]
[["The world is only the fun you squeeze out of it. We did him a favour."]]<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"I think deep down he's got me rooting for him. Kinda funny, isn't it?"</span>
(set: $fordmonkconvo to 1)
[["I don't like believing no one in this world is really pure of heart."]]
[["The world is only the fun you squeeze out of it. He's wasting his life."->"The world is only the fun you squeeze out of it. We did him a favour."]]<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"How the hell were we supposed to know? The Barnes fella seemed on the up-and-up. Anyway, he hasn't broken his end of the deal yet. So long as he gives us our gold, we're square."</span>
(set: $fordracketconvo to 1)
[["Another thing..." (ask another question)->Ford]]
(if: $location is 1)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->GoodSideOfTown]]](else-if: $location is 2)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->town square]]](else-if: $location is 3)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->Bad Side of Town]]]<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"I got exactly one real love story. Never told anybody before. (if: $background is 1)[You probably remember that time](else:)[There was this time that] I got sent to the far west front of the trenches. Was about 19, I guess. They figured they could throw a few hundred of us dumb kids at a village and take it back from the queen, I guess. First night I got there, the Nusa Hatta showed up and wasted a dozen of us with necrotic magic. I was lucky to be alive, but I wasn't exactly in fighting shape."</span>
(set: $fordaniccaconvo to 1)
[["I'm surprised you're telling me this."]]
[["It sounds like you're getting a weight off your chest, sharing this."->"I'm surprised you're telling me this."]]<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"Bruised my ego almost as bad as my body."</span>
[["Wait - was this supposed to be a love story?"->"When does the lost love enter the picture?"]]
[["When does the lost love enter the picture?"]]
[["Funny how even your love stories start with war stories."->"When does the lost love enter the picture?"]]<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"I'm getting to all that. See, there weren't many places to house busted up soldiers, so they started sticking us with civilians. I got housed with this real pretty lady with firey red hair... and her husband, this broad-shouldered guy with a big bushy beard."</span>
[["You gave her a ride below the crupper, right under her husband's nose?"->"She did nothing for you, but the husband was a different story?"]]
[["She did nothing for you, but the husband was a different story?"]]<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"Would ya believe, the both of them?"</span>
[["What? For real?"->"Bullshit."]]
[["You're joking."->"Bullshit."]]
[["Bullshit."]]<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"Swear on Mitah's hands. One day, it just happened. I was injured, so they were gentle with me. At first. This was different than other times I've fallen into bed with somebody. Honest truth is, I fell in love with him first, then her. But I loved the both of them."</span>
[["Then things got complicated?"]]
[["Then you fell out of love?"]]
[["Then you had to leave?"]]<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"We all knew what the score was. Wasn't no jealousy in it. That wasn't what happened."</span>
(display:"FordHeartbreak")<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"No. This felt like something that was going to last. But it never had a chance to."</span>
(display:"FordHeartbreak")<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"I never had a chance."</span>
(display:"FordHeartbreak")Ford stares at his boot.
<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"Naw, what happened then was the Nusa Hatta showed up again, and this time they brought enough mages to wipe the village clear off the face of the world. I was holed up down in the cellar when it happened. I lived. Guess I'm supposed to feel like I was lucky."</span>
[["That hurts, but it is what it is."]]
[["I'm so sorry, Ford. That's heartbreaking."]]
[["You're making this more than it was because it ended in tragedy."]]<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"That's what I tell myself. Can't deny the hurt. Never goes away. Just becomes a scar. Thanks for listening...and for not making fun too bad."</span>
<span id="dialogue">Ford liked that.
+ 1 ROGUE</span>(set: $ford to $ford + 1)(set: $rogue to $rogue + 1)
[["Another thing..." (ask another question)->Ford]]
(if: $location is 1)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->GoodSideOfTown]]](else-if: $location is 2)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->town square]]](else-if: $location is 3)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->Bad Side of Town]]]<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"Look, I didn't tell you this so you could cry for me. It's a hurt that's always going to be there, but it's healed over. Me telling you this, it's just the same as sitting in a bar showing off our scars to each other."</span>
<span id="dialogue">+ 1 MAGE</span>(set: $mage to $mage + 1)
[["Another thing..." (ask another question)->Ford]]
(if: $location is 1)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->GoodSideOfTown]]](else-if: $location is 2)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->town square]]](else-if: $location is 3)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->Bad Side of Town]]]Ford turns cold and stares you in the eye.
<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"Don't you *ever* tell me what I had with them wasn't real. I don't want to talk about this anymore. Saying all this was a mistake."</span>
<span id="dialogue">Ford disliked that.
+ 1 TANK</span>(set: $ford to $ford - 1)(set: $tank to $tank + 1)
[["Another thing..." (ask another question)->Ford]]
(if: $location is 1)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->GoodSideOfTown]]](else-if: $location is 2)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->town square]]](else-if: $location is 3)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->Bad Side of Town]]]<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"Hell, you know, I hope you're right. I don't like the idea that one person can be madly in love and the other person can feel just... nothin'."</span>
<span id="dialogue">Ford liked that.</span>(set: $ford to $ford + 1)
[["Another thing..." (ask another question)->Ford]]
(if: $location is 1)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->GoodSideOfTown]]](else-if: $location is 2)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->town square]]](else-if: $location is 3)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->Bad Side of Town]]]<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"Seems to be where it always lands, huh?"</span>
[["Another thing..." (ask another question)->Ford]]
(if: $location is 1)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->GoodSideOfTown]]](else-if: $location is 2)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->town square]]](else-if: $location is 3)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->Bad Side of Town]]]<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"I'm getting a little offended here. You can't judge somebody by their birth. (if: $background is 1)[We were](else:)[I was] born in a shithole trench. You think less of (if: $background is 1)[us](else:)[me] because of that?"</span>
<span id="dialogue">Ford disliked that.</span>(set: $ford to $ford - 1)
[["Another thing..." (ask another question)->Ford]]
(if: $location is 1)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->GoodSideOfTown]]](else-if: $location is 2)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->town square]]](else-if: $location is 3)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->Bad Side of Town]]]<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"(if: $background is 2)[I'm sure you remember that as](else:)[As] a little girl in the hermitages, I showed I had a green thumb quite young. The Elder Gardener told my mother I had the gift. It was a great honour to be taken into her apprenticeship so young. (if: $background is 2)[We both know how important the gardens are, as the sole source of food for the hermitages.](else:)[The gardens are the sole source of food for the hermitages.] Plants don't grow, elves don't eat. But it turned out, I loved gardening as a thing I did just for myself. When I was forced, I *hated* it. I tried to keep it up for ages, just to keep my mother happy. Then one day, the Elder Gardener told my parents I'd lost the touch. She saw I hated it and wanted me to be free."</span>
[["Sometimes you need to do what's right for you. Damn everybody else."]]
[["That must have been tough for you. Torn between truth and duty."]]
[["Lots of people hate their jobs. You were feeding people. It was selfish to quit."]]<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"The next monk we come across in our travels, I'll even help you out. If we're doing it for his own spiritual good, of course."</span>
(set: $aurora to $aurora + 1)
<span id="dialogue">Aurora liked that.</span>
[["Another thing..." (ask another question)->Aurora]]
(if: $location is 1)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->GoodSideOfTown]]](else-if: $location is 2)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->town square]]](else-if: $location is 3)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->Bad Side of Town]]]<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"When you set out for the summit of a mountain, you don't know if you're going to reach the highest peak, not for certain. But with your attitude, no one would ever even start climbing."</span>
<span id="dialogue">Aurora disliked that.</span>(set: $aurora to $aurora - 1)
[["Another thing..." (ask another question)->Aurora]]
(if: $location is 1)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->GoodSideOfTown]]](else-if: $location is 2)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->town square]]](else-if: $location is 3)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->Bad Side of Town]]]<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"I think usually what's right for you is what's right for everyone else too. The truth is, if I'd stayed, I would have become lousy at it in time. Gardening takes love, and I was having it all drained out of me."</span>
(set: $rogue to $rogue + 1)<span id="dialogue">+ 1 ROGUE</span>
[["Another thing..." (ask another question)->Aurora]]
(if: $location is 1)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->GoodSideOfTown]]](else-if: $location is 2)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->town square]]](else-if: $location is 3)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->Bad Side of Town]]]<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"It was. I've always felt like I've been torn between worlds. I love people, but I covet solitude. I want the peace of the forests but I'm strangely drawn to the mayhem of a barroom. I guess I'll just never quite be at peace... and I have to make peace with that."</span>
<span id="dialogue">Aurora liked that.</span>(set: $aurora to $aurora + 1)
[["Another thing..." (ask another question)->Aurora]]
(if: $location is 1)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->GoodSideOfTown]]](else-if: $location is 2)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->town square]]](else-if: $location is 3)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->Bad Side of Town]]]<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"You've certainly set me in my place. I don't exactly see you giving up your comforts for the greater good."</span>
<span id="dialogue">Aurora disliked that.</span>(set: $aurora to $aurora - 1)
[["Another thing..." (ask another question)->Aurora]]
(if: $location is 1)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->GoodSideOfTown]]](else-if: $location is 2)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->town square]]](else-if: $location is 3)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->Bad Side of Town]]]Ford looks around to make sure Aurora's not listening in.
<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
*(raising an eyebrow)*
"You got feelings for *me*? Hope you'll excuse me if I feel like I ain't hearing you right."</span>
[["Maybe it's just raw, animal magnetism."]]
[["There's a lot to like about you."]]
[["You're right. Forget it. I've got another thing I wanted to talk about." (ask another question)->Ford]]
(if: $location is 1)[ [["You're right. Forget it. We need to find Barnes." (exit conversation)->GoodSideOfTown]]](else-if: $location is 2)[ [["You're right. Forget it. We need to find Barnes." (exit conversation)->town square]]](else-if: $location is 3)[ [["You're right. Forget it. We need to find Barnes." (exit conversation)->Bad Side of Town]]]<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"Hey, hey. You can't try to turn this into a joke now. What do you see in me that's worth loving?"
*(perhaps with even a hint of desperation)*
[["You would never admit it, but deep down you've got a kindness in you."]]
[["There's no one in the whole planes who's got your fighting spirit."]]
[["You're one of the funniest people I've ever met."]]<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"I hope you won't mind me asking for a full accounting. What is it you see in me that's worth loving?"
*(perhaps with even a hint of desperation)*
[["You would never admit it, but deep down you've got a kindness in you."]]
[["There's no one in the whole planes who's got your fighting spirit."]]
[["You're one of the funniest people I've ever met."]]<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"I guess I don't do as well as I think hiding it, huh? Thanks. I appreciate it... but I gotta take some time to think on this. I'm not saying I don't feel the same way. I just... got to think on it."</span>
<span id="dialogue">You've begun to forge a romance with Ford.</span>(set: $fordflirted to 1)
[["Another thing..." (ask another question)->Ford]]
(if: $location is 1)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->GoodSideOfTown]]](else-if: $location is 2)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->town square]]](else-if: $location is 3)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->Bad Side of Town]]]<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"Hell, there's no denyin' that I got a fire in me and there's not a thing that can put it out. Thanks. I appreciate it... but I gotta take some time to think on this. I'm not saying I don't feel the same way. I just... got to think on it."</span>
<span id="dialogue">You've begun to forge a romance with Ford.</span>(set: $fordflirted to 1)
[["Another thing..." (ask another question)->Ford]]
(if: $location is 1)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->GoodSideOfTown]]](else-if: $location is 2)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->town square]]](else-if: $location is 3)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->Bad Side of Town]]]<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"I guess I got the sense of humour you gotta earn in the trenches. Thanks. I appreciate it... but I gotta take some time to think on this. I'm not saying I don't feel the same way. I just... got to think on it."</span>
<span id="dialogue">You've begun to forge a romance with Ford.</span>(set: $fordflirted to 1)
[["Another thing..." (ask another question)->Ford]]
(if: $location is 1)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->GoodSideOfTown]]](else-if: $location is 2)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->town square]]](else-if: $location is 3)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->Bad Side of Town]]]<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"Hey, you know what... that's right. Secretly, deep down, I was rooting for the little guy. It's a pretty lousy world. Be nice if somebody stood a chance at getting to a better one."</span>
<span id="dialogue">Ford liked that.
+ 1 MAGE</span>(set: $ford to $ford + 1)(set: $mage to $mage + 1)
[["Another thing..." (ask another question)->Ford]]
(if: $location is 1)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->GoodSideOfTown]]](else-if: $location is 2)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->town square]]](else-if: $location is 3)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->Bad Side of Town]]]<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"I guess you're right. Funny. Pretty rare that I'm the sentimental one."</span>
<span id="dialogue">+ 1 ROGUE</span>(set: $rogue to $rogue + 1)
[["Another thing..." (ask another question)->Ford]]
(if: $location is 1)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->GoodSideOfTown]]](else-if: $location is 2)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->town square]]](else-if: $location is 3)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->Bad Side of Town]]]<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"Truer words have never been spoken."</span>
[["Another thing..." (ask another question)->Ford]]
(if: $location is 1)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->GoodSideOfTown]]](else-if: $location is 2)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->town square]]](else-if: $location is 3)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->Bad Side of Town]]]<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"Keep your mouth shut about it next time we're in the hub. I mean it."</span>
<span id="dialogue">Ford disliked that.
+ 1 TANK</span>(set: $ford to $ford - 1)(set: $tank to $tank + 1)
[["Another thing..." (ask another question)->Ford]]
(if: $location is 1)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->GoodSideOfTown]]](else-if: $location is 2)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->town square]]](else-if: $location is 3)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->Bad Side of Town]]]<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"Yeah, $YourName. I do. (if: $background is 1)[We fought together in the trenches, you've seen some of the things I've seen.](else:)[You didn't see some of the things I saw in the trenches.] I start gettin' all touchie-feelie... who knows. I'm liable to just come unravelled at the seams."</span>
[["That's fine. I'm always gonna be here to stitch you back together."]]
[["Okay. I won't push you on this. But I'm here."]]
[["Fine. Be like that. I'll leave you alone."]]<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"I ain't done one single deservin' thing to have you as a friend, but I'm happy I do."</span>
<span id="dialogue">Ford liked that.
+ 1 MAGE</span>(set: $ford to $ford + 1)(set: $mage to $mage + 1)
[["Another thing..." (ask another question)->Ford]]
(if: $location is 1)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->GoodSideOfTown]]](else-if: $location is 2)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->town square]]](else-if: $location is 3)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->Bad Side of Town]]]<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"Appreciate it. Honest, I do."</span>
[["Another thing..." (ask another question)->Ford]]
(if: $location is 1)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->GoodSideOfTown]]](else-if: $location is 2)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->town square]]](else-if: $location is 3)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->Bad Side of Town]]]Ford frowns and hunches his shoulders and doesn't quite meet your eyes.
<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"Yeah. Guess it's better like that. For both of us."</span>
<span id="dialogue">Ford disliked that.</span>(set: $ford to $ford - 1)
[["Another thing..." (ask another question)->Ford]]
(if: $location is 1)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->GoodSideOfTown]]](else-if: $location is 2)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->town square]]](else-if: $location is 3)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->Bad Side of Town]]]Giggling, Ford takes your hand and pulls you into a nearby alley.
<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"Why don't you go ahead and take what you want, then?"</span>
[["I'd like to let the suspense build a little longer."]]
[[Pounce on him.]]<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"See, I've been thinking about it, and I just... whatever you see in me, it's not there. I've seen some harsh things in this world, and some of that ugliness, it's got in me. I'm fucked up, $YourName. I don't know what I'd have to offer you."</span>
[["There are lots of things you'd have to offer. But you'd have to find them in yourself, for yourself. I'm not here to fix you." (❤️)]]
[["Who do you think you're talking to? Anything you've seen, I've seen just as bad. We can get through anything together." (❤️)]]
[["Maybe you're right. We'd be a disaster together. Let's forget this for now"->"For now... I think we should just forget about it."]]<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"Yeah. Probably for the best."</span>
[["Another thing..." (ask another question)->Ford]]
(if: $location is 1)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->GoodSideOfTown]]](else-if: $location is 2)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->town square]]](else-if: $location is 3)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->Bad Side of Town]]]<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"I wouldn't expect it. I've got stuff to figure out for myself, I know it."</span>
His eyes dart back and forth between your eyes and your lips.
<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"Okay, $YourName. I want this. I'll make a go of this if you'll make a go of this. Whatever it is. And I'd really like to kiss you right this second, if that would be okay with you."</span>
[[Kiss him.->KissFord]]
[["Permission granted."]]
[["I don't know if I show my love physically."]]<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"Heh. Listen to me. Pretending like my pain is the most important and special pain in all the spheres. I must sound like an asshole."</span>
His eyes dart back and forth between your eyes and your lips.
<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"Okay, $YourName. I want this. I'll make a go of this if you'll make a go of this. Whatever it is. And I'd really like to kiss you right this second, if that would be okay with you."</span>
[[Kiss him.->KissFord]]
[["Permission granted."]]
[["I don't know if I show my love physically."]]Ford draws close. He's awkward, fumbling at first, but then passion takes over and his arms around you. He pulls you in close and presses his lips against yours. Gentler than you expected. He tastes of spiced rum and tobacco. His soft lips and rough stubble move along your jawline, your neck, the space behind your ear, before he pulls away.
<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"Hell. Alright. I could get used to that. But for now... we best keep moving..."</span>
(set: $fordflirted to 3)<span id="dialogue">Your relationship with Ford grew deeper.
Things got physical between you and Ford.</span>
[["Another thing..." (ask another question)->Ford]]
(if: $location is 1)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->GoodSideOfTown]]](else-if: $location is 2)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->town square]]](else-if: $location is 3)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->Bad Side of Town]]]<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"Well that's just fine too. I'm just happy to know you'll be at my side. For *whatever* comes next."</span>
(set: $fordflirted to 2)<span id="dialogue">Your relationship with Ford grew deeper.
You decided you weren't interested in a physical relationship with Ford.</span>
[["Another thing..." (ask another question)->Ford]]
(if: $location is 1)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->GoodSideOfTown]]](else-if: $location is 2)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->town square]]](else-if: $location is 3)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->Bad Side of Town]]]Before Ford can say another word, you place a hand on his cheek, lean in, and press your lips to his, feeling his stubble on you. His lips taste like tobacco and spiced rum. He smiles and leans his forehead against yours and laughs quietly to himself.
<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"Hell. Alright. I could get used to that. But for now... we best keep moving..."</span>
(set: $fordflirted to 3)<span id="dialogue">Your relationship with Ford grew deeper.
Things got physical between you and Ford.</span>
[["Another thing..." (ask another question)->Ford]]
(if: $location is 1)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->GoodSideOfTown]]](else-if: $location is 2)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->town square]]](else-if: $location is 3)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->Bad Side of Town]]]He grins and shakes his head.
<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"You drive me crazy and I love it. But kiss me now, before this gets cruel."</span>
[[Pounce on him.]]
[["Soon..." (ask another question)->Ford]]
(if: $location is 1)[ [["We should keep looking for Barnes." (exit conversation)->GoodSideOfTown]]](else-if: $location is 2)[ [["We should keep looking for Barnes." (exit conversation)->town square]]](else-if: $location is 3)[ [["We should keep looking for Barnes." (exit conversation)->Bad Side of Town]]]You (either:"lean in", "pull him close", "draw close", "startle him by taking the lead, pinning him up against the wall of a nearby shop. You smile","take his hand") and (either: "gently","roughly", "passionately", "finally, with abandon, you") (either: "press your lips against his", "kiss him"). His lips (either:"taste like tobacco and spice rum.", "are soft, but his stubble is rough.","tremble slightly as you pull away.")
(set: $fordflirted to 4)
<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"(either:"I'm glad we found each other, $YourName.","Promise not to leave my side, no matter how dire this night gets?","If this is the last night we get on this damn rock, it'll be worth it on account of that kiss.")"</span>
[["Another thing..." (ask another question)->Ford]]
(if: $location is 1)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->GoodSideOfTown]]](else-if: $location is 2)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->town square]]](else-if: $location is 3)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->Bad Side of Town]]](set: $auroradogconvo to 1)<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"War hounds make fiercely protective mothers. It's no wonder she was so upset. Even if we fail to make anything else right tonight, we did that."</span>
[["Another thing..." (ask another question)->Aurora]]
(if: $location is 1)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->GoodSideOfTown]]](else-if: $location is 2)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->town square]]](else-if: $location is 3)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->Bad Side of Town]]]The wizard has a long, ragged, forked beard and silver teeth. His robes are of suspiciously high quality.
(if: $devattapunched is 0)[<span id="devatta"><u>DEVATTA</u>
"I am Devatta. Come to bask in my aura?"</span>](else:)[<span id="devatta"><u>DEVATTA</u>
"You are perfectly welcome to bask in my aura so long as you don't knee me in the groin again."</span>]
(if: $devattapunched is 0)[ [["Who are you exactly?"]]
][["Uh, no. I'll be going now." (exit conversation)->AuroraDevattaExit]](if: $devattaquest is 0)[<span id="acolyte"><u>ACOLYTE</u>
"(if: $devattapunched is 0)[(either:"Devatta is training us in the arcane arts!","We've been acolytes of Devatta for nearly a year now. He's teaching us everything he knows.","Devatta's promised us if we train hard, we'll be as powerful as him some day!")](else:)[You rammed your knee twixt Devatta's nethers! That's the source of his powers! We have nothing to speak to each other about.]"</span>(if: $fordisalive is true)[
<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"(if: $background is 1)[Shit, you recognize the look of some of these kids? Couple of 'em are from the trenches, just like us.](else:)[Shit, I recognize the look of some of these kids. Couple of 'em are from the trenches, just like me.]"</span>]
](else-if: $devattaquest is 1)[<span id="acolyte"><u>ACOLYTE</u>
"(if: $devattapunched is 0)[(either:"Devatta is training us in the arcane arts!","We've been acolytes of Devatta for nearly a year now. He's teaching us everything he knows.","Devatta's promised us if we train hard, we'll be as powerful as him some day!")](else:)[You rammed your knee twixt Devatta's nethers! That's the source of his power! We have nothing to speak to each other about.]"</span>(if: $fordisalive is true)[
<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"(if: $background is 1)[Shit, you recognize the look of some of these kids? Couple of 'em are from the trenches, just like us.](else:)[Shit, I recognize the look of some of these kids. Couple of 'em are from the trenches, just like me.]"</span>]
[["Devatta's a charlatan. He's making a fool of you."]]
[["What drew you to Devatta in the first place?"]]]
[[Step away.->Red Roof Inn]]<span id="devatta"><u>DEVATTA</u>
"Words alone would not do. One must *experience* Devatta!"</span>
A burst of fire erupts from his sleeve. The fire was clearly produced by some sort of mechanism, poking out from inside his shirt. He smiles so you can see all of his silver teeth and leans across the table, leering at you.
[["Are you... hitting on me?"]]
[["I've already experienced enough of Devatta, thank you."->AuroraDevattaExit]] (if: $devattaquest is 0)[<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"I've heard of this man. Devatta. He's a false prophet and charlatan who pretends to be a wizard to gather acolytes to his side. For a while, he had the ear of the queen... until he got on her bad side. Guess he's hiding out here, under her nose but beyond her reach."</span>
[["This guy sounds awful. We should warn his acolytes." (accept quest)->DevattaQuest]]
[["Sounds like a piece of work, but it's none of my business."->Red Roof Inn]]
[["Sounds like he's got a good scam going. Who am I to intrude?"->Red Roof Inn]]](else:)[(goto:"Red Roof Inn")]<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"That would be a good thing to do. They've probably got no idea what they've involved themselves with."</span>
(set: $devattaquest to 1)
<span id="dialogue">You've received a new quest: COUNTERFEIT MAGIC
+ 5 Gold
* Warn the acolytes that Devatta isn't what he seems.
[["Let's warn them."->Red Roof Inn]]He stands and steps away from the table, drawing close enough that you can smell the brimstone on him.
<span id="devatta"><u>DEVATTA</u>
"That's such an *ugly* way of putting it. I'm merely suggesting there are things I could teach you, were you to join me as one of my acolytes--"</span>
[[Knee him in the groin.]]
[["I have to be going. Immediately." (exit conversation)->AuroraDevattaExit]]You drive your knee into Devatta's nethers. He hunches over and gasps from deep in his belly.
<span id="dialogue">Aurora liked that.(set: $aurora to $aurora + 1)(if: $fordisalive is true)[ Ford liked that. (set: $ford to $ford + 1)]
+ 1 TANK (set: $tank to $tank + 1)</span>
His acolytes leap out of their chairs, drawing daggers from their robes.(set: $devattapunched to 1)
<span id="acolyte"><u>ACOLYTE</u>
"Don't you *touch* Devatta!"</span>
<span id="devatta"><u>DEVATTA</u>
*(trying to stand up straight and pretend he's not in pain even though he is quite obviously in rather a lot of pain)*
"Leave them. They've only... wounded... Devatta's flesh..."</span>
[["Whatever. Stop being a creep. Goodbye."->AuroraDevattaExit]]
[["We're through for now, Devatta. Hope our paths don't cross again."->AuroraDevattaExit]]<span id="acolyte"><u>ACOLYTE</u>
"Devatta warned us there would be people like you. Those whose visions were clouded, who would not be able to see his light."</span>
<span id="dialogue">You've made the acolytes defensive and on edge.</span>(if: $fordisalive is true)[
<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
*(whispering to you)*
"These kids are war sick, $YourName. They needed something to put their faith in, and Devatta swooped in. Push 'em too hard like that and they'll just shut down. You gotta show a little sympathy."</span>]
[["He's taking advantage of your feeble minds with his parlour tricks."]]
[["I get it. You want something to believe in. But Devatta's not it."]]<span id="acolyte"><u>ACOLYTE</u>
"If you really care to know... Devatta has produced wonders, wonders we had never seen the likes of before we met him. He showed us compassion when no one else would."</span>
<span id="dialogue">You've made the acolytes feel like they can open up to you.</span>(if: $fordisalive is true)[
<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
*(whispering to you)*
"That's the right approach, $YourName. These kids are war sick. They needed something to put their faith in, and Devatta swooped in. Push 'em too hard and they'll just shut down."</span>]
[["I get it. You want something to believe in. But Devatta's not it."]]
[["What sorts of wonders did Devatta show you?"]]<span id="acolyte"><u>ACOLYTES</u>
"Insult us all you want, but don't you *dare* insult Devatta's wondrous works!"</span>
<span id="dialogue">You made the acolytes feel insulted and ashamed.</span>
[["You're pathetic. All of you. You deserve to be Devatta's lackeys."]]
[["Anything Devatta does could be bought in a joke shop for two coins."]]<span id="acolyte"><u>ACOLYTE</u>
"What we want isn't important. Devatta's feats are worthy of our praise."</span>
<span id="dialogue">You've made the acolytes uncertain. You may be starting to make progress... but one wrong word and they could easily retreat back into their fanatical beliefs.</span>
[["What sorts of wonders did Devatta show you?"]]
[["Anything Devatta does could be bought in a joke shop for two coins."]]You hold out your hand, summoning a simple illusion spell. A twinkling galaxy appears in your palm. Swirling, growing, stretching out until finally the star at its center bursts in a brilliant supernova and the entire little star system collapses into nothing.
<span id="acolyte"><u>ACOLYTE</u>
"That was incredible!"
*(turning to Devatta)*
"But master, surely you can do something even greater?"</span>
Devatta [[glares at the acolyte.]]<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"Well... if it's for their own good..."</span>
Aurora holds out her hand. A twinkling galaxy appears in her palm. Swirling, growing, stretching out until finally the star at its center bursts in a brilliant supernova and the entire little star system collapses into nothing.
<span id="acolyte"><u>ACOLYTE</u>
"That was incredible!"
*(turning to Devatta)*
"But master, surely you can do something even greater?"</span>
Devatta [[glares at the acolyte.]]<span id="acolyte"><u>ACOLYTE</u>
"He makes fire spew from his sleeve! His stare... that piercing stare... he can read your mind when he looks at you."</span>
<span id="dialogue">You got the acolytes to open up about what drew them to Devatta.</span>
[["He has brimstone and a striker in his sleeve. It's a trick."]]
[["He's telling you what he knows you want to hear. It's cajolery."]]
[["How are you gullible enough to fall for this?"->"He's taking advantage of your feeble minds with his parlour tricks."]]<span id="acolyte"><u>ACOLYTE</u>
"We're finished talking to you! Go away! Stop darkening Devatta's aura with your presence!"</span>(if: $fordisalive is true)[
<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"You were a little harsh on them. Maybe let's let 'em cool off and try again, a little nicer next time..."</span>]
(if: $mage >= 5)[ [[Show them some real magic. (⭐ 5 MAGE)]]](else:)[<span id="locked"><s>Show them some real magic.</s> (🔒 5 MAGE)</span>]
(if: $aurora >= 10)[ [[Ask Aurora to show them some real magic. (⭐ FRIENDLY WITH AURORA)]]](else:)[<span id="locked"><s>Ask Aurora to show them some real magic.</s> (🔒 FRIENDLY WITH AURORA)</span>]
[["Fine. Goodbye."->Red Roof Inn]]<span id="acolyte"><u>ACOLYTE</u>
"Heh... joke shop... ah, what I mean to say is, that's sacrilege against our dark lord. His powers are beyond compare."</span>
<span id="dialogue">Your joke disarmed the acolytes' and helped your point get through to them.</span>
[["Come on. You know deep down this is ridiculous. Come to your senses!"->"You're pathetic. All of you. You deserve to be Devatta's lackeys."]]
[["Then put Devatta to the test. Really."]]<span id="acolyte"><u>ACOLYTE</u>
"Now that you mention it... his sleeves do look awfully bulky."</span>
<span id="dialogue">You planted a seed of doubt in the acolytes' minds.</span>
[["Put Devatta to the test. Ask to see up his sleeve."]]
(if: $mage >= 5)[ [[Show them some real magic. (⭐ 5 MAGE)]]](else:)[<span id="locked"><s>Show them some real magic.</s> (🔒 5 MAGE)</span>]
(if: $aurora >= 10)[ [[Ask Aurora to show them some real magic. (⭐ FRIENDLY WITH AURORA)]]](else:)[<span id="locked"><s>Ask Aurora to show them some real magic.</s> (🔒 FRIENDLY WITH AURORA)</span>]
[["You're hopeless. I'm done with this conversation."->Red Roof Inn]]<span id="acolyte"><u>ACOLYTE</u>
"Now that you mention it... he's never caught on when I've had a tune stuck in my head..."</span>
<span id="dialogue">You planted a seed of doubt in the acolytes' minds.</span>
[["Put Devatta to the test. Ask him to read your mind."]]
(if: $mage >= 5)[ [[Show them some real magic. (⭐ 5 MAGE)]]](else:)[<span id="locked"><s>Show them some real magic.</s> (🔒 5 MAGE)</span>]
(if: $aurora >= 6)[ [[Ask Aurora to show them some real magic. (⭐ FRIENDLY WITH AURORA)]]](else:)[<span id="locked"><s>Ask Aurora to show them some real magic.</s> (🔒 FRIENDLY WITH AURORA)</span>]
[["You're hopeless. I'm done with this conversation."->Red Roof Inn]]<span id="acolyte"><u>ACOLYTE</u>
"We wouldn't dare... it would show a lapse in faith. What would we even ask of him?"</span>
[["Ask to see up his sleeve."->"Put Devatta to the test. Ask to see up his sleeve."]]
[["Ask him to read your mind."->"Put Devatta to the test. Ask him to read your mind."]]
[["I'm done trying to get you folks to see sense." (exit conversation)->Red Roof Inn]]The acolyte nervously walks over to Devatta.
<span id="acolyte"><u>ACOLYTE</u>
"Devatta, my lord... to ease my mind, if you would... could you pull back your sleeve for me?"</span>
Devatta [[glares at the acolyte.]]The acolyte nervously walks over to Devatta.
<span id="acolyte"><u>ACOLYTE</u>
"Devatta, my lord... to ease my mind, if you would... could you look into my mind and tell me what tune I've had stuck in there all evening?"</span>
Devatta [[glares at the acolyte.]]<span id="devatta"><u>DEVATTA</u>
"You *test* Devatta? This is a *dire* betrayal."</span>
<span id="acolyte"><u>ACOLYTE</u>
"Please, Devatta... we just want to be sure that--"</span>
<span id="devatta"><u>DEVATTA</u>
"I cannot have unbelievers as disciples. Goodbye."</span>
<span id="acolyte"><u>ACOLYTE</u>
"Please, Devatta... we just--!"</span>
Devatta grabs up his things and sweeps away from the table, [[leaving his acolytes behind.]]The acolytes turn and stare at you.
<span id="acolyte"><u>ACOLYTES</u>
"Er... we don't suppose *you'd* be in the market for some acolytes, would you? We're very faithful!"</span>
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"Oh dear..."</span>
<span id="dialogue">You've completed a quest: COUNTERFEIT MAGIC
You earned 5 gold.</span>(set: $gold to $gold + 5)(set: $devattaquest to 2)(set: $newfordconvo to 1)(set: $newauroraconvo to 1)
[["Sorry, not in the market for lackeys." (exit conversation)->Red Roof Inn]]
[["Sure, you can be my acolytes. What do I need to do?"]]They glance at each other, giddy to be in your presence.
<span id="acolyte"><u>ACOLYTE</u>
"(either:"Show us *fire*. Conjure fire from thin air like Devatta used to do.","Cast but a simple fire cantrip. Like Devatta always would.") (either:"We'll offer this in tribute.","We've gathered up some coin as an offering to your greatness, if you'll only do this...")"</span>
They hold out a handful of coin.
(if: $myacolytesquest is 0)[(set: $myacolytesquest to 1)
<span id="dialogue">You've received a new quest: SIGNS AND WONDERS
+3 Gold each time
* Dazzle the acolytes with a display of pyromancy. Uh, be careful not to burn yourself...
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"Careful... fire cantrips are tricky. Good chance you'll burn yourself."</span>
[["I'll give it a try."]]
[["This feels wrong. Sorry." (exit conversation)->Red Roof Inn]](if: $mage <= 0)[You hold out your hands... and nothing happens! You've got no magic in you at all.
<span id="dialogue">Come back when you've increased your MAGE stat!</span>
<span id="acolyte"><u>ACOLYTE</u>
"Perhaps we should have stuck with Devatta..."</span>
[["Uhhh... yeah, sorry about that." (exit conversation)->Red Roof Inn]]
[["I'm just having an off night. Be back later!" (exit conversation->Red Roof Inn]]](else:)[(set: $randomroll to (either: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20))(if: $mage > $randomroll)[(display: "WinMagicTrick")](else:)[(display: "LoseMagicTrick")]]You stretch out your arm and a (either:"marvellous","stunning","beautiful","perfect", "incredible","dazzling") (either:"blue","red","green","white","silver","yellow","purple") ball of flame appears in your hand.
<span id="dialogue">(text-colour:"green")[SUCCESS!]
YOUR MAGE STAT ($mage) BEAT A RANDOM 1D20 ROLL ($randomroll)
You produced a stunning flame and didn't burn yourself!</span>
<span id="acolyte"><u>ACOLYTE</u>
"It's magnificent! A wonder! We are not worthy!"</span>
They toss coins at your feet.
<span id="dialogue">You received 3 gold.</span>(set: $gold to $gold + 3)
[["Want to see another?" (try again)->"I'll give it a try."]]
[["Thanks, gents." (exit conversation)->Red Roof Inn]]You stretch out your arm, furrow your brow, and produce a ball of flame in your palm... then shriek in pain as it flares out and (either: "burns your sleeve","singes your eyebrows off","singes off all the hair on your arm", "leaves burn marks on the table in front of you","nearly lights Aurora's hair on fire.").
<span id="acolyte"><u>ACOLYTE</u>
"Perhaps we should have stuck with Devatta..."</span>
<span id="dialogue">(text-style:"rumble")[(text-colour:"red")[FAILURE!]]
You lost 2 health.</span>(set: $health to $health - 2)
(if: $health > 0)[[["Wait! Let me try again!" (try again)->"I'll give it a try."]]
[["Well, so much for having acolytes." (exit conversation)->Red Roof Inn]]](else:)[The heat is too much for you. You collapse to the floor.
[[Pass out from the pain.->RedRoofInnRoom]] ]<span id="dialogue">+ 1 MAGE</span>(set: $mage to $mage + 1)
You soften your gaze and look at Devatta as just what he is: a scared child pretending at being a man. Immediately, it's clear that this is the cruelest thing you could have done to him.
<span id="devatta"><u>DEVATTA</u>
"Would you stop *looking* at me like that? Gods..."</span>
Devatta flees into the shadows, leaving you free to explore [[Marasika Plaza.->GoodSideOfTown]]<span id="dialogue">+ 1 TANK</span>(set: $tank to $tank + 1)
So fast is your sword that he has no time, even, to say goodbye to his hand. There is just the flash of the moon's light glancing off of steel, then the wet smack of his severed hand hitting the cobblestones.
<span id="devatta"><u>DEVATTA</u>
"You... you *wretch*."</span>
He grabs up his hand and flees into the shadows, leaving you free to explore [[Marasika Plaza.->GoodSideOfTown]]<span id="dialogue">+ 1 ROGUE</span>(set: $rogue to $rogue + 1)
You glare at him and mutter some gibberish under your breath.
<span id="devatta"><u>DEVATTA</u>
"What... what was that. What did you just do?"</span>
You keep muttering gibberish as you stare at him, wide-eyed, and march towards him.
<span id="devatta"><u>DEVATTA</u>
"Stop that! Stop!"</span>
Devatta flees into the shadows, leaving you free to explore [[Marasika Plaza.->GoodSideOfTown]](set: $forddevattaconvo to 1)<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"Like there but for a spin of the spheres go I? I know the feeling. Wanting to believe in something, anything, so bad..."</span>
[["You're not gullible like them. You'd never fall for that."]]
[["We all need something to believe in. Just gotta find the right thing."]]<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"You know, sometimes $YourName, it's like you don't know me at all. When the queen took Farhaven, I lost the only thing what ever gave my life a purpose. I woulda fallen for anything then."</span>
<span id="dialogue">Ford disliked that.</span>(set: $ford to $ford - 1)
[["Another thing..." (ask another question)->Ford]]
(if: $location is 1)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->GoodSideOfTown]]](else-if: $location is 2)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->town square]]](else-if: $location is 3)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->Bad Side of Town]]]<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"Always said I'm just a soldier out in search of a war. Maybe some day I'll find another one worth dying for, like Farhaven would have been. But I haven't yet."</span>
<span id="dialogue">Ford liked that.</span>(set: $ford to $ford + 1)
[["Another thing..." (ask another question)->Ford]]
(if: $location is 1)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->GoodSideOfTown]]](else-if: $location is 2)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->town square]]](else-if: $location is 3)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->Bad Side of Town]]]<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"A man like Devatta perverts everything I learned in the hermitages. Magic is supposed to be about giving yourself over to the universe. A great give-and-take, the cosmic dance. Men like Devatta are all about control. It's no wonder he has to resort to parlour tricks. A man that bereft of spiritual merit couldn't squeeze out a fart of a cantrip. If you'll excuse me for getting bawdy..."</span>
(set: $auroradevattaconvo to 1)
[["It's sort of beautiful that only people who would never think to misuse it can really master magic."]]
[["It's kind of sad that to master magic, you have to become the sort of person who could never have any fun with it."]]<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"Isn't it? This world has her workings, and no one can trick her. Not even a mage."</span>
<span id="dialogue">Aurora liked that.
+ 1 MAGE</span>(set: $aurora to $aurora + 1)(set: $mage to $mage + 1)
[["Another thing..." (ask another question)->Aurora]]
(if: $location is 1)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->GoodSideOfTown]]](else-if: $location is 2)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->town square]]](else-if: $location is 3)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->Bad Side of Town]]]<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"I don't think so. I think it's wonderful that this world has her workings, and no one can trick her. Not even a mage."</span>
<span id="dialogue">Aurora disliked that.
+ 1 ROGUE</span>(set: $aurora to $aurora - 1)(set: $rogue to $rogue + 1)
[["Another thing..." (ask another question)->Aurora]]
(if: $location is 1)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->GoodSideOfTown]]](else-if: $location is 2)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->town square]]](else-if: $location is 3)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->Bad Side of Town]]](set: $randomroll to (either:1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30))(if: $aurora > $randomroll)[(goto: "PositiveMagicLesson")](else:)[(goto: "NegativeMagicLesson")]<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"(either:"Of course.","I shall endeavour to impart my knowledge to you.","Being generous but discerning in who we share our knowledge with is a key part of being a mage.","Eagerness to learn should be rewarded.") (either:"Thank me by","Show your appreciation by") (either:"using it well.","doing good.","practicing earnestly.")"</span>
She walks you through (either:"the finer points of","the basics of","the advanced practice of","the rudimentary concepts of") (either:"the rotation of the spheres.","the alignment of the planes.","the balance of energies that make up the material realm","the cluster of activities that make up the soul.")
<span id="dialogue">+ 1 MAGE
Your relationship with Aurora was strong enough that she trusted you with her ancient knowledge. Be careful not to abuse her generosity...</span>(set: $mage to $mage + 1)
(if: $aurora >= 6)[ [["Would you be willing to keep the lesson going?"->"Will you help me grow stronger at magic, like you?"]]
][["Another thing..." (ask another question)->Aurora]]
(if: $location is 1)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->GoodSideOfTown]]](else-if: $location is 2)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->town square]]](else-if: $location is 3)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->Bad Side of Town]]]<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"(either:"I'm sorry. I can't.","That's not something I can do right now.","I don't trust that you're ready to learn more. Not yet.","Eagerness to learn is laudable, but I have to know your intentions are the right ones.") (either:"I fear","I worry about","I won't be party to") (either:"you getting in too deep, too fast.","what it is you wish to use this magic for.","what might happen if you tap into something you're not ready for.") (either:"I hope","I very much want to believe", "Please tell me") (either:"you don't just seem me as someone here to impart acient wisdom to you.","you're not just looking to improve in the arcane arts for your own gain.","you understand this.")"</span>
<span id="dialogue">Aurora disliked that.
Your relationship with Aurora wasn't strong enough that she felt she could trust you with more of her ancient knowledge. Keep improving your friendship and ask her again.</span>(set: $aurora to $aurora - 1)
(if: $aurora >= 6)[ [["Please, Aurora. I really want to learn."->"Will you help me grow stronger at magic, like you?"]]
][["Another thing..." (ask another question)->Aurora]]
(if: $location is 1)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->GoodSideOfTown]]](else-if: $location is 2)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->town square]]](else-if: $location is 3)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->Bad Side of Town]]]You knock it back and slam the glass down on the table.
<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"Heard you got yourself into trouble with some of the queen's regiment. Couldn't you have waited 'til I was done orderin'? You know I wouldn't want to miss out on that."</span>
[["It would have almost been worth it for the smile on your face." (❤️)]]
[["I would have felt more confident if you had my back."]]
[["You vanish as soon as there's a fight brewing. Convenient..."]]
[["It would have been fun to watch you get your ass kicked."]]<span id="dialogue">Ford liked that.
*(Your choices will change how your companions feel about you. You can track your relationships in the "Companions" dropdown in the sidebar.)*</span>(set: $ford to $ford + 1)
Ford looks away bashfully and hunches his shoulders some.
<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"Aw shucks. Nothing puts a smile on my face faster than (if: $fightoutcome is 1)[watching you use that silver tongue to talk your way outta trouble.](else-if: $fightoutcome is 2)[watching you get yourself into some trouble. Don't feel too bad about having to kiss some boot to get out of it. Truth is... I'd've done the same. Better kissing one of the queen's boots than having it on our necks.](else-if: $fightoutcome is 3)[watching you mop the floor with the Hatta. Sounds like you embarrassed 'em so bad they probably won't even report it up the chain, which means no trouble for us.]"</span>
Your [[other companion->AuroraIntroNew]] glides into the seat next to you.<span id="dialogue">Ford liked that.
*(Your choices will change how your companions feel about you. You can track your relationships in the "Companions" dropdown in the sidebar.)*</span>(set: $ford to $ford + 1)
<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"Sounds like you did alright for yourself! (if: $fightoutcome is 1)[Hear you talked 'em in circles 'til they left you alone.](else-if: $fightoutcome is 2)[Don't feel too bad about having to kiss some boot. Truth is... I'd've done the same. Better kissing one of the queen's boots than having it on our necks.](else-if: $fightoutcome is 3)[Kicked their asses, I heard! Sounds like you embarrassed 'em so bad they probably won't even report it up the chain, which means no trouble for us.]"</span>
Your [[other companion->AuroraIntroNew]] glides into the seat next to you.<span id="dialogue">Ford disliked that.
*(Your choices will change how your companions feel about you. You can track your relationships in the "Companions" dropdown in the sidebar.)*</span>(set: $ford to $ford - 1)
<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"You callin' me a coward? I was gettin' drinks! Look, it sounds like you handled it just fine without me. (if: $fightoutcome is 1)[Hear you talked 'em in circles 'til they left you alone.](else-if: $fightoutcome is 2)[Don't feel too bad about having to kiss some boot. Truth is... I'd've done the same. Better kissing one of the queen's boots than having it on our necks.](else-if: $fightoutcome is 3)[Kicked their asses, I heard! Sounds like you embarrassed 'em so bad they probably won't even report it up the chain, which means no trouble for us.]"</span>
Your [[other companion->AuroraIntroNew]] glides into the seat next to you.<span id="dialogue">Ford disliked that.
*(Your choices will change how your companions feel about you. You can track your relationships in the "Companions" dropdown in the sidebar.)*</span>(set: $ford to $ford - 1)
<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"Never woulda happened. (if: $fightoutcome is 1)[You're lucky I wasn't there. I wouldn't have talked my way out of it like you did. I woulda fought and I woulda won.](else-if: $fightoutcome is 2)[I woulda fought and I woulda won. I wouldn't have gotten down on my knees and kissed boot.](else-if: $fightoutcome is 3)[I woulda fought and I woulda won. And unlike you, I wouldn'ta left 'em breathing so they can maybe cause trouble for us some day.]"</span>
Your [[other companion->AuroraIntroNew]] glides into the seat next to you.You push the drink away: you've had *more* than enough for one night.
<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"Heard you got yourself into trouble with some of the queen's regiment. Couldn't you have waited 'til I was done orderin'? You know I wouldn't want to miss out on that."</span>
[["It would have almost been worth it for the smile on your face." (❤️)]]
[["I would have felt more confident if you had my back."]]
[["You vanish as soon as there's a fight brewing. Convenient..."]]
[["It would have been fun to watch you get your ass kicked."]]<span id="dialogue">Aurora liked that.</span>(set: $aurora to $aurora + 1)
Aurora blushes and squeezes your hand back. She pulls it away, thinking better of this, flustered.
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"(if: $fightoutcome is 1)[At least I can always trust that you can talk your way out of anything.](else-if: $fightoutcome is 2)[At least I know you don't let your pride stand in the way of a peaceful resolution.](else-if: $fightoutcome is 3)[At least I can always trust you don't start fights you can't finish.]"</span>
She spins to glare at Ford.
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"Unlike *some* people. I'm sure this is all *your* bad influence, Ford."</span>
Ford doesn't answer. He's staring off at the [[other side of the barroom.->BarnesIntro]]<span id="dialogue">Aurora liked that.</span>(set: $aurora to $aurora + 1)
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"(if: $fightoutcome is 1)[At least I can always trust that you can talk your way out of anything.](else-if: $fightoutcome is 2)[At least I know you don't let your pride stand in the way of a peaceful resolution.](else-if: $fightoutcome is 3)[At least I can always trust you don't start fights you can't finish.]"</span>
She spins to glare at Ford.
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"Unlike *some* people. I'm sure this is all *your* bad influence, Ford."</span>
Ford doesn't answer. He's staring off at the [[other side of the barroom.->BarnesIntro]]<span id="dialogue">Aurora disliked that.</span>(set: $aurora to $aurora - 1)
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"I'm not so sure of it sometimes. (if: $fightoutcome is 1)[At least I can always trust that you can talk your way out of anything.](else-if: $fightoutcome is 2)[At least I know you don't let your pride stand in the way of a peaceful resolution.](else-if: $fightoutcome is 3)[At least I can always trust you don't start fights you can't finish.]"</span>
She spins to glare at Ford.
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"Unlike *some* people. I'm sure this is all *your* bad influence, Ford."</span>
Ford doesn't answer. He's staring off at the [[other side of the barroom.->BarnesIntro]]<span id="dialogue">Aurora disliked that.</span>(set: $aurora to $aurora - 1)
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"Is getting a good story to tell over a pint of ale all you care about? (if: $fightoutcome is 1)[Next time you might get yourself into trouble you *can't* talk your way out of.](else-if: $fightoutcome is 2)[Anyway, if you solve all your problems by kissing someone's boot, it won't make for very good stories....](else-if: $fightoutcome is 3)[Next time I only hope you don't pick yourself a fight you can't win.]"</span>
She spins to glare at Ford.
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"I'm certain this is all *your* bad influence, Ford."</span>
Ford doesn't answer. He's staring off at the [[other side of the barroom.->BarnesIntro]](set: $YourName to "Balen")(goto:"YourName")(set: $YourName to "Raya")(goto:"YourName")(set: $YourName to "Cora")(goto:"YourName")<span id="hooded"><u>BARNES</u>
"You should be warned... it's a bastard of a dragon. *Terrorizing* us for weeks. Swooping down and giving a great big roar, sending us all running into our houses. Burning up the crops in the farmlands outside the village. We're one of the last independent villages, beyond the reach of the queen. This dragon is going to destroy us if someone doesn't stop it."</span>
He reaches into his pocket and digs around...
<span id="hooded"><u>BARNES</u>
"But I'm sure you'll find the pay more than worth the trouble."</span>
(display: "GoldOffer")You didn't expect that to come out quite so... loud. Your voice echoes off the walls of the caves and shakes cobwebs from the stalactites.
Ford spins around and stares at you.
<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"*You fuckin' dipshit.*"</span>
The dragon's eyes snap open. It rears back. If you don't warn Ford, he's a goner. But if you do, the dragon might turn its attention on *you*.
[["Ford! Watch out!"]]
[[Keep quiet.]](set: $YourName to "Kiriya")(goto:"YourName")You slide your sword from its sheath and turn to the closest construct.
Its scimitar swings perilously close...
[[Go for the head.]]
[[Sweep its legs.]]You put out your hands and close your eyes. The constructs draw close, raising up their scimitars...
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"$YourName! No! The enchantment's too strong. You'll never be able to--"</span>
But just as their scimitars are about to strike, he constructs (link-reveal:"go rigid.")[
They turn and face... <u>Barnes</u>. They march towards him in perfect lockstep, puppeted by your slightest whim.
[["Surrender, Barnes. Face justice and make this right."->BarnesFire]]
[["Nothing you can say will save you. I just wanna see you squirm first."->BarnesFire]]
[["You're going to have to come up with a lot more gold to save your skin."->BarnesFire]]]<span id="hooded"><u>BARNES</u>
"I don't have it in me"</span>
Barnes reaches for the paper lantern on a nearby table.
<span id="hooded"><u>BARNES</u>
"I'd sooner burn."</span>
He tosses the lantern at you. It bounces and explodes, spewing fire on to the decor.
[[It makes fine kindling.]](set: $ending to 2)From the safety of the street, you (link-reveal:"glance back")[ and see (link-reveal:"tongues of flame")[ consuming the inside of the Eventide. Smoke billows from the door of the tavern, carrying (link-reveal:"embers")[ into the night sky, higher and higher, (link-reveal:"lighter than air")[ glittering, far above you, until they look like nothing so much as [[the stars in the heavens->Epilogue]] or perhaps [[gold coins, scattering everywhere...->Epilogue]]]]]]You reach the safety of the street. Ford hesitates, reaching out for you.
<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"You okay? Let me get a look at you."</span>
[["I'm a little worse for wear... but it's nothing you can't fix." (❤️️)]]
[["I'm fine. Let's just get out of here."]]Away from the burning tavern, Aurora stops in her tracks and smiles, serene.
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"I'm a woman of faith... but I've never had more faith in anything than I had that you would do the right thing just then. Gods, I feel like we could spend a thousand lifetimes together and you'd never stop amazing me."</span>
[["Let's find out." (❤️️)]]
[["Not thinking that far ahead yet. Let's just get out of here."->safetyofthestreet]]Ford puts his hand on your cheek and stares at you. The flames from the Eventide flicker in his eyes.
<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"You know, there was a second there where I figured we were goners. That I wasn't going to get to find out the end of our story."</span>
[["I wasn't scared of that for a second."]]
[["I was scared too."]](if: $auroraflirted >= 1)[(goto:"AuroraFinalRomance")](else:)[(goto:"safetyofthestreet")]<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"Heh. I wasn't scared long. Because I figured... I'm a soldier at heart, $YourName. Whatever happens to me, wherever I end up on the planes, I ain't gonna quit fighting until I find my way back to you, and that seems as good a war to me as any."</span>
[[Kiss Ford. (❤️️)]]
[["That's quite a line."]]<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"But I wasn't scared long. Because I figured... I'm a soldier at heart, $YourName. Whatever happens to me, wherever I end up on the planes, I ain't gonna quit fighting until I find my way back to you, and that seems as good a war to me as any."</span>
[[Kiss Ford. (❤️️)]]
[["That's quite a line."]]Finally, you're (link-reveal:"in his arms.")[
His lips find yours and you kiss, silhouetted as (link-reveal:"the Eventide burns behind you.")[(set: $ending to 2)
Smoke billows from the door of the tavern, carrying (link-reveal:"embers")[ into the night sky, higher and higher, (link-reveal:"lighter than air")[ glittering, far above you, until they look like nothing so much as [[the stars in the heavens->Epilogue]] or perhaps [[gold coins, scattering everywhere...->Epilogue]]]]]]<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"It's not a line. Honest. It's how I feel."</span>
[[Kiss Ford. (❤️️)]]
[["Let's get out of here."->safetyofthestreet]]She twines her hands together with yours and stares into your eyes. The flames of the Eventide glint in her eyes.
[[Kiss Aurora. (❤️️)]]
[["Let's get out of here."->safetyofthestreet]]Finally, you (link-reveal:"give in.")[
Her lips glide against yours and (link-reveal:"she whispers...")[
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"You're the *only* kind of trouble I want to get into for a while."</span>
You kiss, silhouetted as (link-reveal:"the Eventide burns behind you.")[(set: $ending to 2)
Smoke billows from the door of the tavern, carrying (link-reveal:"embers")[ into the night sky, higher and higher, (link-reveal:"lighter than air")[ glittering, far above you, until they look like nothing so much as [[the stars in the heavens->Epilogue]] or perhaps [[gold coins, scattering everywhere...->Epilogue]]]]]]]You make your way up the mountain, with its sheer black cliffs and naked, bone white trees jutting out of the charred landscape.
<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"Four hundred thousand, 'rora."</span>
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"You keep saying it like the number alone will convince me that--"</span>
<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"It's not the coins. It's what they buy. Your people are starving. Mine are living under the queen's heel. Aren't you tired of not being able to send home any more than a handful of coins every few months? This is enough we could maybe get them out from under."</span>
Aurora hesitates. Ford plows forward [[up the mountain.->Skipping]]<span id="hooded"><u>BARNES</u>
"I'm happy to answer any other questions you might have. Once you're satisfied... we'll shake on it."</span>
<span id="dialogue">*(Some choices only open up if you have the right stat or item.)</span> ⭐
<span id="dialogue">(Otherwise, they'll be locked.)*</span> 🔒
(display: "FirstLockChoice")
[["Any other details I should know about?"->"What are the rest of the details?"]]<span id="orc"><u>BARTENDER</u>
"Guys like that don't come in The Stump. On account of they would never come out."</span>
(if: $eventidegoal is 1)[ [["Where can I find the Eventide Tavern?"]]
](if: $gold >= 5)[ [["Give me something to put hair on my chest." (⭐ 5 GOLD)]]](else:)[<span id="locked"><s>"Give me something that'll put hair on my chest."</s> (🔒 5 GOLD)</span>] <span id="dialogue"> (GAIN +1 TANK!)</span>
[["Anything interesting to tell me?"]]
[[Walk away.->The Gangrenous Stump]]Writing and interactivity by me, Josh Labelle. I've been a games writer and narrative designer for several years now. I have a ko-fi page (link: "here")[(open-url: "https://ko-fi.com/joshlabelle")], a website (link: "here")[(open-url: "https://www.joshlabelle.com/")], and you can play other games by me (link: "here")[(open-url: "https://cogsandspanners.itch.io/")]. If you're interested in hiring me to collaborate on something, reach out to me at joshmlabelle@cogsandspanners.com or on my contact page (link: "here")[(open-url: "https://www.joshlabelle.com/contact")]
The cover image was drawn by Jonathan Harvey.
Playtesting and copyedits by E.C. Marcon.
Thanks to:
* (link:"Chris Klimas")[(open-url:"https://www.patreon.com/klembot")], for creating Twine
* (link: "Emily Short")[(open-url: "https://emshort.blog/")], for her invaluable blog
* (link: "G.C. Grim Baccaris")[(open-url: "https://www.patreon.com/grimoirtua")], whose Twine tutorials were a great resource in the development of this game.
* My fellow narrative designers at work, who have taught me so much about creating choice-based fiction.
This game is dedicated to the memory Sam Watson, the finest dungeon master an adventurer could ever have. May any goodness that comes from its creation find its way to him and aid him in his travels through the planes.
[[Return to the achievements page.->EndSlate]]
[[Keep crawling and start the story again.->storyinit]](link: "PERSONAL ACHIEVEMENTS▼")[(replace: ?personalachievementsworkarea)[(display: "Personal Achievements Collapse Button and Dropdown")]](link: "PERSONAL ACHIEVEMENTS▲")[(replace: ?personalachievementsworkarea)[(display: "Personal Achievements Button")]]
<span id="dialogue">In the course of all your journeys through Akema so far, you drank <u>$ale</u> mugs of ale at the Red Roof Inn, <u>$martini</u> martini highballs at Her Majesty's, and <u>$rum</u> shot glasses of whatever it is that passes for rum at The Gangrenous Stump.
You had to be patched up by the village sawbones <u>$sawbones</u> times.</span>
<span id="dialogue">(if: $trenchesachievement is 1)[You were a human, born in the trenches, raised to be a weapon.](else:)[(text-style:"blurrier")[You were a human, born in the trenches, raised to be a weapon.]]</span> || <span id="dialogue">(if: $elvenachievement is 1)[You were an elf, born in the hermitages, who set out in the midst of the blights to find food for your people.](else:)[(text-style:"blurrier")[You were an elf, born in the hermitages, who set out in the midst of the blights to find food for your people.]]</span> || <span id="dialogue">(if: $shadowyachievement is 1)[You were a halfling orphan, left on a doorstep, raised by thieves.](else:)[(text-style:"blurrier")[You were a halfling orphan, left on a doorstep, raised by thieves.]]</span>
<span id="dialogue">(if: $tankachievement is 1)[You mostly chose TANK options, opting for brute force over cunning or finesse.](else:)[(text-style:"blurrier")[You mostly chose TANK options, opting for brute force over cunning or finesse.]]</span> || <span id="dialogue">(if: $mageachievement is 1)[You mostly chose MAGE options, opting for peace, spirituality, and diplomacy over force or cunning.](else:)[(text-style:"blurrier")[You mostly chose MAGE options, opting for peace, spirituality, and diplomacy over force or cunning.]]</span> || <span id="dialogue">(if: $rogueachievement is 1)[You mostly chose ROGUE options, opting for craftiness and cunning over diplomacy or force.](else:)[(text-style:"blurrier")[You mostly chose ROGUE options, opting for craftiness and cunning over diplomacy or force.]]</span>(link: "COMPANION ACHIEVEMENTS▼")[(replace: ?companionachievementsworkarea)[(display: "Companion Achievements Collapse Button and Dropdown")]](link: "COMPANION ACHIEVEMENTS▲")[(replace: ?companionachievementsworkarea)[(display: "Companion Achievements Button")]]
<span id="dialogue">(if: $fordfriendachievement is 1)[You and Ford were ride-or-die drinking buddies.](else:)[(text-style:"blurrier")[You and Ford were ride-or-die drinking buddies.]]</span> || <span id="dialogue">(if: $fordenemychievement is 1)[Ford hated your guts.](else:)[(text-style:"blurrier")[Ford hated your guts.]]</span>
<span id="dialogue">(if: $aurorafriendachievement is 1)[You and Aurora were ride-or-die drinking buddies.](else:)[(text-style:"blurrier")[You and Aurora were ride-or-die drinking buddies.]]</span> || <span id="dialogue">(if: $auroraenemychievement is 1)[Aurora hated your guts.](else:)[(text-style:"blurrier")[Aurora hated your guts.]]</span>
<span id="dialogue">(if: $auroraromanceachievement is 1)[You and Aurora struck up a romance.](else:)[(text-style:"blurrier")[You and Aurora struck up a romance.]]</span> ❤️ || <span id="dialogue">(if: $fordromanceachievement is 1)[You and Ford struck up a romance.](else:)[(text-style:"blurrier")[You and Ford struck up a romance.]]</span> ❤️ || <span id="dialogue">(if: $menageachievement is 1)[You, Ford, and Aurora have a special little arrangement.](else:)[(text-style:"blurrier")[You, Ford, and Aurora have a special little arrangement.]]</span></span> ❤️ (link: "STORY ACHIEVEMENTS▼")[(replace: ?storyachievementsworkarea)[(display: "Story Achievements Collapse Button and Dropdown")]](link: "STORY ACHIEVEMENTS▲")[(replace: ?storyachievementsworkarea)[(display: "Story Achievements Button")]]
<span id="dialogue">(if: $forddeathachievement1 is 1)[Ford survived his encounter with the dragon!](else:)[(text-style:"blurrier")[Ford survived his encounter with the dragon!]]</span> || <span id="dialogue">(if: $forddeathachievement2 is 1)[Ford died!](else:)[(text-style:"blurrier")[Ford died!]]</span>
<span id="dialogue">(if: $dragonachievement1 is 1)[You came to a peaceful resolution with Majjhata.](else:)[(text-style:"blurrier")[You came to a peaceful resolution with Majjhata.]]</span> || <span id="dialogue">(if: $dragonachievement2 is 1)[You killed the dragon.](else:)[(text-style:"blurrier")[You killed the dragon.]]</span>
<span id="dialogue">(if: $endingachievement1 is 1)[You took the gold in exchange for keeping your mouth shut about Barnes deception.](else:)[(text-style:"blurrier")[You took the gold in exchange for keeping your mouth shut about Barnes deception.]]</span> || <span id="dialogue">(if: $endingachievement2 is 1)[You gave up the gold, burned down the Eventide, and escaped alive!](else:)[(text-style:"blurrier")[You gave up the gold, burned down the Eventide, and escaped alive!]]</span> || <span id="dialogue">(if: $endingachievement3 is 1)[You gave up the gold and died as the Eventide went up in flames.](else:)[(text-style:"blurrier")[You gave up the gold and died as the Eventide went up in flames.]]</span><span id="dialogue">+ 1 MAGE</span>(set: $mage to $mage + 1)
<span id="pellax"><u>MADAME PELLAX</u>
"I've seen much in my time, but not a single thing to convince me that when you slough off your body, where you'll end up is anything more than a role of the dice. The dance goes on. And besides, there are so few ways to earn an honest living in Sarana, under the boot of the queen. In immoral times, dishonesty becomes truth and vice becomes virtue. "</span>
She spindles her fingers together, tapping her impossibly long purple fingernails with a *clack clack*.
<span id="pellax"><u>MADAME PELLAX</u>
"Now... I expect you have something to tell me about who the spy is?"</span>
[["The serious-faced young woman."]]
[["The posh, nervous fellow."]]
[["The chubby dwarf."]]
[["I'm not going to tell you."]]Tavern Crawler is a story that assumes you're a hard drinkin' adventurer in a low fantasy world, and it opens with your character already drunk. While drinking can later be avoided, this can hamper your ability to get some stat upgrades and complete some quests. If your player character drinking or becoming inebriated may be triggering or alienating for you, this is probably not the ideal game to play.
Some other triggers are less central to the story and may be only be encountered depending on the choices you make. These are listed below.
(link-reveal:"Loss of children.")[
The dragon in the story has lost her brood due to their eggs becoming crushed before hatching. Avoid sneaking up to take a peak at the dragon in the cave to avoid this story element.
Viva, the dog in the Red Roof Inn, has lost her puppies, but the quest has a happy ending.]
(link-reveal:"Animal death.")[
The story is premised around killing a dragon, but with the right options in the cave, this can be avoided.
A number of fantasy creatures can be hunted in the alleys, but this can be entirely avoided as it's an optional element for grinding up more gold.]
(link-reveal:"Death of main characters.")[
Your companion Ford can die in the encounter with the dragon. To avoid this, make sure to keep quiet when he's attempting to kill the dragon.
The story can end with you and your friends dying in a fire.]
(link-reveal:"Emotional trauma due to war.")[
Your friend Ford has war trauma due to his time in the trenches.]
The story can end with you and your companions dying in a fire.]
[[Return to start menu.->TAVERN CRAWLER]] (set: $aurora to $aurora - 1)<span id="dialogue">Aurora disliked that.</span>
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"Hardly. Once you get some, you just want more of it."</span>
She crosses her arms and furrows her brows.
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"You know, of all the adventurers in that bar, we're the ones Barnes hired. Why do you figure that was? What do you think he saw in us? What defect of character did he spot in our eyes?"</span>
[["There's nothing wrong with our souls, Aurora."]](set: $aurora to $aurora + 1)<span id="dialogue">Aurora liked that.</span>
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"It's so cliche to speak aloud but... of course it is. Almost every evil in this realm is done for the want of it."</span>
She crosses her arms and furrows her brows.
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"You know, of all the adventurers in that bar, we're the ones Barnes hired. Why do you figure that was? What do you think he saw in us? What defect of our souls did he spot in our eyes?"</span>
[["There's nothing wrong with our souls, Aurora."]]<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"I can't pretend something's not rotten when I can smell its stink everywhere."</span>
She crosses her arms and furrows her brows.
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"You know, of all the adventurers in that bar, we're the ones Barnes hired. Why do you figure that was? What do you think he saw in us? What defect of our souls did he spot in our eyes?"</span>
[["There's nothing wrong with our souls, Aurora."]]<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"Yes. Greed. I felt it flicker in me too, when he said the amount. Four hundred thousand pieces. I knew something was wrong and I looked for every reason to ignore it."</span>
[["Another thing..." (ask another question)->Aurora]]
(if: $location is 1)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->GoodSideOfTown]]](else-if: $location is 2)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->town square]]](else-if: $location is 3)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->Bad Side of Town]]]<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"It's a special kind of stupid that people get when enough gold is involved. I knew something was wrong and I looked for every reason to ignore it."</span>
[["Another thing..." (ask another question)->Aurora]]
(if: $location is 1)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->GoodSideOfTown]]](else-if: $location is 2)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->town square]]](else-if: $location is 3)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->Bad Side of Town]]]<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"That's it. It's amazing what we can bring ourselves to believe out of desperation. I knew something was wrong and I looked for every reason to ignore it."</span>
[["Another thing..." (ask another question)->Aurora]]
(if: $location is 1)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->GoodSideOfTown]]](else-if: $location is 2)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->town square]]](else-if: $location is 3)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->Bad Side of Town]]]<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"If you ignore the wrinkle in the fabric, you'll never get it ironed out."</span>
[["Another thing..." (ask another question)->Aurora]]
(if: $location is 1)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->GoodSideOfTown]]](else-if: $location is 2)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->town square]]](else-if: $location is 3)[ [["We've got to keep looking for Barnes..." (exit conversation)->Bad Side of Town]]]Once you've gotten clear of the heat, you stop, gasping for breath. Aurora and Ford both step towards you, looking you over, making sure you're okay. They pause, glancing at each other, glancing at you.
<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"Uh... guess this is a bit awkward, huh?"</span>
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"I suppose things between the three of us have gotten... tangled."</span>
[["I want you, Ford." (❤️️)]]
[["I want you, Aurora." (❤️️)]]
[["Why do I have to choose?" (❤️️)]]
[["I can't deal with this now! Let's get out of here!"]]Aurora smiles and gives your hand a squeeze.
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"The two of you... your fates are so obviously entwined. (if: $background is 1)[Fighting alongside each other since you were children.](else-if: $background is 2)[A child of the forests and a child of the trenches.](else-if: $background is 3)[It was his pocket you picked that day. It drew a line between you forever.] Go to him."</span>
She steps away. Ford walks over, puts his hand on your cheek, and stares at you. The flames from the Eventide flicker in his eyes.
<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"You know, there was a second there where I figured we were goners. That I wasn't going to get to find out the end of our story."</span>
[["I wasn't scared of that for a second."]]
[["I was scared too."]]Ford grins, rolls his eyes, and steps back.
<span id="aurora"><u>FORD</u>
"Y'know, I shoulda figured. The two of you... it's just so perfect. (if: $background is 1)[A little scrapper from the trenches and an elf princess from the forests.](else-if: $background is 2)[Two perfect elves who grew up together, runnin' around gardens older than the world.](else-if: $background is 3)[The look in her eyes, that first time she caught you pickin' my pockets. I knew then she was a gone.] Go on. You got my blessings."</span>
He steps away and Aurora takes a step towards you. She twines her hands together with yours and stares into your eyes. The flames of the Eventide glint in her eyes.
[[Kiss Aurora. (❤️️)]]
[["Let's get out of here."->safetyofthestreet]]<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
*(staring at you, jaw hanging open)*
"Are you, uh... proposing what I think you're proposing?"</span>
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
*(raising an eyebrow)*
"It would not be *such* an unusual arrangement..."</span>
[[Draw them both in for a kiss. (❤️️)]]
[["Just want to keep my options open."]]<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"Uh... yeah, figure you're probably right."</span>
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"Right... let's get out of here."</span>
You turn back, one last time, to watch [[the Eventide burn.->safetyofthestreet]]You step towards Ford and finally, you're (link-reveal:"in his arms.")[
<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"You know, I'm a soldier at heart, $YourName. Whatever happens to me, wherever I end up on the planes, I ain't gonna quit fighting until I find my way back to you two. And that seems as good a war to me as any."</span>
His lips find yours and you kiss, feeling his rough stubble, his firm body pressed against yours.
Then, you feel a hand on your shoulder and (link-reveal:"you turn...")[
...to find Aurora there. Her lips glide against yours, so soft compared to Ford's, everything about her is soft, and (link-reveal:"she whispers...")[
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"You two are the *only* kind of trouble I want to get into for a while. How much do you figure a room at the Red Roof Inn goes for...?"</span>
You stand there as they kiss you, ravenous, smiling at each other.
(set: $menageachievement to 1)
You retreat into the alleys, three silhouettes melting into the night as (link-reveal:"the Eventide burns.")[(set: $ending to 2)
Smoke billows from the door of the tavern, carrying (link-reveal:"embers")[ into the night sky, higher and higher, (link-reveal:"lighter than air")[ glittering, far above you, until they look like nothing so much as [[the stars in the heavens->Epilogue]] or perhaps [[gold coins, scattering everywhere...->Epilogue]]]]]]]]<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"Uh... yeah, guess we shouldn't go making no big decisions tonight."</span>
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"Right... let's get out of here."</span>
You turn back, one last time, to watch [[the Eventide burn.->safetyofthestreet]]<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"A good story is worth more than any gold."</span>(if: $fordisalive is true)[
<span id="ford"><u>FORD</u>
"Guess sometimes you gotta do what's right. Damn the money."</span>]
The heat from the fire inside the Eventide reaches you even here. You [[scramble up the steps...]]You wave a hand and the doorman's eyes become curiously vacant.
<span id="doorman"><u>DOORMAN</u>
"Ah, yes, that's it. That's the password. Come right this way."</span>
He smiles and steps aside, beckoning you in.
<span id="aurora"><u>AURORA</u>
"You know I don't approve of charming people... but if it gets us through this godsforsaken night, I'll make an exception..."</span>
[[Step inside.->ConstructsPeaceful]]
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C R A W L E R🐉
A screwball noir fantasy about what happens after you slay the dragon.
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