>s >s >s >e >turn on power >l at screen >w >s >touch bulkhead >push button >nw >nw >e >l at junk >take bible and card >w >w >l at desk >l at blotter >e >se >se >n >n >n >n >put card in slot >w >l at safe >turn dial to 29 >take metal key >touch shelf >ask hosea about babel >ask hosea about gallery >ask hosea about filters >e >s >s >s >s >nw >nw >unlock south door with metal key >s >touch vase >n >unlock north door >n >touch table >open east door >s >unlock nw door >nw >touch counter >sw >touch pegboard >l at segment >take bar and screwdriver >ne >se >se >se >n >n >e >e >l at bulkhead >touch bulkhead >open panel with screwdriver >w >w >s >e >flip switch >w >n >n >e >s >e >e >pull lever >put bar in door >w >w >s >e >flip switch >w >n >e >e >e >touch south door >n >n >e >take flask >n >take syringe >w >touch cage >w >touch microscope >w >d >w >take suit >take green card >e >u >pull lever >sw >s >s >s >s >nw >nw >open flask >pour fluid into syringe >inject fluid >n >open east door >e >l in mirror >w >touch bookcase >s >e >touch mattress >take note >read note >w >w >touch blotter >e >nw >touch table >se >se >se >look up babel in bible >type "11:4" on pad >open bulkhead >w >w >se >touch shelf >take battery >nw >e >e >n >n >e >e >e >wear suit >put ID card in south slot >s >l at frame >take telerus vial >n >l at recess >press button >set red slider to 3 >e >u >touch spot >n >clean flask >s >d >d >touch patch >u >w >n >n >n >e >touch sink >w >open battery with screwdriver >pour acid on hinges >take base vial >touch shelf >open telerus vial and base vial >pour telerus and base into flask >mix telerus with base >close flask >w >w >d >w >touch bench >e >d >open hatch >put flask in chamber >close hatch >flip switch >put green card in slot >set dial to 414 >press radiation button >press blue button >flip switch >take green card >open hatch >take flask >open flask >pour cure into syringe >inject cure >u >u >w >sw >u