TI 320C26 DSK port of W9GR audio DSP code ----------------------------------------- The enclosed package contains a port of Dave Hershberger's (W9GR) audio digital signal processing programs that includes an autonotcher/noise reducer (LMS.ASM), super CW filter (CW1KC.ASM), and includes a new "load-anyware" loader (LOADER.EXE). The DSP code is presented as educational material and is intended for a TI320C26 DSK target connected to a PC-compatible host. It is assumed that the user is familiar with using the TI DSK EVM. A good place for these examples is some DSP directory. Contributed by Johan Forrer, KC7WW, January 1994. (Posted with consent of Dave Hershberger, W9GR). e-mail: forrerj@FRL.orst.edu