%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*% * * % ARCMAIL.EXE V1.4 % * * %*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*%*% Thursday, May 30, 1996 ARCMAIL is a mail archiving program for JNOS. It retrieves messages from a specific `/nos/spool/mail/area.TXT' file and archives them by the day or month. What's required: Arcmail is a DOS program for the PC. Although the program could be run manually, it was intended that it be initiated by an event timer like ClockMan or System Agent. I thought of using the `AT' command but I haven't had any luck trying to shell to it from JNOS. Seems I don't have enough memory. PKZIP for compressing the files. 73's - Kip, WB3AFL @ WB3FQY.#SEPA.PA.USA.NOAM - wb3afl@wb3afl.ampr.org [] - pkglunt@msn.com