The Netherlands, February 19, 1996. Hello dear reader, NET/Mac v2.3.58 was born... For those who don't know NET/Mac... NET/Mac is the application that supports TCP/IP over packet-radio, which means, that hamradio operators can use NET/Mac for their wireless TCP/IP network... In this version of NET/Mac the following mods/features were implemented: - Some mods for ROSE (by Joe K5JB, I forgot these mods in 2.3.47) - 1995 -> 1996 in Copyright notice - Mod for 'beacon set' command - 'addmenu' mod to allow APRS beacon formats. See online HELP - Implemented some temporary mods to keep track of sleeping sessions - Mod by DK2HD: Allow ^[ (escape), $d (date) and $t (time) in 'param' command - NET/Mac does NOT support the new Buckmaster CD-ROM's HAMCALL database yet... I am trying to convince Buckmaster that I need the new data-encryption-method, but as of yet they are not ready to release a description of the encoding-algorithm... The old CD-ROM's remain fully supported... This version obsoletes all versions of info-mac/comm/radio-net-mac in the (and it's mirror-) archives. The new NET/Mac has (hopefully) been uploaded to: -, to the directory /pub/hamradio/mac/digital -, to directory /hamradio/packet/tcpip/incoming. If it's not there (anymore), then look at /hamradio/packet/tcpip/mac. -, to directory /pub/amsoft - wa2zkd mirrors UCSD's incoming on his Landline BBS. Ham's w/o ftp can call 716-544-1863 or 2645. NET/Mac will be uploaded to PI1HVH.AMPR.ORG, directory public/mac. Adam PA2AGA e-mail: for mail to my office and BIG files or: for letters only, NO BIG files here