Subject: TELECOM Digest Subscription Policy

The TELECOM Digest is funded through grants from the ICB and Judith Oppenheimer of New York and our other sponsors. These grants help offset the costs of producing and distributing the Digest. Funding is also given by generous participants who send a suggested donation of twenty dollars per reader per year to help with expenses.

You are under no obligation to assist financially, and editorial content of the Digest is in no way connected to the financial support recieved. The Digest and Archives are 'shareware' -- not 'freeware'. If you have benefitted or been helped by the commentaries here and the archives files, then please assist as you see fit so it can continue.

Remember, there is no obligation on your part at any time, and the Digest is editorially independent of our sponsors and ICB. Neither of those organizations require anything in return.

Your individual help is really needed!
Please help keep this service going. I do
not have any other employment, this site
and TELECOM Digest are full-time for me --
I have bills like everyone else. Thank you!

Patrick Townson
Post Office Box 50
Independence, KS 67301

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