Amber VRML Browser v1.0 ALPHA by DIVE Laboratories, Inc Requirments: Windows NT 3.5 (Intel) with 16 Megs RAM. INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: Create a directory on your hard disk called BROWSER. Unzip into that directory. Under Netscape, add a helper application of MIME file type x-world, subtype x-vrml. Set this type to launch the BROWSER.EXE file you installed above. Install BROWSER.EXE as a program item. Click on the BROWSER.EXE icon and test the application with the supplied .wrl files. MOUSE CONTROLS (selectable under the CHANNEL menu option): PLATTER MODE (Default) The imagine the world as a plate. With the left button down you can move in or away from the center of the world based on the mouse pointer's position above or below the middle of the browser window. With the right mouse button down, moving the mouse pointer left or right in the window rotates the world in the respective direction. With the right mouse button down, moving the mouse pointer up or down in the window pitches the world in the respective direction. FREE FLIGHT MODE Relative to the center of the BROWSER.EXE window: When the LEFT MOUSE BUTTON is held down, if the mouse pointer is positioned above the center of the window, then the viewpoint moves foward at a speed relative to the distance between the pointer and the center of the screen. If the mouse pointer is positioned below the center of the window, then the viewpoint moves backwards at a speed relative to the distance the pointer is from the center of the window. If the mouse pointer is to the left of the center of the window, the viewpoint yaws left at a rate relative to the distance the pointer is from the center of the window. If the mouse pointer is to the right of the center of the window, the viewpoint yaws right at a rate relative to the distance the pointer is from the center of the window. When the RIGHT MOUSE BUTTON is held down, if the mouse pointer is positioned above the center of the window, then the viewpoint moves up at a speed relative to the distance between the pointer and the center of the window. If the mouse pointer is positioned below the center of the window, then the viewpoint moves down at a rate speed relative to the distance the pointer is from the center of the window. If the mouse pointer is to the left of the center of the window, the viewpoint moves left at a speed relative to the distance the pointer is from the center of the window. If the mouse pointer is to the right of the center of the window, the viewpoint moves right at a rate relative to the distance the pointer is from the center of the window. When the LEFT AND RIGHT MOUSE BUTTONS are held down, if the mouse pointer is positioned above the center of the window, then the viewpoint pitches up at a rate relative to the distance between the pointer and the center of the window. If the mouse pointer is positioned below the center of the window, then the viewpoint pitches down at a rate relative to the distance the pointer is from the center of the window. If the pointer is to the left of the center of the window, the viewpoint rolls left at a rate relative to the distance the pointer is from the center of the window. If the pointer is the to the right of the center of the window, the viewpoint rolls right at a rate relative to the distance the pointer is from the center of the window. When no buttons are pushed the viewpoint remains stationary. Channel Options Free Fly- Selects between the Platter Mouse Mode (Default) and the Free Fly Mode. Light Control- Lets you add and modify lights in a VRML scene. A light must be selected from the dialog before being edited. Clipping Planes- Lets you modify the Near and Far clipping planes as well as the viewing angle. Background- Allows you to change the background color being rendered. Render Options As VRML Object- Tells the browser to render the static VRML tree. As Amber Object- Tells the browser to render the Amber VRML translation tree. This also allows the scene to be capable of being rendered as points or triangles. Wireframe- When selected, renders the scene as wireframe. Otherwise, the scene is rendered as filled polygons. As Points- Renders the scene as a point cloud. Must have rendering mode set to render the scene as an Amber object. As Triangles- Renders the scene as triangles. Must have rendering mode set to render the scene as an Amber object. As Polygons- Renders the scene as multipoint polygons. Show Normals- Displays the normals for each point as a line segment extending from the point. Use Shading- Turns shading on or off. Performance- Gives performance in polys per second. i-glasses Option: Activate- Set display resolution to 640x480. Connect the head tracker to Com 1 or Com 2. Power up the VIO PC Interface box and HMD. Activate the i-glass option. You will be prompted with a dialog box. Hit "COM 1" if the VIO head tracker is connected to Com 1. Hit "COM 2" if the VIO head tracker is connected to Com 2. Hit "Cancel" if you do not have a VIO headset connected. If you do not wish to have the tracker polled, select "COM 1" or "COM 2" without the PC Interface Box tracker cable plugged in. If "COM 1" or "COM 2" is hit a dialog box of the scene will be created in the browser window. Hit the letter "O" to expand the dialog box to full screen. Hit the letter "C" to shrink the dialog box to original size. Deactivate the i-glass option to go into standard browser mode. Filter- Turns head tracker filtering on or off. Help Option: About- Give the contact information and URL for DIVE Laboratories, Inc.