VBSOCK.DLL, VBSOCK.HLP VBSOCK is a Visual Basic library (DLL) enabling the VB programmer to perform network programming quickly and easily using Sockets. VBSOCK comes complete with a comprehensive help file and examples. VBSOCK includes functions that cover just about everything you would want to do with sockets including sending, receiving, listening, testing and so on. This version contains both client and server functions so PC's can be set up as servers waiting for incoming connections. VBSOCK is shareware. Registration is only $25 including postage and handling. All required registration details are in the VBSOCK.HLP file. Please take the time to read the VBSOCK.HLP file. It contains examples, error codes and messages, declarations, and just about everything you will need to know to start using VBSOCK. Thankyou and happy sockets programming. John Hnidec jh040@seqeb.gov.au