what's new in version 2.4 - addressbook is accessible from the mainwindow - X.500 interface (LDAP) is accesible from the main window - The X.500 interface has been changed. It is possible to look for "State or Province" and "locality" attributes now. (the order is c=, st=, l=, o=, ou=, cn=) - It is also possible to do "approximate searches" on all fields except the country field. - Some bugs are removed.Welcome to Atismail for windows (v2.1) Atismail is a shareware Mail User Agent for sending and receiving E-mail. Atismail is a windows (windows 3.1+ and Windows 95) program and needs a windows socket library (winsock.dll) to run. (Windows 95 has a build in windows socket library) Atismail is not free software, but you're free to evaluate it for a 30 day period. For registering Atismail see the Atismail.hlp file. Before installing Atismail, you should make a backup like you ALWAYS DO when installing new software. (don't you ?) Before you start using the software read the License Agreement. Atismail can be used to : - Receive and Send (rfc822) mail in a Novell Netware Network. - Send and Receive MIME-mail (rfc1521) - Receive mail with POP3 - Receive mail with Imap2/2b - Receive mail with Imap4 - Receive External (message) body parts. (mailserv/ftp/anon-ftp/local-file) - Send External (message) body parts. (mailserv/ftp/anon-ftp/local-file) - Send mail with SMTP - Look up e-mail addresses with a simple X.500 DUA - Content-Types can be installed for sending/receiving MIME (Multimedia mail) by running the "Atismail User setup" program. - Atismail can manage as many mailboxes as you want using POP3, Imap2/2b or Imap4 - Atismail can manage as many mailfolders for storing mail as you want. - Atismail can be used to work disconnected with the Imap4 protocol. When using the Imap4 protocol a mailbox can be synchronized, or mirrored with a folder. There are no viewers or applications built in the package, you can install you're favorite viewer or application to view MIME-mail or to send and/or receive encrypted/signed mail. These viewers can be installed so they can be used by Atismail by running the "Atismail User Setup" program. In general a viewer must be capable to accept a filename as a commandline argument. How to Install Atismail : If you install Atismail from a harddisk DO NOT extract the two zip-files (disk_01 and disk_02) in the same directory. [0] : Run the install.exe on disk_01 by selecting the run command. Windows 3.1+ : choose "File | Run ..." Windows 95 : push the start button on the taskbar and select "Run". Atismail will then be installed in a directory of your choice. At the end of the Install procedure you'll see a window telling you Atismail is installed and initialized (if everything went ok). After that you'll see a window that mentions two directories within the selected installation directory and the name of the new program-group that will be created. You can also check the sound checkbox (for soundcard used under windows) and/or the debug checkbox for displaying debug messages. (The sound checkbox adds -sound to the commandline, the debug checkbox adds -debug to the commandline.) By pushing the "create group" button the group with the correct commandline parameters will be created. After the group is created Atismail checks all directories in your PATH and the windows and the windows/system diretory for older versions of the "Borland Windows Custom Controls" library (bwcc.dll). If an older version is found you'll see a messagebox. If this messagebox appears you should exchange the older version of this dll by the bwcc.dll from the Atismail package. If the newest version of the dll isn't used Atismail might not work correctly. If you're installing Atismail ina "standalone" configuration (not for multiple users on a network charing the same copy of atismail) you have finished the installation now. See the "Readme first" file, for other information. To complete the setup you'll have to run the "Atismail User setup" program. This program can also be used for changing the configuration. If you are installing Atismail for network use, use the "Atismail User Setup" program to make a default atismail.cfg (configuration) file. After doing this all users that want to use Atismail can "install" their own copy by running the "install.exe" program in the mailuser directory atismail is installed in. (Make sure the user to be has read permission for the and directories. Read permission for is also needed after the new user ran the install.exe program. ** MAKE SURE NOBODY ** is using the fles in the directory, or else everybody running the install.exe program will get a copy of the files in this directory. The "Atismail User Configuration" : By running the "Atismail User Setup" program Atismail can be installed to work work correct on you're system. ** BEFORE STARTING ATISMAIL THE FIRST TIME ** Always run this program and fill out the information in the sections : - Personal Info : - Internet hosts : - Directories and Mailqueue : Installing Atismail (for the impatient) : - Personal Info : - Registration Information : Use the registration information exactly as it was given to you. Not entering the information correctly will cause Atismail to start in "shareware-mode". - Alias name, the complete E-mail adrress as you want to use it. - Default mailbox : Remote : The default mailbox can be accessed by using POP3, Imap2/2b or Imap4. The Default Mailbox can be set up (in it is a "remote" mailbox by selecting the menuitem and then selecting the menu item. Novell : The default mailbox contains the messages in the (Novell) users Mail directory. reply-level : The number of times a line in a message can be replied to. (if reply-level is 5, all lines starting with 5 or less '>' charavters wil be read from the message. (0 means read all lines) - additional Remote mailboxes : by checking this checkbox you can set up more mailboxes then just one. These mailboxes can be accessed by POP3. Imap2/2b or Imap4. - Internet hosts : - SMTP-server : the host used for sending mail by smtp. When needed change the hostname and push the aedit push-button. A window will appear telling you if the change was succefull or not. - Novell Mailqueue-server : The Novell Netware name (NOT THE INTERNET NAME) of the netware server the mailqueue is located on. - LDAP-server : The internet hostname of a ldapserver for X.500 address lookups. (LDAP := Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) - LDAP friendly file : a file with User friendly country names. these kind of files are (always) located in the directory. - The other fields are used for storing default LDAP search values. Atismail will try to start a search at this location in the X.500 directory. - Directories and Mailqueue : - Netware mailqueue : name of the netware printqueue used for mail messages. This queue is generally serviced by a program like Mercury or Charon. - Mail-extension : The extension used for mail-message files. Usually *.cnm is used (Mercury .....) - Applicationdirectory : The directory where Atismail.exe and it's dll's live - User directory : The directory where your datafiles live. (This is the novell mail directory when Atismail is used for reading the mail received on the Novell system.) - Temp-file Directory : Workspace for Atismail, don't use an existing temp-dir fo that, Atismail scratches the directory whenever it feels like it. - Cache directory : Directory used for speeding up things when the POP3- protocol is used. - Scratch warning checkbox : when checked, ATismail will warn you about what directory is going to be used as a temp-dir, and Atismail will scratch that directory. If you choose NOT to scratch the directory on startup, you should quit Atismail and provide it with a directory it may scratch. Unchecking this option will cause Atismail to scratch the temp-dir without asking you. - Data encryption : Packages like PGP and/or PEM (or any other package) are not provided for legal reasons. However you can use PGP and/or (yes indeed, and/or !) PEM and/or (probably almost) any other encryption package together with Atismail. To send encrypted/signed messages with PGP and/or PEM you only have to install PPG (and/or) PEM correctly and make sure a path to the application exists so ATismail can use and find the encryption programs. If you want to instal another encryption program, look at the examples for PGP and/or PEM. Support for other encryption methods might be a bit difficult in case the package isn't available over here because of legal reasons. You can contact the author by sending mail to : - Atismail@atis.nl what's new in version 2.1 - Added help buttons in most of the dialogs. - Added a "Options" button in those windows that have options. - changed the procedure to connect to a host, in some networks some hosts couldn't be reached. - changed the Imap4 protocol because of some trouble with certain Imap4 servers. - changed the Imap4 protocol in order to use the mirror option - Added a "Master password" to scramble and de-scramble the passwords used in the Imap and POP mailboxes. - Added a menu-option to setup the default mailbox. - When mail is read from the Novell mail-directory, it is no longer needed to put the data files in this directory. - added a check for older versions of the bwcc.dll - And of course, removed bugs. what are the plans after version 2.1 ? (probably) - a 32 bit version of Atismail - a more enhanced/userfriendly user interface. - new protocols/standards (if any) - and of course, anything usefull and generally asked for by the users.