Title : POPIt16 POP3 Mail Notifier For Windows 3.11 and NT 3.50 Version : 1.7 Shareware Release Company : Productive Programming, Inc. Contact : Roger A. Clary RACMan@Pro-Pro.com Product Page: http://www.pro-pro.com/popit16.htm Web Page : http://www.pro-pro.com ******************************************************************************************* Description ******************************************************************************************* POPIt16 is a Windows 3.11 and NT 3.50 winsock application which monitors up to ten (10) POP3 compliant mailboxes. POPIt creates an "icon tray" and continuously displays an icon indicating the number of received E-Mail messages. InstaScan displays the headers of any received mail. Any recieved message may viewed and printed using the InstaView feature. Un-wanted messages can be deleted quickly with a simple button click. Audible and/or visual notifications can be programmed to occur if new mail is received during a mailbox check that occurs at programmable intervals. You can also launch your favorite EMAIL application with a single button click. InstaReply lets you reply to received mail from a simple dialog box without having to launch your EMAIL Program. The InstaNote feature allows you to send a text message and attachment to any EMail address on-the-fly! The 'URL Trap" lets you go to any URL location embedded in a message from InstaView! Also available: Windows 95 and NT 4.0 version at http://www.pro-pro.com/popit.htm ******************************************************************************************* Installation and Configuration ******************************************************************************************* See the POPIt16 Home Page for more detailed information on installation, configuration, operating, and registration instructions. Select Online help from the POPIt popup menu. *************************** Installation UPGRADING: If you are upgrading to a higher version of POPIt16, make a copy of your popit.ini file that is located in the directory where POPIt16 (popit16.exe) resides. It contains the current POPIt16 client configuration as well as any registration information. Once you have completed the installation below, copy the popit.ini file back into the POPIt16 directory to restore all the original settings. Failure to follow these steps may result in losing your current configuration, reguiring you to re-enter the client configurations and registration codes again. The installation process for the POPIt16 application is easy as 1,2,3 ! 1.Create a suitable directory on your hard drive such as C:\POPIT. All the files that POPIt16 will require will be in this directory (except for the two DLLs above). 2.Un-Zip the compressed file popit16.zip into that directory. The following files should be expanded: popit16.exe The application. piicon.dll Custom icon resource file that POPIt16 requires. cswskctl.vbx A freeware library from Catalyst Software for winsock control. vbio.vbx A freeware library by SheAr Software for reading the hard-drive serial number (for registration protection). popit16.txt Text file of general description and license. license.txt Text file of license agreement. history.txt Text file of POPIt16 revision notes. 3.Create the appropriate icon for POPIt16 by using Program Manager and adding a New Program Item to the desired group. To have POPIt16 start automatically when Windows 3.11 / NT 3.50 starts, add a POPIt16 program icon to the STARTUP group. *************************** Client Profile Configuration To open the configuration dialog box, bring up the popup menu by right clicking on the POPIt16 envelope in the "icon tray" who’s configuration you want to change. Select Configuration. This dialog is used to configure each of the ten (10) possible client configurations. The profile currently being editted is indicated with the nomenclature of "CLIENT PROFILE X" where "X" is the profile number. For easier identification, the profile email address or Nickname is also displayed under the client profile number. To change from one client profile to the next, use the PREV / NEXT buttons. Select one of the configuration "tabs" to change the options pertaining to the tab name. Hosts The Host section is were you will enter the POP3 server and mailbox account information for a client profile. You MUST enter at least one host profile for POPIt16 to operate. For this section enter the appropriate information for each field. Servers:POP3 Enter the DNS name (domain) of the POP3 server (ex: mail.Pro-Pro.com). If you use a PROXY server, enter the name of your PROXY server here (ex: gateway). The Port field may be changed from the default POP3 port of 110 if necessary (Consult your network Administratior). Servers:SMTP (optional) This is an optional field to enter the DNS name (domain) of the server that handles your outgoing (SMTP) mail. You may leave this field blank if your SMTP server and POP3 server are the same. The Port field may be changed from the default SMTP port of 25 if necessary (Consult your network Administratior). An SMTP server is require to use the InstaReply and InstaNote features. Login:Name Enter your POP3 login name (ex: racman). Do Not Put The "@" Symbol Or Your POP3 Domain Name. Login:Password Enter your POP login password. The characters will be hidden as you type. Checking The Checking section allows you to customize the way that POPIt16 will check your mailbox for mail. For this section enter the appropriate information for each field or option. Note: All items in this section are OPTIONAL. You are not required to configure any of these items. The default settings will check for mail on POPIt16 startup and every five (5) minutes thereafter. Startup Toggle this option to enable / disable POPIt16 from automatically checking for new mail on Startup. Automatic:Checking Toggle this option to enable / disable POPIt16 from automatically checking for new mail. If this option is unchecked, you will have to manually check the mailbox for messages. Automatic:Interval Enter the number of minutes to wait between checking for new mail. A setting of zero (0) will disable the automatic checking feature. Notify The Notify section allows you to customize a client profile in the way that POPIt16 will alert you that new mail has arrived. For this section enter the appropriate information for each field or option. Note: All items in this section are OPTIONAL. You are not required to configure any of these items. The default settings do not use audible or visual notifications. Sound Options:WAV File Enter the complete path and file name of the WAV file to play each time new mail is received. Enter "BEEP" for the windows default beep, or leave blank for no audible notification. Use the Find button to search for the desired WAV file. Use the Test button to hear the notification wav sound. Sound Options:Repetitive Sound Notification Select this option if you would like the WAV file (or "beep") to play once ever time the mail is checked until any new mail is acknowledged (using InstaScan). Visual Alert Select this option if you would like a large visual indication that new mail has been received. A large POPIt16 icon will appear in the center of the screen when new mail is received. Identity The Identity section allows you to customize a client profile with personal information. For this section enter the appropriate information for each field or option. Note: All items in this section are OPTIONAL. You are not required to configure any of these items. Real Name Enter the name or nickname to appear in the "From:" field for InstaReply and InstaNote messages. This feature is only available to registered users. Mail Personalization:Return Address Enter the complete return EMail address for this client. (ex: RACMan@Pro-Pro.com) This is useful when your return address is different than the Account Name and Server (domain). Mail Personalization:Signature File Enter the complete path and file name of the Signature File to use when sending any reply or message. The file MUST be an ASCII text file with the extension <.txt>, <.sig>, or <.prn> only. For best results, keep each line in the file under 80 characters long. Use the Find button to search for the desired TXT, SIG, or PRN file. Options The Options section allows you to customize a client profile with Mail Program and viewing security options. For this section enter the appropriate information for each field or option. Note: All items in this section are OPTIONAL. You are not required to configure any of these items. Mail Program:File Enter the complete path and file name of the E-MAIL program that you wish to launch from within POPIt16 for this client configuration. Leave blank if you do not wish to use this feature. Use the Find button to search for the desired EXE or BAT file. Use the Test button to start the configured E-MAIL program and verify that it is working. Mail Program:Automatic Launch Select this option if you want POPIt16 to automatically launch the pre-configured E-Mail Program each time new mail is received. Message Security Enter a password that you want to use to secure InstaView from viewing messages . This allows you to protect a mailbox from having its messages read unknowingly. In addition, the password protects messages from being deleted without password confirmation. Disable this feature by removing the password (default). Global The Global section includes options that are global (the same) to all profiles configured in POPIt. For this section enter the appropriate information for each field or option. WEB Browser Enter the complete path and file name of the WEB Browser that you wish use for the POPIt16 Online Help and the URL Trap. Use the Find button to search for the desired EXE file. Use the Test button to start the configured WEB Browser and verify that it is working. NOTE: This field is required for POPIt's Online Help and URL Trap to operate. Message Deletion Disable this option if you do not wish to confirm the deletion of messages. POPIt16 will delete the message you choose for deletion without asking you for confirmation. Select the Save button after configuring the client(s) as desired. This will save the configuration information, clear the "icon tray" of the old POPIt16 envelope icons, and re-install the icons as per the new configuration. POPIt16 will now check any POP3 client that has been enabled for automatic checking. Hit the Cancel button to cancel the configuration and go back to the previous client information. All edits made during the configuration session will be lost. Choose the EXIT POPIt button to terminate the program. ******************************************************************************************* Operation ******************************************************************************************* Overview Start POPIt16. Once a POP3 mailbox has been configured (above), an icon that looks like an envelope will appear in the "icon tray" for each POP3 mailbox configured. POPIt16 Help Tips Place the mouse cursor over the POPIt16 envelope icon. A help tip will appear and state the current status of mailbox. The POP3 server name or the Nickname, the user name (in parentheses), and the number of messages are indicated. If an error occurs during communications, the nature of the error will be described. *************************** POPIt16 Menu Place the mouse cursor over a POPIt16 envelope icon and right click (one click). The POPIt16 Menu will appear for you to make a selection. Check Now! Manually checks the POP3 mailbox. Disable/Enable Checking Disables or enables automatic mailbox checking. Global Control > Global mailbox checking controls. InstaScan Displays the mail headers with InstaScan. InstaNote Send on-the-fly messages with InstaNote. Launch E-Mail Launch EMAIL application. Configuration Opens the configuration window. Float / No Float On Top Toggles "icon tray" from floating to the top. Register Opens the registration window. About Displays program / system information. Online Help Shortcut to the POPIt16 Home Page. Exit POPIt Ends the program. The Global Control option will be displayed if more than one (1) POP3 client is configured. This option allows you Check all the mailboxes at the same time, or to disable / enable mailbox checking for all mailboxes. The InstaScan option will be disabled if there is no mail waiting. The Launch E-Mail option will be disabled if this feature has not been configured for this POP3 client. The option Register will appear if the program is not yet registered. Selecting this option will open the Registration Dialog Box. *************************** Manually Checking Mail Bring up the POPIt16 Menu by right clicking on the POPIt16 envelope icon in the "icon tray" whose mail you want to check. Select the Check Mail option to instantly check for new mail messages. The POPIt16 envelope icon in the "icon tray" will spin while the POP server is being checked for mail. *************************** Checking Headers with InstaScan Left click on the POPIt16 envelope icon in the "icon tray" who’s mailbox you want to scan and display the message headers. The InstaScan window will appear and show each mail messages send date, sender, and subject. The InstaScan title will display the POP3 server name, or the Nickname, that has been scanned, and the number of messages waiting. InstaScan will display the headers of up to five (5) messages at a time. Use the vertical scroll bar to scroll through all of the messages when more than 5 have been received. Any of the header information may be copied to the clipboard and pasted into any other Windows application. Select one of the messages by clicking on any part of a header. The entire header will highlight (see above) indicating that is has been selected. While any message header is selected the InstaView and Deletes button will be enabled. Use the InstaView button to retieve and view the selected message contents using InstaView. Use the Launch button to start the pre-programmed EMAIL program. The Launch button will not be enabled if this feature has not been configured for this POP3 client. Delete the selected header's message from the POP3 server by clicking the Delete button. The InstaScan title will say "Connecting..." as POPIt16 contacts your POP3 server. The header of the message to be deleted will also flash red. Once communication with the server is established a deletion conformation box will appear. Select "Yes" to permanently delete the message. If an error occurs while retrieving the headers or deleting a message, the InstaScan window will automatically close, and the POPIt16 icon for the appropriate POP3 client will display the error "X" icon. *************************** Reading and Printing Messages with InstaView From the InstaScan window select one of the received messages (see above). Double click on the selected message or press the InstaView button to open the InstaView window. The window will display all of the header information, and the contents of the message. The InstaView title will display the text "Connecting..." while contacting your POP3 server. Once contact is made, the title will reflect who the message was send To:, and the number of the message being viewed. Any information displayed may be copied to the clipboard and pasted into any other Windows application. The URL Trap lets you go to any URL address that is embedded within the message. POPIt16 will trap the following Universal Resource Locators: http://, ftp://, gopher://, news://, and https://. If the message contains any of these, they will be displayed in the drop-down list. Press the Go to button to launch your Web Browser to the selected URL address. NOTE: For URL Trap to work you must have a Web Browser installed with the appropriate file associations. Use the InstaReply button to reply to the message using the InstaReply feature. Use the Launch button to start the pre-configured EMAIL program. The Launch button will not be enabled if this feature has not been configured for this POP3 client. Delete the displayed message from the POP3 server by clicking the Delete button. The InstaView title will say "Connecting..." as POPIt16 contacts your POP3 server. The message text will also flash red. Once communication with the server is established a deletion conformation box will appear. Select "Yes" to permanently delete the message. Use the Print button to print a hard copy of the message to the default printer. Use the PREV / NEXT buttons easily move from message to message in this mailbox. If an error occurs while retrieving or deleting the message, the InstaView window will automatically close, and the POPIt16 icon for the appropriate POP3 client will display the error "X" icon. *************************** Using InstaReply for Instant Messages Replying From the InstaView window select the InstaReply button to open the InstaReply window. The window will display the Reply To address, and a text box containing the text of the message that you are replying to. The Subject field may be editted from what the default is. The Message Box (large white area) is a psuedo-WYSIWYG text editor were you type the reply message to send. Any information displayed may be copied to and from the Windows clipboard. The box will first be displayed with the cursor in the upper left corner from which you may start typing. If you have configured a Signature File for this mailbox, then its contents will be displayed. The text of the message that you are responding to will be two lines under it. Check the "CC: Self" option if you would like a copy of the message to be sent to you at the address show in the InstaReply title. Check the "Return Receipt" option if you would like an acknowledgement that the message was received at its destination. If you do not want to "Include original text in reply" then un-check this option. Once you start typing in the Message Box, you can no longer change this option. The Send button will be enabled after you start typing in the Message Box. Press this button to mail your reply. The progress bar will indicate the status of the SMTP mail process. Click the Cancel button to exit InstaReply without sending the message. If an error occurs while sending the reply, a popup message will notify you, and allow you the choice of re-sending the message. When the reply is successfully send, a copy is added to the IREPLY.LOG file located in the POPIt16 directory. *************************** Using InstaNote for On-The-Fly Message Sending Right click on the POPIt16 envelope icon in the "icon tray" of the user / client that you want to originate the message from. Select the InstaNote option from the POPIt16 menu. A window will display several fields to be filled in before the message can be sent. You must enter a valid destination address in the "To" field. Click the To button to choose an address from the previously sent address list. An optional subject may be entered in the "Subject" field. The Message Box (large white area) is a psuedo-WYSIWYG text editor were you type the message to send. If you have configured a Signature File for this mailbox, then its contents will be displayed. Any information displayed may be copied to and from the Windows clipboard. Check the "CC: Self" option if you would like a copy of the message to be sent to you at the address show in the InstaNote title. Check the "Return Receipt" option if you would like an acknowledgement that the message was received at its destination. The Send button will be enabled after you start typing in the Message Box. Press this button to mail your message. The progress bar will indicate the status of the SMTP mail process. Click the Cancel button to exit InstaNote without sending the message. If an error occurs while sending the message, a popup message will notify you, and allow you the choice of re-sending the message. When the message is successfully send, a copy is added to the INOTE.LOG file located in the POPIt16 directory. *************************** Exiting POPIt Bring up the POPIt16 Menu by right clicking on any POPIt16 envelope in the "icon tray". Choose the EXIT POPIt option to terminate the program. POPIt16 will remove the "icon tray" from the screen, and terminate communications with the WINSOCK stack. It may take upto 60 seconds for POPIt16 to cleanly end communications (Thanks Microsoft!). ******************************************************************************************* Evaluation and Registration ******************************************************************************************* Shareware Message POPIt16 is not free software. You are licensed to use this software for evaluation purposes without charge for a period of 30 days. POPIt16 is not crippled during the Evaluation period. If you use this software after the 30 day evaluation period a registration code is required. If the program is not registered after the 30 day Evaluation period, the automatic mailbox checking, InstaScan, InstaView, InstaReply, and InstaNote features will no longer function. *************************** Registered Users' Privileges When you become a registered user you will continue to enjoy unlimited use of all the features and benefits from POPIt16 Mail Notifier. Automatic mailbox checking at user defined intervals. InstaScan for immediate viewing of the headers. InstaView for immediate reading of selected messages. InstaReply for immediate reply to read messages. InstaNote for immediate "on-the-fly" text message sending to any Email address. No more splash screen at start of program. Personalized outgoing messages; no more From: "POPIt User". Optional Nickname personalization for outgoing messages. Free upgrades from Beta version to Final version. Free maintenance releases for Final version. Discount pricing for subsequent major versions of POPIt16 (if any). My deepest gratitude for your support. *************************** Registration Pricing Effective 11-30-96 Single User License A single system license is set at $10 US. Site Licenses Take advantage of the savings (up to 60%!!) with the price reductions when purchacing two or more licenses at a time! Great for ISP's , OEMs, educational institutions, and corporations. 2 to 9 computers @ $9 each (You Save 10%!) 10 to 24 computers @ $8 each (You Save 20%!) 25 to 49 computers @ $7 each (You Save 30%!) 50 to 99 computers @ $6 each (You Save 40%!) 100 to 499 computers @ $5 each (You Save 50%!) 500 to 999 computers @ $4 each (You Save 60%!) 1000+, please send Email to RACMan@Pro-Pro.com *************************** PsL Credit Card Processing Service PsL offers a shareware registration order taking service primarily for the benefit of shareware authors who are unable to get a credit card merchant account (like me!). PsL accepts major credit cards: Master Card, Visa, Amex, or Discover. Productive Programming, Inc. outbounds all of our credit card orders through PsL. NOTE: PsL orders are not real time!! Order may be delayed 1 business day and their hours are limited. See information below: NOTE: There will be a additional $5 (US) plus 4% processing charge for using PsL. You have 5 different ways you can order by credit card from PsL: The PsL product ID for POPIt16 is 14858 . Please reference this when you order. (1) PsL Toll free 800 operator (Processing hours) Phone #: 800-2424-PsL or 713-524-6394 1-800 operators available from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. EST Monday- Friday. Closed Weekends. Only call the 800 number to place an order. To follow up an order or to check the status of an order send Email to RACMan@Pro-Pro.com or call PsL 713-524-6394. (2) PsL Internet SECURE Credit Card order form If you use Netscape or Internet Explorer or other browser which supports secure transactions, click on the SECURE order link below to register online by credit card! The order will be processed during the business hours listed above. https://www.pslweb.com/cgi-win/psl_ords.exe/ITEM14858 SECURE order link (For fastest service and secure ordering, try this link first. Your browser MUST support secure transactions.) (3) PsL Internet Credit Card order form Click on one of the order links below to register online by credit card! The order will be processed during the business hours listed above. http://www.pslweb.com/cgi-win/psl_ord.exe/ITEM14858 Primary order link (For fastest service, try this link first.) Secondary order link (in case the primary link is too busy) (4) PsL FAX (24 hour) FAX#: 713-524-6398 The order will be processed during the hours listed above. (5) PsL Internet Email (24 hour) Email to: 71355.470@compuserve.com The order will be processed during the hours listed above. Any questions about the status of the shipment of the order, refunds, registration options, product details, technical support, volume discounts, dealer pricing, site licenses, non-credit card orders, etc, must be directed to Roger Clary at Productive Programming, Inc. at RACMan@Pro-Pro.com *************************** Snail Mail Cash, U.S. Check, or Money Order Please make check or money order payable to: Roger A. Clary Roger A. Clary 456 Philips Drive Atglen, PA 19310 USA. Note: Do NOT send credit card info to this address! Payments must be in US dollars, check or money order, and DRAWN ON A US BANK. Please include with payment your: Name (required) Address (so I know where you are from) E-MAIL address (required) Home Page (if available) and where you got POPIt16 from (TUCOWS,WinSite,here,etc.) *************************** Registration Codes When payment is received you will be sent via EMAIL a registration code that you will enter to register your copy of POPIt16 for one PC (or many if Site License). Automatic Registration POPIt16 has a unique feature in that it will automatically install your registration code and register YOUR copy of the application when it detects that you have received the registration code via EMAIL! POPIt16 has to be running and automatically checking your first POP client for this feature to work. Automatic Registration does not work for Site Licenses. ******************************************************************************************* License and Legal Information ******************************************************************************************* Please see the LICENSE.TXT file for complete License and Legal information. ******************************************************************************************* Roger A. Clary Productive Programming Inc 456 Philips Drive Atglen, PA 19310 USA ******************************************************************************************* Copyright © 1996, 1997 Productive Programming, Inc Windows® and Windows® NT are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the U.S. and other countries.