Many puzzles in this game are solvalble in many different ways, and many plot permutations could happen during gameplay. This walkthrough will show not only show you the longest way through, but also the most interesting. Concrete Paradise is Copyright (c) 2002 by Tyson Ibele. Please feel free to contact him at ( --------------- >i >x young woman >x older woman >talk to older woman >n >n >w >n >n >x box of suckers >read printing >take red sucker >suck red sucker >s >buy red sucker --------------- >I'm innocent! (this is an example of a remark you can make to the judge) --------------- >smell >look through window >x toilet >flush toilet >x cot >look under cot >x shelf >x books >read red book >read blue book >read black book >take paper >i >write on paper >l >x bottle >open bottle >put paper in bottle >put bottle in toilet >flush toilet >put cork in bottle >flush toilet >look in toilet >x sink >turn knob >lie on cot >sleep >get up >x bars >take bars >move bars >x door >x strange man >talk to strange man >again >again >again >again >x knife >cut myself with knife >scream >stab guard >x guard >e >e >x radiator >x bolt >turn bolt >move radiator >s >x mop >take mop >x bucket >look in bucket >look in water >take key >unlock metal door with key >open metal door >e >x lightbulb >break lightbulb >x shelves >take large wrench >take flat-head screwdriver >w >n >turn bolt with wrench >move radiator >x vent >x grate >unscrew left screw with screwdriver >unscrew right screw with screwdriver >e >e >e >x vent >e >w >w --------------- >x walls >x north wall >x stone blocks >x cement >chip cement >i >z >z >z >z >z >l >take spoon >take apple >eat apple >chip cement with spoon >again >n >x pipes >x boilers >touch boilers >n >x automatic door >x intercom >say "kalamazoo" >n >read plaque >x stairwell >u >e >x panel >push button >x rocky cliff >x shore >l >x ocean >e >listen >x sand >u >l >look in chest >take plastic oar >take life raft >inflate life raft >put life raft in water >get in raft >paddle raft >again ---> You're finished! ---------------