Tough Beans Solution

Table of Contents

1)  Walkthrough
2)  Explanation of points
3)  Other things to try

1) Walkthrough (no frills)

L at self.
L at shoe.
Read note.
L at shirt.
L at small stain.
Wait (or look around x 7).
L at dog.
L at left shoe.
Take left shoe.
E to Kitchen.
Search base cabinets.
Take bag.
L at bag. 
Shake bag.
L in bag.
L at table.
L at bowl.
Take peach.
Eat peach.
W to Living Room.
L under couch.
Take star (marble).
L under rug.
Pull splinter.
Put splinter and marble and pit in bag (there must be three items in there, and this can include the pebble).
Shake bag.
Open purse.
Take phone.
Call Derek, your father, or boss.
Knock on door.
NE to Office.
Search desk.
Sit in chair.
Take form.
NE to Office.
Show form to Pickleby.
Ask Alicia about Rhoda/Show form to Alicia.
Push down button.
L at alley.
NW to alley.
L at bum.
L at wax paper.
Ask bum about himself.
Ask bum about wax paper.
SE to Sidewalk.
N to Tough Beans.
W to Rhoda's table.
Show form to Rhoda.
L at Rhoda.
L at boa.
Take feather/Ask Rhoda for feather.
Dip feather in ink.
L at sugar packets.
Take mini lighter.
L at hipster.
Ask hipster for cigarette.
NE to Cream and Sugar Station.
L at straws.
Take straw.
Take cigarette.
Put straw behind ear.
S to sidewalk.
NW to alley.
Give cigarette to bum.
Give lighter to bum
L at wrapper.
Put wrapper/M80 in purse.
SE to Sidewalk.
L at Lexus.
N to Tough Beans.
Open purse.
Take wrapper.
Take M80.
Light M80.
Throw M80 in dumpster.
L at Derek.
Ask Derek about stain.
Ask Derek about Vanessa.
Tell Derek about nuzzling/cheating/etc.
N to Tough Beans.
L at panel.
Push L4.
L at L4.
Push G2.

2) Explanation of points

There are ten possible points that you can earn during the game. Your score at the end (and some of the choices you make along
the way) affect the outcome.  There are five possible endings, with variations on each.

The ten points are awarded in situations where Wendy shows some backbone, spunkiness, cleverness, etc. Here are some hints for gathering those points:

A.  Bedroom-- Sometimes it's good to take out your aggression instead of bottling it up inside. Try breaking the mirror.  Doesn't work?  Maybe there's
something else you can vent your frustration on.

B.  Living Room/Kitchen-- You have to be innovative in your search for objects to put in the dog food bag.  The more objects you find, the more points you earn.

C.  Car-- Choose your phone buddy wisely.

D.  Tough Beans-- Take a close look at Derek's car. You might want to leave him a present.  

E.  Elevator-- Sure, you can solve this puzzle quite easily by trying all the buttons. You're in a hurry, though. The faster you figure out what's going on, the more
points you'll receive.

F.  Elevator, pt. 2-- Visiting a certain floor more than once can inspire someone to give you a little gift. You may not want it at first, but you can use it to 
your advantage.

3) Other things to try

A.  Smell the shirt.

B.  Try calling someone other than Derek, your father, or your boss.

C.  Blow/Suck on the straw.  

D.  Hold on to the M80 after you light it.

E.  Smack Derek.  If you feel like it.

Thanks for playing!