In your reading room
“Do you seek the wisdom of the ancients? Come forth!”
After a brief hesitation, the beaded curtain parts and your next customer steps through. A few stray beads fall off and scatter to the corners.
You should really get a new curtain, but the room’s dim and your clients don’t seem to notice. They’re expecting to see the usual trappings of a boardwalk fortune-teller: tarot decks, zodiac paintings, an absurdly large crystal ball. This customer seems satisfied on that front, and he sits across from you at the cramped circular table. Your knees are almost touching; this room wasn’t built for two full-size men.
“Are you here for a reading?” you ask solemnly. The customer nods.
“Then let us begin. Some reach the spirits via palms or cards. I require a personal object, one infused with the spirits themselves.”
You look over the customer, who is wearing typical tourist clothes.