Walkthrough for Hunt For Relief - Relief.z5
This Walkthrough is (c) by Christian Gaertner, who happens to be the author of the game
as it is one of my first games, there are some unfair puzzles, i think
though I provided a hint system (the notebook), here is the walkthrough:

(the fridge and the gloves are useless for now, perhaps the block of ice is misleading, as it is water after all)

x desk
open drawer
get all from drawer
open bathroom
(hmm...let's try again)
open bathroom
(okay, but we got the key)
unlock bathroom with key
(that was predictable. we will need some glue)
insert magnet in keyhole
x acid
(we will start by examining all things here)
x bed
get book
get floppy
x book
look up acid in book
look up salpetric in it
look up glue in it
look up sulfuric in it
x closet
open closet
search pile
(now we got a pot)
search pile
(no further things here)
x pot
look up glue in book
(the recipe is clear to us now)
look up mammal shit in book
x pc
turn on pc
x floppy
put floppy in drive
turn on pc
x screen
order glue
order mammal
get cube
x oven
put pot on oven
empty bottle on oven
put pot on oven
put cube in pot
x cupboard
x basin
fill bottle
fill bottle at basin
empty bottle into pot
fill bottle at basin
empty bottle into pot
fill bottle at basin
empty bottle into pot
mix glue with spoon
turn on oven
get glue
glue handle to rest
unlock bathroom with key
open bathroom
open toilet
sit on toilet
(that's it)

Comments, Bugs and so on to Gardner@gmx.net