Object: the Large Magellanic CLoud              Constell: DOR

RA: 05h 23.7m           Decl: -69� 05'          Epoch: 2000
Mag: 0.6m               Size: 6�                Type: SBm III

Observer: Jere Kahanp��
Obs. place: LaSilla, Chile
Date/Time: 23./24.11.1993, 02.40

Telescope: B 9x50
Magn: 9x                Filter:
Field: 4.5�             NE Lim.mag: 5.5m   
Background sky: 2        Seeing: 1  
Weather: 3/4 Moon NW.                           

Brightness: 1           Alt:    
Description: Wow. Don't fit into a 4.5� field. The main dody of
the galaxy is about 3� long. Two brightenings were visible
within it: the SW one is NGC 1918. The Tarantula nebula is very
bright and seems to have a stellar nucleus. N 51 on the N edge
is a clump of nebulosity and clusters and is irregularly
triangular; brighter along the edges.