Object: The Small Magellanic Cloud & NGC 104    Constell: TUC

RA: 0h 52m              Decl: -72� 48'          Epoch: 2000
Mag: 2.3m (v)           Size: 5�x3�             Type: SB(s)mp

Observer: Jere Kahanp��
Obs. place: LaSilla, Chile
Date/Time: 23./24.11.1993, 02.50

Telescope: B 9x25
Magn: 9x                Filter:
Field: 4.5'             NE Lim.mag: 5.8m
Background sky: 2       Seeing: 1 
Weather: 3/4 Moon low NW.          

Brightness: 3           Alt:    
Description: Fainter and much smaller than LMC; easy naked eye object
from Santiago, very bright with naked eye from LaSilla. Only slightly
concentarted main body. Two brightenings were visible with 9x25 B. The
brighter one is NGC 346 (10.3m, 14'), a huge complex of stars
and nebulosity. Somewhat concentrated with a faint stellar
nucleus. NGC 371 (8') was fainter than -46. Round, little
concentrated, a bit smaller than -46. 

The large and bright nebulosity NW of the famous globular
cluster NGC 104 = 47 Tucanae. Very bright and large. Easily
visible with NE even from Santiago.