From: Subject: tar reader Greetings: Here are the programs to read and/or convert Tar format files to VMS. The program TAR2VMS.C reads from a /foreign tape, extracts the files into a directory tree starting in the default directory when the program is run. Directories will be created automatically. For the simplest operation, just compile link, and RUN it; this does the transfer automatically, as long as there are no strange files on the tape. To get listings, you will have to define a foreign command: $ command :== $directory:tar2vms and then use the format: command [options] You should list the source file to get all of the hookers and caveats from the comments. The program FILECON.C will convert a stream file (one written by UNIX or a C program) with line-feed control into a conventional vms text file with carriage control. It is useful if you had to run TAR2VMS with the "s" option (copy files unconverted to disc) and then are converting selected files manually. I hadn't planned on this program growing beyond a couple of pages, but you know how these things grow... Sid Penstone, Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada, K7L3N6 phone (613) 547-6935 BITNET: penstone@qucdn penstone@qucdnee1 (preferred after may 15)