The mission of the IETF as specified in BCP 95 is to produce high quality, relevant technical documents that influence the way people design, use, and manage the Internet. Contributions to the IETF, as well as Internet-Drafts and RFCs, are most understandable and effective when they use terminology that is clear, precise, and widely accessible to readers from varying backgrounds and cultures. This maximizes the benefits the IETF derives from its central principles, such as its open process and volunteer core. In the years leading up to the chartering of this working group, there has been discussion in the IETF, in other standards organizations, and in the broader technology industry about the use of certain terms of art in technical writing and whether those and other terms have an exclusionary effect. While opinions vary among IETF participants about this topic, there is widespread agreement that the IETF community would benefit from advice about using effective terminology that would improve clarity and approachability. The TERM working group is therefore chartered to produce an Informational RFC containing guidance to IETF participants on the use of effective terminology that also minimizes exclusionary effects. The RFC will express general principles for assessing when language is effective. The principles should match the expectations from a broad set of IETF participants. The WG will identify and recommend an external, independently-updated resource containing examples of potentially problematic terms and potential alternatives to IETF participants for their consideration, in order to align its efforts with broader activities by the technology industry. The TERM working group is a focused group aiming to produce a single deliverable. It is designed to complement other efforts at fostering inclusivity in the IETF and will liaise with appropriate external groups, such as other SDOs or industry initiatives, to coordinate. The output of this WG may inform a future action by the RFC Editor to establish terminology guidance for the overall RFC series, should this be pursued, but does not constrain any such future action. The output of this WG will also not restrict the type and content of contributions participants can make to the IETF standards process.