IP Storage WG (ips) Tuesday, March 18 at 1415-1515 =============================== CHAIRS: David L. Black <black_david@emc.com> Elizabeth Rodriguez <ElizabethRodriguez@ieee.org> AGENDA: SUBJECT TO CHANGE Announcement: The IPS WG's work program is close to complete. Most WG drafts have completed WG Last Call and are NOT listed on this agenda for that reason. - Agenda Bashing and Administrivia (10 min) - BLUE SHEETS - NOTE WELL - Status of drafts - iSCSI boot (15 min) draft-ietf-ips-iscsi-boot-09.txt Discussion of security issues raised by the IESG. - iSCSI NAA naming (15 min) draft-ietf-ips-iscsi-name-ext-00.txt Discussion of what to do with this draft based on T10's actions the week prior to this meeting. - iSCSI command ordering (10 min) draft-chadalapaka-command-ordering-00.txt A candidate for publication as an informational RFC to explain the subtleties of this area, if the WG approves. - Any other business/questions (time remaining) DESCRIPTION: The IP Storage WG works on using IP-based networks to transport block storage traffic. See http://www.ietf.org/html.charters/ips-charter.html