Quarterdeck's WebAuthor 2.0 for Microsoft Word for Windows 6 30-Day Evaluation Version Notice: This is a fully-functional 30 day evaluation version of Quarterdeck's Webauthor 2.0 for Microsoft Word for Windows 6.0 that will remain functional for 30 days from the date you install it. After this time period, you will still be able to use WebAuthor 2.0, but it will no longer convert, or save, any files to HTML. If, after the evaluation period expires, you wish to attain the full, released version of WebAuthor 2.0 (and we hope you do!) please do not hesitate to call our toll-free number (800) 683-6696 and our sales staff will be more than happy to assist you. Directions for uninstalling WebAuthor 2.0 after the evaluation period has expired can be found in item number 4, later in this file. This document contains important information that may not have made it into the WebAuthor manual, or the on-line Help. Introduction: We at Quarterdeck Corporation are proud to offer version 2.0 of WebAuthor, our popular HTML authoring tool add-in to Microsoft Word 6 for Windows. For this installment of WebAuthor, we have added a lot of new features, such as automatic document conversion from Word format to HTML, new toolbars for easy formatting of text and paragraphs, support for popular Netscape/HTML 3.0 extensions (tables, backgrounds, center, colors, and text flow around images), support for image maps, and much faster importing and exporting of HTML documents. Also, we are now bundling an excellent image converter/editor, WebImage from Group 42, Inc., so that you can make interesting backgrounds, buttons, clipart, and image maps for your HTML pages. WebImage comes with about 100 sample backgrounds and clipart pieces. For your Internet browsing pleasure, we are also including the excellent Quarterdeck Mosaic browser in this package. In later releases, we will be supporting the rest of the Netscape/HTML 3.0 extensions, the newer Microsoft extensions, Java, and other new technologies as they develop. One way in which you can help us to make this the best product of its kind on the market is to LET US KNOW WHAT YOU WANT! If you have a feature that you think we should add, or even a minor suggestion, please do not hesitate to mention it to us. We always listen to our customers because that's how we make products our customers love. As a matter of fact, many of the new features in version 2.0 were suggested by our current customers. So, check out the rest of this README file and then enjoy creating wonderful documents for the Internet's World Wide Web. While you are out on the Web, check us out at: http://www.quarterdeck.com Contents: 1. Compatibility Issues 2. Large HTML files 3. Temporary modifications to Word's menus and toolbars 4. How to uninstall WebAuthor 5. Special Characters 6. Important Information About On-line Help 7. Troubleshooting 1. Compatibility Issues This version of WebAuthor currently supports only the English language version of Microsoft Word for Windows 6. By early 1996, Quarterdeck plans to release localized French and German localized versions, as well as an English language version compatible with French and German releases of Word 6 for Windows. - Quarterdeck is also working on a 32-bit version of WebAuthor for Word for Windows `95 and NT. This should be completed by either the end of 1995, or early 1996 and will be a free upgrade for our customers. - Currently, if you would like to use WebAuthor on a system running Windows `95 or NT, you must use it with the 16-bit version of Word only. - Some tables created by WebAuthor may appear elongated when viewed in some versions of Netscape's browser. However, other browsers that also support tables should properly display these same files. If you are experiencing this, try viewing your document in another HTML 3.0 browser or contact Netscape about an upgrade. - Tables and Quarterdeck Mosaic - We have provided, free of charge, a copy of Quarterdeck Mosaic with this version of WebAuthor. This current version of Quarterdeck Mosaic does not support tables, so when viewing a page with tables, they will not be displayed properly. However, very soon a version of Quarterdeck Mosaic that does support tables, as well as other Netscape/HTML 3.0 tags will be made available. - When using some video resolutions, the Char, Para and Form Control toolbars may display text that does not fully fit their associated buttons. The following steps will allow you to reformat those toolbars to fit your particular configuration. 1) From within WebAuthor, select the Tools menu and then Macro... 2) A dialog window with all of WebAuthor's macros will appear. There are three macros that format the toolbars: CreateHTMLCharTB - reformats the Char toolbar. CreateHTMLParaTB - reformats the Para toolbar. CreateHTMLFormControlTB - reformats the Form toolbar. 3) Highlight the macro you wish to run and click the Run button. 2. Large HTML Files Creating documents for the World Wide Web is a bit different than standard word processing. The most elegant documents are those that are kept small, with links to other small documents. Avoid the urge to create a single long document, and instead think of places in your document where you can add links to another document. When you do this, you'll find that it not only makes it quicker to parse the tags in your file, but when you load it into a browser, it won't slow down your system. And, if you are making your HTML file available on the World Wide Web, you won't hear a lot of complaints about the size of the file. Remember that the larger your HTML file the longer it takes to travel across the Web. The beauty of HyperText Markup Language is the ability to LINK documents and images. Use this power and you'll learn to love HTML. 3. Temporary modifications to Word's menus and toolbars When WebAuthor loads into Word for Windows, in order to avoid conflicts with HTML authoring conventions, certain aspects of Word's functions may get turned off. For instance, since HTML has specific formatting tags, if you are using Word's Formatting toolbar, WebAuthor will turn that toolbar off, so you don't try to use the toolbar's formatting. Unfortunately, Word does not allow different toolbar setups in different windows, so if it is turned off in one Word window, it will be turned off in all Word windows. In order to re-implement the toolbar, you have only to select View Toolbars... and select the toolbar you want. Do this after you have exited WebAuthor and want to return to normal Word editing. 4. How to uninstall WebAuthor WebAuthor does not have an uninstall feature, although that will be addressed in the near future. For the time being, if you want to uninstall WebAuthor, you should do the following: 1. Delete all files and subdirectories from the \WEBAUTH directory. 2. From the \WINWORD\STARTUP directory, delete the file HTML60S.DOT. NOTE: The directory in which you have installed Word 6 may NOT be called the \WINWORD directory, so make sure you choose the proper directory. 3. From the \WINWORD\TEMPLATE directory, delete the file HTML60.DOT. 4. From the \WINDOWS directory, delete the file WEBAUTH.INI. 5. From the \WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory, delete the files CTL3DV2.DLL, GIF2BMP.DLL, HTML2RTF.DFA, HTML2RTF.DLL, HTML2RTF.LLR, MUSCROLL.DLL, PARSE.CTL, PARSE.DLL, QDSPLASH.DLL, RTF2HTML.CTL, RTF2HTML.DLL, and SWFORMS.TTF. 6. From Program Manager (or whatever shell you have) select the Quarterdeck WebAuthor 2.0 program group and delete it. 7. If you want to clean up your WIN.INI, you may delete a line under the [MS Proofing Tools] section that reads: Custom Dict2=C:\WEBAUTH\HTML.DIC. Keeping this line intact will cause no problems. After you have deleted these files, your uninstall of WebAuthor 2.0 should be complete. We hope you reinstall it again, though. 6. Special Characters If you want to select a special character such as a copyright or trademark symbol, you must select it from the Symbol screen, and not the Special Characters screen. Keep in mind that you don't lose any symbols because all of them are available from the Symbol screen. Refer to Help for further information. 7. Important Information About On-line Help To access the on-line help for WebAuthor, click the Help button on any WebAuthor dialog box, use the Help menu bar option, or use the Cntl/F1 keystroke sequence. Alternately, you may run Help by clicking on the Help Icon in the Quarterdeck WebAuthor 2.0 Program Group. If you do not see the topic you wish immediately, use Help's keyword Search feature. Note: if you press [F1] while using WebAuthor, you will display the regular Word for Windows help system. If you need to access Microsoft Word's Help system, create a new Word document and access Help from that window. 8. Troubleshooting WebAuthor The following is a Q&A regarding WebAuthor. If you have a problem with WebAuthor, hopefully one of these troubleshooting questions and answers will be of help. Remember to always search on Help because that's where you'll find the answers to most of your questions. Q. Why can't some of my images display in Word? A. While most people on the Web use either .GIF or .JPG files as inline images, Word is limited in the formats of files it can display. We have written a special .GIF to .BMP converter so that Word can display your .GIF images. In the future, we will be adding .JPG and .PNG formats to the converter. Currently, a .JPG converter/filter can be attained from MicroSoft for Word 6.0 Q. WebAuthor displays certain things differently than my browser does. A. The browser defines the look of the document. It defines how Headings, colors and fonts will display. Think of WebAuthor as a QuasiWYG program. That is, it can approximate what your page will look like in a browser. Q. When I try to use Image Manager to select an image, WebAuthor keeps bringing up the "Convert File" dialog box. A. This is not WebAuthor, rather Word doing this. This means that Word's Compuserve GIF filter is not installed. You may install this using MS Word's Setup, and selecting Graphics Filters. The Compuserve GIF filter is the last option on the last screen.