Program ARchive Name : webexm10.exe Program Name/Title: WebExam 1.0 Program Version: 1.0 for Windows 3.1x Program Description: WebExam is a object-oriented tool for testing GUI Web applications. Suggested directory for placement: /winsock-l/WWW-Browsers/Web_Utils RadView Software Ltd. Postal Address: 8 Hanechoshet St Tel Aviv 69710 ISRAEL Contact Telephone Number: 972-3-645-9010 ============================================================================ WebExam is a powerful object-oriented tool for testing GUI Web applications. Using a specially designed programmable script, developers can design and customize their own test suites to include complex control structures and error trapping devices. WebExam provides object-oriented multiple verification tools that identify a wide range of data which the tester may investigate using GUI screens as objects and GUI screens as Bitmaps. WebExam Highlights: - tests all Web activities such as Hyperlink calls and submitbuttons - utilizes record, playback and verification, 'capture' and'compare' functionalities - uses TML (Test Management Language), a fully programmablehigh powered C-like language with special testing extensions and editing facilities - executes commands remotely on multiple client workstations - uses synchronous and asynchronous messaging - built-in error recovery mechanism WebExam creates numerous options and multiple functionalities for thoroughly testing Web applications. Together with it's counterpart, WebLoad, WebExam enables test developers to identify and combat any problems that may develop in the Web application development process. To check the total performance, the durability, and the reliability of your system, make sure you WebQualify.