Beach Dreamin' Software Presents: + a 32bit Ident Server + a 32bit Ident Client + a 32bit Finger Client ...and more to come! ALL FREE! This is T-Shirt/Postcard/Malibu/Whatever-Ware.. so if ya like this? send me a something! ..if ya don't? think again... can you do better? ya can't? send me one after all :) here's my address: L.A. van Alphen Calslaan 42 2804 RT Gouda The Netherlands yep.. and here's my e-mail: ANY+ALL suggestions/hints/flames are welcome, but if ya flame, expect a truckload of flames back later all!! btw. for those nags who want to know all: this (the apps, not the text) was all made in delphi 2.0 developer (with it's shitty help files) i might be using freeware shit of people who want there name in this file... if so, SORRY DUDES!!! don't feel like doin' that right now... - i'm currently working on a irc client/bot project, i about finished the project in borland pascal for windows 7.0 and i'm now porting it to delphi 2.0.. hang on there! here's more: ALL OF DIZ CRAP IS: Copyright (c) 1996 Beach Dreamin' Software All Rights Reserved Beach Dreamin' Software is: + L.A. van Alphen + B.J. Wever oh by the way.. apologies for the sucky icons, didn't have time yet to make something out of it.. will do that soon though Release Data: 11th April 1996