Turtle Identd version 1.1 by Ben Collver ---------------------------------------- Turtle Identd is a free, configurable, win95 console app that is an ident or auth service. Some servers require that you run auth, and not all clients have an ident daemon built in. Many IRC servers are this way. I have seen several other windows ident daemons floating around on the net, but recently was only able to obtain one. It was written in Visual Basic, and required a library from another company. The library was nagware, and nagware is really annoying. So I decided to write my own identd. INSTALLATION ------------ This program needs cygwin.dll If cygwin.dll is not included in this zip file you can get it from: ftp://ftp.cygnus.com/pub/gnu-win32/gnu-win32-b17.1/cygwin.dll http://www.dnc.net/users/collver/cygwin.zip Unzip the file to a separate directory. If you already have cygwin.dll then delete any copy included with t-identd.zip Otherwise move cygwin.dll to your equivalent of C:\WINDOWS\ USAGE ----- identd [-f lets you specify a path and name to use instead of identd.ini Most of the options can be set in identd.ini Don't change the author option, or else. Identd will give warnings if it sees settings it thinks are unreasonable. An effective way of silencing screen output from identd would be: identd >nul The quickest way to shut identd down is by pressing Control-C or Control-Break. When running in a win95 DOS window, pressing the close button in the upper-right corner will work, but it will be much slower. MISC ---- A very good windows 95 IRC client can be found at: ftp://ftp.blarg.net/users/amol/irc/ircii-NT-2.03.tar.gz Use winzip to extract the above. Winzip can be found at: http://www.winzip.com/ Please do e-mail me about anything! My address is collver@dnc.net This program is free, copy it around all you want. Just don't try to take credit for it and I am happy. If you desparately want to give me money, contact me via e-mail. If you have the time, check out http://amaterasu.math.orst.edu:8080/backyard.html CHANGES ------- ver 1.0 to 1.1 * Changed the code to be more efficient and use better technique, though in such a small program it will be unnoticeable. Executable dropped 512 bytes in size =) * Connections did not time out in ver 1.0 because my c compiler did not handle the SIGALRM signal correctly. Version 1.1 no longer has signal-based timeouts.