32bit FTP p9.19.01 is shareware. Copyrights (C) since 1990 belong to Jon Krahmer. All Rights Reserved. ElectraSoft, 3207 Carmel Valley Drive, MISSOURI CITY TX 77459-3068 ----- -For Technical Support- Voice: 281-261-0307 email: FaxMail@ElectraSoft.com or jonk@blkbox.com WWW: http://www.ElectraSoft.com/ or http://www.blkbox.com/~jonk/ ----- -Fax Registration Form (found below) to- FAX: 281-499-5939 ----- Access millions of files via FTP A [MUST HAVE] if you are involved in building web pages or transfering file on the Internet. DESCRIPTION: 32bit FTP lets you log onto millions of FTP sites all over the world. Once logged on these sites, you can browse their files. You can copy files from an FTP Site to your computer. You can copy files from your computer to an FTP Site. With 32bit FTP you can see a remote FTP Site as though it is a part of your own computer. Imagine seeing all the files on an FTP Site such as Microsoft or WinSite and being able to copy the files you want to your own computer. You can use 32bit FTP to copy files from your web page, modify them, and then put them back on your web page. You can Copy, Delete, Rename files on your computer or remote FTP Sites. For remote FTP Sites that are case sensitive, 32bit FTP has an option that will convert all filenames to lower case when copying to the remote FTP Site. This is handy for copying files to remote FTP Sites that do not want upper case filenames. Just put 32bit FTP on your computer in a folder or directory, create a shortcut to it, and click the ICON. FEATURES: o Works in background without interfering with other programs o Fast o Set defaults for Beginner or Power user o Copy, Delete, Rename files on your computer or remote FTP Site o Help system INCLUDES: Comes configured to log onto many remote FTP Sites. UPGRADE HISTORY: Added CopyAs feature. Now works on sites that do not support [NLST -f]. Better HotKey support. Data Flow Indicator to indicate the direction of data flow. Now works on NT. Option that will convert all filenames to lower case when copying to the remote FTP Site. REQUIREMENTS: Microsoft Windows 95/98/NT/2000 BEFORE ALL ELSE: We are working full time on improving and upgrading 32bit FTP based upon the feedback from you and other users. So...before you install, look at the date on this file. If the date is more than a week old, you may want to get the latest version. You can get 32bit FTP from many BBSs and FTP Internet Sites around the world. 32ftp919.zip, where 32ftp919 means version p9.19.01. http://www.ElectraSoft.com/ or http://www.blkbox.com/~jonk/ If you have a problem that is not covered here, contact ElectraSoft at 281-261-0307 because most likely there is either a solution to your problem, or a newer version of 32bit FTP does not have the problem. LEGAL INFORMATION: If you have a registered version of 32bit FTP you may *NOT* share the registered version with others. 32bit FTP is shareware. This means you have a chance to test the performance of 32bit FTP before committing yourself to buying it. 32bit FTP is a Shareware product and we would like you to REGISTER after testing this 30 day evaluation copy. Only the unregistered version of 32bit FTP may be distributed freely, and no fee may be charged for it except a nominal copying fee. All trademarks contained herein are registered to their respective owners. INSTALLATION: Make a directory or folder called 32BITFTP UnZIP(PKUNZIP.EXE Version 2.04g or higher) 32ftp919.zip into 32BITFTP Use the Windows run command to run 32bitftp.exe (32bit FTP} You may want to create a shortcut to C:\32BITFTP\32bitftp.exe as follows. o Click your [Right-Mouse] button on your desktop o Select [New], [Shortcut] o Select [Browse] o Navigate to C:\32BITFTP and select 32bitftp.exe o Select [Next], [Finish] AFTER 32bit FTP INSTALLATION: After installation, and while using 32bit FTP, you will see some [Help] buttons from time to time. Click on these [Help] buttons and read all of the text. The first time you run 32bit FTP, the program will send ElectraSoft a message, giving us information about your install, that will help us to better serve you. UNINSTALL: Delete all of the files in C:\32BITFTP and remove C:\32BITFTP. LIST OF ADDITIONAL FTP SITES ftp.rcom.spb.su smartdocs.com ftp-di.cea.fr ftp.engsoc.carleton.ca ftp.hamsfork.net ftp2.dntis.ro ftp.interpac.be ftpsi.iac.es nctuccca.edu.tw ftp.ibi.co.za myrinae.hallym.ac.kr ftp.kaist.ac.kr ftp.hnc.net ftp.dacom.co.kr ftp.nuri.net ftp.csie.nctu.edu.tw ftp.edu.tw ftp.riken.go.jp ftp.eni.co.jp ftp.crl.go.jp ftp.cuhk.edu.hk ftp.hk.super.net ftp.hkstar.com ftp.ust.hk ftp.au.ac.th ftp.loxinfo.co.th ftp.mira.net.au netspot.city.unisa.edu.au ftp.uni-koeln.de ftp.inka.de ftp.uni-trier.de ftp.Cyberkafee.be ftp.ping.at gd.tuwien.ac.at ftp.napri.sk ftp.man.poznan.pl ftp.funet.fi ftp.cc.is ftp.smart.is queen.shiny.it ftp.flashnet.it ftp.thebrain.net ftp.ua.pt ftp.telepac.pt ftp.ciril.fr ftp.calvacom.fr ftp.sunet.se ftp.uit.no ftp.ibernet.es ftp.rediris.es ftp.dtgrama.es ftp.online.ee ftp.ar ftp.enterprise.net ftp.euro.net ftp.unired.net.pe ftp.tucows.com www.execpc.com ftp.filepile.com www.filepile.com ftp.westend.com ftp.ptb.de ftp.cs.columbia.edu ftp.swb.de ftp.bhs.com uploads.winsite.com ftp.ccs.neu.edu ftp.ping.at frozen-wasteland.winternet.com polecat.law.indiana.edu wuarchive.wustl.edu wuarchive.wustl.edu wuarchive.wustl.edu ftp.ira.uka.de ftp.athenet.net ftp.island.net ftp.pc.ibm.com ftp.netsrq.com ftp.gatech.edu ftp.magnet.at ftp.comsource.net ftp.coli.uni-sb.de ftp.ijs.com ftp.allencomm.com ftp.intergraph.com ftp.arl.mil ftp.cc.monash.edu.au ftp.demon.co.uk ftp.aztec.co.za tower.itis.com ftp.brainiac.com ftp.meddean.luc.edu ftp.udel.edu coombs.anu.edu.au ftp.brown.edu ftp.ugcs.caltech.edu ftp.cc.umanitoba.ca ftp.bellcore.com www.drao.nrc.ca www.worlds.net www.tucson.com ftp.abwam.com ftp.biddeford.com ftp.chaco.com ftp.tcp.com ftp.intel.com ftp.comp.hkbu.edu.hk ftp.cinternet.net ftp.bug.com ftp.kiae.su www.ics.com www.umd.umich.edu ftp.rge.com ftp.cs.cityu.edu.hk ftp.cwo.com ftp.deltanet.com ftp.crosslink.net ftp.dct.com ftp.earthlink.net ftp.easynet.co.uk ftp.dow.com ftp.metricom.com ftp.el-dorado.ca.us ftp.teleport.com ftp.emi.net ftp.axxis.com ftp.books.com www.2-lanemedia.com ftp.eunet.co.at ftp.hpl.hp.com ftp.fastnet.co.uk www.ort.org ftp.netmanage.com www.redshift.com ftp.nosc.mil www.vvm.com www.trader.com www.dinfsvs.com ftp.msn.fullfeed.com ftp.next.com ftp.gate.net ftp.umu.se ftp.tamu.edu ftp.generic.com ftp.novastor.com fsztmss01.tu-graz.ac.at prep.ai.mit.edu ftp.raleigh.ibm.com ftp.census.gov ftp.vocaltec.com ftp.cs.waikato.ac.nz ftp.olicom.com www.pcug.org.au pub.vse.cz ftp.playboy.com ftp.onramp.net ftp.powerquest.com budapest.ozonline.com.au ftp.glas.apc.org ftp.forteinc.com ftp.cs.cuhk.hk ftp.in.on.ca www.starchefs.com ftp.engin.swarthmore.edu ftp.hkusa.com ftp.ibl.bm ftp.ibase.org.br ftp.astro.washington.edu ftp.ed.gov ftp.cis.ufl.edu ftp.2600.com ftp.aifp.com ftp.ccsf.caltech.edu ftp.csua.berkeley.edu ftp.peg.apc.org frodo.pic.net ftp.cs.mcgill.ca WWW.ART.NET ftp.dstc.edu.au ftp.gdb.org ftp.pavilion.co.uk ftp.lib.virginia.edu ftp.weiland.co.at cadswes.colorado.edu ftp1.pu-toyama.ac.jp nansen.jhuapl.edu phlox.mcc.com www.iuma.com nyx.eos.hokudai.ac.jp ftp.cs.colorado.edu mercury.unt.edu telephonics.com gaea.titan.org ftp.stsci.edu hpcvbbs.external.hp.com chico.rice.edu ftp.dartmouth.edu ftp.cs.ubc.ca ftp.intellinet.com ftp.intellistor.com www.ultranet.com ftp.infomatch.com ftp.interserv.com ftp.iol.ie ftp.ksu.ksu.edu ftp.jyu.fi ftp.uni-heidelberg.de ftp.gwdg.de ftp.kom.com ftp.baynet.co.uk ftp.iwaynet.net ftp.trib.com ftp.qis.net www.state.tx.us ftp.microserve.com ftp.nada.kth.se ftp.opentext.com ftp.lava.net ftp.macalstr.edu ftp.genealogy.com ftp.milwaukee.tec.wi.us ftp.netheaven.com ftp.ns.net ftp.ntrs.com ftp.opennet.net.au www.ssc.com ftp.nlci.com ftp.nine.com ftp.on.com www.v-one.com ftp.jorsm.com ftp.maths.tcd.ie ftp.mcdata.com ftp.netsurf.com www.rahul.net www.thoughtport.com www.watcom.com ftp.quiknet.com ftp.rhi.hi.is ftp.rmplc.co.uk ftp.ruf.uni-freiburg.de ftp.sequoia-dev.com ftp.switch.ch ftp.southwind.net ftp.merak.com ftp.tagsys.com ftp.sentex.net ftp.ucsd.edu ftp.symbios.com ftp.tcd.net ftp.quebec.net ftp.rad.net.id ftp.snafu.de ftp.sirinet.net ftp.supernet.net ftp.tornado.be ftp.traveller.com ftp.us.net ftp.vnet.net ftp.wavefront.com ftp.uia.ac.be ftp.uic.edu ftp.umbc.edu ftp.uci.edu ftp.uwm.edu ftp.why.com ftp.unsw.edu.au ftp.up.ac.za ftp.vistech.net ftp.wolfe.net ftp.wvi.com ftp.win.tue.nl ftp.io.com ftp.informatik.hu-berlin.de ftp.dao.nrc.ca ftp.vtcom.fr ftp.lighth.com ftp.nildram.co.uk ftp.novagate.com ftp.iag.net ftp.intercon.com ftp.novell.com ftp.tardis.ed.ac.uk ftp.pb.net ftp.tu-dresden.de ftp.cs.bham.ac.uk ftp.inf.fu-berlin.de ftp.primus.com ftp.uniserve.com ftp.gower.net ftp.checkpoint.com ftp.bridge.net www.hq.nasa.gov ftp.epcc.ed.ac.uk ftp.digital.net ftp.greyware.com ftp.gre.ac.uk ftp.hal.com ftp.iaccess.za ftp.physics.auburn.edu ftp.telescope.org ftp.marcam.com ftp.mtn.org ftp.team17.com ftp.unb.ca ftp.wilmington.netg ftp.rfhsm.ac.uk ftp.psy.uq.oz.au ftp.dmu.ac.uk ftp.morningstar.com ftp.loria.fr ftp.darmstadt.gmd.de idea.sec.dsi.unimi.it ftp.city.ac.uk www.kuai.se ftp.aiai.ed.ac.uk ftp.jcu.edu.au ftp.europa.com www.southern.com ftp.ix.de ftp.hillside.co.uk ftp.kfki.hu ftp.abs.net ftp.mds.qmw.ac.uk REGISTRATION: Only the unregistered version of 32bit FTP is a Shareware program. Upload it to bulletin boards (BBS). Give it to your friends and relatives. Tell your business associates about it. Don't let anyone miss out. If you have a registered version of 32bit FTP you may *NOT* share it with others. When you register, you will receive a registration code. Please fill in the included Registration Form below. You will receive a registration code. After applying the registration code, the program will no longer display reminder messages. ======================================================================== | Register: 32bit FTP, p9.19.01, 281-261-0307 | | ElectraSoft, 3207 Carmel Valley Drive, MISSOURI CITY, TX 77459-3068 | |== Please Print ======================================================| | | | Date___/___/___ Country_________________ Wk Phone___________________ | | | | Name____________________________________ Hm Phone___________________ | | | | Address_________________________________ Fx Phone___________________ | | _ | | City________________________________ State_____ ZIP_________________ | |======================================================================| | Qty | Item Amount | |-----+----------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | | 32bit FTP - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $19.00 $_____.__ | |-----+----------------------------------------------------------------| | Total Price of Merchandise - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $______.__ | | Texas residents, please, add Sales Tax (8.25%) - - - - - $______.__ | |----------------------------------------------------------------------| | Total (Pay this amount) (NO REFUND) - - - - - - - - - - US$_____.__ | | After Registering, send email or phone us for the REGISTRATION CODE | | |----------------------------------------------------------------------| | _Cash _Check(US$ on a US Bank only) _DISCOVER _VISA _MC _AmEx _JCB | | | | Card Number_________________________________________ Exp Date___/___ | | | | Print name as it appears on card____________________________________ | | | | Signature_____________________________________ Date Today___/___/___ | | (or Name if sending email, FAXing with computer) | |=Order Methods:=======================================================| | Phone: Call ElectraSoft at 281-261-0307 or Send it to: | | ElectraSoft, 3207 Carmel Valley Dr, MISSOURI CITY, TX 77459-3068 | | FAX: 281-499-5939 | | email: FaxMail@ElectraSoft.com or jonk@blkbox.com | | | | Where did you find 32bit FTP:_______________________________________ | | | | Your email:_________________________________________________________ | ======================================================================== Other ways to register 32bit FTP: Email: You can email the registration to FaxMail@ElectraSoft.com or jonk@blkbox.com. Fax: You can fax in your registration. Internet, World Wide Web: Go to: http://www.ElectraSoft.com/ or http://www.blkbox.com/~jonk and click on the [REGISTER] 32bit FTP button. ASP MEMBER: Jon Krahmer, ElectraSoft, is a member of the of the Association of Shareware Professionals (ASP). ASP wants to make sure that the shareware principle works for you. If you are unable to resolve a shareware-related problem with an ASP member by contacting the member directly, ASP may be able to help. The ASP Ombudsman can help you resolve a dispute or problem with an ASP member, but does not provide technical support for members' products. Please write to the ASP Ombudsman at 545 Grover Road, Muskegon, MI 49442-9427 USA, FAX 616-788-2765 or send a CompuServe message via CompuServe Mail to ASP Ombudsman 70007,3536. WARRANTY: No warranty is provided to anyone who has not contributed for this program. ElectraSoft specifically disclaims all other warranties, expressed or implied, including but not limited to, implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose with respect to defects in the disk or documentation, and the program license granted herein. In no event shall ElectraSoft be liable for any loss of profit or any other commercial damage, including but not limited to special, incidental, consequential, or other damages.