-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Freeware 32 bit Microsoft Exchange Auto Forwarding Extension. key words: Windows 95, Microsoft Exchange, forward, mail exploder, multiple email accounts -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I have two mail accounts (work and home). Since I use Exchange at work and at home, I wrote this extension to automatically forward non-work mail from work to home. Mail appear in target accounts like they were sent directly to them (allowing you to reply to the sender easily, unlike a real forward). Since this extension allows you to set up a distribution list of user(s), it can act like a simple mail exploder. Mail received by non-Exchange clients will see the messages as a forward. Exchange clients with this extension will automatically convert the message to look like it was sent directly to you (except the "to" field still list the original recipient). Also, this extension can be setup to exclude messages from a specific domain. I use this feature to filter out mail from ".hp.com" (don't want internal work mail to bounce outside and I didn't want to read it outside anyways). There can be many other uses for this little extension. If you have any suggestions or bug reports, please email me (Robert Chou) at rob_chou@ix.netcom.com or robert@sdd.hp.com (doesn't matter, hehe) Install: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Right click "exch_fwd.inf" and select "Install". Run MS Exchange and select "options" in the menu Look for the "Forwarding" tab property page in the options dialog. UnInstall: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Select "Add/Remove Programs" from the "Control Panel". Highlight "Robert's Auto Forwarding" and click the "Add/Remove" button. That's it... Robert's Auto Forwarding Version 1.1 MS Exchange extension for merging multiple mail accounts (simple exploder) Author: Robert Chou e-mail: rob_chou@ix.netcom.com