------------------------------------ E-Mail Thing - README.TXT ------------------------------------ This software is supplied as-is, the documentation is missing because it hasnt been done yet - besides the program is simple enough you should be able to figure it out.. ------------------------------------ Known Bugs / Limitations ------------------------------------ * Appears to not work under NT 4.0 Beta But then again some people say it does.. * Can Crash when Used on Novell File Systems (Under NT). * When reading messages on Windows 95, the system limit of 32K is all you will see in a message, the rest dissapears. (Who gets messages this big anyway). * Occasionaly some messages will lock up EMT - this can in some cases be credited to the message being garbled somewhere. * Some headers like Return-To: , Sender: are ignored, it looked to me like these are not really needed now.. * Works better under NT on a NTFS file system (Thats how I use it with no problems on NT at work). * Replying to messages of 150 lines or more may crash.. ------------------------------------ Info From Other People ------------------------------------ * Works perfectly with Brian Quinlan's freeware app, Spell Check. * Works with WinGate. ------------------------------------ Bug Fixes / Releases / New Features. ------------------------------------ 13/06/96 - Inital release to public. 16/06/96 - messages with UUENCODED files will now be decoded, you cannot encode in this old format. (MIME Base64 is better.) - Bug in handling of the Address book fixed (when entering some addresses the last address in the book file would also have a copy of the message sent to it). - Seperation between POP account and E-Mail address. 18/06/96 - Fixed the problem where the POP account name was not being saved - I forgot to check to see if it was being done. 22/06/96 - Added the ability to change the IP Port number for the POP & SMTP Servers, can be different for each Drop. - May have fixed the problem where it crashes on load, and on some messages that have no From: field. - Sets a default filename for MIME attachments that have none. 30/07/95 - Such a long time, made major changes, making the .exe smaller and faster. - Fixed problems with many types of messages. - Fixed problems people may have had with starting for the first time. - Loads and unloads faster due to caching of information. ------------------------------------ Solutions to problems. ------------------------------------ If you are not removing messages from the server, EMT may crash when loading its list of messages (why???).. if this happenes close it, then go into the mail box and delete onserver.dat from the new directory. ------------------------------------ Contact ------------------------------------ You can e-mail me with regards to problems you might be experencing (only of the crash type), features you would like to see included or just if you like the program. People who e-mail me in a positive manner will get added to a list which will recieve a message when I have done a update.. E-Mail: mdredge@wave.co.nz Home Page: http://www.wave.co.nz/pages/mdredge/ E-Mail Thing: http://www.wave.co.nz/pages/mdredge/emthing.html