********************************************************************************* NetScanTools 4 Welcome to the "readme" file Trial Version 4.02, 1.17.00 (c) 1995-2000 Northwest Performance Software, Inc. ********************************************************************************* -------------- DOCUMENT INDEX -------------- This file contains the following sections: 1. General Notes 2. Contact Information 3. Installation Instructions 4. Revision History 5. Client Function Summary ********************************************************************************* GENERAL NOTES Program Requirements. *This program is designed for Windows NT 4.0 Workstation or Server, any Service Pack, Windows 2000, Windows 98 or Windows 95. Windows 95 users must install the Winsock 2 update available at Microsoft's website. (all the preceding are trademarks or registered trademarks of the Microsoft Corporation). *Approximately 2 MB disk space *TCP/IP Network connection with DNS License Agreement. Please see License.txt linked from the NetScanTools program group Suggestions/Comments/Bug Reports Please email all suggestions/comments/bug reports to: sales@netscantools.com Online bug report form: http://www.netscantools.com/email.html Support: http://www.netscantools.com/support.html ********************************************************************************* CONTACT INFORMATION email: sales@netscantools.com or sales@nwpsw.com WWW-main site: http://www.nwpsw.com/ http://www.netscantools.com/ Mailing address: Northwest Performance Software, Inc. PO Box 148 Maple Valley, WA 98038-0148 USA Telephone. VOICE: (253) 630-7206 (8am to 5pm Pacific (Seattle-LA) Time) 24 hour/7 day FAX: (253) 639-9865 ********************************************************************************* INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS 1. Unzip the nst4*.zip file, then run setup.exe. 2. Follow the instructions in the setup program. ********************************************************************************* REVISION HISTORY 17 January 2000 Fixes nststd.exe -> -Removed code section which forced requirement for Windows 95 OSR2. -Improved thread communication. -MRUs now properly saved immediately upon clearing. nstmtspt.dll -> -Scrolling for PING/Traceroute/NetScanner now implemented. -Bind socket correction. smplsrvs.dll -> -Fixed UDP close upon read from UDP socket for chargen. -Bind socket correction. 4 January 2000 Fixes nststd.exe -> -Fixed problems populating the Port Probe results tree. All ports found are now correctly reported. 20 December, 1999 Initial Release ********************************************************************************* CLIENT FUNCTION SUMMARY NetScanTools is a utility toolset. Each tool is kept separately on it's own tab. For information on using each function tab, press the Help button or the F1 key. 2/7/00 [end]