MimarSinan WinCox v1.0 for Win95/98/NT Released July 8 1999 Manage many different archives in a simple interface you are sure to be familiar with. Powerful tools include anti-virus, check-out, install, view-update, live updates over the internet, and UU/MIME encode. Codex Plug-In Technology: WinCox exposes the full power of the Codex Plug-In Technology. Add plugins to work with just the archives you want. Eliminate the need to learn different archivers just to work with different formats. Plugins provide full support for ACE, BH, CAB, GZIP, JAR, LHA, RAR, TAR, ZIP (compression and decompression, along with file type specific tools such as self extracting exe creation), ARJ, ARC, LZH, PAK, PKG, HA, ZOO, GZIP, TGZ, and Z (decompression only) file formats. There is unlimited potential for future expansion, to add support for a new file type, just get the plug-in and plug it in! We are presently working on plugins that will add support for MP3, PGP, and ARJ formats. Windows Integration: Seamless integration with the operating system provides for the compression and decompression of archives using the Explorer right-click menu, or drag and drop.