RAR - What's new in the latest version Version 2.71 1. Corrected a few bugs including the following Windows 2000 compatibility issues: a) "New" command of Explorer context menu created zero length archives, which cannot be opened by WinRAR; b) archiving a large number of files (more than 300-400) using context menu did not work. Version 2.70 1. Both compression and speed have been improved for RAR archives. My thanks to Alexander Khoroshev, who, once again, provided invaluable assistance to improve this new version. 2. In previous versions it was necessary to have external archivers to unpack CAB, ARJ and LZH files. These are now supported internally by WinRAR, you no longer need to have other programs to extract from these archives. 3. Internal (extraction only) support has been added for TAR, GZ, ACE and UUE archives. 4. RAR and WinRAR are now able to store NTFS data streams. It is especially important under Windows 2000, which uses streams to keep some file dependent information such as file descriptions. Use switch -os to enable the storing of streams from the command line or set the option "Save file streams" in the "Archive name and parameters" dialog. This feature is supported only for RAR archives. 5. "Archive name and parameters" dialog has been split into four sections: general options, advanced options, backup options and archive comment. Now it is possible to set archive password or comment directly from this dialog. 6. You may save compression options to compression profiles to quickly restore them later, so you may create profiles for your typical archiving operations. Read the topic "Compression profiles" in the "Configuration settings" chapter for detailed information. 7. RAR and WinRAR are now able to store NTFS file owner, group, access control and audit information under Windows NT. Note: you need to have the necessary privileges in order to use this facility. Use switch -ow to enable the storing and extraction of this information from the command line or set the option "Save security data" in the "Archive name and parameters" dialog. This feature is supported for both RAR and ZIP archives. 8. Large disk folders are now read significantly faster in WinRAR. 9. Total progress bar is displayed when testing or extracting from a single RAR archive (except volumes) or group of archives. 10. New command line switches -to