/winsock-l/Windows95/Misc_Utils/Misc NOTE: This list was created on Wed Jun 19 20:20:13 EST 1996. Some files may have been added or deleted since that date. PAPA.INDSTATE.EDU NOTE: Type B is Binary; Type A is ASCII Filename Type Length Date Description ===================================================== SGMST110.txt A 2874 061996 SignatureMaster V1.10 Released June 1996 SGMST110.zip B 3751877 061996 SignatureMaster V1.10 Released June 1996 sgmst20.txt A 421 100796 SignatureMaster V2.00 for Win95/NT Released Oct. 1996 sgmst20.zip B 2056662 100796 SignatureMaster V2.00 for Win95/NT Released Oct. 1996 sm330.txt A 460 081198 SignatureMaster V3.30 for Win95/NT sm330.zip B 4624708 081198 SignatureMaster V3.30 for Win95/NT