NewsBin Pro Version 3.2 Beta 12 Build 1350 November 25, 1999 (Happy Thanksgiving) Fixed crash on hitting "Stop" while downloading headers. Also fixed problem with duplicate detection mechanism getting corrupted on exit occasionally. Fixed saving filter settings to disk. Now saves column positions on exit. Fixed crash on exit problems for Windows 95/98. Also fixed cosmetic problems with datarate gauge and fixed problem with nag screens building on top of each other if left unattended. Fixed high-speed reliability problems (cable modem users). Fixed crash on exit problems under Windows 98. No longer dumps connection on failed header downloads, just moves on. Modified how progress bar for downloading headers works. fixed "Stop" button when in Auto Mode Fixed bug introduced in B7 when manipulating locked out posters and crash on exit problems. Now saves thumbnails to disk Fixed crash problems when receiving corrupted headers. Fixed status bar datarate and bytes downloading freeze over 4Gigs Add capability to multi-select and disable/enable groups. Delete from lockout poster list was causing a crash. Now have Socks 4 and Socks 5 proxy support Fixed problem logging headers in the log file. Fixed Automatic Shutdown problems. Fixed Reject Posters feature in Download List. Fixed crash on exit and crash when deleting headers. This version has been very stable in our testing. Made modifications to the "Add Servers" screen. Fixed problem showing all posts. Made some slight GUI changes. Fixes File Description and Auto Shutdown Problems. Also picks up where it it left off if your internet connection fails! Try the beta out and give us your feedback. Known Bugs: There is an occasional crash when you apply poster lockouts. Also, if you double click on a locked out poster from the "Spam Filters" menu, NewsBin will crash. Currently, you cannot delete a poster that you have locked out unless you manually go into the posters.dat file in the NewsBin install directory.