CandleWeb for Windows 95 CandleWeb AS is proud to announce today, right on schedule: The CandleWeb client for Windows 95, Version 1.1 beta 1 is as of July 26, 1996 available for downloading as : setupcw.exe (1.3M). This version use InstallShield, so all you will need to install CandleWeb is to start the "setupcw.exe" executable. We think this should be the most stable and bugfree version of CandleWeb for Windows 95 released so far. Please report any problems or suggestions you may have to : . Having trouble with slow HTTP-connections? CandleWeb is also available through ftp from : Got It? It comes as a .zip-file containing a binary file called candlweb.exe and a series of .dll-files. The .dll-files can all reside together with the candlweb.exe file, except for wing32.dll which must be moved to the \WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory and deleted from the directory where the candlweb.exe file is kept. If you don't do this, you will get a message about it, and the program won't run until it is done correctly. To use it from your browser, you must tell the browser, e.g. Netscape, that all files with extension ".awe" are of MIME-type application/x-candleweb, and where you have placed the candleweb.exe file and the .dll's. When you have done this, the CandleWeb client will start automatically whenever you click on a .awe file. Good! It is free, and may be used quite freely. See the license for details. If you have any problems, mail us. If you have any comments, such as "I love it!" etc. you can also mail us. We don't mind at all. Known bugs Since this is a beta-version, there are bound to be some flaws in it, but with your help, we will get rid of all blemishes one by one. Right now, we know of the following problems: Sometimes, colors get screwed up if you switch between applications. Often, this is fixed by just switching back and forth between e.g. Netscape and CandleWeb by clicking on the titlebars. In Sonia's Math Games, the graphics in Div-Ice-Ian are not always perfect. If you load a file that doesn't resize the window, it will run in the old window, even if this is too large. It works, but doesn't look nice. There are still some memory-leaks in the code. This may crash your Windows95 if you run many Å-applications and/or you have little memory. Look for an improved version shortly after Easter. Some of the source files are in UNIX text format (NL, not CR). This means they don't look very good in Notepad when you use "View Source". This will be fixed shortly. Last updated: Tuesday, April 30, 1996, Svein Johansen, CandleWeb AS