ÞÝ ÛÝ Web Page Creator v7.6 ÞÛ Þ Þ² ßþ .:DESCRiPTiON:. ²Ý Û² ²Û Û² ²Û Û² Web Page Creator is an editor that creates HTML documents for the ²Û Û² World Wide Web. There isnt need to remember document format, tags ²Û Û² or tag options because WPC takes care of all of this for you. WPC ²Û Û² isnt a wizard that will ask the same questions over and over and ²Û Û² then create a generic page that is completely void of any type of ²Û Û² personality. However if you want to create a really eye-catching ²Û Û² web page that truly reflects your creativity WPC may be just what ²Û Û² you've been looking for. ²Û Û² ²Û Û² URL: http://home.naxs.com/sparker ²Û Û² ²Û