ECHOSPEECH 32-bit Plug-In Version 1.5 (43 kbytes) Voice of the Web To install this plugin, first click on one of the links below to initiate the download of the appropriate version. If you are using the 32 bit version of Navigator, then you should download the 32 bit version of the plugin. If you are using the 16 bit version of Navigator, then you should use the 16 bit version of the plugin (even if you are running the 16 bit version of Navigator under Windows 95). Once your have selected the appropriate version of the plugin, Navigator will ask you where to save it. It will offer you a default location. Within this default location should be a subdirectory called PLUGINS. Open this directory and save the ECHOSPEECH self extracting executable file. If you do not see the PLUGINS directory, browse around within the Netscape directory until you find it. If you are using an appropriate version of the Navigator program, the directory will already exist, do NOT create a new directory. Once you have downloaded the executable to your plugins directory, run it. It will ask you where to save the files it unzips. Use the default location. This will place the npechoxx.dll file into your plugins directory. After the npecho32.dll or npecho16.dll file has been copied into the plugins directory, the last thing you need to do is exit and then rerun Navigator. This is necessary to make Navigator find the new ECHOSPEECH plugin. Note that you do NOT need to restart Windows. You also do NOT need to restart your Internet connection.