I am the assigned IoT-Directorate reviewer for this draft. Please treat these comments just like any other last call comments. Document: draft-ietf-core-conditional-attributes-06 Reviewer: Ines Robles Summary: This specification defines Conditional Notification and Control Attributes that work with CoAP Observe. It is well written and clear to understand. Issue: 1- The draft states the Intended status as Informational, Should the Intended status be: Standards Track? Nits/Questions: 1- The IANA Considerations should reference the protocol category group (core-parameters?) [https://www.iana.org/assignments/core-parameters/core-parameters.xhtml] 2- Trying to run idnits from the URL, using https://author-tools.ietf.org/idnits I get,"{"error":"Opening and ending tag mismatch: li line 1195 and style, line 1203, column 9 (draft-ietf-core-conditional-attributes-06.html, line 1203)"}" 3- Section 3.1.3: "equal to st" --> "equal to c.st"? 4- How it is handle the case of a client wants to cancel an existing conditional attribute? 5- I understand that Multiple conditional attributes in a query component have their relationship as "AND", right? Then, is it possible to have multiple conditional attributes with "OR" relationships? Would it make sense? 6- [if applicable] should (previous work?) [https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-li-core-conditional-observe-05] be mentioned in the References and Introduction, or it is not at all related? Thank you for this document, Ines.