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4.2.1 Mounting remote filesystems

Mounting a directory from a remote host is pretty simple. All you have to know is the host's name (remote-host), the directory exported by the remote host (remote-dir) and the directory from which you want to access those files (local-dir, must be absolute!).

All you have to do then is:

# mount <remote-host>:<remote-dir> <local-dir>

To make the same mount permanent, put the following line into `/etc/fstab' (See mount(8) for a description of all those options: rw, ...):

<remote-host>:<remote-dir>  <local-dir>  nfs  rw  0  0

Here's an example I use on DUSK: How to mount `/usr/aftp/pub/os/NetBSD/NetBSD-Amiga' from ftp.uni-regensburg.de (which is only an alias for the rrzs3) on DUSKs `/usr/ftp/pub/NetBSD-Amiga'. This can be done by issuing mount ftp.uni-regensburg.de:/usr/aftp/pub/os/NetBSD/NetBSD-Amiga /usr/ftp/pub/NetBSD-Amiga or putting the following line into `/etc/fstab':

rrzs3:/usr/aftp/pub/os/NetBSD/NetBSD-Amiga /usr/ftp/pub/NetBSD-Amiga nfs
                                                     rw 0 0

(This line is split only to fit on the page. Put this all in one line!)

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