NSLOOKUP - name server lookup for Windows - Version 1.1 It requires a working Winsock and Windows 3.1. It enables you to query nameservers anywhere on the Internet for any kind of supported name record. This program is one element of WigWam for the Internet, a forthcoming off-line news and mail reader from Ashmount Research Ltd. This will be an extension of the existing range of off-line readers for remote services, such as Compuserve, CIX and BIX, and the local conferencing and email application - PowWow. WigWam for the Internet will allow you to gather news and mail in bulk over a SLIP or other WINSOCK network connection, read and reply to it off-line, and send the replies the next time you connect. For more information on WigWam and other Ashmount products, mail ashmount@cix.compulink.co.uk (Preferred) enquiries@ashmount.demon.co.uk 70007.5437@compuserve.com Alternatively, telephone +44171 935 7712 Ashmount has kindly allowed me to make this program available on the Internet. It is not released into the public domain, and remains Copyright (c) Ashmount Research Ltd. Changes for 1.1 Can copy results to clipboard Can do IP Address to name lookups Retains default nameserver in INI file Nameservers collected in combo box for easy selection More progress and error information shown in result About box shows correctly on VGA displays