TELECOM Digest OnLine - Sorted: Re: FAQ: How Real ID Will Affect You

Re: FAQ: How Real ID Will Affect You

John R. Levine (
15 May 2005 20:28:07 -0400

> What I'm not willing to deal with is the same fallout because somebody
> else (with the same name) had one of the above issues happen.

> In this respect, a universal ID is a good thing, names simply aren't
> unique enough.

Gosh, I love people's naive belief in technology. You know the
acronym GIGO, which stands for Garbage In, Gospel Out? That's what
Real ID is.

Mixups will still happen, because the people maintaining the files and
databases will be the exact same sloppy error-prone people who
maintain them today. The cost of getting a fake Real-ID license will
continue to be the price of bribing the most corrupt person in some
state's DMV. The difference will be that it'll be far harder to get
mistakes fixed, because now everyone will know that licenses are
perfect, so if the computer says that you are a crook, it must be
right and you're just lying.



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