GIF Construction Set for Windows 1.0Q Patch 6 Revised Jan 25, 1999 GIF Construction Set for Windows is a powerful collection of tools to work with multiple-block GIF files. It will allow you to assemble GIF files containing image blocks, plain text blocks, comment blocks and control blocks. It includes facilities to manage palettes and merge multiple GIF files together. It will make the extensions of the GIF specification work for you. Among its other functions, GIF Construction Set for Windows can: Create looping animation GIF files for Netscape-enhanced web pages. Generate quick, painless animations with Animation Wizard™. Create animated text banners. Add special effect transitions to still graphics. Create transparent GIF files. Add, edit and delete comment blocks. Add non-destructive text to images as plain text blocks. Create multiple-image GIF files and simple animations. Serve as a fully-compliant Windows GIF viewer application. Be a GIF viewer "helper" application for a World Wide Web browser or Mosaic client. If you have any questions about GIF Construction Set, click here to send us some e-mail. We invite you to try out the shareware version of GIF Construction Set before you register it