/winsock-l/Windows95/Misc_Utils/DirectX NOTE: This list was created on Tue Aug 4 14:26:55 EST 1998. Some files may have been added or deleted since that date. PAPA.INDSTATE.EDU NOTE: Type B is Binary; Type A is ASCII Filename Type Length Date Description ===================================================== dx6.txt A 114 080498 DirectX 6.0 for Win95 dx6core.exe B 1598704 080498 DirectX 6.0 Core Distribution dx6eng.exe B 3761432 080498 DirectX 6.0 Core and Drivers Distribution for Win95 DX70eng.exe B 6311904 092599 DirectX v7.0 Core and Drivers Distribution for Win95/98 DX70eng.txt A 1177 092599 DirectX v7.0 Core and Drivers Distribution for Win95/98 dx7aeng.exe B 6340040 122699 DirectX v7.0a Core and Drivers Distribution for Win95/98