Documentation for RTV Software's RtvReco, Version 5.0 Beta 8 © Copyright RTV Software, 1996 This document contains basic information on using RtvReco in Windows 95. For a more comprehensive manual, go to RTV Software's home page on the world-wide web. The URL is For best results, view this file in Portrait Mode (File Menu, Print Setup command). Contents This file has 4 parts: Part Title 1 Installing RtvReco 2 Reporting Bugs 3 Disclaimer 4 Redistribution Part 1: Installing RtvReco The Zip File You should have received RtvReco as a zip file, and the file you are reading is part of that zip file. If you only have this file, you need to get the software itself which can be downloaded from RTV Software's home page. The URL for this is given at the top of this file. The Individual Files RtvReco consists of three files in total. The first is this file, RTVRECO.WRI. The other two files are the main executable and a library file that performs some of the processing. Put both of the files in the same directory to use RtvReco. Windows 95 Start Menu The easiest way to use RtvReco is to add it to your Startup group. To do this, press the "Start" button at the bottom left-hand corner of your screen. Then select the "Settings" menu, and the "Taskbar" option. A dialog box will appear with the taskbar pro perties. Select the "Start Menu Programs" tab and then choose the "Add" button. This allows you to add a command line for RtvReco and then put it into the Startup group. Once this is done, RtvReco will run every time you boot up into Windows 95. Part 2: Reporting Bugs If You Find A Bug In the event that RtvReco doesn't do what you have asked, the first thing to check is that you have specified the correct names for the dialog box or window that you are polling for, and that the names of the buttons or menu items to select are entered ex actly as they appear on the screen. This includes the underlining of letters. For example, if the button you wish to press is called "Cancel", then the text you need to enter is "C&ancel" where the "&" character preceeds the character that is underlined. If you are still convinced that RtvReco has a bug, please inform us by writing to with the subject line RtvReco Bug. Part 3: Disclaimer Standard Dislaimer RtvReco is provided "AS IS" without warranty of any kind, either express or implied. In no event shall Jeremy Gelber or RTV Software be held liable for any damages whatsoever including direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, loss of business profits or special damages. Part 4: Redistribution Redistributing RtvReco RtvReco can be posted to newsgroups, or put on web pages, with the caveat that the entire zip file is included and not just the program. This stops me from having to answer questions that might be contained in the documentation, especially installation qu estions. If you want to include RtvReco on your web pages, I would prefer it if you could put a hyperlink to the zip file on my web server. That will allow me to get a good idea of who is accessing the item, and how often it has been accessed. If you go to the "Fi les Available" section of our home page, you can simply copy the link to the most recent file. Even better, put a link to the "Files Available" page and then the users can get the most recent version.