/winsock-l/Windows_NT/Daemons/WebSite NOTE: This list was created on Fri Jun 9 16:08:12 EST 1995. Some files may have been added or deleted since that date. PAPA.INDSTATE.EDU NOTE: Type B is Binary; Type A is ASCII Filename Type Length Date Description ===================================================== wsdemo2.txt A 2471 060995 WebSite Version 1.0 from O'Reilly and Associates: Windows NT and Win 95 wsdemo2.zip B 2561032 060995 WebSite Version 1.0 from O'Reilly and Associates: Windows NT and Win 95 wsdemo1g.txt A 2463 072795 WebSite Version 1.0g -- Windows NT and Win 95 ONLY wsdemo1g.zip B 2574252 072795 WebSite Version 1.0g -- Windows NT and Win 95 ONLY