Swix 2.3 October 3, 1995 Swix is a Public Domain Windows X.500 client. If you have comments or just find it useful please mail to: swix@umdac.umu.se New in 2.3: * Query: conditional search on an attribute using operators such as begins with and contains. * Browse doesn't retrieve all entries to the document. You chose from a multiple match dialog. The same dialog is used in Find and Query if the result is more than one entry. * Object class filter. By default DSAs and others system objects are not shown. * Edit View layout is specified in Layout/Entry. Templates are gone. * You can save all settings in the Layout menu as new defaults. * Keeps list of all used servers. * Double click on a DN in the Entry View retrieves the entry. * No save document prompt by default when exiting. The self extracting file swix23.exe contains swix.exe and documentation. Copy swix23.exe to a directory, for example c:\swix and run it. Files in swix23.exe: README.TXT This file. SWIX.EXE Windows X.500 client. SWIX.INI Default settings. LIBLDAP.DLL LDAP DLL 3.1 (c) Regents of the University of Michigan SWIX.HLP Windows help file. ATTRIB.CFG Attribute table. OBJCLASS.CFG Object class definitions. SWIXOBJ.CFG Object definitions. SWIX.WRI Documentation (the same as the help file) in Write format.